HOPE11 q1 Mod3 Healthrelatedfitnessphysical v5

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Senior High School

(H.O.P.E. 1)
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Health Related Fitness, Physical
Activity Assessment and One’s Diet
Health Optimizing Physical Education (HOPE 1) – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 3: Health Related Fitness, Physical Activity Assessment and One’s Diet
Second Edition, 2021

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Senior High School

(H.O.P.E. 1)
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Health Related Fitness, Physical
Activity Assessment and One’s Diet


What I Need to Know 1

What I Know 2
What’s In 2
What’s New 3
What is It 8
What’s More 8
Notes to the Teacher 9
What I Have Learned 10
What I Can Do 10
Assessment 11
Additional Activities 12


What I Need to Know 13

What I Know 14
What’s In 14
What’s New 15
What is It 15
What’s More 16
What I Have Learned 16
What I Can Do 17
Assessment 17
Additional Activities 18

Lesson 3 – ONE`S DIET 19

What I Need to Know 19

What I Know 19
What’s New 20
What is It 21
What’s More 21
What I Have Learned 22
What I Can Do 22
Assessment 23
Additional Activities 24

Answer Keys 29
Health-Related Components
1 of Fitness

What I Need to Know

Need a little inspiration for a healthier you? Being physically fit is like
involving in a relationship, you are expected to work on your regular exercise, and you
cannot even cheat on your diet and work out. Applying health-related- fitness
components in a well –rounded exercise program supports a higher quality of life since
this is all about your personal health that involves variety of activities which will benefit
your body and your mind. In general, achieving an adequate level of fitness in all
components of HRF is essential to good health.
Remember that our first wealth is our health!

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. execute health related components of fitness test
2. evaluate test results in different HRF components.
3. self- assess one`s strength and weaknesses

This module will guide the students through the content

of the lesson and will undergo assessments as specified by
the teacher such as:
1. Filling out Health Appraisal Form prior to any physical activity.
2. Answer the pre-test before you go to lesson proper.
3. Read the instructions carefully in conducting Health-related fitness test and
provide own equipment in conducting the test.
4. Observe proper safety measures while performing the test and record the test
5.Answer all the assessment to know how much you have learned in each lesson.

What I Know

Activity 1: Pre- Test. Matching Type. Direction: Match column A to Column B.

Write the letter of your choice on the space provided.

1. The ability of the heart and lungs to deliver a. Muscular strength
oxygen to working muscles during physical b. Flexibility
activity for a long period of time. c. Muscular Endurance
2. The ability of your joints and muscles to move d. Body Composition
In full range of motion. e. Cardiovascular
3. The body`s portion of fat, muscle and bone f. Flexed-arm support

4. The ability to use your muscles many g. 90 degrees Push-up

times without tiring. h. Hamstring Test
5. The amount of force your muscles can i. 3 minute step test
produce or exert.
6. The purpose of this test is to measure j. Anthropometric Test
the Body Mass Index (BMI) k. Zipper Test
7. A type of test that measures the flexibility of
Hamstring and hips
8. A test for cardiovascular endurance on how quickly
your heart rate returns to normal after exercise.
9. A test for flexibility of the shoulder joints
10. A test to measure the muscular strength of the shoulder
And upper arm.

t n
Wha t’s In
In previous lesson, we have discussed that during exercise, the
body uses large amount of energy in three different ways. The ATP/ CP system,
anaerobic system and aerobic system. These are the chemical pathways that cope
with energy production and the products of physical work. In general, the relative
contribution from each system depends on the intensity and duration of the activity. A
basic understanding on how our body uses energy during different forms of exercise
is very useful in designing an effective exercise program. Thus, health-related fitness
test are considered the starting point for designing an appropriate exercise program.
In this lesson, we will have better understanding on Health-related
fitness test which evaluate our overall health and physical status. Health and fitness
are two things that we must take care of to lead a good life since being physically fit
has a lot of advantages and is essential to work correctly and live productively. Health
is wealth and we must take good care of ourselves, therefore, let`s strive to be healthy!

What ’s NNew

ACTIVITY 1. Let`s Find Out! Observe the picture and answer the questions below.

• Describe the picture.
• Which type of physical
activity do you usually do?
• What are the benefits of
doing such activities?

In this module, we will learn the value of Health-related components of fitness,

and the HR fitness test.

What is it

Physical fitness is defined as a state of good health as a result of exercise and

proper nutrition. Staying healthy is everyone`s priority. Most people understand that
there are benefits that arise from prioritizing physical fitness because active people
generally live longer and enjoys a better quality of life. The key to achieve physical
fitness for health reasons is to give emphasis on health-related fitness components
when doing work out. It is not defined only by what kind of activity you do, how long
you do it, or at what level of intensity but rather over all fitness which made up of 5
main components. These fitness components focus on factors that promote optimum
health and prevent the onset of disease and problems associated with inactivity. You
can determine if someone is physically fit by determining how well they perform in each
component in HRF.

The Health-related fitness (HRF) consist of 5 components namely;

Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility and
Body Composition.

Cardiovascular Endurance - is the ability of the heart and lungs to work together to
provide the needed oxygen and fuel to the body during sustained
workloads. Physical activity that trains for cardio respiratory endurance
focuses on repetitive, dynamic, and prolonged movements using major
muscles groups.

Muscular Strength - the amount of force muscles can produce. You can train your
muscles to be stronger by lifting heavy weights for a few repetitions.

Muscular Endurance - the ability of muscles to perform continuous without fatiguing.
It is a measure of how long a muscle can withstand a prolonged
contraction or many repeated contractions.

Flexibility - ability of each joint to move through the available range of motion for a
specific joint. It helps to prevent muscular imbalances and allows you to
move about with ease.

Body composition- the amount of mass compared to lean muscle mass bone and
organs. Overall health generally improves when you have lower amount
of fat mass and higher amount of lean muscles.


1. Anthropometric Measurements
Purpose: To determine Body Mass Index
Material/Equipment Needed: Bathroom scale, Tape measure

a. Height. Stand straight, with buttocks and shoulder pressed
against the tape measure. Record the score in centimeters (cm)
b. Weight. Stand straight with weight evenly distributed on the center
of the weighing scale. Record in kilograms (kg)
c. Waistline. Locate your upper hip bone. Place your hands around
your waist, squeezing slightly and then moving your fingers
downward until you feel the top curve of your hips. Place a tape
measure around your stomach above the upper hip bone. Record
in centimeters (cms).
d. Hipline. Place tape measure on the widest part of hip in line with
the pubis.
e. Computation:
e.1 Body Mass Index (BMI) – measure the body mass based on
height and weight that aid in determining weight categories.

BMI = weight in kg.

(height in m)2

Meters is use for height and Kilograms is use for weight. Supposed your weight
is 60 kilograms and height is 1.7 meters; here’s your BMI:

BMI = 60
= 60
= 19.53 (normal)

To identify if you are severely wasted, normal, overweight, obese refer to the table
Below 18.5 Severely Wasted
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25 - 29.9 Overweight
30 and above Obese

f. Waist to Hip Ratio- measure of body mass-based fats percentage by

the relative measurement of waist and hip.
WHR = Waist Circumference (cm)
Hip Circumference (cm)

2. 3- Minute Step Test

Purpose: Test for cardiovascular Endurance level based on how quickly
your Heart Rate returns to normal after exercise.
Materials/Equipment Needed: Stop watch, 12 inches bench box, a
Goal: Step on and off the bench for 3 minutes straight while keeping
consistent pace.

Stand close to 12 inches bench box (or stairs at home) while partner
will set metronome in 96 beats per minute (bpm). When ready, start
the stop watch, and march up and down. You can rest if you need to
but remain standing. When 3 minutes is up, stop immediately get
your pulse rate. Record the exercise Heart Rate:_ bpm

Figure 1. (3 minute-step test)

3. Hamstring and Hip Flexor Test
Purpose: To test flexibility of the Hamstring and hips
Materials/Equipment needed: Protractor
Goal: Keeping both legs straight, lift one leg to the maximum angle with
other leg remains on the floor.
Lie on your back on the floor beside a wall. Slowly lift one leg off the floor.
Keep the other leg flat on the floor. Keep both legs straight. Continue to
lift the leg until either leg begins to bend or the lower leg begins to lift off
the floor. Place a yardstick against the wall to mark the spot where the
leg was lifted. Lower the leg. Using a protractor, measure the angle
created by the floor and the yardstick. Repeat with other leg.

Figure 2. (Hamstring and Hip Flexor Test)

4. Zipper Test

Purpose: Test for the flexibility of the shoulder joints.

Materials/Equipment Needed: Tape measure
Goal: Raise one arm across back with bent elbow reaching down fingers of
the other hand.

In standing position, with your right hand, reach over right shoulder and
at the same time, place your left hand behind your back to try to touch
the fingers of the right hand. Perform the same test in the left hand.
Measure the distance of overlapped fingers in cm, if they fail to meet
score as a minus or <0. Write zero if the fingertips just touched with no
overlap. Repeat the procedure with the other hand. Record the score.

Figure 3. (Zipper Test)

5. Curl-Up

Purpose: To test the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles.

Materials/ Equipment Needed: Mat or flat platform Goal:
perform curl-up with proper pacing

Lie flat on the floor. Bend your legs more than 90 degrees with feet
remaining flat on the floor. Lay down with arms extended at the sides,
palm facing down with fingers extended touching the tape mark. From
that position, curl your trunk up with heels in contact with the floor
until your fingers reach 2nd marker. Upon reaching, lower back to the
starting position. Repeat one-curl up every 3 seconds. Continue the
curl-ups and stop when you are unable to keep the pace. Record the
number of repetitions.

Figure 4. (Curl-Up)
6. 90-degree Push-Up

Purpose: To measure the strength and endurance of the arms and upper
Materials/Equipment Needed: Mat
Goal: To perform proper push-up for Men and Women
Lie down facing the floor, place the hands just outside the shoulders
with elbows bent. Men: Support the body in a push-up position from
the toes with back, hip and legs align. Women: Support the body in
a push-up position from the knees instead of toes, with back, hip and
legs aligned. Lower the body until the upper arm is at right angle or
(90 degrees). Repeat as many times as possible.

Figure 5. Push UP
7. Flexed-Arm Support (Static)

Purpose: Test the muscular strength of the shoulder and upper arm.
Materials/Equipment Needed: Mat, Stopwatch
Goal: Hold the Push-up position not more than 35 seconds.
Follow Push-up procedure 1& 2. From the starting position, lower the
body until the upper arm is parallel to the floor and elbow flexed at
90 degrees. Hold the position as long as possible. Record the
obtained holding position.
Figure 6. Flex Arm Support

After performing each HRF components, below are the guided interpretations
for your score:

Rating Scale for Static Endurance

Waist to hip Men Women Classification Score in Seconds
Ideal 0.8 0.7 High-Performance Zone 30 and above
Low Risk <0.95-0.99 <0.81-0.84 Good Fitness Zone 20-29
Moderate Risk 0.96-0.99 0.81-0.84 Marginal Zone 10-19

High Risk >1.0 >0.85 Low Zone 10

Age 16-26 Male Female

Curl-ups Push-ups Curl-ups Push-Ups

High Performance Can execute Can execute 39 Can execute 25 Can execute 17
Zone 35 above above above above
Good Fitness Zone 24-34 20-28 18-24 12-16

Marginal Zone 15-23 16-19 10-17 8-11

Low Zone 14 below 15 below 9 below 7 below

What What`s Moree

The Health Appraisal Record is designed to determine individual’s safety in

starting an exercise plan. It is important to fill up the form before engaging in any
physical activity.

Name: Gender: Age:

Height: Weight:
Resting Pulse Rate: Blood Type:

Date of Last Medication:

To be further of assistance to you, please answer and/or check the answer of the
following questions.
Any hospitalization/ surgery since last medical examination? (YES) (NO) if
YES, please indicate nature of injury/ injuries?
1. Any injury sustained last medical examination? YES NO
What was the nature of injury/ injuries?
2. Have you had any of the following:
a. Chest Pain or difficulty of breathing on physical exertion? YES NO
b. Frequent dizziness or fainting spells? YES NO
c. Asthma? YES NO
d. Other lung disease? YES _NO
e. Diabetes? YES _NO
f. High Blood Pressure? YES _NO
g. Anemia? YES _NO
h. Kidney Trouble/ Disease? YES _NO
i. Arthritis? YES _NO
j. Gout? YES _NO
k. Dislocation? YES NO
If yes please indicate what part of the body
j. fractures? YES NO
3. At present, do you have lumbar/lower back pain? YES _NO
4. Other ailments which you have at present that may in a way restrict your physical activity?
Please specify
5. Are you now under treatment? YES NO
6. Do you engage in regular exercise? YES NO
7. How often do you exercise?
8. How long do you exercise?
9. When was the last time you exercise?
10.Do you smoke? YES NO if yes, how many sticks a day?
11. Do you drink alcohol beverages? YES NO if yes, how often

I certify as to the correctness of the answers to the above questions.

Name and Signature of Students Date

Name and Signature of Parent Date

Now, you may be getting ready to perform the different health related
components of fitness to assess your strength and weaknesses. Take note that
warming up before exercise is a good way to reduce the risk of injury and to prepare
yourself physically as well as mentally for the said activity. Start with proper

Stretching, warming-up and cooling down after performing the test and make sure
you have comfortable clothing and water.

ACTIVITY 2 : Let`s Begin!

Instructions: Perform the following Health-Related Fitness Test with the supervision
of one of your family members. Record your score in a sample Self-Assessment card
1. Anthropometric Measurement
2. 3-Minute step-test
3. Hamstring and Hip Flexor Test
4. Zipper Test
5. Curl-Up
6. 90 degrees push up
7. Flexed arm support

Self-Assessment Card: Health-related fitness Status

Age: Sex:
Weight: Height:
Waist Hip Ratio
3-minute step test
Push- Up
Flex arm
Zipper Test

What I Have Learned

Activity 3. Let`s Analyze!

Answer the following Questions below based from the result of your self- assessment
1. What is your strongest HRF Component?
2. What is your weakest HRF Component?
3. Which test did you score satisfactory? Poorly? What you should do about it?
4. How important is HRF in participating physical activity?
5. Why is Health related fitness test important in designing exercise program?

What I Can D

Activity 5: Let Me Think!

Direction: Identify the following physical activities by writing the Health-related
component of fitness necessary in doing the task. Write your answer on the table
Fetching water Picking fruits from trees Jogging
Swimming Pulling/Pushing heavy object Skipping with a rope
Aerobic Dancing Planking Body Weight Squats
Raking Leaves Line Dancing

Muscular Muscular Endurance Flexibility Cardiovascular

Strength Endurance

Notes to the Teacher

Answers from Activity 1, 3, and 7 may vary since it requires the students to
answer based on their level of understanding.


Activity 6. Let`s find out!

Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
the statement is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided.
_1. A person who is physically fit can do a day`s work without undue fatigue.
_2. A person is flexible if he can move his body beyond normal range motion

_3. The meaning of body mass is the group of muscles.
_4. In performing body mass test, the student should wear heavy shoes.
_5. The unit of measure used in recording student`s mass is centimeter.
_6. Meter is used for height and kilograms for weight.
_7. The purpose of Zipper test is to test the flexibility of the muscles.
_8. It is not important to fill up the health appraisal record.
_9. Jogging enhances the work of your cardiovascular system.
_10. An active lifestyle could decrease the degree of wellness among

Additional Activities

Activity 7. Let`s begin!

Direction: Give at least 2 examples of physical activities that will help develop the 3
components below.




2 Barriers to Physical Activity

What I Need to Know

Nowadays, the major cause of numerous health issues in our society is the
sedentary lifestyle because many technological advances and conveniences have
made our lives easier and lead us to become less active. People really need to engage
in physical activity to prevent these health problems and maintain a normal and healthy
life. These physical activities have multiple benefits therefore, any activity that gets
you moving, gets your heart rate up, and gives you enough pleasure to do it regularly
is good for you in almost every way. So have fun, be healthy and feel good!
At the end of this lesson you are expected to:
1. identify barriers to physical activity
2. self-assess own ways to overcome barriers to physical activity.

This module will guide the students through the

content of the lesson and will undergo
assessment as specified by the teacher.

1. Answer the pre-test before you go to lesson proper.

2. Read the instructions properly in answering assessment.
3. Answer all the assessment to know how much you have learned in each

What I Know

ACTIVITY 1. PRE-TEST. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Physical activity is good for
a. Preventing bone loss b. helping you fall asleep c. helping manage stress d.
all of the above

2. Which of these is considered exercise?
a. Pleasure walking b. Gardening c. Dancing d. all of the above
3. It is better to exercise alone
a. True b. False c. maybe d. all of the above
4. To help you keep on track with physical activity, it is important to
a. Set activity goal b. drink water c. use cellphone d. call your friends
5. Active living is
a. Having busy social life c. way of life which physical activity is valued
b. About your health problem d. traveling around the world
6. Physical inactivity is dangerous to your health as smoking.
a. True b. False c. Undecided d. None of the above
7. The ability to perform moderate to vigorous levels of activity, and to respond to
physical demands without excessive fatigue.
a. Exercise b. Aerobic exercise c. Physical fitness d. Physical activity
8. A lot of sitting and very little exercise
a. Exercise b. Aeroboc exercise c. Sedentary d. Physical Fitness
9. Why is it so hard to exercise?
a. Too expensive b. Lack of time c. Lack of motivation d. all of the above
10. Being active is good in dealing with stress
a. True b. false c. undecided d. None of the above

What ’s In

In the previous lesson, we discussed the components of health

related fitness and undergo the different types of HR fitness test in which those test are
considered as the starting point to design appropriate exercise program that has a long
term benefit. With that activity, you were able to identify your strength and weaknesses
and the areas which you need to improve. A person stays happier when he-/ she is fit
and healthy that is why we need to engage ourselves in any physical activity to reduce
the risk of having diseases and illnesses. However, some people do not engage
themselves in any physical activity and now you might be wondering why.
Today in our next lesson, we will determine the different barriers
to physical activity and how to overcome those barriers. Changing habits is not easy
but once you start to feel better, you will see the benefits and the changes you`ve made.

Activity 2: Describe the Picture!

Direction: Describe the picture below. Can you tell what causes this person to act this
way? Write your answer on the space provided, beside the picture.

Today, we will be learning the different barriers to physical activity and later
you will cite some ways to overcome those barriers.

What Is it

The role of physical activity in our day to day lives has changed
over the centuries because of modern technological advancement that have made
people less active due to certain barriers to participation. Understanding common
barriers to physical activity and creating strategies to overcome them may help make
physical activity part of daily life. The following are some common reasons why
people remain inactive.
Personal Barriers
1. Lack of interest 6. Lack of encouragement
2. Joint Pain 7. Worries about looks
3. Dislike of going out alone 8. Lack of time
4. Not belonging to a group 9. Discomfort after exercise
5. Lack of energy 10. Social influence

Environmental Barriers
The major environmental barriers are Time, Place, Space,
Climate and Noise. The environment which we live plays a major role on our level of
physical activity. Factors such as Poor street lighting at night and a lack of convenient
places to do Physical Activity, traffic, crime and pollution may also have an effect.
Where we live, learn, work and play appear to have a great deal to do with how active
we are. Creating activity-friendly environment is one way to help people become
inactive such as buildings, streets, and communities that encourage walking and

What` s More

Activity 3. Lead me to Where I am!

Direction: Listed below are examples of physical activity barriers. Draw a line
connecting its type whether PERSONAL or ENVIRONMENTAL barrier.

Lack of Transportation
Narrow sidewalks
Lack of motivation
Noisy Place
Busy schedule
No jogging trails
Lack of sleep
Lack of facilities
Fear of injury

Follow Up Question:
1. While filling out the PAR-Q form, have you encountered physical activity
barrier? Is there any personal or environmental barrier? If yes, please list id

Activity 4: Self-reflection!
Direction: On the table below, list down the barriers you encountered in doing
physical activity.

Personal Barriers Environmental Barriers

Follow up Question:
Cite some ways to overcome situations that hinders you to engage in physical

What I Can Do

Activity 5. Let`s Get Physical!

Direction: Imagine that you are writing an article for a health magazine. Your task is
to write an essay about health awareness and encourage the people to become
physically fit by engaging in physical activity. Your essay should be brief and easy to
read. Write your answer on the space provided on the next page.

Notes to the Teacher

Answers from Activity 1, 4, 5 , 6, and 7 may vary since this is based
on the level of understanding of the student.

Activity 6.

Direction: List down suggestions or ways in overcoming the given barriers below.
Write your answer on the space provided.
Barriers to Physical Activity Suggestions in Overcoming Barriers
Lack of Time

Weather Condition

Fear of injury

Lack of resources

Social Influence

Additional Activities
Activity 7.
Direction: Create a SLOGAN about the importance of engaging Physical Activity.
Write your answer on the box below.


1 One’s Diet

What I Need to Know

If we look at the scenario today, we are surrounded by fast food market with
the onset of food delivery apps because it is tastier and you have nothing to do but to
just wait until your order arrived. However, with this kind of lifestyle we are risking our
lives since it may lead to certain diseases. W hereas, if we will eat healthy foods that
contains the right amount of nutrients, it will have a great impact in on our over-all health
and our body will work effectively. To maintain good health, we must have a balanced
diet. Our diet should compromise all essential nutrients which build up our immunity.
So, do you have any idea on what to learn today? Let`s find out!

At the end of the lesson you are expected to:

1. explain the importance of healthy diet
2. create own recipe to help maintain balanced diet
3. self- assess your food intake.

This module will guide the students through the

content of the lesson and will undergo
assessment as specified by the teacher.
1. Answer the pre-test before you go to lesson proper.
2. Read the instructions properly in answering assessment.
3. Answer all the assessment to know how much you have learned in each

What I Know

Activity 1: Let me think!

Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided.
_1. Variety of foods is important element in a well-balanced diet.
_2. Adding salt to cooked food is a healthy habit.

_3. You can find protein in milk and eggs.
_4. Ice cream contains no fats.
_5. Chocolate gives you lot of energy.
_6. Eating right food can help you grow healthy.
_7. Soft drink is healthier than pure orange juice.
_8. Potato chips are a healthy way to eat potato.
_9. Thirst is a good indicator of dehydration.
_10. If I eat lots of fruit I don’t need to eat any vegetables.

What ’s In
In the previous lesson, we discussed about Barriers to Physical
activity in which we create some strategies to overcome them. Identifying
barriers to exercise is therefore the first important step in preparing to start or
maintain an exercise program. There are lots of reasons for not being physically
active, and we have to remember that being physically activity can influence
total food intake. Eating and exercise go hand in hand, when and what you eat
can be important to how you feel when you exercise.
So today, we will learn to eat a healthy balanced diet which is
important in maintaining good health.

What ’s NN ew

Activity 2. Let me find you!

Direction: Find at least 10 words related to healthy diet. Encircle the words in the
word puzzle and write the encircled words on the space provided below.
Directions are vertical, horizontal and diagonal.

_ __ _
_ __ _

These are the words related to healthy diet. Today we will be learning the
importance of healthy diet that helps to protect against malnutrition as well as non-
communicable diseases and self-assess on your daily food intake.

What Is it
Healthy diet is very essential for good health and nutrition. This
means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right
amount of food and drink helps us achieve and maintain healthy body weight. Eating
lots of vegetables and fruits which are packed with nutrients such as antioxidants,
minerals, vitamins and fiber can protect you against any diseases. It is also important
that people need to watch their intake of food to maintain a healthy diet. Your food
choices greatly affect your health. Here are some ways to maintain a healthy diet:
• Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables
• Eat less fat
• Limit intake of sugar and salt
• Base meals on higher fiber starchy foods like potatoes, bread, cereals, pasta
• Eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other protein
• Drink plenty fluids

An eating plan that helps manage your weight includes variety of foods. Dark,
leafy green, oranges and tomatoes are loaded with vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

` More

Activity 3. MY MEAL PLANNER!

Directions: On the table below, list down the foods you have eaten for the last 3 days
and write on the remarks column whether it is healthy or unhealthy.

DAY 1 Remarks DAY 2 Remarks DAY 3 Remarks


Guide Questions:
1. Do you have a healthy eating habit? Why did you say so? Explain

What I Have Learned

Activity 4. Fill me up!.

Direction: Make a balanced food plan for one day. On the pyramid below, draw at
least 1 food that you selected according to the amounts that we should consume
daily and the nutrients they contain.

The Food Pyramid

Guide Questions:

1. Why is it important to maintain healthy diet?

2. In your self-check, what are some foods you think you should refrain from eating?
3. What are the foods that you should continue eating? Why?

What I Can Do

Activity 5: My Recipe!
Direction: Create your own recipe in making a healthy salad and explain the procedure
and the nutrients that we can get based from the ingredients that you use. Write your
answer on the space provided for.


No tes to T each er
Answers f rom Act ivit y 3, 4, 5 and 7 may vary since
it is based on t he level of underst anding of t he st udent

Activity 6: Multiple Choice
Direction. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Healthy foods will make you _
a. Strong b. sick c. green d. tasty
2. You should eat cookies
a. All the time b. once in a while c. instead of oatmeal d. to grow strong
3. Which of the following is true about the way we should eat to achieve healthy diet.
a. Eat fruit and veggies because it has all the nutrients
b. Do the best we can but take supplements
c. Eat a wide variety of foods
d. Eat only plant products because animal products are bad for our health.
4. A source of simple carbohydrates is
a. Seeds b. brown rice c. fruits d. potatoes
5. The risk of obesity, cancer and heart disease is increased by a diet high in
a. Fat b. saturated fat c. cholesterol d. all of the above
6. The only way to get all the nutrients you need is
a. Drink alcohol in moderation c. eat a combination of foods
b. Eat the same foods over and over again d. vegetarian diet
7. Foods like pizza, burger and noodles are rich in
a. Carbohydrates b. proteins c. vitamins d. minerals
8. Our body needs water every day.

a. 2 to 3 b. 7 to 8 c. 10 to 15 d. 1 to 2
9. Excessive body weight due to over nutrition leads to
a. Rickets b. marasmus c. obesity d. kwashiorkor
10. A diet containing right amount of energy, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber,
vitamins, minerals and water to fulfill requirement of body is called
a. Nutrition b. Balanced diet c. perfect diet d. food pyramid
Additional Activities

Activity 7. My Meal Plan

Direction: Have you scheduled what food you eat for this week? Your task is to
make a weekly meal plan by completing the chart below.

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Youssef, R. M., Al Shafie, K., Al-Mukhaini, M., & Al-Balushi, H. (2013). Physical activity and
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Retrieved May 23, 2020 from https://www.lifestyle-for-healthy-living.com/health-





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