Course Syllabus

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Kalibo, Aklan
JURIS DOCTOR, 1ST Semester, AY 2021-2022
Wills and Succession (WilSuc)
5:30-7:30 PM (Mon)
7:30-9:30 PM (Thu)


[email protected]/0912-541-6868


I. Course Objective

1. At the end of the semester, students will be able to recite the Civil Code
provisions on Succession; and

2. After completion of the course, students will be able to apply the provisions to
factual cases.

II. Course Outline

A. Introduction (Edward Christensen, et. al. vs. Garcia, G.R. L-16749, January
31, 1963)

1. General Provisions (Arts. 774-782)

1.1. Succession Mortis Causa; Important Elements of the definition
1.2. Decedent Defined; Inheritance vs. Succession (Nacar vs.
Nistal, 119 SCRA 29); After acquired properties
1.3. Conditions for the transmission of successional rights; Actual
vs. Presumed death (Jayme vs. Gamboa, 75 Phil 497; Felipe
vs. Hrs. of Aldon, 120 SCRA 628)
1.4. Mixed Succession; Parish Priest of Roman Catholic Church of
Victoria Tarlac vs. Rigor, L-22036 April 30, 1979)
1.5. Distinction between Heirs, Legatees, and Devisees

B. Testamentary Succession (Arts. 783-795)

1. Wills: Essential elements and characteristics

2. Making of a will
3. Kinds of ambiguities in a will; Rules of Interpretation (Villaflor vs. Juico,
L-15737, Feb. 28, 1962); Preference of testate over interstate
proceedings (Uriarte vs. CFI Negros Occidental, 33 SCRA 252)
5. Effect of invalid disposition; Effect of after-acquired properties
6. General rules on validity (Bellis vs. Bellis, 20 SCRA 358)

C. Testamentary Capacity and Intent (Arts. 796-803)

1. Who can make a will; Requisites (Alsua Betts, et. al. vs. CA,
L-4643031, July 30, 1979)
2. Supervening capacity and incapacity

D. Forms of Wills (Arts. 804-819)

1. Kinds of wills; Requirements of Notarial Will (In Re: Will of Siason, 10

Phil 504)
2. Rules if testator is blind, deaf or deaf mute
3. Disqualification of Notary Public
4. Effect of substantial compliance
5. Holographic Will; its Formalities (Roxas vs. De Jesus, Jr., GR 38338,
January 28 1985)
6. Probate of Holographic wills; Effect if lost; Rules for curing defects
7. Formalities of wills executed by Filipinos abroad; by aliens in the
Philippines (In Re: Estate of Johnson, 39 Phil 156)
8. Joint wills; Reciprocal or mutual wills

E. Witnesses to Wills (Arts. 820-827)

1. Qualifications of Witnesses to Notarial wills (Gonzales vs. CA, GR L-

37453, May 25, 1979)
2. Effect of subsequent incapacity
3. Effect if the witness is a compulsory heir

F. Codicils and Incorporation by Reference (Arts. 825-827)

1. Codicil
2. Requisites for validity of documents incorporated by reference

G. Revocation of Wills add Testamentary Dispositions (Arts. 828-839)

1. Revocability of a will (Macam vs. Gatmaitan, 60 Phil 358)

2. Implied Revocation
3. Effects of Revocation
4. Republication; Revival of wills

H. Allowance and Disallowance of wills (Arts. 838-839)

1. Probate defined; Kinds; Effects (Sebial vs. Sebial, 64 SCRA 385; Rosa
Cayetano Cuenco vs. CA,, L-24742, October 26, 1976; Vda. De
Baluyot vs. Luciano, L-42215, July 13, 1976)
2. Grounds for Disallowance of wills

I. Institution of Heirs (Arts. 840-856)

1. Institution of Heirs defined; Requisites

2. Rules for freedom of disposition of estates (Hrs. of the Late Matilde
Montinola-Sanson vs. CA and Eduardo P. Hernandez, L-76648,
February 26, 1988)
3. Designation of heir
4. Preterition; Requisites (In Re: Will of Leodegaria Julian, L-39247, June
27, 1975)
5. Effect of Predecease

J. Substitution of Heirs (Arts. 857-870)

1. Substitution defined; Purpose
2. Kinds of Substitution (De Crisologo, et. al. vs. Singson, L-13876,
February 28, 1962)

K. Conditional Testamentary Dispositions and Testamentary Dispositions

with a Term (Arts. 871-885)

1. Kinds of institutions (Natividad vs. Gavino, 36 Phil 663); Effect of

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impossible or illegal conditions
2. Disposition captatoria; Caucion muciana defined
3. Distinction between executor and administrator (Recto vs. Dela Rosa,
L-42799, February 8, 1977); Modal institutions

L. Legitime (Arts. 886-914)

1. System of Legitime; Purpose (Garcia vs. Orosco, L-35213, August 13,

1978; Vested right to the legitime; Compulsory Heirs; Meaning; Classes
(Tongoy vs. CA, L-45645, June 28, 1983;
2. Classes of Compulsory (Heirs Macadangdang vs. Hon. CA,
L-49542, September 12, 1980); Legitime of legitimate children and
2. Reserva Troncal
3. Transmission of Hereditary Rights of Illegitimate Children; Shares

M. Disinheritance

1. Definition; Purpose; Implications; Requisites

2. Effects of Ineffective Disinheritance
3. Preterition vs. Valid Disinheritance vs. Ineffective Disinheritance
4. Causes
5. Reconciliation: Definition, Characteristics, Effects
6. How Disinheritance is Revoked
7. Representation of Disinherited Heir

N. Legacies and Devises

1. Classification
2. Duty to give Legacy and Devise
3. Effect of Alienation of Legacy and Devise
4. Order of Preference of Legacy and Devise
5. Accretion Defined
6. When Legacy and Devise is without effect

O. Legal or Intestate Succession Devises

1. Legal Succession Defined (Testate Estate of the Late Adrian Maloto vs.
Maloto, L-32328, September 30, 1977)
2. Reason; Purpose; Basis of Legal Succession
3. When Intestate Heirs Can Inherit
4. Basic Principles of Intestate Succession
5. Principle of the nearer Excludes the Farther
6. Relationship – Determination of Proximity Relationship
7. Right of Representation
8. Rules in Adoption; Effect
9. Rights and Obligations in Representation
10. Inheritance by Per Stirpes
11. Order of Intestate Succession
12. Descending Direct Line: Preference
13. Ascending Direct Line: Inheritance by Parents and Ascendants;
Shares of Parents
14. Collateral Line: Rule
15. Illegitimate Children; Iron Curtain Rule (Barrier between Legitimate
and Illegitimate Families (Diaz, et. al. vs. IAC, et. al., L-66574, June
17, 1987; Leonardo vs. CA, gr. 51263, February 28, 1983; Corpus vs.
Administrator, L-22469, October 23, 1978); Order of Intestate

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Succession to the Estate of an Illegitimate Child)
16. Surviving Spouse; Share (Tolentino vs. Paras, GR 43905, May 3,
1983); Concurring with Children, with legitimate parents or ascendants
17. Partial Intestacy
18. Collateral Relatives
19. The State: Escheat Proceedings

III. Class days

August 30, 2021

September 2, 6, 9, 13, 1620, 23, 27 and 30, 2021
October 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, and 28, 2021
November 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25 and 29, 2021
December 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 2021

VI. Exams

Midterms Exam: October, 2021

Finals Exam: December, 2021

VII. Grade Requirement, Procedure and Grading System

A qualifying grade of 75% is required for all students to pass this course.

The following shall be the basis for computing the grades of each student:

Attendance 15%
Recitation 15%
Quizzes, Reporting,
Assignments (digested 20%
cases), and the like
Midterms Exam 20%
Final Exams 30%
Total 100%

The following is the Grading System:

1.0 98-100
1.25 95-97
1.5 92-94
1.75 89-91
2.0 86-88
2.25 83-85
2.5 80-82
2.75 77-79
3.0 75-76
4.0 74
5.0 Failure
7.0 Inc.
8.00 Passed
9.0 Dropped

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IX. Reference

Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated, Wills and Succession Volume III,
Articles 774-110; 2021 Edition (Justice Edgardo L. Paras)

Notes and Cases on Succession, Dean Viviana Martin-Paguirigan, 2020 Edition

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