Design & Cost Analysis of Self-Compacting Concrete For Mivan Shuttering
Design & Cost Analysis of Self-Compacting Concrete For Mivan Shuttering
Design & Cost Analysis of Self-Compacting Concrete For Mivan Shuttering
A. Materials
1. Cement- Ambuja OPC 53 grade of cement was used.
Self-consolidating concrete or self-compacting concrete
(SCC) is a flow able concrete mixture that is able to 2. Flyash- Ashtech (India) Class F Flyash was used.
compact under its self-weight. It is a high-performance
concrete that can spread easily and fill congested sections 3. Micro Silica- Micro Silica was obtained from Bhutan.
as well as congested reinforcement structures without the
need of mechanical compaction and without undergoing 4. Coarse Aggregate- Coarse Aggregates of size 10mm
any significant separation of material constituents or was used for this research work. It was sourced from a
segregation. SCC was conceptualized in 1986 by Prof. quarry in Turbe in Mumbai, India.
Okamura at Ouchi. It is an emerging class of concrete
5. Fine Aggregate- Fine Aggregates used for this research
materials that offers great potential for improved ease of
work was crushed sand (VSI). It was sourced from a
placement, increased rate of construction, and reduced quarry in Turbe in Mumbai, India.
cost through reduced time and labor. Even though concept
of SCC was introduced in 1986 by Hajime Okamura, its 6. Water- Water was obtained from a boring. . It
first Prototype was developed in 1989 by Prof. Ozwa of conformed to IS 456-2000 requirements.
University of Tokyo.
7. Admixture- A highly effective superplasticizer
The Mivan Technology System was developed by Mivan Sikaviscocrete5210NS was being used.
Company Ltd from Malaysia late 1990s as a system for
constructing mass housing project. The units were to be of B. Mix Design
cast-in-place concrete, with load bearing walls using a
In this Experimental Work Department of Environment
formwork of aluminum panels. To be erected by the
(DOE) Method of Mix Design was used for
hundreds, of a repetitive design, the system ensured a fast
ISSN (Online): 2347 - 2812, Volume-4, Issue -3, 2016
International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET)
manufacturing concrete of grade M60. DOE method is Table 4- Workability test results of trail 2.
standard British method of concrete mix design. Time Actual Required
Table 1- Trail Number 1. 1 Flow table Test
Initial 610mm Greater then 600mm
Trail Number 1 1 hour 540mm Greater then 600mm
M60 SCC 1 CUM 2 hour 500mm Greater then 600mm
Cement 74.38% 2 ) V Funnel test
Flyash 21.49% T0 13 sec 8-12 Sec
Micro Silica 4.13% T5 17 sec 11-15 sec
C/Sand 45.70% 3) U box Test
C.A 1 54.30% h1-h2 33mm Less than or equal to 30mm
A/C 2.79
The increase in the Flyash content increased the
W/C 0.28 workability to some extent. The tests on fresh concrete
Admixture 0.90% indicate that again the mix is not much workable as
Table 2- Workability test results of trail 1. required. The workability tests were done on fresh
concrete and was found to be non-satisfactory but better
Time Actual Required
than previous trial. So change in the mix design was
1 Flow table Test needed accordingly. 9 cubes of size 150 mm were casted
Initial 570mm Greater then 600mm for compressive strength test. After 3 days and 7 days
1 hour 520mm Greater then 600mm compressive strength test results, it was found that the
initial strength gain was not up to the mark. Therefore to
2 hour 480mm Greater then 600mm increase the initial strength of the concrete, Micro Silica
2 ) V Funnel test and OPC content was increased. Also to increase
T0 15 sec 8-12 Sec workability, Flyash content was slightly increased.
T5 20 sec 11-15 sec So for early strength gain, Micro Silica content was
3) U box Test directly increased from 4.03% to 5.43% in the next trail.
h1-h2 37mm Less than or equal to 30mm Therefore the total cementitious material got increased
from 620 kg/Cum to 645kg/Cum.
The tests on fresh concrete indicate that the mix is not
much workable as required. The mix was cohesive but not Also the water cement ratio was decreased from 0.28 to
workable. The workability tests were done on fresh 0.26 to give a boost to compressive strength.
concrete and was found to be non-satisfactory. So change
in the mix design was needed to suit the site requirement. Table 5- Trail Number3.
So to increase the workability of the concrete, the
percentage Flyash was from 21.49% to 23.39% in the next Trail Number 3
trail and minor modifications were also done. So the total
cementitious material got increased from 605 kg/Cum to
620kg/Cum. Only Flyash content was increased keeping Cement 71.32%
Micro Silica and OPC content unchanged. 9 cubes of size Flyash 23.26%
150 mm were casted for compressive strength test.
Micro Silica 5.43%
Table 3- Trail Number 2. C/Sand 50.00%
Trail Number 2 C.A 1 50.00%
M60 SCC 1 CUM A/C 2.51
Cement 72.58% W/C 0.26
Flyash 23.39% Admixture 0.95%
Micro Silica 4.03% Table 6- Workability test results of trail 3.
C/Sand 51.99% Time Actual Required
C.A 1 48.01% 1 Flow table Test
A/C 2.72 Initial 700mm Greater then 600mm
W/C 0.28 1 hour 520mm Greater then 600mm
Admixture 0.90% 2 hour 470mm Greater then 600mm
ISSN (Online): 2347 - 2812, Volume-4, Issue -3, 2016
International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET)
2 ) V Funnel test The revised mix was very much workable and cohesive.
The workability test results shows that the mix is very
T0 11 sec 8-12 Sec much suitable for site conditions and also shows good
T5 15 sec 11-15 sec retention even after 2 hours. The percentage of crushed
3) U box Test sand was decreased from 50% to 47.53% and the
percentage of 10mm aggregate was increased from 50%
h1-h2 27mm Less than or equal to 30mm to 52.47%. This change in the percentages of aggregate
Concrete mix design was revised and as shown in table 5, and addition of Flyash increased the workability of the
50% fine and 50% coarse aggregates of the total concrete. Also optimal use of Micro Silica resulted in cost
aggregate.. The workability test results shows that initially optimization. 9 cubes of size 150 mm were casted for
the workability was good but, there was no retention and compressive strength test after 3, 7 and 28 days of curing
therefore there was a need to revise the mix. The flow of in water. The compressive strength test results were also
the concrete drastically fell down from 700mm initial to up to the mark.
520mm after 1 hour, this shows that there was not much
retention. 9 cubes of size 150 mm were casted for Trail number 4 was found to most suitable concrete mix
compressive strength test. The compressive strength test for site condition so therefore this mix was finalized.
results of 3 days and 7 days were excellent because of
increase in total cementitious materials, this allows slight IV. RESULTS & COST ANALYSIS
reduction in Micro Silica content.
Compressive Strength test was carried out on hardened
Therefore Micro Silica content was decreased from 150mm concrete cubes after 3, 7, & 28 days curing in
5.43% to 4.58%. Reduction in Micro Silica content water. Following are the results of compressive strength
reduced the overall cost of per Cum of concrete. Also of all trails.
Flyash content was increased from 23.26% to 25.19% to
increase the workability of the concrete. Total
cementitious material got increased 645kg/Cum to
Trail Number 4
Cement 70.23%
Flyash 25.19%
Micro Silica 4.58%
C/Sand 47.53%
C.A 1 52.47%
A/C 2.47
W/C 0.26
Admixture 0.80
ISSN (Online): 2347 - 2812, Volume-4, Issue -3, 2016
International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET)
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