Compare & Contrast

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Department of English Instructor: Dr.

Afraa Kutbi
Course: Writing 2 Class Handout
Type: Comparison and Contrast ESSAY

What is a paragraph of comparison and contrast technique? (Definition)

Comparison (similarities) and contrast (differences) papers are among the most frequently
assigned kinds of papers and are, at times, difficult to write well. Unless they are planned
carefully, these papers become disorganised, confusing, and worst of all, pointless. The most
common weakness in a comparison and contrast paper is an uncertain or insignificant purpose.

Rules of a Comparison and Contrast Essay

- Make sure that the two things you are comparing are really comparable. That they are
fundamentally similar in a number of ways.
- Narrow your topic to focus on interesting similarities and differences.
- Once you have narrowed your topic, start thinking of the grounds of your comparison
- It is best to have your page divided in half, listing on the left: the similarities (is usually
shorter/fewer), and on the right: the differences.
- The use of conjunctions is very important, like: however, on the one hand – on the other
hand, in contrast to, similar to, contrary…etc.

Structure of a Compare and Contrast Essay

The compare and contrast essay has a rather simple structure but nevertheless it is important to
specify its contents:

Introduction (Introduction is used to choose what will be compared and contrasted and to

identify the major lines of comparison. The introduction must be very bright as it is supposed to
catch the attention of the reader and make the rest of the essay appealing to the reader. One of the
main secrets of any successful compare and contrast essay introduction is adding a surprising
fact or an anecdote on the topic of discussion).

a. Each of the compared points has to be presented in a separate paragraph.

b. Another way is to have the similarities in one paragraph and the differences in another
paragraph, though its more tricky and slightly difficult if you are not very good with
conjunction and strong phrases.
c. The body should be critically read, as each topic sentence has to clearly summarize the
main point of the paragraph.
d. For better result the body should be analysed from the perspective of an independent
analytic, so it should be read a day after it was written or by another trusted person for

Conclusion (Conclusion is used to summarize the key similarities and differences of the two
analysed things. Word for word restatements should be avoided.  The reader is not supposed to
feel any doubt in the compare and contrast essay perspective on the topic).

Compare and Contrast Topics

- Compare and contrast two movies.

- Compare and contrast two people
- Compare and contrast two course
- Compare and contrast two personal experiences.
- Compare and contrast two places.
Example Essay

Differences Between the Daily Lives of Teenagers Today and a Century Ago

Technological progress has boosted both mobility and industrial production levels, while
globalization has enhanced communication around the world and made the exchange of socio-
political ideologies possible. For example, one can refer to the political revolutions in different
parts of the globe; the Arab Spring and the continuing political upheaval in Syria, in particular.
Taking these, and many other factors into consideration, one could say that social processes
today and those about a hundred years ago are almost incomparable. At the same time, particular
social groups, such as teenagers, become overexposed to the effects of these socio-political and
technological changes (Connors 129). This fact can be easily noticed when evaluating modern
youths’ preoccupations, hobbies and behavior, as well as analyzing how they use leisure time,
compared to their counterparts a century ago.

Today’s teenagers use many types of technological gadgets, such as computers, TV sets,
smartphones and tablets—both at school and at home. They also seem to be studying with the
help of technology. Actually, the latter now sometimes takes the place that had traditionally been
left to parents and teachers. This refers not only to the teaching material, but also to social and
communication skills. Young people have become one of the main target audiences for social
media, and waste in an inordinate amount of time on social networks instead of using it to
conduct more constructive activities (Connors 45).

Modern teenagers are also more educated than a hundred years ago. One of the effects of
an easily accessed education is that the youth have become more dynamic and socially active.
They now tend to question and test the norms and traditions of society. By doing so, the youth
have become a source of societal change in many countries; recall the boycotts of university
students in different countries (Silling 256). Due to the fact that teenagers, a hundred years ago,
lacked the access to quality education, they were not so active. Actually, they were more
conservative and adhered to the social norms laid down by society.
Talking about the old times, teenagers a century ago had little, or even no access to modern
technology. They acquired knowledge from parents and through extensive reading, and used
their free time helping their parents around the house, playing outdoors, and so on (Connors 67).
Education, back then, was a facet of society that was not highly emphasized. Access to education
was considered a privilege for male children; and besides, financial difficulties in many
households did not allow parents to send their children to school.

With regard to girls, societal norms a century ago, in the main, would hardly allow them
to perform the same roles as their male counterparts. Managing a household was considered an
appropriate position for women; therefore, girls were mostly confined to the domestic sphere.
However, movements around the globe, in more modern times, have helped alleviate the plight
of girls and women, so that today’s female teenagers can freely explore the same opportunities
and careers as young men.

One can notice significant differences between today’s teenagers and teenagers a century
ago. Today’s youths are more accustomed to technology than their counterparts a hundred years
ago; they are more educated compared to teenagers a century ago. There is also more gender
equality in terms of access to opportunities among modern teenagers. The question now is what
will happen to our youth in the next 100 years.

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