F-14 Feed Safety Data Sheet (FSDS) ENG
F-14 Feed Safety Data Sheet (FSDS) ENG
F-14 Feed Safety Data Sheet (FSDS) ENG
version: 2
date: February 23rd 2018
0.1. Product
FSDS 0.2. Version number
FEED SAFETY DATA SHEET 0.3. Version date
1. Responsibility FSDS
1.1. Name
1.2. Address
1.3. Approved by
2.6. Origin
(produced by)
3. Product description
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Feed Safety Data Sheet F-14
version: 2
date: February 23rd 2018
0.1. Product
FSDS 0.2. Version number
FEED SAFETY DATA SHEET 0.3. Version date
4. Standards / requirements
5. Labelling
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Feed Safety Data Sheet F-14
version: 2
date: February 23rd 2018
0.1. Product
FSDS 0.2. Version number
FEED SAFETY DATA SHEET 0.3. Version date
6.1. Hazard 6.2. Risk evaluation 6.3. Control measures 6.4. Motivation
7. Monitoring
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Feed Safety Data Sheet F-14
version: 2
date: February 23rd 2018
With the use of the Feed Safety Data Sheet the supplier of a product can give information about the nature of the
product, so that the purchaser can apply the product in a proper and safe way.
The FSDS provides the supplier insight in the method the supplier has secured the feed safety of the product. The
purchaser can adapt his incoming control measures and method of using the product to these standards. The
application of the FSDS offers the different links in the feed chain a fixed format to standardize and improve the risk
communication about products between suppliers and purchasers.
The aim of this explanation is to secure the consistency and accuracy of the content of each of the categories in
the FSDS. The information should be brief, but clear. The FSDS has to be filled in by a competent person, who has
the needed qualification and knowledge.
0. Identification FSDS Category 0 identifies the FSDS. In order to have the correct
identification, this category is repeated on each page.
0.1. Product Product name. Same as mentioned in 2.1.
0.2. Version number Own version number of the actual FSDS.
0.3. Version date Date on which the version is established and put in circulation.
1. Responsibility FSDS This category identifies the author of the FSDS. This usually is the
supplier of the product, but it can also be the original producer of the
product if the supplier does not apply any physical processes or
outsources any of them.
1.1. Name Identify the organisation which is responsible for the FSDS.
1.2. Address Mention complete address, telephone number, etc. Preferable to state
e-mail address and website as well and also with telephone number out
of business hours.
1.3. Approved by Mention the person who has authorised the FSDS. Preferable with e-
mail address.
2. Product Identification Category 2 gives an accurate identification of the product.
2.1. Product name Identify the product. Use the names according to legislation. For feed
materials the name is established according to Regulation EG (No.)
68/2013. The name of the feed additives should correspond to
Regulation (EG) No. 1831/2003.
2.2. Trade name State here the usual trade name of the product.
2.3. Article code Company internal article number. Record “N.A.” if a company internal
article code is not used.
2.4. Number catalogue of feed According to EU or GMP+ defined identification number for feed
materials / number Feed materials / feed additives. Record “N.A.” if no identification number is
Materials Register / code defined.
GMP+ approved feed
materials / EU Community
register of feed additives
2.5. Product description Description of the product. Preferably according to Regulation (EC) No.
68/2013 or admitted in the Feed Safety Database of GMP+ International.
Please indicate in which form the product is delivered: meal, granulate,
pellets, liquid etc.
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Feed Safety Data Sheet F-14
version: 2
date: February 23rd 2018
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Feed Safety Data Sheet F-14
version: 2
date: February 23rd 2018
4.3. Storage- and preservation Compulsory conditions for storage and preservation. I.E.:
conditions - preserve at a certain temperature;
- add acids before preservation;
- aeration during storage;
- disclosed air sealed;
- etc.
4.4. Transport conditions Required conditions for transport.
4.5. Handling conditions Here can be described which measures should be taken to use the
product in the right and a safe way. I.E:
- to use within x days after delivery;
- maximum percentage in mixed feeds;
- minimal or maximal processing temperature;
- etc.
5. Labelling Reproduction of the way the product information is provided. This could
be an example of a label, a description of the legal prescribed references
or an accurate and specific reference to relevant legislation (a general
reference to legislation is not sufficient).
6. HACCP This category gives a summary of the risk analysis of the product. At
least the CCP’s (Critical Control Points) are described, but also general
control measures and/or points of attention, which are important for the
6.1. Hazard Accurate description of the hazard.
6.2. Risk identification Preferable use the same HACCP method that is used in GMP-
regulations for risk assessment. PAY ATTENTION: If a different system
is used, this has to be specified in 8.
6.3. Control measures Description of the specific measures that are in use for controlling the
risks identified with the HACCP.
6.4. Motivation Motivation and arguments for the risk identification in short, especially
considering the elements “probability” and “severity”.
7. Monitoring This category gives a detailed description of the applied monitoring
(checks, analyses) for the indicated critical control points and general
control measures.
7.1. Parameter Describe the parameters that are monitored (i.e. Aflatoxin B1,
Salmonella, lead, hydrocyanic acid).
7.2. Moment of analysing Describe the point of sampling in the production process or the control
takes place (i.e. free on board reception, control before delivery).
7.3. Frequency Describe the frequency of the monitoring (i.e. every batch, 4 times a
year, every 10e batch, per 100 mtons etc.).
8. Comments In this category additional information that is important for this FSDS
could be given.
If a different HACCP method is used than described in the GMP-
standards, this should be described here.
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