Earth Quake Resistant Design and Disaster Management: Class 1

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Earth quake resistant design and

Disaster Management

Class 1
What is Earth Quake?
• It is the sudden shaking of the earth crust. The
impact of an earthquake is sudden and there is
hardly any warning,making it impossible to
Cause of earthquake
• The earth’s crust is a rocky layer of varying
thickness ranging from a depth of about 10
kilometers under the sea to 65 kilometers
under the continents.
• The crust is not one piece but consists of
portions called ‘plates’ which vary in size from
a few hundred to thousands of kilometers
• Seven major plates and several minor ones- They
move a few inches a year,riding on semi-molten
layers of rock underneath the crust
• The ‘theory of plate tectonics’ holds that the
plates ride up on the more mobile mantle,and
are driven by some yet unconfirmed
mechanisms, perhaps thermal convection
• When these plates contact each other, stress
arises in the crust
Two plates move away from one
another (and rifts are created).

They may collide and mountains

are formed.

Two plates move side-by-side, along

the same direction or in opposite

• A fault is defined as a fracture or a crack, in the
rocks,along which some definite movement has
taken place.
• Movement can be of varying nature, it may be
slow,sudden or repeated
• Amount of movements may range from a few
centimeters to several kilometers
• Earth quake are mainly caused due to sudden slip
at the faults which results in shaking of the earth
Terminology of faults
• Fault plane:-
• The plane splitting the rock into two blocks
along which movement occurs is known as
fault plane. It may be horizontal or vertical
• Dip and strike of the fault:-
The inclination of the fault plane with the
horizontal is called as dip of the fault. The
direction perpendicular to dip is called
strike of the fault
• Slip of the fault:-
The relative displacement of two points which
were initially against each other is known as
slip of a fault. The maximum displacement is
called as net slip and along strike is called as
strike slip; displacement along the dip of the
fault plane is called as dip slip

The sudden slip of fault

produces vibrations in the
earth’s crust causing earth
• Hanging wall and foot wall:-
In the case of an inclined fault plane ,the block
which rests over the other is called as hanging
wall and the underlying block is called as foot
Causes of
earth quakes

Natural Artificial
disturbances disturbances


Tectonic causes
• Tectonic causes are those which occur inside earth
• Due to tectonic motion in different directions,the
rocks/plates have strain energy stored in them.
The sudden slip at the fault results in release of
strain energy in the form of seismic waves which
causes the shaking of earth
• Magnitude of earthquake depends on the amount
of energy relesed
• Eg:- Bhuj (2001)
Volcanic causes
• Volcanic activities produce sudden outburst or
• this impact is sometimes strong enough to
produce vibrations in the nearby areas
• These earth quakes are not very deep and of
mild intensity . The damage caused due to this
type of earthquake is confined within a few
• Eg: Japan and Italy
Artificial disturbances
Due to man made disturbances such as
• Nuclear tests and explosions
• Mining blasts in the mining area
• A massive landslide along hill slopes caused
because of deforestation
• Large and deep excavations
• Vibrations due to heavy machinery used in
industries or movement of heavy vehicles
• Hypocenter:-
Hypocenter or Focus is the point inside the
surface of earth from where the earth quake
originates. It is the point on the fault where
the slip or the movement starts
• Epicenter:-
The point on the earth’s surface vertically above
the hypocenter
• Focal depth:
The depth of focus from the epicenter is called
as the focal depth. It is an important
parameter in determining the extent of
damage of earth quake.
• Epicentral distance:-
Distance from epicenter to point of any interest
is called as epicentral distance. As the
epicentral distance is increased, the effect of
earthquake becomes less. Damage is
maximum at epicenter and surrounding area
• Fore shocks and after shocks:-
A fault rupture is not a simple one time movement
that produces “earth quake”.
The fault movement generates a series of
earthquakes. Out of these the biggest one is
called as the earthquake(Main shock).
The smaller size earthquakes that takes place
before a big earthquake are called foreshocks
and those after a big earth quake are called after

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