Global Tekno - Company Profile

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PT Global Tekno Indonesia

Company Profile

Global Tekno • Global Tekno Indonesia provides water, electrical, air and manpower services to industrial and
Indonesia is commercial customers in Indonesia
company that
is innovative,
easy to
Resorts Ports Airports Factories Power Plants

• Global Tekno Indonesia provides operations, maintenance and construction management services
for water, wastewater, electrical, and air systems. We deliver essential water & wastewater
treatment that reached of 20.000 people in 5 provinces in Indonesia.

• Our dedicated team of engineers, professionals and customer service help ensure our clients to
have piece of mind when it comes to our services.

Global Tekno Indonesia is an Indonesian firm guided by sense of enterprise and pride itself in providing innovative service
to its clients
GLOBAL TEKNO would like to provide water services

Prices are
subject to final
meeting with
and electrical
team to Clean Water Recycled Water Drinkable Water
determine final
technical Indicative Price IDR 5.000 / m3 IDR 10.000 / m3 IDR 350.000/ m3

GLOBAL TEKNO is committed to supply quality water at competitive and sustainable prices
Overview of AQUALIFE Desalination Block

What is

The world’s first compact desalination module system with the most efficient energy consumption. The high pressure
pump has patent design of axial-piston configuration.

The HP Pump is made of Duplex and Super Duplex. All sliding surfaces are coated with carbon reinforced PEEK polymer.
The novelty feature : seawater is pumped into rotor cavity pistons and movable bushings, which are actuated by a high-
pressure concentrate. Thus we reach the same capacity as ERI and Danfoss. Our HP Pump is a single unit and has no
booster pump.
GLOBAL TEKNO Credentials

Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa,

Nusa Dua, Bali
Hotel &
• Project Name
Corporates Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO)

• Site Location
Nusa Dua, Bali

• Scope of work :
Manpower supply
Pump Procurement and Installation
Technical Support
GLOBAL TEKNO Credentials

PT Indonesia Power (Persero) Tbk

Hotel &
Resorts • Project Name
Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO)
Capacity 2 x 2 M3/Hr

• Site Location
PLTD Legon Bajak, Karimun Jawa island,
Central Java

• Scope of work :
Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
Procurement and Installation parts
Running test and commisioning
Operation and Maintenance for 1 year

• Year:
July 2016
GLOBAL TEKNO Credentials

PT Petrokimia Gresik (Persero)

Hotel &
Resorts • Project Name
Upgrading System Instalasi Pengolahan Air
Corporates Gunung Sari Capacity 3000 M3/Hr

• Location
IPA Gunung Sari, Surabaya East Java

• Scope of work :
Re-detailed Engineering Design (DED)
Manpower supply
Instrumentation and Control System
Running test and commisioning

• Year:
January 2017 - Octpber 2018
GLOBAL TEKNO Credentials

PT Darmex Agro (Duta Palma Group)

Hotel &
Resorts • Project Name
Waste Water Treatment from Oil Palm
Corporates Production Capacity 200 M3/Hr

• Location
Darmex Agro, Bekasi, West Java

• Scope of work :
Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
Procurement and Installation parts
Running test and commisioning
Operation and Maintenance for 1 year

• Year :
August 2016 - July 2018
GLOBAL TEKNO Credentials

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk

Hotel &
Resorts • Project Name
Water Treatment Package for Metering Gas
Corporates Station PJDD Dumai Riau

• Location
Dumai, Riau

• Scope of work :
Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
Procurement and Installation parts
Running test and commisioning
Operation and Maintenance

• Year :
June - November 2018
GLOBAL TEKNO Credentials


Hotel &
Resorts • Project Name
Water Treatment Package for TNI AL
Corporates Pangkalan Laut Teluk Ratai

• Location
Goverment Lampung

• Scope of work :
Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
Procurement and Installation parts
Running test and commisioning
Operation and Maintenance

• Year :
June - December 2018
GLOBAL TEKNO Credentials

Apartement Grand Sungkono Lagoon

Hotel &
Resorts • Project Name
Water Recycle 2.000 m3/day
• Location
Surabaya, East Java

• Scope of work :
Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
Procurement and Installation parts
Running test and commisioning
Operation and Maintenance
Investment Build Operate Transfer 20 years

• UV



Ozone have molecular structure O3

Ozone can disrupt virus envelopes

through peroxidation of phospholipids
and interaction with proteins

Ozone will be converted again to

oxygen so it’ll be harmless to people
Perbedaan Sterilisasi menggunakan uv dan ozon virus COVID-19

• Ozon 50 X lebih kuat dari sterilisasi dengan uv

• Ozonation and chlorination have a satisfactory performance in virus inactivation, and are recommended for
SARS-CoV-2 inactivation since most coronaviruses are UV insensitive.
ozone. In this study, the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 (JPN/TY/WK-521 strain) was determined by using
the plaque assay on confluent layers of VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells in culture plates. Cell monolayers
were allowed to dry before exposure to ozone at concentrations of 1.0 and 6.0 ppm, for 60 and 55 min,
respectively. Viral infection assays were performed at room temperature (25 C) and 60–80% RH
and the results expressed in PFU/mL. At 6.0 ppm of ozone for 55 min, results showed a significant
reduction in the number of plaques (1.0 ⇥ 103 PFU/mL) compared to control (2.0 ⇥ 106 PFU/mL).
Ozon pembunuh virus yang efektif
Therefore, authors suggest that it is plausible to believe that at slightly higher concentrations and
for shorter periods, this gas can be used in particularly critical environments (healthcare setting,
hospices, etc.) where a rapid and e↵ective disinfection is required. Table 1 shows the results of ozone
virucidal efficacy on some pathogenic viruses including SARS-CoV-2.

Table 1. Contact times and ozone concentrations needed for 90% inactivation of di↵erent viruses.

Ozone Concentration 90% Inactivation Relative

Viruses Reference
(ppm) Time (min) Humidity Gases 2021, 1 24
Gases 2020, 1, FOR PEER REVIEW 6
25 15 >95% after cycle 12 di↵erent viruses [5]
0.05 180 35% Herpes [7] Inactivation plot
4 kind: ssDNA, ssRNA, 220
10.33 0.3 55% [8]
dsDNA, Enveloped dsRNA
1.23 70 55% 4 phages [10]

Inactivation time (min)

10 11.36 55% Di↵erent viruses [11] 140
4 kind: ssDNA, ssRNA, 100
0.6 100 55% [12]
dsDNA, Enveloped dsRNA
4 kind: ssDNA, ssRNA,
1.2 14 55% [12]
dsDNA, Enveloped dsRNA 20
Influenza A and respiratory
20 40 >70% [17] -20 0
syncytial virus 10 20 30
1 60 Ozone concentration (ppm)
60–80% SARS-CoV-2 [18]
6 55
Figure 1. Relationship
Figure between
1. Relationship betweenozone
ozoneconcentrations andcontact
concentrations and contact time
time forfor viral
viral inactivation.

these data,
these wewe
data, could extrapolate
could extrapolatethat
that the timeneeded
the time neededininminutes
minutesis is
3.2. Total Ozone Dose
• the ozone treatment was highly effective (99.99% reduction in viral infectivity) because of a y = − 24.18 ln (x) + 77.10
y = 24.18 ln (x) + 77.10
From the results production
of these studies, weofcan
highly reactive
extrapolate hydroxylbetween
a relationship radicals.
the ozone concentration where x is the ozone concentration expressed in ppm, with a good correlation (R = 0.73, p = 0.0015). 2

The last point of the curve (25 ppm) derives from the experiment of Hudson [5], where contact
where x is the ozone concentration expressed in ppm, with a good correlation (R = 0.73, p = 0.0015). 2
used and the contact time needed for a viral inactivation >90% (Figure 1). time last
The was point
not determined by inactivation
of the curve but set afrom
(25 ppm) derives priori, and
the therefore it of
experiment does not fit into
Hudson the curve.
[5], where contact
However, contact times below 1 min are not technically advisable.
time was not determined by inactivation but set a priori, and therefore it does not fit into the curve.
The choice of a higher concentration and a shorter time or vice versa should be based on the
However, contact times below 1 min are not technically advisable.
specific issues of the location to be disinfected.
The choice of a higher concentration
The measurement and a shorter
of the ozone concentration is time
theversa should be based
spectrophotometric on the specific
technique of
the locationbytothebeozone
molecules, of ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength equal to 254 nm.
are also ozone of the with
meters ozone concentration
electrochemical is based
detection on theboth
principle, spectrophotometric
fixed and portable,technique
of theextremely
absorption, by thecosts.
affordable ozone molecules, of ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength equal to 254 nm.


Sistem Ultraviolet Sistem Corona

(UV) Discharge

Sinusoidal Low Sinusoidal High
Frequency Frequency Digital High
(50 Hz) (1000-10.000 Hz)
(25.000-32.000 Hz)
Thank You
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