RPA Technology Assessment Score Card Summary

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RPA Platform

RPA Pla orm
OpenBots has a Zero Bot License Fee Model. All RPA The pla orm provides elastic ramp up and ramp down
core components, when deployed on-prem, are free flexibility to allow for on demand bots needed for
from OpenBots. changes in business transaction volumes.

OpenBots is a full featured pla orm which matches Feature strength and core RPA capabilities of
the functionality of commercially established pla orms OpenBots is at parity with other pla orms. Some of the
such as UiPath, Blue Prism, and Automation Anywhere supporting features like process and task mining are
and is more advanced than some of the other pla orms currently unavailable but are planned for launch by end
such as Microso Power Automate. of 2021 and offer full integration with top pla orm

OpenBots provides a robust ecosystem for platorm

OpenBots is the most cost effective RPA pla orm
available today. Since the core components are at no
charge, organizations can use this pla orm to create a
OpenBots also provides a comprehensive Academy
scaled automation environment by eliminating
with multiple courses, a certification program, and a
expensive pla orm licenses.
strong partner network.
RPA Pla orm Automation
Components UiPath OpenBots Power Automate Anywhere Blue Prism

Process Mining
Plan/Pipeline Task Mining OpenBots Discovery Process advisor Discovery Bot Process Assessment Tool
Automation Hub

Cloud Flows
Build UiPath Studio OpenBots Studio
Power Automate Desktop
Bot Creator Process/Object Studio

UiPath Orchestrator OpenBots Server

Manage Orchestrator Cloud OpenBots Server Cloud
Control Room Control Room

OpenBots Agent Cloud Flows Bot Runner Runtime Resource

Run UiPath Robot Cloud Agents (Robots)
On-premise Gateway

OpenBots Dashboards
Measure Insights
(2021 Q4 Release) 
Bot Insights Hub

Apps OpenBots Business Center Adaptive Cards for

Engage Action Center Instant Flows
(2021 Q3 Release) 

Standard and Premium

Marketplace UiPath Marketplace OpenBots Gallery
Bot Store Digital Exchange

AI Center OpenBots Documents AI Builder IQBots

AI Document Understanding OOTB Extraction Models Customer AI Templates
RPA Scorecard
Zero License Model and Feature Parity

Cost Effec veness








UiPath OpenBots Power Automate

Architecture & Process Pipeline Process Execution Process Execution Automation Cognitive Other Factors
Infrastructure Management Management Development Capabilities
30 16 40 140 120 35 60
14 35 120 30
25 100 50
12 30 100 25
20 80 40
10 25 80 20
15 8 20 60 30
60 15
10 6 15 40 20
4 40 10
5 20 10
2 5 20 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UiPath OpenBots Power UiPath OpenBots Power UiPath OpenBots Power UiPath OpenBots Power UiPath OpenBots Power UiPath OpenBots Power UiPath OpenBots Power
Automate Automate Automate Automate Automate Automate Automate
Score Card

Process Pipeline Management (Capabili es Around Process Iden fica on and Discovery for Automa on)

Opportunity Assessment Tools/Modules that enable a methodology for process discovery to identify processes that are good candidates for automation including complexity, effort and business benefit analysis.

Process Mining - Events/Log Based Review of application and process event logs to determine trends, patterns and other details for processes with the objective of process efficiency and identification of good candidates for automation
using data mining algorithms.

Task Mining - Desktop Observation Based Tools to record user activities on their desktops to determine how work is getting done and to determine what tasks could be automated.

Automatic Code Generation Creating partial or full automation code using the data from task mining output or other templates

Process Execu on (capabili es around the actual execu on of process on Robots)

Apps - Human in the loop How well does the process execution transfer between the bot and the human for their steps

Attended Mode Does the platform allow attended bot execution

Unattended Background Processing

Global Variables/Assets Ability to create global/environment variables or configuration that needs to be shared across different processes.

Trigger processes from external web sites/Apps Can the processes by spawned by external applications using APIs or other methods

Capture Screenshot Can a partial or full application screenshot be taken as part of the logs for future audit or issue troubleshooting

Support Large amount of Data How well does the platform work with large amount of data?
Score Card
Parameters (Contd.)

Process Execu on Management (Process Automa on Orchestra on from a central server component)

Alerts/ Notification Ability to set alerts and notifications (emails, text) on different events (for example the bot machine connection lost, process completed/errored etc.)

Features exposed as APIs Capabilities to integrate with the control component (orchestrator/control room) for different tasks such as run/configure process, view run status, configure queues etc.

Human in the loop (task status) What capabilities does the control component provide to monitor tasks that have human and bot orchestration.  Monitoring status of such processes which includes work baskets of bots /humans.

Monitor Process Logs Ability to review logs being generated by the bots from the control component.

Process Steps (Audit) Ability to audit process runs to review workflow paths/data driven steps taken for that run

Queue - Intelligent work allocation Intelligently allocating work to Bots based on queue item priority and SLAs

Queue Management Overall capabilities to create and monitor queues and queue items including unprocessed items, volumes, average handling times, processing errors etc.

Web Service Callbacks - OOTB Ability to have webhooks/call backs on different events. For example, on process completion, queue items processed etc.

Allow creation of Custom Dashboard Allow admin users to create custom dashboards for process monitoring or reporting dashboards for business users

Credential Store Security and credential storage. How well does the platform integrate with external credential vaults.

License Management Ability to manage platform licenses and their usage from the control component.

Mobile Interface Does the platform provide a mobile interface for the control component?

Process Status (Monitoring) OOTB dashboards for process monitoring

Package Management (versioning/upkeep) Ability to management multiple versions of a process. Audit what versions of processes were used for different process runs. Ability to roll back to prior versions.

Process Organization (process-based access) How does the platform organize the processes? Does the platform allow creating different tenants/folders/user roles for separation of processes at a business unit level?

Queue - SLAs Ability to set priority for queues or queue items.

Queue based process triggers/schedule Ability to trigger a process on add new queue item event

Queue/Transaction  - Status Monitoring Ability to monitor queue lengths and status or different queue items.

Schedule Management overall scheduling capabilities with the platform

Setup Bot Machines/Sessions Features in the control component to configure bots and allocations to different processes

Users - AD integration Integration with active directory for users and groups.

Users and Roles (Access Control Models) user / roles / entitlements

Score Card
Parameters (Contd.)

Automa on Development (Automa on Development and IDE capabili es)

Native Connectors Availability of API based native connectors

Citizen Development (End User Enablement) Capability to allow business users to build their own automations for their tasks by providing a simplified automation development environment and by abstracting the technical details

Coding Knowledge Required Ease of development on the core build component and how much of coding experience is required to build complex automations

Debugging capabilities Code/workflow debugging capabilities to allow review of code steps, insert breakpoints, watch variables, output etc.

Human in the Loop (design ease/form design) Design and build workflows where both bots and users must perform steps within a process. In addition, ability to design and build forms or apps for users to take actions for user steps assigned with in a workflow

Integrate with API/Webservice Development of interfaces for workflow to call external APIs (web services, message bus etc.).

Office Integration Capabilities to build workflows with seamless integration with MS office products (Excel, outlook etc.)

Plug in / custom activities support Enable custom activities development for process steps which are not OOTB.

Reusability Ability to provide and enforce reusability of custom code/ modules across different workflows

Python/C#/Other scripts Ability to use other scripting and automation languages

Capture/log screen image OOTB features on the platform to take screen shots of application screens as part of the process for logs or workflow processing.

Code Analyzer / Best Practices check Tools within the platform that enable enforcement of best practices while automation development

Database Integration (access) Integration capabilities with different types of databases to read/write data

Integration with Source Code/ Versioning Platform capabilities to leverage source code management tools (SVN, TFS, GIT)

Publish Automations as web service Ability to expose full workflows or some steps within the workflow as APIs for other applications to invoke. 

Recording OOTB features in the platform to build workflows by recording the process steps on the applications.

Citrix Automation/Recording How easy/difficult it is to build workflows that leverage citrix/RDP environments for application access

Terminal Ability to build automations for terminal based applications

Score Card
Parameters (Contd.)

Cost Effec veness

Licensing -Long Term Licensing (200 bots) Licenses cost comparison for a large scale deployment

Zero Bot License Bot Licenses are completely free

Zero Orchestration License Server License is free

Zero Development studio license Developer License is free

Zero licenses for Non-prod Does the platform Eliminate non-production licenses or other Add-ons like High availability

Licensing - Initial Setup (5 bots) Cost to setup an environment to incubate the RPA practice for an enterprise ( 4-5 processes in production)

Architecture and Infrastructure

SAAS orchestrator What are the cloud capabilities? Are there components that are PAAS enabled? What components are fully SAAS?

On-Prem Can the platform be hosted on prem?

SAAS Runtime/Agents Ability to have the runtime on cloud environment

Scalability  - High availability How seamless is it to build redundancy/DR. how well does the platform scale when the number of processes/execution volumes are very high
Score Card
Parameters (Contd.)

Cogni ve Capabili es

Calling Python Scripts Ability to spawn python code or other machine learning code.

OCR activities (document understanding) How strong are platform OCR capabilities? Does it provide just OCR or NLP.  Does it allow custom templates to be created with data mappings.

OOTB Document Extraction Solutions Are there OOTB solutions for common for document data understanding and extraction. (for example, data extraction from invoices, purchase orders, lDs etc.)

 Model hosting is the platform able to host and use ML models? Overall model life-cycle management.

Other Factors

Online Training available Does the platform vendor provide online training resources/academy?

Skill Availability Availability of resources

Overall Product Maturity How do you rate the overall platform maturity - overall capabilities compared to other platforms.

Partner Network How strong is the partner network. Are their strict criteria/requirement to be a partner.

Analytics - Operations and Business Metrics Does the platform provide analytics/BI tools for process logs / data analytics.

Certification Program Is there a certification program for developers/business analysts etc.

End to End Process Lifecycle management

Does the platform provide tools that help with process life cycle management (starting from process ideation during discovery, development, testing, hyper-care and finally support and maintenance), ability to analyze and 
capture different process information, artifacts etc. for different phases in the lifecycle.

Financials - Platform R&D investments Overall financial strength or the RPA platform vendor and their ability to invest in platform enhancements.

Marketplace for components Does the platform have a community that is adding modules/extensions/custom activities to the platform?
Join the only enterprise Robotic Platform
with ZERO Bot Licensing Costs and
Skyrocket your ROI


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