FS2 Episode 3 Edited

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Republic of the Philippines

North Davao Colleges

Quirino St., Panabo City Campus, Davao del Norte

Field Study
Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

Submitted by:

Roselyn P. Victori
Professional Education Earner
Group A- Second Semester 2017-2018

Submitted to:

Dr. Ilde Brian B. Faigmani, Ph.D.

FS 2

My Learning Episode Overview

Benjamin Bloom cited three (3) domains of knowledge – cognitive, psychomotor and
affective. Kendall and Marzano also gave three (3) groups of learning – information (declarative
knowledge), metacognitive procedures (procedural knowledge) and psychomotor procedures
(motor or physical skills). This Episode will focus on these domains of knowledge and learning.

My Intended Learning Outcome

In this episode, I must be able to:

 Classify the lesson/s under Bloom’s taxonomy of knowledge and Kendall’s and
Marzano’s domain of learning activities.
 Reflect on what lesson is more meaningful and relevant based on the domains of
knowledge and learning activities

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along the following:

a. Quality of my observations and documentation,
b. Completeness and depth of my analysis,
c. Depth and clarity of my classroom observation-based reflections,
d. Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e. Time of submission of my portfolio.
My Learning Essentials

A. Three domains of knowledge (Kendall and Marzano):

1. Information – Declarative Knowledge; e.g. Facts, concept, generalizations,
principles, laws
2. Mental Procedures – Procedural Knowledge; e.g. writing a term paper,
reading map algorithms like computing long division
3. Psychomotor/ Physical Procedures/ Motor Skills – skills e.g. playing
basketball, building furniture

Concrete examples:


1. Vocabulary- isosceles, equilateral, right triangle

2. Generalization- All right triangles have one angle of 90 degrees.

Mental Procedures- Conducting proofs and figuring the length of the side of a right

Physical/ Psychomotor Procedures/ Motor Skills

Constructing a right triangle with a compass and a ruler

B. Three Domains of Knowledge/ Educational Activity (Bloom, B.)

1. Cognitive – knowledge – What will students know?

2. Psychomotor – skills – What will students be able to do?

3. Affective – values, attitudes – What will students value or care about?

Concrete examples:

Cognitive – Air pollution

Psychomotor – Researching on the level of air pollution in the locality and on the
causes of air pollution

Affective – What to do to reduce the level of air pollution

My Learning Activities

I will make use of Observation Sheets, analyze my observations by answering the

given questions then write down my reflections.


Resource Teacher: Gemma A. Canarias Teacher’s Signature: ___________ Date: 08/16/2018

Grade Level: 6 Subject Area: Mathematics School: Sto. Tomas Central Elementary School

Kendall’s and Marrzano’s Domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each Domain of

Domain of Knowledge Knowledge from my Observation (What did your
Teacher teach? What was the focus of your
Teacher’s lessons?

1. Cognitive Domain – Information Teacher Gemma discussed in the class how to

(Declarative Knowledge) – Vocabulary, express one value as a fraction of another given
terms, facts, concepts, principle, ratio and vise versa. During class they ddefine
hypothesis, theory and illustrate the meaning of ratio using concrete
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural The resource teacher requested her students to
Knowledge) – e.g. mental skills such as count how many boys and girls n the class. She
writing a paragraph ask them to show the relationship of the number
of girls to the number of boys. She askd them
how to write the comparison of the number of
girls to the number of boys using fraction. She
asked them if there is another way to express it.
Teacher Gemma instructed her students that
they will write the comparison as a fraction and
by using a colon.

Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

Domain of Learning Knowledge
Teacher Gemma let the students answer the
3. Psychomotor - skills activity in the board in groups. She provided each
group with a small white board and a marker for
them to write their answers. One representative
per group then present their corresponding
outputs in the class.
Learners develop the importance of knowing
4. Affective – values, attitudes how fractions and ratio is applied in our daily

Resource Teacher: Marissa T. Fuentespina Teacher’s Signature: _________________ Date: 08/16/2018

Grade Level: 6 Subject Area: Physical Education School: Sto. Tomas Central Elementary School

Kendall’s and Marrzano’s Domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each Domain of

Domain of Knowledge Knowledge from my Observation (What did your
Teacher teach? What was the focus of your
Teacher’s lessons?
Teacher Marissa asked her class what is Physical
1. Cognitive Domain – Information Fitness for them, she then presented to the class
(Declarative Knowledge) – through a visual aid the definition of Physical
Vocabulary, terms, facts, concepts, Fitness and 5 health Related Components of
principle, hypothesis, theory Physical Fitness an its definition such as Body
Composition, Cardiovascular/Cardiorespiratory
Fitness, Flexibility, Muscular Endurance,
Muscular Strength.
In groups, she asked her students to list the
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural things they do to be physically fit and healthy.
Knowledge) – e.g. mental skills such They write it in a manila paper and a
as writing a paragraph representative from each group presented their
corresponding answers in the class. Teacher
Marissa shows scenario of one of the health-
related fitness components by showing
flashcards and asks the students to identify what
health indicator is it.

Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

Domain of Learning Knowledge

Teacher Marissa gives a performance based
activity. The teacher provided rubrics and rate
based on cooperation. Each group are assigned
3. Psychomotor - skills with task to present a situation or scenario that
will show the indicators of fitness.
The students will learn how to value the
4. Affective – values, attitudes importance of being physically fit and healthy.
Teacher Marissa stressed to them how
cooperation from each of the group members
will earn them a good grade.


Resource Teacher: Regine B. Diuyan Teacher’s Signature: ____________ Date: 08/22/2018

Grade Level: 10 Subject Area: English School: Taguibo Agricultural Vocational High School

Kendall’s and Marrzano’s Domains of Knowledge

Concrete Exampe/s for each Domain of

Domain of Knowledge Knowledge from my Observatin (What did your
Teacher teach? What was the focus of your
Teacher’s lessons?)
Teacher Regine introduce the elements of the
1. Cognitive – Infromation (Declarative short story which contain moral lesson, conflict,
Knowledge) – Vocabulary, terms, facts, plot, characters, themes, point of view and
concepts, principle, hypothesis, theory setting. The plot which is identify into five parts:
exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural The students read a short story entitled
Knowledge) – e.g. mental skills such as “Pretender”. With this story they will identify the
writing a paragraph elements of the short story which is stated

Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

Domain of Learning Knowledge

The teacher group the students into two and
each group is assigned to report the part of the
3. Psychomotor - skills plot. They are given five minutes to identify the
parts of the plot of the story and report it to the
Students relate the poem in their self. That if
your pretending its like that your hiding in the
4. Affective – values, attitudes dark. And human being is not permanent, its only
temporary living in this world. Don’t surrender
whatever struggles comes in life,just keep it easy
and have a happy life.

My Analysis

1. Were the lessons focused on information / cognitive domain only or mental procedures only
or psychomotor procedures/ physical skills only? Or were the lessons combinations of two or
three? Explain our answer.

The lessons were combinations of two or three domains. In the three classes that I’ve observed,
the three resource teachers had applied the cognitive domain which is focused on information
such as vocabulary, terms, facts, concepts, principle, hypothesis, theory. Psychomotor which is
about skills and affective which teach students which is more about values and attitudes.

2. Were the lessons focused on cognitive content only or pschomotor content only or affective
content only? Or were the lessons combinations ot two or three? Explain your answer.

The lessons were in combination of two or more domains because it is mandated and based on
the learning competencies provided by the Department of Education for the teachers to be
more effective in teaching.

3. What was the effect on learning when teaching was focused on only one domain?

If teaching is focused only on one domain, for instance, just the cognitive domain, students will
tend to forget all the information since it is not practiced through psychomotor domain and
woul not be motivated since they do not know what is the importance of learning that topic.

4. Is it really possible to teach only in one domain like affective only or cognitive only or
psychomotor only? Or based on Kendall’s and Marrzano’s taxonomy, information only or
mental procedures only or psychomotor procedures only? Explain your answer.
Teaching should be a combination of three. Through cognitive domain learners are introduced
with informations which is essential in mental (thinking) processes. Psychomotor domain on the
other hand plays an important role in linking mental activity with physical movements, skills,
and reactions to environmental stimuli. It develops learners perception or being able to process
sensory information and respond accordingly.

5. Do Kendall’s and Marrzano’s knowledge taxonomy and Bloom’s taxonomy of learning

activities contradict each other? Explain your answer.

Kendall’s and Marrzano’s knowledge taxonomy and Bloom taxonomy of learning activities does
not contradict with each other. Bloom’s taxonomy is a combination of Kendal’s and Marrzano’s
knowledge taxonomy.
My Reflections

Based on your observations in class and on your understanding of the domains of

knowledge and learning activities from Bloom, Kendall, and Marzano, how can you make your teaching-
learning activity more meaningful and more relevant? Is lesson more relevant when you teach only in
the cognitive or when you teach in the cognitive domain combined with the affective or psychomotor
combined with the affective?

To make my teaching-learning activity more meaningful and more relevant, I will apply
what I had learned from the domains of knowledge and learning activities from Bloom, Kendall, and
Marzano. This would ensure that during class, the learners thinking, emotion/feeling,
physical/kinaesthetic) is enhanced and developed. It is more relevant when I will teach cognitive
domain with the psychomotor and affective domain because it enhance skill development, participation,
and collaboration between all students. It also maximize students’ learning opportunities.
Integrating Theory and Practice
Direction: Read the situation then answer the questions.

Teacher Mila taught the parts of a microscope, demonstrated how to focus it under the low
power objective, then asked 3 students to try to focus it with her guidance as the class looked on.
She asked the class if the 3 students did focus the microscope correctly and ended her lesson citing
the “don’ts” and explaining the “why’s” behind the “don’ts” in focusing the microscope. Before she
did all these, she asked the class if it is/is not important for them to learn how to focus the

1. Based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy, in what domains was Teacher Mila’s lesson?

I. Information (declarative Knowledge)

II. Mental Procedures (Procedural knowledge)
III. Psychomotor procedures (Physical skills)

A. I and II C. II and III

B. II only D. I, II and III

2. Which part of Teacher Mila’s lesson consists of mental procedure (procedural knowledge)?

I. Asking the class if the 3 students focused the microscope correctly

II. Explaining the “why’s” behind the “don’ts”
III. Focusing the microscope

A. I only C. II only
B. I, II and III D. I and II

3. Based on Bloom’s taxonomy, which part of Teacher Mia’s lesson is in the psychomotor domain?

A. The 3 pupils focusing the microscope

B. The pupils listening to the “don’ts” in focusing the microscope
C. Asking the class if it is important to learn how to focus the microscope
D. Explain the “why’s” behind the don’ts

4. If Teacher Mila’s lesson objective/ intended learning outcome is “to focus the microscope
correctly”, could she have just shown the class how to do it without explaining the parts of the
microscope and their corresponding functions?

a. No
b. Yes, 21st Century students learn skill very fast.
c. Yes, but risky
d. No, it is basic for students to know the function of each part. This guides the students on
how to focus the microscope.

5. If explaining and demonstrating are necessary for Teacher Mila to realize her lesson objective/
intended learning outcome, what does this imply on lesson planning and development for whole
and meaningful learning.

a. Integrate the domains of learning activities.

b. You make the lesson focus only information.
c. Plan a lesson that is exclusively for skill or for information.
d. Always touch the affective domain of learning.

6. Which part of Teacher Mila’s lesson is in the effective domain?

a. Asking the students if learning to focus the microscope is important.

b. The “don’ts”
c. Teacher Mila demonstrating to the class first how to focus the microscope before asking the
3 to focus the same in order to avoid accident
d. Explaining the why behind the “don’ts” in microscope focusing
My Learning Portfolio

Refer to the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Based on the competencies,

formulate SMART lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes:

1) In the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains (B. Bloom)

Explains the indicators for fitness.
Cooperates in the group tasks given.
Shows a scenario of one of the health-related fitness

2) For information (declarative knowledge), mental procedures

(procedural knowledge) and psychomotor procedures/ physical
or motor skill

Cognitive/ Information (Declarative knowledge)

Explains the indicators for fitness

Mental (Procedural knowledge)

Shows examples of health-related fitness components.

Psychomotor procedures

Demonstrate a scenario of one of the health-related fitness

My Documentations
Observation 1
Observation 2

Observation 3

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