Abhiraj G Vinnakota
Abhiraj G Vinnakota
Abhiraj G Vinnakota
Master’s in Interdisciplinary Data Science | Duke University | Durham, NC 2019 - 21
§ GPA: 3.80
§ Selected Coursework: Principles of Machine Learning, Data Scraping & Text Analysis, Data Visualization,
Communication & Storytelling, Data to Decision, Modelling & Representation of Data, Practical Data Science-1
§ Technology: Python (Numpy, Pandas, Scikit, Geopandas), Tableau, SQL, R, MS Excel, GitHub
§ Math: Regression Analysis, Machine Learning, Text Analysis, Geo-Spatial Analysis, Statistics
§ Business Domains: Product & Customer insights, Retail operations, RWE research in pharmaceutical industry
Academic Work
Research Assistant | Asst. Research Prof. Nick Eubank Spring 2020
§ Employed geo-spatial techniques in python to create a repository of congressional districts with demographic data
extracted from County and Tract level features that could be used for any future work on Gerrymandering.
Academic Projects | Practical Data Science – I | Modelling & Representation of Data Fall 2019
§ Identified changes in trends of opioid consumption and mortality due to policy changes in the states of Florida,
Texas and Washington using pre-post analysis.
§ Unraveled the seasonal and weather effects on bike sharing systems using a combination of linear and time-
series models.