Anemia in Cancer Patients

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Acta Haematologica Polonica 2021

Number 4, Volume 52, pages 397–401

REVIEW ARTICLE DOI: 10.5603/AHP.2021.0074
ISSN 0001–5814
e-ISSN 2300–7117

Anemia in cancer patients

Lukasz Bolkun*, Janusz Kloczko
Department of Hematology, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland

Equal contribution by both authors

Anemia is a common feature in c.40% of patients at the time of cancer diagnosis and in more than half of patients un-
dergoing anticancer therapy. Cancer-related anemia does have an unfavourable impact on the functional capacity of the
relevant tissue and organs. Its pathogenesis is complex and often difficult to identify. Symptoms related to cancer and
chemotherapy-induced anemia may have a negative impact on the quality of life and may influence treatment efficacy,
disease progression and even survival. Moreover, anemia causing tumor hypoxia leads to tumor progression through the
increase of local tumor expansion and spreading of metastases. Tumor hypoxia directly or indirectly confers resistance
to irradiation, some chemotherapeutic drugs, and photodynamic therapy. Therapeutic alternatives in cancer patients
with anemia include the substitution of the lacking agents, red blood cell (RBC) transfusions, iron supplementation,
and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs). Using ESAs reduces the need for red blood cell transfusions, decreases
the risk of post-transfusion adverse reactions, and improves the quality of life for cancer patients with chemothera-
py-induced anemia. The immediate administration of RBC transfusions is justified in patients with hemoglobin (Hb)
under 7–8 g/dL and/or severe anemia-related symptoms (even at higher Hb levels) and who require immediate Hb and
symptom improvement.
Therefore, clinical evidence supports the need to closely monitor Hb level in cancer patients. Anemia should be correct-
ed to improve chemo- and radiosensitivity and the quality of life.
Key words: anemia, cancer, cancer-related anemia, chemotherapy-induced anemia
Acta Haematologica Polonica 2021; 52, 4: 397–401

Introduction or failure to complete chemotherapy regimens on time.

Furthermore, the cytotoxicity induced by chemotherapy
Anemia is commonly encountered in cancer patients at drugs or/and radiotherapy requires adequate oxygen levels
various stages of disease progression, especially among in tissue. Since tumor hypoxia boosts tumor resistance
those who receive active chemotherapy with or without to radiation and chemotherapy, it can lead to the lack of
radiotherapy [1]. In a group of patients with cancer, anemia tumor response [2, 3].
can cause a wide range of signs and symptoms involving Multiple studies have suggested that, aside from its
organs of the body. Their severity depends on the level of important role in QOL issues, anemia constitutes an inde-
anemia, the speed of its onset, and existing co-morbidities pendent factor of survival in patients with cancers, espe-
and, above all, the type of cancer. The impact of anemia on cially those who received chemotherapy and radiotherapy
survival is connected with a delay in onset of the therapy at the same time [4, 5].

*Address for correspondence: Lukasz Bolkun, Department Copyright © 2021

of Hematology, Medical University of Bialystok, ul. Skłodowskiej-Curie 24A, The Polish Society of Haematologists and Transfusiologists,
15–276 Białystok, Poland, phone +48 85 831 82 30, Insitute of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine.
fax +48 85 831 84 84, e-mail: [email protected] All rights reserved.
Received: 30.04.2021 Accepted: 26.05.2021
This article is available in open access under Creative Common Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license, allowing to download
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Acta Haematologica Polonica 2021, vol. 52, no. 4

Epidemiology of anemia and its definition hemolytic anemia (AIHA), most often in the course of chron-
ic lymphocytic leukemia, lymphomas or adenocarcinoma
In a group of cancer patients, anemia occurs frequently, [11]. Moreover, in the course of neoplasms, there are cases
according to the data, even more than in 40% of cases [1]. of non-immune haemolysis caused by thrombotic microan-
In patients who received chemotherapy or/and radiothera- giopathy (TMA) [11]. It manifests as microangiopathic hae-
py the incidence of anemia may rise even to 90% of cases molytic anemia (MAHA), characterized by the absence of
[2]. A higher percentage of anemia is observed in some increased reticulocytosis (normal reticulocytes <2%) [11].
myelo- and lymphoproliferative cancers, e.g. acute leuke- Finally, selected chemotherapeutic agents, depending
mias (100%), myelodysplastic syndrome (95%), multiple on the dose and mechanism of action, induce anemia by
myeloma (85.3%), Hodgkin lymphoma (66%), and other impairing myeloid hematopoiesis [12]. No less important
non-Hodgkin lymphomas (77.9%) [6]. in the context of anemia development is the nephrotoxic
The severity of anemia is defined by the level of hemo- potential of selected substances, such as platinum salts,
globin (Hb) in the blood <14 g/dL for male population and which is associated with reduced erythropoietin (EPO) pro-
<12 g/dL for women. It is additionally subdivided into a few duction by renal Epo-producing cells (REPs) [13]. Moreover,
types: mild - when the level of Hb is below lower normal commonly used chemotherapy regimens involving cytostat-
range but more than 10 g/dL, moderate - when the level of ics from various groups are associated with a synergistic
Hb is between 8–10 g/dL, severe — with Hb level 6.5–8 g/ effect. Considering that an advanced stage of cancer usu-
/dL and life-threatening — when Hb is below 6.5 g/dL types. ally requires more and more intensive chemotherapy, the
incidence of anemia increases with each new cycle.
Treatment options
Despite the well-established knowledge about the patho-
physiology of cancer-induced anemia (CIA), its multifactorial It is necessary that efforts be made to identify the etiology
background often makes it difficult to clearly identify the of anemia and that its treatment be directed at the under-
cause of the decrease in hemoglobin concentration in the lying cause. The main purpose of its treatment should aim
population of cancer patients [7]. Attempts are being made at improving or resolving the symptoms of anemia, such
to systematize the causes of anemia, emphasizing the role as fatigue and dyspnea, enabling anticancer therapy and
of chronic blood loss and the associated iron deficiency, increasing quality of life, especially taking into account
as well as the chronic inflammatory process that implies a cancer patient’s life expectancy. It must be borne in
a reduction in hematopoiesis [8]. In the development of mind that this goal should be achieved with the possible
anemia, importance is also attached to excessive destruc- safest methods and least intensive one. What should be
tion of red blood cells, which is caused by the appearance treated first are the diagnosed deficiencies (like iron, folic
of auto-reactive antibodies [8]. acid or vitamin B12). If their correction does not lead to an
Cancer patients very frequently develop iron deficien- increase of hemoglobin, the options of treatment of anemia
cy, either absolute or functional. Absolute iron deficiency in cancer patients include iron treatment, a transfusion of
is caused mainly by bleeding, whereas other underlying packed red blood cells (RBC), and an application of the
factors such as insufficient intestinal iron resorption are erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs). The treatment of
usually of minor importance. Moreover, iron homeosta- cancer anemia or chemotherapy-induced anemia depends
sis seems to be associated with coexisting inflammation, on the level of hemoglobin and the severity of its symptoms.
and hepcidin, which is a cytokine-induced protein, is of Transfusion of red blood cells is the main option for patients
particular importance [9]. Hepcidin, being a key regulator who due to the symptoms, which lead to deterioration of
of iron uptake and release, reduces its absorption in the comorbidities, need immediate correction of their anemia.
gastrointestinal tract and regulates its metabolism in the In cancer patients who do not need a quick improvement
bone marrow microenvironment. As a consequence, iron of Hb level, the alternatives include a transfusion, an ESA
is not used effectively during erythropoiesis, resulting in therapy, and sometimes an iron therapy.
its impairment.
It should not be forgotten that the neoplastic process Red blood cell concentrations transfusion
itself is often associated with bone marrow infiltration,
thus exerting a suppressive effect on hematopoiesis [10]. Guidance on the use of red blood cell concentrations in
Moreover, neoplastic cells, demonstrating the ability to patients with cancers has been recently published as an
secrete cytokines, stimulate macrophage-dependent iron expert group recommendation [14]. However, RBC transfu-
sequestration [10]. sions ought not to be used as a universal method to correct
Another important cause of anemia, especially in the anemia in patients with diagnosed cancer They should be
field of hematooncology, is the development of autoimmune restricted to those conditions, in which they constitute the

Lukasz Bolkun, Janusz Kloczko, Anemia in cancer patients

only effective way to increase the Hb concentration or in is available in both oral and intravenous (i.v.) forms. The
which there are indications for quick removal or relief from clinical studies have shown a significantly faster and high-
symptoms related to anemia. er increase in hemoglobin concentrations in the group of
The RBC transfusions, according to the latest recom- patients receiving ESA who received intravenous iron sup-
mendation should be given for patients whose hemoglobin plementation than patients receiving iron orally or no iron
level falls under 7–8 g/dL, or in situations when a quick supplementation at all [21, 22]. On the other hand, i.v. iron
correction of serious, symptomatic anemia is needed [Eu- boasts the superiority of bypassing the intestinal hepci-
ropean Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)]. The choice din-ferroportin pathway that regulates iron absorption. Ad-
to use a blood transfusion should never be based sole- ditionally, i.v. iron leads to a faster rise of Hb concentration
ly on the Hb concentration. In patients with symptoms of and ensures better and more effective replenishment of
severe anemia or existing co-morbidities (e.g. ischemic iron storage in the body. A randomized investigation demon-
heart disease) and an ongoing or planned chemothera- strated no negative influence of i.v. iron treatment when
py or radiotherapy, a red blood cell transfusion should be given to patients with diagnosed lymphoid malignancies or
given even at a higher level of Hb than 8 g/dL. Moreover, patients after autologous hematopoietic stem cell trans-
available data showed that restrictive transfusion policies plantations [23]. However, intravenous iron is not recom-
for patients with cancer who present anemia, appear to mended to be given to patients who present an active in-
decrease blood utilisation without increasing side effects fection. It is recommended that injection of iron is not ad-
including morbidity or mortality [15]. ministered simultaneously with cardiotoxic chemotherapy
Although transfusions offer obvious advantages, they (anthracyclines, alkylating drugs and vinca alkaloids) [14].
are not risk-free, These risks include some transfusion-re-
lated reactions, congestive heart failure, an increased in- Erythropoietin-stimulating agents
cidence of thromboembolism and bacterial and viral infec- treatment
tions, and iron overload [16, 17]. Indeed, iron overload is
one of the most common side effects in patients with my- Erythropoietin-stimulating agents (ESA) are biological
elodysplastic syndrome (MDS) who need transfusions over analogues of human erythropoietin (EPO). Currently on
a long period. On the other hand, these problems are rarely the market, erythopoietin with a short (alpha, beta, theta,
seen in a group of patients with solid tumors for whom the zeta) and long (darbepoetin) duration of action is available.
transfusion period lasts less than a year [18]. Epoetin has the same acid sequence as EPO. Darbepoetin
The immune-modulatory effect of blood transfusions has an additional oligosaccharide, which results in a longer
in patients with diagnosed cancer is also well described. half-life [24]. The use of ESA aims to reduce the number
Large population-based studies and available data from of blood units transfused and thus reduces the possible
a meta-analysis implied a presence of a link between RBC risk of side effect reaction, improves fatigue-related symp-
transfusions and an increased risk of recurrence of ma- toms and QOL with chemotherapy-induced anemia. ESA
lignancy [19, 20]. therapy might be considered as an option in the case of
Because several post-transfusion adverse reactions asymptomatic patients who can deteriorate to more severe
can occur, including some fatal ones and in most of them anemia [25, 26]. Several clinical data and meta-analyses
the reason is the presence of leukocytes in the blood com- have reported that ESAs treatment results in a meaning-
ponents, and to limit an adverse reaction, one ought to fully significant betterment of the quality of life (QoL) and
choose the appropriate red cell concentrate (RCC) for each fatigue-related symptoms [27]. It is worth mentioning that
individual: leukocyte-depleted, irradiated, irradiated leuko- ESA, differently from RBC concentrates, has a beneficial
cyte-depleted, or washed RCC. impact on the immune system. It was also found that ESA
reduces the expression of numerous pro-inflammatory cy-
Iron treatment tokine genes [interleukin (IL)-1B, IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis
factor-alpha], contributes to lowering the concentration of
Iron supplementation IL-1α and IL-6, and by influencing the immune system, it
The criteria for starting iron supplementation include: causes a decrease in the number of suppressive cells like
■■ concentration of hemoglobin between (8 <Hb <10 g/ (CD8+CD152+) [28–30].
/dL); ESA is recommended to use for a patient with non-my-
■■ absolute iron deficiency (ferritin <100 ng/mL and trans- eloid malignancies including lymphomas and multiple my-
ferrin saturation <20%); elomas with chemotherapy-induced anemia (CIA). More-
■■ relative iron deficiency (ferritin >100 ng/mL and trans- over, in compliance with the ESMO, the use of ESAs are
ferrin saturation <20%). recommended in the case of patients with the diagnosed
Iron administration should be started before or at the myelodysplastic syndrome but only those with the lower-risk
same time as the ESA is started [1]. Iron supplementation myelodysplastic syndromes, whose serum erythropoietin 399
Acta Haematologica Polonica 2021, vol. 52, no. 4

level is below 500 U/L and who have a normal level of Ethics
blastic cells [31]. In patients who progress to acute my- The work described in this article has been carried out in
eloid leukiemia (AML), ESAs should not be used. Iron re- accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical
placement (i.v.) can be applied with a view to improving Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involv-
Hb response and reducing RBC transfusions for patients ing humans; EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experi-
receiving ESA with or without iron deficiency. The inclusion ments; Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted
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