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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in
English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga






“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the students working together

and motivating them, teacher is the most”

-Bill Gates


This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. Allah SWT and prophet muhammad SAW who always bless me and listen

to all my wishes

2. My beloved parents Mr. Nur Saidi and Mrs. Atik Pamnungkas who always

support me materiallyand morally. Thank you for your endless love and

prayer, thank you for raising me up to more than I can be.

3. My all lecture who taught me.

4. My big family always support me.

5. All of my friends in TBI 2016

6. My KKN Family in Sendang

7. My PPL Family in SMP Muhamadiyah Suruh.

8. All my friends. Thanks for the change to know you all.



Praise the author pray the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His

mercy and affection so that the author can complete this thesis. Sholawat and

greetings are always offered to the Prophet Muhammad who guided his people to

the right and just way later. This thesis is arranged by the author to fulfill the

terms and conditions for obtaining an undergraduate education degree. The title of

the thesis that raised the author is this thesis writer cannot be separated from

various parties who have helped and provided support. So with humility, the

authors thank you for:

1. Mr. Prof. Dr. Zakiyuddin, M.Ag. as Rector of Institute of Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga

2. Mr. Prof. Dr. Mansur, M.Ag. as the Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

3. Mr. Norwanto, S.Pd.M.Hum, Ph.D. as Head of the English Education

Departement of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

4. Mrs. Widiastuti, M.Pd as the counselor sincerely and patiently in taking

the time, providing knowledge and also devoting strength to provide

guidance and direction from the beginning of this graduate paper.

5. All of my lecturers in IAIN Salatiga, thanks for teaching me and given a

lot of their worth knowledge to me along of my study in this Institute.

6. All official staff of IAIN Salatiga.

7. My beloved father (Nur Saidi), and my mother (Atik Pamungkas). Thank

you very much for everything. May Allah keep you and give you

happiness. I do love you.

8. My closest friends (Atika Nur Setyani, Qorik Aennusyufi, Dini Wijiati).

Thank you for being my best friend, always to be support system for me.

9. All of my friends TBI 2016.

Salatiga, 15 Oktober 2020

The Researcher

Alfiah Asa Pratiwi

Nim: 23030-16-0159


Pratiwi, Alfiah Asa 2020. An Analysis of Learning in New Normal Era of SMP
Negeri 2 Suruh in The Academic Year 2019/2020.A Graduating Paper,
English Education Department,Teacher Training, and Education
Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor:
Widiastuti, M.Pd.
Keywords :New normal era, Blended Learning, AVM (Audio Visual Method),
Communicative Method

The purpose of this research is knowing determine the methods and

readiness of English teachers in New Normal era. This research generally
answered the: two questions : (1) What kind of learning method that are English
teachers’ do in the face new normal of SMP Negeri 2 Suruh in the academic year
2020/2021. (2) What is English teachers’ readiness in facing a new normal era of
SMP Negeri 2 Suruh in the academic year 2020/2021.
The methodology of the research was qualitative research. The technique
of collecting data were observation, interview, and documentation. The interview
consist of 3 respondents from all English teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Suruh. The
interview to find out the teachers about their method and their readiness to teach
English learning. All of them uses communicative method in face to face or online
learning. When online learning they uses media Whats App Group. One of the
teacher uses AVM(Audio Visual Method) the teacher use many educational
application to make students interesting with the material or assignments like
YouTube and others. Two of the teachers just uses same application that are
Google Classroom and Whats App. In new normal era SMP Negeri 2 Suruh uses
blended learning.



THE ATTENTIVE CONSELOUR’S NOTE ................................................ ii

MOTTO....................................................................................................... v


ACKNOWLEDGENMENT ........................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. x

LIST OF TABLE ....................................................................................... xiii


A. Background of The Study ................................................................ 1

B. Research Questions ......................................................................... 5

C. Objectives of The Study ................................................................... 5

D. Limitation of The Study.................................................................... 6

E. Significant of The Study ................................................................... 6

F. Definition of Key Terms ................................................................... 7

G. Limitation of The Study.................................................................. 11

H. The Organization of The Graduating Paper ...................................... 11


A. Learning Method ............................................................................. 12

B. Method ............................................................................................ 14

1. Definition of Method .................................................................. 14

2. Various Kinds of English Method ............................................... 15

C. Strategic .......................................................................................... 24

1. Definition Strategic ..................................................................... 24

2. The Scope of Strategic ................................................................ 25

3. Learning Strategis ....................................................................... 27

D. Online Learning............................................................................... 29

1. Definition Online Learning ......................................................... 29

2. The Benefit and Use Online Learning ......................................... 30

E. Teaching With Technology.............................................................. 32

F. Previous Study ................................................................................ 34


A. The Research Design ...................................................................... 37

B. Research Setting .............................................................................. 39

1. Place of the Research .................................................................. 39

2. Time of the Research .................................................................. 39

3. Subject of the Study .................................................................... 39

C. Research Subject ............................................................................. 39

1. Populasi ...................................................................................... 39

2. Sample ........................................................................................ 39

D. Data and Source of Data .................................................................. 40

1. Type of Data ............................................................................... 40

2. Source of Data ............................................................................ 40

E. The Technique of Collecting Data ................................................... 41

1. Observation................................................................................. 41

2. Interview .................................................................................... 41

3. Document .................................................................................. 42

F. Research Instrument ........................................................................ 43

G. Data Analysis Technique ................................................................. 44

H. Research Stage ................................................................................ 46


A. Research Design ............................................................................. 47

1. Observasi .................................................................................. 47

2. Interview .................................................................................. 47

3. Documentation of Research ...................................................... 47

B. Data Analysis ................................................................................. 48


A. Conclusions ..................................................................................... 61

B. Suggestions ..................................................................................... 62





Table 3.1 Table of interview question ......................................................... 42

Table 4.1 Table of initial code respondent ................................................... 48

Table 4.2 Table of the answer QA.1 ............................................................ 48

Table 4.3 Table of the answer QA.2 ............................................................ 51

Table 4.4 Table of the answer QA.3 ............................................................ 54



A. Background of the Study

Learning in “New Normal” period will be different from learning that is

carried out as usual. Teachers should increase their competence in mastering

various kinds of creative and innovative learning methods that suitable with the

condition of theirs condition. Acknowledge by Hidayatullah Salim (2020:271),

Learning is a change in behavior which is the process of actively changing

behavior, the process of reacting to all situations that exist around the

individual, the process directed at a goal, the process of acting through various

experiences, the process of seeing, observing, and understand something that is

learned. Learning is the process of interaction of students with educators and

learning resources in a learning environment.

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of

learning and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to

have spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character,

and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation, and country. According to

Undang Undang (UU), Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Sisdiknas) No. 20 Tahun

2003 pasal 1 ayat 1. Argued by Sukasni Agnes (2017:184), education is one of

the key vehicles for the intellectual and professional development of our people

and plays an increasingly important role in supporting a stronger and more

globally competitive. In Indonesia itself in the world of education, learning is

taught based on the curriculum.

A curriculum is what is taught in school. In other words, a curriculum is

a set of subjects stated by Mulenga (2019:5). To define a curriculum as 'what is

taught in schools’ is indeed, very vague. It is for this reason that some often

talk about the ‘school curriculum’ in this general way and they tend to mean by

this the range of subjects taught and the amount of teaching time given to each

in terms of hours or minutes. Such an approach to education seems to limit

learning to the school and then limiting a curriculum to academic subjects.

The curriculum will be used to refer to the learning experiences of

students, in so far as they are expressed on anticipated in goals and objectives,

plans and designs for learning, and the implementation of these plans and

designs in school environments. In this case, the curriculum is used to

reference student learning experiences, shown in the formation of goals, plans,

and designs for learning and the implementation of these plans and designs in

the school environment. It’s mean that the curriculum was a plan prepared to

expedite the teaching-learning process under the guidance and responsibilities

of the school or educational institution and its teaching staff. Furthermore, the

curriculum is a procedure used to support how teaching will be carried out by

teachers. Of course, the curriculum as a reference for learning models will be

implemented later. The curriculum itself has many revisions due to

technological advances and so on. In Indonesia itself, the curriculum has

several revisions.

The curriculum currently in use is the 2013 curriculum. The 2013

curriculum learning process emphasizes learning that emphasizes the

activeness of students learning independently. Students are allowed to build

their knowledge. So here the teacher will only be a facilitator for their students.

The teacher only draws material that will be delivered and students will explore

the material taught but with the teacher's direction. Recently the world of

education in Indonesia has changed since the existence of a pandemic corona

virus. Which made schools closed and learning is only given material through


Explained by Shrikushan (2020:109) Corona viruses are a group of

enveloped viruses with non segmented, single-stranded, and positive-sense

RNA genomes. Apart from infecting a variety of economically important

vertebrates (such as pigs and chickens), six corona viruses have been known to

infect human hosts and cause respiratory diseases. Acknowledge by

Hidayatullah Syarif (2020:275), the cause of COVID-19 does not only have an

impact on the health and global economy. But it affects all sectors, especially

in the education sector. Therefore, it is necessary to take anticipatory steps by

each education unit at the regional level given the number of important

agendas, such as national exams, and selection of higher education entrance.

Stated from KOMPAS Since early January, it is likely that the virus

(SARS-CoV-2) has entered Indonesia, Called Slowing, Expert: Test Ratio in

Indonesia is low it’s just that, the first case system in early March was already

a local transmission and not an important case transmission. The entry of the

virus is very likely to occur through gates in several regions of Indonesia. Since

January, when the new type of corona virus was announced, it can be

transmitted between humans, and has colonized various countries other than

Wuhan in China. Because of that from March to the end of the school year,

June students only learn from home. Learning done so far uses e-learning.

Because COVID- 19 is a virus that can be transmitted quickly through droplets,

so there is a need for social distancing. Therefore closing schools and making

e-learning learning a solution must be done by the government to continue

connecting education in Indonesia. Of course, because this is done

simultaneously in Indonesia, it certainly has benefits and there are still many

obstacles. This benefit will greatly reduce the impact of the virus, and some

obstacles that are still many students who do not yet have the online media

facility. Recently, July has entered a new school year, the government has also

implemented a New normal.

Argued by Buheji (2020:161), The pandemic COVID 19 is going to

affect our socio-economic life for a long time. The accumulation of this world

turmoil is going to be represented by a variety of socio-economic spillovers

that would control the actions needed for maintaining and developing more

suitable livelihoods in the next era, called the ‘new normal’. Explained by the

Dwiyanto Heri (2020:1) of the Task Force Expert Team for the Acceleration of

COVID-19 handling, Wiku adisasmitra “New Normal” is a change in

behaviour to continue to carry out activities normally but added by

implementing health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. With

this start of the new school year 13 July 2020 the world of education also

makes changes with the new normal system. There will be many changes in the

world of education and of course other new policies.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested to do research



B. Research Questions

Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the problems

are as the following:

1. What are English teachers’ methods in confronting the new normal era of

SMP Negeri 2 Suruh in the academic year 2020/2021?

2. What is the English teachers’ readiness in facing the new normal era of

SMP Negeri 2 Suruh in the academic year 2020/2021?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem above, the purpose of the research

is as follows:

1. To know how the method will be done during the new normal of SMP

Negeri 2 Suruh academic year 2020/2021.

2. To find out how is readiness English teachersin facing the era new normal

of SMP Negeri 2 Suruh academic year 2020/2021.

D. Limitation of The Study

This study is only focused on the method that English teachers do in this

new normal era. The information and review of related it’s very few, hard to

find. This pandemic and new normal era will only implement in this year's

academics. The population in this study is only the English teacher of SMP

Negeri 2 Suruh in the academic year 2020/2021. The writer only focuses on

how the method that teachers use in academics of era new normal.

E. Significant of The Study

The result of the study is expected to be able to give some contributions

to the teachers, the students, and the researcher. The following are the

significant contributions of the study:

1. Theoretical benefit

In this research, the writer hopes that can contribute to the

development of research on this research. Hopefully, after reading this

research, the readers will have understanding.

2. Practical benefit

a. The finding of this study can be a reference for English teachers to find

out methods from a new normal era.The finding of this study can be a

reference for English teachers to find out methods from a new normal


b. The research will describe the procedure in teaching English using a new

normal era.

F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Learning method

The concept of learning explained by Corey (Sagala, 2010: 61) is “a

process in which a person's environment is intentionally managed to enable

him to participate in certain behaviors in special conditions or produce

responses to certain situations, learning is a special subset of education”.

The learning environment should be well managed because learning has an

important role in education. In line with the opinion of Sagala (2010: 61)

that learning is “teaching students to use the principles of education and

learning theory is the main determinant of educational success”.

In the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 41/2007

concerning Process Standards for Primary and Secondary Education Units,

it is explained that: “learning is the process of interaction of students with

teachers and learning resources in a learning environment. The learning

process needs to be planned, implemented, assessed, and monitored. The

implementation of learning is the implementation of the lesson plan.

Implementation of learning includes preliminary activities, core activities,

and closing activities”. The concept of learning models acknowledge by

Trianto (2010: 51), states that the learning model is a plan or pattern that is

used as a guide in planning learning in class or tutorial learning. The

learning model refers to the learning approach that will be used, including

teaching objectives, stages in learning activities, learning environment, and

classroom management.

Learning is a change in behavior which is the process of actively

changing behavior, the process of reacting to all situations that exist around

the individual, the process directed at a goal, the process of acting through

various experiences, the process of seeing, observing, and understand

something that is learned. Learning is the process of interaction of students

with educators and learning resources in a learning environment argued by

Hidayatullah Salim (2020:271)

2. COVID-19

Indicated by Shrikushan (2020:109) Coronaviruses are a group of

enveloped viruses with nonsegmented, single-stranded, and positive-sense

RNA genomes. Apart from infecting a variety of economically important

vertebrates (such as pigs and chickens), six coronaviruses have been known

to infect human hosts and cause respiratory diseases.

Explained by Susilo Adityo (2020:45) in December 2019, a

mysterious case of pneumonia was first reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

The source of transmission of this case is still unknown, but the first case

was linked to the fish market in Wuhan.1 From 18 December to 29

December 2019, there were five patients treated with Acute Respiratory

Distress Syndrome (ARDS) .2 From 31 December 2019 to 3 January 2020

this case increased rapidly, marked by 44 cases reported. Not until one

month, this disease has spread in various other provinces in China,

Thailand, Japan, and South Korea. The sample studied shows the etiology of

a new coronavirus.2 Initially, the disease was temporarily named as the

2019 novel corona virus (2019-nCoV), then WHO announced a new name

on February 11, 2020, namely corona virus Disease (COVID-19).

The first COVID-19 was reported in Indonesia on March 2, 2020, in

several two cases.9 The March 31, 2020 data shows the number of

confirmed cases1,528 cases and 136 death cases.10 The COVID-19

mortality rate in Indonesia is 8.9%, this figure is the highest in Southeast

Asia. The health crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak has pioneered

online learning simultaneously. Online learning tsunamis have occurred

almost all over the world during the COVID-19. Teachers and educators as

important elements in teaching are required to undertake unprecedented

mass migrations from traditional face-to-face education to online education

or distance education. This is supported by technological developments that

are not limited to the current 4.0 industrial revolution. Online learning is

effective for implementing learning even though educators and students are

in different places. This can solve the problem of students' delay in gaining


Acknowledge by Herliandry Luh (2020:67), the sudden Pandemic

COVID-19 requires an educational element to sustain online learning. The

current condition urges innovation and adaptation related to the use of

available technology to support the learning process. The practice requires

educators and students to interact and transfer knowledge online. Online

learning can take advantage of platforms such as applications, websites,

social networks, and learning management systems. These various platforms

can be utilized to support knowledge transfer supported by various

discussion techniques and others.

The cause of COVID-19 does not only have an impact on the health

and global economy. But it affects all sectors, especially in the education

sector. Therefore, it is necessary to take anticipatory steps by each education

unit at the regional level given the number of important agendas, such as

national exams, and selection of higher education entrance argued by

Hidayatullah Syarif (2020:275),

3. New Normal

Explained by to Buheji (2020:161), The pandemic COVID 19 is going

to affect our socio-economic life for a long time. The accumulation of this

world turmoil is going to be represented by a variety of socio-economic

spillovers that would control the actions needed for maintaining and

developing more suitable livelihoods in the next era, called the ‘new

normal’.So “New Normal” is a new normal life, meaning that the life we

live normally but with a new lifestyle. The new lifestyle is related to the

application of health protocols such as physical distancing, diligently

washing hands with soap or hand sanitizers, wearing masks, and nutritious

eating patterns. This will happen in all aspects of community life in


Entering “New Normal” learning certainly also returns to normal

learning, learning that takes place at school. Of course, it is necessary to

apply a learning system that can integrate face-to-face learning, online

learning, offline learning, and implementing health protocols (Dwiyanto

Heri 2020:2).

G. Limitation of the Study

This study is only focused on the method that English teachers do.

The information, and review of related it’s very few, hard to find. This

pandemic and new normal era will only implement in this year's academics.

The population in this study is only the English teacher of SMP Negeri 2

Suruh in the academic year 2020/2021. The writer only focuses on how the

method that teachers use in academics of era new normal

H. The organization of the Graduating Paper

The researcher wants to arrange the graduating paper for the reader

can catch the content easily. It is divided into five chapters.

Chapter 1 is the Introduction. It consists of a background of the study,

research question, objectives of the study, definition of key terms, benefit of

the study, limitation of the study, review of related literature and research


Chapter II is a literature review. It contains about the previous study,

theories that relevant toward research, theory description, there is a

definition of Writing and Narrative Text.

Chapter III is a research report. It contains about the general

description of SMP Darma Lestari, the subject of the research, method of

the research, time allocation, procedure of the research, the technique of

collecting data, and the technique of analyzing data.

Chapter IV is data analysis. It contains the result and discussion about

the research.

Chapter V explains the last part of this graduating paper by giving a

conclusion and suggestion.



In this chapter, the researcher explain theoreticaldefinition of learning

method, method, definition of method, various kind of method, strategic, online

learning, blended learning, ne normal blended learning, teaching with technology

and previous study.

A. Learning Method

Explained by Hidayatullah Salim (2020:271), Learning is a change in

behavior which is the process of actively changing behavior, the process of

reacting to all situations that exist around the individual, the process directed at

a goal, the process of acting through various experiences, the process of seeing,

observing, and understand something that is learned. Learning is the process of

interaction of students with educators and learning resources in a learning


The concept of learning according to Corey (Sagala, 2010: 61) learning

method is “a process in which a person's environment is intentionally managed

to enable him to participate in certain behaviors in special conditions or

produce responses to certain situations, learning is a special subset of

education”. The learning environment should be well managed because

learning has an important role in education. In line with the opinion of Sagala

(2010: 61) that learning is “teaching students to use the principles of education

and learning theory is the main determinant of educational success”.

In the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 41/2007

concerning Process Standards for Primary and Secondary Education Units, it is

explained that: “learning is the process of interaction of students with teachers

and learning resources in a learning environment. The learning process needs

to be planned, implemented, assessed, and monitored. The implementation of

learning is the implementation of the lesson plan. Implementation of learning

includes preliminary activities, core activities, and closing activities”. The

concept of learning models according to Trianto (2010: 51), states that the

learning model is a plan or pattern that is used as a guide in planning learning

in class or tutorial learning. The learning model refers to the learning approach

that will be used, including teaching objectives, stages in learning activities,

learning environment, and classroom management.

B. Method

1. Definition of Method

Acknowledge by Dedy Yusuf (2016:166-167) a method is a set of

steps (what to do) that are arranged systematically (in a logical order).

“Learning is a process of interaction carried out by teachers and students,

both inside and outside the classroom by using various learning sources as

study material”. The learning method can be interpreted as a method used to

implement plans that have been used in the form of real and practical

activities to achieve learning objectives. Several learning methods can be

used to implement learning. “The learning method is the method used by the

teacher in making relationships with students during teaching”.

Based on the definition/understanding of the learning method stated

above, it can be concluded that the learning method is a method or strategy

that is continued by a teacher so that the learning process occurs in students

to achieve their goals. The purpose of the learning process is so that students

can achieve the expected competencies. To achieve the objectives of the

learning process it is necessary to plan systematically and systemically.

Added by to Ene Felicia (2013:91-94) that have a various kind of English

method, that are :

2. Various kinds of English methods

a. The grammar translation method

The grammar-translation method (GTM) is about the oldest method

used for language teaching especially for Latin and ancient Greek. These

are today known as “dead” languages, based on the fact that people no

longer speak them for interactive communication. Yet they are sill

acknowledge as important languages to learn (especially Latin). To gain

access to classical literature, and up until fairly recently, for the kinds of

grammar training that led to the mental dexterity considered so important

in any higher education study stream.

b. Overview of ELT methodology

Towards the end of the late 1800s, a revolution in language

teaching philosophy took place that is seen by many as the dawn of

modern foreign language teaching. Teachers frustrated by the limits of

the Grammar Translation Method in terms of its inability to create

communicative competence in students began to experiment with new

ways of teaching language. Teachers began attempting to teach a foreign

language in a way that was more similar to first language acquisition. In

incorporated techniques designed to address all the areas that the

Grammar Translation did not. Namely oral communication, more

spontaneous use of the language, and developing the ability to think in

the target language. Perhaps in an almost reflexive action, the method

also moved as far away as possible from various techniques typical of the

Grammar Translation Method, for instance using L1 as the language on

instruction, memorizing grammatical rules, and lots of translation

between L1 and the target language.

c. The direct method

The appearance of the “Direct Method” thus coincided with a new

school of thinking that dictated that all foreign language teaching should

occur in the target language only, with no translation and an emphasis on

linking meaning to the language being learned. The method becomes

very popular during the first quarter of the 20th century, especially in

private language schools in Europe where highly motivated students

could study new languages and not need to travel far to try them out and

apply them communicatively. One of the most famous advocates of the

Direct Method was the Grerman Charrles Berliz, whose schools and

Berlitz Method are now world-renowned.

d. The audio-lingual method

The next revolution in terms of language teaching methodology

coincided with World War II. When America became aware that it

needed people to learn a foreign language very quickly as part of its

overall military operations. The “Army Method” was suddenly developed

to build communicative competences in translators though very intensive

language courses focusing on aural or oral skills. This in combination

with some new ideas about language learning coming from the

disciplines of descriptive linguistics and behavioural psychology went on

to become what is known as the Audiolingual Method (ALM)

This new method incorporated many of the features typical of the

earlier Direct Method, but the discipline's method above added the

concepts of teaching linguistic patterns is combined with something

generally referred to as “habit-forming”. This method was one of the first

to have its roots “firmly grounded in linguistics and physiological

theory”. This added to its credibility and probably had some influence on

the language teaching methods that followed and can still be seen in the

major or minor manifestation of language teaching methodology even

this day

e. Audiovisual method (AVM)

One of the new methods of teaching foreign languages that evolved

as a result of dissatisfaction with the results of the former methods is the

Audio Visual Method (AVM). The AVM is very slightly different from

the Audio Lingual Method, and the differences ts that the latter includes

visual stimuli, while the former does not. The two methods stress the

spoken language just like the native speakers.

Explained by Ashaver (2013:44) that audio-visual materials help

teachers to overcome physical difficulties in delivering subject matter.

That is, with audio-visual material, communication barriers and distances

are cut. The culture and climatic conditions of other countries can be

brought into the classroom with the help of slides, films, film strips and

projectors. This is important because once the phenomenon is visualized,

the image and knowledge become very clear and permanent. Agreeing

with this statement, a 20th century Chinese philosopher stated that “a

picture is worth a thousand words.”

f. Suggestopedia

In the late 70s, a Bulgaria psychologist by the name Georgi

Loxanov introduced the contention that students naturally set up

psychological barriers to learning based on fears that they will be unable

to perform and are limited in terms of their ability to learn. Lozanov

believes that learners may have been using only 5 to 10 percent of their

mental capacity and that the brain could process and retain much more

material if given optimal conditions for learning. Based on psychological

research on extrasensory perception. Lozanov began to develop a

language learning method that focused on “suggestion” of the limitations

learners think they have and providing the sort of relaxed state of mind

that would facilitate the retent on of material to its maximum potential.

This method became known as suggestopedia (but also rather

confusingly suggestopedia) the name reflecting the application of the

power of “(de) suggestion” to the field of pedagogy. One of the most

unique characteristics of the method was the use of soft Baroque music

during the leaning process. Baroque music has a specific rhythm and

pattern of 60 beats per minute, and Lazonov believed it created a level of

relaxed concentration that facilitated the intake and retention of huge

quantities of material. This increase in learning potential was put down to

the increase in alpha brain waves and a decrease in blood pressure and

heart rate that resulted from listening to Borque music. Another aspect

that differed from other methods to date was the use of soft comfortable

chairs and dim lighting in the classroom (other factors believed to create

a more relaxed state of mind). Other characteristics of Suggestopedia

were the giving over of complete control and comfort.

g. Total physical response

Some 80 years later, in the 1960s, James Asher began

experimenting with a method be called Total Physical Response, and its

basic premise had lit in coon with Gouin's. The methods were to becomes

well known in the 70s, and it drew on several other insights in addition to

the “trace theory” that memory is stimulated and increased when it is

closely associated with motor activity. The methods owe a lot to some

basic principles of language acquisition in young learners, most notably

that the process involves a substantial amount of listening and

comprehension in combination with a various physical response (smiling,

reaching, grabbing, looking, etc) well before learners begin to use the

language orally. It also focused on the idea that learning should be as fun

and stress-free as possible, and that it should be dynamic through the use

of accompanying physical activity. Also had a lot to sat about right-

brained learning (the part of the brain the controlled activities) as

influencing language learning.

h. Oral method after the direct method

The criticisms against the direct method resulted in the oral method

(OM) or compromise method as it is also called. This method came into

use during the period between the first and second world wars (1939-

1945) and incorporates the best features of the direct method. The oral

method, in the main, involves a combination of thorough training

incorrect pronunciation, understanding of spoken language, and the

mental discipline of accurate written work which demands a sound

knowledge of grammar. In the other words, the oral method implies

creating the atmosphere of the foreign country in the classroom, and the

use of the mother tongue for an explanation when the use of L2 would be

either confusing or unnecessarily time-consuming. Indeed, OM has been

described as one which is considered by some progressive teachers to be

one of the most effective methods of instruction in language acquisition.

It has also been described as a method that makes rigorous demands on

the teacher and the learner which in the end are rewarding for both.

i. The natural approach

The approach shared a lot in common with Asher’s Total Physical

Response method in terms of advocating the need for a silent phase,

waiting for spoken production to “emerge” of its own accord, and

emphasizing the need to make learners as relaxed as possible during the

learning process. Some important underlying principles are that there

should be a lot of language “acquisition” as opposed to language

“processing”, and there needs to be a considerable amount of

comprehensible input from the teacher. Meaning is considered as the

essence of language and vocabulary (not grammar) is the heart of


As part of the natural approach, students listen to the teacher using

the target language communicatively from the very beginning. It has

certain similarities with the much earlier Direct Method, with the

important exception that students are allowed to use their native language

alongside the target language as part of the language learning process. In

early stages, students are not corrected during oral production, as the

teacher is focusing on meaning rather than form (unless the error is so

drastic that is hinders meaning). Communicative activities Preval through

a language course employing the Natural Approach, focusing on a wide

range of activities including games, role plays, dialogues, group work,

and discussions. There are three generic stages identified in the approach:

1) Preproduction, developing listening skills.

2) Early production, students struggle with the language and make many

errors which are corrected based on content and not structure

3) early production, students struggle with the language and make many

errors which are corrected based on content and not structure

j. Silent way

Acknowledge by Patil Yogesh (2014:285) “the silent way is a

language-teaching method created by Caleb Gattegno. It makes extensive

use of silence as a teaching technique. It is not generally regarded as a

conventional method in language teaching. It was first introduced in

Gattegno's book “Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: The Silent

Way” in 1963. Gattegno was skeptical of the mainstream language

education of the time, and conceived of the method as a special case of

his general theories of education.”

The method emphasizes the sovereignty of the student. The

teacher's role is to observe the students' efforts. The students are

encouraged to have a vigorous role in learning the language.

Pronunciation is seen as an essential element of language learning. In the

beginning, students start their studies with pronunciation, and much time

is spent practicing it. The Silent Way uses a structural syllabus, and

structures are constantly reviewed and recycled. The choice of

vocabulary is important. Functional and versatile words are seen as the

best. Translation and role repetition are avoided and the language is

usually practiced in meaningful contexts. Evaluation is carried out by

observation, and the teacher may never set a formaltest.

k. Communicative method

According to Mourdant (2019:99) The Communicative Method can

be explained as the “idea that learning language successfully comes

through having to communicate real meaning”. When learners are

involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language

acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the

language at a fluid pace. Communication is said to have taken place if the

information received is the same as that sent. Though technically it is

plausible that students of foreign language courses may have received the

information during the lecture, there are no effective forms of immediate

feedback relayed to the teacher. They are forced to rely on exams and

essays and the process suffers for the delays attendant to the testing

schedule. In the Communicative Method, the continuous application of

material allows for more timely and consistent, and therefore more

effective, evaluation and correction. Within the existing testing calendar,

it functions to provide the salutary side-effect of informal assessment.

Therefore we can begin to see how the communicative method can

improve ways of teaching and using the language, thereby ultimately

improving a crucial area of language teaching and learning. The United

States has the opportunity to make the classroom experience more

meaningful, which is possible with adherence to the Communicative

Method guiding the process. When dealing with the “ideal” second

language learning environment and the communicative approach, there

must not only be an evaluation of its effectiveness but a description of

what it entails for our school systems.

C. Strategic

1. The Definition of Strategy

According Rustam (2015:78-79) explained that the word ‘strategy’

comes from the term strategy. It is an ancient Greek term that is mostly used

for a war that means generalship or the art of war. The word strategies

influence any setting, including education. Oxford (1990:17) also drew

learning strategies into two major divisions. They are direct and indirect

learning strategy in which each of them has three parts. Furthermore, she

mentioned that direct strategy is just like the performer in a stage while

indirect strategy is the director of the play. Both performer and director have

an essential role to reach a successful performance. Performers (direct

strategies) are the main actors that are directly involved in the target

language while the directors (indirect strategies) are indirectly involved in

the target language but they are important for general management in

learning the target language. Direct learning strategies consist of memory

strategy, cognitive strategy, and compensation strategy. Meanwhile, the

indirect learning strategies consist of metacognitive strategy, effective

strategy, and socialstrategy.

2. The scope of strategic

The scope in each of those strategies will be elaborated as follows:

a. Memory strategies

This is a kind of strategy which is claimed by Oxford as the

strategy that has been used for thousands of years, it is also sometimes


b. Cognitive strategies

Different from the previous strategy, the cognitive strategy had

been mentioned by several experts before Oxford did. Cognitive

strategies are described as the strategies that enable the learners to

interact with the material by manipulating it mentally such as grouping

the items or taking notes on important information to be remembered.

c. Compensation strategies

This is valuable for language learners to solve the knowledge

limitation problems both to understand and to producelanguage.

Another three strategies are classified as indirect strategies that will

be elaborated as follows:

a. Metacognitive strategies

This is the first strategy explained by Oxford as an indirect strategy,

which has a function for the general management of learning. The

involved strategies concentrate on centering, arranging, planning, and


b. Affective strategies

Oxford explained that affective strategies are essential to control the

language learners’ learning in the sense of emotions, attitudes,

motivations, andvalues.

c. Social strategies

The last strategy mentioned by Oxford is social strategies. Language

and social behavior are two things that cannot be separated because

the actualization of language is incommunication.

There are three reasons proposed to delineate why language

learning strategies are important. First, learners’ language learning may

become more efficient and effective by using appropriate learning

strategies. Learners take certain actions which have been referred to as

learning strategies to help to learn smoother, faster, and more effective.

Second, the use of language learning strategies, viewpoint, is to fulfill the

goal of facilitating learner autonomy. Since language learning is a

lifelong task and learning the language only through teacher instruction

in the classroom is not enough. Hence, students should develop their

autonomous ability for learning outside the college.

Third, language learning strategies are supplementary means to

solve the difficulties learners encountered in second language learning. In

this way, the process of language learning will be facilitated and

improved with a higher frequency of using appropriate learningstrategies.

In sum, language learning strategies are the causes and outcomes of

successful language learning. Language learning strategies not only help

learners to develop autonomy but also enable them to become good

language learners and make language learning faster buteffective.

3. Learning strategies

It has been mentioned above that because of the different physical and

psychological conditions of the class and the characteristics of students in

Indonesia, a learning strategy is needed. Another reason for the need for a

learning strategy is the limitations of the learning method. As is well known,

teaching or learning methods are a component of education which in the

past received great attention. Now, the focus is shifting from teaching or

learning methods to learning strategies.In English learning methods for

speakers of other languages: Audiolingual Method, Communicative

Methods, Community Language Learning, Direct Method, Grammar-

Translation Method, Natural Approach, Oral Approach, Silent Way,

Situational Language Teaching, Suggestopedia, and Total Physical

Response. These eleven methods can be grouped into three categories,

namely language-centered methods, learner-centered methods, and learning-

centered methods.

The three categories of methods are also referred to as approaches. In

the realm of education, there are two major approaches, namely teacher-

centered learning and student-centered learning. Current learning practices

tend to use a student-centered approach, which is also called flexible

learning, experiential learning, and self-directed learning; active learning

and participatory learning; learner-centered learning, and learning-centered

teaching. The three categories of methods above are included in the student-

centered learning approach.The learning method has the following


a. Method formulated based on ideal concepts

First, the method is formulated based on ideal concepts in ideal

contexts as well. This limitation creates a gap between the formulation of

the method and its application in real learning practices. Thus, the

application of learning methods requires modifications and steps that are

more detailed, flexible, contextual, and creative by the psychological and

physical conditions of the class and student characteristics. These more

detailed, flexible, contextual, and creative steps are called learning


b. Methods are insufficient to explain the complexity of learning

Second, methods are insufficient to explain the complexity of

learning activities in different places around the world. Learning

activities are complex, added Kumaravadivelu, because they involve

factors: teacher cognition, student perceptions, community needs, culture,

political climate, economic conditions, and institutional constraints. The

success of learning depends primarily not on the method, but on the

interactions among these factors. To manage the interactions among

these factors, a learning strategy is needed.

With the limitations of the method, it needs an alternative method

(alternative to the method), not an alternative method (alternative

method). He calls the alternative to this method the post method. The

postcode is a three-dimensional learning system with three parameters,

namely particularity, practicality, and possibility. Particularity means the

learning system is adapted to the conditions of teachers, students,

learning objectives, schools, and the community. A particularity

parameter is the opposite of a one-size-fits-all method. Practicality means

a learning system that can be practiced and has a direct effect in the

classroom (the relationship between theory and practice). Possibility

means a learning system that empowers students to achieve learning

goals, according to Prihartanto (2019:55-57).

D. Online Learning

1. Definition of Online Learning

According to Marianna (2012:2) “online learning”refers to

instructional environments supported by the Internet. Online learning

comprises a wide variety of programs that use the Internet within and

beyond school walls to provide access to instructional materials as well as

facilitate interaction among teachers and students. Online learning can be

fully online or blended with face-to-face interactions. Each of these

approaches is described below.

Online learning has become popular because of its perceived

potential to provide more flexible access to content and instruction by :

a. Increasing the availability of learningexperiences for those who cannot or

choose not to attend traditionalschools,

b. Assembling and disseminating instructionalcontent more efficiently, and

c. Increasing student-instructor ratios while achieving learning outcomes

equal to those of traditional classroominstruction.

Because online learning is serving increasing numbers of secondary

students, it is essential to understand whether, when and how particular

implementations of online learning are equally or more productive than

other forms of instruction. The purpose of this report is to support

educational administrators and policymakers in becoming informed

consumers of information about online learning and its potential impact on

educational productivity. The report provides foundational knowledge

needed to examine and understand the potential productivity contributions

of online learning and reviews the research that describes how online

learning might offer productivity benefits compared with traditional brick-

and-mortar schooling.

2. The benefit and use online learning

Explained by Nguyen (2015:310) one reason why there is so much

discussion around online learning is that there are many purported

benefits and uses of online learning. Some of the most important ones

are: its effectiveness in educating students, its use as professional

development, its cost-effectiveness to combat the rising cost of

postsecondary education, credit equivalency at the postsecondary level,

and the possibility of providing a world class education to anyone with a

broadband connection.Many scholars and educators believe that online

learning can be an effective tool in combating the rising cost of

postsecondary education by spreading the cost of a class over a much

larger number of students compared to the traditional setting, dividing

the cost by tens or hundreds of thousands of students as opposed to


Moreover, the marginal cost of a student in an online setting is

negligible relative to the traditional setting, necessarily constrained by a

number of factors such as the size and availability of the physical

classroom.Intimately connected to this issue of cost and postsecondary

education are the required credits to obtain a postsecondary degree.

Traditionally, students have to earn most of the college credits at an

institution before they are awarded bachelor degrees at that institution.

The point of contention is how online classes will play a role in

awarding credits or credentials, and many educators connected to online

learning are hoping that there will be credit equivalency for some online


Last but not least, there is the hope that online learning will be able

to provide a world class education to anyone, anywhere, and anytime as

long as they have access to the Internet. Central to this particular

benefit—in fact, to most of the purported benefits of online learning—is

the effectiveness of the online format in educating students. If online

learning is generally less effective than the conventional face-to-face

format, then some of the aforementioned purported claims and benefits

of online learning are highly suspect. Therein lies the crux of the issue,

the fundamental concern of online learning and the focus of this paper:

the effectiveness of the online format in educating students compared to

the traditional format. To address this issue, the positive, negative, and

mixed and null findings of the effectiveness of online learning as

compared to the traditional format will beexamined.

E. Teaching with Technology

According to Subramani (2018:20) the objective of this work is to

incorporate technology into teaching-learning methods to create a rich learning

experience for students and rewarding teaching experience for students. The

two educational models practiced across the globe are face to face learning and

hybrid learning the traditional method of teaching and learning is synchronous

and typically involves the employment of a classroom where professors and

students interact within time and space. This model of teaching is called

synchronous. Interactions with face to face and distance learning techniques to

disseminate information to members of a learning community. This type of

learning blends technology based asynchronous teaching methods and the

traditional teaching method. Asynchronous or hybrid teaching has the

following advantages.

1. It motivates the learning process.

2. It offers time flexibility for a part-time job or other assignment holders.

3. It reduces overcrowded classrooms.

The teacher can add more instructions to overtime and maximizes student

learning. The hybrid teaching model Students' perspective is that they can

interact better with the teachers and classmates remain engaged. Improvement

in students' soft skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Compute the

skills and technical skills of students to increase. The faculty perspective is that

they accomplish course teaching objectives better, can re-evaluate course work

material. The effectiveness of in-class activity increases. It encourages out-of-

class learning. Why Technology? Teaching with technology engages students

with different kinds of stimuli to involve in activity-based learning.

Technology makes the material more interesting. It makes students and

teachers more media literate. Technology is a means to justify the end of

composition outcomes and has become a seamless extension of the curriculum

in the classroom. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge captures the

qualities of this new hybrid educator who must find his or her place between

the intersections of these qualities. To most effectively teach technology, we

must model that technology within our disciplines and classes

Any teaching method without destroying the objective could be

considered as innovative methods of teaching. Their searchers believe that the

core objective of teaching is passing on the information or knowledge to the

minds of the students. There are several ways that teachers can bypass the

system and offer students the tools and experiences that spur an innovative

mindset. Education is a light that shows mankind in the right direction to surge.

The purpose of education is not just making a student literate but adds rationale

thinking, knowledgeably, and self-sufficiency. When there is a willingness to

change, there is hope for progress in any field. Creativity can be developed and

Innovative teaching and learning benefits both students and teachers.

F. Previous study

There are several reseaches related to the writing narrative text among


The first was conducted by Nur Afrizah (2018) the first was conducted

by “The implementation of yukblajar as e-learning platform in english

learning at smp islam al- azhar 13 surabaya”. She took that theShe told that

the implementation from the e-learning platform, from access and motivation

she finding that the teacher implemented all aspect in classroom and virtual

meeting, the teacher have the teacher gave the students instruction before asked

them to access YukBlajar. In motivation aspect, the teacher gave motivation to

the students when they got problem in accessing YukBlajar in English learning.

In arriving aspect, the teacher gave the students stimulate to keep them in

onlinelearning. Online socialization: the finding showed that the teacher did

not implement this stage in the classroom and virtual meeting. Information

Exchange: the finding showed that the teacher implemented this stage in the

classroom and virtual meeting. Knowledge construction: the finding showed

that the teacher implemented this stage in the classroom and virtual meeting by

giving the students explanation before asking them to do assignment.

Development: the finding showed that the teacher implemented this stage only

in the first meeting by giving the students homework as to the reflection which

can be part of development. The teacher did not asked the students to make it

after using YukBlajar in English learning both in the classroom and

virtualmeeting.The second was conducted by fitri hidayah (2012) “Penerapan e

learning sebagai media pembelajaran mata diklat pemrograman web kelas xi

teknik komputer jaringan smk n 2 pengasih”. She took that after the feasibility

test was carried out by 5 experts on web programming training, the results

obtained 80.66% of e learning is feasible as a web programming learning

medium.After conducting the research there is a difference between student

learning outcomes using text-based e-learning materials and images using text-

based e-learning only, in the web programming training course. That is, in the

posttest control class the mean (mean) was 7.08, and in the experimental class

the mean (mean) was 8.83, the difference was 1.75. From testing the

hypothesis tcount> ttable with α = 5%, namely 6,679> 1,701 so that the

decision is Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, it can be interpreted that there are

differences in learning outcomes of students who take learning using text and

image-based material with those who take learning using e. learning only text-

based material. The learning outcomes of students who use e learning material

based on text and images are higher than the learning outcomes of students

who use text-based e learning only.



In this chapter, the researcher will explain research design, research setting,

research subject, technique of data collection and instrument, data analysis of

research data. It about how the research take the sample, data analysis, and

research stage.

A. The Research Design

Mohajan (2018:1) stated that qualitative research is inductive in nature,

and researchers generally explore meaning and insight in certain situations.

Furthermore Zohrabi (2013:254) explained, qualitative research is a form of

social action that emphasizes the way people interpret and interpret their

experiences to understand individual social realities. This uses interviews,

diaries, journals, classroom observation and immersion; and open

questionnaires to obtain, analyze, and interpret data content analysis from

visual and textual material, and oral history

Explained by Mason (2002:10) Qualitative research is interesting and

important. It is a very rewarding activity because it engages us with what is

important, in an important way. Through qualitative research we can explore

various dimensions of the social world, including the textures and fabric of

everyday life, the understandings, experiences and imaginations of our research

participants, the workings of social processes, institutions, discourses or

relationships, and the importance of the meanings they produce. We can do all

of this qualitatively using a methodology that values richness, depth, nuance,

context, multi-dimensions, and complexity rather than being embarrassed or

distracted by it. In addition, although not all qualitative researchers have a

mission to produce a ‘general picture’ of how things work, qualitative habits

that are closely related to explanation mean that qualitative research is capable

of producing reasoned contextual crossovers. generalizations, rather than

wanting a thinner, de-contextual version.

As stated by Sutton (2015:226) Qualitative research can help researcher

to access the thoughts and feelings of research participants, which allows the

development of an understanding of people's perceived meanings that derive

from their experiences. Furthermore Ary (2002: 25) stated that qualitative

research is carried out to describe the current status of the phenomena that exist

at the time of the research. Also state that descriptive research design is to

describe groups, activities, or events with a focus on structure.

From the above statement, the researcher conducts a qualitative research

this study describes how the English teacher’s preparation was in implementing

learning in this new normal era. As well as to find out student’s perceptions

about the use of e-learning platforms in learning English for students at SMP

Negeri 2 Suruh.

B. Research Setting

1. The place of the research

The research conducted at Dadapayam, Kec. Suruh, Kabupaten

Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50776. This research will focused on the SMP

Negeri 2 Suruh of English teachers in the academic year 2020/2021.

2. Time of the research

This research was conducted the English teachers from SMPN 2

Suruh. This research conducted on September 2020 by face to face to


C. The subject of the Study

The research was conducted in SMPN 2 Suruh in the academic year

2020/2021 especially English teachers.

D. Research subject

1. Population

Acknowledge by Arikunto (2013:173-174) Population is the whole

research subject. If someone wants to research all the elements that exist in

the research area, then the research is a population study. The study or

research is also called a population or census study. Population research is

conducted when the researcher wants to see all the twists and turns in the

population. Because the subject includes everything in the population, it is

also called a census. The object of the population is studied, the results are

analyzed, concluded, and the conclusion is valid for the whole population.

Population research can only be carried out for reduced populations and not

too many subjects.

2. Sample

If we are only going to study a portion of the population, it is called a

sample study. The sample is a part or representative of the population under

study. It is called sample research if we intend to generalize the results of

sample research. What is meant by generalizing is raising a conclusion as

something that applies to the population. When can we conduct sample

research? New sample research may be carried out if the subject's condition

in the population is truly homogeneous. If the subject of the population is

not homogeneous, then the conclusions should not be applied to the entire

population (the results should not be generalized).

E. Data and source of data

1. Type of data

The type of data used in this study is the main data / Primary data in

this study is to used interview instruments to obtain this data. Researcher

obtained data through interviews with teachers at SMP Negeri 2 Suruh to

obtain more accurate data about the implementation and application of the

methods used and the preparations made during distance learning in the new

normal era in learning English.

2. Source of data

In this study, data sources were obtained from the teachers. Primary

data was obtained by conducting interviews with English teachers at SMP

Negeri 2 Suruh.

F. The Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher used observation, interview, and

documentation technique to answer research questions were follows:

1. Observation

Explained by Wahyuni (2015:25) observation is the selection and

recording behaviours of people in their environment, this method is useful

for generating in-depth descriptions of organizations or events. In this study,

the observation technique used non-participant observation. This means that

researchers are not involved in these activities. Researcher only observe,

listen, and draw conclusions.76 Researcher observe the application of e-

learning in distance learning carried out by English teachers when it is new

to normal. Through this observation, the researcher obtained an in-depth

understanding and insight into the entire distance learning process that was

carried out by teachers and students through e-learning media.

2. Interview

A stated by Arikunto (2013:270), Interviews are often referred to as

interviews or oral questionnaires, which are dialogues conducted by the

interviewer to obtain information from the interviewer. Interviews are used

by researcher to assess a person’s condition, for example, to find data on

student background variables, parents, education, attention, attitudes

towards something. In this study, interviews were used to obtain

information about the preparation and learning methods used by the English

teacher.Broadly speaking, there are 2 types of interview guidelines

a. Unstructured interview guidelines

An interview guide that contains only an outline that will be asked.

Of course, the creativity of the interviewer is very necessary, even the

results of interviews with this type of guide depend more on the

interviewer. The interviewer is the driver of the respondent's answer.

b. Structured interview guidelines

Namely, interview guidelines which are arranged in detail so that

they resemble a checklist.

The interview guidelines used in this penile are “semi-structured”.

In this case, the interview first asks a series of structured questions, then

one by one is deepened to get more information. Thus the answers

obtained can include all variables, with complete and in-depth


The list of interview questions:

Table 3.1 Interview Question

No Question
1 What was the method used in learning English before the pandemic COVID-
2 What methods are used in during learning?
3 What preparations are made before implementing learning during a pandemic
and before a pandemic occurs?

4 How the steps are involved during the online learning implementation of the
5 What are the preparations before facing learning during in new normal era?
6 How prepared are you for learning this pandemic?
7 During the implementation of learning in this new normal era, are there any
8 What obstacles to face?
9 In your opinion, how about the implementing this distance learning during
the new normal era?

3. Document

The document is written notes which the contents are written

statement that is arranged by someone or institution as a data source. In this

study, researchers used documents such as videos, researcher notes, and


G. Research instrument

According to Arikunto (2013:203), instrument research is a tool or

facility used by researchers in collecting data so that their work is easier and

the results are better, in the sense that it is more accurate, complete, and

systematic, making it easier to process. Variations in the types of research

instruments are questionnaires, check-lists or checklists, interview guides,

observation guidelines. The check-list itself has various ablutions. Thus, it can

be said that “researcher in applying research methods use instruments or tools

so that the data obtained is better”. The choice of research methods and

instruments is very much determined by several things, namely: research

object, data sources, time and available funds, number of research personnel,

and funds that process data when it is collected.

For the interview method itself, the instrument needed itself is:

1. Interview guidelines

2. Documentation

In determining data sources, types of data collection methods, and

research instruments, researchers need to consider several other things, as

already mentioned, namely energy, time, funds, and supporting and obstacle

factors. But for the first step, to finally get the right method and instrument, the

researcher should think about the ideal first, then consider these factors.

H. Data analysis technique

The process of analysing data in qualitative research is carried out during

data collection, and after completing the data collection in a certain period. At

the time of the interview, the researcher had done an analysis of the

interviewee’s answers. After collecting the results of observations and

interviews, in analysing the data the writer took the following steps.

1. Data reduction

Data reduction means summarizing, choosing the main things,

focusing on the important things, observing the themes and patterns. Thus

the data that has been reduced will provide a clearer picture, and make it

easier for researchers to carry out further data collection, and search for it if

necessary. After the researcher conducts an interview with the subject or

source, the researcher then summarizes the results of the interview, selecting

data or information based on what we are looking for or based on the

formulation of the problem that the researcher determines.

2. Data display (data presentation)

The data analysis can be done in the form of a brief description, began

the relationship between categories, flowcharts and the like. In this step of

analyzing, the researcher presents the data in the form of a short description

or categorizes so that the data obtained is clearer.

3. Conclusion drawing

The third step in analysing data is drawing conclusions and

verification. The initial conclusions put forward are still preliminary, and

will change if no strong evidence is found to support them at the next data

collection stage. The final step in analyzing is to draw conclusions from the

results of our research, namely from the results of the interviews and from

observations in the field.

In this research the researcher collected data by using interviews and

documentation. The data analysed in a descriptive qualitative approach. Then,

the researcher presented the data in the form description. Nasaji (2015:129)

stated that, the goal of descriptive research is to describe a phenomenon and its

characteristics. This research is more concerned with what rather than how or

why something has happened. To answer research questions number 1 and 2,

the researcher analyzed the data collected through interviews.

Researcher conducted in-depth interviews with English teachers at SMP

Negeri 2 Suruh. This interview was about certainly the learning methods used

after this new normal, and the readiness of the teacher in facing learning

situations in this new normal era.

I. Research stage

First, the researcher formulated the title and research questions based on

the phenomena that occurred around the world regarding the Covid-19 (Corona

Virus Disease) pandemic, and its impact on the world of education, especially

for English teachers at SMP Negeri 2 Suruh. To clarify the problem in this

study, researcher came to this school by conducting preliminary research on

June 20, 2020.

Second researchers will collect data through interviews with the English

teacher at SMPN 2 Suruh. Researcher hope this is important to do to find out

how much impact this pandemic will have on education, especially this is

something that has never been done simultaneously in Indonesia itself.

Finally, the researcher wrote this research report by reporting the results

and research findings based on the data obtained from the research. The study

reports the results of this study in the form of a thesis.



In this chapter consist of the answers and classifications of the research

questions in the first chapter. The researcher explained finding data and data

analysis. The finding data from observation, interview and documentation.

A. Research Design

The researcher researched from September - October 2020. For

answering the research question in this study, the researcher used three

instruments for analysing the data. Based on the result of conducting

observations, giving questionnaires, and doing an interview that already did by

the researcher. In this chapter, the researcher mentioned the result of

observation and interview.

1. Observation

The researcher observed by using face to face interviews, the

researcher looked at the respondent's data in September and October 2020.

Then the researcher got the respondent's data of English teachers at SMP

Negeri 2 Suruh. Thus, the researcher chose all of the English teachers as

respondents in this research. The observation data based on the table 4.1

2. Interview

In these sections, the researcher interviewed to know an analysis of

learning English in new normal era of SMP Negeri 2 Suruh academic year

2020/2021. The interview was conducted by face to face to interview. The

interview on the table 4.2

3. Documentation of Research

In this section, the researcher collected the documentation of the

research to find out the proof of this research. The researcher conducted

documentation by face to face interview.

B. Data Analysis

In this research, the data analysis consists of collecting data of

observation and interview research. Here the following are data.

Table 4.1 Initial code respondent

Respondent number Initial code respondent’s name Respondents


Table 4.2Table of the answer of QA.1

Number Answer
The usual method is like the 5M method (scientific approach), the
1. scientific approach now extends as freely as it is as long as the
student’s condition is following the teacher’s condition, like that.
But in essence, the methods are almost the same, for the methods
such as building contrition a text, modeling, join construction, if I
prefer to go to that. Before and after the pandemic is the same
method I did, but now the media is different.
The method is still the same, so when I was building construction,
2. the method was the same but the media was different.
First, prepare the material you want to sent, well, this is the PJJ
3. (distant learning) material.First, prepare the material that you
want to send tomorrow.What is the problem if it is not prepared
before, thathappen with me.Once I have schedule of activities I
want to send at eight AM, the electricity was extinguishedand I
can’t share the material. From that I can learn that it must be ripe

already so something like this later can’t happen again. So
students can understand or not, well in material it must be

4. First, prepare the material, the material must be sorted and

selected.The problem is like, for example, such as personal
pronoun material, it is not possible to conduct distance learning
(distance learning) for the material.

The second is the media for packaging the material.When I share

it in Google Classroom, for example in the form of files, many
word files can’t be opened in Smartphone students.Then I take
screen shoot, and many students chat privately, they say
that“miss I can’t open the file”. So yesterday I sent 2 times, one I
sent to Google Classroom, the other one was the Whats App
Group which the students who couldn’t open the file in their
phone, I sent the screen shoot.

Preparations well as usual, but added pulses and signals more.

5. Like the usual materials and media, it has to be prepared now, but
that’s an additional application. The application itself, if there is
no signal, there is no quota, it can’t work.

6. The first is parents who are not supportive, because there has
been an incident when the student has not gather assignment.
Then the student answered “my phone was taken by my mother”
then I said “why?” the student replied, “I don’t know”. It’s mean
the parents are not supportive, but I don’t know the background
was confiscated or why, but if it’s like that it should be under
supervision, maybe the students is borrowed.

Second, the quality of the phone that doesn’t support, can’t

download the file.

Third, in Cukilan areasonly signals Telkomsel is strong.

The fourth quota runs out, there is no data connection, then when
there is no supervision from parents, students also play games
instead of YouTube, and so on.

The five is the evaluation for students. In my opinion when I

correcting the evaluation, it is possible to have multiple choices,
then if the multiple-choice Google Form has come out, the value
is correct, so it’s easy for teachers.But when I evaluate in
speaking skills, I can’t evaluate with writing text, it's too difficult
dizziness because reading children's writing is diverse, let alone
send it through.Many student’s smart phone not support with
folder or something, that's my limitation

7. The first is to control students. I always say with my students that

“why you not do your assignments”, “what you do at home”,
basically it’s important to control students.

The two is attendance to students as best as possible. make sure

ask question about the answer from the evaluation inWhats App,
like “How about this, you can’t do your assignment?” well the
solution is still offline.Tomorrow I will give sheet paper because
at the beginning of the semester face to face with students every 2
weeks, and they do their assignment.
The only advantage is that we are technology literate. Previously,
8. I was never make a group from Whats App, there was never an
education application and so on.Now learning is forced to make
easier, so the mindset must be well prepared. Because face-to-
face learning is like we study from the book.It’s like what we
learn yesterday from the bookmaybe the last learning about
personal pronoun, now I want to change chapter with my family
members for example. I have been teaching for a twelfth years,
no need to open a lesson plan, don’t have to open a book, even a
much page, I memorize that. But now if I have to make material I
must to prepare first, in advance it has been scheduled to be
uploaded if the signals fails or something, it must be well
There are pluses and minuses but I prefer face-to-face English
9. only when it has to be like that, so reading continues, even
though we have 4 skills that must be fulfilled, when speaking,
send voice notes, for example, we don’t know the student’s reads
or not.If I told to send the video, so students was say that it has a
lot of quotas to send. Also, in writing skills, if their write a wrong
punctuations in the letter,almost all of students have bad writing
so, it easy if I scribble on their paper using red pencil and so on,
we can’t find it directly. If reading is more easy, I command
students to read the text and sent to the students, finished that’s
all. Moreover, those who are listening, just open the game.

Table 4.3Table of the answer of QA.2

Number Answer
Before the coronavirus attack in Indonesia first of all I used
1. teaching-learning process in face to face teaching-learning
process in the face teaching process as usual and then for the
assignment like the usual I give the question something like that
or maybe on a normal day we have discussion class and of course
I give them homework so that in the next day they come to me
and then I correct them, just like that in before the pandemic.

2. You know is like we are not a lot to see each other not a lot to
come to school teachers and the students. The teachers also have
a shift like you know it’s like teachers only come to school two
times a week ore sometimes. And then we just for online learning
we just pos the assignment for material and Google Classroom.
And then I let the student’s write the material in the Google
Classroom, and then after that, I just asked them to see what
exercises I post in Google Classroom. Well, they just do the
assignment. Sometimes its a dilemma for teachers teaching
online, something like that. Because you know on a normal day
as u can see that it also one student absent, this is for the

teaching-learning process in the school. But then we talk about
the online process it’s very difficult for a teacher to know to get
student’s attention to do their assignment. So if you talking about
the presentation maybe 85% of students do work or do their
question, so because I always give them 2 form Google
Classroom, the first one is attendance form the second one is the
material and the third one is the assignment. So from the
attendance form 85% but for the assignment is lest for 50%.

Of course, as a teacher, we make a lesson plan that is a must to

3. the teacher. The second one is the material. Syllabus first, lesson
plan, material after that you have to prepare an assignment to
evaluate your students. That’s all the preparations, as usual, that’s
what teacher’s do before the pandemic. But then after the
pandemic as a teacher a must for a teacher to attract the students
in an online session. You know if before the pandemic I only get
the material from the books, but then when the pandemic I have
the video and posting the YoutTbe first one, and then the
secondary the material, I make it more interesting to attractive
student’s interactive by using book creator. After that, I also
make a game so how to evaluate student’s learning is not only
give them the assignment, you can change into fun way as
teacher learning you can make a game, I make a game using
word wall education that application to make a game and then
after that I for an assignment I use Google Classroom. I put a lot
of questions there, assignment, exercise. And then another one is
also quizzes, I also use quizzes application, genius application, so
I over to try all the applications that we can use the evaluate the
students learning so that all. But you have to get reminded that
even we are in the pandemic we are still to make a lesson plan, so
we make to lesson plan, we named it blended learning in SMPN
2 Suruh, we use blended learning process. What is blended
learning? blended learning has for online learning and the face to
face, so that's why teachers have to make lesson plans as sweetly.
First, after I prepared the lesson plan and then material and
4. assignment so online class the first one is I always announce how
the schedule to my students in Whats App Group, and then after
that, I also made the discussion answer section by direct message
if there is something that you don’t know you can let me know by
sending me to message directly something like that. And then
after that, I let them once again all of the teaching processes we
only use one platform Google Classroom, but as u can see that
one the Google Classroom is also can put the link to another
website. For an example word wall, quizzes, and something like
that. We just put the link on that, so I always remind the students
to open the Google Classroom and then find the material the
assignment there. And ya, as I say before I give them time to
work the first section is I always say that you only have two or
three hours to work, to do to finish the work. And then after that,
I evaluate and after that, I open the second section to answer so
basically literally we have a second hour in a day, the students
have 24 hours to finish that the task or assignment. Tha’s all I

mean just announce them the schedule then asked them to open
Google Classroom something like that.

5. Like I say before, being active in the Whats App Group because
we have attended, question section there and then just prepare all
the material paper online nothing I can do except make the online
assignment, make material, I mean not only make material, a fun
material who attacked students to read, because I don't like to
write something like this (see the book full of text) I prepare to
watch something that has a picture on it or maybe a song or video
or something like that. So I make fun way material. I make a
video by myself and I post on my YouTube channel so that I can
give them the link and then they open, that’s for the materials, but
then sometimes I give the video learning, English video learning
on YouTube, sometimes I give them materials but not in a way
form like this. I make a book creator so there is a picture on my
explanation and then just like that, so it doesn’t mean I never give
them material like a book. I did, but the very rear, I mean maybe
one or two times I give them material like that. We don’t use the
LKS so all the assignment is made from the teacher, something
like that.

6. There is a lot of obstacles like I say before. They just, you know
they know that I already post the materials and assignment they
do present, but they don’t attend enough on the assignment, you
know it's like I found it as fun I think because that ooh I know
that my teacher that already announced in the group. Okay, I read
(it mean the students) because you know right when you post on
Instagram or YouTube you can see who already read something
like that. I have to checklist blue coloured on that so its means
that all of my student’s read my chat but then they know and they
also fell the present form “yes I present” something like that but
they don’t do the assignment hats the most usual thing that we
can see we found during the teaching-learning process. And the
second one is the willingness to read the material is so hard to ask
the students to just read the materials because they always say
“miss I don’t have any quota, bla..bla..bla..” but then as we can
see there is a some provided give you free quota Telkomsel,
Indosat, or something like that. They get to form a government
free quota for student’s and teacher’s they already get it but they
still like they don’t have any quota because they prefer to play the
game online or their social media, they always lot of a reason to
say ooo.. blablabla.. that’s happen, something like that. There is
an obstacle that is also for teachers to give them evaluations
because we cannot measure the student’s understanding by giving
them an assignment. If you come to class you can see how the
reaction to work your massage you can see what they active class
teacher to give the evaluation.

You have to be talk to the active teacher in the group, you know
7. it’s like you have to be maybe they will think that “Ohh.. miss
Maya what you talking about?” but then you have to do that I
mean you have to be talk active to reminds them. “Hey you don’t
need to wonder about the quota pr something like that, because

the government already give you for free”. Because you have a
lot of time in your home then there is no reason to not do the
assignment from the teacher. So we have to even like I say before
we already give them the second option if they can do the online
they can come to the teacher directly so I always remind that. If
you say what I did to overcome that I will just always talk active
communicative and then always reminding about the online class
something like that.

8. The advantage is all but then the teacher form the teacher's point
of view the advantages is this, this is the most important that
teachers push to make interesting and attractive materials. The
second is teachers are pushing the being creative. I mean trying
applications one, two, three applications so that’s not only in
Google Classroom. Because we need used that before right, so
this is the first time especially for the teacher four older teachers.
I can say that its difficult for an older teacher to dealing with the
programs or something like that but for them for editing video on
YouTube is difficult for the adult teacher but I am still young is
not a big deal for me, this the most challenging part I mean
dealing with IT starts is difficult for a teacher who in the age off
maybe we can say for they something. And then the students also
the same as the teacher I mean they learn how to their skills in
using IT properly when you have a smart phone on your hands is
not only use for chatting, or social media something like that.
You can see that your smart phone is used to get a lot of
information. I mean it open student’s mind phone is useful not
only chatting social media or something like that but also get a lot
of information. And then for the student’s point of view the
advantages they try to manage their time to study and be
responsible for what they have to do, we don’t have to do.

Its only one words is challenging, I think challenging is the most

9. appropriate word to say. Because is not challenging for the
teacher them self but also students challenging. Because as a
teacher we have been creative I mean weeks one, we give them
the material and then they don’t like to read, even they see this
kind of material they don’t want to do that, and then for the
second weeks we to change the material’s maybe you can make a
video that can of creativity that you can do right. So transforming
the written text into a video that challenging. And also after that
assignment, the students are challenging you to know this is PTS
were already did the PTS last week by online but then most of
them bad write, that way this week we have the pts face to face,

Table 4.4Table of the answer of QA.3


1. The method often use is the scientific approach

2. Our online method (distance learning) use Google Classroom.

3. Before the pandemic, of course, before we make lesson plans,

syllabus preparation, KD mapping]

After the pandemic is still the same, yes, make lesson plans, KD
statement, and syllabus during the pandemic, and modules.

4. First, of course, we give Google Classroom, then give the

student’s code for Google Classroom. Provide material to the
Google Classroom after that give quizzes or questions to the
Google Classroom.

5. Prepare health protocols including hand sanitizer, hand washing,

wearing masks in the classroom. Student’s only enter halfway
than usual, 1 table 1 student (because in SMPN2 they are told to
face to face)

6. There are obstacles, not yet fully meeting health protocols.

7. Reminds us to maintain health protocol.

8. The obstacle is of course the internet network is less accessible,

not all students’ have smart phone, the readiness of student’s to
use smart phone.
It’s good when teachers and students fulfill and can increase the
9. use of IT

1. The learning method that English teachers do in the face new normal of SMP

Negeri 2 Suruh in the academic year 2020/2021.

In the interview, it can be seen that each teacher has their method for

teaching students in this distance learning.

a. MY

She uses book and students worksheet as a media during face to face

learning. However, for this distance learning, she uses two methods in order

to support the students more interested to the material. She prepared the

material by using some media such as: video, song, and others. Not only

that, she provides the material and makes different assignments. Forthe

assignment can also be from the word wall application or given quizzes and

other applications, that can make the lesson interesting. She explained that

this was very challenging and the researcher thought she liked the method of

using technology so that she was better prepared to use the various methods

related to technology. She liked something interesting, it means that her

students also want the same thing.

b. EN

The scientific used before and after the pandemic are also the same

using the “scientific approach”, but she emphasizes that the media are

different. She has to prepared new material again, because usually face-to-

face learning only uses books or worksheets. Different from MY, she doesn’t

use much of the education application, only uses Google Classroom and

WhatsApp to provide material and assignments. EN stated that evaluation in

online learning was more difficult because according to her,English has four

skills there are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. So it is difficult to

evaluate because the teacher does not seed directly how students do the task.

c. AG

AG is the same as EN, he uses scientific approach before and after the

pandemic. Starting from the material and assignment he uses the same

method. For online learning, he only uses Google Classroom and WhatsApp

to provide material and the assignments.

From three teachers, the researcher observed that in distance learning

MY uses AVM (Audio Visual Method) and for face to face learning all of

them use communicative language method with the scientific approach. The

example of AVM is the teacher uses video or YouTube, educational game

for teaching online learning.

Explained by Ashaver (2013:44) that audio-visual materials help teachers

to overcome physical difficulties in delivering subject matter. That is, with

audio-visual material, communication barriers and distances are cut.

The teachers said that by using video YouTube and education game, the

students can interesting. With the existence of YouTube, of course, which

controls the visuals, watching learning videos will certainly be more

understandable than reading books. Learning strategies that can be used as

references in the teaching and learning process, and of course, become a

modern learning. So, YouTube is an import for students especially when the

video provided is made by the teacher himself, so that the teacher understands

more about the material to be given. The teacher gives YouTube made students

who watch it like learning as usual in class, create a new atmosphere in

teaching and learning.

Researcher observed that all of English teachers from SMP Negeri 2

Suruh used communicative method in face-to-face learning or online learning.

When they taught face to face learning, they try to make their students involve

in communication method the teachers used guided book and LKS, as for

online learning they use Whats App Group, Google Classroom, Word Wall

application, jenius application, and book creative.

It can be concluded that during new normal era, SMP Negeri 2 Suruh did

blended learning. Blended learning is suitable with the conditions of learning

during the new normal era because it can require the creativity and innovation

of teachers in teaching learning process.

There are several method uses by English Teachers in SMP Negeri 2

Suruh for implementing blended learning, including; face to face, independent

learning by using application, tutorial activities and evaluation.

2. The readiness of English teacher in facing a new normal era of SMP Negeri 2

Suruh in the academic year 2020/2021.

a. MY

She is very challenged by online learning, she does her best to used

educational applications. MY said she is younger teacher and she tries to

make material or assignments become interesting to students. MY is very

ready to do online learning, but her students are opposite of her. They are

not ready to do online learning because they do not have the motivation to

learn. Schools or teachers provide a lot of dispensation for students who feel

difficulty in facing this online learning. For example, MYalways send

announcements before her shares material on the Whats App group. MY

hopes that students will find out if that day there will be a distribution of

materials or assignments. For students who cannot send their assignments

from Google Classroom MY said that they can collect their paper at school.

But students still have many reasons for not doing that. If there are

questions from material that is unclear, students are also can contact her.

b. EN

She said that she only uses Google Classroom and WhatsApp Group.

She must prepare the material early, there must be in-depth preparation for

teaching through this online learning. The same as MY she said that it was

difficult to take evaluations, because according to her it was easier to meet

face to face directly to correct student’s answers through books, she said

students writing was familiar and that made it difficult to correct. Moreover,

language learning using 4 skills, if it is evaluated, the teacher has to be


c. AG

AG also uses Google Classroom for this online learning preparation,

both for material and exercise, he uses Google Classroom and Whats App

group to make sure students do their assignments or read their materials.

Researcher observed that from the interview MY is better prepared,

than EN, and AG. It could be found that MY is very detailed about what to

prepare, what to do in the first week, what to do in the second week, she has

already prepared it. Even the use of the education application, she uses

various applications, such as Google Classrooms to deliver material or

placing links for materials, YouTube, Word Wall, Quizzes, and something

like that. MY made YouTube videos for material and she recorded by

herself. For assignments, she also provides exercises but sometimes quizzes.

For EN and AG, it is the same as using Google classroom, the materials and

exercises are made in that platform.

From three teachers, the researcher observed that all of them are ready

with blended learning in new normal era, but the media that they made were

different. Researcher found that two of teachers have not known many

applications of education that they used.

The researcher concluded that the readiness from teachers in teaching

by using technology must be enhancing, because only one teacher mastered

technology. Teaching with technology make students get more experience

educational application from teachers.



A. Conclusion

Based on discussion and analysis data was conducted starting chapter I

until chapter IV, the researcher concluded as follows:

1. The English teachers’ methods in confronting the new normal era does in

the face new normal.

Based on research and discussion of the teachers, they used scientific

approach method. For method they use AVM (Audio Visual Method) and

communicative method in New Normal Era, SMP Negeri 2 Suruh uses

blended learning. In online learning one of the teacher used AVM (Audio

Visual Method) thought media YouTube, education game and others. For

face to face and online learning all of English teachers used communicative

learning, when online learning they uses Whats App Group and Google


2. The readiness of English teachers in facing the new normal era.

Researcher observed that all of the teachers are ready about blended

learning in new normal era to teach their students. What make difference is

how teacher used their media. Furthermore, just 1 teacher used various

educational applications to share about the materials, assignments or quiz.

Two of the teachers used same application, Google Classroom and Whats


B. Suggestions

1. Teachers

Researcher observed that allthe teachersare ready with online learning,

but which make a different is their media. Furthermore, if the teacher can

made materials and assignments with different media it can be more

interesting. Teachers must to try to improve any education application to

make sure students active and have high spirit to face their materials or

assignments. Moreover, any education application maybe make involutes

for teachers, but hope all students more interesting with the material, make

sure they can understand about that, and make assignments more fun for

them. The point is, whatever the media used for teacher it make sure that

students can understand about the material to be provided. For blended

learning it must to be prepared again because in blended learning have six

elements must be presented explained by Dwiyanto (2020:2) face to face,

learn to be independent, using application, activity tutorial, cooperation,

evaluation. The last is about teaching technology, in this modern era it’s

important to know about technology, so in this situation teacher and

students to can together get more information about teaching technology.



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Author: Ellyvon Pranita. Editor: Sri Anindiati Nursastri
( The researcher interview with English teacher)

( The researcher interview with English teacher)

( The researcher interview with English teacher)

Name : Alfiah Asa Pratiwi

Students Number : 23030160159

Gender : Female

Place and Date of Birth : Kab. Semarang, Marcht20th 1998

Address : Dusun Pateran Rt 34 Rw 07, Desa Plumbon,

Kec.Suruh, Kab. Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Phone Number : 089686047218

Educational Background

1. TK Pertiwi Suruh 2

2. SDN 1 Suruh graduated in 2010

3. SMPN 1 Suruhgraduated in 2013

4. SMAN 1 Suruh graduated in 2016

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