Effectiveness of Community Forest Association and Water Resource Users' Associations in Discharging Their Statutory Functions: A Case of Kilungu Catchment, Kenya - JBES - INNSPUB

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Effectiveness of community forest association and water resource users’ associations in discharging Bangla Journal
their statutory functions: A case of Kilungu catchment, Kenya
Bangla Journal
By: Patricia Mumbi Wambua, Nzioka John Muthama, Thuita Thenya

Key Words: Community forest association (CFA), Water resource users associations (WRUA), Catchment
management CALL FOR PAPERS
J. Bio. Env. Sci. 18(5), 43-56, May 2021.
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Catchment degradation has continued to occur globally albeit the presence of Community Forest Associations
(CFA) and Water Resource Users Associations (WRUA). Similarly, Kilungu catchment area in Kenya is under the
Publications Category
management of the Kenze (CFA) and upper Kaiti (WRUA). This paper examined Kenze CFA and Upper Kaiti
Book Publication WRUA activities by exploring their effectiveness in discharging their statutory functions. This was achieved by
carrying out, an exploratory descriptive survey. Data was collected through questionnaires, focus group
Call for Reviewers
discussions, 10 key informants’ interviews and direct observations. Descriptive analysis was used. Information INNSPUB on FB
was presented in fig.s, tables and percentages. Results showed that upper Kaiti WRUA as more effective in
catchment management at moderately (31%) and highly at (37%) as compared to CFA moderately (29%) and
highly (5%). In terms of discharging of their statutory functions, Upper Kaiti WRUA was better at a rating of
27% (good) and 23% (very good) as compared to Kenze CFA which was rated at 3% (good) and 6% (very Email Update
good). This study results implied that Upper Kaiti WRUA was more effective in all aspects of ensuring catchment
management as opposed to CFA. In conclusion, a strategy of seizing the opportunities presented by the CFA of
being empowered to perform all its activities as required by law with emphasis on the timely preparation and
implementation of management plans and WRUA’s continuous improvement should be prioritized. The study
recommends new initiatives that improve on the CFA and WRUA activities in order to effectively discharge on
their statutory functions.

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 Reference

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Patricia Mumbi Wambua, Nzioka John Muthama, Thuita Thenya.

Effectiveness of community forest association and water resource users’ associations in discharging their
statutory functions: A case of Kilungu catchment, Kenya.
J. Bio. Env. Sci. 18(5), 43-56, May 2021.

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J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2021

Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)

ISSN: 2220-6663 (Print) 2222-3045 (Online)
Vol. 18, No. 5, p. 43-56, 2021


Effectiveness of community forest association and water

resource users’ associations in discharging their statutory
functions: A case of Kilungu catchment, Kenya

Patricia Mumbi Wambua*, Nzioka John Muthama, Thuita Thenya

Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Article published on May 30, 2021

Key words: Community forest association (CFA), Water resource users associations (WRUA), Catchment

Catchment degradation has continued to occur globally albeit the presence of Community Forest
Associations (CFA) and Water Resource Users Associations (WRUA). Similarly, Kilungu catchment area in
Kenya is under the management of the Kenze (CFA) and upper Kaiti (WRUA). This paper examined Kenze
CFA and Upper Kaiti WRUA activities by exploring their effectiveness in discharging their statutory
functions. This was achieved by carrying out, an exploratory descriptive survey. Data was collected through
questionnaires, focus group discussions, 10 key informants’ interviews and direct observations. Descriptive
analysis was used. Information was presented in fig.s, tables and percentages. Results showed that upper
Kaiti WRUA as more effective in catchment management at moderately (31%) and highly at (37%) as
compared to CFA moderately (29%) and highly (5%). In terms of discharging of their statutory functions,
Upper Kaiti WRUA was better at a rating of 27% (good) and 23% (very good) as compared to Kenze CFA
which was rated at 3% (good) and 6% (very good). This study results implied that Upper Kaiti WRUA was
more effective in all aspects of ensuring catchment management as opposed to CFA. In conclusion, a
strategy of seizing the opportunities presented by the CFA of being empowered to perform all its activities
as required by law with emphasis on the timely preparation and implementation of management plans and
WRUA’s continuous improvement should be prioritized. The study recommends new initiatives that
improve on the CFA and WRUA activities in order to effectively discharge on their statutory functions.
*Corresponding Author: Patricia Mumbi Wambua  [email protected]

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Introduction Studies reveal that the formation of CFAs started in

Globally, majority of the continents of the world 1997, mainly to encourage community participation
including America, Asia and Africa are promoting the in forest management. The CFAs are duly recognized
implementation of community association activities and registered groups with the Attorney General ‘s
by rural communities in the management and office and comprise of forest adjacent communities
utilization of natural forest catchments through living up to 5 km from the forest boundary, and who
Participatory Forest Management (PFM). Many are recognized under the Forest Act as co-managers
countries have already developed while others are in of the forests using Participatory Forest Management.
the process of developing, changes to national policies To date a number of CFAs have been formed through
and legislation that institutionalize PFM in order to sensitization of communities adjacent to the major
encourage catchment conservation and sustainable forests in the country by the Kenya Forest Action
utilization of forest resources (Gordon and Ayiemba; Network (FAN) and the Kenya Forests Working
Busck-Lumholt and Treue 2018). Group (KFWG) as well as through the KFS (Thenya,
et al., 2007). It is therefore possible for local
In developing countries, the Community Forest communities to directly participate in protection,
Associations (CFAs) are adopted to manage conservation, and management of a given forest area
threatened forests and ensure conservation of subject to provisions of a management plan for the
biodiversity through a process of inclusion, equity, forest (World Bank Report, 2007). In Kakamega
and democratization (Amanor, 2003). For instance, forest for example, the Community Forest Association
during the 1990s, the activities of CFAs in Nepal were (CFA) known as the Kakamega Community Forest
protection and management of forests with the clear Association (KACOFA) formed in 2006 has been
aim of halting forest degradation focused on learning involved in various forest activities aimed at
and exchange between user groups (Hobley and protecting the forest (Ongugo et al., 2008). Research
Shakya, 2012). shows that the activities of the CFAs as per the Kenya
forest and conservation Act (2016) are majorly to
The Forest Act of 2005 saw the formation of the actively prepare and implement participatory forest
Kenya Forest Service (KFS), a semi-autonomous management plan (PFMP) in collaboration with KFS,
government agency with representation from various enjoy user rights and provide any useful information
government ministries and under the same act to KFS for improvement of the management.
Section 35 of the Forest Act 2005 made it mandatory
for any forest (state, local authority or provisional On the other hand, global research shows that

forest, registered private forest) to be managed in traditionally collective communal water management

accordance with an approved Forest Management have span for almost 1,000 years as witnessed in

Plan (FMP). The participatory forest management Spain. More than 100 years ago, the Spain 1879

(PFM) approach further provides for local Water Act facilitated the voluntary creation of

communities’ engagement in the control and use of irrigation communities (Del Saz, 1990). In 1985

the forests to which they live adjacent to. Section 46 through the same Water Act, new aspects appeared

(4) and (5) of the Act require that applications by CFA and Irrigation Communities were updated to include

to the Director KFS for permission to participate in not just irrigation but other water users like public

conservation and management of forests be water supply and industries, thus becoming Water

accompanied by draft management plans. Formation Resource User Associations (WRUAs). Further

of the Community forest participation achieved literature reveals that in Kenya the Water Resources

primarily through CFAs, and integrated management Users Association was established by the Water Act

of forests is the central principle motivating the new (2002). In the act Water Resources Management

policy (GOK, 2005; 2007). Authority (WRMA) were expected to formulate

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Catchment Management Strategy for the collaborated to form a WRUA in order to manage the
management, use, development, conservation, river resources and hence Upper Kaiti WRUA
protection and control of water resources within each formerly known as Kinzuma was formed in mid-2010.
catchment area (Water Act 2002 section 5, subsection 1). Upper Kaiti WRUA and Kenze Community Forest
The catchment management strategy is to provide Associations (CFA) are the only institution currently
mechanism and facilities for enabling the public and in place managing the entire Kilungu catchment and
communities to participate in managing the water its various tributaries of Kaiti river, Kikoko, Kisusyo,
resources within each catchment area and allows for Isuuni river, Mitungu, Tiva, Mwanyani, Katulye,
conflict resolutions and co-operative management of Kyau, Kaiti, Kilumwa, Kwanthi in Kilungu catchment

water resources in catchment areas (Water Act 2002 (GOK, 2018). Kilungu catchment is of major

section 5, subsection 3[e]. (The WRUA formation and economic and ecological importance in the area due

operation is as per section 10, sub sections 1 to 14 of to its value as a watershed and catchments area for

the Water Resources Management rules 2007 and for the above rivers as well as it being a source of various

the WRUAS activities to be objectively realized, there springs namely Kikoko, Ilima, Kisusyo which is the

is an urgent need to espouse a holistic approach, source of Kisusyo river and tributaries and wet lands

(Cheptoo, 2006; Mitchell, 2005). In relation to the providing water to the community and supporting
various livelihood activities. Literature reveals that
above background, Kenya adopted a basin-based
the catchments population of more than 23,956
approach to water resources management, which is a
people made up of 4,372 households is spread out
holistic methodology that provides for regulated use
within the seven blocks of Kilungu, Kitumbuuni,
of the water resources for the benefit of communities.
Ndaatai, Kiongwani, Kenze, Nduluni and Kiio and its
an epicenter of ecological support system for their
The enactment of the water act (2002), as well as the
livelihoods. Even with the presence of these
Kenya constitution (2010) and the recent water act
institutions the catchment has experienced rampant
(2016) led to the concerted acknowledgement of the
degradation which is undermining the limited
importance of community participation in the
sustainable water and forest resources base in the
management of water resources, resulting in the
country and these calls for vibrant CFA and WRUA
formation of WRUAs within the six drainage areas of
activities in order to reverse the trend (Makueni
Kenya namely: Lake Victoria North basin, Lake
CIDP, 2018-2022).
Victoria south basin, Rift valley basin, Athi river
basin, Tana river basin and the Ewaso N'giro river
According to the county government of Makueni the
basin. According to the ministry of environment and
activities of all the CFA and WRUA involved in the
natural resources the existence of Community Forest
various catchment management activities and their
Associations (CFAs) and Water Resource Users
contributions in the county is not known and the
Association (WRUAs) within different catchments
inadequacy of actionable data and information makes
distributed across the country ensures the effective
it increasingly difficult to make informed and
management of the catchments (MENR 2007).
transparent decisions on utilization of the catchment in
a sustainable way (Makueni CIDP, 2018-2022). The
Makueni county falls within the Athi river basin
aim of this study was generally to examine CFA and
catchment, it has nine (9) registered CFAs; namely:
WRUA activities and their effectiveness in discharging
Makuli, Nzaui, Kamukima, Nthangu, Kitondo,
their statutory functions in catchment management.
Mbooni community forest association (MBOCOFOA),
Kichapa, Makongo and Kenze respectively, and sixty- Materials and methods
eight (68) registered WRUAs involved in various Context, theory and conceptual framework
catchments management within the county. Due to In order to examine Kenze CFA and Upper Kaiti
erratic rainfalls the communities along the Kaiti River WRUA activities and their effectiveness in

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discharging their statutory functions, this study was

based on the institutional theory focusing on the
institutions activities, their effectiveness in
discharging their statutory functions, their
organizational structure and functioning, in
catchment management and general environmental
management (e.g. Bai and Sarkis, 2010,De Ron, 1998,
Herron and Braiden, 2006, De Brito et al., 2008,
Wong et al., 2012). The choice of institutional theory
was premised on that it offers explanations as to why
certain practices within institutions are chosen Fig. 1. Conceptual framework-researcher.

without an obvious economic return (Berrone et al.,

2010; Meyer and Rowan, 1977, Dimaggio and Powell,
The study area covers seven blocks whose residents
1983) and especially on why organizational structures
directly or indirectly interact and depend on the
and practices become entrenched and also on how
catchment for their livelihoods (Fig. 2). The choice of
and why change occurs Jennings (1994). The
Kilungu catchment as the study area was considered
institutional theory guided the study by examining
appropriate due to several reasons. First it had a
the process through which the Kenze CFA and Upper registered Upper Kaiti Water Resources Association
Kaiti WRUA institutional activities influenced the (WRUA) which was formed in the year 2011 and
outcomes of the institutions contributions in Kilungu registered in the year 2013 and Kenze Community
catchment management. The key outcomes of interest Forest Association (CFA) registered in the year 2013
were the activities of Upper Kaiti WRUA and Kenze involved in the management of the catchment and
CFA especially on the aspects of performance on their their activities, were not documented hence the need
activities, law enforcement, fines and penalties, for the study. Second, the catchment portrays a
effectiveness in delivery of desired outputs, officials classical example of a protected area where the CFA

leadership and their influences on the outcomes of and WRUA activities and their contributions could be
examined. Third, the area is surrounded by human
the institutions contributions (Scott, 2004). The
communities spread out within the seven blocks of
study further examined the coercive pressure
Kilungu, Kitumbuuni, Ndaatai, Kiongwani, Kenze,
especially on the KFS and WRA mandates in relation
Nduluni and Kiio and it an epicenter of ecological
to CFA and WRUA specially to bring out the idea of
support system for more than 23,956 people made up
how the CFA and WRUA institutions operate (Maggio
of 4,372 households who directly or indirectly interact
& Powell, 1991). on the catchment for their livelihoods (Makueni

This was informed by the fact that the question of County Integrated Development Plan, 2018-2022).

CFA and WRUA institutions activities is widely

accepted as it emphasizes on the formal and legal
aspects of the governance institutions. According to
the institutional theory by Scott (2004) for
institutions such as CFA and WRUA to be effective in
catchment management the same should observe the
sustainable rules and belief systems prevailing in the
environment they operate in. Such evidence from
existing studies activates an attempt to reach a deeper
communication of the role played by CFA and WRUA
activities and structure in discharging their statutory
mandates in management of Kilungu catchment. Fig. 2. Study area: Source MEMR-KFS 2020.

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The average annual rainfall, evaporation and Results and discussions

temperatures are 600mm, 2000mm and 230c Respondents age in years
respectively and rainfall is characterized by small The age distribution of survey respondents is shown
total amounts, strong seasonal and bimodal in fig. 3 below. Majority of the respondents for both
distribution (Nyagito et al., 2008). The area is the CFA and WRUA were between the ages of 30-39
generally dry and faced with acute water shortage that where Kenze CFA had 45% and upper Kaiti WRUA
has a direct impact on its economic development. had 33%. This was followed by age range 40-49 years
This is attributed to periodic cyclical droughts and where upper Kaiti WRUA had 32% and Kenze CFA 17%.
shrinking water sources due to encroachment and In age bracket of 20-29 years, upper Kaiti had 17% and
degradation of watersheds/ towers, uncontrolled sand Kenze CFA 26%. 50-59 year upper Kaiti WRUA had 16%
harvesting and limited awareness on water harvesting and Kenze CFA 11% and ≥60 year upper Kaiti WRUA
and management among the populace. Combinations
had 1% and Kenze CFA 0%. The results revealed that
of cultural and socio-economic and human activities
majority of the respondents in both the institutions were
have also led to high rates of degradation and
between the age bracket of 30-39.
encroachment of the Kilungu catchment resources
(Ontiri & Robinson 2014). Two of the most important
This differed with earlier findings by Maskey et al.
rivers traversing the Kilungu catchment include Kaiti
(2003) who observed that older people in Nepal
and Kikuu Rivers; it’s also the source of rivulets such
tended to participate more in community forest and
as Mwanyani, Katulye, Kyau, Kaiti, Kilumwa, Kwanthi
water associations programmes than younger people.
and Kilome Springs. They also serve as important
However the results compared with a study done in
recharge system for River Athi downstream. A
Ondo State, Nigeria, which observed that most
descriptive survey was used to collect data from
farmers within 35 to 54 years of age bracket
households who were residents of Kilungu,
participated more in the Taungya forestry system
Kitumbuuni, Ndaatai, Kiongwani, Kenze, Nduluni
than other categories because they were able to plant
and Kiio. Semi structured questionnaires, for each
trees and harvest them within their lifespan (Victor
institution were administered to randomly selected
366 households who were obtained through and Bakare, 2004).The results further agreed with

Cochran’s formula by Horse (2018) and Rucker previous studies done by Dolisca et al. (2006) who

(2017) as follows, based on a total household found that older people were mainly interested in

population of 4372 = Cochran’s sample size collecting forest resources and managing water
recommendation; = value (i.e. 1.96 for 95% resources while young people were willing to
confidence level); =proportion of the population with contribute to the process of decision-making in
direct attribute to the sub catchment governance; = forestry and water programmes.
desired level of precision-confidence interval ±7% =
(±0.07)) and population proportion= 50%. The
household questionnaires were shared equally to
collect data on Community Forest Associations
(CFAs) and Water Resource Users Associations
(WRUAs) activities and their effectiveness in
discharging their statutory functions.

Data was collected through 366 household

questionnaires, 10 focus group discussions, 10 key
informants’ interviews and direct observations.
Descriptive analysis was used. Information was
presented in fig.s, tables and percentages. Fig. 3. Respondents age in years.

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Education level of the respondents observations that peoples’ participation was influenced
The study established that Kenze CFA respondents by educational level, in that the higher the literacy level
had higher level of education with secondary level the higher the level of catchment management.
(36%), College (28%) and University (3%) as
compared to upper Kaiti WRUAs (25%) secondary
level, college certificate (11%) and none with a Gender inclusivity and equity level of the respondents
University degree as shown in fig. 4 below. This could Analysis on whether WRUA and CFA organizations
mean that most people with higher levels of education observed gender balance revealed that the WRUA
are not in the rural areas but in urban centers or structure accommodated gender balance better
elsewhere seeking employment or even working there compared to the CFA in their activities. This was
as a livelihood means and these has filtered the evidenced by 93% of WRUA responses being yes
literacy levels within the study area. Further compared to 15% for CFA (Fig. 5). Further the FGD and
information generated from FGD and KII further KII confirmed that both genders in WRUA had equal
suggested all issues which needed high literacy level opportunities of participating in all the WRUA
of interrogation were attended and these was activities. The respondents mentioned some of the
supported by the current study’s observation that activities they participated in without bias as attending
education did not determine community participation all meetings, contributing in decisions and matters
in catchment management and that other factors not which affect them as equal members of the WRUA and
levels of education were found to be contributing to being appointed in leadership positions. In addition,
the continuous catchment degradation. the respondents mentioned being appointed members
of the subcommittee as well as chairperson are done
These results agreed with previous studies done by without any biasness to either gender as opposed to
Campos et al. (2012), Dolisca et al. (2007) and Sodhi CFAs. These results further imply a gender imbalance
et al. (2010a) who showed that formal education in the CFA involvement in CFA activities.
influenced perceptions on environmental, catchment
conservation and ecosystem services provisioning.

Fig. 5. Gender within the CFA and WRUA institutions.

Further the results revealed that WRUA as an

organization was better in gender inclusivity and
equity without a bias against the activities
implementation by either gender. These was
demonstrated by the results which showed WRUA at
Fig. 4. Respondents level of education. moderately (48%), highly (29%) as compared to CFA
moderately (27%), highly (14%) meaning that gender
In addition, these results agreed with a study on discrimination and exclusion existed more in CFA
community participation in social forestry in Zathila and activity implementation than in WRUA activity
Betaga villages in Gazipur, Bangladesh by Chowdhury implementation, fig. 6 below. Based on the above
(2004) who found out that people’s level of education findings, there should be an effort through policy to
influenced their participation in forestry projects. A ensure a balance between the male and female
different study by Jakariya (2000) made similar involvement in catchment management.

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communities on conservation, enjoy user rights and

provide any useful information to KFS for
improvement of the catchment. However, results
further indicated that the CFA activities were not
delivering on these expectations and the catchment
was said to be degraded. In addition, the FGD and the
KII discussions revealed the reasons as to why the
CFA were not effective in catchment management as
due to inadequate funding, low levels of participation
Fig. 6. Gender inclusivity and equity. in CFA activities and unresolved conflicts among the
members. Other factors were poor leadership and
WRUA and CFA implementation of activities
leadership wrangles and inadequate motivation
The study showed upper Kaiti WRUAs activities as
among the members to do their work. Further, a lack
more effective in catchment management where 31%
of transparency and accountability at the top most
rated it as (moderately) and 37% rated it (highly)
level of Kenya Forest Service leadership were
compared to CFA 29% and 5% for (moderately)and
associated with problems such as illegal logging and
(highly) respectively (Fig. 7). Focus Group
corruption, marginalization and impoverishment of
Discussions (FGD) and the Key Informant Interviews
catchment dependent communities and the local people
(KII) revealed that WRUA provides for exchange of
at large. The above results were further collaborated by
information and ideas on the water resource use
the FGD which informed that weak forest and water
within the catchment. It also provides a platform for
resource governance as a major threat to the activities of
brain storming on potential projects and
the CFA and the WRUA. The threat was similarly
developments that may affect water usage with a view
blamed for unsustainable levels of catchment resource
to obtaining the consent of other WRUA members
utilization leading to degradation.
and the public. In addition, WRUA was also involved
in resolving conflicts arising from water use, lobbying
These findings agreed with previous studies done by
for resources from various institutions including
Davis et al. (2013) who established that the
donors to improve availability, reliability, quality or
governance institutions execution of their functions
other aspects of the water resources within Kilungu
leads to quality policies and sustainable resource use
catchment. Further the discussions established that
hence reduced degradation.
Mwanyani, Katulye, Kyau, Kaiti, Kilumwa, Kwanthi
and Kilome springs as the main streams emanating On the other hand, the reasons as to why the upper
from the Kilungu catchment. Discussion indicated Kaiti WRUA was found to be more effective in
that all the above springs have been mapped and Kaiti catchment management were that the WRUA
WRUA has been protecting Kilome and Kilumwa consistently held annual general meetings (AGM)
springs. On the other hand, the FGD and the KII without fail. Further, the FGD revealed that during
revealed that the activities of CFA as required by law AGM, new officials are elected after every three years
include to actively prepare and implement with the next elections expected to take place in 2021.
participatory forest management plan in In addition, the WRUA had a work plan in place and
collaboration with the KFS office, establishment of an active executive committee in place to guide the
tree nurseries, planting of trees, conflict resolutions affairs of the organization.
and general protection of the Kilungu catchment.
Moreover, the discussions established that the CFA A key similarity between the Kenze CFA and upper
was expected to protect the catchment from illegal Kaiti WRUA activities implementation was that both
activities such as illegal logging, grazing inside the were formed to ensure an ecosystem based approach
catchment, control of forest fires, sensitizing of managing the catchment.

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This is supposed to be achieved through an integrated

management of land, water and other living resources
within the study area. Based on the results, it was clear
that in order to promote conservation and sustainable
utilization of the catchment in an equitable way, the level
of CFA and WRUA activities implementation needed to
be reviewed to ensure their effectiveness. According to
KII, there exists a structural arrangement conflict
between the KFS and WRA in their coordination of the
affairs of the CFA and WRUA respectively thereby
affecting the implementation of their activities
effectively. Fig. 7. WRUA and CFA implementation of activities.

The findings imply that the effective implementation WRUA and Kenze CFA discharging of their statutory
of the activities of the CFA and WRUA are paramount functions and delivery of desired outputs in Kilungu
for the conservation of the catchment. Further, there Catchment
is an urgent need to improve on the activities of the WRUA and Kenze CFA discharging of their statutory
CFA especially on participatory catchment functions
management. This is in consistent with Watson In terms of discharging of their statutory functions,
(2007) who concluded that CFA activities should Upper Kaiti WRUA was found to be discharging its
include community participation, cooperatively statutory functions better than the Kenze CFA. Out of
sharing, managing and conserving a common all the WRUA respondents, 27% chose level (good)
catchment resource. Further the involvement of the and 23% (very good) as compared to Kenze CFA
Community Forest Associations leads to which was rated at only 3% (good) and 6% (very
improvements of forest conservation, rural good) as indicated in fig. 8 below.
livelihoods and forest governance (Lund & Treue,
2008 and Tacconi, 2007). Moreover, several case The results were complimented by FGD and KII

studies have shown that decentralized catchment findings which had enumerated the statutory WRUA

management results in effective control of catchment functions as involving the management of Kaiti river

utilization (Lund & Treue, 2008), enhances and other water resources within the catchment,

ecosystem functions and quality (Carter & Gronow, preparation of sub catchment management plans

2005), enhances resource status (Sauer & Abdallah, (SCAMP), management of water resources within the

2007) and sustainable management of forest catchment properly; and increase the availability of

resources by the local people (Ribot, 2004). water resources. In addition, the discussions revealed
that the WRUA as also involved in increase of the usage

Further, these findings are consistent with those of of the water for economic and social improvements;

Coulibaly-Lingani et al. (2011) who noted that a ensuring the upstream and downstream communities

majority of those CFA implementing their activities as have access to water, protection of springs from

required by law in Burkina Faso were those receiving degradation occasioned by animals and humans

direct benefits from participating in such programs. contamination. The WRUA was also involved in,

Dolisca et al. (2006) similarly observed that advising on siting of boreholes, controlling sand

respondents who had benefited from Forêt des Pins harvesting from Kaiti river and its tributaries within

Reserve in Ahiti were more positively inclined the catchment, conflict resolution’s, monitoring water

towards social, environmental, and economic use, monitoring activities carried out by members and

activities of catchments managements. training members in nursery management.

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Further WRUA was said to be involved in sensitizing engagements including the formation of Kaiti River
the community against activities which may lead to Water Resource Users Associations Network
degradation of the catchment including pollution of (KWRUAN) a new entity to enhance the WRUA
the springs in the catchment and community delivery of its functions. On the other hand, Kenze
empowerment on matters of catchment management. CFA had poor rating on its output delivery due to the
On the other hand, Kenze CFA statutory functions fact that the CFA did not have a participatory forest
were: Actively prepare and implement participatory management plan in place nor a work plan.
forest management plan in collaboration with the
KFS office, establishment of tree nurseries, planting Further, the executive committee which was elected

of trees, conflict resolution’s, control of forest fires to oversee the management of the association was un
and sensitizing communities on conservation. Other accountable for ensuring the delivering of planned
statutory activities were, protection of the forested activities and the CFA executive leadership had not
hills, monitoring the forest condition, enjoy user held an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for over a
rights and provide any useful information to KFS for period of five years. Additionally, the officials of the
improvement of the catchment. CFA had overstayed without replacement for the
same period and they did not have a resource
mobiliser to source for funds from other partners
such as the private sector, business community and
even from the local and international civil societies.
Lack of formal agreement between Kenze CFA and
KFS including other development partners also
affected the delivery of desired output.

Fig. 8. Discharge of statutory functions by WRUA

and CFA.

Upper Kaiti WRUA and Kenze CFA delivery of

desired outputs in Kilungu Catchment
On the CFA and WRUA delivery of desired outputs in
Kilungu catchment, the upper Kaiti WRUA was rated
highly at moderate (40%) and good (38%) as
compared to CFAs at moderate (26%) good (4%), fig.
9. The results were supported by both the focus group
discussions and the key informant interviews which
revealed that upper Kaiti WRUA was actively involved Fig. 9. Level of CFA and WRUA statutory functions

in the catchment management and had delivered expected delivery of desired outputs in catchment

desired output.in addition some of the key indicator management.

of such delivery of desired aspects was there being the

preparation of the Sub Catchment Management Plan Measures aimed at ensuring continuous delivery of

(SCAMP), sensitizing the community against desired outputs on catchment management

activities which may lead to degradation of the Use of fines and penalties

catchment including pollution of the springs in the On law enforcement and compliance, out of all the

catchment and community empowerment on matters WRUA respondents, 41% (agreed) while 38%

of catchment management. Further the WRUA was (moderately agreed) that, the use of more fines and

found to be holding monthly meetings and penalties are important tools of enforcing compliance

51 | Wambua et al.
J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2021

to laws aimed at ensuring catchment management as The treasurer is responsible to the committee and to
opposed to only 21% (moderately agree) and 20% the member’s proper books of account and ensures
(agree) for CFA as shown in fig. 10. These results that all moneys received and paid by the society are
imply that according to CFA respondents, fines and recorded and available for inspection. Discussions
penalties serve little or no purpose in deterring non- further revealed that even though the officials existed
compliance with the by-laws differing with previous in both the institutions, they didn’t always comply
studies done by Thenya (2007) who asserted that for with rules concerning elections as laid out in their
the activities of CFA and by large the WRUA to be governing documents. Some Executive Committees
significant, then fines and penalties should be applied had not called for elections and the leadership had
to defaulters of all the set rules and regulations. overstayed in office and majority of the officials
absented themselves from meetings and failed on
38 37 their roles and responsibilities, sometimes without
Percentage response

60% 53
10 45
40% apologies. The implication of these findings is that
0% there is an urgent need of all the officials to attend to
Strongly Moderately Strongly Agree
all their roles and responsibilities without fail in order
Disagree Agree
Level of fines and penalties effectiveness in for the institutions to deliver on their mandates.
ensuring delivery of desired outputs
90 Upper Kaiti WRUA
Percentage response

Fig. 10. more fines and penalties should be put in 50
place to ensure compliance with the CFAs and 30
WRUAs by laws. 20
Responsibilities of the WRUA and CFA institutional
officials and community participation
Majority of the WRUA respondents, moderately Levels of officials responsibility
agreed (43%), agree (38%) while CFA positively
Fig. 11. Responsibilities of the WRUA and CFA officials.
confirmed, moderately agree (32%), agree (8%) that
in order for the Upper Kaiti WRUA and Kenze CFA to
discharge their statutory functions and be WRUA and CFA community participation

effectiveness in delivery of desired outputs, then the According to the results, the WRUA respondents were
WRUA and CFA institutional officials should attend more involved in community participation recording
to their roles and responsibilities effectively (fig. 11). 26% (moderately high) and 50% (high agree) as
These results were collaborated by the FGD and KII compared to 23% (high) and 25% (moderately high)
discussions which revealed that the key roles of the for CFA as shown in fig. 12 below.
CFAs officials (Chairperson, Vice chair, Secretary and
Upper Kaiti WRUA
Treasurer) were resource mobilization, book keeping,

participatory monitoring and evaluation including

data collection and entry, leadership and governance,
percentage response






advocacy, conflict management and negotiation. On

the other hand, the roles of WRUA officials

(Chairperson, Vice chair, Secretary and Treasurer)

included presiding over all meetings of the committee
Very Low Low Moderate High Very High
and at the general meetings. Vice Chairperson
Levels of community particiapation
performs any duties of the Chairperson in his/her
absence while the Secretary deals with all Fig. 12. Community participation in WRUA and CFA
correspondences of the society among others. functions.

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Conclusion Compliance with ethical standards

In conclusion, the study achieved its objectives of The research was carried out under Wangari Maathai
examining the CFA and WRUA effectiveness in Institute of Peace and Governance of the University of
discharging their statutory functions in catchment Nairobi. Consent of participants in interviews and
management. Further Upper Kaiti WRUA was found questionnaire survey was sought before each
to be more effective in all aspects: effective individual participant. Permission was sought and
implementation of catchment management activities, granted by National Commission for Science,

discharging of its statutory functions, delivery of its Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI).

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