2 Project Report ON Study of Grade and at Grade Separation On Various Intersection of Dehradun City
2 Project Report ON Study of Grade and at Grade Separation On Various Intersection of Dehradun City
2 Project Report ON Study of Grade and at Grade Separation On Various Intersection of Dehradun City
Under the Guidance of
Mr. Vivek Kumar
Assistant Professor (Graphic Era Hill University)
JAN-JUNE, 2020
Shashank Bhatt (1016796)
Manish Chaudhary (1016777)
Ajeet Pundir (1016821)
Mohit Rathore (1016780)
5 Proposed 19-05-2020
l Demand Management
and Traffic
6 Conclusion 25-05-2020
7 References 1-06-2020
8 Appendices 5-06-2020
1.1 Background
Most of the cities in Country like India are undergoing multi-faceted problems because of the rapid
urbanization and sudden increment in the private transport. Congestion on the urban roads are afflicting
vehicle stockpile in India, and effects the urban economies in different ways. Congestion may be defined as
excess demand for travel over its supply. In fact, the reason why governments are forced to revisit their
policies like in Delhi for urban transport just because of increasing demand of travel with in limited
available services like public transports. The occurrence of congestion on the city roads prevents the
movement of traffic and leading to the intolerable increase in the trip delay.
Constructing new road or the widening of an existing road is a temporary relief to the congestion, but in
future perspective it simply encourages the growth of the new vehicle through increased level and it may
also switch away the use of public transport. Building new road does not always hold good for variety of
financial, environmental and political reasons, in fact by introducing greater demand of vehicle to travel
smoothly and save time in compounds congestion on that road also.
Against the serious problem of growing and existing congestion problems in the Indian cities, smart traffic
control and information techniques are required that can subsequently reduce the traffic congestion and
increase demand of public transport.
1.2 Objectives
In the field of road transport, and intersection is a road junction where two or more roads either meet or
cross at grade(they are at the same level). Such a road junction may also be called a crossroads.
Grade-separated intersection: Where roads join or cross at different levels, then intersection is
known as “Grade-separated intersection”. These intersections, principally, aim to eliminate crossing
conflicts at intersections by vertical section of roadways. Grade-separated
intersection can be achived by two types of intersections and they are overpass and underpass.
At Grade intersection: Where roads join and cross at same level, then intersection is known as “At-
Grade intersection”. These intersections control the traffic movements via signal control and
separating the traffic flow.
Types of intersections:
On the basis of road segments: Three-way intersections, Four-way intersections, Five-way
intersection, Six-way intersection. On
the basis of traffic control: Uncontrolled, Yield-controlled, Stop-controlled, Signal-controlled.
On the basis of lane design: Traffic circle, Box-junction, Roundabout.
Traffic volume is defined as total traffic movement on the highway in both directions at a particular point in
terms of average daily traffic (ADT) volume. The ADT is defined as the total volume during a given period,
greater than one day and less than one year, divided by the number of days in that time period.
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is defined as the total traffic volume passing a point or segment of a
highway facility in both directions for one year divide by the number of days in the year. It is one of the
important traffic variables required for analysis of traffic crash rates.
AADT is calculated by incorporating the seasonal variations in traffic movement on the study road.
Seasonality aspect can be captured through direct variables such as month-wise classified traffic count data
for past one or two years at different road locations. Other methods involve identifying surrogate variables
such as monthly sales of petroleum products, monthly tourist data, monthly traffic record at check – posts,
1.4 Congestions
1.4.1Impacts of congestions-
Congestion involves slower speeds, queuing and increased trip times, which impose higher costs on the
economy and also generate impacts on urban regions and their inhabitants. Congestion also has a range of
indirect impacts including the marginal environmental and resource impacts of congestion, impacts on
quality of life, stress, and safety as well as impacts on non-vehicular road space users such as the users of
sidewalks and road frontage properties. There are some more serious social effects of congestion on the
environment are listed here
a. Congestion means just waste of valuable time and health. The time wasted in congestion could
effectively be used in doing some productive work.
b. The sudden stop and go driving pattern in the congestion leads to the more fuel consumption in the
city and thereby increasing the pollution level in the city by emitting more carbon into the
c. The slow speed of vehicles in the traffic jams also leads to the emission of the oxides of nitrogen and
some hydrocarbons which is major culprit of a term known as photo chemical smog.
d. Traffic congestion causes noise of high level (more than 90 dB) which causes environment
Rapidly growing Indian cities are facing an increasing and unexpected number of population which is a bad
indicator for the traffic management and this could be a vital reason behind traffic. Continues movement of
large population toward urban cites for better employment, education, medical treatment etc., causing an
unexpected growth of traffic on city roads.
Illegal and unauthorized parking on the city roads has been creating congestion every day. On-road parking
of the vehicles near markets and area business district is one of main reasons behind serious traffic
The lack of good and rapid public transport in the minor and also some of the major cities necessitate the use
of personal cars and vehicles by individuals
Due to the higher purchasing power of the citizen the popularity of private transportation is increasing and
but existing roads and highway are not supportive or changing according to the increasing number of
vehicle. As a result, vehicle congestion is increasing at an alarming rate.
Forecasting is the process of estimating the number of people or vehicles that will use a specific
transportation facility in the future. Transportation forecasts can be utilized in a variety of different
situations and with different modes of transport, from estimating traffic volumes on a specific segment of
road or highway to estimating ships in a port or passenger volumes on a city’s buses.
Forecasts explain what the needs of the future might be and provide benchmarks for proper design and
efficient transportation system operation. Transportation forecasts and fundamentally important inputs in
developing infrastructure – from developing overall transportation policy, to planning studies, to the
engineering design of specific projects. Example applications of forecast information include:
a. Development of infrastructure capacity and design calculations (e.g., the operations of an existing or
proposed roadway or bridge, or the thickness or type of roadway pavements)
b. Estimation of the financial and/or social viability of projects (e.g., developing benefit cost analyses
and/or social impact assessments)
c. Calculation of environmental impacts, such as air and noise pollution
An estimation of future traffic on Rural Highways is required for a variety of purposes. The width of a
pavement is decided on the basis of the traffic volume it can efficiently accommodate. A pavement needs to
be widened when the traffic flow exceeds its capacity. Pavements are designed on the basis of volume of
commercial vehicles using the facility, and more importantly the number of repetitions of standards axle
loads during the design period. The manner in which pavements perform and deteriorate is governed by the
volume of commercial vehicles and the repetitions of standards axles. The Economic Analysis of a highway
project relies for its accuracy on the correct prediction of future traffic flows and the benefits enjoyed by
different types of vehicular traffic from highway improvements. For a toll project, the stream of cash flow
from toll collection is determine from the traffic that is likely to use the facility and the toll rates. In all the
above situations, the accuracy with which future traffic is predicted is of prime importance.
The fundamental approach of traffic management measures is to retain as much as possible existing pattern
of streets but to alter the pattern of traffic movement on these so that most efficient use of the system is
made. In doing so, minor alternations to traffic lanes, islands, curbs etc. are inevitable and are a part of
management measures. The general aim is to reorient the traffic pattern on the existing streets so that the
conflict between vehicles and pedestrians is reduced.
Traffic management is the planning, monitoring and control or influencing of traffic. It aims to:
It is therefore an essential element in increasing the efficiency and safety of transport networks and
The study is an effective traffic management modeling in minimizing traffic congestions depending on
traffic studies. Hence a literature survey was carried out in the field of traffic management and is presented
as below.
One of the fundamental measures of traffic on a road system is the volume of traffic using the road in a
given interval of time. It is also termed as flow and it is expressed in vehicles per hour or vehicles per day.
When the traffic is composed of a number of type of vehicles, it is the normal practice to convert the flow
into equivalent passenger car unit (PCUs), by certain equivalency factors. The flow is then expressed as
PCUs per hour or PCUs per day.
A knowledge of vehicular volume using a road network is important for understanding the efficiency at
which the system works at present and the general quality of service offered to the road users. Knowing the
flow characteristics one can easily determine whether the particular section of road is handling traffic above
or below its capacity. It the traffic is heavy the road suffers from congestions with consequent loss in
journey speeds. Volume counts are therefore indicators of the need of improvement of the traffic facilities
and are individual tool in the hands of a transport planner.
If traffic data are available over the past number of years, the rate at which traffic flow has increased in the
past can be easily determined. Extrapolating the past trends into the future, a reasonable indication of the
future rate of growth of traffic is made possible. Traffic forecasting is an important step in transportation
planning process.
Investment in the transport sector constitute a significant part of total investment. This is especially true in
the case of a developing nation, where transport is the catalyst for all round development and is one of the
basic infrastructures. When the capital available is scarce and has competing demands, the investment in a
transport project have to be planned carefully, keeping in view not only the present demand but also the
requirement for a reasonable period in future. This underlines the need for estimation of future traffic
accurately, weather the plan be for the construction of a new facilities of improvement of existing one. To a
great extent, the accurate estimation of future traffic will influence the engineering design of the facility and
the economic decision whether to take up the project or not.
Traffic forecasting, in the present state of knowledge, can at best be approximate. Traffic is generated as a
result of the interplay of a number of contributory factors such as population gross domestic products,
vehicle ownership, agricultural output, fuel consumption and so on. Future pattern of change in these factors
can be estimated with only a limited degree of accuracy and hence traffic inherent drawback, traffic
forecasting is a very important job transport planner is after called upon to do.
As the traffic in the existing road system in cities grow, congestion becomes a serious problem. Medium and
long term solutions like widening of roads, providing elevated fly- overs and constructing bypasses and
urban expressways are costly. Simple and inexpensive solutions can tide over the crisis for some time.
Transportation system management (TSM) is a package of short term measures to make the most productive
and cost effective use of existing transportation facilities, services and modes.
Many of the urban streets carry traffic volume for which they were simply not designed. The inevitable
result is delay, congestion and accidents. The resultant ills can be get over to some extent by controlling the
traffic, imposing regulatory measures and enforcing management techniques, so as to make most economic
use the streets. Traffic control measures include traffic signals and these have been already considered.
Regulatory measures include restriction on speed, parking, size of vehicle and so on. The third set of
measure available to a traffic engineer are collectively known as traffic management measures.
The fundamental approach in traffic management measures is to retain as much as possible existing pattern
of streets but to alter the pattern of traffic movement on these, so that the most efficient use is made of the
system. In doing so, minor alternations to traffic lanes, islands, curbs etc. are inevitable, and are part of
management measures. The general aim is to reorient the traffic pattern on the existing streets so that the
conflict between vehicles and pedestrians is reduced.
Definition Author
Traffic congestion occurs when travel demand exceeds the Rosenbloom,
Demand Capacity related
that causes increased travel time, cost and modification of cited in Miller and
behaviour. Li, 1994
Traffic congestion is travel time or delay in excess of that Lomax et al, 1997
normally incurred under light or free-flow travel conditions.
Traffic congestion is a condition of traffic delay (when the flow Weisbrod,
of traffic is slowed below reasonable speeds) because the
number of vehicles trying to use the road exceeds the traffic Vary and Treyz,
network capacity to handle them. 2001
Congestion is the presence of delays along a physical pathway Kockelman, 2004
due to presence of other users
Congestion can defined as the situation when traffic is Downs, 2004
moving at speeds below the designed capacity of a roadway.
In the transportation realm, congestion usually relates to an Cambridge
excess of vehicles on a portion of roadway at a particular time Systematics and
resulting in speeds that are slower—sometimes much TTI, 2005
slower—than normal or "free flow" speeds.
Traffic congestion refers to the incremental costs resulting VTPI, 2005
from interference among road users.
Cost related
A range of features have been suggested for a measure of congestion. Turner (1992)
examined indicators of congestion and suggested that measures to quantify the level of
congestion should (i) deliver comparable results for various systems with similar
congestion level, (ii) accurately reflect the quality of service for any type of system, and (ii)
be simple, well-defined and easily understood and interpreted among various users and
Levinson and Lomax (1996) discussed desired attributes of a congestion index and
suggested that a congestion index should (i) be easy to communicate, (ii) measure
congestion at a range of analysis level (a route, subarea or entire urban region), (iii)
measure congestion in relation to a standard, (iv) provide a continuous range of values, (v)
be based on travel time data because travel time based measures can be used for
multimodal analysis and for analyses that include different facility types, and (vi)
adequately describe various magnitudes of congested traffic conditions.
Boarnet et al (1998) identified three issues that must be addressed in measuring congestion.
1It should (i) reflect the full range of highway performance, (ii) be based on widely
available data, and (iii) allow comparison across metropolitan areas.
Lomax et al (1997) indicate that an ideal congestion measure would have (i) clarity and
simplicity (understandable, unambiguous and credible), (ii) descriptive and predictive
ability (ability to describe existing conditions, predict change and be forecast), (iii)
statistical analysis capability (ability to apply statistical techniques to provide a reasonable
portrayal of congestion and replicability of result with a minimum of data collection
requirements), and (iv) general applicability (applicability to various modes, facilities, time
periods and scales of application).
Considering the different desirable attributes for a congestion measure suggested by the
afore-mentioned researchers, the congestion measures in the subsequent sections will be
assessed using the following criteria.
demonstrates clarity and simplicity.
describes the magnitude of congestion.
allows comparison across metropolitan areas.
provides a continuous range of values.
includes travel time.
relates to public transport congestion relief.
2.6 Regression analysis with congestion index and public transport supply
Hahn et al (2002) tried to explain the congestion of freeway and principal arterial roads in
terms of supply related factors (freeway and principal arterial lane miles, public transport
supply) and demand related factors (population density, land area) by applying multiple
regression models. The regression of a dependent variable (travel rate index) on several
predictors were performed by applying a backward elimination procedure with a level of
significance of 0.05. For the combined freeway and arterial travel rate index (TRI) model, a
positive correlation between combined bus transit service revenue miles and combined
TRI. Hahn et al (2002) interpreted that a positive correlation between combined bus transit
service revenue miles and combined TRI appears to contradict what one might expect (i.e.
an increase in public transport supply is usually considered to be a strategy for the
alleviation of traffic congestion). For this reason, they suggested a more detailed analysis to
understand the implications of bus transit supply on highway traffic congestion.
2.7 Conclusion
The paper has provided a critique of traffic congestion measures. A review of desirable
attributes of an appropriate traffic congestion measure has been presented and a standard
set of criteria has been proposed to assess traffic congestion measures. Assessment of
traffic congestion measures reveals that none of the measures provides information on how
much traffic congestion is relieved by public transport. Numerous papers have mentioned
the utilization of public transport as a strategy for relieving congestion. In fact, none of the
previous studies have provided any systematic and comprehensive analytical framework to
quantify the relationship between the presence of public transport and the amount of traffic
congestion of a city. In addition, the few studies which have investigated the impact of
public transport on traffic congestion have used extremely simplified methods. The paper
has aimed to develop a systematic and comprehensive approach for establishing a measure
of the congestion relief impacts of public transport. The paper has developed an eight-step
process for quantifying the congestion relief impacts of public transport in terms of
congestion relief index.
For this study, a road stretching from National Highway 72A (NH-72A), Mohabbewala to
Subhash Nagar Chowk, Chandrabani Chowk, Transport Nagar Chowk ,was selected. Various
field data such as Road Dimensions, Traffic volume was collected for this road.
Careful observation and collection of such data with accuracy were carried out.
The road selected was stretching from National Highway 72A jus from the beginning of the
Subhash Nagar Chowk till Transport Nagar Chowk Total length of study corridor is about
1.3kms and study area is given under Figure 3.1a.
The data for the above mentioned stations were taken and is plotted accordingly.
3.2.1Road Dimensions
The road dimensions were taken with the help of a metric tape at different locations. Tape survey
is the simplest method of surveying. In this survey only measurements are taken in field, and the
rest work, such as plotting calculation etc. are done in the office. This is most suitable adapted to
small plane areas with very few details. If carefully done, it gives quite accurate results.
This width of the road was measured at every crossing and for station A is 18.2 metres, for
station B is 18.1 metres and for station C is 22.6 metres of the road. The procedure of measuring
the distance is as follows –
For more accuracy the readings were taken from the other side also.
The primary objectives of traffic surveys are to determine the characteristics of traffic movement
in the study corridor. To fine out the annual average daily traffic (AADT), six days traffic survey
has been carried out at specific locations on the road.
a. A stopwatch.
b. Pencils, eraser and pencil sharpener.
c. Supply of blank field data sheet.
d. Clip board.
Figure 3.2.2a: Station A at chandrabani chowk intersection
The width of the station is 18.2 metres and is a four lane road connecting from four sides one
going towards wildlife institute and the other going towards subhash nagar and the rest is a part
of NH72 with two lanes on both the sides.
Figure 3.2.2b: Survey Station B at transport nagar chowk intersection
It is a major and busiest station which is connecting transport nagar as well as GMS road. It is a
three sided intersection and the width of the road is 18.1 metres having 2 lanes on both the sides.
Figure 3.2.2c: Survey Station 3 at ISBT
It is the third and the last connecting station for our route. The road here is 22.3 metres in width
with a round about provided and is connecting the main market road to the haridwar bypass. The
road is provided with single lane because of the flover over it as well as a connecting Y-shaped
single flyover which reduces the width in front of ISBT.
3.3 Traffic Forecasting
Daily traffic volume is denoted by the term ADT or AADT. ADT (Average Daily Traffic) is the
value when period of say 3-5days, and the daily average determined. AADT (Annual Average
Daily Traffic) is the value when traffic counts are taken for all the 365 days of the year and the
daily average determined.
According to the present practice as detailed in IRC: 9-1972, Traffic Census on Non-urban
Roads, a repetitive 7 day count is taken twice every year, once during the peak season and the
other during the lean season. The average of the peak and lean season census data can be
approximately taken as the average for the year (ADT). If more accurate values are needed, the
traffic census data obtained during a particular month can be used for estimating the average for
the year by applying seasonal factors. Such seasonal correction factors will have to be arrived at
for the particular location on the basis of a round-the-year traffic census.
a. Population
b. Rural/Urban mix of population
Since the above economic indicators vary widely across the country, traffic growth rate varies
from State to State, and within a State from region to region. Traffic growth rate has to be
established for each location by giving due considerations to the above factors.
3.3.3 Methodology for analysis
Rate of traffic growth or forecasting of traffic is mainly done by three methods (according to
IRC: 108, 1996). These are listed below,
a. Regression Analysis
b. Extrapolation from Past Trends.
c. Econometric Models.
The best way to arrive at the rate of growth is through a regression analysis. The formula
expressing the compound rate of growth of traffic is: Pn=Po (I+r) n
n= number of years
Y = A0 + Ain
One of the methods of estimation of future rate of growth is to assume the same rate of growth
as in the past. This may be all right for short-term projects, say 5- 10 years. But, for long-term
projections, it would be erroneous to assume that the past rate of growth will prevail for a long
time in the future. Economic conditions are band to change over a long period, and it would be
necessary to modify the rate of growth accordingly. Subjective assessments in this regard will
have to be cautiously done.
If the past data is available on traffic for a number of years and the corresponding data on some
economic indicator such as GNP is also available then the data can yield an econometric model
of the following type:
P = Traffic Volume
Ao = Regression Constant
The Elasticity Coefficient is the factor by which the GNP growth rate has to be multiplied to
arrive at the growth rate of traffic.
4.1 Background
The traffic volume was analyzed to determine the effect of traffic flow at different points and at
different timings. Finally, the traffic volume is statistically analysed and considered for model
development which includes traffic forecasting and traffic management.
ADT = Total volume during a given period (greater than one day and less than one year)
According to reports of Census India, population of Dehradun in the year 2011 was 578, 420;
male and female are 303, 411 and 275,009 individually.
Talking about population, in order to check out the population of Dehradun in 2019, we need to
have a look at the population of the past 5 years. They are as per the following:
Year Population
2017 670,921
2018 687,710
Taking a look at the population of Dehradun from the year 2014 – 18, it has been noticed that
there has been an increase of 62261 in the past 5 years. Therefore, it has been seen that every
year the population increases by 16789. Hence, the population of Dehradun in 2019 is forecasted
to be 687710 + 704499 so, the population of Dehradun in the year 2019 as per estimated data =
= 0.09758 = 9.758%
NOTE : This data after calculation does not give us the adequate value. Therefore we will using
the other method called as EXTRAPOLATION METHOD.
In extrapolation method, forecasting is done for 5 to 10 years i.e, short period forecasting used
for management purpose.
We the students are choosing this above method because we don’t have the data of increase in
traffic of last 10 to 15 years, and therefore it is the perfect method in which increase in traffic is
assumed by limited data.
Table 4.5.1.b : Regression Analysis by Extrapolation Method
5.1 Background
The nature of the traffic flow required a flexible traffic management that can accept imprecise
data. This chapter is about the proposed recommendations, where an attempt has been made to
reduce the congestion problem in the proposed area with the help of Traffic Management
Techniques for that we will require the traffic studies as discussed in chapter 4.
These techniques are aimed at reducing traffic flows, especially during the peak hours. Some
TDM techniques commonly adopted are :
Figure 5.2a : Travel Demand Management (Source: Internet)
At a junctions, the turning traffic includes left – turners and right – turners. Left – turning traffic
doesn’t normally effect the flow but right- turning traffic can cause serious loss of capacity. The
solution to this loss in capacity due to turning movement can be reduced by providing a signal
scheme or by restricting the turning movement.
Congestion and accidents caused by right-turning vehicles (for left – hand rule – of – the road) at
signal – controlled intersections are usually coped with by inserting an extra phase or early cutoff
and late start arrangements in the signal cycle. In some instances it may be preferable to ban
right-turning vehicles at a critical intersection during all or part of the day, rather than attempt to
provide directly for5 this movement.
The given figure represents shows how restrictions on turning movement can be done
Figure : Restrictions of turning movement (Source: Transportation Engineering )
Figure (a) shows the diversion of the right-turning movement to an intersection further
along the road where there is more capacity. This routing is applicable to a difficult fight rum
from a minor to a major road as this right-turn movement then takes place at a minor-minor
Figure (b) shows a diversion to the let before the critical intersection. This ‘G-turn’ is
applicable to a fight tum off a major road as it changes it to a left turn off the major road and a
straight- over movement at the critical intersection. As it also involves two fight turns at minor
intersections, care must be taken to ensure that these do not create extra problems. Careful
signing is essential to ensure that motorists do not overshoot the initial left turn.
Figure (c) shows a diversion to the left after the critical intersection that requires three
left turns. This ‘Q-turn’ is the least obstructive diversion, but requires vehicles to travel twice
through the critical intersection, thereby increasing the total volume of traffic handled there.
Left – Turning movement is not obstructive to the traffic and it is rare they are prohibited.
One – way traffic operation is a simple regulatory tool available for the relief of traffic
congestion which does not require expensive policing. Its most effective usage is on streets in
and about the central areas of towns.
Figure One Way Advantages of one-way operation include (Source: Internet)
a. Road capacity is increased, with the amount depending upon the conditions prevailing
locally, e.g. the distribution of the previous two-way flow, the street width, and the
turning movements at intersections.
b. Odd lanes which were not usable previously can be fully utilized.
c. Slow – moving/stopped vehicles are more safely overtaken.
d. Turning movements at intersections are not delayed by opposing traffic.
e. Journey times and delays are reduced through more efficient traffic-signal timing and
higher vehicle speeds.
f. The linking of traffic signals is facilitated.
g. Public transport operation is more reliable.
Figure Conflicts at different conditions
Tidal – flow operation is a traffic management tool whereby the total carriageway width is
shared between two directions of travel in near proportion to the flow in each direction. The
number of lanes assigned to each direction of travel varies with the time of day so that extra
capacity is provided to the heavier traffic flow during, typically, peak commuter periods.
The great advantage of tidal – flow operation is that extra capacity is provided on the same road
at the time required and, unlike one-way streets, traffic in the minor direction does not have to
move to a complementary street. Its usage is particularly applicable to heavily trafficked bridges,
tunnels and radial roads in urban areas. Exclusive Bus – Lanes
A recent innovation in traffic management practice in some of the cities is to reserve a lane of
carriageway exclusively for bus traffic. This is possibly only in situations where the carriageway
is of adequate width and a lane can be easily spared for the buses. This implies that there should
be at least 3 lanes in each direction. For reasons of convenience of alighting and embarking
passengers at the curb, the exclusive lanes has to be adjacent to the curb.
Exclusive bus lanes running against heavy one-way flow are also very common. One experience
suggests that such an arrangement nearly halves the journey time. A good measure of
enforcement is needed if serious accidents have to be avoided in this system.
If a main street may have a number of side-streets where the traffic may be very light. In such
situations, it may be possible to close some of these side-streets without affecting adversely the
traffic, and yet a reap number of benefits. Some advantages of closing side streets are :
a. Since interference from the traffic from side streets is eliminated, the speed increases and
journey time reduces.
b. Number of accidents get reduced.
c. The side streets that are closed can be utilized for parking of vehicles, if there is an acute
shortage of parking space in that area.
d. The side-streets, closed for traffic from the main street, can be easily converted to a
pedestrian precinct, thereby enhancing the safety, comfort and convenience of
After traffic studies and site survey it was concluded that there was some issues that caused
congestions in some section of the road and those issues can easily be sorted out by using.
Traffic Management Techniques. The issues and there possible solutions are discussed below.
Irregular Parking of vehicles on the main road is also a cause for traffic jams on the road as the
proper width of the road is not utilized.
As, irregular parking on the sides of the road i.e., Transport Nagar Chowk result in the decrease
in the consuming thickness or decrease in the width of the road.
The NO PARKING sign is placed parallel to kerb facing the carriageway and sited
approximately at 100 m intervals. Where signs are used without road markings, they should be
placed strategically rather than at fixed intervals. The spacing between consecutive signs,
whether or not they are on the same of the road, should be not more than 30m.
Right Turning Movement of Vehicles towards Saharanpur road (especially during morning peak
hour) from the Transport Nagar road causes a lot of problem to the moving traffic as the majority
cars towards Transport Nagar Chowk.
When vehicles turn towards Saharanpur Road it creates a problem which leads to congestion
because of its size and interception it makes while taking a right turn.
No proper bus stops provided for the public transport therefore they stop anywhere causing
problem to the movement of traffic behind them.
Proper bus stops to be provided at the suggested point where the road width is more and stops do
not affect the moving traffic. So that irregular stoppage of 3W and City Buses hamper the flow.
For bus stop sign IRC Code: 67-2012 is considered and the type of sign no be installed is give in
figure 5.3.3a and after analyzing road dimensions some points were being considered were these
points are to be installed and is shown in figure 5.3.3a
Traffic from subhash Nagar lane at morning time that gets added to main road and some traffic
also enters that lane at the same time thereby causing congestion near ChandrabaniChowk (Point
The preferred solution is the vehicles entering from Subhash Nagar into Chandrabani Chowk
during peak hours and vehicles from Major and Minor Chandrabani Chowk is what leads to
interruptions and congestion. Traffic lights for the incoming traffic from the Subhash Nagar lane
Saharanpur Road and also providing a round about at the intersections on Chandrabani Chowk.
At signalized intersection shall be placed either near the appropriate signal faces, on the poles
holding the traffic signals, on the mast arm or span wire holding the signals, or at the locations
specified for unsignalized intersections
The intersection at Transport Nagar Chowk causes a lot of chaos during Peak hours as there is
traffic in all directions.
The solution for the problem is that the Minor Road should be provided with proper markings
and stop sign, so that before entering the Major lane they must slow down and wait there for
fraction of Seconds. Description of Signs and markings are from IRC code 67 and 35 resp. Purpose
This is for indicating priority for the right of way. The sign is intended for use on roadways
where traffic is required to stop before entering a major road, and where it is intended that the
vehicle shall proceed past the stop line only after ascertaining that this will not cause danger to
traffic on the main road. This is a Mandatory/Regulatory sign.
The stop sign shall always be used in combination with certain road markings such as stop line
and the word “STOP” marked on the pavement vide IRC : 35 “Code of Practice for Road
Markings” Size, shape and color
The sign (shown in Figure 5.3i) shall be octagonal in shape and shall have red background and
white border. The word “STOP” written in white (in English or local language) with 150 mm
height letters, centrally positioned.
Approach speed on Size Height (mm) Border (mm) Font Size (mm)
minor road
Up to 50 kmph Small 750 25 125
51 -65 kmph Normal 900 30 150
65 kmph Large 1200 40 225
Figure Sizes and Dimensions of STOP signs as per IRC : 67-2012 Location
The sign shall be installed on the left side of the approach to which it applies. Stop signs should
be sited as close to the stop line as possible to which it applies. Stop signs should be sited as
close to the stop line as possible but not in such a position as to impair visibility along the major
road. Normally, these should be fixed 1.5 m in advance of the stop line. If the site conditions
prevent a sign so placed from being easily seen, it should b e placed at a greater distance in
advance of the STOP line, but in no case more than 6 m as shown in Figure 5.3j. When the
STOP sign is installed at the required location and the sign visibility is restricted, a Stop
Ahead sign shall be installed in advance of the STOP sign. STOP sign and YIELD sign shall not
be mounted on the same post. STOP sign has to be a standalone sign when used. The sign shall
not be used at intersection where traffic signals are installed.
Figure Location of a STOP Point
The rumble strips provided in the area was as per IRC : 99-1988, but no proper signs and
markings are provided for them hence they can be dangerous in some conditions, so it is
suggested to provide markings as follows-
The driver should be warned of the presence of speed breaker by posting suitable advance
warning signs. The warning signs, should be of design ‘ HUMP or ROUGH ROAD’ as detailed
in IRC : 67-2012. The sign should have a definition plate with words ‘ SPEED BREAKER’
inscribed thereon and should be located 40m in advance of the first speed breaker.
A typical speed breaker sign is explained in figure given below as per IRC 67:2012
Figure 5.3.6a: Recommended Hump Warning Sign
Figure 5.3.6b: Recommended Placement of Speed Breakers and Sign. (Source: Internet)
5.3.7 Pedestrians
Pedestrians are not provided with proper footpaths and zebra crossings therefore sometimes
pedestrians also causes problem in smooth traffic movement especially at transport nagar
Pedestrians should be provided with overhead bridge or a margin should be provided at the road
for pedestrian movement and zebra crossing should also be provided, As per IRC : 103-2012 a 2-
4 meter wide crossing should be provided and must be accompanied by a ‘STOP’ line as per
IRC: 35-1970. Design of a four arm intersection showing zebra crossing is given in figure 5.3n
This Problem was noticed when traffic is at its peak and jamming conditions start occurring is a
boost in traffic
The peripheral parking scheme is a very good solution and is providing the proper space of
parking on the places such as below the flyover. These places were not used earlier and since
now they are in use they not only provide space but also provides employment to people.
After applying all the techniques as discussed above the problems due to traffic faced by the
localities can be solved and the time wasted in traffic jams can be utilized somewhere else.
1. The goal of this project is to study the traffic condition on the stretch of Saharanpur
Road, Transport Nagar ISBT.
2. Traffic Study leads us to the final results, these are mentioned below,
a. Total no Vehicles per day is 42634
3. Data regarding proportion of various vehicles in mixed traffic (appendix 4.2), regarding
flow of vehicles (appendix 4.1) and intersections are calculated.
4. Forecasting of Traffic is done by ‘Extrapolation Method’ for 6 years i.e, till 2024 and the
results obtained are :
a. In 2018, total vehicles in Dehradun City is 8,87,620.
b. In 2024, total vehicles in Dehradun City will be 12,52,620.
5. The current and forecasted traffic movement can managed by management measures and
technique are followed:-
a. Traffic signs and markings are provided at different points according to the IRC-
67:2012 and IRC -35:1997 respectively.
b. Prohibited the irregular stoppage of City Buses and Vikram (3 Wheeler), a proposal
of having stops mentioned in figure is given.
c. Minor lanes have low traffic During Peak hours (9:00AM, 2:00PM and 5:00PM) can
be used for parking facilities, Example:- peripheral parking can be done in Subhash
Nagar and Transport Nagar.
6. Relation between traffic speed, traffic volume, road surface conditions and environment
aspect with traffic congestions, using long-term data and larger sample size on the
accident analysis can be done in future by traffic management model.
7. Familiar with the knowledge of traffic management techniques and its implementation on
the study area with the help of IRC’s codes.
Future scope
List of References
2 WHELLER 2540 2748 1884 2278 2560 1770 2660 2830 1930
4 WHELLER 1184 1472 952 1235 1589 1008 1389 1660 1076
SMALL LORRY 160 380 232 128 312 188 139 410 262
AUTO 248 424 944 226 394 895 312 468 996
CONSTRUCTION 36 24 26 22 13 13 41 27 29
BICYCLE 92 36 6 32 14 4 80 42 9
TOTAL 4396 5412 4288 4064 5235 4074 4841 5774 4550
Appendix 3.2 : Traffic Count on day 2
2 WHELLER 3320 2300 1856 2885 2168 1666 3567 2659 1903
4 WHELLER 1232 1196 1052 1389 1383 1245 1401 1308 1211
SMALL LORRY 304 228 220 276 178 194 316 246 244
AUTO 348 252 788 301 219 678 378 303 897
CONSTRUCTION 28 24 6 17 11 2 34 22 5
TOTAL 5560 4292 4235 5076 4181 4037 6103 4882 4584
Appendix3.3 Traffic count on day 3
2 WHELLER 2340 2648 1804 2298 2360 2002 2960 2810 2430
4 WHELLER 1364 1072 1012 1134 1388 908 1580 1864 1546
SMALL LORRY 154 356 191 104 288 176 166 292 222
AUTO 237 333 897 195 269 787 299 444 988
CONSTRUCTION 30 29 36 17 9 11 38 38 34
BICYCLE 72 30 14 29 17 9 89 44 28
TOTAL 4343 4785 4204 3899 4584 4052 5358 5852 5465
Appendix3.4 Traffic count on day 4
2 WHELLER 3001 2818 2953 2780 2379 2278 3267 2600 2319
4 WHELLER 1115 1287 1356 1231 1259 1199 1381 1497 1016
SMALL LORRY 365 279 262 299 166 183 377 363 286
AUTO 344 332 675 189 191 453 300 291 655
CONSTRUCTION 19 27 15 13 9 5 49 38 16
TOTAL 5187 5058 5588 4692 4202 4375 5740 5111 4611
Appendix 3.5 Traffic count on day 5
2 WHELLER 1988 2117 1663 1784 2009 1569 2013 2220 1967
4 WHELLER 1303 1243 979 1221 1072 884 1547 1369 1119
BUS 69 71 101 56 67 85 52 57 98
SMALL LORRY 149 245 226 113 192 201 167 237 198
AUTO 229 395 869 287 304 761 337 410 902
CONSTRUCTION 38 19 23 26 14 20 41 22 30
BICYCLE 87 45 21 46 27 19 74 39 28
TOTAL 3952 4283 3958 3563 3797 3598 4307 4493 4399