Sustaining Quality Education in The 21st Century

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 5, July-August 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Sustaining Quality Education in the 21st Century

Dr. Asha Pandey
Associate Professor, Department of Education, Vasanta College for Women, Rajghat, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Asha Pandey

We are part of a globalized world that is reflected in problems "Sustaining Quality Education in the
associated with the development of the various dimensions of human 21st Century"
endeavor. Intellectuals and scientists, who explain the complexity of Published in
the 21st century, emphasized on the fact that human beings swing International Journal
of Trend in
between a strong consumer tendency and the capture of immediacy.
Scientific Research
There is a need for an ideal interconnected to values and ongoing and Development
actions tending towards sustainability. This is with the aim of (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD43907
legitimizing the various dimensions of human development where 6470, Volume-5 |
education forms a determining part. Taking into account the Issue-5, August 2021, pp.605-611, URL:
mentioned context, this work reflects on the work of the teacher, a
key piece in the formation of students and institutional view. The
literature will be reviewed and practical strategies will be proposed Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
and focused on strengthening human understanding in global International Journal of Trend in
complexity. This is because teachers are expected to become the Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
strategists that avert the great challenges faced by education in Open Access article
the 21st century global society. The converging impact of distributed under the
globalization, ICT and knowledge explosion has led to phenomenal terms of the Creative Commons
changes in the modern society, which have challenged every aspect Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
of our modern lifestyle. (

To cope with these run-away changes we need to OREALC/UNESCO Santiago, in collaboration with
prepare workforce with the skills to handle a range of the Ministry of Education and Sport of the Republic
electronic technologies that characterize this digital of Argentina, organized the Regional Meeting of
era. To prepare citizens with cosmopolitan outlook, Ministers of Education of Latin America and the
cross-cultural understanding, capable of working in Caribbean – “E2030: Education and skills for the 21st
multicultural settings on group projects and capacity century”. Ministers of Education and high-level
to think creatively and critically a different approach representatives of the education sector of the Member
to the delivery of education is required. This paper States of LAC; bilateral, regional and multilateral
argues that nothing less than a radical change, organizations; United Nations agencies;
especially in the developing countries, is required in representatives of civil society; stakeholders and
the ways education is delivered to the ‘digital natives’ UNESCO experts participated in the meeting, which
of today and tomorrow. Arguing that education is the was held on 24-25 January 2017 in Buenos Aires,
engine room and strength of a nation is based on its Argentina. This was the first ministerial meeting to be
quality education, it is crucial for a country to deliver organized within the framework of the 2030 Agenda
calibrated education to prepare globally competitive for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable
citizens. The paper examines various educational Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 4 –
reforms undertaken in some successful education “Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and
systems, but it also serves a caveat that the promote lifelong learning”. It provided a space for
developing countries like Indonesia or a region like dialogue between ministers of education and other
ASEAN should learn from the experience of such stakeholders to debate SDG 4 in the context of the
systems. At the same time time they should be aware 2030 SDG Agenda. Discussions and information
of that an idea which works in one socio-economic sharing on various topics related to the SDG 4 targets,
setting may not be that effective in another setting as and on the coordination mechanisms and monitoring
socio-political systems play their own part. instruments conducive to the achievement of E2030
The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in enabled LAC Member States to reach a common
Latin America and the Caribbean, vision and understanding of E2030 in the region. This
joint approach on E2030 for the region is laid down in

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43907 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 605
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
the Declaration of Buenos Aires, which ministers challenges, and to overcome them, everyone (youth
adopted at the end of the meeting.[1] and adults, men and women, citizens and
The most important skills beyond basic literacy professionals in all fields) requires key competences
that enable them to engage constructively and
that students need today are the ability to
consume information, think about it critically, and responsibly with today’s world and to actively
participate in the necessary transformations. The aim
express their point of view effectively.
is to promote comprehensive Education for
We need whole systems to focus on these skills – Sustainable Development (ESD) and Education for
not just individual teachers or departments – as Global Citizenship (EGC) programs through 21st
the literacy needs and goals cut across all content century skills, focused on providing sustainability
areas, including STEM. education for future generations of professionals
When it comes to critical thinking, human [3,4]. The creation of knowledge, as well as its
interaction is required to develop sophisticated acquisition, validation, and use, must be common to
reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills and all people as part of a collective social endeavor.[4]
cannot be taught by machines alone.[2] There has been a major shift in educational learning
INTRODUCTION goals—as seen most recently by Goal 4.7 of the
The inevitability of lifelong learning in knowledge- Sustainable Development Goals—focused on global
oriented societies implies that school systems should citizenship education and education for sustainable
have different objectives and characteristics than if development. The shift concerns recognition of the
education were considered to have been completed need for education systems to equip learners with
when a student leaves initial education. Yet in competencies such as problem solving, collaboration,
practice, there remains a tendency for school critical thinking, and communication. The focus on
education to be assessed in terms of the achievements these "21st century goals" is visible in education
and targets that systems have set themselves, rather and curricular reform, and has been promoted by
than their broader success in laying the foundation for global discussion of changing work and societal
lifelong learning. In the knowledge economy, needs. This paper describes global, regional, and
memorization of facts and procedures is not enough national examples of this shift, and then focuses on
for success. Educated workers need a conceptual implementation challenges. The paper focuses most
understanding of complex concepts, and the ability explicitly on the issue of assessment but asserts that
to work with them creatively to generate new any major reform in an educational philosophy shift
ideas, new theories, new products, and new must ensure alignment across the areas of curriculum,
knowledge. They need to be able critically to pedagogy, and assessment. The paper identifies
evaluate what they read, be able to express several challenges to implementation of this
themselves clearly both verbally and in writing, and educational shift. These include the need for clear
understand scientific and mathematical thinking. understanding of the necessary skills—beyond mere
They need to learn integrated and usable knowledge, identification of definition and description. This is
rather than the sets of compartmentalised and de- essential if education systems are to reform curricula
contextualised facts. They need to be able to take to integrate the new learning goals that the skills
responsibility for their own continuing, life-long imply.[5]
learning.[3] A second challenge is the need for clear descriptions
Current and future citizens face new challenges, such of what different levels of competencies in skills
as increasing complexity and uncertainty; growing might look like. Although a few education systems
individualization and social diversity; expanding have developed early frameworks which include
economic and cultural uniformity; the degradation of increasing levels of competency, there are no generic
the ecosystem services on which they depend and examples that describe how some of these skills
mounting vulnerability and exposure to natural and "progress." Such descriptions would enable teachers
technological hazards [1]. Addressing complex to know what to reasonably expect of a child in the
challenges and current and future uncertainty are at early years of elementary school versus of a child in
the heart of Agenda 2030 and are therefore the focus later years in terms of collaborative behavior or
of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) critical thinking. A third challenge lies in the
originally conceived by the UN, with particular obstacles that these first two hurdles pose to the
emphasis on SDG4: “Ensure inclusive and equitable development of assessments of 21st century skills
quality education and promote lifelong learning (21CS). Without an absolutely clear understanding of
opportunities for all” [2]. SDGs address critical global a learning domain, or "construct," designing

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
assessment frameworks and tasks are impossible. DISCUSSION
Without an understanding of what increasing levels of Good quality education is an essential tool for
competency in a skill look like, it is not possible to achieving a more sustainable world. This was
draft the assessment tasks that will target different emphasised at the UN World Summit in
levels. Educational assessment is both ubiquitous Johannesburg in 2002 where the reorientation of
and unpopular. Despite increasing visibility of current education systems was outlined as key to
concepts such as "assessment for learning" or sustainable development. Education for sustainable
"formative assessment," which describes the development (ESD) promotes the development of the
constructive use of assessment to inform teaching, knowledge, skills, understanding, values and actions
the primary use of assessment by national required to create a sustainable world, which ensures
education systems remains summative–for use in environmental protection and conservation, promotes
certification, identification of eligibility for social equity and encourages economic
education progress, and system accountability. The sustainability. The concept of ESD developed largely
assessment of 21CS, still in its infancy, does not lend from environmental education, which has sought to
itself easily to the modes of assessment that typically develop the knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and
populate summative assessment approaches. The behaviours in people to care for their
paper identifies possible assessment approaches, environment. The aim of ESD is to enable people to
using examples to highlight effective strategies for make decisions and carry out actions to improve our
assessment of the skills, while acknowledging the quality of life without compromising the planet. It
technical difficulties associated with "capture" of also aims to integrate the values inherent in
behaviors in scoring and reporting them. In order to sustainable development into all aspects and levels of
appreciate the implications of the nature of the skills learning.[8]
for assessment, the authenticity framework is used to There are a number of key themes in ESD and while
evaluate the adequacy of specific assessment tools the dominant focus is on environmental concerns, it
designed to measure these skills.[6] This leads into a also addresses themes such as poverty alleviation,
discussion of use of learning progressions both to citizenship, peace, ethics, responsibility in local and
model the development of complex skills, and as a global contexts, democracy and governance, justice,
scoring and reporting mechanism. Both expert-driven human rights, gender equality, corporate
and empirical approaches to development of learning responsibility, natural resource management and
progressions are described, making clear that these biological diversity. It is generally accepted that
progressions are central to moving the 21CS agenda
certain characteristics are important for the
forward. A central issue in educational assessment
successful implementation of ESD, reflecting the
concerns whether the same learning domain is being
equal importance of both the learning process and
measured across the different populations where it
the outcomes of the education process (adapted
may be administered. According to the vision of the
from ‘UN Decade of Sustainable Development’
Sustainable Development Goals, this means that UNESCO Nairobi Cluster, 2006).[9]
all assessments should be appropriately targeted
for different ability levels, and also for individuals ESD should:
from different cultures and sub-groups. Following Be embedded in the curriculum in an
a discussion of the cross-cultural issues relevant to interdisciplinary and holistic manner, allowing
assessment of 21CS, the paper looks at three for a whole-institution approach to policy making.
countries—Australia, Kenya, and the Philippines—to Share the values and principles that underpin
identify how they are approaching the assessment and sustainable development.
teaching of 21CS in their basic education sectors. The Promote critical thinking, problem solving and
countries’ varied emphases on curriculum, pedagogy, action, all of which develop confidence in
and assessment are of particular interest as a majority addressing the challenges to sustainable
of countries around the world explore how to development.
approach these challenges. These examples lead to
Employ a variety of educational methods, such
the conclusion that learning progression models are
as literature, art, drama and debate to illustrate the
key to ensuring alignment through the education
delivery system. This requires a great deal of research
both in academia and in the basic education sector Allow learners to participate in decision-
before comprehensive programs are put in place, but making on the design and content of educational
it is a start.[7] programmes.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Address local as well as global issues, and avoid between the “form” (i.e. techniques such as
jargon-ridden language and terms. questioning or group work) versus the “substance”
Look to the future, ensuring that the content has (i.e. content such as engaging with learners’ ideas and
interests) of learner-centered teaching. Based upon
a long-term perspective and uses medium and
long-term planning.[10] this work and her own in Tanzania, Vavrus set forth
the notion of a contingent constructivist pedagogy,
Classroom observations are being increasingly which considers the pedagogical spectrum between
used in LMICs to improve education quality formalism and constructivism and calls for the
through information about current adaptation of pedagogy to the material conditions,
teacher/classroom practices or measuring change local traditions, and the cultural politics of a context.
in practices over time (UNESCO, 2016). Yet in Such considerations as the ones outlined here have
order to fully understand how we can best help large implications on how social processes could best
teachers, we need to take a step back and learn to be measured.[13]
regard teachers as learners and to ensure that the Quality education is essential for organisations
learning we want to see in our children is taking place which act at both the international and local level.
with our teachers. Learning as an active process is Education is a fundamental human right and
rooted in the educational philosophy of social therefore should be addressed by all individuals,
constructivism which established the belief that public and private entities, governments, and civil
knowledge itself is situated within a social context; an society. Thus, organisations can guide their action to
individual’s ability to learn is regarded as a series of contribute to global education, provide training
social processes that are inextricably shaped and actions to their employees to increase their
influenced by his or her context. Though the qualifications and support or participate in education
perspective is rooted in and remains a predominantly initiatives in the local community. Globalisation
Western ideology, it has taken hold in many countries implies an increasingly international scope of
around the world, and constructivist beliefs for work which in turn requires a better
education remain widely relevant for teachers across understanding of education and sustainable global
the globe . Nevertheless, constructivist perspectives challenges. Thus, organisations can support
should not be assumed as ubiquitous in education. For international projects focusing on quality education
example, in cultures where verbal exchange is not the and they must commit themselves to global education
primary means through which knowledge is conveyed in different contexts that are involved. For
, we must be mindful of how such cultural variation organisations, education can be a source of
and nuances affect ways of learning. Differences in innovation, facilitating access to new markets or new
sociocultural practices could dictate how children (or partnerships and strengthening their leadership. Thus,
in this case teachers) may better learn through a skilled workforce is required to address these
practices such as observation, listening, or sharing challenges. Organisations should give lifelong
responsibilities rather than verbalization or actions training opportunities to improve skills for all their
[11]. employees. At the local community level,
Social constructivism puts greater emphasis on organisations can develop a social responsibility
context and also highlights the important role of strategy to empower local communities, taking into
culture and how knowledge derived from social account ethics values. This strategy could include the
processes also exist within cultures . Culture becomes establishment of local partnerships to promote
a great influence into not only what patterns of social inclusive quality education opportunities for all,
processes can emerge within a context but also how through the creation of programmes (e.g. internships,
they emerge [12]. This perspective calls us to think work-study programs, traineeships…) or supporting
more carefully, not only about social processes local initiatives dealing with this issue.[14]
(e.g. classroom interactions) and the knowledge RESULTS
that is generated through those processes, but also As the Global Cities Education Network has
about how highly dependent those processes are demonstrated, education systems worldwide have
on the cultures and context in which they reside. similar goals with respect to 21st century
For example, a study of a teacher in-service program competencies but different paths to
in South Africa calls attention to how situational implementation because of differences in their
constraints, particularly in low-resource contexts, can local contexts. Nevertheless, as the cities discussed
heavily hinder the ways in which teachers can their experiences, it was clear that there are similar
develop alternative practices that are more learner- underlying challenges and gaps that need to be
centered; the authors draw a critical distinction addressed, including:

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Mindset: Many parents and teachers are more other factors, which, in turn, have huge impacts on
focused on traditional academic subject matter delicate interconnected ecosystems, food chains and
and university entrance than on these broader 21st overall quality of life.
century competencies. There is still a need for a
In addition, new demands for food, water, sanitation
greater advocacy and discussion among all and other basic living requirements, brought about by
stakeholders about the purposes of education in
rapid growth in urbanisation and the world’s
the 21st century in order to create consensus for population, require not only innovative technological
solutions but also a new humanistic paradigm and
Teachers: To develop 21st century competencies way of thinking that address these problems on a
in young people, teachers must be exposed to global scale.[15]
opportunities to develop their own competencies.
Thus, educational institutions must implement
Surveys show that teachers generally approve of
new teaching and learning approaches, which are
21st century competencies but spend little
all inter-related and inter-dependent, to more
classroom time on them. Ongoing peer learning
effectively deal with these changes:
communities that help teachers understand how Inquiry-based learning (problem-based and
these competencies support achievement and how
research-based learning).
to integrate them into their teaching are essential, Creative learning (experiential and product-based
in addition to the shifts in accountability and
assessment noted below.
Meaningful learning (relevant and holistic
Assessment: There is a huge disconnect between learning).
these new goals and what is measured. Current Humanistic learning (inclusive and equity-based
US accountability systems and Asian university learning).
examination systems are obstacles to the
Moving beyond basic literacy and numeracy
advancement of 21st century competencies. Work
Traditionally, educational systems have mainly
on new forms of assessment, including student
focused on literacy (reading and writing) and
self-assessment, is underway, but we don't yet
numeracy (mathematics and quantitative reasoning)
have adequate measures for many of the 21st as the main focus of educating students.
century competencies. In other words, traditionally, teaching and learning
Innovation and research: Since this is a newly has been focused mainly on the consumption of
developing area, we need to test different existing knowledge and skills, which is depicted as
strategies for redesigning schools and informal levels one and two of Bloom’s Taxonomy of
learning contexts, and for better connecting the Educational Objectives. Education enables upward
two toward the development of 21st century socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping
competencies. Data to inform program and policy poverty. Over the past decade, major progress was
improvements is a missing link.[15] made towards increasing access to education and
While no single city has solved all of these school enrolment rates at all levels, particularly for
challenges, there is robust work in progress across all girls. Nevertheless, about 260 million children were
of the cities on these elements. Sharing and still out of school in 2018 — nearly one fifth of the
synthesizing this work across systems will be global population in that age group. And more than
essential if we are to move 21st century competencies half of all children and adolescents worldwide
are not meeting minimum proficiency standards in
from rhetoric to reality—and close the gap between
what young people will need tomorrow and what reading and mathematics. [16]
today's school systems can deliver. As depicted in the In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across
rights-based educational model, the ultimate goal is to the globe, a majority of countries announced the
achieve an inclusive and equitable education system temporary closure of schools, impacting more than 91
that prepares all people to succeed in the 21st century. per cent of students worldwide. By April 2020, close
In addition to increasing globalisation, today’s to 1.6 billion children and youth were out of school.
societies are also in the midst of transitioning from a And nearly 369 million children who rely on school
carbon-based economy to a green economy which has meals needed to look to other sources for daily
huge implications for how students are educated and nutrition. Never before have so many children been
how societies function. out of school at the same time, disrupting learning
and upending lives, especially the most vulnerable
This transition has become necessary due to global
and marginalised. The global pandemic has far-
warming, deforestation and desertification, among
reaching consequences that may jeopardize hard

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
won gains made in improving global education. In These skills are intended to help students keep up
an effort to foster international collaboration and with the lightning-pace of today’s modern markets.
ensure that education never stops, UNESCO Each skill is unique in how it helps students, but they
is mounting a response with a set of initiatives that all have one quality in common. They’re essential in
include the global monitoring of national and the age of the Internet. One of the UN’s other main
localized school closures.[17] goals around education is to increase the population
To protect the well-being of children and ensure they of qualified teachers, especially in the least developed
countries and small island states, around the world.
have access to continued learning, UNESCO in
March 2020 launched the COVID-19 Global While many teachers receive training, it’s not always
in line with the best education models, or it’s not
Education Coalition, a multi-sector partnership
tailored to teaching in fragile contexts. For our
between the UN family, civil society organizations,
media and IT partners to design and deploy education programming, we want to focus on
educating the next generation, but we also care about
innovative solutions. Together they help countries
educating the educators. Our work in Mother
tackle content and connectivity gaps, and facilitate
inclusive learning opportunities for children and Tongue education means ensuring that teachers
youth during this period of sudden and unprecedented have bilingual training in both the national and
mother tongues of their classrooms. We’ve worked
educational disruption.
with teachers from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe on
Specifically, the Global Education Coalition aims giving them the resources and training, especially in
to: literacy pedagogy, to make sure success on both sides
Help countries in mobilizing resources and of the classroom desk. [19]
implementing innovative and context-appropriate
Education for sustainable development (ESD) was
solutions to provide education remotely,
leveraging hi-tech, low-tech and no-tech a United Nations program that defined as education
approaches; that encourages changes in knowledge, skills, values
Seek equitable solutions and universal access; and attitudes to enable a more sustainable and just
Ensure coordinated responses and avoid society for all. ESD aims to empower and equip
current and future generations to meet their needs
overlapping efforts;
Facilitate the return of students to school when using a balanced and integrated approach to
the economic, social and environmental dimensions
they reopen to avoid an upsurge in dropout
of sustainable development. ESD is the term most
rates. [18] UNICEF also scaled up its work in 145
used internationally and by the United Nations.
low- and middle-income countries to support
Agenda 21 was the first international document that
governments and education partners in
identified education as an essential tool for achieving
developing plans for a rapid, system-wide
sustainable development and highlighted areas of
response including alternative learning
action for education.[20]
programmes and mental health support.
ESD is a component of measurement in an indicator
for Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG) for
21st Century skills are 12 abilities that today’s
"responsible consumption and production". SDG 12
students need to succeed in their careers during
has 11 targets and Target 12.8 is "By 2030, ensure
the Information Age.
that people everywhere have the relevant
The twelve 21st Century skills are: information and awareness for sustainable
1. Critical thinking development and lifestyles in harmony with
2. Creativity nature."[21]
3. Collaboration REFERENCES
4. Communication [1] Barber, M. Donnely, K. Rizvi, S. (2013). An
5. Information literacy Avalanche is coming: Higher Education and
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8. Flexibility [2] Boyer, L. (1990). Scholarship Reconsidered.
9. Leadership Thed Carnegie Foundation.
10. Initiative [3] Bryan, and Aysue (2012). Education Reforms
11. Productivity for the Digital Era. Thomas Fordam Institute.
12. Social skills Cochran-

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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43907 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 611

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