Share With Us A An Experience When You Contributed To Something That Really Motivated or Inspired You

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 Share with us a an experience when you contributed to something that

really motivated or inspired you. What was your level of involvement in

this project, what were you solving for, and how did your contributions
drive the outcome? You can choose to share a technical or non-technical
experience related to a job, personal project, event, or anything else.
(Word limit: 200-400 words. Response must be written in English.) ✱

 The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to

later success. Share a time when you faced a challenge or setback, how
did you approach it? How did it impact you and what did you learn from
the experience? (Word limit: 200-400 words. Response must be written
in English.)✱

One of the most fulfilling experiences I had, allowed me not only to apply my knowledge of
programming and mathematics, but also, and most importantly, to retribute to my community
and help and introduce children with less opportunities to different possibilities.

During this summer I had the wonderful chance of volunteering at a Children Community
Dinning Room in my city. I met the team who took the initiative through Instagram and I
immediately knew I wanted to be a part of it.

In our recurrent agenda were things like organizing events in the neighborhoods to collect
things like food, toys and clothes. We organized sport classes… and we even started a football

But the most important thing we wanted to bring to the table was education. We started
different programs to give children support classes to help them go through school, and
workshops to introduce them to programming and math in a fun way.

A friend from the team and I were the ones in charge of developing and implementing these
programs. As a future mathematics professor and a computer engineer, this project combined
the best of both worlds and allowed me not only to gain a valuable experience as a professor
but also to show me how education can improve the life and open so many doors to kids in
vulnerable situations.

At the beginning, children were really skeptical of the value of math. So, my team mate and I
decided to frame our classes, as “Magic Math”. Where we would perform mathematical
“magic” tricks and explain the logics behind it afterwards. Kids got super-engaged and the
feedback was incredible. Many of them really got interested into knowing more!

We started the coding and programming workshops a few weeks later. And after a couple of
introductory classes, we were ready to start coding with Python!
We started with simple coding tasks, little by little. And then, we moved to developing little fun
games. The kids loved it, they were learning and doing their favorite thing at the same time
and with their own hands! By the end of the summer, the children presented their games in
front of all the member of the dinning room! They were so proud.

I can surely say that this was not only very rewarding for them but specially for me and this
experience will always have a special place in my heart.

The biggest obstacle I had to overcome occurred a couple of years ago. My family was
suffering from a financial crisis, and although the university I was attending is public, I lived
three hours away and affording the expenses of everyday became impossible to me.

With the situation being as it was, I had to leave university until I could afford it again. I
remember the day I dropped; I cried a lot. I felt frustrated and angry at that moment. But I
wouldn’t let that stop me from pursuing my dreams.

I got two jobs, one as a waitress and another as a retail employee to help my family during
those hard times. Sometimes, I would also work as a temporary teacher for children with
special needs. Two years passed until I was able to go back to University.

I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. Some setbacks help us to forge character,
resilience and be more determined when it comes to bringing our goals to life. Today, I’m very
happy to say that I’m on my way to become the first University graduate in my family and also,
the first woman. It has been a long and difficult way, but I would like to set an example for my
younger sisters and show them that all dreams can become true when you want them enough
and are willing to fight for them.

I am submitting my resume and this letter to express my interest in Global Impact Scholarship.
Palantir is a firm with a reputation that precedes itself and I was delighted to find that my
academic accomplishments meet all of the necessary requirements for the application. I
believe I would make the best out of this scholarship, and also be able to make a contribution
to my community.

I am an undergraduate at the University of Buenos Aires, and the University of General

Sarmiento, majoring in Mathematics, Computer Science/Engineering and Systems Analysis. I
am a self-learner and very passionate about my profession.

I will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Thank you again for your

Eliana Morales

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