Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Notes

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Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Why he was considered Pro British:

> SSAK saved the lives of many British women and children during the WoI. Since the Muslims were fighting
against the British, this angered the Muslims and they started calling him pro-British.
>Sir Syed wanted the Muslims to not fight against the British in WoI. As he believed that they would be easily
defeated by the British, as they were a superior power. Therefore he was called Pro British as everyone thought he
was trying to establish British Power.
>Muslims of the subcontinent believed that the British were invaders. Whereas Sir Syed believed that the Muslim
should accept that British were rulers of the Indians and should accept their ideas, such as Western Education
therefore this angered the Muslims and they labeled him pro British.

Why he established the Aligarh movement:

>The British considered the Muslims guilty for the 1857 uprising. So after the war, the British started the policy of
repression against the Muslims. Sir Syed wanted to end this policy. He thus started the movement to strengthen
relations between Muslims and British by removing doubts of the British of Muslim loyalty.
>Muslims considered the British as only invaders, and didn’t accept cooperation with them. SSAK believed that
Muslims should accept that British were now rulers and to accept British ideas, such as Western Education, so that
they could improve their social and economic relations which will enable them to take jobs in civil service and
>The Hindus of the sub continent were progressing socially, politically and economically due to their co operation
with the British. This worried SSAK as he believed that the Muslims would get dominated by the Hindus and
therefore he established the Aligarh Movement to inform the Muslims about the Hindu threat, and counter it.

Why SSAK tried to improve British /Muslim relationship.

>The British considered the Muslims responsible for the WoI. Therefore they started a policy of repression against
them. As SSAK wanted an end to this tyranny, therefore he tried to improve British - Muslim relationship to
remove British Doubts about Muslim loyalty.
>Muslims considered British as foreign invaders and were thus reluctant to acquire Western Education whereas
SSAK believed that Western Education was important for Muslims to live a prosperous life. Therefore he tried to
bridge the gap between the two communities so that Muslims could accept British Ideas.
>SSAK feared that the Hindus would dominate Muslims as due to their co-operative attitude towards the rulers, they
were developing economically, socially and politically. Therefore, SSAK tried to improve the British – Muslim
relationship so that Muslims could come on par with the Hindus.

Why did SSAK want/insist upon Muslims to acquire Western Education?

>SSAK asked Muslims to acquire western educations so that Muslims could get civil service jobs because no
language of administration was English and to improve their social and economic condition
>Hindus received educations from English schools which improved their confidence and they viewed illiterate
Muslims as inferiors. This worried SSAK and he asked Muslims to acquire education to come on par with the
>SSAK believed that as Quran stressed upon knowledge and exploring the universe, therefore western education
of science was in line with the Quranic teachings. So he emphasized upon Muslims to acquire education to
understand the full majesty of God as the creator.

Why SSAK developed his two nation theory:

>Firstly Urdu had been the official language of India for many years. However the Hindus wanted it changed to

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan by Sadia Adnan Page 1

their language, Hindi. This view wasn’t shared b the Muslims as Urdu was their main language. This provoked
SSAK to give his “Two Nation Theory” as he realized that the Hindus and Muslims were two different nations
because of their opposite cultures
>Secondly the Hindus wanted parliamentary system in India. Sir Syed, however rejected this by saying that as
Hindus were in majority they wanted to dominate the Muslim minority b winning ever election. So that’s why
>SSAK advocated his “Two Nation Theory” as he realized that these nations could not live in harmony.
>Thirdly the Congress spoke of open competitive examinations for government jobs. However, SSAK rejected
this as Muslims were not educated enough to pass these exams and so most of the posts would be taken over the
educated Hindus.

Efforts to improve British/Muslim relations:

>Wrote the loyal Mohammadans of India -Gave a detailed account of the loyal services which Muslims had given
and named various Muslims who had shown particular loyalty to the British
…. Not only defended Muslims from British accusations that they were disloyal but also called on them to end
their hostility towards the Muslims
>Wrote pamphlet”Essay on the causes of the Indian revolt”
-Pointed out causes of the WoI. (Poor management of India, forced conversions)
…. Pamphlet helped convince the British that they were wrong to blame the uprising on Muslims. Some British
readily decreased hostility and sympathized.
>Sir Syed removed the Nadarath Misunderstanding -British thought this was insult. Sir Syed said it meant “Helper”
….Thus term reflected the positive term the Muslims had of the British.
>Wrote rebuttal of an English book on The Holy Prophet (pbuh)’s life
-Corrected errors concerning the life of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and Islam.
…Tried to convince the British that their Islamic knowledge was limited and needed to improve upon it to remove
>Wrote Tabyin ul Kalam (Commentary on the bible)-Pointed out similarities between Islam and Christianity
…This was incomplete, but shows his commitment in improving Muslim British relationship.
>Established British Indian association
-A platform where members of both communities could interact with each other’s and discusses various issues
…Helped to improve the level of understanding and co operation between the two people.
>Wrote pamphlet “Ahka Amet’ame ahle kitab” Food laws of people of the book
-Told Muslims that they were allowed in Islam to dine with other Christians
…Urged upon them that they were closer to the British than the Hindus (Who were reluctant to eat with
the Muslims)

Efforts to make Muslims acquire western education:

>Journal on Tehzib ul Akhlaq -This journal included articles from influential Muslims who agreed with Sir Syed
that there was a need for new approach regarding education
….Some Ulemas attacked it, yet it played a major part in bringing about an intellectual revolution amongst
the Muslim thinkers.

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>Scientific society at Ghazipur
-Translated scientific writings from English, Persian or Arabic into Urdu; the main language of the Muslims.
…Muslims knew knowledge of science was being improved
….Helped reduce Muslim hatred towards British as they read about scientific works and realized that they were
more than just invaders but had done a lot for humanity through scientific inventions
>Founded schools in Ghazipur, Muradabad
….These efforts of Sir Syed shows his commitment towards expanding educational opportunities for
Muslims as Muslims were reluctant to go in British Schools

>Established MAO (Muhammad Anglo Oriental) school in 1875, made into college in 1877
-Provided Western and Islamic education on the pattern of English Public School system
....Proved beneficial for Muslims in many ways:
….Provided quality educations to the Muslims of India and after graduating from this institute they could
get better jobs in the Government Department
….It became a symbol of unity fr Muslims in the absence of the Muslim League
….Many future leaders of Pakistan such as LAK and Ayub Khan were educated there and many historians
believe that this institution contributed the most for the formation of Pakistan
….It also helped to improve British Muslim relationship as not only many British were teaching in this
institute which created respect in the hearts of Muslims for the British but also after receiving English
education, now the Muslims were in a better position to communicate with the British in their language and
remove misconceptions

>Mohammaden Educational Conference.

-Aim was to publicize the new educational Methods being used at MAO
….This helped improve Muslim education standards
….Also played a major role in establishing a Muslim political platform in the days before the League was
established as it attracted famous orators and writers who discussed the political problems of the Muslims in
….It was after the 29 session of the same organization in December 1906 at Dhaka that major leaders
gathered to form the Muslim League, which was the founding party of Pakistan.

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