Abhiraj G Vinnakota

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Abhiraj G Vinnakota ( F1 Visa-CPT )

(408)-874-5483 | [email protected] | https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhirajvinnakota/

Master’s in Interdisciplinary Data Science | Duke University | Durham, NC 2019 - 21
§ GPA: 3.80
§ Selected Coursework: Principles of Machine Learning, Data Scraping & Text Analysis, Data Visualization,
Communication & Storytelling, Data to Decision, Modelling & Representation of Data, Practical Data Science-1

Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering | GITAM University | India 2011 - 15

§ GPA: 3.72

§ Technology: Python (Numpy, Pandas, Scikit, Geopandas), Tableau, SQL, R, MS Excel, GitHub
§ Math: Regression Analysis, Machine Learning, Text Analysis, Geo-Spatial Analysis, Statistics
§ Business Domains: Product & Customer insights, Retail operations, RWE research in pharmaceutical industry

Relevant Work Experience

Decision Scientist | Mu Sigma Inc. | Bangalore, India Nov 2015 - Jan 2018
Real World Evidence Analytics Team, Fortune 50 Pharmaceutical Company
§ Project Looking Glass – Operated a team of 4 people that created a series of 24 tableau workbooks that served
as a click and filter visual interface between the pharmaceutical claims datasets (OPTUM, TRUVEN etc.) and the
non-coding subject matter experts to help them select the right dataset for their research. This effort was one of
kind, establishing design standards for all the future projects in the client company.
Customer Analytics Team, Fortune 500 Mass Media & Information Company (Financial & Risk)
§ Training Triggered Email Campaign Analysis - Measured performance across multiple triggers and established
causality between email interaction and training modules taken by the user.
§ Customer Specialist Comment Analysis – Built a classification model on unstructured data using a Support Vector
Machine to identify and categorize falsified training data submitted by customer specialists with an overall
accuracy of 83%.
§ Voice of Customer – Pioneered a series of 9 tableau workbooks, linking and visualizing multiple datasets related
to sales, customer service, customer feedback and customer surveys to portray the company’s interaction with its
B2B customers. Also, performed sentiment analysis and by text mining customer comments and visualized the
same using word clouds.
§ Customer Retention Campaign – Headed a team of 3 people to execute a campaign across 121 countries that
involved running retention models, monthly performance measurement and reporting. This campaign is estimated
to have a cumulative financial impact of ~15M spread across 3 years.
§ Ad-hoc Analyses – Executed various analyses such as Free trials for Students Analysis, Dual Desktop Analysis,
Supply Chain User Analysis and App Affinity Analysis.

Other Work Experience

Partner at Gupta Brothers Books (Annual revenue of $850K) | Visakhapatnam | India Feb 2018 – June 2019
Played a pivotal role in deploying an ERP software helping manage inventory and automate billing systems.
§ Centralized re-ordering increased confidence in making cash purchases availing better margins.
§ Integrated the entire inventory online, enabling 100% on-time returns to suppliers.
§ Established processes for handling inventory and pricing for sale on the online platform Amazon bringing in
approx. $20,000 until June 2019.

Academic Work
Research Assistant | Asst. Research Prof. Nick Eubank Spring 2020
§ Employed geo-spatial techniques in python to create a repository of congressional districts with demographic data
extracted from County and Tract level features that could be used for any future work on Gerrymandering.
Academic Projects | Practical Data Science – I | Modelling & Representation of Data Fall 2019
§ Identified changes in trends of opioid consumption and mortality due to policy changes in the states of Florida,
Texas and Washington using pre-post analysis.
§ Unraveled the seasonal and weather effects on bike sharing systems using a combination of linear and time-
series models.

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