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100% Job Oriented Full Stack Development Internship

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Course: Full Stack Development Training Charges: INR 15,000 /-

Duration: 300 Hours [6 Days/ Week] Perk: Appointment Letter, Certificate, Life Time Revision
Technology: Java[Core+Advance+Corporate], SpringBoot, Hibernate-JPA, Angular11

Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) do-whlie Loop

concepts Enhanced for Loop
Object Oriented Programming Continue & Break Statement
Classes & Objects 5. Object-Oriented Programming
OOPS terminology & concepts Concept Of Class & Methods
Advantages of OOPS Fields and Methods
Fundamentals of OOPS Constructors & Destructors
Abstraction Encapsulation
Encapsulation Access Specifiers & Control
Inheritance 6 Objects and Classes & Inner Classes
2 Introduction and Basic Concepts of Java Defining a Class
Introduction to JAVA Creating an Object(reference)
What is Java? Why Java? Accessing Class Members
How Java can change the life? Instance Data
Features of Java and Applications Class Data
Flow Control Structures Defining Methods
Java Version & Environment Access Modifiers
Java Language Components What is inner and nested class
Execution Of Java program Nested Classes
Bytecode Anonymous Inner Classes
A First Java Program Local & Static Nested Classes
Compiling and Interpreting Applications Instance Initializers
The JDK Directory Structure Member Classes
Introduction of Eclipse and NetBeans 7 String
3 Data types and Variables StringBuilder and StringBuffer
What is data type? Methods and Messages
Primitive & Non-primitive Data types Parameter Passing
Variables Comparing and Identifying Objects
String Literals Java String class
String formatting and Parsing Java String methods
Numeric & Character Literals 8 Inheritance & Polymorphism
Arrays What is Inheritance?
Casting & Type Casting Why use Inheritance?
The Dot Operator Inheritance in Java
4 Loops Types Of Inheritance
for Loop Single Inheritance
while Loop Multi-level Inheritance


Regd. Office: Level 3, Office 314 & 329, Veda Business Park, Near by Apple Hospital,
Bhawarkua Main Square, Indore, Madhya Pradesh [India], CIN: U80302MP2021PTC054708
0731-4991452, +91-99931-03282, [email protected], https://www.amstechinc.com
“We do not believe in Theoretical Engineering so, Theory Lovers Please Excuse Us”
Hierarchical Inheritance List Implementation Classes
Hybrid Inheritance Map Interfaces & Methods
Method Overloading Map Implementation and Classes
Run-time Polymorphism Utility classes
Method Overriding Primitive wrapper classes
Polymorphism in Java 13 Java Exceptions
Types Of Polymorphism What is Java Exception
super keyword Error vs Exception
The Object Class & Methods Checked & Unchecked Exception
9 Java I/O and Files Try, Catch & Finally
What is a Java I/O and Stream? Throw & Throws Keywords
Reading and Writing to Files Custom or User Defined Exception
Input and Output Stream 14 Multithreading
Reading Lines Non-Threaded Applications
Opening & Closing Streams Introduction to Threads & multithreading
Manipulating I/O data Threaded Applications
Predefined Streams Creating threads and running
File handling Classes & Methods Lifecycle Of A Thread
Using Reader & Writer classes Phases of Thread life cycle
10 Interfaces and Abstract Classes Runnable Interface
What is an Interface Thread Synchronization
Defining Interfaces Thread communication
Separating Interface Thread group
Implementing Interfaces Thread priorities
Extending Interfaces Thread Interruption
Abstract Classes 15 Swing
11 Packages Introduction of Swing
What is a Package? Swing Features
Types Of Packages Hierarchy Of Java Swing Classes
Advantages of using a Package Swing GUI Components
Naming Convention Packages Used In Swing
Creating Packages Swing Control Classes & Methods
Import Statement Using Swing API
Static Imports Swing API MVC Architecture
CLASSPATH and Import AWT v/s Swing
Defining Packages Event Handling In Swing
Scope Event Listener Interfaces
JAVA Inbuilt Package 16 JDBC
Java.lang package Introduction of JDBC
Java.util package JDBC Architecture
Java.io package Common JDBC Components
12 Collection Framework Types Of JDBC Drivers & Differences
what is Java Collections Framework Importing Packages
Set Interface & Methods Registering JDBC Drivers
Set Implementation Classes Connecting a Java program to a Database
List Interface & Methods Executing Query
Regd. Office: Level 3, Office 314 & 329, Veda Business Park, Near by Apple Hospital,
Bhawarkua Main Square, Indore, Madhya Pradesh [India], CIN: U80302MP2021PTC054708
0731-4991452, +91-99931-03282, [email protected], https://www.amstechinc.com
“We do not believe in Theoretical Engineering so, Theory Lovers Please Excuse Us”
Statement Class & Objects JSP Architecture
Getting Information from Database JSP Processing
Obtaining Result Set Information JSP Tag library
DML Operations through JDBC Core Tags
Cleaning up Environment JSP Standard Tags
17 Java MVC Architecture JSP Page Life Cycle
Introduction to MVC 21 Networking-Socket Programming
Architecture of MVC Internet Addressing
Advantages of MVC Factory & Instance Methods
Three-tier architecture TCP/IP Server -Client Sockets
Building pages with MVC URL Connection
Database Designing 22 UI Prototyping
18 DB Design Prototyping of Web & Mobile App
What is SQL? Working Experience- InVision Tool &
SQL Process Photoshop
SQL Commands(DDL, DML, DCL) 23 Design Pattern
What is RDBMS? Singleton
What is a Table, Field, Row, and Column? DAO
SQL Constraints & Keys DTO
Data Integrity Introduction to MVC
Database Normalization Architecture of MVC
Databases Types(MySQL, Oracle) Advantages of MVC
SQL Datatypes 24 Maven
SQL Synrax What is Maven
SQL Operators Ant Vs Maven
SQL Clause Maven's build life cycle
SQL Functions installation & Configuring Maven
SQL JOIN Eclipse plugin for maven
SQL Expressions Maven Repository
Working experience – MySql Workbench Understanding pom.xml
19 Servlets & Servlets Web Services Maven Web App
What is a web application? 25 Web Services
What is a Servlet? Introduction of Web Service
Advantages of Servlet Types of Web Service
Servlet Class & Web Service Characteristics of Web Service
Lifecycle of Servlet Architecture of Web Service
Handling HTTP GET & POST Requests Web Service Components
Servlet Context Interface SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)
Advantages of Servlet Context WSDL(Web Services Description Language)
Session management & Tracking Techniques UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery &
Cookies Integration)
Hidden field Web Services – Security
URL Rewriting RESTful Web Services
HTTPSession SOAP vs REST Web Services
20 Java Server Pages Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Introduction of JSP JAX-WS
Regd. Office: Level 3, Office 314 & 329, Veda Business Park, Near by Apple Hospital,
Bhawarkua Main Square, Indore, Madhya Pradesh [India], CIN: U80302MP2021PTC054708
0731-4991452, +91-99931-03282, [email protected], https://www.amstechinc.com
“We do not believe in Theoretical Engineering so, Theory Lovers Please Excuse Us”
26 RESTful Web Services Advantages of HQL
Introduction of RESTful Caching and Transactions
Environment Setup Types Of Cache
Resources Hibernate Transaction Management
HTTP Request & Response Transaction Interface In Hibernate
Addressing 29 JPA- Hibernate
Methods Introduction of JAP
HTTP Status Codes Architecture of JPA
Statelessness ORM Components
Caching Installation & Configuration
Security Interface JpaRepository<T,ID>
JAX-RS Persistence.xml
JAX-RS Annotations Entity Managers
27 Spring JPQL
Introduction of Spring Framework Eager and Lazy Loading
Characteristics Of Spring Cascade Type
Spring Framework Architecture Advanced Mappings
Spring Framework Modules Entity Relationships
Advantage of Spring Framework Criteria API
Spring bean Wiring: 30 JUnit Testing
Dependency Injection What is JUnit?
Spring AOP Use of JUnit
IoC Containers Types of Testing
Spring Bean Lifecycle Annotations used in JUnit
Beans Auto Wiring Assert class
Autowiring Limitations Test Cases
Spring with database: 31 Java DOC
Limitations of JDBC API What is java doc?
Spring JDBC Approaches How to create java doc.
JdbcTemplate Class 32 Introduction of Angular 11
JdbcTemplate Class Methods Introduction to Angular 11 MVC Architecture
28 Hibernate Conceptual Overview
Introduction to Hibernate Setting up the Environment
JDBC v/s Hibernate First Application
What is ORM Understanding Attributes
Hibernate Features 33 Expression and Data binding
Application Architecture Number and String Expressions
Persistent Classes Object Binding and Expressions
Object States(Transient, Persistent, Detached) Working with Arrays
Persistent Classes Rules Forgiving Behaviour
Mapping Collections Understanding Data Binding
Hibernate Mapping File Elements 34 Working with Directives
Types Of Mapping(One-to-one, One-to-many, Introduction
Many-to-one, Many- to-many) Core Directives
Hibernate Query Language(HQL) Conditional Directives
Basic HQL Operations Style Directives
Regd. Office: Level 3, Office 314 & 329, Veda Business Park, Near by Apple Hospital,
Bhawarkua Main Square, Indore, Madhya Pradesh [India], CIN: U80302MP2021PTC054708
0731-4991452, +91-99931-03282, [email protected], https://www.amstechinc.com
“We do not believe in Theoretical Engineering so, Theory Lovers Please Excuse Us”
Mouse and Keyboard Events Directives Creation vs Retrieval
35 Filters 38 Services
Purpose of Filters Understanding Services
Built-In Filters Developing Creating Services
Uppercase and Lowercase Filters Using a Service
Currency and NumberFormatting Filters Injecting Dependencies in a Service
OrederBy Filter 39 Routing
Filter Introduction to SPA
Creating Custom Filter Creating HTML Templates
36 Forms Configuring Route Provider
Using Simple Form 40 Controllers
Working with Select and Options Understanding Controllers
Input Validations Programming Controllers and $scope object
Using CSS classes Adding Behaviour to a Scope Object
Form Events Passing Parameters to the Methods
Custom Model update triggers Having Array as members in Controller Scope
Custom Validations Nested Controllers and Scope Inheritance
37 Modules Multiple Controllers and their scope
Why Module? 41 HTML, CSS & Bootstrap
Module Loading and Dependencies 42 Agile Scrum Process
Recommended Setup of Application

1. 100% Practical Learning & Job Assistance Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04
2. Live Product Experience & Corporate Culture Development IDE: NetBeans & Eclipse
3. Tailored training by Industry Experts Database: MySql Workbench, SQvirrel
4. 6 Month Duration Internship Certification Agile Project Management: Trello & JIRA
5. Live project deployment and source code API Development: Postman / Swagger API
availability Web Design: Visual Studio
6. Hands-on opportunities to work on Client UI Prototyping: Invision studio
Requirements and Live Projects. Repository: GitHub
7. Hi-Tech Infrastructure


Regd. Office: Level 3, Office 314 & 329, Veda Business Park, Near by Apple Hospital,
Bhawarkua Main Square, Indore, Madhya Pradesh [India], CIN: U80302MP2021PTC054708
0731-4991452, +91-99931-03282, [email protected], https://www.amstechinc.com
“We do not believe in Theoretical Engineering so, Theory Lovers Please Excuse Us”

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