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Manual: Prepared Solution 9300 Servoplc / Ecsxa

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Prepared Solution
9300 ServoPLC / ECSxA
Important note:
This software is supplied to the user as described in this document. All risks resulting from its quality or use
remain the responsibility of the user. The user must provide all safety measures against possible incorrect
We do not take any liability for direct or indirect damage, e.g. profit loss, order loss, or any loss regarding

© 2006 Lenze Drive Systems GmbH

No part of this documentation may be reproduced or made available to third parties without written consent from
Lenze Drive Systems GmbH.
All indications given in this documentation have been carefully selected and comply with the hardware and
software described. Nevertheless, deviations cannot be ruled out. We do not take any responsibility or liability
for damage which might possibly occur. Required corrections will be made in the following editions.
All tradenames in this documentation are trademarks belonging to the related owners

1 Preface and general information................................................................................................................................. 1-1

1.1 Version information................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Scope of supply ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 About this manual .................................................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.4 Range of functions and modes .............................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.4.1 Parameterisable variant ................................................................................................................................ 1-5
1.4.2 Programmable variant................................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.4.3 "Flying Saw“Prepared Solution .................................................................................................................... 1-9
1.5 Conventions used .................................................................................................................................................. 1-9
2 Features of the Prepared Solution.............................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Definition of a flying saw ........................................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.2 Example layout and functional principle ................................................................................................................ 2-3
2.2.1 Typical layout of a flying saw ........................................................................................................................ 2-3
2.3 Typical applications ............................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3.1 Typical motion profiles .................................................................................................................................. 2-5
2.4 Synchronous synchronisation................................................................................................................................ 2-8
2.5 Oversynchronous synchronisation......................................................................................................................... 2-9
2.6 Length-controlled operation ................................................................................................................................. 2-10
2.7 Mark-controlled operation .................................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.8 "Start gap" function .............................................................................................................................................. 2-12
2.9 Applicability criteria for the parameterisable Prepared Solution .......................................................................... 2-13
2.10 Functions of the control inputs and outputs ......................................................................................................... 2-18
2.11 Manual control ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-18
2.12 Start gap .............................................................................................................................................................. 2-18
2.13 Cut done .............................................................................................................................................................. 2-18
2.14 Immediate cut / top cut ........................................................................................................................................ 2-18
2.15 Homing ................................................................................................................................................................ 2-19
2.16 Manual control ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-22
2.16.1 Limit switch integration................................................................................................................................ 2-23
2.16.2 Software limit positions ............................................................................................................................... 2-23
2.17 Moving clear from a limit switch........................................................................................................................... 2-25
2.18 Delay on the synchronised signal ........................................................................................................................ 2-26
2.19 Status signal "Double length"............................................................................................................................... 2-27
2.20 Status signal "Mark not detected"........................................................................................................................ 2-27
2.21 Following error monitoring ................................................................................................................................... 2-28
3 Functions .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-29
3.1 Cut counter .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-29
3.2 Scrap counter ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-29
3.3 Decrementing cut counter.................................................................................................................................... 3-29
3.4 Top cut counter.................................................................................................................................................... 3-29
3.5 Resetting the counters......................................................................................................................................... 3-29
3.6 Automatic operation: length-controlled operation ................................................................................................ 3-30
3.7 Automatic operation: mark-controlled operation .................................................................................................. 3-30
3.7.1 Mark checking............................................................................................................................................. 3-30
3.7.2 Simulation of the master speed................................................................................................................... 3-30
3.8 Measuring material speed ................................................................................................................................... 3-31
3.8.1 Measuring wheel and encoder selection..................................................................................................... 3-32
Control/status interface to the higher-level control ....................................................................................................... 3-34
4 Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"........................................................................................................................... 4-43
4.1 Requirements ...................................................................................................................................................... 4-43
4.1.1 Required components................................................................................................................................. 4-43
4.2 Hardware layout................................................................................................................................................... 4-44
4.2.1 Wiring of the ServoPLC control terminals ................................................................................................... 4-45
4.2.2 Wiring of the ECSxA control terminals........................................................................................................ 4-46
4.3 Commissioning of the Prepared Solution (parameterisable variant).................................................................... 4-47
4.3.1 Download of the program FlyingSaw_SPLC_Vxxxxxx / FlyingSaw_ECS_Vxxxxxx ................................... 4-47
4.3.2 Sequence for online commissioning using GDC......................................................................................... 4-53

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN I


4.3.3 Sequence for the online commissioning of the functions............................................................................ 4-60

5 Commissioning length-controlled operation............................................................................................................. 5-1
6 Commissioning mark-controlled operation ............................................................................................................... 6-1
7 State machine of the Prepared Solution .................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.1.1 Concise description of the states .................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.2 Parallel functions ................................................................................................................................................... 7-3
8 Program extensions/supplements.............................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1 Configuration of the ServoPLC user interface ....................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.1 Default setting of the ServoPLC hardware inputs ......................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.2 Default setting of the ServoPLC hardware outputs....................................................................................... 8-2
8.2 Configuration of the ECS user interface ................................................................................................................ 8-3
8.2.1 Default setting of the ECS hardware inputs .................................................................................................. 8-3
8.2.2 Default setting of the ECS hardware outputs................................................................................................ 8-4
8.3 Task management ................................................................................................................................................. 8-5
9 Dimensioning aspects ................................................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.1 Resolution of the system ....................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Axis normalisation.................................................................................................................................................. 9-2
9.3 Master frequency source measuring wheel ........................................................................................................... 9-2
9.4 Master frequency source Servo / Servo PLC ........................................................................................................ 9-4
10 Description of the function blocks ........................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1 Function block MotionControl .............................................................................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Function block Software_Limit............................................................................................................................. 10-4
10.3 Function block RatioNormFlyingSaw................................................................................................................... 10-5
10.4 Function block Master Frequency........................................................................................................................ 10-6
10.5 Function block LengthCalculation........................................................................................................................ 10-8
10.6 Function block Offset Calculation ...................................................................................................................... 10-10
10.7 Function block Synchronize Control .................................................................................................................. 10-12
10.8 Function block VersionHandling ........................................................................................................................ 10-15
10.9 Function block MultiplexerInput ......................................................................................................................... 10-17
10.10 Function block MultiplexerOutput ...................................................................................................................... 10-21
11 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1 Possible error sources ......................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1.1 Slip at the measuring wheel or at the material infeed ................................................................................. 11-1
11.1.2 Interference on the master encoder signal.................................................................................................. 11-1
11.1.3 Incorrectly set synchronisation ratio / normalisation factor ......................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Global variables ................................................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.2.1 Global.......................................................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.2.2 VarCounter_FS ........................................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.3 VarErrorHandling ........................................................................................................................................ 11-3
11.2.4 VarInterfaceFlyingSaw................................................................................................................................ 11-4
11.2.5 VarLimitsSwitches....................................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.2.6 VarNormFactor............................................................................................................................................ 11-5
11.2.7 VarOperationVisu........................................................................................................................................ 11-5
11.2.8 VarStatusMachine....................................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.2.9 VarVersion .................................................................................................................................................. 11-6
11.3 Codes of the Prepared Solution........................................................................................................................... 11-7
11.3.1 Table of application codes .......................................................................................................................... 11-7
11.3.2 Code initialisation values........................................................................................................................... 11-11
11.4 Error messages ................................................................................................................................................. 11-12
11.4.1 System error messages ............................................................................................................................ 11-13
11.4.2 Application error messages....................................................................................................................... 11-19
11.4.3 User-defined error messages.................................................................................................................... 11-20

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN II

Preface and general information

1 Preface and general information

1.1 Version information

This document is valid for the Prepared Solution "FlyingSaw“ in version V1.x
Version ID number Modifications
1.0 07/2007 New document
1.1 03/2008 Reworked document with target ECSxA

The versions for the project file and the application library for the Prepared Solution are
displayed in the following format using codes C3999/001 and C3999/003:
Code Possible settings: Comment
Default Selection
C3999 - 0 ... {1} ... 99.99 Display code: version for the Prepared Solution (subcode 1:
1 project file, subcode 2: application library 1, subcode 3:
2 application library 2):
3 ƒ The numerals one and two define the main version
ƒ The numerals three and four define the subversion
ƒ The numerals five and six define the service-pack

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 1-1

Preface and general information

1.2 Scope of supply

The CD-ROM enclosed contains the following files:
File type Use

*.BIN Binary file:

The binary file contains the compiled project with all system
and application codes (for information on application codes
FlyingSaw_ECS_Vxxxxxx.bin see chapter 11.3.1) and can be transferred to the target
system using the Lenze software tool GDLoader. The
binary file is required if the parameterisable variant (see
chapter 1.4.1) is to be used.
*.LPC Template model:
The template model contains the source code for the
Prepared Solution and is required if the programmable
variant is to be used (see chapter 1.4.2). It can be edited,
translated and transferred to the target system using the
Lenze software DDS.
*.LIB Library file:
The library file contains the core functionality for the
Prepared Solution and is the basis for the project file.
Without the library file the project file cannot be completely
translated in DDS.
*.PDB Device description file:
The device description file is required for setting the
parameters for the Prepared Solution (parameterisable
version) using the Lenze software tool GDC. Before GDC is
used, the device description file must be copied to the
corresponding directory for the GDC software).
*.SDB Symbol file for GDOscilloscope:
The symbol file for use in connection with the Lenze
software Global Drive Oscilloscope contains a list of signals
in the Prepared Solution that can be displayed using the
oscilloscope. When the GDOscilloscope is started this file
must be assigned to be able to access the required signals
from the Prepared Solution.
*.PDF PDF file (manual):
This manual describes the Prepared Solution in detail.

The files are installed automatically by the setup provided on the product CD.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 1-2

Preface and general information

1.3 About this manual

Prepared Solutions from Lenze make it easier for the user to implement complex drive functions
in specific practical situations. Prepared Solutions already contain the complete functionality for
a machine (core functionality as well as peripheral functionality) and can be commissioned
rapidly using only a few steps.
This manual on the one hand describes the basics of the application covered by the Prepared
Solution. In this way the user is familiarised with the physical aspects of the system and obtains
the necessary basic knowledge for commissioning and modifying the Prepared Solution to the
specific application.
On the other hand technical details (e.g. a list of the necessary components, application
parameters and application variables, step-by-step commissioning instructions, diagnostics and
fault elimination) are addressed to ensure the Prepared Solution can be used quickly.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 1-3

Preface and general information

1.4 Range of functions and modes

The Prepared Solutions essentially comprise a number of files that can be employed by the
user as a basis for the specific application. For this purpose two different versions of the
Prepared Solution are available: in the parameterisable version the Prepared Solution provides
very quick commissioning with pre-defined interfaces and functionality. The programmable
version is suitable particularly for flexible modification to special customer requirements. A
corresponding control and status interface are available as a function, depending on whether
the user chooses the parameterisable or the programmable variant.

Parameterisable Programmable
variant variant

Predefined interfaces

Free definition of the user interface

Very quick commissioning by setting parameters

Modifications/extensions to the functionality using

custom sub-routines, programmed in the IEC
programming languages

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 1-4

Preface and general information

1.4.1 Parameterisable variant

With the parameterisable variant all basic functions and the selection of the interface signals are
defined solely by the use of parameters (codes). As a result a uniform, predefined interface is
provided to the user. Typical signal wires, terminal assignments, interfaces to data bus systems,
etc. can be selected via parameters (codes). Therefore the parameterisable variant of the
Prepared Solution provides the quickest commissioning without restricting the functionality of
the Prepared Solution in any way:

= Internal program parts of the Prepared Solution

= Parts of the Prepared Solution that can be changed by the user

The system is configured entirely using codes (parameter interface). The function of the
individual codes for setting parameters is listed in chapter 11.3.1.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 1-5

Preface and general information

When the parameterisable variant is used, the following Lenze software tools are required:

Global Drive Control (GDC):

For operation, parameter setting, and diagnostics

Global Drive Loader (GDLoader):

For transferring the binary file of the project and the application data
(profile data) 1

Global Drive Oscilloscope (GDO):

For diagnostics and recording of temporal characteristics

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 1-6

Preface and general information

1.4.2 Programmable variant

The programmable variant includes the range of functions of the parameterisable variant,
however, the user can modify the program for the Prepared Solution using IEC61131
modifications (e.g. for the definition of interfaces, modification of the external signal flow, …) to
add other, custom sub-routines. In this way the Prepared Solution can be adapted to the
customer's requirements. It is also possible to optimally utilise the target platform's resources
without affecting the core functionality.

= Internal program parts of the Prepared Solution

= Parts of the Prepared Solution that can be edited by the user

The configuration of the signal flow beyond the core functionality in the case of the
programmable variant is left to the user, as is the changing/modification/extension of existing
sub-routines in/to the Prepared Solution (e.g. error handling). The interface between the sub-
routines that contain the core functionality and the application sub-routines as well as the
system blocks is similar to the templates for the software packages and uses global variables.
The significance of the global interface variables is listed in chapter 11.2.

The core functionality of the Prepared Solution cannot be changed by the user in either variant.
In this way it is ensured that unintentional malfunctions cannot be programmed or monitoring is

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 1-7

Preface and general information

When the programmable variant is used, the following Lenze software tools are required:

Drive PLC Developer Studio (DDS):

For the adaptation of the Prepared Solution program (editing the PRO

Global Drive Control (GDC):

For operation, parameter setting, and diagnostics

Global Drive Loader (GDLoader):

For transferring the binary file for the project and the application data
(profile data) 2, if the customer project once produced is to be

Global Drive Oscilloscope (GDO):

For diagnostics, optimisation and the recording of temporal

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 1-8

Preface and general information

1.4.3 "Flying Saw“Prepared Solution

The "Flying saw" Prepared solution provides the software-based solution of a drive task. Flying
saws are used in many production processes. Specifically whenever material is to be machined
during a production process is running. This process does not necessarily has to be a sawing
process. Filling or drilling processes, for instance, are also possible. A primary characteristic of
a flying saw is the length or mark-controlled synchronisation to a production speed.

1.5 Conventions used

This manual uses the following conventions to distinguish between the different types of
Type of information Representation Example
Names of dialog boxes, input Italic The Options dialog box
fields and selection lists
Buttons Bold Click OK to ...
Menu commands Bold Using the Messages command you can...
If a function requires several commands to be carried out in succession, the
individual commands are separated from each other by an arrow:
select File  Open to...
Keyboard commands <Bold> You can open the input help using <F2>.
If a command requires a key combination, a "+" is placed between the commands:
using <Shift> + <ESC> you can...
Program listing Courier IF var1 < var2 THEN...

Keywords Courier bold ...starts with FUNCTION and ends with END FUNCTION.

Important note Attention!

 Do not use the Online  Controller inhibit command for an emergency stop via
the PC, as this command only arrives at the controller with a delay.

Tip TIP!

If you keep the mouse pointer over a symbol on the toolbar for a short time, the
corresponding command is indicated in a "tooltip".

Variable names
The conventions used by Lenze for the variable names of its system blocks, function blocks and
functions are based on the so-called Hungarian Notation. This notation makes it possible to
identify the most important properties (e.g. the data type) of the corresponding variable by
means of its name, e.g. DIGIN_bIn1_b.
You will find information about the conventions in the appendix of the DDS Online
documentation “Introduction to IEC 61131-3 programming”.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 1-9

Features of the Prepared Solution

2 Features of the Prepared Solution

In the following, the key features and functions of the flying saw are given as bullet points.

The Prepared Solution includes the following functions:

• Homing, determining the reference position of the axis

• Inching mode, manual positioning of the axis
• Absolute positioning
• Top cut at "zero" line speed
• Top cuts independent of the position (away from the initial position)
• Length counter for the total running metres
• Cutting length control (length calculator)
• Cutting mark control (touch probe, mark)
(with monitoring of the "forced cut" mark detection)
• Top cut counter for the number of top cuts carried out
• Cut counter for the total number of pieces
• Scrap counter (externally triggered)
• "Synchronous" synchronisation to a master speed
• "Oversynchronous" synchronisation to a master speed
• Simulation of the material line using adjustable, virtual line speed
• Correction value definition for the straightforward compensation of slip at the measuring
• Error handling (system and application-specific error messages)
• Limit switch monitoring
• Software limit switch monitoring

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-1

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.1 Definition of a flying saw

A flying saw is a slave axis which is synchronised to a moving master axis, e.g. a wood conveyor. In the
simplest case, the slave axis travels in parallel with the master axis (parallel slave), but it can also travel
diagonally to the master axis (diagonal slave axis).

Parallel slave
A parallel slave is an axis which is synchronised from standstill to a master axis travelling with the constant
speed vm. The synchronous speed vFS is reached at a previously determined position (master slave position,
cutting position).

Diagonal slave axis

Just like a parallel slave axis, a diagonal slave axis is synchronised to a moving master axis. However, the
slave axis moves diagonally to the master axis with an angle of 0°< α ≤ 90°. This means that the diagonal
slave is faster than a parallel slave once it has reached the synchronous position. The speed can be
calculated depending on the angle: vFS = vm / sin (α). In the case of a parallel slave, the angle is α = 90°.

In the illustration below, the difference between a "parallel flying saw" and a "diagonal flying saw" is shown.
The relationship between the speeds can be seen in the vector diagram. If the cutting angle is α=90, the
vectors are on top of each other. In this case, the speeds are equal, i.e. the synchronous speed of the flying
saw corresponds to the master speed of the material path. This Prepared Solution only includes the "parallel
flying saw".

vSaw v Material
v Saw

Circular saw
i M
Circular saw carriage vFS
“Flying saw“ drive

Carriage drive

Top view of a possible process

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-2

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.2 Example layout and functional principle

Flying saws are used in many production processes. Specifically whenever material is to be
machined during a production process is running. This process does not necessarily has to be a
sawing process. Filling or drilling processes, for instance, are also possible. A primary characteristic
of a flying saw is the length or mark-controlled synchronisation to a production speed.
Using the length calculator you can machine the continuous material at the lengths set during feed,
e.g. sawing, filling, punching, drilling, etc. If your material has defined marks used as a reference for
material machining, you can use mark control.

2.2.1 Typical layout of a flying saw

"Flying saw" drive

Master drive
Master frequency


Feed rolls

Limit switch Tool carrier Feed spindle Gearbox

The overall installation always includes a feeding process, in this case a feed roll, a system for
detecting material speed and, if necessary, a transport process for the processed material after the
flying saw.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-3

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.3 Typical applications

The flying saw is always used if continuous material feed does not permit processing at

Filling moving containers

Processing, gripping and checking of

moving workpieces

Spraying paint / painting moving


Cutting to length / separating a moving


Printing / embossing / marking moving


 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-4

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.3.1 Typical motion profiles

Flying saws are used to cut continuous material to length if the material cannot be stopped during the cutting
The mechanical design includes a saw carriage that moves in the direction of the material. The carriage
moves in synchronism with the material during the cutting process and returns to its initial position once the
cut has been made.
The advantage is an improved number of cycles and a better use of resources in a production process.
Therefore it is necessary to synchronise tools and workpieces with reference to their position and speed
such that the tool can be used in the same way as if the workpiece were stationary. An example for such an
application is a cross-saw which cuts across the material (at an angle of 90° to the workpiece) while it is

The picture above shows a "Flying saw" application. Continuous material such as extruded material has to
be cut to length. As soon as the cutting process starts, the saw is synchronised to the speed of the material
to be cut to length. During the cutting process, the saw runs in synchronism.
At the end of the process, the saw moves back to its initial position.

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Features of the Prepared Solution

The start signal for synchronising can be generated in two ways:

• Cutting mark control:
A sensor, e.g. a photoelectric barrier, registers the cutting marks
present on the material. This sensor signal is processed as an
interrupt in the inverter and starts the sawing process. This method
is used if there are cutting marks on the material which have to be
referred to, e.g. when using printed materials.

• Cutting length control:

An encoder on the material registers the material speed of the
production process. This information is processed by the controller.
Cutting marks on the material are not required. The cutting length
control provides equidistant cutting lengths. The advantage of cutting
length control is that no cutting marks are required on the material. A
length calculator calculates equidistant lengths in the controller and
generates a start signal for the synchronising process.

The synchronising process either started by cutting mark or cutting length control can be synchronous or

• Oversynchronous:
The "Flying saw" moves faster than the material/belt during the
synchronising process. It starts exactly at the cutting position and
catches up with all increments made during the synchronising
process. Then the saw axis has achieved angular and rotational
speed synchronism and switches the synchronised signal. Then the
machining process can be started.

Material- / Bahn-


 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-6

Features of the Prepared Solution

• Synchronous:
The "Flying saw" never moves faster than the material. For this
purpose an offset is calculated online and the "Flying saw" therefore
starts before the cutting position reaches the saw. The advantage
this mode offers for synchronisation is primarily that maximum
process speeds for the synchronous axis cannot be exceeded. This
situation could be the case when the master speed for the material
to be machined is already very high and the synchronous axis would
hit the maximum speed limit trying to catch up with the cutting point.

Material- / Bahn-


Comment: The time delay between reaching the synchronous speed

and the output of the synchronised signal can be set using a
parameter in the Prepared Solution.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-7

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.4 Synchronous synchronisation

The saw axis is started using the start signal from the length calculator or a mark on the
material and synchronised as per entries for the line speed with speed and angular
The following diagram shows a synchronising process in detail.

line speed

sync speed

reverse speed

start trigger

The trigger for the saw axis is the start signal (positive edge), in the above example triggered by
the internal length calculator. The saw axis then starts and is in synchronism on reaching the
line speed. An "oversynchronous" movement is not necessary, as the saw axis is started earlier
using a calculated offset.
The same applies to starting using a mark on the material.

Switching between synchronous and oversynchronous operation is performed via the

application control word using the Synchronisation mode bit (default bit 05). Here setting the bit
means that the axis is synchronised synchronously. If the bit is not set the axis moves
oversynchronously during the synchronisation movement.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-8

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.5 Oversynchronous synchronisation

The saw axis synchronises on a start signal from the length calculator or a mark on the material.

line speed

sync speed

reverse speed

start trigger

The trigger for the saw axis is the start signal (start trigger), in the diagram above triggered by
an internal length calculator. The saw axis then starts and catches up all increments that have
passed. After the "oversynchronous" movement the saw is synchronous. Unlike the
"synchronous" synchronisation the axis starts immediately at the cutting mark and catches up all
increments to achieve synchronicity.
Switching between synchronous and oversynchronous operation is performed via the
application control word using the Synchronisation mode bit (default bit 05). Here setting the bit
means that the axis is synchronised synchronously. If the bit is not set the axis moves
oversynchronously during the synchronisation movement.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-9

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.6 Length-controlled operation

In the case of length-controlled operation, a master encoder on the material registers the
material speed of the production process. This information is processed by the controller.
Cutting marks on the material are not required. The cutting length control provides equidistant
cutting lengths. The advantage of cutting length control is that no cutting marks are required on
the material. A length calculator calculates equidistant lengths in the controller and generates a
start signal for the synchronising process.




The length calculator integrates the material speed registered by the measuring wheel or by a
digital frequency coupling. The integral, designated with length integrator in the above
illustration, starts at zero and runs against the setpoint length entered. If the setpoint length is
reached, a Boolean signal (start signal) is generated and the flying saw starts the synchronising
process. Meanwhile the length integrator is reset to the value zero, so that the next length can
be calculated.

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Features of the Prepared Solution

2.7 Mark-controlled operation

A sensor, e.g. a photoelectric barrier, registers the cutting marks present on the material. This
sensor signal is processed as an interrupt in the inverter and starts the sawing process. This
method is used if there are cutting marks on the material which have to be referred to, e.g.
when using printed materials.


synchronize back-profile


TP-Signal (start trigger


The above diagram shows a mark-controlled flying saw. The start signal for a synchronising
process then is not generated by the length calculator as in the case of length-controlled
operation, but it is directly cut on the material on marks. The marks are read in the drive via
touch probe and the motion process is started, as illustrated above.

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Features of the Prepared Solution

2.8 "Start gap" function

Using the "start gap" function the items cut can be separated after cutting.

Material- / Bahn-


signal „axis-synchron“

start gap
„Lücke fahren“
cut ready
home-pos avail
status: gap ready
„Lücke fahren

Using the "make gap" function the saw carriage is briefly moved oversynchronously in relation
to the material before the saw blade is pulled out. In this way a gap forms between the cut edge
and the saw blade and marks from saw blade on the cut edge are prevented. This function is
suitable for cut edge protection for delicate material. This function can also be used for
separating the cut material.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-12

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.9 Applicability criteria for the parameterisable Prepared Solution

In order to be able to check and estimate the suitability of the Prepared Solution with regard to
your application case, the following decision criteria and boundary conditions within which the
Prepared Solution can be used are provided

Are the possible combinations adequate for your specific application?

Your specific application

cannot be solved currently Depending on the specific application, different combinations for the use of the flying saw
using the Prepared
? Solution, as it only permits a
can be considered
mark control in
YES oversynchronous mode
1. Synchronous synchronisation, during this process the master value is measured by
a measuring wheel. The lengths are calculated by the internal length calculator.

2. Oversynchronous synchronisation, during this process the master value is

measured by a measuring wheel. The lengths are calculated by the internal length

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-13

Features of the Prepared Solution

3. Oversynchronous synchronisation, during this process the master value is measured

by a measuring wheel. The lengths are detected from marks on the material and are

4. Synchronous synchronisation, during this process the master value is measured by a

measuring wheel. The lengths are detected from marks on the material and are processed.

Can the following physical requirements be taken into account in your application?

You should take into account the following basic design items in your application:
Your specific application
can be represented via a
modification of the example
¾ Free travel (distance from initial position – end position) must be sufficient so
? NO solution. that a process sequence can be performed successfully
Please contact your Lenze ¾ Maximum cut duration
YES representative. ¾ Maximum velocity of the carriage
¾ Maximum synchronisation velocity

Do you want to process in "parallel" and your process does not require "diagonal"

Your specific application

can be represented via a
modification of the example
During the acceleration to the line speed there is no stopping of the line? (start of flying saw
? NO solution. to hit the synchronous)
Please contact your Lenze
YES representative.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-14

Features of the Prepared Solution

Is this process sequence acceptable for your application?

Your specific application

Process sequence
can be represented via a The process can only be started if the flying saw is in its initial position:
modification of the example
? NO solution. ¾ There is no print mark in the sensor's field of view (mark control), currently the
Please contact your Lenze
representative. length calculator is not generating a start signal

Add your control concept

To generate the control signals for the drive system and to evaluate the states, further
using suitable hardware. components are required in addition to the drive controllers:
Alternatively, if the
programmable variant of the
? NO example solution is used,
control can be achieved by
YES making an addition to the PLC/IPC
program in the x axis drive



Is a higher-level PLC/IPC connected via a bus system, a terminal extension (e.g. Lenze
series EPM terminal extensions) or an HMI connected using the system bus or the
automation interface (AIF)?

From a functional viewpoint,

the parameterisable variant
End of the example solution can
be used for your specific

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-15

Features of the Prepared Solution

Machine parameters
The machine parameters define the relationship between the application measuring system and
the incremental measuring system (internal measuring system in the controller). The following
variables define the relationship between one motor revolution and a feed motion in the
application measuring system:
• Feed constant: this defines by how many application units the load moves when the drive
makes one complete revolution on the output side of the gearbox. This constant is generally
given in [units/rev].
Example: on a spindle drive the feed constant is the same as the pitch on the spindle,
scaled in [mm/revolution].
• Gearbox ratio, divided into numerator and denominator term: both the numerator and
denominator term are generally given as integers (corresponding to the number of teeth on
the gearbox stages).
• Resolution of one motor revolution: the ServoPLC internally resolves one motor revolution
into 65536 (=216) steps.

The conversion between the two measuring systems can be carried out with the knowledge of
these mechanical machine constants using the following formulae:
a) Conversion from application units [units] to incremental units [incr.]:

Zi 65536[incr. / rev]
[incr.] = [units ] ⋅ ⋅
N i mFeedConstant [units / rev]

b) Conversion from incremental units [incr.] to application units [units]:

N i mFeedConstant [units / rev]

[units ] = [incr.] ⋅ ⋅
Zi 65536[incr. / rev]

With Zi = Gearbox ratio numerator

Ni = Gearbox ratio denominator
mFeedConstant = Feed constant

As part of the "FlyingSaw" Prepared Solution, the mechanical machine constants are entered
using codes.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-16

Features of the Prepared Solution

A position is to be converted from [units] = 123.4567mm into an incremental value. The
mechanical system for this example has the following characteristics:

Gearbox i = 32 : 5 Feed constant = 5.000 [mm/rev]

Zi 65536[incr. / rev] 32 65536[incr. / rev]

[incr.] = [units ] ⋅ ⋅ = 123.4567[mm] ⋅ ⋅ = 10356298[incr.]
N i mFeedConstant [units / rev] 5 5.0000[mm / rev]

When the parameterisable variant of the "Flying saw" Prepared Solution is used, the conversion
of variables in application units into incremental variables is effected automatically.

The machine parameters are set in the user codes using a parameter setting tool (e.g. GDC or

Code Possible settings: Comments

Default Selection
C1202 - 0… {1} ... 65535 Gearbox factor numerator
C1203 - 0… {1} ... 65535 Gearbox factor denominator
C1204 - 0.0000... {0.0001 ... 214748.0000 Feed constant

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-17

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.10 Functions of the control inputs and outputs

2.11 Manual control

With a "high" signal on these inputs, the saw carriage can be moved manually in both directions
at the jog speed defined. The traverse path is limited at the end positions in each case by the
two software limit switches. On completion of a jog movement, the saw carriage is held in its
new position electrically. After a jog movement, the saw carriage must be moved back to the
initial position by a positioning movement. A start signal for performing a cut is only accepted if
the saw carriage is in the initial position.
Manual control in the positive direction is started using the application control word with the
Manual control in positive direction bit (default bit 02).
Manual control in the negative direction is started using the application control word with the
Manual control in negative direction bit (default bit 03).

2.12 Start gap

On completion of the cut, a gap can be generated between the piece cut and the length of
material using this input. For this purpose the saw carriage is briefly accelerated and in this way
generates the gap required by the operator. The size of the gap can be adjusted. The "Gap
done" output signals when the separation is complete.
The gap is started using the application control word with the Start make gap bit (default bit 08).

2.13 Cut done

This input must receive a signal as soon as a cut or processing operation has been completed
mechanically. This feedback triggers the saw carriage return cycle to its initial position. The
direction of the signal (rising or falling edge) can be adjusted. If there is no signal, the saw blade
moves to the rear software limit switch and triggers an alarm. Each "Cut done" signal
increments the built-in cut counter
The cut done signal is triggered using the application control word with the Cut done signal bit
(default bit 07).

2.14 Immediate cut / top cut

A rising edge on this input starts a cutting process immediately, independent of the cutting
length set. The next cut again is the same as the pre-selected length, unless an immediate cut
is triggered again. This function for instance makes it possible to cut out poor sections of
material during production is running. The built-in scrap counter is incremented with each
immediate cut.
A top cut is started using the application control word with the Trigger top cut bit (default bit 06).

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-18

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.15 Homing
After the machine is switched on, the zero point for this measuring system must be made known
to the drive (home position). As the home position is mostly defined by specific sensors (e.g.
home proximity switches, limit switches or the zero pulse from the motor feedback system), it is
necessary to move past these sensors as part of homing. During this process the homing mode
defines the traversing direction for the homing and the type of signals evaluated. The following
homing modes can be selected:

• Homing mode 0:
The drive rotates in positive direction (clockwise rotation) until the negative edge from the
homing switch is detected. The next zero pulse from the motor feedback system or the next
touch probe signal on the digital input allocated defines the home position (machine zero
If the home position does not represent the zero point of the absolute measuring system
used, the home position can be defined in relation to the zero point for the measuring system
using an offset (machine zero distance, C3227/000). After the homing has been completed,
the drive stays on the position 0.000[units]:

Home position

Homing speed


Control signal
"Perform homing"

1. Negative edge of the homing switch

Homing switch

Zero pulse feedback

2. Zero pulse
Touch probe signal

Status signal
"Homing done"

In the example shown above, the home position represents a negative value in relation to
the measuring system zero point, because after the acquisition of the zero pulse/touch probe
signal the drive continues to move in the positive direction to a position 0.0000[units].

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-19

Features of the Prepared Solution

• Homing mode 1:
(like homing mode 0, but negative traversing direction)

Instead of the zero pulse for the feedback system, it is also possible to define a touch probe
signal as the signal for the homing, derived from digital input E4 (however, this is not
common in mode 0 and 1).

Homing mode 8:
The drive rotates in the positive direction (clockwise rotation) until a zero pulse from the
motor feedback system is detected or a touch probe signal is detected on the related digital
input. This signal defines the home position (machine zero point).
If the home position does not represent the zero point of the absolute measuring system
used, the home position can be defined in relation to the zero point for the measuring system
using an offset (machine zero distance, C3227/000). After the homing has been completed,
the drive stays on the position 0.0000[units]:

Home position

Homing speed


Control signal
"Perform homing"

Zero pulse feedback

Touch probe signal Touch probe signal

Status signal
"Homing done"

In the example shown above, the home position represents a positive value in relation to the
measuring system zero point, because after the acquisition of the zero pulse/touch probe
signal the drive reverses and moves back to the measuring system zero position

• Homing mode 9:
(like homing mode 8, but negative traversing direction)

Instead of the touch probe signal from digital input E4, it is also possible to define the zero
pulse for the feedback system as the signal for defining the homing (however this is not
common in modes 8 and 9).

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-20

Features of the Prepared Solution

If limit switches are used for the homing, it must be ensured that the drive detects a limit switch
at the latest after a traverse path of ±231-1 increments. Otherwise the homing must be started
again using a positive signal edge on the corresponding control signal.
Apart from the homing mode (C3213/000), the speed (C3242/000) for the homing and the ramp
times (C3252/000) for the homing can be set using further parameters.
Altogether the following parameters have an effect on the sequence of the homing:

Code Possible settings: Comments

Default Selection
C0911 0 0: Zero pulse of the position feedback system Possible setting for the homing signal
1: Touch probe input (TP, terminal E4)
C3213 0 0: >_Rn_MP/TP Definition of the homing mode:
1: <_Rn_MP/TP
8: >_MP/TP
> Movement in positive direction
9: <_MP/TP
< Movement in negative direction
Lp Positive limit switch
Ln Negative limit switch
Rp Positive edge on the homing switch
Rn Negative edge on the homing switch
MP/TP Zero pulse from the motor feedback system or
touch-probe edge on a digital input
C3225 0 -214748.0000... {0.0001 ... 214748.0000 Home offset
C3242 100 1 {1[rpm]} ... 16000 Speed for the homing
C3252 5.00 0.01 {0.01[s]} ... 650.00 Ramp times for the homing:
These ramp times refer to C0011/000.

In the parameterisable variant of the flying saw the homing switch is permanently linked to
digital input 3 on the servo PLC!

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-21

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.16 Manual control

The Prepared Solution makes it possible to move the axis manually by hand. During this
process a differentiation is made between positive and negative inching mode. The parameters
that can be set for manual control apply to both traversing directions.
Activated software limit positions are monitored in the manual control mode and trigger an error
in the case of overtravel.

Code Possible settings: Comments

Default Selection
C3100 500.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... 214000.0000 Velocity for manual operation (inching)
[units/s]} The selection relates to the entry for the machine

C3101 750.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... 214000.0000 Entry for the acceleration
[units/s^2]} The selection relates to the entry for the machine
C3102 750.0000 -214000.0000 {0.0001 ... 214000.0000 Entry for the deceleration
[units/s^2]} The selection relates to the entry for the machine

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-22

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.16.1 Limit switch integration

2.16.2 Software limit positions

By the use of software limit positions the user can limit the absolute traversing range of the drive
in individual operation in a defined manner. In this way the drive can be used reliably for each
individual axis. The software limit positions are programmable positions at the outer ends of an
absolute traversing range and are normally placed at a short distance in front of the hardware
limit switches.

Negative software limit

Positive limit switch

Negative limit switch

Positive software limit

Activated software limit positions ensure that the drive does not move past the software limit
positions under any circumstances, even if the drive is set to positions beyond the software limit
positions by the positioning control (e.g. continuous signal on manual inching, positioning to an
invalid target position, …). In these cases early braking and shutdown of the drive is initiated by
the respective software limit position.
The software limit positions are active if
• the home position for the measuring system is known (accordingly the software limit
positions are inactive during homing) and
• the positive software limit position (C3223/000) is set greater than the negative software limit
position (C3224/000).

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-23

Features of the Prepared Solution

The distance between the software limit positions must not be more than 231-1 increments.
Code Possible settings: Comments
Default Selection
C3223 3600.0000 0.0000... {0.0001 ... 214748.0000 Definition of the positive software limit
[units]} Comment: software limits are only active if the home position
for the axis is known and is not set to 0.
C3224 -3600.0000 -214748.0000... {0.0001 ... 0.0000 Definition of the negative software limit
[units]} Comment: software limits are only active if the home position
for the axis is known and is not set to 0.

If a 0 is entered for the software limit positions, the software limit positions are deactivated.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-24

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.17 Moving clear from a limit switch

If the drive moves to a limit switch in the negative or positive direction, then it is possible to
retract the actuated limit switch in the opposite direction by using the inching mode.

The negative limit switch (E2) has been reached and triggers the error with the number 401.
The limit switch can be retracted using the "inching positive" function and the error is reset
automatically. The axis automatically remains stationary after retracting.

Manual Jog Pos

The same applies to the software limit positions. The software limit position to which the drive
has moved, in the positive or negative direction, can also be retracted in the opposite direction
using the inching mode.

After a limit switch that has been approached is retracted, the axis stops automatically and
changes to the "Standby" state

For the retracting function after a damping process, hardware limit switches may not be
overtravelled! If limit switches are overtravelled, the retracting function is deactivated.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-25

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.18 Delay on the synchronised signal

After synchronisation the flying saw is synchronised by speed and angle with the master value.
However, on reaching the master speed a settling process takes place that must be taken into
account for the synchronised signal. For this reason it is possible to set a delay using the code
C3009/000. The optimal setting is achieved if a synchronising process is recorded using GDO.
In the example below the effects of C3009/000 can clearly be seen:

line speed

sync speed


delay of synhronous-
Verzögerung des
signal in [ms]
in [ms]

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-26

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.19 Status signal "Double length"

If it is detected in the system that the saw axis will not reach the initial position before a new cut
has been calculated, the Double length detected signal is set in the application status word
(default bit 17).
The double length means that the calculated cut is ignored and a double length of material is
processed. If the cutting length is very short and the synchronisation travel very long, it may
occur that several cuts cannot be performed. The signal is then also set. However you will not
receive any information on how many pieces or cuts have been ignored.

2.20 Status signal "Mark not detected"

If a mark is not detected in mark-controlled operation, the "Mark not detected" signal is set in the
application status word (default bit 19)
The status signal requires, however, active mark monitoring. The monitoring can be activated in
the code C3017/000. If a mark is missed, a cut is made using the length calculator.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-27

Features of the Prepared Solution

2.21 Following error monitoring

The drive system continuously monitors the following error with the servo controller enabled.
The following error Δs (green curve) is defined by the difference between the set position sset
(blue curve) and the actual position sact (red curve). If this deviation exceeds a defined limit, a
following error signal is generated:

Target position

Window width = C3218/000

Starting position

+ C3218/000

- C3218/000

Following error

Set position of the drive sSet

Actual position of the drive sAct
Following error Δs = sSet – sAct

The magnitude of the following error shutdown value can be set using the code C3218/000.

Code Possible settings: Comments

Default Selection
C3218 10.0000 0.0001... {0.0001 ... 214748.0000 Entry of the following error shutdown limit

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 2-28


3 Functions

3.1 Cut counter

The cut counter is incremented after each cut started by the length calculator. The counter is
incremented by exactly one cut as a function of the "Cut done" signal. In the "Mark control"
mode the "Cut done" signal is also used for incrementing.
The cut counter is reset using the application control word with the Reset cut counter bit (default
bit 15)

3.2 Scrap counter

The operator can trigger the scrap counter externally for sorting out pieces detected visually that
do not meet the quality requirements. The scrap counter records each external trigger signal.
The scrap counter is increased using the application control word with the Increment scrap
counter bit (default bit 13)
The scrap counter is reset using the application control word with the Reset scrap counter bit
(default bit 16)

3.3 Decrementing cut counter

The cut counter is incremented with each step. If a piece cut cannot be used for some reason
(e.g. material defect), the cut counter can be reduced by one. The cut counter is automatically
decremented if scrap has been detected.

3.4 Top cut counter

The top cut counter is incremented with each top cut. The immediate cuts triggered by the user
are also counted. On the triggering of an immediate cut the top cut counter is incremented, the
scrap counter incremented and the cut counter decremented.
The top cut counter is reset using the application control word with the Reset top cut counter bit
(default bit 14)

3.5 Resetting the counters

Each counter can be reset independently. It is also possible to reset all counters with one
The counters (cut counter, scrap counter and top cut counter) are reset using the application
control word with the Reset counters bit (default bit 17)

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-29


3.6 Automatic operation: length-controlled operation

When the flying saw is operated with length control, equidistant pieces of material are
processed. This means that the length calculator calculates the lengths as a function of the
master speed and generates the start signal for synchronising. The main feature of length-
controlled operation is that there do not need to be any marks on the material to achieve exactly
the same lengths.
The length-controlled cut is started with a top cut triggered by the operator. The length
calculator then calculates the start signals for synchronising based on the required length
entered and the master speed.
Top cuts / immediate cuts result in the immediate synchronisation of the flying saw. Subsequent
cuts keep exactly to the required cut length set, as this interrupt is taken into account in the

3.7 Automatic operation: mark-controlled operation

When the flying saw is operated with mark control, cuts are made at marks applied to the
material. In this case the distance between mark detection and the initial position of the flying
saw must be measured and entered in the application so that the cut or the processing can take
place exactly at the position of the mark.
If the marks are distributed equidistantly on the material, the length calculator can monitor
whether a mark has been detected or not. If this a mark is not detected, the length calculator will
"force" a cut. The forcing of the cut and the length of the forced cut must be set in the

3.7.1 Mark checking

When the flying saw is operated with mark control it is possible to check the distances between
the marks. For this purpose the specified length between the marks is entered and, if a mark is
not detected, the length calculator stats the synchronising process. The failure to detect a mark
can result in continuous material being too long for subsequent processes and machine
damage cannot be excluded. Mark monitoring is activated using the code C3017/000.

3.7.2 Simulation of the master speed

The simulation of the master speed makes it possible to operate the flying saw axis without a
real master value on interface X9. For this purpose an incremental value in the unit [inc/ms] is
defined in the code C3010/000 simulation of the master speed. The simulation is activated in
the application control word using the Select master frequency bit [default bit 20). If the bit is set
there, the master value from code C3010/000 is processed in the project. If the bit is not set, the
interface X9 is processed in the project.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-30


3.8 Measuring material speed

To be able to set the cutting length for the sawing process, the material speed must be known.
The material speed can be measured in the following manner:
An encoder is fitted as close as possible to the "flying saw" without any slip. This encoder is
connected as an external encoder to the master frequency input X9 on the saw carriage drive.
The velocity and the material position are determined using the incremental position information
from the external encoder. At least 10 increments should be available each time accuracy is
required to determine the material speed sufficiently accurately.

encoder − pulse[inc / umdr ]

master − resolution[inc / mm] =
diameter − measurewheel[mm] * π

On the use of the master frequency input (connector X9) as the master value, the incoming
pulses from the incremental encoder connected are counted. The speed of the master axis is
then determined with the aid of the number of encoder increments and the master frequency
constant (code C0425/000).

Example master value resolution

To the drive controller

(Connector X9)

Example 1: Number of encoder increments:

d = 150mm
Roller 2048 [inc./rev.]
Encoder mounting: direct
Master value resolution:
2048 [inc./rev.] = 4.346[inc./mm]
π . 150[mm]

To the drive controller

d = 150mm
Example (Connector X9)
Number of encoder increments:
Roller diameter: 150 [mm]
Encoder mounting: ratio 5

Master value resolution:

4096 inc./rev. . 5 = 21.730 inc./mm
π . 150[mm] 2
i=5:2 4096

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-31


3.8.1 Measuring wheel and encoder selection

In order to achieve an exact cutting result, the flying saw requires the speed of the material
path. For this purpose, in practice often a measuring wheel in combination with an incremental
encoder is used. The measuring wheel is pressed on the material path by means of a spring, so
that no slip can develop between the material path and the measuring wheel. Like this, the
incremental encoder connected to the measuring wheel measures the speed of the material.
Usually incremental encoders with two tracks with zero pulse, shifted by 90 degrees, are used
to be able to use the so-called quadruple evaluation that provides for a resolution improvement.
The resolution can further be increased by using measuring wheels with a small diameter or by
mounting a gearbox between the measuring wheel and the incremental encoder, increasing the
speed of the incremental encoder.



In practice it has been shown that the resolution of the registration of the material position has
to be 10 times higher than the cutting accuracy required. This means that if a cutting accuracy
of 1 mm is to be achieved, the encoder at least has to provide 10 position encoder increments
for a material feed of 1 mm. Here one can benefit from the quadruple evaluation brought about
by the use of incremental encoders. During the position registration each edge of the position
tracks is evaluated, by which the resolution of the position is quadrupled. (A 1024-pulse encoder
provides 4096 edges per revolution.) Therefore one position encoder increment corresponds to
the 1/(4 pulse number)-th part of a revolution.

Cutting accuracy required: 0.5 mm
Diameter of impeller: 200 mm
Circumference of impeller: 628.32 mm
The measuring wheel is directly coupled to the incremental encoder.
Calculation of the required edges per revolution to achieve the required accuracy of 0.5 mm:
10 ⋅ U Measuring _ wheel
number _ of _ edges min = ⋅ i Measuring _ wheel
required _ accuracy
Number of edgesmin = minimum required number of edges of incremental encoder
UMeasuring wheel = circumference of measuring wheel
iMeasuring wheel = gearbox ratio between the measuring wheel and incremental encoder

10 ⋅ 628,32 mm
number _ of _ edges min = ⋅ 1 = 12566,4
0,5 mm

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-32


Because of the quadruple evaluation of the incremental encoder, furthermore it possible to

divide this value by the factor four. Then a value of 3141.6 increments per revolutions results.
As there is no such incremental encoder, the incremental encoder with the next higher number
of increments is used. In this example one would use an incremental encoder with 4096
pulses/revolution to maintain the required accuracy of 0.5 mm.
The accuracies specified and to be expected only can be considered with regard to the
electrical system and do not include the mechanical conditions, as for instance gearbox

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-33


Control/status interface to the higher-level control

In the parameterisable variant the control and status interface is already pre-configured. An
overview of the signal assignments and possibilities for changing the configuration (multiplexer)
of the control/status signals is given below.

The flying saw Prepared Solution can be controlled using a higher-level control over various bus
systems (AIF interface):

Autonomous CAN bus: An additional bus module EMF2171IB or

EMF2172IB is required in this case for the AIF slot.

CANopen: An additional bus module EMF2175IB is required in this case

for the AIF slot.

DeviceNet: An additional bus module EMF2179IB is required in this case

for the AIF slot.

INTERBUS: An additional bus module EMF2113IB is required in this case

for the AIF slot.

Serial data transmission RS232/RS485: The Prepared Solution can be

controlled using the AIF automation module EMF2102IB by accessing the
control/status codes

PROFIBUS DP: An additional bus module EMF2133IB is required in this

case for the AIF slot.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-34


Control interface
Bit 00: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000 C4000/000 = 0: System variables
Bit 01: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000 DCTRL_wAIF1Ctrl and
Bit 02: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000 DCTRL_wCAN1Ctrl are always
Bit 03: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000 set to zero.
Bit 04: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
System control word

Bit 05: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000

Bit 06: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Word 0

Bit 07: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000

Bit 08: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000 C4000/000 = 1, 2, 3: The drive control word is copied to
Bit 09: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000 DCTRL_wCAN1Ctrl;
Bit 00: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000 DCTRL_wAIF1Ctrl is set to zero.
Bit 11: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
The drive control word is copied to
Bit 12: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 13: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000 C4000/000 = 4, 5, 6:
DCTRL_wCAN1Ctrl is set to zero.
Bit 14: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 15: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Data word 1
Word 1

(not used)

Bit 00: Start of homing

Bit 01: Homing switch
Bit 02: Manual control in positive direction
Bit 03: Manual control in negative direction
Bit 04: Start automatic
Bit 05: Synchronisation mode (TRUE = synchronous, FALSE = oversynchronous)
Bit 06: Trigger top cut
Word 2

Bit 07: Cut done signal

Bit 08: Start make gap
Bit 09: Move to initial position
Bit 10: Activate mark cut
Bit 11: Reset error
Bit 12: Set user error
Application control word

Bit 13: Increment scrap counter

Bit 14: Reset top cut counter
Bit 15: Reset cut counter
Bit 16: Reset scrap counter
Bit 17: Reset counters (global all)
Bit 18: (not used)
Bit 19: CINH
Bit 20: Selection of the master frequency source, TRUE = simulation (code), FALSE = DFIN (X9)
Bit 21: (not used)
Bit 22: (not used)
Word 3

Bit 23: (not used)

Bit 24: (not used)
Bit 25: (not used)
Bit 26: (not used)
Bit 27: (not used)
Bit 28: (not used)
Bit 29: (not used)
Bit 30: (not used)
Bit 31: (not used)

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-35


The signal sources for the data words (shown in the illustration as Word 0, Word 1, Word 2 and
Word 3) are dependent on the operating mode C4000/000:
Signal source Word 0 Word 1 Word 2 Word 3
C4000/000 = 0 - C3261/000 C4135/000
C4000/000 = 1 CAN1_wDctrlCtrl CAN1_nInW1_a CAN1_nInW2_a CAN1_nInW3_a
C4000/000 = 2 CAN2_nInW1_a CAN2_nInW2_a CAN2_nInW3_a CAN2_nInW4_a
C4000/000 = 3 CAN3_nInW1_a CAN3_nInW2_a CAN3_nInW3_a CAN3_nInW4_a
C4000/000 = 4 AIF1_wDctrlCtrl AIF1_nInW1_a AIF1_nInW2_a AIF1_nInW3_a
C4000/000 = 5 AIF2_nInW1_a AIF2_nInW2_a AIF2_nInW3_a AIF2_nInW4_a
C4000/000 = 6 AIF3_nInW1_a AIF3_nInW2_a AIF3_nInW3_a AIF3_nInW4_a

The figure on the previous page of the 32-bit application control word (word 3 and word 4)
shows the factory-set default configuration. The user can also adapt the configuration of the
application control word using the codes C4010/001 to C4010/032 to suit specific requirements.

As an example it is shown in the following how the application control word can be re-configured
bit by bit with the aid of the parameter setting software GDC:


Select the code C4010/00x allocated to the function to be configured.

Step 1
Example: To define the control signal for positive manual control on the x axis the code C4010/003 is

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-36


Click the code and select the required control bit.

Step 2
Example: To control the positive manual control on the X axis bit 31 must be used. Set C4010/008 = 31 and
accept using Ok.

? If the configuration of further control bits is to be changed, continue with step 1.

YES ⇒ 1

Save the modified settings safe against mains failure using C0003/000 = 1.
Step 3


 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-37


Code Possible settings: Comments

Default Selection
C4000 0 0: Internal control words Preselection of the control interface:
1: CAN 1
2: CAN 2 The axis can be controlled using the control interface.
3: CAN 3
4: AIF1
5: AIF2
6: AIF3

C4010 Configuration codes for the control interface:

1 0 0: Control bit 0 1: Start of homing

2 1 1: Control bit 1 2: Homing switch
3 2 2: Control bit 2 3: Positive manual control
4 3 3: Control bit 3 4: Negative manual control
5 4 4: Control bit 4 5: Start automatic
6 5 5: Control bit 5 6: Synchronising mode
7 6 6: Control bit 6 7: Trigger top cut
8 7 7: Control bit 7 8: Cut done signal
9 8 8: Control bit 8 9: Start make gap
10 9 9: Control bit 9 10: Move to initial position
11 10 10: Control bit 10 11: Activate mark cuts
12 11 11: Control bit 11 12: Reset error
13 12 12: Control bit 12 13: Set user error
14 13 13: Control bit 13 14: Increment scrap counter
15 14 14: Control bit 14 15: Reset top cut counter
16 15 15: Control bit 15 16: Reset cut counter
17 16 16: Control bit 16 17: Reset scrap counter
18 17 17: Control bit 17 18: Reset all counters
19 18 18: Control bit 18 19: CINH
20 19 19: Control bit 19 20: (not used)
21 20 20: Control bit 20 21: Selection of the master frequency source
22 21 21: Control bit 21 22: (not used)
23 22 22: Control bit 22 23: (not used)
24 23 23: Control bit 23 24: (not used)
25 24 24: Control bit 24 25: (not used)
26 25 25: Control bit 25 26: (not used)
27 26 26: Control bit 26 27: (not used)
28 27 27: Control bit 27 28: (not used)
29 28 28: Control bit 28 29: (not used)
30 29 29: Control bit 29 30: (not used)
31 30 30: Control bit 30 31: (not used)
32 31 31: Control bit 31 32: (not used)

C4135 0 0 ... {1} ... 4294967295 Control code:

Using the control code the flying saw can be controlled
(with C4000/000 = 0). The individual bits of the control
code can be defined as required using the configuration
codes C4010/001 … 0032. The factory-set bit
assignment is given in code C4010/xxx.
C4136 - 0 ... {1} ... 4294967295 Indication of the actual application control word:
Dependent on C4000/000 the actual application control
word is displayed here. The meaning of the individual
bits of the application control word can be defined as
required using the configuration codes C4010/001 …
0032. The factory-set bit assignment is given in code

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-38


Status interface
Bit 00: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 01: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 02: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 03: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 04: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 05: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 06: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000

Word 0
Bit 07: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 08: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 09: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000

System status word

Bit 10: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 11: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 12: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 13: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 14: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000
Bit 15: Dependent on the setting in code C4000/000

Data word 1
(not used)

Word 1
Bit 00: Program initialisation
Bit 01: Homing done
Bit 02: Synchronised signal
Bit 03: Gap made
Bit 04: STATUS standby
Bit 05: STATUS homing active
Bit 06: STATUS inching in positive direction active

Word 2
Bit 07: STATUS inching in negative direction active
Bit 08: STATUS top cut active
Bit 09: STATUS automatic selected
Bit 10: STATUS top cut in the ongoing process
Bit 11: STATUS length cut active
Bit 12: STATUS mark cut active
Bit 13: STATUS error active, global error message

Application status word

Bit 14: Normalisation factor calculated
Bit 15: Homing active
Bit 16: Positioning active
Bit 17: Double length (only length-controlled operation)
Bit 18: Initial position reached
Bit 19: Mark not detected (only mark-controlled operation)
Bit 20: Error detected
Bit 21: Warning
Bit 22: Message
Bit 23: Fail-QSP
Word 3

Bit 24: (not used)

Bit 25: DCTRL ready
Bit 26: Axis has controller inhibit
Bit 27: Axis is in QSP
Bit 28: (not used)
Bit 29: (not used)
Bit 30: (not used)
Bit 31: (not used)

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-39


The output of the individual status words to system variables (shown in the illustration as Word
0, Word 1, Word 2 and Word 4) is dependent on the operating mode C4000/000:
Signal source Word 0 Word 1 Word 2 Word 3
C4000/000 = 0 - - C4150/000
C4000/000 = 1 CAN1_wDctrlStat CAN1_nOutW1_a CAN1_nOutW2_a CAN1_nOutW3_a
C4000/000 = 2 CAN2_nOutW1_a CAN2_nOutW2_a CAN2_nOutW3_a CAN2_nOutW4_a
C4000/000 = 3 CAN3_nOutW1_a CAN3_nOutW2_a CAN3_nOutW3_a CAN3_nOutW4_a
C4000/000 = 4 AIF1_wDctrlStat AIF1_nOutW1_a AIF1_nOutW2_a AIF1_nOutW3_a
C4000/000 = 5 AIF2_nOutW1_a AIF2_nOutW2_a AIF2_nOutW3_a AIF2_nOutW4_a
C4000/000 = 6 AIF3_nOutW1_a AIF3_nOutW2_a AIF3_nOutW3_a AIF3_nOutW4_a

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-40


The figure on page 3-31 (word 2 and word 3) shows the factory-set default configuration of the
32-bit application status word. The user can also adapt the configuration of the application
status word using the codes C4012/001 to C4012/032 to suit specific requirements.
It is shown in the following how the application status word can be re-configured bit by bit with
the aid of the parameter setting software GDC:
You'll find the code in the complete code list or in the Short setup => Control/status interface menu


Select the application status word you want to re-configure

Step 1
Example: To assign bit 6 of the application status word, select the code C4012/007:

Click the code and select the status information that you want to represent using this status bit.
Step 2
Example: If the signal for the "double length" is to be displayed, select C4012/007 = 17 (Double Length) and
accept using Ok.

? If the configuration of further status control bits is to be changed, continue with step 1.
YES ⇒ 1

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 3-41


Save the modified settings safe against mains failure using C0003/000 = 1.
Step 3


The application status word is displayed using code C4150/000 independent of the operating
mode you select using C4000/000.

Code Possible settings: Comments

Default Selection
C4000 0 0: Internal control words Preselection of the control interface:
1: CAN 1
2: CAN 2 All three axes can be controlled using the control
3: CAN 3 interface.
4: AIF1
5: AIF2
6: AIF3

C4012 Configuration codes for the status interface:

1 0 0: Program initialisation complete 1: Status bit 0

2 1 1: Homing done 2: Status bit 1
3 2 2: Axis synchronised signal 3: Status bit 2
4 3 3: Gap made 4: Status bit 3
5 4 4: STATUS standby 5: Status bit 4
6 5 5: STATUS homing active 6: Status bit 5
7 6 6: STATUS inching in positive direction 7: Status bit 6
8 7 7: STATUS inching in negative direction 8: Status bit 7
9 8 8: STATUS top cut is being performed 9: Status bit 8
10 9 9: STATUS automatic selected 10: Status bit 9
11 10 10: STATUS top cut in the ongoing process 11: Status bit 10
12 11 11: STATUS length cut active 12: Status bit 11
13 12 12: STATUS mark cut active 13: Status bit 12
14 13 13: STATUS error detected 14: Status bit 13
15 14 14: Normalisation factor calculated 15: Status bit 14
16 15 15: Homing active 16: Status bit 15
17 16 16: Positioning active 17: Status bit 16
18 17 17: Double length detected 18: Status bit 17
19 18 18: Initial position reached 19: Status bit 18
20 19 19: Mark not detected 20: Status bit 19
21 20 20: Error / TRIP 21: Status bit 20
22 21 21: Warning 22: Status bit 21
23 22 22: Message 23: Status bit 22
24 23 23: QSP active 24: Status bit 23
25 24 24: (not used) 25: Status bit 24
26 25 25: DCTRL ready 26: Status bit 25
27 26 26: Axis in controller inhibit 27: Status bit 26
28 27 27: Axis is in QSP 28: Status bit 27
29 28 28: (not used) 29: Status bit 28
30 29 29: (not used) 30: Status bit 29
31 30 30: (not used) 31: Status bit 30
32 31 31: (not used) 32: Status bit 31

C4150 - 0 ... {1} ... 4294967295 Status code (display code):

Using the status code the flying saw can be monitored
(with C4000/000 = 0). The individual bits of the status
code can be defined as required using the configuration
codes C4012/001 … 0032. The factory-set bit
assignment is given in code C4012/xxx.
C4152 - -32767... {1} ... 32768 Indication of the status word 1 (16-bit integer value):
This code is not predefined in the factory.

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Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

4 Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

4.1 Requirements

4.1.1 Required components

Lenze hardware
Product Type designation Hardware version Firmware version

9300ET ServoPLC EVS93xxET 7A or later 6.5 or later

ECSxA ECSxA 4B or later 7.4 or later

PC system bus adapter EMF2177IB 1.3 or later 1.7 or later
Hand-held control unit (keypad EMZ9371BC
Master frequency connection

Lenze software
Product Type designation Version

Global Drive Loader (Freeware) 3.0 or later

Drive PLC Developer Studio ESP-DDS1-P 2.2 or later
Global Drive Control (GDC) ESP-GDC2 4.9 or later
Global Drive Oscilloscope 1.2 or later
Library LenzeMotionControl ESP-SPAC-POS1 4.0
Software Package Positioner

Third-party components
Product Comment/specification

Limit switch (normally closed Safety-related sensors, operation without limit switches not allowed
Measuring wheel Design as per documentation
Encoder (measuring wheel) Design as per documentation

Only required for programmable variant of the Prepared Solution.

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Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

4.2 Hardware layout

The Prepared Solution for the flying saw requires the following hardware configuration:

"Flying saw" drive

Master frequency

Measuring wheel Tool


Feed roll Limit switch Feed spindle Gearbox

Limit switches represent safety-related devices for a linear axis and must always be wired up
(see also next chapter)!

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-44

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

4.2.1 Wiring of the ServoPLC control terminals

x.x/ 24V DC 24V DC

x.x/ 0V DC 0V DC



measuring wheel

120Ω termination
controller enable

neg. limit switch

pos. limit switch

homing mark

cut ready


-1A1 X5 X9 X5 X5 X4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
39 59 9 pole sub d (male) 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 ST GND HI LO

Control voltage master freq. input digital inputs state bus system bus
Lenze power supply
Type: 93xxET master freq. output digital outputs state bus
X10 9 pole sub d (female) X5 A1 A2 A3 A4 X5 ST
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

home pos available

error detected
axis synchron

The connection plan shown gives the elementary wiring necessary for the correct function of the
Prepared Solution.

The basic wiring (e.g. connection to mains and motor, connection of the feedback system) is not
given in this chapter. For further information on the basic wiring of the device, please refer to
chapter 4 in the operating instructions for the device (can also be downloaded from the Lenze
homepage www.lenze.de).

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-45

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

4.2.2 Wiring of the ECSxA control terminals

x.x/ 24V DC 24V DC

x.x/ 0V DC 0V DC



measuring wheel

pos. limit switch

neg. limit switch

120Ω termination
homing mark
controller enable


-1A1 X6 X8 X6 X4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
39 59 9 pole sub d (male) 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 GND HI LO

Control voltage master freq. input digital inputs system bus

Lenze power supply
ECS digital
Type: ECSxA master freq. output output

X7 9 pole sub d (female) X6 A1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


The connection plan shown gives the elementary wiring necessary for the correct function of the
Prepared Solution.

The basic wiring (e.g. connection to mains and motor, connection of the feedback system) is not
given in this chapter. For further information on the basic wiring of the device, please refer to
chapter 4 in the operating instructions for the device (can also be downloaded from the Lenze
homepage www.lenze.de).

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-46

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

4.3 Commissioning of the Prepared Solution (parameterisable variant)

4.3.1 Download of the program FlyingSaw_SPLC_Vxxxxxx /


Start ƒ The servo controller is configured and wired as per the wiring diagram in chapter 4.3.1 and the
product documentation.
ƒ The axis is inhibited using terminal 28.
ƒ The axis is supplied with the control voltage using the terminals 59 (+24V DC) and 39 (0V).
ƒ Understanding of code parameter setting using the keypad XT EMZ9371BC
ƒ The Prepared Solution and the necessary Lenze software tools are installed on your PC/laptop as
per chapter 4.2.
ƒ The system bus adapter EMF2177IB / EMF2173IB has been successfully installed.

By means of the XT EMZ9371IB keypad or GDC, set the following codes on the servo controller of the flying
saw axis in the order given:
Step 1
C2108/000 2 = Stop the PLC currently running
C0002/000 0 = Set default setting
C0350/000 Node address for the servo axis (each node address is only allowed to be assigned once on
the system bus)
C0352/000 1 = Servo controller for the flying saw is bus master on the system bus
C0003/000 1 = Save system bus settings safe against mains failure

Fully isolate the flying saw servo controller and wait until the red and green status LEDs on the servo
Step 2 controller go out, however at least 20s.

Status LEDs

AIF slot

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-47

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Connect your PC/laptop to the system bus for the servo axis using the PC-system bus adapter EMF2177IB /
Step 3 EMF2173IB (it is also possible that you have several axes in the drive system):

PC/laptop PC-system bus


System Servo
bus controller

To make it easier to make the connection a three-pin system bus connector is included with the
PC-system bus adapter EMF2177IB / EMF2173IB; using this connector the PC-system bus
adapter can be straightforwardly connected to the system bus.

Switch back on the control voltage on the servo controller.

Step 4

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-48

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Start the GDLoader and run a search for all drives connected via the system bus. GDLoader now scans the
Step 5 system bus and finds the servo drive:

Click the required servo controller (in the example the

controller with system bus node address 1) and accept
using Ok.

Now allocate the files to the required servo axis by clicking the corresponding icons in the column on the left:
Step 6

For the DDS binary file select the following file:

Project: FlyingSaw_SPLC_Vxxxxxx.bin (ServoPLC)
FlyingSaw_ECS_Vxxxxxx.bin (ECSxA)

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-49

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Allocate the parameter file (GDC file) by clicking the GDC parameter set file icon in the column on the left:
Step 7 This step is called for operating the GDLoader. The scope of supply of the Prepared Solution does not include
a GDC file

File types for which you have already made an allocation

are shown red and crossed out.
You can undo the allocation by clicking the crossed-out
icon again.

Allocate the prepared parameter set (GDC files):

Start the download to the servo axis by clicking the Download icon:
Step 8

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-50

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Wait for the download to finish.

Step 9

Once the download is complete, click Next>>

Click Go to main menue>> (Continue to main menu) to open the main GDLoader window:
Step 10

Break the connection to the servo controller by clicking the Ausloggen (Log out) button:
Step 11

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Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Step 12 Close GDLoader:

The program has been fully loaded into the controller.

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Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

4.3.2 Sequence for online commissioning using GDC


Start GDC and run a scan on the system bus for drive controllers connected. GDC finds the
Step 1
drive controllers connected. These include the drive controller that is loaded with the
FlyingSaw_SPLC_Vxxxxxx project or with the FlyingSaw_ECS_Vxxxxxx project.

Application with ECSxA

Application with ServoPLC

Double-click the drive for the flying saw axis and read the parameters back from the drive.
Step 2
Start the motor data wizard:

Start the motor data wizard

by clicking the icon with the
motor equivalent circuit.

Follow the instructions in the motor data wizard to correctly set the motor connected.
Once you have finished setting the parameters for the motor, close the motor data wizard.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-53

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Open the parameters for the configuration of the speed and position feedback system
Step 3 ( (Motor/Feedback systems) Î (Feedback systems)):

Set the following codes:

C0025/000 = Feedback system default setting
C0420/000 = Number of encoder increments on the use of TTL incremental encoders on X8 or
number of periods from Sin/Cos encoders on X8
C0421/000 = Setting for the supply voltage for the feedback system on X8: as a rule the
default value of 5.0V can be retained.
Exception: Absolute value encoders with HIPERFACE interface on X8 require a
higher supply voltage of 8.0V.

 Applications with position feedback on the load side are not supported by the parameterisable
variant of the Prepared Solution. If it is necessary to use a position feedback system on the load
side, use the programmable variant of the Prepared Solution.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-54

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Now set the machine data for the flying saw

Step 4 (Short setup Î Settings/flying saw):

Set the following codes:

C3000/000 Setting for the motor mounting position (position polarity)
C1202/000 Gearbox numerator factor
C1203/000 Gearbox denominator factor
C1204/000 Feed constant
C1240/000 Maximum traversing speed
C1250/000 Maximum acceleration
C3218/000 Following error limit (scaled in application units [units])

Calculation of the maximum traversing speed (C1240/000).
Caution: The limit must be set such that it can still be reached with the max. motor speed:

The maximum acceleration figure is determined from the maximum motor torque
and the moment of inertia to be accelerated:

An initial reference value can be defined using the maximum speed set in C1240.
If it is ensured the machine can accelerate to maximum speed in a time defined by you,
for C1250 the following is found:

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-55

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Open the parameters for the configuration of the measuring wheel (FlyingSaw_SPLS_V0100 Î settings flying saw):
Step 5

Set the following codes:

C3003/000 = gear numerator of the measuring wheel
C3004/000 = gear denominator of the measuring wheel
C3005/000 = Circumference of the measuring wheel in [units]
C3006/000 = Encoder pulses from the measuring wheel

The normalisation factor is determined automatically and displayed in the codes C3003
(numerator normalisation factor) and code C3004 (denominator normalisation factor).

The calculation of the normalisation factor is explained in chapter 9.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-56

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Parameterise the homing next:

Step 6

Set the following codes for setting the parameters:

C3213/000 = Homing mode
C3225/000 = Homing offset (reference: 65536 = one motor revolution)
C3242/000 = Homing speed in [rpm]
C3252/000 = Acceleration and deceleration ramps for the homing in [s]

You will find further information on the homing in chapter 2.12.1
Parameterise the settings for manual jog (short setup Î profile settings):
Step 7

Set the following codes for setting the parameters for manual control:
C3100/000 = Velocity for manual control in [units/s]
C3101/000 = Acceleration for manual control in [units/s^2]
C3102/000 = Deceleration for manual control in [units/s^2]

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-57

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Parameterise the profiles for the return travel of the flying saw and for the approach of the basic position next :
Step 8

Set the following codes for setting the parameters:

Parameters for the movement to the initial position:
C3200/000 = Position entry for the movement to the initial position in [units]
C3201/000 = Velocity for the movement to the initial position in [units/s]
C3202/000 = Acceleration for the movement to the initial position in [units/s^2]
C3203/000 = Deceleration for the movement to the initial position in [units/s^2]

Parameters for the return movement profile after sawing

C3300/000 = Velocity in [units/s]
C3301/000 = Acceleration in [units/s^2]
C3302/000 = Deceleration in [units/s^2]
C3303/000 = Jerk time in [s]

Step 9

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-58

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Now save the parameter set as follows:

Step 10

Click code C0003 to save the parameter set:

C0003/000 = Save parameter set

A dialog box for code C0003 opens.

Step 11

Select the option 1 "Psatz 1 speichern"

(Save parameter set).

Accept using Ok.

The parameter settings are now saved safe against mains failure.

End The basic settings for the peripheral drive functions are now complete.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-59

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

4.3.3 Sequence for the online commissioning of the functions

The commissioning of the Prepared Solution described in the following relates to the
parameterisable variant.

Start ƒ The parameters for the servo controller for the flying saw axis have been set to suit the specific
case, as described in chapter 4.4.3.
ƒ The axis is inhibited using terminal 28.
ƒ The axis is supplied with control voltage using terminals 59 (+24V DC) and 39 (0V) and with power
using terminals L1, L2 and L3.

Start GDC and perform a search for the drive controller connected to the system bus. GDC finds the servo axis
Step 1 as follows:

Application with ECSxA

Application with ServoPLC

Double-click the servo controller for the flying saw axis and upload the parameter data for the selected drive from
GDC to your PC.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-60

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Select the interface via which you want to control the Prepared Solution :
Step 2

For this purpose set code C4000/000:

C4000/000 = Control/status interface selection

The bit assignment for all 32 control bits of the application control word (word 3 and word 4) can be
changed as required.

Test the correct operation of the application control word (word 3 and word 4) by setting/resetting the control bits
Step 3 for the functions used in the higher-level PLC and checking the corresponding representation of the control
commands in code C4136/000:

Only run the test when the servo controller is inhibited.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-61

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Step 4
Check the correct feedback of the application status word (word 3 and word 4) from the servo controller for the
flying saw axis to the higher-level PLC. For this purpose you can display the actual application status word from
code C4150/000 and compare it with the value received in the PLC:

Enable the servo controller by connecting terminal 28 to 24V. Test the positive manual control functions by
Step 5 setting the corresponding control bit in the application control word (positive manual control: bit 2).

If the drive does not move from the initial position in the direction of the cutting position during positive manual
control, change code C3000/000 (motor mounting direction) so that the required position polarity is achieved.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-62

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Test the homing function on the axis by setting the corresponding control bit in the application control word (start
Step 6 homing: bit 0).

Possibly correct the settings for homing if the reference run does not proceed as desired.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-63

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

Now enter the parameters of the flying saw, which are required for length- and mark-controlled operation.
Step 7

Set the following codes for setting the parameters for the flying saw:
C3009/000 = Set here the delay time for the synchronised signal. The entry is made in [ms] and has
the background that on axes with a large moment of inertia it may occur that a control
process is still taking place to compensate for a possible following error as the
synchronised signal is output.
C3010/000 = Simulation velocity in the unit [inc/ms]
(This value is only processed if bit 20 in the application control word is set, otherwise input
X9 is always processed as the velocity!)
C3012/000 = The acceleration time describes the ramp during the period when the flying saw axis
reaches master speed. The entry is made in the unit [ms].
C3013/000 = The deceleration time describes the ramp during the period the axis needs to decelerate
from the master speed to zero and then to reverse and move to the initial position.
C3014/000 = If you want to create a gap in the material, you can define the length of the gap using this
parameter. The entry is made in the unit [units].
C3016/000 = With very "large" tools the width of the cut can be compensated. E.g. this setting is
necessary for very wide and coarse saw blades, as a large amount of material is removed
in the cut and this material is then missing from the length. The entry is made in the unit
C3223/000 = position of the positive software limit switch, entry in [units]
C3224/000 = position of the negative software limit switch, entry in [units]

To set the software limit switches you can move the drive using manual control to the required
position and then apply the position from code C5000/000 in the codes for the software limit

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-64

Commissioning the "(Flying Saw)"

The commissioning of the length-controlled and mark-controlled operation is described in chapter 5 and 6.
Step 8

TIP! You will find information on the bit assignment for the application control word/status word as a
function of C4000/000 in chapter 3.8.2.


 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 4-65

Commissioning length-controlled operation

5 Commissioning length-controlled operation

The commissioning of the length-controlled operation of the Prepared Solution described in the
following relates to the parameterisable variant.

Start ƒ The parameters for the servo controller for the flying saw axis have been specifically set to suit the specific
case, as described in chapter 4.4.3.
ƒ The axis is supplied with control voltage using terminals 59 (+24V DC) and 39 (0V) and with power using
terminals L1, L2 and L3.
Initial situation:
• The servo axis is not indicating any error.
• The servo axis is enabled.
• Application control word and application status word have not been specifically set using C4010/0xx and
• The axis has been successfully homed.

Start GDC and perform a search for drive controllers connected to the system bus. GDC finds the drive
controllers connected. These include the drive controller loaded with the FlyingSaw_SPLSC_V0100 project.
Step 1
Application with ECSxA

Application with ServoPLC

Double-click the controller to be loaded with the FlyingSaw_SPLC_V0100 application.

Now set the specific parameters of your flying saw application

Step 2

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 5-1

Commissioning length-controlled operation

You can describe your application for length-controlled operation using the following parameters:
C3007/000 Enter is this parameter the set length of the continuous material that you want to process. This
parameter is entered in the unit [unit]
Now check in the application status word whether the bits for the starting conditions are set correctly.
Step 3

The following bits must be set for starting the length-controlled operation:
Bit 00 Program initialisation complete.
Bit 01: The axis home position is known.
Bit 04: The axis is in the "Standby" state.
Bit 14: The normalisation factor has been calculated.
Bit 18: The axis is in the initial position.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 5-2

Commissioning length-controlled operation

Now change over to the application control word.

Step 4

To start the length-controlled operation, set the following bits in the order given:
Bit 04: Change to the "Flying saw mode" state
Bit 06: Perform a top cut
After bit 06 is set in the application control word, the axis synchronises to the line speed. The material is
processed once synchronicity has been achieved.
Reset bit 06.
When the processing is complete and the flying saw axis is to move back to the initial position, activate bit 07.
This "cut done signal" causes the axis to decelerate and subsequent positioning at the initial position.
By performing the top cut you have started length-controlled operation. All other start signals for synchronising
are generated by the length calculator which calculates equidistant lengths.
If you want to stop operation, bit 04 must be reset. The axis is then back in the "Standby" state. A change to
length-controlled operation can be made at any time as described in step 4.


 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 5-3

Commissioning mark-controlled operation

6 Commissioning mark-controlled operation

The commissioning of the Prepared Solution described in the following relates to the
parameterisable variant.

Start ƒ The parameters for the servo controller for the flying saw axis have been specifically set to suit the specific
case, as described in chapter 4.4.3.
ƒ The axis is supplied with control voltage using terminals 59 (+24V DC) and 39 (0V) and with power using
terminals L1, L2 and L3.
Initial situation:
• The servo axis is not indicating any error.
• The servo axis is enabled.
• Application control word and application status word have not been specifically set using C4010/0xx and
• The axis has been successfully homed
Start GDC and perform a search for drive controllers connected to the system bus. GDC finds the drive
Step 1 controllers connected. These include the drive controller loaded with the FlyingSaw_SPLC_V0100 project.

Application with ECSxA

Application with ServoPLC

Double-click the controller to be loaded with the FlyingSaw_V0100 application.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 6-1

Commissioning mark-controlled operation

Now set the specific parameters of your flying saw application.

Step 2

You can describe your application for length-controlled operation using the following parameters:
C3007/000 In this parameter enter the set length. If a mark is not detected within the set length, the
material is processed as per the set length set here. This parameter is entered in the unit
C3015/000 Distance between a touch-probe detection and the initial position of the tool. The entry is made
in the unit [units].
C3017/000 Activation of the length monitoring during mark control. The monitoring can be activated or
deactivated using this parameter.
Now check in the application status word whether the bits for the starting conditions are set correctly.

Step 3

The following bits must be set for starting the length-controlled operation:
Bit 00 Program initialisation complete.
Bit 01: The axis home position is known.
Bit 04: The axis is in the "Standby" state.
Bit 14: The normalisation factor has been calculated.
Bit 18: The axis is in the initial position.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 6-2

Commissioning mark-controlled operation

Now change over to the application control word.

Step 4

To start the mark-controlled operation, set the following bits in the order given:
Bit 04: Change to the "Flying saw mode" state
Bit 10: Activate mark cuts
A top cut is not necessary in mark-controlled operation. The processing is started at the first mark on the
Once bit 10 is activated, a cut is made at the next mark detected.
If you want to leave mark-controlled operation again, then deactivate bit 10. The flying saw is then still in the
"Flying saw mode".
The "Flying saw mode" state is left by resetting the bit 04.


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State machine of the Prepared Solution

7 State machine of the Prepared Solution

7.1 Overview
The states for the Prepared Solution are represented by a so-called state machine. The state
machine indicates a total of 11 states between which it is possible to change as follows:

The individual states are represented in the Prepared Solution using a global variable g_wState
(ENUM) and also displayed to the operator using the code C3990/000.

Code Possible settings: Comments

Default Selection
C3990 - 1: trouble Error state
10: standby Standby state Manual operation
20: manual mode Positive manual control
21: manual jog positive Negative manual control
22: manual jog negative Homing active
30: homing operation Automatic "flying saw"
40: flying saw operation Top cut is being performed
41: head cut Length cut active
42: length cut Mark cut active
43 TP cut Move to initial position
50: positioning operation Initialisation
100: initialisation

The code C3990/000 is permanently linked to the parameterisable variant in the GDC Monitor
window such that the states of the Prepared Solution can be easily followed.

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State machine of the Prepared Solution

7.1.1 Concise description of the states

"Initialisation" state (g_wState = 100: initialisation)

During the initialisation phase, the normalisation factor necessary for the flying saw is calculated
online. The calculation is only allowed in this state and in some circumstances requires a few
minutes until the factor (rational fraction) is determined. The application then changes
automatically to the Standby state.
On completion of initialisation, the Program initialisation complete bit is set in the application
status word (default bit 00)

"Standby" state (g_wState = 10: standby)

The servo controller can be changed to all other states from the "Standby" state. The axis itself
does not move when the "Standby" state is active.
A change is always made to the initialisation state if a new normalisation factor needs to be
calculated. Re-calculation is triggered by changing the following codes:
C1202 gearbox factor numerator
C1203 gearbox factor denominator
C1204 feed constant
C3003 gearbox factor numerator of measuring wheel
C3004 gearbox factor denominator of measuring wheel
C3005 circumference of measuring wheel
C3006 encoder pulses of measuring wheel
The STATUS Standby bit is set in the application status word (default bit 04).

"Manual operation" state (g_wState = 20: manual mode)

The "Manual operation" state is a transient state and is only adopted in the Prepared Solution
for one cycle. As a rule after this state the state changes to the "Positive inching" or "Negative
inching" state. The axis does not move when this state is active, but checks for various
requirements for manual operation (e.g., whether a home position is known and whether
software limit switches are to be used).

"Positive inching" state (g_wState = 21: manual jog positive)

The drive moves in the positive direction at the velocity set in the parameters in C3100/000 and
the acceleration and deceleration set in the parameters in C3101/000 and C3102/000
respectively. During this process the positive software end position (C3223/000) is taken into
account if the home position is known. The state is left on the clearing of the selection of
"Positive inching", in case of controller inhibit, in case of quick stop or in case of an error in the
drive system.
The STATUS Inching in negative direction bit is set in the application status word (default bit

"Negative inching" state (g_wState = 22: manual jog negative)

The drive moves in the negative direction at the velocity set in the parameters in C3100/000 and
the acceleration and deceleration set in the parameters in C3101/000 and C3102/000
respectively. During this process the negative software end position (C3224/000) is taken into
account if the home position is known. The state is left on the clearing of the selection of
"Negative inching", in case of controller inhibit, in case of quick stop or in case of an error in the
drive system.
The STATUS Inching in positive direction bit is set in the application status word (default bit 07).

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 7-2

State machine of the Prepared Solution

"Homing“ state (g_wState = 30: homing operation)

If homing is activated using the global variable g_bStartHomning, this state is adopted. Ongoing
homing is indicated by the global variable g_bHomingBusy = TRUE. If the home position is
known (homing completed successfully), the drive sets the global variable
g_bHomePositionAvailable = TRUE. The "Homing" state is left on reaching or defining the
home position and the state changes to "Standby".
The STATUS Homing active bit is set in the application status word (default bit 05).

"Automatic flying saw" state (g_wState = 40: flyingsaw operation)

The "Automatic flying saw" state requires the home position to be known. Three other states
branch out from this state; these three states describe the sequence of a flying saw.
The STATUS Automatic selected bit is set in the application status word (default bit 09).

"Top cut" state (g_wState = 41: headcut)

In the "Top cut" state the axis is performing a top cut.
The STATUS Top cut is being made bit is set in the application status word (default bit 08).

"Length cut" state (g_wState = 42: lengthcut)

This state indicates that a cut is being performed using the length calculator. The requirement
for a length cut is a prior top cut; this cut starts the length calculator so that equidistant lengths
can be calculated.
The STATUS Length cut active bit is set in the application status word (default bit 11).

"Mark cut" state (g_wState = 43: TPcut)

In the "Mark cut" state the axis waits at the initial position until a mark on the material has been
detected and processed. The axis synchronises on the mark and once synchronicity is reached,
processing is performed.
The STATUS Mark cut active bit is set in the application status word (default bit 12).

"Move to initial position" state (g_wState = 50: positioning_operation)

This state indicates that the axis is in the positioning mode and is moving to the initial position
(home position).

"Trouble" state (g_wState = 1: trouble)

The "Trouble" state can be reached from any other state. The only transition criterion is the
global variable g_bGlobalError. In the 'Trouble' state the target system is signalling a trip. As a
result the system variables DCTRL_bCinh_b or MCTRL_bQspIn_b = TRUE are set. It is only
possible to change to the "Standby" state; this change is made when the global variable
g_bGlobalError has been reset. This situation is possible when the cause of the error has been
rectified and the error has been acknowledged using a positive edge on the global variable
The STATUS Error detected bit is set in the application status word (default bit 13).

7.2 Parallel functions

The software for the Prepared Solution provides the user with comprehensive error handling
that can be expanded by programming (POU ErrorHandling, function block ErrorHandling). The

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 7-3

State machine of the Prepared Solution

POU is called independent of the state machine and is therefore a process that runs in parallel
to the state machine. If the error handling detects an error state, the interface to the state
machine ensures the state machine changes to the 'Trouble' state. A reset to the 'Standby' state
is only possible after the cause of the error has been rectified and the error acknowledged.
The POU ErrorHandling is not part of a library in the project, instead it is programmed externally
in structured text as IEC code. In this way the existing error handling can be expanded with
error messages defined by the user.

You will find further information on handling errors in the section on the programmable variant of
the Prepared Solution, chapter 8.3

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 7-4

Program extensions/supplements

8 Program extensions/supplements
Program extensions and supplements are possible if the programmable variant is used as the
basis for the Prepared Solution. The program is edited using the Lenze software Drive PLC
Developer Studio (DDS), version V2.2 or later. The chapters that follow require basic knowledge
of the IEC programming languages and the configuration of programmable logic controllers.

8.1 Configuration of the ServoPLC user interface

8.1.1 Default setting of the ServoPLC hardware inputs

Digital inputs
Terminal Signal Value/meaning
28 Controller enable
0V Inhibit servo controller
24V Enable servo controller
E1 g_bLimitSwitchPos Signal from the positive limit switch
0V Positive limit switch actuated
24V Positive limit switch not actuated
E2 g_bLimitSwitchNeg Signal from the negative limit switch
0V Negative limit switch actuated
24V Negative limit switch not actuated
E3 g_bHomingMark Signal from the homing switch
The signal is only relevant for the homing modes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 – you will find further information on the
individual homing modes in chapter 2.12.1
24V => 0V Homing switch
E4 g_bCutReady Cut done signal
The signal is sent from the processing tool to the application. The tool is then returned to the initial position
0V => 24V Cut done signal
E5 DFIN_bTPReceived_b Touch probe input for mark-controlled synchronisation.
Note: The code C0428/000 must always be set to the value 1 so that the mark is detected using input E5
Analog inputs
Terminal Signal Value/meaning
1, 2 (not used)
3, 4 (not used)
State bus
Terminal Signal Value/meaning
ST (not used)
Master frequency
input (X9)
Terminal Signal Value/meaning
X9 DFIN_nIn_v Input of the master speed as phase difference signal:
The number of increments in the signal present on X9 can be set in the parameters using code C0425/000, however
a value for C0425/000 = 6 (16384[incr./rev]) should always be used to ensure the greatest possible resolution for the
master position.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 8-1

Program extensions/supplements

8.1.2 Default setting of the ServoPLC hardware outputs

Digital outputs (X6)
Terminal Signal Value/meaning
A1 DCTRL_bCInh_b Controller inhibit
0V Controller is inhibited
24V Controller is enabled
A2 g_bHomePositionAvailable Home position known
0V No home position known
24V Home position known
A3 g_bAxisSynchron Control of the processing tool, e.g. a saw that starts processing when this signal is switched
0V Axis not synchronised to the master speed
24V Axis is synchronised to the master speed
A4 g_bGlobalError Output of the error state
0V Drive in correct working order
24V Drive has an error
Analog outputs (X6)
Terminal Signal Value/meaning
62 (not used)
63 (not used)
State bus
Terminal Signal Value/meaning
ST (not used)
Master frequency output
Terminal Signal Value/meaning
X10 (not used)

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 8-2

Program extensions/supplements

8.2 Configuration of the ECS user interface

8.2.1 Default setting of the ECS hardware inputs

Digital inputs
terminal signal value/meaning
28 Controller enable
0V Inhibit servo controller
24V Enable servo controller
E1 DFIN_bTPReceived_b Touch probe input for mark-controlled synchronisation.
Note: The code C0428/000 must always be set to the value 1 so that the mark is detected using input E1
E2 g_bHomingMark Signal from the homing switch
The signal is only relevant for the homing modes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 – you will find further information on the
individual homing modes in chapter 2.12.1
24V => 0V Homing switch
E3 g_bLimitSwitchPos Signal from the positive limit switch
0V Positive limit switch actuated
24V Positive limit switch not actuated
E4 g_bLimitSwitchNeg Signal from the negative limit switch
0V Negative limit switch not actuated
24V Negative limit switch not actuated
Analog inputs
terminal signal value/meaning
1, 2 (not used)
3, 4 (not used)
Master frequency
input (X8)
terminal signal value/meaning
X8 DFIN_nIn_v Input of the master speed as phase difference signal:
The number of increments in the signal present on X8 can be set in the parameters using code C0425/000, however
a value for C0425/000 = 6 (16384[incr./rev]) should always be used to ensure the greatest possible resolution for the
master position.

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Program extensions/supplements

8.2.2 Default setting of the ECS hardware outputs

Digital outputs (X6)
terminal signal value/meaning
A1 DCTRL_bCInh_b Reglersperre
0V Controller is inhibited
24V Controller is enabled
Analog outputs (X6)
terminal signal value/meaning
62 (not used)
63 (not used)
Master frequency output (X8)
terminal signal value/meaning
X8 (not used)

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 8-4

Program extensions/supplements

8.3 Task management

In the programmable variant of the Prepared
Solution the different functionalities are called in different tasks as a function of the processing
priority. The following tasks have already been added:

Task 1 contains the main core of the application. This task must always be processed with the
highest priority, even if the user adds further tasks. It is called at 2ms intervals.
Task 2 calls the machine sequence in which the axis control is applied. In addition calculations
are made and the master frequency evaluated using the normalisation factor.

Task 3 contains the multiplexer and the error management.

The user can add further tasks and call custom programs in these additional tasks. Here the
following conditions are to be observed:

• No task is allowed to have a higher priority and a shorter interval time than task 1.
• No user tasks are allowed to have a higher priority and/or a shorter interval time than task
• Further networks can be added to the existing program blocks (e.g. POU MotionControl),
as long as the processing times for the task called do not cause any task overflow.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 8-5

Dimensioning aspects

9 Dimensioning aspects

9.1 Resolution of the system

In order to determine the resolution, the relationship between measuring wheel and motor must
be considered.
In the following, the resolution is taken into consideration:

Measuring wheel parameters:

• Encoder constant [inc/rev]
• Measuring wheel constant [units/rev]

encoder constant[inc/umdr]
encoder resolution[inc/units] =
measuring wheel constant[units/umdr]
Drive parameters:
• Feed constant [units/r]
• Gearbox factor numerator
• Gearbox factor denominator

gearbox factor numerator

motor resolution[umdr/units] =
gearbox factor denominator * feedconstant[units/umdr]

Total resolution:

motor resolution[umdr/units]
resolution[inc/umdr] =
encoder resolution[inc/units]

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 9-1

Dimensioning aspects

9.2 Axis normalisation

For the normalisation of the flying saw, two concepts for a master frequency source will be
1. Master frequency source measuring wheel
2. Master frequency source Servo / Servo PLC (master frequency coupling)

9.3 Master frequency source measuring wheel

Process example with measuring wheel for master frequency determination

measuring wheel: - measuring wheel [units/r]

- feedconstant[inc/r]

feedconstant [units/r]

gearbox - gearbox nominator

- gearbox denominator


drive 93xx Servo PLC ET


DFIN constant (C0425) [inc/r]

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 9-2

Dimensioning aspects

Normalisation is calculated as follows:

Parameters for the normalisation:

• Measuring wheel: measuring wheel constant (C3005/000) [units/r]
Encoder constant (C3006/000) [inc/r]

Measuring wheel constant: e.g. a measuring wheel with d= 250mm, measuring wheel

• Mechanical system: Feed constant (C1204/000) [units/r]

Gearbox factor numerator (C1202/000)
Gearbox factor denominator (C1203/000)

• Controller: DFIN master frequency constant (C0425/000) [inc/r]

The normalisation factor is automatically calculated in the application and entered in the codes
C3003/000 and C3004/000.

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Dimensioning aspects

9.4 Master frequency source Servo / Servo PLC

Process example for master frequency coupling


feedconstant [units/r]

gearbox gearbox - gearbox nominator

- gearbox denominator

Feedback Feedback

x7/x8 x7/x8


DFOUT constant (C0030) [inc/r]

The normalisation factor is calculated as follows:

Parameters for normalising controller 1:

• Gearbox factor numerator
• Gearbox factor denominator
• Feed constant [units/r]
• DFOUT constant (C0030) [inc/r]

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Dimensioning aspects

Parameters for normalising controller 2:

• Gearbox factor numerator (C1202/000)
• Gearbox factor denominator (C1203/000)
• Feed constant (C1204/000) [units/r]
• DFIN master frequency constant (C0425/000) [inc/r]

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN page 9-5

Description of the function blocks

10 Description of the function blocks

10.1 Function block MotionControl

In the FlyingSaw application the function block MotionControl undertakes the positioning tasks
and the referencing.
During synchronisation to the material speed the setpoints are fed through and switched to the
interface MCTRL.
The function block MotionControl represents the interface between application and drive control

Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-1

Description of the function blocks

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bAbort BOOL This input triggers the cancelling of positioning. The input is handled within the application in the
MachineControl. The flying saw is positioned in the initial position during return movement.
FALSE ->TRUE Cancel the positioning

Profile DINT Positioning profile

¾ Data structure; the elements of the structure describe the complete profile

byMotionControlMode DINT Positioning mode

¾ In the application absolute positioning is performed during movement to the initial position
and constant travel during manual control.
Positioning modes used:
0 Absolute positioning
2 Continuous constant travel

bMotorInvert BOOL Entry of the motor mounting direction

FALSE not inverted
TRUE inverted

bExternSetValuesEnable BOOL Switch to external setpoints for synchronisation

¾ The external setpoints are looped through 1:1 to the related outputs.

nSpeedOutSaw INT Setpoint for the speed for the synchronisation

¾ For this setpoint to be actively switched to the interface, the variable
bExternSetValuesEnable must be set to TRUE.
¾ nSpeedOutSaw -> MCTRL_nNSet_a

dnPosDiffOutSaw DINT Setpoint for the positional deviation for the synchronisation
¾ For this setpoint to be actively switched to the interface, the variable
bExternSetValuesEnable must be set to TRUE.
¾ dnPosDiffOutSaw -> MCTRL_dnPosSet_p

bHomingMark BOOL Homing switch

bMCTRL_bActTPReceived_b BOOL Input for the MCTRL touch probe

dnMCTRL_dnActIncLastScan DINT Phase difference in [inc] between latching time and starting time for the task

nMCTRL_nNAct_v INT Actual speed for the actual phase integrator

¾ The input is to be connected to the system variable MCTRL_nNAct_v (speed value for
the feedback system) in SB MCTRL.

bDCTRL_bCInh_b BOOL Signal for the controller inhibit

¾ The input is to be connected to the system variable DCTRL_bCInh_b in SB DCRTL.

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bMCTRL_bQspOut_b BOOL Drive is in quick stop
¾ This input is to be connected to the system variable MCTRL_bQspOut_b in SB

bReset BOOL Reset positioning

Axis AXIS_REF Machine parameters

¾ Data structure with elements that contain the machine parameters in the internal
measuring system.
¾ Connect this input to a global variable written by the FB L_MCMachineData.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-2

Description of the function blocks

Inputs outputs (Variable type: VAR_IN_OUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bProfileStart BOOL Start a positioning
This input signal is automatically reset.

bStartReference BOOL Start homing

This input signal is automatically reset

Outputs (Variable type: VAR_OUTPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bHomePositionAvailable BOOL Status signal "Homing done"
¾ The signal is TRUE on successful completion of homing

bHomingBusy BOOL Status signal "Homing active"

¾ This signal switches to TRUE when homing is active

bMotionDone BOOL Status signal "Positioning has been performed"

bPosBusy BOOL Status signal "Positioning is active"

dnActPosFlyingSaw DINT Actual phase position of the axis "flying saw"

¾ 65536 inc correspond to one revolution on the motor end
nMCTRL_nNSet_a INT Speed setpoint
¾ This output is to be connected to the system variable MCTRL_nNSet_a in SB MCTRL
dnMCTRL_dnPosSet_p DINT Positional deviation direct for the position controller
¾ This output is to be connected to the system variable MCTRL_dnPosSet_p in SB
MCTRL. The phase controller must be switched active (MCTRL_bPosOn_b = TRUE)

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-3

Description of the function blocks

10.2 Function block Software_Limit

This function block monitors the software limit positions set. The block is only active after
homing has been performed. This means that during homing only the hardware limit positions
(physical limit switches) are actively monitored.
The position entry for the positive and negative software limit switches must not be equal to
zero and be within the possible limits so that the software limit positions are monitored.

Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
dnActPos DINT Actual phase position of the axis "flying saw"
¾ 65536 inc correspond to one revolution on the motor end

dnPosLimitSwitch DINT Input for the position of the positive software limit switch
¾ The entry is made in the application unit [units] and must have the value > 0.
The reference here is the home position.
¾ The software limit position is only active for an entry > 0.

dnNegLimitSwitch DINT Input for the position of the negative software limit switch
¾ The entry is made in the application unit [units] and must have a value <0. The
reference here is the home position.
¾ The software limit position is only active for an entry <0.
bHomePosAvailable BOOL Input for the signal "Homing done"
¾ The software limit position monitoring is only activated once the home position
is known
Axis MC_AXIS_REF Machine parameters
¾ Data structure with elements that contain the machine parameters in the
internal measuring system.
¾ Connect this input to a global variable written by the FB L_MCMachineData.

Outputs (Variable type: VAR_OUTPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bPosLimitActive BOOL Status signal "Positive software limit position reached"

bNegLimitActive BOOL Status signal "Negative software limit position reached"

bSwitchActive BOOL Status signal "Software limit position monitoring active"

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-4

Description of the function blocks

10.3 Function block RatioNormFlyingSaw

This function block calculates the normalisation factor for the flying saw as a function of the
machine parameters. The calculation is only allowed to be made in the cyclic task, as fractional
rational numbers are processed.

Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bExecute BOOL Perform calculation
¾ If the factor is to be calculated, this input must be activated

FALSE ->TRUE Triggers a calculation

dnScaleWheel DINT Circumference of the measuring wheel

¾ 10000 = 1.0000 [unit]

dnPulseSensor DINT Number of pulses from the encoder at the measuring wheel
¾ 10000 = 1.0000 [inc/rev]
dnFeedConstant DINT Feed constant
¾ 10000 = 1.0000 [unit/rev]
wGearNum WORD Gearbox factor numerator

wGearDen WORD Gearbox factor denominator

dnDFINConstant DINT DFIN master frequency constant (C0425/000)

¾ Entry is made in [inc/rev]

Outputs (Variable type: VAR_OUTPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bCalculated BOOL Status signal "Factor calculated"

dnNormalizationNum DINT Value for the numerator

dnNormalizationDen DINT Value for the denominator

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-5

Description of the function blocks

10.4 Function block Master Frequency

This function block prepares the master frequency for the flying saw and during this process
takes into account important factors like the normalisation factor for the flying saw. It is also
possible to filter the input signal and to simulate the master frequency.

Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
MasterFrequency_DFIN_nIn_v INT This input is connected to the signal DFIN_nIn_v from the system controller. The master value is
acquired in inc/ms and processed in the function block.

SimulationMasterFrequency_v INT A master value can be simulated with this variable. The master value is also acquired in inc/ms and
processed in the function block. The simulation enables the functions to be tested without receiving a
fixed master value from a master. The entry is made in [inc/ms]

bSelectInputFrequency BOOL This input makes it possible to switch between the master value simulation and the signal DFIN
FALSE The master value from the input
MasterFrequency_DFIN_nIn_v is used
TRUE The master value from the input

dnNormalizationNum DINT Numerator for the normalisation factor. The normalisation factor is calculated in the function block
RatioNormFlyingSaw .

dnNormalizationDen DINT Denominator for the normalisation factor. The normalisation factor is calculated in the function block
RatioNormFlyingSaw .

nFilteringDFIN INT Master value filtering. The filter time is defined in the unit [ms]. Only the output signal
nFrequencyDFINNorm_v is filtered.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-6

Description of the function blocks

Outputs (Variable type: VAR_OUTPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
nFrequencyDFIN_v INT Output of the frequency for the master value. In the simulation mode the value defined on the input
SimulationMasterFrequency_v is output. Otherwise the master value from the input
MasterFrequency_DFIN_nIn_v. The output variable is also evaluated using the filter time from the
input nFilteringDFIN .
The filtering is only active if the master value is defined using input X9 on the servo axis. The filter time
is not taken into account in the simulation.

nFrequencyDFINNorm_v INT Output of the normalised master frequency. In addition to the output variable nFrequencyDFIN_v this
output is adapted to the axis parameters using the normalisation factor.
The filtering is only active if the master value is defined using input X9 on the servo axis. The filter time
is not taken into account in the simulation.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-7

Description of the function blocks

10.5 Function block LengthCalculation

Based on the length entered, the block LengthCalculation calculates the start signals for the
synchronisation to the master speed.

Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bStartLengthCalculation BOOL Start the length calculator
TRUE Start the length calculator
FALSE Stop the length calculator. The length
calculator is initialised with zero internally.
dnCutInputInc DINT Input for specifying the set length. The set length is defined in increments.

dnOffset DINT Input for the offset.

The offset is calculated in the function block OffsetCalculation and must be connected to
this input.
n_In_v INT Master frequency specified in the unit [inc/ms].
The master frequency is calculated using the normalisation factor and must be connected to
the output of the function block MasterFrequency.
dnCutterCompensation DINT Input for width of cut compensation.
The width of cut is defined in the application unit [unit].
DFIN_bTPReceived BOOL Input for the DFIN touch probe.
The variable is to be connected to the input DFIN_bTPReceived_b on the SB DFIN
dnActualPosOfAxis DINT Input for the actual position of the flying saw. If a top cut is performed away from the initial
position, this position is added to the calculation and taken into account on the next cut.
wTaskInterval WORD Task interval. This variable must be linked to System_Flag SYSTEM_wTaskInterval

Axis MC_AXIS_REF Machine parameters

¾ Data structure with elements that contain the machine parameters in the
internal measuring system.
¾ Connect this input to a global variable written by the FB L_MCMachineData

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-8

Description of the function blocks

Inputs/outputs (Variable type: VAR_IN_OUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bHeadCutInProcess BOOL Top cut in process.
The length calculator is initialised with actual values by triggering this variable. The variable is
automatically reset in the block.

Outputs (Variable type: VAR_OUTPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bStartSynchronizeProcess BOOL "Start synchronisation" signal.
The length has been reached and the synchronising process starts.

nCompensationTrimming INT Correction that is applied to the setpoint.

In this way an error caused by the system propagation time is compensated.

dnIntegratorValueActual DINT Output of the actual length.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-9

Description of the function blocks

10.6 Function block Offset Calculation

This block calculates the offset, or the offset increments for the block SynchronizeControl so
that the flying saw is never moved faster than the master speed in synchronous operation.

Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
nFrequencyDFIN_v INT Input frequency for the master frequency.
The master frequency is the basis for the calculation of the offset increments.
This input variable is connected to the function block MasterFrequency.
nFrequencyDFINNorm_v INT Normalised input frequency for the master frequency.
The master frequency is the basis for the calculation of the offset increments.
This input variable is connected to the function block MasterFrequency.

bModusSynchronize BOOL Here the mode for the flying saw is defined. In principle a differentiation is made between two modes.
The "Synchronous" mode in which the saw blade is never faster than the master value and the
"Oversynchronous" mode is which the saw unit briefly "overtakes" the master value on starting until all
increments have been caught up.
FALSE Flying saw "Oversynchronous" mode

bOffsetUsed BOOL Information that the offset has been taken into account in the cut.
This variable must be handled in the machine sequence.
FALSE Offset for an actual cut has not yet been

bCalculateNewOffset BOOL Information that a new offset must be calculated for a subsequent cut.
This variable must be handled in the machine sequence.
FALSE Do not calculate a new offset

dnTir DINT Saw unit acceleration time.

This variable is to be connected to the function block SynchronizeControl from the library

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-10

Description of the function blocks

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_OUTPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bOffsetConsider BOOL Offset for the length calculator is to be taken into account.
The variable must be connected to the block LengthCalculator from the library FlyingSawV0100.lib.

dnOffsetLengthCalculator DINT Offset for the length calculator.

The variable is to be connected to the block LengthCalculator from the library FlyingSawV0100.lib.

dnOffsetSynchonize DINT Offset for the synchronisation process.

The variable is to be connected to the block SynchronizeControl from the library FlyingSawV0100.lib.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-11

Description of the function blocks

10.7 Function block Synchronize Control

The main function of the flying saw is undertaken by this block. Among other aspects the phase
and speed-dependent synchronisation are handled and the setpoint passed to the block

Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-12

Description of the function blocks

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bSetTPReceived_b BOOL Input for the touch-probe.
This variable is connected to the system variable DFIN_bTPReceived_b from the system block DFIN.
dnSetTPLastScan DINT Phase difference between latch point and task start time.
This variable is connected to the system variable DFIN_dnIncLastScan_p

nFrequencyDFINNorm_v INT Input for the normalised master frequency.

This variable is connected to the variable nFrequencyDFIN_v from the function block
MasterFrequency in the library FlyingSawV0100.lib.

nNAct_v INT Actual speed for the actual phase integrator.

This variable is connected to the system variable MCTRL_nNAct_v from the system block MCTRL.

bStartDeceleration BOOL Using this variable the saw unit is decelerated after a cut and then positioned at the home position.
The variable is processed logically in the machine sequence and is typically activated by the sawing
action itself.
FALSE No deceleration of the saw unit

bStartSynchronize BOOL Start a synchronisation process. The input is connected to the variable bStartSynchronizeprozess
from the function block LengthCalculation in the library FlyingSawV0100.lib.
FALSE No start

TDelaySynchronSignal TIME Delay for the synchronised signal. In this way settling after the synchronising process is taken into
account. The setting is made in the unit [ms].

bAutomatic BOOL Input information that automatic operation has started.

This input is to be connected to the status automatic.
bStartHeadCut BOOL Start signal for performing a top cut

bReset BOOL The integrators for the synchronising process are reset when the variable is set.

bResetAll BOOL In addition to bReset, when this variable is set the positional deviation is set to zero.

bStartGap BOOL Start signal for making a gap in the material

nCompensationTrimming INT Correction that is added to the setpoint. This correction is used to compensate for an error caused by
the system propagation time.
This input is to be connected to the block LengthCalcualtion nCompensationTrimming

bMotorInvert BOOL Entry of the motor mounting direction

FALSE not inverted
TRUE inverted

bExternSetValuesEnable BOOL Switch to external setpoints for synchronisation

¾ The setpoints from the synchronising process are looped through 1:1 to the related

dnOffsetSynchronize DINT Offset for "synchronous" synchronisation. The value is calculated online by the function block
This input variable must be connected to the function block OffsetCalculation.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-13

Description of the function blocks

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bMarkenSync BOOL Activation of the mark synchronisation.
TRUE Mark synchronisation active
FALSE Mark synchronisation not active
dwTi DWORD Flying saw acceleration time. The entry is made in the unit [ms]

dwTif DWORD Flying saw deceleration time. The entry is made in the unit [ms]

dnGapLengthInc DINT Length of the gap. The entry is made in the unit [inc]

bResetError BOOL In case of an error, the block and as a result all active integrators are reset. The variable must be
included in the application's reset handling.
dnOffset_TP DINT Distance between the touch probe signal detected and the initial position of the flying saw. The entry is
made in the unit [inc]

Inputs (Variable type: VAR_OUTPUT)

Identifier Data type Value/meaning
bSync_b BOOL Status signal "Axis synchronised". The signal is output when the axis is moving in phase and speed
synchronism with the master value.

bStatusGap BOOL Status signal "Gap made". The signal is output when a gap has been made in the material.

bFail_b BOOL Status signal "Error". The signal is output when an error has been detected during the synchronous

nSpeedOut_a INT Actual speed for the actual phase integrator

¾ This input is to be connected to the function block MotionControl.

dnPosDiffOut_p DINT Positional deviation direct for the position controller

¾ This output is to be connected to the function block MotionControl
dnTir DINT Actual flying saw acceleration time. The signal is needed for the online calculation of the offset value
and must be connected to the function block OffsetCalculation.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-14

Description of the function blocks

10.8 Function block VersionHandling

The function block VersionHandling provides three versions for indication in the related codes:
• Version of the Prepared Solution
• Version of the application library (depending on the Prepared Solution)
• Version of the basic library (is used in all Prepared Solutions)

The function block calculates the three elements for the internal data array from the major and
subversions using the following formula:
adwVersion[1] := ((dwProRelease * 100 + dwProLevel)*100)+dwProServicePack;
adwVersion[2] := ((dwLib1Release * 100 + dwLib1Level)*100)+dwLib1ServicePack;
adwVersion[3] := ((dwLib2Release * 100 + dwLib2Level)*100)+dwLib2ServicePack;

The field variable adwVersion is intended for indication in display codes with two decimal
positions. In this way the user can straightforwardly determine the version states for the project
and libraries.

On the display of the code values the versions are indicated so that they are easy for the user to
read (e.g. using GDC):


 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-15

Description of the function blocks

Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

Variable names
Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)
Identifier Data type Meaning
wProRelease WORD main version for the project:: the value entered must be in the range between 0 and 99.

wProLevel WORD subversion for the project:: the value entered must be in the range between 0 and 99.

wProServicePack WORD version of service-pack: the value entered must be in the range between 0 and 99.

wLib1Release WORD main version for library 1 (e.g. application library): the value entered must be in the range between 0
and 99.

wLib1Level WORD subversion for library 1 (e.g. application library): the value entered must be in the range between 0 and

wLib1ServicePack WORD version of service-pack: the value entered must be in the range between 0 and 99.

wLib2Release WORD main version for library 2 (e.g. basic library): the value entered must be in the range between 0 and 99.

wLib2Level WORD subversion for library 2 (e.g. basic library): the value entered must be in the range between 0 and 99.

wLib2ServicePack WORD version of service-pack: the value entered must be in the range between 0 and 99.

Internal (Variable type: VAR)

Identifier Data type Meaning
awVersion ARRAY [1..3] OF Data field with indication of the three versions: the first and the second number is the main versio, the
DWORD third and the fourth is the subversion and the fith and the sixth is the number of the service-pack.
Example: main verison 1.0, subversion 0.0, service-pack 1.0, display: 10001
The values are calculated using the following formulas:
adwVersion[1] :=((dwProRelease * 100 + dwProLevel)*100)+dwProServicePack;
adwVersion[2] :=((dwLib1Release * 100 + dwLib1Level)*100)+dwLib1ServicePack;
adwVersion[3] :=((dwLib2Release * 100 + dwLib2Level)*100)+dwLib2ServicePack;

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-16

Description of the function blocks

10.9 Function block MultiplexerInput

The function block MultilexerInput makes it possible to select a data interface for controlling the
output bits. The following data sources can be selected using the input byte byInputSource:
ƒ Internal data source in the form of control words (3 items of process data: word 1 … 3)
ƒ CAN1 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ CAN2 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ CAN3 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ AIF1 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ AIF2 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ AIF3 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
The data words 2 and 3 are interpreted in bits and can be mapped to the output signals (bBit00
… bBit31) as required using a multiplexer also included. For this purpose there is an element in
the internal index array abyCtrlWord[0..31] for each of these output signals. Using this array it is
defined for each output bit bBit00 … bBit31 from which source in words 2 and 3 the information
for this output signal is drawn (multiplexer).


Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-17

Description of the function blocks

Variable names
Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)
Identifier Data type Meaning
byInputSource BYTE Selection of the control source for the application:
0 Control code
1 CAN1
2 CAN2
3 CAN3
4 AIF1
5 AIF2
6 AIF3
wCAN1_wDctrlCtrl WORD Input for the system variable CAN1_wDctrlCtrl

wCAN1_nInW1_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN1_nInW1_a

wCAN1_nInW2_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN1_nInW2_a

wCAN1_nInW3_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN1_nInW3_a

wCAN2_nInW1_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN2_nInW1_a

wCAN2_nInW2_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN2_nInW2_a

wCAN2_nInW3_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN2_nInW3_a

wCAN2_nInW4_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN2_nInW4_a

wCAN3_nInW1_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN3_nInW1_a

wCAN3_nInW2_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN3_nInW2_a

wCAN3_nInW3_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN3_nInW3_a

wCAN3_nInW4_a WORD Input for the system variable CAN3_nInW4_a

wAIF1_wDctrlCtrl WORD Input for the system variable AIF1_wDctrlCtrl

wAIF1_nInW1_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF1_nInW1_a

wAIF1_nInW2_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF2_nInW2_a

wAIF1_nInW3_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF1_nInW3_a

wAIF2_nInW1_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF3_nInW1_a

wAIF2_nInW2_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF2_nInW2_a

wAIF2_nInW3_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF2_nInW3_a

wAIF2_nInW4_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF2_nInW4_a

wAIF3_nInW1_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF3_nInW1_a

wAIF3_nInW2_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF3_nInW2_a

wAIF3_nInW3_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF3_nInW3_a

wAIF3_nInW4_a WORD Input for the system variable AIF3_nInW4_a

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-18

Description of the function blocks

Outputs (Variable type: VAR_OUTPUT)

Identifier Data type Meaning
wDCTRL_wCAN1Ctrl WORD Output of the control word for the system variable DCTRL_wCAN1Ctrl

wDCTRL_wAIF1Ctrl WORD Output of the control word for the system variable DCTRL_wAIF1Ctrl

wCtrlW1_a INT Output of the data word (depending on the value on byInputSource derived from the variables
wInternalCtrlW1_a, wCAN1_nInW1_a, wCAN2_nInW2_a, wCAN3_nInW2_a, wAIF1_nInW1_a,
wAIF2_nInW2_a or wAIF3_nInW2_a)
bBit00 BOOL Control bits 0 to 31:
bBit01 The individual bits are formed from the internal double control word dwCtrlWord. Here any output bit
bBit02 bBit00, bBit01 … bBit31 can be assigned to any bit in the double control word (dwCtrlWord.0 …
bBit03 dwCtrlWord.31). The internal index variable abyCtrlWord[i] (i = 0 … 31) is used for the assignment; the
… index i addresses the required output bit bBit00, bBit01 … bBit31 and the value of abyCtrlWord[i] the
bBit30 required source bit in the double control word (dwCtrlWord.0 … dwCtrlWord.31). The value range
bBit31 allowed for abyCtrlWord[i] is 0 … 31.

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Description of the function blocks

Example wiring for Prepared Solution:

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-20

Description of the function blocks

10.10 Function block MultiplexerOutput

The MultiplexerOutput function block makes it possible to select a data interface for the output
of status information. The following data interfaces can be selected using the input byte
ƒ Internal data source in the form of status words (3 items of process data: word 1 … 3)
ƒ CAN1 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ CAN2 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ CAN3 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ AIF1 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ AIF2 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
ƒ AIF3 (4 items of process data: word 0 … 3)
The data words 2 and 3 are interpreted in bits and can be mapped from any of the input signals
(bBit00 … bBit31) as required using a multiplexer also included. For this purpose there is an
element in the internal index array abyStatWord[0..31] for each of these output signals. Using
this array it is defined for each bit of this double status word from which source bBit00 … bBit31
the information for this double status word is drawn (multiplexer).


Task information
Can be called in: Cyclic task Time-controlled task Event-controlled task Interrupt task

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-21

Description of the function blocks

Variable names
Inputs (Variable type: VAR_INPUT)
Identifier Data type Meaning
byOutputSource BYTE Selection of the target interface for the status information for the application:
0 Status code
1 CAN1
2 CAN2
3 CAN3
4 AIF1
5 AIF2
6 AIF3
wDCTRL_wStat WORD Input for the system status word (system variable DCTRL_wStat)

wStatW1_a INT Definition of the first data word as required (depending on the value on byOutputSource this value is
output to the variable wInternalStatW1_a, wCAN1_nOutW1_a, wCAN2_nOutW2_a,
wCAN3_nOutW2_a, wAIF1_nOutW1_a, wAIF2_nOutW2_a or wAIF3_nOutW2_a)
bBit00 BOOL Definition by bit of the status information (bits 0 to 31):
bBit01 The individual bits are formed from the internal double status word dwStatWord. Here any input bit
bBit02 bBit00, bBit01 … bBit31 can be assigned to any bit in the double status word (dwStatWord.0 …
bBit03 dwStatWord.31). The internal index variable abyStatWord[i] (i = 0 … 31) is used for the assignment;
… the index i defines the required bit in the double status word (dwStatWord.0 … dwStatWord.31) and
bBit30 the value of abyStatWord[i] the required input bit bBit00, bBit01 … bBit31 for this output bit. The value
bBit31 range allowed for abyStatWord[i] is 0 … 31.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-22

Description of the function blocks

Outputs (Variable type: VAR_OUTPUT)

Identifier Data type Meaning
wCAN1_wDctrlStat WORD Output for the system variable CAN1_wDctrlStat

wCAN1_nOutW1_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN1_nOutW1_a

wCAN1_nOutW2_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN1_nOutW2_a

wCAN1_nOutW3_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN1_nOutW3_a

wCAN2_nOutW1_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN2_nOutW1_a

wCAN2_nOutW2_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN2_nOutW1_a

wCAN2_nOutW3_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN2_nOutW3_a

wCAN2_nOutW4_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN2_nOutW4_a

wCAN3_nOutW1_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN3_nOutW1_a

wCAN3_nOutW2_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN3_nOutW2_a

wCAN3_nOutW3_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN3_nOutW3_a

wCAN3_nOutW4_a WORD Output for the system variable CAN3_nOutW4_a

wAIF1_wDctrlStat WORD Output for the system variable AIF1_wDctrlStat

wAIF1_nOutW1_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF1_nOutW1_a

wAIF1_nOutW2_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF1_nOutW2_a

wAIF1_nOutW3_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF1_nOutW3_a

wAIF2_nOutW1_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF2_nOutW1_a

wAIF2_nOutW2_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF2_nOutW2_a

wAIF2_nOutW3_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF2_nOutW3_a

wAIF2_nOutW4_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF2_nOutW4_a

wAIF3_nOutW1_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF3_nOutW1_a

wAIF3_nOutW2_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF3_nOutW2_a

wAIF3_nOutW3_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF3_nOutW3_a

wAIF3_nOutW4_a WORD Output for the system variable AIF3_nOutW4_a

Internal (Variable type: VAR)

Identifier Data type Meaning
wInternalStatW1_a INT Internal status word for the indication of the actual data word (input signal wCtrlW1_a):
The internal status word wInternalStatW1_a is assigned with byOutputSource = 0 the value on
input wCtrlW1_a.
dwInternalStatDWord DWORD Internal variable for the indication of the double status word: the double status word is formed from the
input signals bBit00, bBit01 … bBit31 using the multiplexer, if byOutputSource = 0 is pre-selected.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-23

Description of the function blocks

Example wiring for Prepared Solution:

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 10-24


11 Appendix

11.1 Possible error sources

11.1.1 Slip at the measuring wheel or at the material infeed

A very probable cause is that the material infeed and the measuring wheel are not correctly
positioned in relation to each other and "slip" occurs at this point resulting in the incorrect
indication of the material speed to the controller. Slip can be recognised by the set lengths not
passing through correctly and the saw carriage not moving in "synchronism" with the material.

11.1.2 Interference on the master encoder signal

Electromagnetic interference coupled onto the encoder cable can also affect the cutting

11.1.3 Incorrectly set synchronisation ratio / normalisation factor

An incorrectly set synchronisation ratio (normalisation factor) can cause significant cutting
tolerances that will become particularly large when the line speed is changed. To rectify the
problem the normalisation factor should be checked again.

During use measuring wheels are subject to wear resulting in a reduction in their
circumference. You can correct for this wear using the code C3005/000

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-1


11.2 Global variables

11.2.1 Global
Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Identifier Data type Value/meaning
g_dnScaleWheel DINT Circumference of the measuring wheel
g_dnPulseSensor DINT Encoder pulses from the measuring wheel
g_nFrequencyDFIN INT Input frequency of the measuring wheel
g_nFrequencyDFINNorm INT Standardised input frequency of the measuring wheel
g_bStartlengthCalculator BOOL Start the length calculator
g_dnCutLengthInput DINT Set length
g_dnGapLengthInput DINT Length of the gap
g_dnGapLength_p DINT Length of the gap in increments
g_bMarkenSyncAxtive BOOL Activate mark synchronisation
g_bOffsetUsed BOOL Offset taken into account during a length cut
g_bCalculateNewOffset BOOL Calculate new offset
g_dnTir DINT Flying saw acceleration time
g_bOffsetConsider BOOL Offset value has been taken into consideration
g_dnOffsetLengthCalculator DINT Offset for the length calculator
g_dnOffsetSynchronize DINT Offset for the synchronisation
g_bStartDecelerationSaw BOOL Start of the deceleration ramp
g_nCompensationTrimming INT Increments that are compensated during the synchronisation
g_nCompensationTrimmingUsed INT Compensation completed
g_dnCutterKompensation DINT Width of cut compensation
DelaySynchronSignal INT Delay on the synchronised signal
g_bReset BOOL Reset
g_bResetSync BOOL Reset the synchronisation
g_bExternSetValuesEnable BOOL Switch to external setpoints
g_dnAbortCalcOffset_units DINT Calculation of the offset is interrupted just before synchronising
g_dnAbortCalcOffset_Inc DINT Calculation of the offset is interrupted just before synchronising
g_dnActualValueLengthCalculator DINT Actual length calculator value
g_nSpeedOutSaw INT Flying saw set speed
g_dnPosDiffOutSaw DINT Setpoint for the phase controller
g_bAutomaticFlag BOOL Automatic mode is active
g_bWatchLengthTP BOOL Mark monitoring active
g_ManualProfile Profile Profile for jogging
g_SecondProfile Profile Profile for the movement to the initial position
g_BackProfile Profile Profile for return positioning after a synchronous movement
g_FreeDriveLimitSwitch Profile Move clear from limit switch
g_Profile Profile Profile data
g_Axis Axis Axis data

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-2


Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)

g_bAbort BOOL Cancel the positioning
g_bReference BOOL Start homing
g_bAxisHomePosAvail BOOL Initial position reached
g_byMotionControlMode BYTE Positioning mode
g_bProfileStart BOOL Start a positioning
g_bManual BOOL Start manual operation
g_bMotionDone BOOL Positioning complete
g_bMotorInvert BOOL Motor mounting position
g_dnMaxFollowError DINT Maximum following error
g_bFollowError BOOL Following error resolution
g_bHeadCutInProzess BOOL Top cut in length operation

11.2.2 VarCounter_FS
Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Identifier Data type Value/meaning
g_bCountUpHeadCut BOOL Increment top cut counter
g_bCountDownHeadCut BOOL Decrement top cut counter
g_bResetHeadCutCounter BOOL Reset top cut counter
g_bCutCounterUP BOOL Increment cut counter
g_bCutCounterDOWN BOOL Decrementing cut counter
g_bResetCutCounter BOOL Reset cut counter
g_bCutCounterUP_NOK BOOL Increment scrap counter
g_bResetLengthNOKCounter BOOL Decrement scrap counter
g_bResetAllCounter BOOL Reset all counters
g_nCounterHeadCut INT Number of top cuts
g_nCutCounterOK INT Number of pieces cut
g_nCutCounterNOK INT Number of scraps pieces that have been separated out using immediate cuts

11.2.3 VarErrorHandling
Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Identifier Data type Value/meaning
g_bTrip BOOL Trip active
g_bWarnung BOOL Warning active
g_bMessage BOOL Message active
g_bFailQSP BOOL Axis is in QSP

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-3


11.2.4 VarInterfaceFlyingSaw
Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Identifier Data type Value/meaning
g_bDriveReady BOOL Drive ready signal
g_bStartHoming BOOL Start homing
g_bHomingMark BOOL Homing cam
g_bManualJogPos BOOL Inching in positive direction
g_bManualJogNeg BOOL Inching in negative direction
g_bStartPositioningHome BOOL Move to initial position
g_bAutomatic BOOL Start automatic operation
g_bCutReady BOOL Cut done signal
g_bHeadCut BOOL Trigger top cut
g_bStartGap BOOL Make gap in the material
g_bTPUnrealised BOOL Mark not detected during mark control
g_bMarkenSync BOOL Activate mark synchronisation
g_bModusSynchronize BOOL Synchronisation mode
g_bTripReset BOOL Reset error
g_bTripresetMultiPlex BOOL Reset error using multiplexer
g_bUserTripSet BOOL Set user error
g_bImperialUnits BOOL Switch between imperial and metric measuring system
g_nSimulationFrequency INT Simulation speed
g_bSelInputFrequency BOOL Switch between DFIN and simulation
g_dnFollowErrorLimt DINT Following error limit
g_bHomePositionAvailable BOOL Home position known
g_bGapStatus BOOL Gap made in the material
g_bAxisSynchron BOOL Axis synchronised signal
g_wActualFaultNumber WORD Actual error number
g_bHomingBusy BOOL Homing is active
g_bPosBusy BOOL Positioning is active
g_bDoubleLength BOOL Double length detected
g_dnActPosFlyingSaw DINT Actual position of the axis
g_byCtrlMode BYTE Multiplexer mode
g_nFiltering INT Master speed filtering
g_dwTiFlyingSaw DWORD Flying saw acceleration time
g_dwTifFlyingSaw DWORD Flying saw deceleration time
g_dnOffsetTP DINT Distance between mark detection and the initial position
g_bSoftwareLimitsActive BOOL Software limit switches active
g_bCutCounterUP_NOK_Multi BOOL Operate scrap counter via the multiplexer

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-4


11.2.5 VarLimitsSwitches
Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Identifier Data type Value/meaning
g_bLimitSwitchPos BOOL Positive hardware limit switch
g_bLimitSwitchNeg BOOL Negative hardware limit switch
g_bPosLimitSwitch BOOL Positive software limit switch
g_bNegLimitSwitch BOOL Negative software limit switch
g_dnPosLimitSwitch DINT Position of the positive software limit switch
g_dnNegLimitSwitch DINT Position of the negative software limit switch

11.2.6 VarNormFactor
Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Identifier Data type Value/meaning
g_bCalculatedFac BOOL Normalisation factor calculated
g_dnNormalizationNumerator DINT Normalisation factor numerator
g_dnNormalizationDenumerator DINT Normalisation factor denominator

11.2.7 VarOperationVisu
Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Identifier Data type Value/meaning
g_bStartHomingVisu BOOL Start of homing via the visualisation
g_bManualVisu BOOL Start of manual operation via the visualisation
g_bManualJogPosVisu BOOL Positive inching of the axis via the visualisation
g_bManualJogNegVisu BOOL Negative inching of the axis via the visualisation
g_bAutomaticVisu BOOL Start automatic via the visualisation
g_bHeadCutVisu BOOL Trigger top cut via the visualisation
g_bCutReadyVisu BOOL Trigger cut done signal via the visualisation

11.2.8 VarStatusMachine
Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Identifier Data type Value/meaning
g_bStandBy BOOL "Standby" mode
g_bHomingActive BOOL "Homing active" mode
g_bManualJogPosActive BOOL "Inching positive" mode
g_bManualJogNegActive BOOL "Inching negative" mode
g_PositioningActive BOOL "Positioning" mode
g_bHeadCutActive BOOL "Top cut" mode
g_bAutomaticActive BOOL "Automatic" mode
g_bHeadCutAutoActive BOOL "Top cut in automatic operation" mode
g_bLengthCutAutoActive BOOL "Length cut" mode

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-5


Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)

g_bTPCutAutoActive BOOL "Mark cut" mode
g_bErrorActive BOOL Error detected
g_wState Program state Status of the application

11.2.9 VarVersion
Global variables (Variable type: VAR_GLOBAL)
Identifier Data type Value/meaning
C_wFlyingSawProjectVersionER WORD main version of the project

C_wFlyingSawProjectVersionEL WORD subversion of the project

C_wFlyingSawProjectVersionESP WORD service-pack-version of the project

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-6


11.3 Codes of the Prepared Solution

11.3.1 Table of application codes

Along with system codes (see documentation 9300ET ServoPLC), with the Prepared Solution
important settings for the machine function can be made using application codes from the range
Code Possible settings: Comment
Default Selection
C3000 0 0: Not inverted Inversion of the motor mounting position
1: Inverted

C3001 0 0: Not inverted Inversion of the master frequency (DFIN). Necessary if the
1: Inverted measuring wheel is mounted counter-rotating.

C3003 1 0... {1} ... 65536 Gearbox factor numerator of measuring wheel
C3004 1 0... {1} ... 65536 Gearbox factor denominator of measuring wheel
C3005 1 0... {1 ... Circumference of the measuring wheel
[units]} 2147483647
C3006 1 0... {1 ... Number of increments from the encoder connected to the
[Inc/rev]} 2147483647 measuring wheel
C3007 7500000 0... {1 ... Entry of the set cut length. The entry is made in the format cut
[units]} 2147483647 length in units * 10000.
Example: 1234.56 mm set length, entry in code: 12345600
C3009 100 0... {1[ms]} ... 32767 Delay on the signal "axis synchronised"
C3010 500 0... {1[Inc/ms]} ... 32767 Simulation speed (simulation of the master frequency input)
C3012 1500 0... {1 ... Flying saw acceleration time, during the synchronising
[ms]} 4294967295 process
C3013 2500 0 {1 ... Flying saw deceleration time, after the synchronous
[ms]} 4294967295 movement
C3014 5.0000 0.0000 {1 [unit]} 214000.0000 Length of the gap that is to be made after processing the
C3015 0.0000 0.0000 {1 [unit]} 214000.0000 Mark detection offset. Distance between mark detection and
flying saw initial position.
C3016 0.0000 0.0000 {1 [unit]} 214000.0000 Width of cut compensation
C3017 0 0: Not activated Monitoring of the mark detection. Length between the marks
1: Activated is monitored using the length calculator and a cut "forced" if a
mark is not detected.
C3100 500.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... Speed for manual movement of the axis (inching operation,
[units/s]} 214000.0000 valid for positive and negative inching)
C3101 750.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... Acceleration for manual movement of the axis (inching
[units/s^2]} 214000.0000 operation, valid for positive and negative inching)
C3102 750.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... Deceleration for manual movement of the axis (inching
[units/s^2]} 214000.0000 operation, valid for positive and negative inching)
C3200 0.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... Position of the return movement profile. Movement to the
[units]} 214000.0000 initial position. The initial position should be home position!
C3201 1200.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... Speed for the return movement profile for the initial position
[units/s]} 214000.0000 movement
C3202 750.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... Acceleration for the return movement profile for the initial
[units/s^2]} 214000.0000 position movement
C3203 750.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... Deceleration for the return movement profile for the initial
[units/s^2]} 214000.0000 position movement
C3213 0 0: >_Rn_MP/TP Definition of the homing mode:
1: <_Rn_MP/TP
8: >_MP/TP Symbology:
9: <_MP/TP > Movement in positive direction
< Movement in negative direction
Lp Positive limit switch
Ln Negative limit switch
Rp Positive edge on the homing switch
Rn Negative edge on the homing switch
MP/TP Zero pulse from the motor feedback system or
touch-probe edge on a digital input
C3218 10.0000 0.0001... {0.0001 ... 214748.0000 Entry of the following error shutdown limit
C3223 0.0000 0... {0.0001 ... 214748.0000 Limit position for the positive software limit
[units]} Comment: software limits are only active if the home
position for the axis is known and the limits are not set to

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-7


Possible settings:
C3224 0.0000 -214748.0000... {0.0001 0 Limit position for the negative software limit
[units]} Comment: software limits are only active if the home
position for the axis is known and the limits are not set to
C3225 100.0000 -214748.0000... {0.0001 ... 214748.0000 Home offset
C3242 100 1 {1[rpm]} ... 16000 Speed for the homing
C3252 5.00 0.01 {0.01[s]} ... 650.00 Ramp times for the homing:
These ramp times relate to C0011/000.
C3300 500.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... 214000.0000 Speed for the return movement profile for the axis
[units/s]} positioning at the initial position.
C3301 7500.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... 214000.0000 Acceleration for the return movement profile for the axis
[units/s^2]} positioning at the initial position.
C3302 7500.0000 -214000.0000... {0.0001 ... 214000.0000 Deceleration for the return movement profile for the axis
[units/s^2]} positioning at the initial position.
C3501 0 0: metric (1[s_unit] = 1[mm]) Selection of the measuring system:
1: imperial (1[s_unit] = 1[inch]) This code has no effect on the functionality, but affects only
the visualisations in the programmable variant of the
Prepared Solution.
C3990 - 1: Error state Display code: state of the "flying saw" Prepared Solution
10: Standby state Manual operation
20: Positive manual control
21: Negative manual control
22: Homing active
30: Automatic "flying saw"
40: Top cut is being performed
41: Length cut active
42: Mark cut active
43 Move to initial position
50: Initialisation

C3998 - 0... {1} ... 65535 Display code: actual error message, this contains system
and application error messages.

C3999 - 0 ... {0.01} ... 99.99 Display code: version of the Prepared Solution. Tthe first and the
second number is the main versio, the third and the fourth is the
subversion and the fith and the sixth is the number of the service-

C4000 0 0: Internal control words Preselection of the control interface:

1: CAN1
2: CAN2 All three axes in the system can be controlled using the
3: CAN3 control interface.
4: AIF1
5: AIF2
6: AIF3

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-8


Possible settings:
C4010 Configuration codes for the control interface: here each
sub-code defines where the control information is to be
drawn for specific control functionality:

For information on the control functionalities for the default

1 0 0: Control bit 0 settings, please see chapter 3.8.1
2 1 1: Control bit 1
3 2 2: Control bit 2
4 3 3: Control bit 3
5 4 4: Control bit 4
6 5 5: Control bit 5
7 6 6: Control bit 6
8 7 7: Control bit 7
9 8 8: Control bit 8
10 9 9: Control bit 9
11 10 10: Control bit 10
12 11 11: Control bit 11
13 12 12: Control bit 12
14 13 13: Control bit 13
15 14 14: Control bit 14
16 15 15: Control bit 15
17 16 16: Control bit 16
18 17 17: Control bit 17
19 18 18: Control bit 18
20 19 19: Control bit 19
21 20 20: Control bit 20
22 21 21: Control bit 21
23 22 22: Control bit 22
24 23 23: Control bit 23
25 24 24: Control bit 24
26 25 25: Control bit 25
27 26 26: Control bit 26
28 27 27: Control bit 27
29 28 28: Control bit 28
30 29 29: Control bit 29
31 30 30: Control bit 30
32 31 31: Control bit 31

C4012 For information on the status Configuration codes for the status interface: here each sub-
information for the default code defines where the status information is to be drawn
settings, please see chapter for a specific status bit:
1: Status bit 0
1 0 0: 2: Status bit 1
2 1 1: 3: Status bit 2
3 2 2: 4: Status bit 3
4 3 3: 5: Status bit 4
5 4 4: 6: Status bit 5
6 5 5: 7: Status bit 6
7 6 6: 8: Status bit 7
8 7 7: 9: Status bit 8
9 8 8: 10: Status bit 9
10 9 9: 11: Status bit 10
11 10 10: 12: Status bit 11
12 11 11: 13: Status bit 12
13 12 12: 14: Status bit 13
14 13 13: 15: Status bit 14
15 14 14: 16: Status bit 15
16 15 15: 17: Status bit 16
17 16 16: 18: Status bit 17
18 17 17: 19: Status bit 18
19 18 18: 20: Status bit 19
20 19 19: 21: Status bit 20
21 20 20: 22: Status bit 21
22 21 21: 23: Status bit 22
23 22 22: 24: Status bit 23
24 23 23: 25: Status bit 24
25 24 24: 26: Status bit 25
26 25 25: 27: Status bit 26
27 26 26: 28: Status bit 27
28 27 27: 29: Status bit 28
29 28 28: 30: Status bit 29
30 29 29: 31: Status bit 30
31 30 30: 32: Status bit 31
32 31 31:

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-9


Possible settings:
C4135 0 0 ... ... {1} Control code:
4294967295 Using the control code the flying saw can be controlled
(with C4000/000 = 0). The individual bits of the control
code can be defined as required using the configuration
codes C4010/001 … 0032. The factory-set bit assignment
is given in code C4010/xxx.
C4136 - 0 ... ... {1} Indication of the actual application control word:
4294967295 Dependent on C4000/000 the actual application control
word is displayed here. The meaning of the individual bits
of the application control word can be defined as required
using the configuration codes C4010/001 … 0032. The
factory-set bit assignment is given in code C4010/xxx.
C4150 0 0 ... ... {1} Status code (display code):
4294967295 Using the status code the complete application can be
monitored (with C4000/000 = 0). The individual bits of the
status code can be defined as required using the
configuration codes C4012/001 … 0032. The factory-set bit
assignment is given in code C4012/xxx.
C4500 - 0… 32767 {1] Cut counter indication:
All pieces completely processed are counted here. The cut
counter is decremented when the scrap counter has been
C4501 - 0… 32767 {1} Scrap counter indication:
All pieces cut out of the material with an immediate cut are
counted here.
C4502 - 0… 32767 {1} Top cut counter:
The number of top cuts is counted here.
C5000 - -2147480000… {0.0001[units]} Indication of the actual position of the axis

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-10


11.3.2 Code initialisation values

Unlike the initialisation values for the default setting, the following codes are initialised via the

Code Default setting Comment

C0425/000 6 DFIN number of increments 16384 inc/rev.
C0428/000 1 Touch-probe via digital input X5/E5 (DFIN)
C0911/000 0 Touch-probe via zero pulse (MCTRL)
C2104/000 1 Auto-start after mains power-up
C4010/002 1,0000 Control bit 1 is read from input bit 1
C4010/003 2,0000 Control bit 2 is read from input bit 2
C4010/004 3,0000 Control bit 3 is read from input bit 3
C4010/005 4,0000 Control bit 4 is read from input bit 4
C4010/006 5,0000 Control bit 5 is read from input bit 5
C4010/007 6,0000 Control bit 6 is read from input bit 6
C4010/008 7,0000 Control bit 7 is read from input bit 7
C4010/009 8,0000 Control bit 8 is read from input bit 8
C4010/010 9,0000 Control bit 9 is read from input bit 9
C4010/011 10,0000 Control bit 10 is read from input bit 10
C4010/012 11,0000 Control bit 11 is read from input bit 11
C4010/013 12,0000 Control bit 12 is read from input bit 12
C4010/014 13,0000 Control bit 13 is read from input bit 13
C4010/015 14,0000 Control bit 14 is read from input bit 14
C4010/016 15,0000 Control bit 15 is read from input bit 15
C4010/017 16,0000 Control bit 16 is read from input bit 16
C4010/018 17,0000 Control bit 17 is read from input bit 17
C4010/019 18,0000 Control bit 18 is read from input bit 18
C4010/020 19,0000 Control bit 19 is read from input bit 19
C4010/021 20,0000 Control bit 20 is read from input bit 20
C4010/022 21,0000 Control bit 21 is read from input bit 21
C4010/023 22,0000 Control bit 22 is read from input bit 22
C4010/024 23,0000 Control bit 23 is read from input bit 23
C4010/025 24,0000 Control bit 24 is read from input bit 24
C4010/026 25,0000 Control bit 25 is read from input bit 25
C4010/027 26,0000 Control bit 26 is read from input bit 26
C4010/028 27,0000 Control bit 27 is read from input bit 27
C4010/029 28,0000 Control bit 28 is read from input bit 28
C4010/030 29,0000 Control bit 29 is read from input bit 29
C4010/031 30,0000 Control bit 30 is read from input bit 30
C4010/032 31,0000 Control bit 31 is read from input bit 31

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-11


11.4 Error messages

For the error messages the Prepared Solutions differentiate between the so-called system error
messages (see chapter 11.4.1) and process-based error messages (expanded error messages,
see chapter 11.4.2).

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-12


11.4.1 System error messages

The system error messages are generated in the operating system in the target system and
cover all impermissible, drive-based states (e.g. overcurrent, undervoltage, error in the
feedback system, …).
The following system error messages can occur in the ServoPLC:

Error Error code Cause Remedy

11 OC1 Real short circuit between motor phases Disconnect motor and measure between winding
connections for short circuits
Disconnect supply cable and check between phases for
short circuit.
Operate inverter without load: the error should now reset
itself. If this is not the case, there is an internal short
circuit => replace controller or send for repair
High, capacitive charging current on the Use shorter/lower capacitance motor cable
motor cable Fit choke to the output phases on the controller.
12 OC2 Real short to earth on one of the motor Disconnect motor and check winding connections for
phases short to earth.
Disconnect supply cable and check between phases and
earth for short circuit.
Operate inverter without load: the error should now reset
itself. If this is not the case, there is an internal short to
earth => replace controller or send for repair
High, capacitive charging current on the Use shorter/lower capacitance motor cable
motor cable Fit choke to the output phases on the controller.

15 OC5 Frequent/excessively long acceleration Check drive dimensioning; if necessary increase drive
processes with overcurrent (IMotor > power.

Continuous overload with IMotor > 1.05 x

INom, inverter
16 OC6 I2 x t overload (C0120) Check drive dimensioning; if necessary increase drive
17 OC7 I2 x t overload (C0130) Check drive dimensioning; if necessary increase drive
18 OC8 I2 x t overload (C0127) Check drive dimensioning; if necessary increase drive
20 OU Mains voltage too high Check mains voltage.
Check controller for correct adjustment of the mains
voltage (code C0173/000)
Check drive dimensioning.
Energy fed back during braking On individual operation of the drive from supply:
excessive (regenerative operation) - Extend deceleration ramps (codes C0013/000,
- If possible: set up DC-bus connection to other
- Use braking unit or supply unit and brake module
or regenerative module
- Check controller for correct adjustment of the
mains voltage (code C0173/000)
- Check drive dimensioning
In case of drives with DC bus connection:
- Check fuses on all controllers on the DC bus as
well as fuses in the brake modules/power supply
modules/regenerative modules
- Check controller for correct adjustment of the
mains voltage (code C0173/000)
- Check drive dimensioning
Energy fed back during continuous On individual operation of the drive from supply:
operation excessive (regenerative - If possible: set up DC-bus connection to other
operation) controllers
- Use regenerative module
- Check drive dimensioning
In case of drives with DC bus connection:
- Check fuses on all controllers on the DC bus as
well as fuses in the brake modules/power supply
modules/regenerative modules
- Check drive dimensioning

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-13


Error Error code Cause Remedy

30 LU DC-bus voltage has dropped below the Check mains voltage.
value set in code C0173/000 Check mains contactor/fuses.
In case of DC supply: check power supply module.
32 LP1 A current-carrying motor phase has Disconnect motor and measure windings.
failed Disconnect supply cable and check for continuity.
The current threshold is set too low Increase current threshold in code C0599/000.
This monitoring is not suitable for Deactivate monitoring using code C0597/000 = 3.
- synchronous servo motors
- Field frequencies above 480Hz
50 OH Ambient temperature too high (TU > 40°C Leave drive controller to cool down and provide
or 50°C, depending on device improved ventilation (control cabinet fan?).
type/power reduction) Check ambient temperature in the control cabinet.
Heatsinks are heavily soiled Clean heatsinks and protect against renewed soiling.

Mounting position of the drive controller Check the mounting position of the controller and the
stipulated minimum distances top and bottom.
51 OH1 Internal temperature > 90 degrees C Leave drive controller to cool down and provide
improved ventilation (control cabinet fan?).
Check ambient temperature in the control cabinet
53 OH3 Overtemperature detection by PTC/KTY: Check drive dimensioning.
motor too hot due to continuous
overload/ overcurrent
No PTC/KTY connected Connect PTC/KTY.
Deactivate the OH3 error using code C0583/000 = 3).
54 OH4 Ambient temperature too high (TU > 40°C Leave drive controller to cool down and provide
or 50°C, depending on device improved ventilation (control cabinet fan?)
type/power reduction) Check ambient temperature in the control cabinet.
Heatsinks are heavily soiled Clean heatsinks and protect against renewed soiling.

Mounting position of the drive controller Check the mounting position of the controller and the
stipulated minimum distances top and bottom.
A value that is too low has been set in Increase value in code C0122/000.
the parameters using code C0122/000
55 OH5 Temperature inside the controller > Leave drive controller to cool down and provide
C0124 improved ventilation (control cabinet fan?).
Check ambient temperature in the control cabinet
57 OH7 Overtemperature detection by PTC/KTY: Check drive dimensioning.
motor too hot due to continuous
overload/ overcurrent
No PTC/KTY connected Connect PTC/KTY.
Deactivate the OH7 error using code C0584/000 = 3).

A value that is too low has been set in Increase value in code C0121/000.
the parameters using code C0121/000

58 OH8 Overtemperature detection by Check drive dimensioning.

temperature contact: motor too hot due
to continuous overload/ overcurrent
No temperature contact connected Connect temperature contact to terminals T1/T2.
Deactivate the OH8 error using code C0585/000 = 3).

61 CE0 Malfunction on the transfer of control Fix automation module firmly.

commands over the AIF interface (e.g. Fasten automation module in place.
62 CE1 CAN-IN1 channel is not receiving any Check CAN bus cable (connector X4)
data or is receiving erroneous data Check CAN terminating resistor (on the first and last
CAN station)
Check configuration of the CAN node sending on CAN-
Check power supply to the CAN node sending on CAN-
Check monitoring time in code C0357/001 and increase
if necessary
63 CE2 CAN-IN2 channel is not receiving any Check CAN bus cable (connector X4)
data or is receiving erroneous data Check CAN terminating resistor (on the first and last
CAN station)
Check configuration of the CAN node sending on CAN-
Check power supply to the CAN node sending on CAN-
Check monitoring time in code C0357/002 and increase
if necessary

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-14


Error Error code Cause Remedy

64 CE3 CAN-IN3 channel is not receiving any Check CAN bus cable (connector X4)
data or is receiving erroneous data Check CAN terminating resistor (on the first and last
CAN station)
Check configuration of the CAN node sending on CAN-
Check power supply to the CAN node sending on CAN-
Check monitoring time in code C0357/003 and increase
if necessary
65 CE4 Controller has received too many Check baud rate of all nodes
erroneous messages over the CAN bus Check wiring:
and has disconnected itself from the bus - Check bus terminating resistors
- Check shield connection on the cables
- Check PE connection
- Check bus load (e.g. using software tool
- Reduce baud rate (CAUTION: pay attention to
CAN bus cable lengths)
66 CE5 CAN time-out (gateway function C0370) Check settings in C0370.
70 U15 Undervoltage internal 15 V supply Check servo axis voltage supply.
71 CCr Processor is overloaded or program Reduce processor load: remove unnecessary function
execution problem blocks from the processing table (C0465/0xx)
Heavy interference on the control cables Lay control cables screened

Earth loop in the wiring Wire as per EMC requirements (see System Manuals
"9300", p. 4-34)
72 Pr1 Error on transferring the parameter set Set the required parameters and save safe against
CAUTION: default setting is loaded mains failure in the EPROM using code C0003/000
74 PEr Error in the internal program execution Read parameter set and send together with the source
project to Lenze for further analysis, consultation with
Lenze necessary (service hotline: (+49) 5154 82-1111)
75 Pr0 Invalid data in the EEPROM on loading Set the required parameters and save safe against
the parameters from the EEPROM to the mains failure in the EPROM using code C0003/000, then
RAM switch mains/shutdown the control voltage once
CAUTION: default setting is loaded
79 PI Error on transferring the parameters from Read parameter set and send together with the source
the EEPROM to the RAM project to Lenze for further analysis, consultation with
Lenze necessary (service hotline: (+49) 5154 82-1111)
Use of a parameter set in the GDC Use parameter set that matches the controller in the
software that does not match the device GDC software, transfer this again to the controller and
(9300EI/ET). save safe against mains failure in the controller using
C0003/000, then switch mains/shutdown the control
voltage once
82 Sd2 Resolver cable partially or entirely open Check resolver cable for wire breakage
circuit/disconnected Check resolver
Resolver not fitted/not connected Disable monitoring via the code C0586/000 = 3, if a
resolver is not used
83 Sd3 Encoder cable open circuit Disconnect cable from X9 and check for wire breakage

Pin 8 on input X9 open circuit Apply +5V DC to pin 8 on input X9

Disable monitoring using code C0587/000 = 3

85 Sd5 Current master value on X6 (terminals 1 Check cable for wire breakage
and 2) less than 2mA Check master current value encoder
Check setpoint configuration using C0034/000
Disable monitoring using code C0598/000 = 3
86 Sd6 Motor temperature sensor on X8 is Check cable on X8 for correct seating and wire breakage
providing undefined values Disconnect thermocouple (PTC/KTY) and measure
resistance (must not be ∞)
Disable monitoring using code C0594/000 = 3
87 Sd7 Absolute value encoder with RS485 Check cable on X8 for correct seating and wire breakage
interface is not sending any data Check absolute value encoder for correct function
Set supply voltage to 8.0V using C0421/000
Encoder with HIPERFACE interface not connected

CAUTION: after rectifying the cause of the error, fully

isolate the servo controller

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-15


Error Error code Cause Remedy

88 Sd8 On the sin/cos encoder or the controller Check the connector on the controller (terminal X8) and
(terminal X8) the connector has been on the encoder system for correct seating
removed (open circuit) or is not correctly
In the connecting cable to the sin/cos Check the connector assignment and core assignment
encoder there is a fault on the cable for correct pin assignment
Fault in the encoder electronics Replace faulty encoder type.
Note: Particularly for monitoring the encoder on a
synchronous machine set using
Code C0580 = 0 the error response "error" (TRIP).
89 PL Error during rotor position adjustment
91 EEr A digital signal linked to the system Check signal source in system variable
variable DCTRL_bTripSet_b is carrying DCTRL_bTripSet_b. The "Eer" error can be reset if this
the state TRUE signal source has adopted the state FALSE.
105 H05 Consultation with Lenze necessary (service hotline:
(+49) 5154 82-1111)
Reset only possible by mains switching, if error cannot
be reset: replace controller or send for repair
107 H07 An incorrect power section has been Consultation with Lenze necessary (service hotline:
detected during the initialisation of the (+49) 5154 82-1111)
controller Reset only possible by mains switching, if error cannot
be reset: replace controller or send for repair
108 HO8 Extension board not fitted correctly or not Check the settings in the system controller as to which
supported by the program extension board is selected.
110 H10 Sensor for the heatsink temperature Consultation with Lenze necessary (service hotline:
measurement is providing undefined (+49) 5154 82-1111)
values, an internal thermocouple may be Reset only possible by mains switching, if error cannot
faulty be reset: replace controller or send for repair
111 H11 Sensor for the internal temperature Consultation with Lenze necessary (service hotline:
measurement is providing undefined (+49) 5154 82-1111)
values, an internal thermocouple may be Reset only possible by mains switching, if error cannot
faulty be reset: replace controller or send for repair
122 CE11 FIF-CAN1 FIF-CAN1_IN Check baud rate of all nodes
(monitoring time can Check wiring:
be adjusted using - Check bus terminating resistors
C2457/1) - Check shield connection on the cables
CANaux1 CANaux1_IN - Check PE connection
(monitoring time can
- Check bus load (e.g. using software tool
be adjusted using
C2457/1) PCANView)
Reduce baud rate (CAUTION: pay attention to CAN bus
cable lengths)
123 CE12 FIF-CAN2 FIF-CAN2_IN Check baud rate of all nodes
(monitoring time can Check wiring:
be adjusted using - Check bus terminating resistors
C2457/2) - Check shield connection on the cables
CANaux2 CANaux2_IN - Check PE connection
(monitoring time can
- Check bus load (e.g. using software tool
be adjusted using
C2457/2) PCANView)
Reduce baud rate (CAUTION: pay attention to CAN bus
cable lengths)
124 CE13 FIF-CAN3 FIF-CAN3_IN Check baud rate of all nodes
(monitoring time can Check wiring:
be adjusted using - Check bus terminating resistors
C2457/3) - Check shield connection on the cables
CANaux3 CANaux3_IN - Check PE connection
(monitoring time can
- Check bus load (e.g. using software tool
be adjusted using
C2457/3) PCANView)
Reduce baud rate (CAUTION: pay attention to CAN bus
cable lengths)
125 CE14 FIF-CAN BUS-OFF status FIF- Check baud rate of all nodes
CAN (too many faulty Check wiring:
telegrams received) - Check bus terminating resistors
CANaux BUS-OFF status FIF- - Check shield connection on the cables
CAN (too many faulty - Check PE connection
telegrams received)
- Check bus load (e.g. using software tool
Reduce baud rate (CAUTION: pay attention to CAN bus
cable lengths)

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-16


Error Error code Cause Remedy

126 CE15 CAN aux. Check baud rate of all nodes
Communication error in the gateway Check wiring:
function (C0370, C0371) via CAN-AUX - Check bus terminating resistors
- Check shield connection on the cables
- Check PE connection
- Check bus load (e.g. using software tool
Reduce baud rate (CAUTION: pay attention to CAN bus
cable lengths)
190 NErr Drive mechanically overloaded (e.g. Check drive dimensioning
active load on hoists excessive) Check mechanism for stiffness or jamming
Increase ramp times to reduce the dynamics
Torque limit reached Increase torque limit:
- Directly using system variables
MCTRL_nHiMLim_a, MCTRL_nLoMLim_a
- Indirectly using current limit in code C0022/000
- Check the motor data (codes C0081/000 to
Fault in the speed feedback system Check the speed feedback:
− Check the parameter setting for the speed
feedback system (C0025/000, C0495/000)
− Check rotor position and re-adjust if necessary
(C0058/000, C0095/000)
− Check the wiring/polarisation of the speed
feedback system
Tolerance window C0576/000 set too Increase the tolerance window in code C0576/000.
200 NMAX Active load (e.g. on hoists) excessive Check current limit in code C0022/000 and increase if
possible (CAUTION: pay attention to motor current limit!)
Check drive dimensioning
Torque limit reached Increase torque limit:
- Directly using system variables
MCTRL_nHiMLim_a, MCTRL_nLoMLim_a
- Indirectly using current limit in code C0022/000
In case of speed feedback: the actual Check selection of the feedback system (code
speed/rotor position is being measured C0025/000)
incorrectly Check the motor data (codes C0081/000 to C0092/000)
Check rotor position and re-adjust if necessary
(C0058/000, C0095/000)
201 Overrun Task1 The runtime for the related task is taking Reduce the load on the task by moving sub-routines that
Id2 longer than defined in the watchdog time are not time critical to lower priority tasks, tasks with a
202 Overrun Task2 (as programmed in the task configuration greater interval time or to the cyclic task
Id3 in DDS) Increase the interval time for the task.
203 Overrun Task3 Check the arithmetic operation for division by 0.
Id4 Check your program code for infinite loops
204 Overrun Task4 (REPEAT/UNTIL, WHILE, FOR loops) and recursive
Id5 calls and remove these structures.
205 Overrun Task5 On the use of free CAN objects: reduce the number of
Id6 telegrams received per unit time with identifiers that do
206 Overrun Task6 not correspond to the system blocks CAN1, CAN2 or
Id7 CAN3.
207 Overrun Task7 In case of activated data consistency: deactivate the
Id8 default setting for data consistency in DDS (Zielsystem
(Target system) menu command) and use the library
208 Overrun Task8
209 Floatfehler Sys- An error has occurred during a floating Consultation with Lenze necessary (service hotline:
Task Id0 point operation in the system task. (+49) 5154 82-1111)

210 Floatfehler An error has occurred during a floating Check all floating point operations in the cyclic task and
PLC_PRG Id1 point operation in the cyclic task sub-routines called by them.
(PLC_PRG or a POE called). Remove/prevent divisions by 0.

211 Floatfehler An error has occurred during a floating Check all floating point operations in the cyclic task and
Task1 Id2 point operation in the cyclic task sub-routines called by them.
212 Floatfehler (PLC_PRG or a POE called). Remove/prevent divisions by 0.
Task2 Id3
213 Floatfehler
Task3 Id4
214 Floatfehler
Task4 Id5
215 Floatfehler
Task5 Id6

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-17


Error Error code Cause Remedy

216 Floatfehler
Task6 Id7
217 Floatfehler
Task7 Id8
218 Floatfehler
Task8 Id9
219 Overrun The cyclic task is taking too long or Check your program code for infinite loops
PLC_PRG Id0 cannot be completed. (REPEAT/UNTIL, WHILE, FOR loops) and recursive
calls and remove these structures.
220 NoCredits The target system does not support the Check code C2115/000: if no technology units are
technology libraries contained in the displayed here, contact your Lenze sales representative
project (e.g. positioning technology, or the Lenze service hotline (+49) 5154 82-1111.
electronic cam).
230 NoPrg There is no PLC program saved in the Transfer suitable PLC program to the target system
target system for execution. using DDS (PRO file) or GDLoader (BIN file).

231 Unallowed Lib The target system does not support a Use the library for the target system.
library used in the source project. Ensure the target system version supports the version of
the libraries used.

232 NoCamData Motion profiles (Cam data) not available Check the data in the Cam file

240 TxBuffer On the usage of the library Reduce the CAN telegrams sent using the function block
Overflow LenzeCanDrv.lib too many CAN L_CanPdoTransmit
telegrams are sent. The transmit data − Increase the interval time for the task
memory is full. − Select time-controlled instead of event-controlled
transmission using the byTransmitMode
− Increase the transmission cycle on the input
Increase the transmission rate on the system bus using
the code C0351/000.
241 RxBuffer On the use of the library Reduce the number of telegrams received to the free
Overflow LenzeCanDrv.lib too many CAN CAN objects that are further processed by function
telegrams are being received and cannot blocks of type L_CanPdoReceive.
be processed that quickly in the PLC Call sub-routines in which received, free CAN telegrams
program. The receive data memory is are further processed at shorter interval times.
250 NoApplFlash The data memory for additional Replace the actual target system with a suitable target
data/application data is missing system that contains the memory module for
additional/application data.
Contact your Lenze sales representative or the Lenze
service hotline (+49) 5154 82-1111.
251 ChckErr The checksum for the application data in Contact your Lenze sales representative or the Lenze
(ApplRAM) the RAM does not match the reference service hotline (+49) 5154 82-1111.
252 DwnldErr During the transfer of the application Check the data connection:
(ApplFlash) data to the non-volatile application data − Check the bus connectors and terminating
memory an error occurred. resistors for correct seating and correct polarity.
− Check the parameters set for the transmission path
for freedom from ambiguity (e.g. several CAN
nodes with same bus address, baud rate, bus load
too high).
− If necessary remove nodes from the system bus to
reduce the bus load.
The source file for the additional data is corrupt
(impermissible change): re-generate the source data
(e.g. LC9 file with profile data) and repeat the transfer.
260 LifeGd The checksum for the application data in Contact your Lenze sales representative or the Lenze
Event the flash EPROM does not match the service hotline (+49) 5154 82-1111.
reference checksum.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-18


11.4.2 Application error messages

Error Error code Cause Remedy

400 PosLimit Positive limit switch actuated Move clear from the positive limit switch:
Switch Acknowledge the error message.
Move the drive in the negative direction, e.g. using
manual jogging until clear of the positive limit switch
Limit switch signal not connected to Set the level inversion for the digital input E2 to
terminal E2 inverse logic (C0114/002 = 1) or
Hard wire the terminal E2 to 24V DC
401 NegLimit Negative limit switch actuated Move clear from the negative limit switch:
Move the drive in the positive direction, e.g. using
manual jogging until clear of the negative limit
Limit switch signal not connected to Set the level inversion for the digital input E1 to
terminal E1 inverse logic (C0114/001 = 1) or
Hard wire the terminal E1 to 24V DC
402 PosSWLimit Positive software limit position has Move the drive in the negative direction to the
reached/passed permissible traversing range.
Set the limit value for the positive software limit
position (C3223/000) to a higher value.
403 NegSWLimit Negative software limit position has Move the drive in the positive direction to the
reached/passed permissible traversing range.
Set the limit value for the negative software limit
position (C3224/000) to a lower value.
405 FollError The drive cannot follow the setpoint, - Increase current threshold in C0022/000 and as
the actual following error is greater a result increase the maximum torque
than the value set in the parameters in
(CAUTION: pay attention to motor heating!)
- Reduce dynamic requests
- Increase following error limit in C3218/001
- Check drive dimensioning as necessary
410 DriveNotRdy Automatic operation has been - Controller inhibit can be triggered using
interrupted by a controller inhibit set terminal 28, a bus system (AIF or CAN bus), the
by the user. control codes C0040/000 and C0135/000 or the
system variables DCTRL_bCinh1_b and
- Re-enable the target system, acknowledge the
error and return the drive to the required
operating mode.
419 StateBusError Another drive axis connected to the - Identify the drive in the state bus
state bus has a fault. All controllers interconnection that has caused the error,
connected are set to the error status
rectify the cause of the error and reset the error
StateBusError using the terminals ST.
on this drive
- Then reset the state bus error on all other
drives that are connected to the state bus.
420 OU_MCTRL Automatic operation has been An overvoltage on the DC bus is detected using the
Error interrupted by a brief overvoltage on system variable MCTRL_bOverVoltage_b: if this
the DC bus. error occurs proceed as follows:
- Acknowledge the error.
- Set the drive back to the required operating
To determine the cause of the error, refer to error
message no. 20 (OU) in the system error messages.
421 LU_MCTRL Automatic operation has been An undervoltage on the DC bus is detected using the
Error interrupted by undervoltage on the system variable MCTRL_bUnderVoltage_b: if this
DC bus. error occurs proceed as follows:
- Acknowledge the error.
- Set the drive back to the required operating

To determine the cause of the error, refer to error

message no. 30 (LU) in the system error messages.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-19


11.4.3 User-defined error messages

Error Error code Cause Remedy

500 UserError The related input bUser Evaluate the logic providing the signal on the input
Error on the function block bUserError.
ErrorHandling has been activated by a
positive edge. The signal causing the
error has been programmed on the
user's side.

 Prepared Solution Servo PLC / ECSxA 1.1 EN 11-20

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