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DTNB1227 AVEVA E3D For Piping Designer

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 Introduce structure of E3D modules.

 Training basic function of E3D in order to piping designer implement project. Then
discussing new feature of E3D to improve designer efficiency.


 The course is conducted in 5 days, 2 hours per day.

 Training methods: Presentation, computer practice and internal discussions.


 Compulsory objects: Piping Team – Engineering Department.

 Encouraged objects: Anyone who is interested in the course.


 As presented below.


 Overview of Model-module section.

 Equipment modeling section.
 Pipework modeling section.
 Structure modeling for piping section.
 Support modeling section.

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Table of Contents
1. OVER VIEW OF MODEL-MODULE .......................................................................... 7
1.0 Enter/Login to E3D ............................................................................................. 7
1.1 The Model Environment ..................................................................................... 8
1.2 E3D Disciplines ................................................................................................ 10
1.3 Docking the Forms ............................................................................................ 10
1.4 Hiding the Forms .............................................................................................. 11
1.5 Splitting the Sliding Form ................................................................................. 12
1.6 Arranging the Forms in the Sliding Form Sets ................................................. 13
1.7 Undocking the Sliding Forms Set ..................................................................... 14
1.8 The PowerWheel™ ........................................................................................... 14
1.9 The PowerCompass™ ...................................................................................... 16
1.10 In Canvas Commands ....................................................................................... 17
1.11 Contextual Editor .............................................................................................. 18
1.12 Access Help Pages ............................................................................................ 18
1.13 Closing E3D ...................................................................................................... 20
2. EQUIPMENT MODELING ......................................................................................... 20
2.0 Equipment Modelling using Primitives ............................................................ 20
2.1 Exercise 1 - Creating Column C1101 ............................................................... 24
2.2 Exercise 2 - Creating Reflux Drum D1201....................................................... 25
2.3 Equipment Modelling using Templates ............................................................ 26
2.4 Electrical Connections ...................................................................................... 28
2.5 Equipment Utilities ........................................................................................... 29
2.6 Equipment Associations.................................................................................... 30
2.7 Hole Management for Equipment ..................................................................... 32
2.8 Volume Modelling ............................................................................................ 33
3. PIPEWORK MODELING ............................................................................................ 35
3.0 Principles of Pipe Modelling ............................................................................ 35
3.1 Pipe Editor: Create/Modify Pipe Form ............................................................. 37
3.2 Piping Component Editor Form - Creation ....................................................... 43
3.3 Piping Component Editor Form - Modification................................................ 48
3.4 Piping Component Editor Form - Inline Fittings .............................................. 51
3.5 Piping Component Editor Form - Reselection .................................................. 53

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3.6 Integrator Mode ................................................................................................ 55
3.7 General Use of the Editor ................................................................................. 58
3.8 Quick Pipe Router ............................................................................................. 65
3.9 Sloping Pipes .................................................................................................... 72
3.10 Pipework Spec/Bore Modification .................................................................... 80
3.11 Pipework Spec/Bore Modification .................................................................... 80
3.12 Splitting & Merging .......................................................................................... 86
3.13 Exercise 8 - Completing the Pipework ............................................................. 93
3.14 Data Consistency .............................................................................................. 95
3.15 Clash Detection ................................................................................................. 99
3.16 Design Checker ............................................................................................... 100
3.17 Creating Isometrics ......................................................................................... 105
3.18 The Piping Settings Form ............................................................................... 106
4. STRUCTURE MODELING FOR PIPING ................................................................ 107
4.0 Principles of Linear members ......................................................................... 107
4.1 Storage and Automatic Hierarchy................................................................... 109
4.2 Creating Linear Members ............................................................................... 109
4.3 Modifying Linear Members ............................................................................ 109
4.4 Joints and Fittings ........................................................................................... 112
4.5 Principles of Planar members ......................................................................... 112
4.6 Creating Planar members ................................................................................ 114
4.7 Modifying Planar members............................................................................. 114
4.8 Catalogues ....................................................................................................... 115
5. SUPPORT MODELING ............................................................................................. 115
5.0 Support Zones ................................................................................................. 115
5.1 Support Defaults ............................................................................................. 116
5.2 Multi Discipline Framework Support ......................................................... 118
5.3 Modifying, Deleting and Locking Supports ................................................... 121
5.4 Ancillary Supports .......................................................................................... 121
5.5 Trunnion Support ............................................................................................ 123
5.6 Fixed Hanger Support ..................................................................................... 124
5.7 Special Supports.............................................................................................. 126
5.8 Converting to a Special ................................................................................... 127
5.9 Preliminary Supports ...................................................................................... 128

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5.10 Supports Browser ............................................................................................ 129
5.11 Copy Support .................................................................................................. 129
5.12 Support Wizard ............................................................................................... 130
5.13 Health Check Utility (HCU) ........................................................................... 131
5.14 Aligning Supports ........................................................................................... 132
5.15 Miscellaneous Utilities - Snipe ....................................................................... 134

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1.0 Enter/Login to E3D

AVEVA E3D may be started by using the Start menu icon or the Desktop icon, providing both
options were selected when the product was installed. Selecting Start > All Programs > AVEVA
from the task bar displays further options, selecting the Design option displays the Everything3D
2.1.0 shortcut. Clicking the shortcut will start an AVEVA E3D session.

Alternatively, an AVEVA E3D session can be started by double clicking the AVEVA
Everything3D 2.1.0 shortcut icon on the desktop.

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Double click the AVEVA Everything3D 2.1.0 shortcut on the desktop to start an AVEVA E3D
session The AVEVA E3D initialisation image will be displayed.
This video guides the user with the very first steps to start and enter an AVEVA Everything3D
session, including the selection of a Project, entering credentials, selecting an MDB and starting
an E3D module.

1.1 The Model Environment

The AVEVA E3D user interface is based on the Microsoft(r) Office Fluent™ user interface.
Starting Model for the first time will use the default screen layout as shown below:

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Quick Access Toolbar : provides shortcuts to most common command for a quick access.
Tabs: regroups the application buttons by category. Displayed tabs depend on the selected
Groups : each tab is divided into Groups to organise the buttons by task.
Prompt Area : provides instructions while performing an action.
Canvas: Workspace where the Model elements can be viewed and worked on. The canvas can
contain one or several3DViews.
Sliding forms Sets or Panels: forms are docked and tabbed on both sides of the 3D View and can
be temporarily hidden to clear the Canvas.
PowerWheel™ : provides quick access to most common commands directly in the 3D View by a
right click.
PowerCompass™ : provides intuitive tools to orientate the view and select different Coordinate
Status bar : provides quick access to common modelling options.
Message Area : displays the last information, warning, or error messages.
Notification Area : displays information about the status of a global project.
View Tab Group : provides access to the different opened 3D Views from multiple tabs.

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This video describes the default User Interface of the E3D Model module to familiarise the user
with the localisation of every functional areas on the screen.

1.2 E3D Disciplines

Discipline interfaces are accessed by the Discipline options list on the Quick Access Toolbar.
Selecting a discipline from the options list displays the selected disciplines interface

Depending on the discipline, new Tabs will be displayed in the Fluent UI to provide the tools
specific to that discipline. For example, selecting the EQUIPMENT discipline will display the
The organization of the discipline tabs offers user friendly access by presenting the same groups
in the same order for common tasks like Create, Modify and Delete.

1.3 Docking the Forms

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The Left and Right Panels can contain one or several forms which will appear as different tabs.
Generally, when dockable Forms are initially displayed they will dock at their default position in
one of the Panels, on either side of the Canvas.
If not contained in a Panel, a Form is said to be "Floating”, and may be reattached by dragging
the Title bar of the form inside the Panel. Or, it can be detached from the Panel by dragging the
tab to any location on the Canvas.

In the tab TOOLS, group Display, click the Messages button. This will open the Messages Form
in a floating state.

Hold the left mouse button on the Title bar of the Messages form, and drag the form inside the
Left Panel.
A little grey square will appear at the bottom of the Panel to indicate that the form will be docked
above the splitting bar. Release the button to dock the form.

When a form is docked in the Panel amongst others, a new tab will be added in the tab bar of the
Sliding Form Set. The forms may then be made visible by clicking on the relevant tab which will
be highlighted in blue to indicate the user that it is active.

1.4 Hiding the Forms

To enlarge the working space, the forms may be hidden in different ways:-
● Modifying the size of the Panels
● Collapsing one Panel on one side of the Canvas by clicking on the active tab
● Hiding all the forms on the canvas by clicking the Clear Canvas button located at the
top right hand corner of the application window
Drag the mouse when on the border of the panel to increase or decrease its size. Double clicking
on the border will restore the Panel to the default size.

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Click the active tab to collapse the Panel. Click again on the active tab to restore the previous

Click the Clear Canvas button to hide all docked and floating forms located on the canvas.
Click again to restore the previous state.

1.5 Splitting the Sliding Form

The Panels consists of two areas, the top and the bottom segment, to allow the visibility of two
forms simultaneously. The size of the bottom segment, which is collapsed by default, may be
adjusted by dragging the splitting bar upward or downward.
In the Left Panel, position the mouse on the splitting bar located at the bottom of the Panel.
The appearance of the cursor will change to a dimensioning icon.
Hold the left mouse button down, move the mouse forward to increase the size of the bottom
Release the mouse when the sliding bar is near the middle. The bottom segment is now ready to
be populated with forms.

Click on the arrow at the middle of the splitting bar. This will collapse the bottom segment. Click
again on the arrow to restore the splitting bar to its previous position.

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When a Panel is split, the two segments can be populated with multiple forms. The two
segments will then contain their own group of tabs, and two forms can now be visible, one in
each segment.
1.6 Arranging the Forms in the Sliding Form Sets
With multiple forms opened and docked, it is possible to change the order of the forms in one
segment, or to move a form from one segment to another, or to move a form from one Panel to
In the left Panel, hold the left mouse button down on the Messages tab. Drag the Messages tab
towards the upper part of the Model Explorer tab. Note the red arrows indicating the new
position while dragging the tab. Release the button when the red arrows are on the top of the
Model Explorer tab. The Messages tab is now reordered before the Model Explorer tab.

In the left Panel, hold the left mouse button down on the Messages tab. Drag the tab towards the
bottom segment of the Panel. Note the grey square indicating that the tab will be positioned
below the splitting bar.

Release the button to position the tab in the bottom segment. Now the Messages form can be
viewed along with the Model Explorer form.

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In the same manner, the tab may be dragged to the other side of the canvas and dropped in the
top or bottom segment of the right Panel.

1.7 Undocking the Sliding Forms Set

The two Panels are by default docked on the left and right hand side of the canvas. It is however
possible to undock them in order to position them freely on the main screen, or another screen
To undock a Panel, right click on one of its tabs and select the Float option.
The Sliding Form set can then be moved like any other form by holding the left button on the
title bar.
To dock the Panel back to its original position, right click on one of its tab and uncheck the Float

The following video also includes: E3D Forms, Docking the Forms, Hiding the Forms, Splitting
the Sliding forms set and Arranging the forms in Sliding form sets.

1.8 The PowerWheel™

A number of Model operations may be initiated and controlled through the use of the
PowerWheel, invoked by right-clicking within the 3D View.

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A function is selected from the PowerWheel by a left-click on the required tile – this may prompt
a secondary PowerWheel for refined selection. For instance selecting the View Direction tile
from the primary PowerWheel prompts a secondary PowerWheel to specify the direction of the
3D View.
Alternatively, by clicking and holding the right mouse button, the required tile can be indicated
by moving the cursor in the appropriate direction and selection confirmed on release of the
mouse button. The direction of selection is aided by an indicating line. On selection of the
required option in the primary PowerWheel, the action may be repeated for selection in the
secondary PowerWheel. This operation will be referred as a “Gesture” in the next Chapters and
in other Training Guides.

As an extension to the primary PowerWheel, pressing the <Ctrl> key on clicking the right
mouse button prompts an alternative layout with general functions.

The PowerWheel may also be used in context during a Modelling action. On performing an
action requiring to specify points in the 3D View, the Object Snap PowerWheel can be invoked by
right clicking while holding the <Shift> key.
This PowerWheel allows the user to filter one specific Object Snap temporarily for the current

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This video provides an overview of the PowerWheel. It is guiding the user with the manipulation
of the PowerWheel as well as introducing the different available options.

1.9 The PowerCompass™

The PowerCompass is an intuitive tool allowing the user to control the view direction and to
select different coordinate systems.
The view direction features of the PowerCompass will be described section "Controlling the 3D
The coordinate systems will be described in section "Specifying a Position"
It is possible to move the position of the PowerCompass by dragging the blue grip located below
the compass.
This video presents an overview of the PowerCompass. This includes a brief demonstration of the
behaviour of the PowerCompass, and its functionalities.

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1.10 In Canvas Commands
Additionally to forms an buttons for user input, it is possible to invoke specific commands by
entering them directly in the 3D View. These commands as referred to as "In Canvas

A list of the In Canvas Commands is presented in Appendix C - HotKeys and In Canvas

This video is presenting an overview of the in Canvas Commands with some typical examples.

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1.11 Contextual Editor
Many commands in AVEVA Everything3D will require user input and most of the time it may be
done by entering value or selecting options directly in the Canvas.
For example, when the MOVE command is used, the user is required to specify positions, and a
prompt called the "Contextual Editor” will be displayed beside the cursor in the 3D View:

When the command is invoked, the default option for this command will be the current option.
But the user may select alternative options by pressing the <down-arrow> key, then clicking on
the appropriate tile or pressing the corresponding key indicated on the tile.
Navigation between text boxes may be achieved by pressing the <tab> key.
When coordinates are to be entered, it may possible to switch the Absolute mode to Relative mode
by pressing the <Shift>and <@> keys. Also, it is possible to switch between Cartesian, cylindrical
or polar coordinates by pressing the apostrophe <'> key.
This video is presenting an overview of the Contextual Editor.

1.12 Access Help Pages

The AVEVA Everything3D Help Viewer can be accessed in three different ways.
By clicking the Help > AVEVA Everything3D Help button from the PROJECT tab.

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By clicking the ? button at the top right hand corner of the application window.

By pressing the <F1> key .This will open the Help Viewer with the page opened for the form
being currently used.

The Help Viewer enables the user to explore the AVEVA E3D documentation either via the
logically grouped items in the Contents tab, from an alphabetical index via the Index tab or
search for key words via the Search tab.

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The page of the displayed User Documentation in the Help Viewer may be printed by clicking
the Print button in the top right hand corner of the Help Viewer window.

1.13 Closing E3D

Everything3D may be closed by clicking the standard “cross” button at the top right hand corner
of the application window, or, from the PROJECT tab by selecting the Exit button, or, selecting
the close button from the E3D icon at the top left hand corner of the application window.
When closing E3D, if changes have been made but not saved, a dialog box will prompt the user
to save the changes or cancel:

2.0 Equipment Modelling using Primitives
Your progress
●The following primitives are available for equipment modelling in AVEVA E3D.

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●Equipment elements consist of a collection of AVEVA E3D primitives, arranged in 3D
space to represent the real object.
●When a new piece of equipment is to be built, one of the first decisions to be made is
which primitives are going to be used to create the representation required.
●Generally the ‘internals’ of any equipment are not modelled as it only the external
representation that is required.
●In this simple example of a horizontal vessel, seven primitives are positioned and
orientated such that they represent a vessel. There is no ‘connectivity’ between the

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●The creation of Reboiler E1301 will be separated into sections, creating the Shell,
creating the Supports and then adding the associated Nozzles. This will be done using
the Equipment Arrangement drawing and Nozzle Schedule provided below.

●The following video will build Reboiler E1301 Shell

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●The following video will build Reboiler E1301 Supports

●The following video will build Reboiler E1301 Nozzles

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●For a detailed explanation on this topic and associated Exercises see, Everything3D™
(2.1) Equipment Modelling - Chapter 3

2.1 Exercise 1 - Creating Column C1101

Your progress
●In this section, the creation of Column C1101 will be separated into sections, creating the
Skirt, creating the Column and then adding the associated Nozzles. This will be done
using the Equipment Arrangement drawing and Nozzle Schedule provided below.
●Column C1101 - Equipment Arrangement drawing and Nozzle schedule
●The following video will build Column C1101 Skirt

●The following video will build Column C1101 Column

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●The following video will build Column C1101 Nozzles

2.2 Exercise 2 - Creating Reflux Drum D1201

Your progress
●In this section, the creation of Refulx Drum D1201 will be separated into sections,
creating the Drum and then adding the associated Nozzles and Supports. This will be
done using the Equipment Arrangement drawing and Nozzle Schedule provided below.
●Reflux Drum - Equipment Arrangement drawing and the Nozzle schedule
●The following video will build Reflux Drum D1201 Drum

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●The following video will build Reflux Drum D1201 Nozzles and Supports

2.3 Equipment Modelling using Templates

Your progress
●An equipment template is a collection of primitives that make up the equipment shape
grouped together under a Template (TMPL) element. The template definitions are held
in a Design database which is referenced when an instance of the template is created.
●The following video creates two stacked Heat Exchangers, tagged E1302A and E1302B,
using pre-defined equipment templates. The equipment will be created using a User
Defined Element Type (UDET) of :HEATEX. The Equipment Arrangement drawing
and Nozzle Schedule is displayed below.

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●The following video creates the four pumps found on the Equipment Location drawing:
○ The duty and standby Reflux Pumps, tagged P1501A and P1501B.
○ The duty and standby Overhead Product Pumps, tagged P1502A and
●The Equipment drawing for each set of pumps, together with the Nozzle Schedules are
provided below.
●P1501 A & B and P1502 A & B Equipment Drawings and Nozzle Schedules

●For a detailed explanation on this topic and associated Exercise see, Everything3D™
(2.1) Supports - Chapter 4

2.4 Electrical Connections

Your progress
●An Electrical Component (ELCONN) in equipment terms is a connection point between
equipment and cables and can represent anything from an individual cable gland to a
piece of electrical equipment, such as a generator. Electrical components are catalogue
items and are selected from the catalogue via a selection table and are positioned and
orientated within equipment in the same way as nozzles and primitives.
●The following video will create an ELCONN on pump P1501B.

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●For a detailed explanation on this topic and associated Exercise see, Everything3D™
(2.1) Supports - Electrical Components

2.5 Equipment Utilities

Your progress
●The Equipment discipline provides utilities that can aid productivity for equipment
modelling and reporting, including the Mechanical Equipment Interface, the Import
Equipment Data utility and the Equipment Report utility.
●The Mechanical Equipment Interface (MEI) enables STEP (.stp) files generated by
mechanical modeling software to be imported into AVEVA E3D. Whilst the resultant
equipment items are not ‘intelligent’, nozzles may be created to overlay the imported
model so that pipework may be connected to the equipment.
●The Import Equipment Data utility enables EQUI elements to be created in the database
by importing data from an Excel (.xls) or comma separated value (.csv) file. The import
data may set any of the standard attributes or UDAs of an EQUI element but will not
create any primitives.
●The following video covers Importing Pump-AA5A using MEI.

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●The following video imports a csv file to create a number of equipment elements and
generates various equipment reports.

●For a detailed explanation on this topic and associated Exercise see, Everything3D™
(2.1) Supports - Chapter 5

2.6 Equipment Associations

Your progress

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●Associations are user defined constraints (restrictions) between two or more objects in the
Model database. The restrictions provide logic that can be evaluated to describe how
the objects relate to each other.
●The Equipment Associations utility provides pre-defined associations for equipment
based on the AVEVA supplied core associations. The types of equipment associations
○ Mate
○ Align
○ Parallel
○ Parallel Offset
○ True Distance
○ Elevation
○ Horizontal Distance
○ Point Above Line
●The following video uses the Equipment Associations utility to create and modify
equipment associations using the equipment elements of the training project.

●The following video creates a Mate association between the bottom face of C1101 skirt
and the top face of the :SLAB BASE_SLAB element.

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●For a detailed explanation on this topic and associated Exercise see, Everything3D™
(2.1) Supports - Chapter 6

2.7 Hole Management for Equipment

● On a typical AVEVA Plant project is it necessary for designers to create holes in panel
elements, i.e. deck plates, grating, walls, floors, etc.
● Generally in AVEVA Plant projects discipline Designers do not have write access to items
created by other disciplines, i.e. a Piping Designer does not have write access to Structural
elements and Structural Designers do not have write access to Piping elements, etc.
● With the Hole Management utility, holes are specified and requested by the penetrating
discipline, normally piping, HVAC or Equipment designers. Approval of hole requests is
provided by the team that owns the penetrated element, normally Structural Designers.
● The following video creates two penetrations in the plating of the lower level of the
Equipment Support Structure around the supports of the Reflux Drum D1201.

● The following video creates penetrations for E1302A supports in the upper deck penal of
the Equipment Support Structure.

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● For a detailed explanation on this topic and associated Exercise see, Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports - Chapter 7

2.8 Volume Modelling

Your progress
●Volume Models are similar to EQUI elements. They may be used for modelling any item
in AVEVA E3D that will be constructed from primitives but is not required to be
displayed in the Model Explorer as an EQUI element.
●A typical use of volume models may include plant Civils items (e.g. concrete slabs,
concrete plinths, site roads) or the modelling of escape routes/access obstruction
volumes. Volume models can also be used as a method of reserving space within the
plant layout for equipment items not yet ready for modelling.
●The following video covers adding volume models to the Civils works to represent
reserved walkway areas which in reality have no physical geometry but are required
during clash checks to ensure appropriate room and access is available for plant
personnel and machinery.

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●The following video uses volume models to create suitable reserve volumes for the stairs.
Using the coordinates provided.

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●For a detailed explanation on this topic and associated Exercise see, Everything3D™
(2.1) Supports - Chapter 8

There are numerous applications that are accessible to the user with AVEVA E3D. The following
video shows how to access the PIPING application and describes the layout of the associated tab.

3.0 Principles of Pipe Modelling

When considering Pipe Modelling there is a very specific hierarchy for the 3D model which has
to be understood. In principle, each PIPE element can own any number of branches. In turn,
branches may own a number of piping components, e.g. valves, reducers, tees, flanges, etc.
However a branch is only considered to have two ends, while a pipe may have any number of
ends, depending on the number of branches it owns.

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A pipe with three ends and two branches is shown below. The second branch is connected to the
first at the tee.
This demonstrates another piping hierarchy rule. Although a branch only has two ends, it may
own components (in this case a tee) which connect to other branches.
These simple concepts enable any number of piping configurations to be developed, and forms
the basis of all existing designed AVEVA E3D pipework.

An alternative pipe configuration that still complies with these rules is shown here. In this
instance the branch leaves the tee through the offline leg.

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Branch elements serve two purposes:-
● They define the start and finish points of a pipe route (known as the Head and Tail in
● They own the piping components, which define the route.
The position and order of the piping components below branch level determine the physical
route. In AVEVA E3D it is only necessary to consider the fittings because the pipe that appears
between fittings is automatically set (or implied) by AVEVA E3D according to the specifications
of the fittings.
In the same way that design offices have standard piping specifications, AVEVA E3D has a set of
specifications from which the designer can select. All the components within AVEVA E3D must
be defined in the Catalogue and be placed in a Specification before they can be selected. In the
Training Project there are three such specifications:
These specifications contain all the fittings required for the course exercises. An important point
to remember when using the application is which specification is currently being used as the
For the Training Project, the first letter in the pipe name represents the specification to be used.
For example, PIPE150-B-5 has the letter ‘B’ to represent the specification.
The specification letters are as follows: -
● A = /A1A
● B = /A3B
● C = /F1C

3.1 Pipe Editor: Create/Modify Pipe Form

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The Pipe Editor: Create Pipe and Pipe Editor Modify Pipe forms are the two forms that are used
to create and modify the PIPE and BRAN elements that are fundamental to the Pipe Modelling
E3D2.1.0 Piping - Create Modify Pipe Forms.pdf
In the Create group, click the Create Pipe button to display the Pipe Editor: Create Pipe form.

The Pipe Editor: Create Pipe form:

The upper section of the form allows the Pipe Name to be entered and the Primary System to be
The middle section of the form allows the selection of the specification for the pipe.
The lower section of the form is the Basic Pipe Process Data:-
● Bore field indicated on the form is the nominal bore for this pipe and does not affect
the pipe route.
● Insulation Spec
● Tracing Spec
● Temperature
● Pressure
● Slope Ref.

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Clicking the Apply button will create the pipe, which in turn changes the form to the Pipe Editor:
Modify Pipe form.

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In AVEVA E3D terms a pipe is an administration element. The branch element holds the
geometric data.
The following video will introduce the user to the Pipe Editor: Create Pipe form as a worked
example from the training guide.
All branches need to have a start and end point. These can be a position in space (3D co-
ordinates), the flange face of a nozzle, a tee or various other points in the model. Heads and tails
are set up via a series of attributes that belong to the branch element.

The branch head is at the face of Nozzle 1 and the branch tail is at the face of Nozzle 2. The head
and tail can be easily distinguished by the different symbols which can be seen when the
connected element is not in the 3D View.
Branch Head Attributes
● HPOS - The position in the zone where the branch starts.
● HCON - The connection type of the branch end
● HDIR - The direction in which the start of the branch is pointing (looking down the
● HBOR - The bore of the pipe (this can be metric or imperial).

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● HREF - The name of the item to which the branch head is connected (e.g. /C1101-
N1). If this is not set, then the branch is open to the atmosphere for a vent or drain.
● HSTU - This is a reference to the catalogue, which determines the material of the first
piece of pipe, between the start of the branch and the first fitting (this still needs to be
set, even if there is a fitting connected directly to the head).
Branch Tail Attributes
● TPOS - The position in the zone where the branch ends.
● TCON - The connection type of the branch end
● TDIR - The direction in which the end of the branch is pointing (looking back down
the bore).
● TBOR - The bore of the pipe (this can be metric or imperial).
● TREF - The name of the item to which the branch tail is connected (e.g. /150-A-3). If
this is not set, then the branch is open to the atmosphere for a vent or drain.
On clicking the Apply button on the Pipe Editor: Create Pipe form the Pipe Editor: Modify Pipe
form is automatically displayed so that the branch head and tail can be specified.
The upper section of the form displays the pipe name and specification.
There is also a list of existing branches containing the reference names for head and tail
The lower section of the form shows the Branch Head and Branch Tail tabs. These allow the
positioning, connection and setting of various other attributes for the head and tail of the selected
It can be considered that there are two methods of doing this:-
● Explicitly – by entering the data manually.
● Connecting – by connecting to an existing pipe or equipment nozzle the values are set

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The following video will introduce the user to the Pipe Editor: Modify Pipe form as a worked
example from the training guide.

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The following video will allow the user to use these forms through the creation of two pipes as
shown in Exercise 1 of the training guide. This includes the connection to equipment and the use
of explicit positions.

3.2 Piping Component Editor Form - Creation

When a branch head and tail is initially defined, the branch will consist of a single section of
pipe running in a straight line between the head and tail positions. This will appear as a dotted
line between the two points unless the head and tail are aligned along a common axis and have
the same bore. The presence of the dotted line indicates that the branch route is incorrectly

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The next step in designing a pipe is to create and position a series of fittings, which define the
pipe route required. It is necessary to decide which piping components are needed in order to
satisfy the requirements of the process. The components must be arranged so that the pipe meets
the design requirements. It is not necessary to know the dimensions of fittings as AVEVA E3D
derives these automatically from the catalogue.
To create components, first select an item from the list of fittings available from the associated
piping specification. Typical fitting types are Elbows, Tees, Reducers, Flanges, Gaskets and
Valves. There is some intelligence built into the AVEVA E3D forms so that by placing, for
example a valve, the associated Gaskets and Flanges will also be created.
For all piping components, the following steps will need to be performed:-
● Select the component from the piping specification.
● Position the component and set the orientation.
The Tube does not have to be created explicitly; it is created automatically and implied between
adjacent fittings.
Piping components have P–points. The significance of P–points is two–fold. Firstly, they define
the connection points, and secondly, they determine the branch flow through the component by
means of Arrive and Leave attributes.
For the reducer shown, the large bore is at P1 and the small bore is at P2. If this component is
used to increase the bore of the branch, the flow in the direction of the branch will be from P2 to
P1. In order to tell AVEVA E3D the necessary flow direction, there are two numeric attributes,
Arrive and Leave, which must be set to the p–point numbers required. In this case, Arrive would
be set to 2 and Leave would be set to 1. (The default is Arrive 1 Leave 2). Forms and menus
within AVEVA E3D will handle all connections; however it is important to understand the
concepts behind the connections

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In the Create group click the Create Component button to display the Piping Component Editor

Alternatively, if the Modify Pipe form is open click the Create Component button

The Piping Component Editor form is used extensively during pipe creation. As implied by the
name of the form it is not only restricted to the creation of the components, but also for the
modification and reselection as well.
The upper section of the form relates to the general branch information such as Specification,
Bore, Insulation and Tracing.
The next section of the form consists of two tabs. The Standard Components tab displays the 14
commonly used component buttons. This is supplemented by the Additional Components tab. The
selection of one of these buttons will make the Select tab active to further filter the selection.
In addition to the Select tab there are also the Modify, Reselect and Errors tabs. The use of these
tabs will be covered later in this course.
The appearance of the area below the sType list varies depending on the type of component being
The lower section of the form is common for all component types:-
● Create Mode section determines whether the components are created in the direction
of flow or against flow.
● Create Components section determines whether the components are connected to the
current component or inserted.
The Auto Create checkbox is mainly used to determine whether connecting flanges and gaskets
are to be added, i.e. when creating flanges or other flanged components.

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The Skip Connected Comps checkbox is used if the Current Element is connected to other
components. With this checkbox checked the component will be created at the next free
connection, i.e. where there is implied tube.
The bottom of the form is occupied by the Component Sequence List.

Components can be selected from an alternative specification if required.

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The selection of an alternative specification is indicated on the form as a warning.
When an alternative specification is being used and the component is of a specific type, i.e.
flange, valve, etc. the Select adjacent out of spec checkbox becomes active.
Checking this checkbox will result in the adjacent components also being selected from the
alternative specification if available.

To revert back to the original specification click the Reset Specification link label or reselect it
from the options list as before.

The following video covers the creation of some basic components using PIPE 200-B-4 created
previously as covered in Piping Component Editor Form – Creation (Worked Example) of the
training guide.

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3.3 Piping Component Editor Form - Modification
The Piping Component Editor form promotes the workflow of creation and modification from
the same form maintaining focus in a single area of the application.
The Modify tab differs to the Select tab in that it is not necessary to use the Set Working Branch
button to update the form to the current branch or component. The form tracks the current
element allowing the selection of any pipe component for which the user has write access for
The Modify tab has five main sections:
● Positioning & Frequently Used Functions
● Rotation & Direction tool
● Orientation Functions
● Other Functions
● Component Sequence List

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When the Modify tab is selected a button becomes active which determines whether the
modifications are applied in Forwards or Backwards mode. This button is a toggle which shows
the current mode that is being used.

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In Forwards mode the functions are performed with the direction of flow. The modification axes
are positioned at the arrive of the component.

In Backwards mode the functions are performed against the direction of flow. The modification
axes are positioned at the leave of the component.

An explanation of the Positioning and Frequently Used functions is shown on the following
Piping Component Editor Form – Modification 01.pdf
The following video explains the use of the Rotation & Direction Tools.
An explanation of the Orientation and Other functions is shown on the following document:

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Piping Component Editor Form – Modification 02.pdf
The following video covers the use of some of the functions to complete the pipe by modifying the
components created previously as covered in Piping Component Editor Form – Modification
(Worked Example) of the training guide..

3.4 Piping Component Editor Form - Inline Fittings

In addition to the creation of flanges, gaskets and elbows there are other components which
require some variation on the creation mode, i.e. reducers, tees and valves.
The following video covers the creation of other inline fittings as well as their modification to
complete the route of BRAN 150-A-57/B1 created previously as covered in Piping Component
Editor Form – Inline Fittings (Worked Example) of the training guide.

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Often it is more efficient to copy an existing arrangement and make some modification rather
than starting from scratch. The following video covers the completion of PIPE 150-A-57 using
this technique as covered in Completing the Arrangement - Copying - (Worked Example) of the
training guide.

The following video covers the complete creation of a piping using the various functions covered
in the training so far as covered Exercise 2 - Component Creation - Pipe 100-B-8 of the training

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3.5 Piping Component Editor Form - Reselection
The Piping Component Editor form also covers the reselection of existing components as a
means of modification.
The Reselect tab works similarly to the Modify tab in that the form tracks the current element.
The upper section of the tab lists the component name, specification and bore.
The selection of an alternative Type and Sub-Type from the available options lists is possible
which will filter the components available for selection.
To reselect a component click one of the components from the list.
The appearance of the Reselect tab is dependent upon the type of component currently selected.
In this case an elbow is the current element allowing the angle of the elbow to be modified by the
The Component Sequence List is also available to aid navigation.
Any errors that occur as a result of the reselection function are displayed on the Errors tab.

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The following video covers the use of the Reselect tab to change some of the components created
on PIPE 100-B-8 as covered in Piping Component Editor Form - Reselect - (Worked Example)
of the training guide.

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3.6 Integrator Mode
Integrator Mode displays Schematic and 3D model data in an integrated environment. It has
been developed to help the designer see graphically if the 3D model matches the Schematic data.
When Integrator Mode is selected the 3D View changes to monochrome. Schematic or 3D model
objects are selected in the 3D View or the Diagram Viewer.
Integrator Mode can perform the following two key functions:-
● Compare
● Build
Integrator Mode is used to compare the 3D elements against the corresponding schematic
elements and to report any inconsistencies. This maybe inconsistencies in connectivity or
attributes according to pre-configured rules.
The 3D View is updated, colouring the model green when correct and red if there are any

The designer can step through any errors on the Pipe, Branch or Branch Components on the
Integrator Mode Panel, accepting inconsistencies or copying the information from the Schematic
data which is assumed to be the master.

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In the example above the gate valve was not available in the piping catalogue and the designer
has chosen to select a temporary valve from the HOLD specification. In this case the valve would
need to be reselected once the correct valve was available.
The designer must clear the errors on the Pipe before moving onto to handle the Branch errors.
This is also the same when considering Branch and Branch Component errors.
The following video covers the use of Integrator Mode to compare PIPE 100-B-8 against the
schematic data as covered in the Integrator Mode - Compare Pipe - (Worked Example).

The following video covers the use of Integrator Mode to compare PIPE 200-B-4 and PIPE 80-
B-7 against the schematic data as covered in the Exercise 3 of the training guide.

Integrator Mode can create 3D elements using data from the corresponding schematic elements.
Connecting objects such as Equipment and Pipes and setting key attributes such as tags and
process data using pre-configured rules.

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The following video covers the use of Integrator Mode to build PIPE 100-B-2 from the schematic
data as covered in the Integrator Mode - Build Pipe - (Worked Example) of the training guide.

The following video covers the use of Integrator Mode to build PIPE 100-C-12 from the
schematic data as covered in the Exercise 4 of the training guide.

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3.7 General Use of the Editor
So far in this training the positioning of the components has been handled using Piping
Component Editor form.
If a pipe, branch or component, (singular or multiple) needs modification i.e. moving, this can be
done by using the Editor functionality.
In the Common group click the Editor button.

Double click on the element to be moved. When active the Editor handles can be seen in the 3D

Moving Inline Components

Inline components can be distinguished by the fact they are held within the constraints of the
implied tube. Consequently the appearance of the Editor handles is slightly different. These
handles are known as the Pipe Editing handles and limit the movement of the selection to the
axes of the branch leg.
This section will introduce the use of the Enter Offset and Enter Distance From functions

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The following video covers the use of these functions on the Editor using PIPE 100-B-8 as an

Distance Feedback
The numerical value that is displayed in the 3D View when using the Editor is known as the
Distance Feedback. By default the value is set to the Arrive or Leave of the selection depending
upon which Pipe Editing handle is selected. This can also be changed from the right click menu
while on the Pipe Editing.
To cycle through the different Distance Feedback options available press the D hot key.
The following video covers the use of the Distance Feedback options.

Move Handle
To aid manipulation of the graphical selection it is possible to change to position of the handles.
In the previous sections the Pipe Editing handles were in the correct position prior to moving the
fitting. There are frequently times when this need to be changed before any move can be carried

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To change the position of the handles move the cursor over a Pipe Editing handle and from the
right click menu select Move Handle > Opposite End of Selection or End of Selection depending
upon the handle selected.
The following video covers how the Pipe Editing handles cane be moved within the selection.

Moving Inline Components into another Leg of the Branch

Inline components that have not been connected to another branch can be moved into another
leg of the pipeline providing it is within the same branch.
The following video covers how the Editor can be used to move components in to another leg of
the Branch.

Rotating an Inline Component

With the Editor active on the inline component the Rotational handle can be used to change the
direction of the component.
The following video covers how the Rotational handle can be used.

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Moving Using the Editor Handles
So far only the Pipe Editing handles have been used to move the components. However if a bend
or elbow is selected the appearance of the handles will change.
The following video covers the use of the Editor handles to move an elbow using the axis handle
and a plane.

Moving Using Align with Feature

The Editor can be used to reference other elements in the 3D View to determine the position of a
component. This functionality is improved when aligning a component to a structural element as
the function offers multiple solutions to allow for the O.D. of the tube and any insulation.

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The following video covers the use of the Editor handles with the Align With Feature function to
position a component.

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Moving Using Offset From Feature
It is also possible to use the features in the 3D View as a reference to offset away from using the
Offset From Feature… function. When using structural elements this can be used to apply a
clearance for the tube or insulation.
The following video covers the use of the Editor handles with the Offset From Feature…
function to position a component.

Snap to Point
The Editor can be used to move the component from one position to another using the Snap to
Point… function. This function has total freedom of movement, there is no restriction to a plane
or axis.
The following video covers the use of the Editor with the Snap to Point… function to position a

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Change Length Using Editor
With the correct selection of components the Editor can be used to change the leg lengths of the
connected tube elements.
The following video covers how the Editor can be used to change the leg lengths of a branch.

Moving Single/Multiple Pipes Using the Editor

The Editor can also be used to move single or multiple pipes using a variety of selection
The following video covers how the Editor can be used to move single and multiple pipes.

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3.8 Quick Pipe Router
The Quick Pipe Router can be considered to be a mode of the Editor. The mode is activated by
single clicking the ‘dotted’ line of an incomplete route whilst the Editor is also active, or by
double clicking when Editor is not active.
The Quick Pipe Router handle has three representations:-
● Extend Route handle - This is used to extend the route in the direction indicated by
the handle.
● Cardinal Direction handles - These are used to change the direction of the routing to
one of the cardinal directions from the current frame of reference.
● Rotational handles - These allow the extended route handle to be interactively

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The Quick Pipe Router handle is used to define a routing vector within the constraints of the
currently selected ‘badly’ defined route. A ‘badly’ defined route is defined in general terms as
● There is a misalignment between two components
● The head/tail of a branch is incomplete, i.e. where the head/tail attributes are left in
their default state.
● The head/tail is positioned but not connected and the head/tail connection type is

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This usually equates to the dotted line representation of the implied tube, where the implied tube
cannot be drawn. An exception to the above could be where a pipe branch does not have
specification reference set.
By default the handle will move in multiples of the currently defined linear increments. A right
click menu is available to display the options which relate to the modification.
Fitting to Fitting Functionality:-
The Quick Pipe Router has fitting to fitting functionality that provides visual feedback to
determine whether there is enough space for an elbow or bend.
Clicking the Extend Route handle will display the Distance Feedback value and fitting to fitting
information in the 3D View. This displays how the current cursor position relates to the
elbow/bend dimension.

The following video covers the Quick Pipe Router fitting to fitting functionality.

The following video covers the use of the Quick Pipe Router using the fitting to fitting
functionality on elbows as covered in Quick Pipe Routing Using Elbows - (Worked Example) of
the training guide.

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Pipe Routing Using Bends
Typically pulled bends are used on smaller bore pipe routes in the Plant industry. If bends are to
be used instead of elbows the bend radius applied must obtained from either the specification, as
is the case for A1A, or from a pipe fabrication machine.
When using bends the zone, pipe or branch must have the BendMacReference attribute set. The
BendMacReference must point to a valid Fabrication Machine World (FMWL), Fabrication
Machine Group (FMGRP) or Fabrication Machine (FMBEND). If the pipe spec is used the
radius is obtained directly from the spec.
In the Training project there is a single Fabrication Machine World, Fab_Machines which owns
two Fabrication Machine Groups, Bending_5D and Bending_3D. Each of the Fabrication
Machine Groups owns two bending machines, an extrusion machine and a flange welding
machine. This arrangement can be customised to suit the customers’ requirements. For instance
there may be more than one FMWL or FMGRP to allow for different locations of the bending
machines, i.e. different fabrication shops.

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In order for the pipe to be bent on the bending machine the Comptype attribute on the variable
angle / variable radius bend must be set to VAR in Paragon.
There are several criteria that can be checked to ensure the pipe can be bent; i.e. outside
diameter, wall thickness and material reference. However it is not essential for wall thickness
and material reference to be allowed for if they are not required. This provides a flexible
approach to the set up.

Assigning the Bending Machine

If the FMWL or FMGRP is assigned as the BendMacReference the system will apply the radius
of the first bending machine in the hierarchy. For example, using the hierarchy shown above, if
the FMWL is assigned then the system will attempt to add 5D bends. In order to achieve a 3D
bend either the FMGRP or FMBEND that owns the 3D data must be assigned. For this reason
the structure of the FMWL should be carefully considered.
The assignment of the BendMacReference is performed using the Bend Radius Choice form.

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The following video shows the use of the Bend Radius Choice form to set the BendMacReference
attribute at the pipe level.

Pipe Routing Using Bends Machine

The following video shows the use of the Quick Pipe Router to create bends from an assigned
bending machine as covered in Quick Pipe Routing Using Bends – Fabrication Machine –
(Worked Example) of the training guide.

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Changing to an Alternative Fabrication Machine Bend
If the bend radius needs to be changed for design reasons, then the BendMacReference attribute
for the zone, pipe or branch can be changed to another Fabrication Machine World (FMWL),
Group (FMGRP) or Machine (FMBEND) as covered in Changing to an Alternative Fabrication
Machine Bend – (Worked Example) of the training guide.

Quick Pipe Router Exercise

The following video covers the use of the Quick Pipe Router using elbows as covered in Exercise
5 - Quick Pipe Router 100-C-13 of the training guide.

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3.9 Sloping Pipes
Your progress

●The previous sections involved only orthogonal pipelines, that is, all lengths of tube
were either horizontal or vertical. In practice, it is a requirement to include lengths of
tube, which slope at angles between components. This section describes how to
position and manipulate sloping pipework.
●Sloping Components Using the Modify Functions
●The slope of the component can be set using the Modify tab of the Piping Component
Editor form.
●The Modify tab shows the current setting of the of the slope. This can be changed by
setting an alternative mode from the options list. The appearance of the icon will then
change to suit the new setting.

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● No Slope

● Slope Down

● Slope Up
●The use of the Slope Down and Slope Up modes rely on a Slope Reference being
present for the current Branch. If the user attempts to apply a slope on a component
without having a slope at the Branch level then a Message form appears.

●Setting either the Slope Up or Slope Down modes will display the Current Slope

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●The user can select an alternative Current Slope value from the options list if required.
The Current Slope value that corresponds with the Slope Reference of the current
Branch can easily be identified.

●The following video covers the use of the Modify tab to slope components.

●The following video covers the creation of sloping PIPE 100-C-16 as covered in
Creating a Sloping Pipe - (Worked Example) of the training guide.

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●Retrospective Sloping of Pipes
●It has already been seen how a Slope Ref can be applied to the components as they are
●Alternatively the slope can be applied to an orthogonally routed pipe retrospectively via
the Slope Pipe form.
●Click the Slope Pipe button from Tools group to open the form.

●This will open a floating form over the top of the 3D View.

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●The upper left side of the form allows the setting of the slope by either referencing the
branch slope directly or by entering a value.
●The slope can be defined as a ratio, angle or percentage and can slope be Up or Down,
in relation to the direction of flow.

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●The form employs a Forwards and Backwards mode to determine how the slope is to be
applied. The button depicts the current mode.

●It is also possible to Slope Individual Legs as opposed to the whole pipe.
●The form contains a list of branch legs, indicating the start, finish, the fall as a result of
the proposed slope and the length. The selected leg is highlighted in the 3D View on
the form.
●The section below the list provides information and tools to manipulate the selected leg.

●The application of the slopes will modify the vertical legs of the pipe try to obtain the
slope. As a result, the alteration of a vertical leg directly from the form is not possible.
Instead, it is often altered as a consequence of other legs being modified.
●Selecting a leg that is not vertical from the list will update the area under the list to
show the details of the leg. This allows alteration of the slope or removal completely
by unchecking the Slope Leg check box.

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●The Anchors section of the form allows features/positions of the selected leg to be fixed.
By default the head and tail of the branch will always be fixed and these are depicted
as the Start/Finish of the relevant Leg automatically.

●Anchors are added by clicking on the Add Anchor button. Additional information is
then required for the anchor definition to be complete.
●There are four anchor Types available for selection from the options list:-
○ Start – The start position of the leg is to be maintained.
○ Finish – The finish position of the leg is to be maintained.
○ Component – The position of a component in relation to another feature
is to be used.
○ Position – A position along the leg is to be used in relation to another
●Setting an anchor at the start of the leg will automatically add an anchor to the finish
of the previous leg and vice versa if the anchor is set at the finish.

●Further consideration needs to be given to the additional options that are available
when the Component and Position options are employed. They are very similar in
application, both requiring the indication of an element to which the component/leg
can be anchored.
●Anchors that have been added can be removed by selecting them from the list and
clicking the Delete Anchor button.

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●If the proposed settings on the form will lead to an erroneous result a warning symbol
will appear in the Branch Legs list.

●To further investigate any errors click the Show Messages button. This opens the Slope
Pipe Messages form as shown.

●When using the Slope Pipe form no changes are committed to the database until the
Apply button is clicked. Changes in the calculations that are performed by the form
can be reversed or reinstated using the Undo Calculation and RedoCalculation
●The following video covers the modification of PIPE 100-C-16 as covered in
Retrospective Sloping of Pipes - (Worked Example) of the training guide.

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●The following video covers the creation of sloping PIPE 100-C-17 as covered in
Exercise 6 - Creating Sloping Pipes - 100-C-17 of the training guide.

3.10 Pipework Spec/Bore Modification

3.11 Pipework Spec/Bore Modification

Your progress

●Pipework Component Bore and Specification Modification

●This utility provides a method for modification of the bore or specifications of one or all
of the components in a pipe or branch. In addition to these modifications, the utility
also allows the setting of insulation and tracing specs. The same Modify Components
form is used for modifying both component specification and bore.
●To display the Modify Components form; navigate to the required pipe or one of its
branches and in the Modify group select the Spec/Bore > Pipe or Branch button.
●Modify Components Form
●The Modify Components form is a multi-function form capable of changing both
specifications and bores. The illustration below show the result of opening the form
using PIPE 150-A-57.

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●The Modify Components form consists of three tabs, the Component List tab is the
main tab which has the following functions at the top of the form:-
○ CE - allows navigation to another pipe or branch and updates the form
○ Select from 3D View – allows the selection of a group of components in
the 3D View and highlights them on the Modify Components form.
○ Insulation Spec – checking this will display an additional column on the
Modify Components listing the insulation that is applied to the
○ Tracing Spec - checking this will display an additional column on the
Modify Components listing the tracing that is applied to the component.
●The Apply changes to like components checkbox will force any changes that are made
to a component to all instances of the same component in the list. This is very useful
when applying changes to numerous components of the same type without having to
ensure that all instances have been selected on the form.
●Component Selection
●A series of components can be selected graphically by fencing in the components and
then clicking the Select from 3D View button. This accepts the selection and
highlights the components in the list of components.
●Components can be added or removed from the selection by holding down the Ctrl/Shift
keys and selecting/deselecting components from the list.
●Modification Options
●The options are accessed from the right click menu over a selected field. In each case
the modify option applies only to the highlighted items.

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●Modifying Component Specifications
●To modify the specification of a set of components, select the Modify Specification
option from the right click menu. The Select Piping Spec form is displayed.
●The desired specification can be set from the Specification options list. How the selected
specification will be applied is determined from the Pipe/Branch Reset options list.

○ Components Only - applies the specification to the selected components.
○ Pipe and Branches - applies the specification to the components selected,
the Pipe and all of the owned Branches.
○ Branch - applies the specification to the components selected and all of
the owning Branches.
●Clicking Apply button on the Select Piping Spec form actions the search process to find
equivalent components in the selected specification. The component list is refreshed
to show the new components. At this point the form only contains a suggestion of
what the new components will be and has not made any changes to the model. Once
the search process has been completed the list of components will be highlighted to
indicate the success or failure of the process.

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●A selection summary panel is displayed at the bottom of the form to show the results of the specification
selection process.

●When a selection has been made the modification can be performed by clicking the
Apply button. Alternatively the Undo button can be used to remove the selections that
have been made so far.
●Choosing a Component
●For items where no selection is available, the Select Component option from the right
click menu can be used to manually choose a component from any of the

●This displays the Choose Option form. The Specs tab is selected first to set the new
specification, in this case A3B.

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●The Components tab is then selected so that an equivalent item can be chosen from the
form, in this case STYP GLOBE. Clicking OK adds the selected equivalent
component to the components list tab on the Modify Components form. Once the
selection is complete click the Apply button on the Modify Components form to
perform the modification.

●Modifying Component Bore
●The nominal bore of the components can be changed by selecting the Modify Bore
option from the right click menu.

●The Select Bore form is displayed with an options list of available bore sizes. The
required bore is selected from the list and clicking OK populates the component list

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with the new bore size. Once the selection is complete click the Apply button on the
Modify Components form to perform the modification.

●The following video covers the modification of the specification for PIPE 100-B-8 from
A3B to A1A as covered in Modifying a Specification - (Worked Example) of the
training guide. This will change the rating of the fittings from #300 to #150 with the
exception of the connections to the equipment.

●The following video covers the modification of PIPE 200-B-4 as shown in Exercise 7 of
the training guide.

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3.12 Splitting & Merging
It is often necessary to split pipes into more than one branch or pipe. This may be to make the
isometric drawing clearer or as a process requirement. Pipes can be split on an existing
component, a plane or into segments of a specified length. Pipe assemblies are inserted at the
split points when using the plane or segments length options.
Conversely the merging functionality can be used to merge pipes or branches into a single
element. There are obviously some restrictions in relation to the original structure of the pipes
and branches that need to be taken in to consideration.
Pipe Splitting
A pipe may be split into segments within the same branch, new branch or new pipe. Multiple
pipes may be split on a single plane.
In the Tools tab, click the Pipe Splitting button to display the Split Pipe form.

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The Split Pipe form has two tabs:-
● Split/Merge – this is the main tab used to set up the Split and Merge functions.
● Assembly – this is used to select the assembly that will be inserted when splitting.
Splitting Options
The upper section of the form determines how the split function will be performed. The
appearance of the form differs depending on the selection.

There are three radio button options for splitting:-

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● Split Pipes on a Plane - Splits the pipe by inserting an assembly component at the
intersection with a plane.
● Split Pipes into Segments - Splits the pipe into segments of a specific length. The
splitting is defined between two points that are indicated in the 3D View.
● Split Pipes by Moving Component - Splits the pipe at the selected component. The
selected component and all those downstream will then be added to a new pipe or
The radio buttons below the Move down-stream components to section determine the resulting
configuration of the pipes and branches:-
● Existing – Components are inserted at the split position in the currently selected
● New Pipe - Components downstream of the split are inserted into a new pipe in the
● New Bran - Components downstream of the split are inserted into a new branch
owned by the current pipe.
Split Pipes on a Plane - Plane Definition

The main aim of this section of the form is to determine the position and direction of the plane.
This can be achieved by entering the relevant position directly in to the textboxes shown.
Alternatively, click the Define Plane link label to allow the selection of a position in the 3D View
in conjunction with the Positioning Control toolbar.
The plane can be seen in the 3D View.

Split Pipes into Segments

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The Split Pipes into Segments option allows a single branch to be split into segments of a given
length between selected components or selected features that are adjacent to the pipe. This
function does not require the creation of a plane and is not capable of handling multiple

The Split Pipe Length section of the form determines how lengths are to be used by the function.
Select from the Segment Length or Cut-pipe Length options and key in the required value.

Split By Moving Component

The Split Pipe by Moving Component option allows a single branch to be split at an indicated
component. This function does not require the creation of a plane and is not capable of handling
multiple branches. The indicated component will be moved to a New Pipe or New Branch,
consequently the Existing radio button is not available.

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In this example it is the valve at the tail of PIPE 100-B-8 that has been indicated. With the New
Pipe radio button selected the results can be seen by referring to the Model Explorer as shown:-

Assembly Tab
The Assembly tab is only relevant when the function requires the addition of new components,
i.e. the Split Pipes on a Plane and Split Pipes into Segments options.
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The resulting tab is very similar to the Assemblies that are added via the Piping Component
Editor form. It allows the selection of the assembly that will be inserted at the various split points.

Alternative assemblies can be selected by clicking on the Filter Assemblies By options list.

The Assembly build origin options list determines whether to build the assembly using the
primary or secondary origin, as defined during the assembly creation.

Performing the Split

The Perform Commands section of the Split/Merge tab contains the following context sensitive
● Split - this is available for all three splitting options and used to invoke the splitting
function once all the settings have been made.

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● ID Split - this is only available when using the Split Pipes on a Plane function and
allows the branches to be split to be selected in the 3D View without populating the
Branches to Split list.
● Flow - this adds a flow direction arrow to the 3D View to indicate which side of the
split represents the downstream components.
● Undo - used to undo the previous actions.
● Dismiss - closes the form.
The following video covers the use of the Split Pipes on a Plane function using PIPE 100-C-17
as covered in the Splitting Pipes on a Plane - (Worked Example) in the training guide.

The following video covers the use of the Split Pipes into Segments function using PIPE 100-C-
13 as covered in the Splitting Pipes into Segments - (Worked Example) in the training guide.

Merge Pipe/Branch
The Merge branch/pipe function provides the following functionality:-
● Merge two adjacent branches

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● Merge two adjacent pipes.

The following video covers the use of the Merge branch / pipe function using PIPE 100-C-17 and
PIPE 100-C-17-Split(1) as covered in the Merge Pipe - (Worked Example) in the training guide.

3.13 Exercise 8 - Completing the Pipework

In the training guide this exercise is designed to provide the trainees with an opportunity to
practice their newly acquired skills to complete some of the existing pipes and to create several
new ones. For this e-learning course this scope has been reduced.
The following video covers the creation of PIPE 250-B-5.

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The following video covers the completion of PIPE 100-C-12 which was started in Exercise 4 -
Integrator Mode - 100-C-12.

The following video covers the completion of PIPE 40-B-10 which was started in Pipe Routing
Using Bends - Fabrication Machine - (Worked Example).

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The following video covers the creation of PIPE 50-B-9.

3.14 Data Consistency

Your progress

●Possible Types of Data Error

●The data consistency checking utility, available within the Piping application, checks
the design for occurrences of the following types of error.
●Angular Alignment - Checks that components which are to be connected together are
aligned in the same direction.

●Axial Alignment - Checks that components which are to be connected together are
aligned on a
●common axis.

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●Consistent Bores - Checks that components which are to be connected together have
consistent bores.

●Connection Types - Checks that components which are to be connected together have
compatible connection types.

●Minimum Tube Length - Checks that no length of tube is less than a prescribed
minimum (which may depend on its bore).

●Accessing the Data Consistency Checks
●In the Tools group click the Data Consistency button to show the Data Consistency
Check form as shown.

●This form is used to generate a diagnostic report on the data consistency of any part of
the design.
●The report can be listed on the screen (in the area in the lower half of the form), or sent
to a file from which a hard copy can be printed. Select Screen or File radio button
and, in the latter case, specify the Directory and Filename. Then choose the
hierarchic level at which to check the design using the Check options list, the default
value is CE.

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●For parameters and tolerances, the Data Consistency Check allows a margin of
acceptable error before a problem is reported. These built–in tolerances have default
values, but may be set to alternative values if preferred. Click the Piping button from
the Parameters section of the form will display the Piping Consistency Check Options

●Design Tolerances
●The misalignment between adjacent components can be measured using any of the
following three parameters:-
○ The displacement angle between the p-arrive and p-leave axes.
○ The offset distance between the p-arrive and p-leave axes.
○ The ratio of the offset to the projected distance between the p-arrive and p-
leave p-points (equivalent to the tangent of the angle parameter).

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●Minimum Tube Lengths
●Clicking the Tube Range button from the Data Consistency Check Options form will
display the Tube Tolerance Check Options form.
●By default a report will warn of all lengths of tube in the design which are shorter than
100mm. This allows a decision to be made whether each such length is adequate for
welding procedures, bolt withdrawal, access, and so on. This minimum length can be
changed from the default of 100mm, and may set different minima for up to ten
different pipe bore ranges if desired. i.e.:
○ A minimum length of 150mm for bores between 25 and 50.
○ A minimum length of 300mm for bores between 50 and 100.

●The Report Format
●The report comprises a header, giving the date and time, followed by an itemised list of
the elements being checked, together with numbered diagnostic messages describing
any potential problems.

● An example showing errors.

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● If no problems exist this message is displayed.
●Refer to the following document for further information regarding the various diagnostic messages:-
●Data Consistency Diagnostic Messages 01
●The following video covers the use of the Data Consistency Check form to process some
of the pipes that were completed in Exercise 8 - Completing the Pipework as covered
in Exercise 9 - Data Consistency of the training guide.

3.15 Clash Detection

This section provides an overview of the clash detection functionality that is available within
AVEVA Everything3D. The functionality is covered in detail on another course but the use of the
form is such an integral part of the pipe modelling workflow that it has to be mentioned in this
course as well.
Accessing the Clashes Form
In the Check group of the Home tab, click the Clashes button to display the Clashes form.

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The following video shows the basic use of the Clashes form using PIPE 100-B-8 created

3.16 Design Checker

Validation Philosophy
AVEVA E3D piping promotes the philosophy of check and modification before the Production
Information is
created and distributed. This can be easily illustrated by a simple flow diagram showing how the
process of Design Check, Integrator Check, Clash Check and Modify may be repeated until all
aspects have been satisfied.

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Design Checker
The Design Checker utility allows design consistency checks, written as macros, to be added
quickly and easily to Model. Some simple design checks are supplied by AVEVA as part of the
installation. These will be expanded upon over time.
The Design Checker utility provides:
● A standard customisable user interface for model consistency checks.
● Standard reporting, to screen and file, of the results of a model consistency check.
● The ability to add new checking functions tailored to the working practices employed
by the company or project.
● Navigation to the elements that have failed the checks directly from the form.
Additional checks required by the user can be added to the standard consistency checks provided
by AVEVA. A check is a macro function which tests selected elements in the database, and
reports back to the Checker Results form whether the element has passed or failed the tests.
From the Check group of the HOME tab, click the Checker button to access the Checker form.

The Checker form will appear as shown.

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Design Checker Form
The Check Items list of the Checker form allows the specification of which elements are to be
The Checks pane allows the selection of one or more check functions to be applied to those
To add elements to the Check Items list, click Add and select an option from the drop-down

Current Element - Adds the current element selected in the Model Explorer.
Current Element Members - Adds all members of the current element, but not the current
element itself.
Graphical Pick - Allows elements to be picked from the 3D View.

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Current Collection - Adds all the elements in the Collection.
Failed List - Adds all elements which have failed an earlier check, as listed on the Checker
Results form.
To remove items from the Check Items list, click Remove and select an option from the drop-
down menu. Note that the Remove option only becomes available when the Check Items list is

All - Removes everything from the Check Items list and removes all highlighting.
Selected - Removes selected elements from the Check Items list.
Current Element - Removes the current element highlighted in the Model Explorer from the
Check Items list.
Current Element Members - Removes all the members of the current element from the Check
Items list, but not the current element.
Graphical Pick - Removes elements from the Check Items list by picking them in the 3D View.
Any highlighting on the element is also removed.
Current Collection - Removes all the elements in the Collection from the Check Items list.
To make it easier to interpret the check results, the elements can be highlighted in the 3D View.
To highlight items in the 3D View, click Highlight and select an option from the drop-down

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Elements… - Highlights all elements that are in the Check Items list. When the selected, the
Elements Colour form is displayed which allows the selection of the highlight colour.

Passed - Passed is an On/Off toggle. When on, shown by a tick on the menu, all elements which
pass subsequent checks will be highlighted.
Failed - Failed is an On/Off toggle. When on, shown by a tick on the menu, all elements which
fail subsequent checks will be highlighted.
Colours > Passed - Displays the Passed Colour form, when Passed is activated on the menu,
allowing the selection of a highlight colour for elements that pass the check.
Colours > Failed - Displays the Failed Colour form, when Failed is activated on the menu,
allowing the selection of a highlight colour for elements that fail the check.
Clear > Selection - Allows the selected element to be cleared.
Clear > All - Allows all elements to be cleared.
Check Functions
The available check functions are organised into Disciplines and Groups. This simplifies the
selection of those most relevant to the user's current design activities; for example, Steelwork,
Piping, HVAC, Cable Trays, etc. Each Discipline may have one or more Groups associated with
it, representing more specific features of the design discipline.
Selecting the required class of checks from the Disciplines options list will automatically update
the Groups options.

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Selecting the required group of checks from the Groups options list will automatically update the
Checks list to show all individual checks applicable to the chosen Discipline and Group.
From the Checks list, select one or more checks that are to be performed on the elements in the
Check Items list. The checks are performed by clicking the Check button on the form.
Design Checker Results

Clicking the Check button will automatically display the Checker Results form.
The upper section of the form indicates which elements have passed or failed.
Selecting the element in this section will display information in the Messages section of the form
and apply the relevant highlight colour to the 3D View.
The following video covers the use of the Design Checker functionality to check PIPE 150-B-6 as
covered in the Design Checker - (Worked Example) in the training guide.

3.17 Creating Isometrics

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Detail Isometric production is the subject of another course. However, since it is likely to be a
requirement of the piping designer, the basic techniques, of what is a simple operation are
covered here.
Before the creation of Isometric plots the pipes should be free from clashes and data consistency
Both Pipe and System isometrics can be created. In the Isometric group, select the Pipe or System
option from the Pipe button options list to create an isometric.

The following video shows the creation of pipe isometrics from within Model.

3.18 The Piping Settings Form

The Piping Settings form is used to control some of the default behaviour within the Piping
On the Project tab, select Options > Discipline, followed by the Piping Application Defaults
button to display the Piping Settings form.

The Piping Settings form is split into three section:-

● Component Editor

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● Pipe Editor
● Selection
● Laser Data
● Direction Display

Refer to the following document for details of the individual settings:-

Piping Settings Form 01


4.0 Principles of Linear members
Each individual structural profile (column, beam, brace, etc.) is represented in Model by a
Generic Section (GENSEC) element.
To ensure design consistency and conformity to national or company standards, the definition of
all profile shapes used for linear members are held in the Catalogue. The cross-sectional shape,
or geometry, of the profile is defined as a 2D shape in the Catalogue.
The GENSEC has a Specification Reference (Spref) attribute which points to a Specification
Component (SPCO) element in the catalogue.
The Specification acts as a selection mechanism and filters the available profiles to the user
depending on choices made on the selection option lists.
The SPCO points at a Structural Profile (SPRF) element which is also held in the catalogue, via
its Catalogue Reference (Catref) attribute. The SPRF in turn references the profile’s geometry
definition, Pline set and Data set (not shown).

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When a profile is created the selected 2D profile shape is extruded from the specified start
position to the specified end position.
The vast majority of sections on a project will be straight, however, functionality is provided for
curved, arc and ringGENSECs.

To provide a method of referring to edges and other salient points of the profile, named lines
running along the length of the profile are provided. These lines, which are specified within the
2D geometry in the Catalogue, are called Plines.
A profile has a standard set of Plines as well as specific Plines for its Generic Type (Gtype). The
Plines have a two, three or four letter abbreviated name. Plines are used for profile justification,
trimming at connections and placement of fittings.

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Plines are used to justify the profile around an imaginary line between the start and end positions
of the GENSEC.

4.1 Storage and Automatic Hierarchy

There are two options available to define how structural elements are stored in the model
hierarchy, Manual Storage and Grid Storage. The following document explains the use of these
two options.
Storage and Hierarchy (Refer Attachment)

4.2 Creating Linear Members

The following document explains the different methods available for creating linear members
(GENSECs), and also details on other options available which are commonly used when modelling
GENSECs, such as snapping, Pline filtering and connectivity.
Creating Linear members

4.3 Modifying Linear Members

The following document explains how GENSECs can be modified in canvas, utilising grips to alter
the size, shape and position of GENSECs.

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Modifying Linear members
The following video covers the creation of the basic portal frames for the Workshop building,
utilising various profile creation and modification functionality.

The following video continues the modelling of the Workshop building, adding additional profiles
to the building end frames

The following video continues the modelling of the Workshop building, with the addition of
cladding rails, utilising various profile creation and modification options.

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The following video covers the addition of roof purlins to the Workshop building. It demonstrates
the use of the Local Coordinate System (LCS) to define the orientation and position of profiles

The following video completes the Workshop building frame with the addition of bracing members

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4.4 Joints and Fittings
The following document describes the use of Joints and Fittings for Linear (GENSEC) elements
and Fittings for planar (PANE) elements.
Structure - Joints and Fittings
The following video demonstrates addition of fittings in the form of Web Stiffeners, to the existing
profiles in the Workshop building/

The following video demonstrates the modification of joint specifications to add haunch joints
between the roof beams and wall columns, and also the addition of column baseplates.

4.5 Principles of Planar members

Unlike linear elements, planar elements are not catalogue driven but are modelled by creating a
series of points (vertices) to form a 2D shape that is extruded through the plate’s thickness. Each
panel or plate is represented in Model by a Panel (PANE) element.
A PANE element can be used to represent any sheet material in a structural model.
The panel’s planar area is defined by a Panel Loop (PLOO) element.

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A PLOO owns a series of Panel Vertex (PAVE) elements positioned, generally, at each change in
direction of the 2D shape.

A line joining adjacent vertices defines each panel edge.

The panel thickness is defined by the Height attribute of the PLOO element, i.e. the distance
through which the 2D shape is extruded to form the 3D plate.

A PANE can be justified Top, Centre or Bottom which determines which way the thickness is
extruded. To maintain correct justification the PAVE elements should be constructed in a
clockwise direction. Specifying the PAVE positions in an anti-clockwise direction will reverse the
direction of extrusion if the PANE is justified Top or Bottom.

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PLOO definition may include arc elements to create curved edges. Arc, ring and disc shapes may
also be created.

4.6 Creating Planar members

The following document explains the different options available for creating different shape planar
members (PANEs) and also how to add Negative geometry to a PANE.
Creating Planar members

4.7 Modifying Planar members

The following document explains how PANEs can be modified in canvas, utilising grips to alter
their size, shape and position. Also use of the Properties Grid to change the thickness and
justification of PANE elements is covered.
Modifying Planar members
The following video demonstrates the creation of graphical aid lines, used to help define the
position for the panels to be added to the Workshop building.

The following video demonstrates the addition of the roof panels to the Workshop building.

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The following video demonstrates the addition of the cladding panels to the Workshop building.

4.8 Catalogues
Sample structural profile catalogues are provided with E3D2.1, covering various international
standards. To compliment the steel profile catalogue, a joints and fittings catalogue of sample data
has also been provided. The following document gives more detailed information and also details
on Preferred Profile Lists can be created to limit profile choices on a specific project.
Structural catalogues

5.0 Support Zones
- Logging to E3D > choose “SUPPORTS” from Discipline options list on the Quick
Access Toolbar.
- Navigate to SITE want to create ZONE for support in Model Explorer
- Open GENERAL Tab > Click ZONE button in Create group > Enter ZONE NAME
> Select SUPP Supports Purpose > Ok

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5.1 Support Defaults
- Before the user can start building supports, a series of defaults must be entered. Some
of these defaults can be set by the user through the Supports Application Defaults
form, others are set at an Administration level.
- Select the DEFAULTS option on the drop-down menu of the Defaults button located
in the Settings group on the SUPPORTS tab.
Any changes made by the user are temporary and apply only to the current session. To make
the changes to the defaults permanent, the applicable administration windows must be

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5.2 Multi Discipline Framework Support
- To create a Multi Discipline Framework Support, from the SUPPORTS tab, select
the Framework icon, located in the Create group to display the Frameworks gallery.

- The gallery displays thumbnails of all the framework types available within the project
and places them into categories:
 Cable Tray Frameworks
 HVAC Frameworks
 Multi Discipline Frameworks
 Guide Frameworks

- Next, the Ancillary Selection form is displayed, the Ancillary Selection form
displays the available and unavailable ancillaries related to the selected pipe’s

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- Once an ancillary is selected, the Support Editor form is displayed.

- The buttons and options, which appear for each support type, are dependent on its
usage and orientation. Consequently not all buttons and options appear on every
Support Editor form or can be used in every orientation. Any buttons that are not
required by the particular standard will be deactivated, i.e. greyed out.

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- The following video explores the different types of framework supports that are
available in the Frameworks gallery in the Create group of the SUPPORTS tab.

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5.3 Modifying, Deleting and Locking Supports
- A pre-existing support can be Modified, Deleted or Locked using features located in
the SUPPORTS tab.
- A support can be Modified by clicking the SUPPORT button in Modify group, this
will open the Support Editor form.
- To delete a support use the Delete Support button located in the Delete group.
- Supports can be Locked individually or from the support zone level to avoid any
further modification, to lock or unlock a support, the LOCK or UNLOCK option
from the Lock/Unlock drop down menu in the Tools group can be used.
- The following video covers modifying the Steelwork template of a Support through
the Support Editor form.

5.4 Ancillary Supports

- To create an Ancillary Support, click on the ANCILLARY button within the Create
group located on the Supports tab.

- The Stand Alone Supports gallery will be displayed as follows: Select Ancillary
from the gallery.

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- For other types of Stand Alone Supports such as Anchor, Guide, Stop and Slip Unit,
the same Ancillary Selection form containing a list of available and unavailable
components will be displayed.
- The following video covers creating an XAT001 Ancillary Support using a pre-
existing Pipe and Structure.

Page 122/135
- The following video explores the different types of Ancillary supports that are
available in the Stand Alone Supports gallery in the Create group of the

5.5 Trunnion Support

- To create a Trunnion Support, click on the TRUNNION button within the Create
group located on the Supports tab.

- Trunnions gallery will be displayed as follows.

- The following video covers creating an XTT04 Trunnion and the associated features
on the Support Editor form.

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- The following video is a continuation of the previous worked example and covers
creating Trunnions.

5.6 Fixed Hanger Support

- To create a Hanger Support, click on the HANGER button from the Create group
located on the Supports tab.

- Hanger gallery with available standards will be displayed as follows.

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- Once the user identifies the pipe and steelwork member above it. The Template
Hanger Creation displays. From this form a Fixed or Variable hanger can be selected
from the associated tab.

- The following video covers creating a Fixed Hanger.

- The following video covers creating a Variable Hanger.

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5.7 Special Supports
- A Special support is one of the following:
○ A support that does not conform to any available framework template shape.
○ A support that uses a different steelwork size to those available via default
- A Special Support is a framework support that has a configuration of steelwork not
available in any of the standards available within the Supports module. To create a
Special Support, select the SPECIAL SUPPORT icon, located within the Create
group on the Supports tab to display the Frameworks gallery.

- The Special Supports options list is displayed.

- The following video covers using an existing Project Special Support onto a pipe.

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- The following video covers combining together a Multi Discipline Support and an
Ancillary Support to create a Special Support

5.8 Converting to a Special

- This option enables the user to convert a Standard support to a Special Support, it will
then be possible to modify supports steelwork like any other steelwork member.
- The supports shown to the left has been created from a modified Cantilever converted
to a Special and a standard Hanger added.

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- The following video covers creating the Support displayed above - an Ancillary
Support which is then converted into the Special Support that is then used to support a
standard Fixed Hanger.

5.9 Preliminary Supports

- The Pipe Designer can create Preliminary Supports in a support zone to which they
have been given access, the Support Designer can use these Preliminary Supports and
convert them in Ancillary Supports.
- The image below shows a typical Preliminary Support.

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- Once a Preliminary Support is created, a Support Designer, typically
A.SUPPORTMAN (support user) can then convert the Preliminary support into an
Ancillary support using the same workflow as described previously when creating an
Ancillary Support.
- The following video covers creating some typical Preliminary Supports to the design
and then converting them to Ancillary supports.

5.10 Supports Browser

- Click the SUPPORT BROWSER button in the Tools group of the Supports tab to
open up the Support Browser list.

- Navigate through the tree.

- Right clicking on the support node opens up a menu with options which enable the
user to Modify, Delete or Zoom To the selected support.

5.11 Copy Support

- To copy a support select Copy Support from the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

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- The user will be presented with the Copy Support form

- The Distance value defines the distance between the copied support and the previous
piping component or previous support.
- The following video covers copying an existing support.

5.12 Support Wizard

- The Support Wizard is a utility supplied to assist the user to identify quickly, the
Pipes, HVAC and Trays that are in the vicinity of the working element, which may
require supporting.
- To use the Support Wizard select Support Wizard from the Tools group on the

- The user will be presented with the form shown below

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- This video covers using the Support Wizard to add some Pipes and Steelwork to
the 3D View

5.13 Health Check Utility (HCU)

- The Supports application creates supports across four disciplines: Structural, Piping,
Electrical and HVAC, and it is possible that one of the disciplines could
inadvertently corrupt a support in some way. The Health Check Utility checks for
the existence of any problems.
- After the health check is carried out, the results can be displayed on the screen or
exported to an excel file.
- The Support Health Check Utility will run automatically when clicking Apply on
the Support Editor form to finish the support creation procedure.
- It also can be run by clicking on the Health Check button in the Tools group on the

- The Support Health Check Utility form will be displayed.

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- If any errors are detected the Support is considered to be incomplete and the
Support Editor form cannot be closed. Therefore the user is forced to return to the
Support Editor form to rectify the reported errors before being allowed to exit the
creation form.
- The following video covers running a Health Check on a section of the current

5.14 Aligning Supports

- The Align Support functionality enables the Support Designer to reposition the
supports and realign them to the Pipe, HVAC and Cable Trays which have been
moved by a user who has write access to these databases.
- ALIGN SUPPORTS is located in the Tools group on the Supports tab.

- The Align Supports forms will be displayed.

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- The following video covers using the Align Supports feature.

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5.15 Miscellaneous Utilities - Snipe
- The Snipe feature enables the user to trim the end of angles.
- To use Snipe select the Snipe from the Additional Tools drop-down menu located
in the Tools group of the SUPPORTS tab.

- The Snipe form, shown below, is displayed.

- Use the Select Sniped End and Select Angle Leg radio buttons to select the leg to
Snipe. The result will be as displayed below.

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- The following video covers creating a Snipe on a previously created Support.

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