List of Programs (Lab Work) : Computer Science

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Programs from Python Programming & SQL queries

1. Write a Python program to accepts two integers and print their sum.
2. Write a Python program that accepts radius of a circle and prints its area.
3. Write a Python program to accept length and width of a rectangle and compute
its perimeter and area.
4. Write a Python program to compute simple interest for given Principal amount,
time and rate of interest.
5. Write a Python program to find whether a given number is even or odd?
6. Write a Python program to find largest among three numbers.
7. Write a Python program to perform arithmetic calculation. This program accepts
two operands and an operator then displays the calculated result.
8. Write a Python program to check whether a given year is leap year or not.
9. Write a Python program to print table of a given number.
10. Write a Python Program to print first n Natural numbers and their sum.
11. Write a Python Program to accept two integers X and N, compute XN
12. Write a Python Program to calculate factorial of given number using while loop.
13. Write a program to print Fibonacci series.
14. Write a Python program to check whether a given number is equal to the sum of
the cubes of its digits.
15. Write a program to print following pattern on screen.
16. Program to add the odd numbers up to (and including) a given value N and print
the result.
17. Compute the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of two
18. Write a Python program to generate prime numbers for given range.
19. Write a Python Program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not.
20. Write a Python program to sort a list of 10 numbers using Bubble Sort method.
21. Write a Python program to sort a list of 10 numbers using Insertion Sort method.
22. SQL Commands (At least 15 SQL queries related to create, insert, delete,
select, group by, order by, aggregate functions , like , where, in, between, Alter ,

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