Autistic Children Need Special Care and Love: Rajni Arora

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Rajni Arora


S hefali was upset about her two-and-a-half-year-old son, Nilesh, who was different from other children. He
kept repeating things. While playing with his toy cars, he arranged them one behind the other instead of moving
them. If he found anything amiss in the arrangement, he would get excited and start hitting his head on wall or
whatever he found nearby. Or he will simply go round and round. Sometimes, instead of playing, he would sit
staring at the ceiling or the fan, lost in his own world. He would not respond to calls, as if he went deaf. Shefali
took him to the paediatrician, who, after some examination, found him suffering from autism disorder.
What is Autism Disorder?
Not just Nilesh, if we look around carefully, we may find many children around us who appear to be like others, but
behave differently. The development in such children is slower than others. In medical science, the condition is called
autism. Autism is not a disease, but rather a neurodevelopmental disorder.
Usually, this disorder develops during the development of brain in the foetus and remains throughout the life. It
hinders a child's mental development and affects their behaviour and day-to-day activities. The life of these children
becomes very challenging due to this.
Parents usually notice these differences in their child at the age of 2-3 when the child starts speaking or
playing with others. Autistic children have difficulty in speaking, understanding or explaining to others, or
expressing themselves. They behave strangely because they are unable to express themselves. They are neither
able to connect with their family members nor with their friends and prefer to remain in their own world rather
than mingling and playing or interacting with others.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), autism disorder ranks third among the main causes of
developmental disability found in children. According to data for the year 2018, one in 59 children worldwide
suffered from autism disorder. In India about one crore children suffer from autism. In comparison to girls, more
boys suffer from this disorder.
American Psychiatric Association names it as ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’, because of the variations in the behaviour of these
special children. The problems, habits and behaviour of each autistic child are different from other autistic children. Autistic
children can be easily identified from their behaviour and gesture patterns.
► Some children with autism disorder are as intelligent as other unaffected children but are unable to interact with
others and behave socially. In some autistic children the intelligence could be average or lower. They have difficulty in
reading, writing or learning something new.
► Because of squint in their eyes, some children find difficulty while reading.
► In the absence of physical and mental balance, such children also depend on others for their daily chores.
► Many children lack emotions. They neither understand other's feelings, nor are they able to express their own
► While talking to other people, they neither smile nor make eye contact. Many don’t even talk to others.
► Even if someone tickles, they do not respond.
► They are lost in their own world and often like to be left alone or play alone.
► If someone calls them, they do not react in any way, as if they have not heard or it seems that they are deaf.
► Most children don’t speak much, which also means that they do not learn the language. Usually they speak a few
words, but are unable to speak a whole sentence. Many children make strange sounds.
► They scream and laugh spontaneously and often utter meaningless words or sentences.
► They also use gestures to get their work done. If a child wants something, they point towards that thing. If they want
to eat, they might lead the mother to kitchen and indicate by gestures what they want.
► They enjoy doing repetitive tasks, like going round and round, turning keys, keep their toy cars in a line, dropping
toys, playing with fingers or repeating a word or line. If someone interrupts or tries to change the pattern, they turn
restless or scream in anger.
► Repeating the words of others is also one of the habits of such children, which is called ‘Echolalia’.
► While eating an autistic child may not realize that their stomach is full and keep eating more. They also have difficulty
in chewing food, due to which diseases like indigestion, obesity, or diabetes are common among them.
► They are often unable to play games like Ludo, cards, or chess that have several rules. The rules confuse them,
and they are also not able to sit at one place.
What causes autism is yet a mystery. However, there are some general indicators of causes. In some, autism could
be due to genetic cause. A disorder in the chromosomes of the parents, called Fragile X syndrome, blocks the
mental development of the infant. About 10 per cent of cases of autism are caused by Fragile X syndrome.

Autistic children need special

care and love
dream 2047 / april 2021close relatives in the family suffers from autism disorder, the child has chances of getting
Lack of oxygen during childbirth or damage to the baby's brain cells due to any type of trauma or injury at child
birth can also cause autism.
Not having proper immunization after birth is also cited as a reason.
A pregnant women suffering from diseases like obesity, diabetes or thyroidism, rubella infection during pregnancy,
imbalanced diet and under-nutrition etc. have greater chances of having a child suffering from autism.
Smoking, alcoholism or consumption of drugs or any other form of intoxicant by pregnant mother is another risk
When to visit doctor?
It is important that parents do not ignore the behaviour of a special child. As they are unable to speak properly,
they often lag behind children of their age. When other kids make fun of them, they become upset and may go
into depression. Usually, the brain of a child develops at the age of 2-3. If autism conditions are identified at an
early stage, proper treatment and special care give positive results. With proper therapies some children may
become independent and start doing their daily chores.
As autism is a disorder it is not possible to cure the child completely. Treatment requires, besides paediatricians,
help from developmental neurologist, occu-pational therapist, speech therapist, and special educators. These
experts, through various therapies, and love and affection, enable children with autism to improve their ability to
behave, learn andspeak, and to reconcile with the society.
Occupational therapy is used to control hyperactivity of autistic children so that they can do their day-to-day
chores on their own.
Speech therapy helps in developing the vocabulary of the child with the help of many types of cards, photographs,
illustrated books etc. Children are prompted to speak the sentence slowly.
Behavioural therapy helps the children learn communicate with others and to express themselves with gestures. This
boosts confidence in them. When a child learns any new thing or does some work or activity with other children, they
are praised and encouraged.
Educational Treatment helps those 10 per cent of autistic children who have some innate talent. They may be
good in mathematical calculations, painting, music, or making toys with clay. Specialists recognize their talent
and provide special education and training to further develop their skills, so that they can lead their own life
Do medicines help?
There is no particular medicine to treat autism, but certain medicines are given according to the condition and
need of the child, like for controlling hyperactivity or increase concentration. Some brain tonics, iron
supplements, omega 3 fatty acid supplements, biotin vitamins may be given.
Parental involvement is important
Parenting special children is very challenging for the parents. Besides being emotionally and mentally weak, the
child’s physical development also often slows down. The parents need to have a positive attitude. It is important
for them to have patience to spend time with the children, talk to them, make them part of a discussions and
teach them in steps. It is necessary that the children are taken to a park to play or for a walk, so that they feel
comfortable in presence of others. Such steps may improve the condition of the child.
Parents also need to take care of their food. To avoid problems caused by overeating, the child should be given a
gluten- and casein-free diet. Wheat and wheat products, milk and milk products may be avoided, as research has
shown that such foods can reduce the physical activity of an autistic child. Instead, multigrain flour made from
millet, soy, amaranth, rice, gram flour etc. are better and animal milk may be replaced with soy, almond and
coconut milk. Soaked almond and walnut rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which help in their mental development
may be given regularly.
During pregnancy the would-be mother should take proper care. She should check with the gynaecologist for vaccinations,
especially the rubella vaccine. Regular check-ups during pregnancy are a must. Folic acid supplements should be taken
regularly. She should adhere to healthy lifestyle and food habits. Cigarettes, alcohol or drugs should be avoided.
World Autism Awareness Day is observed on April 2 in recognition of people with autism and those who love and support them.
United Nations General Assembly declared the day in 2007. Various programmes and conferences are organised to make
parents, teachers and other people aware of autism. Along with this, the talent of these children and their creative works are
also displayed through exhibitions.
(Based on interaction with Dr Priyanka Jain, Paediatrician, JP Hospital, Noida and Dr Pragya Pandey, Junior
Gynaecologist, Guru Gobind Singh Hospital, Delhi)

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