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Name of patient: D.

Age: 46 years old

Clustered Cues: Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Outcome Criteria Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Fluid volume deficit Bulimia nervosa is an After 8 hours of goals partially met.
“ I feel ashamed ▪ monitor vital signs
related to Consistent eating disorder nursing intervention
that I have lost characterized by extreme (temperature and ▪ hypotension and fever
control in eating self-induced vomiting the clients vital signs Blood pressure may indicate response of the patient exhibit
overeating followed by
again that I take fluid loss
evidenced by altered self-induced vomiting, will be within normal controlled and
laxatives or make ▪ Monitor urine output.
my self vomit” as electrolyte imbalance. trying to get rid of the range and urinary ▪assessing healthy eating
verbalized by the extra calories in an ▪ weight patient daily responsiveness to fluids
output will be behaviors and
patient unhealthy way that may and diuretics.
Decrease intravascular, adequate. ▪ Encourage client to identified that
Objective: interstitial, and/ or drink at least 2000 ml ▪ changes in weight can
becoming involved
Constipation of water provide information in
intracellular fluid. This
Pulse slightly Client will able to fluid balance and fluid in activities after
elevated refers to dehydration and volume replacement
water loss alone without a verbalize meals such as
Hypotension ▪ Educate client the
Vomiting change in sodium. understanding of effect of laxative and walking 30 mins
Normal diuretic abuse to our ▪ this promotes client
causative factors and helped her in
Respiration Doenges, M.E., et et al. health safety and actively
Abnormal lab (2016. Nurse,s pocket behaviors necessary to engages the client in the digestions.
result treatment plan
guide: Diagnoses, correct the fluid
Prioritized Intervention deficit. ▪ educating client about Patient identify the
and Rationales (14th ed.) ▪ Encourage high-fiber the negative effect of
healthy diet such as
Philadelphia, PA: F.A. foods in your diet, abusing laxative and
Davis. including beans, diuretics will encourage eat meals 3 times a
vegetables, fruits, her to make heathier
day that high in fiber
whole grain cereals choices
and bran. (vegetables) and
▪ prevent constipation
fruits such as
▪Identify a plan to ▪ Identify a plan to
improve / maintain improve / maintain fluid
Patient verbalized
fluid balance. balance.
that she drink atleast
▪ Apply boundaries ▪ Preventing overeating
6 glass of water.
with clients about behavior that includes
eating habits (three eating secretly and
times daily). swallow food, helps
clients quickly and return
to normal diet “I won’t take
laxative or any drugs
if not
by patient

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