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Evaluation of Textile Materials

Prof. Apurba Das

Department of Textile Technology
Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi

Lecture – 09
Evaluation of Fibre Length

Hello everyone we will continue with the course evaluation of textile material. In last week what
we have discussed is that the population sample and how to draw the sample we have discussed
and also we have seen that different types of material or materials in the different form, is to be
sampled in different way. Also we have discussed about practical statistics like how to do
significant testing. What are the implications of this significance testing in taking decisions?

Now today we are going to start the actual evaluation of textile material what we will discuss we
are actually; it has been divided into three distinct categories because textile materials are mainly
in three forms. First it is a loose fibre form, second continuous yarn form, third fabric form So over
all the planning is that we will try to first finish the characteristics of fibre. Then we will discuss
yarn and finally we will discuss the characteristics of fabrics.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:39)

So, today we will start the evaluation of one of the most important characteristics of fibre which
is length. Length of fibre particularly the manmade fibre it is not that important. For natural fibre
except say silk for rest other fibres are basically discontinuous in nature. So, we must try to see
how to measure the fibre length and majority of the fibres textile fibres for apparel use are natural
fibre we are talking about is cotton and wool. So our focus will be here to measure the length of
cotton and wool.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:44)

So, first let us see why to measure the fibre length? First is that quality assessment, so quality of
the fibre is dependent on various parameters for example fibre length, how long the fibre is, its
diameter, its strength. So, length is one of the parameter which is important to be measured ok. So,
for quality assessment of any fibre so we have to first measure the length particularly staple fibre
then quality prediction, so quality prediction here that means quality of final product. So quality
prediction here the final product is either in the form of yarn or in the form of fabric.

So, longer fibre will have higher contact area so we can have better yarn strength. So, to have
higher yarn strength we need longer fibre. So, our idea is to know by testing the fiber length how
long the fibre is and if the length is less than the prescribed length we may straight away reject that
fibre ok. And also long fibre will have better processability in spinning. Fibres with short fibers,
higher quantity of short fibre, higher proportion of short fibre creates problem.

There are various characteristics which are directly related with the fibre length these are strength,
evenness and even for longer fibre we can play with the amount of twist. So if we use longer fibre
we can have lower twist, lower the twist the appearance of the yarn and fabric will be much better.
So, it will enhance the lustre of the fabrics. So, directly we can predict from the length value what
will be the ultimate quality or characteristics of the final product.

Next importance is that fibre breakage study, so may like to know that the whether a particular
machine like blow room carding or any other machine combing or any other machine. So, due to
the setting problematic setting, so fibre may get damaged. So fibre may break so to study the
breakage of fibre what we have to do, we have to first measure the length. So, we measure the
length before processing and also after processing and if we compare that whether there is any
significant change in length, so significant reduction in length if at all there is significant reduction
in length.

We can actually reprocess the material and also we can do proper checking of the system. So, by
measuring the fibre length we can predict the performance of the particular process. Also machine
setting depends on the fibre length. So, depending on the fibre length longer fibre will need longer
setting. So, for a machine setting, its fibre length data is extremely important. Next is that combing
efficiency, so in combing what our idea?

Our idea is to remove the short fibre, so that how much short fibre is being removed during
combing, that is the combing efficiency so that we can predict by measuring the fibre length. And
also we can see and we can check whether any long fibre loss is there or not. So, combing main
objective is to remove the short fibre less than prescribed specified length if the combing setting,
combing performance is not up to the mark then it may remove the long fibre also. So, by checking
or by measuring the fibre length or fibre length distribution we can tell that whether the combing
its doing his performance perfectly or not ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:26)
So, Fibre length; now let us see fibre length characteristics length of fibre how can we express
what are the different ways to express the fibre length and one by one we will discuss in detail. So,
the fibre length can be expressed in terms of first staple length ok. Staple length we will discuss in
detail it is a overall idea about the length ok, this is the staple length. Next is that mean length
mean length fibre length we can express in terms of mean length. Next its upper quartile length
UQL upper quarter length.

Fourth one is by effective length; we can express the fibre length in terms of effective length,
modal length ok, span length. Span length there are different types of span length. So, more
commonly used span lengths are 50% span length and 2.5 % span length. Next is upper half-mean
length and all these parameters they are important but different measuring technique give different
type of parameters ok. So, these are the upper half-mean length span length these two parameters
its given by the fibrogram.

Like effective length we can measure by comb sorter diagram, upper quartile length, effective
length, mean length we can measure comb sorter diagram. So, different methods of measurement
they give different parameters.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:32)
Next is that after knowing the fibre length we would like to know the variability of the fibre length.
So, most of the almost all the natural fibres they are not uniform in length. So, for a fibre which is
say mean length is longer but if the variation is very high then the fibre will be rejected . So that
performance of the fibre is actually judged by not only by the mean length or span length it is also
is judged by the variation in length. So, fibre it is very important to know the variation, variation
and length of the fibre.

So, variation in the length is expressed by first is the dispersion percentage, the dispersion
percentage we can get from the sorter diagram. Uniformity index is another way of expression of
fibre length variation. Then uniformity ratio, uniformity index and uniformity ratio we get from
fibrogram these details we will discuss. Short fibre content, we can get from this different types of
curves and the floating fibre index. So these are the ways by which we can express the fibre length
distribution fibre length variation ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:04)
Now, one by one we will try to understand the terms so staple length is actually Defined by US
department of agriculture USDA it’s a standard definition what they have made is the it is a normal
length of typical portion of staple fibres having relative humidity of 65% and temperature of 70
degree Fahrenheit without regard to value or quality. So this is the standard definition, now what
does it mean, it means that it is a typical length we cannot get exact value it is a typical value.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:54)

So, typically it is a it is a we get like this in the form so you take one some tuft then draw and
double, draw and double in this way we would like to make fibres straight and parallel so most of
the most of the fibres we are making parallel by drawing and doubling. So in this way and it will
be typically half width ok this is the tuft now let me draw and Show you.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:21)

So, the typical length is that, so these are the fibres ok now this fibre we have actually doubled
repeatedly like what we are doing drafting and doubling drafting and doubling in this way what
we will get the fibre strand like this. In this way, So, here what we will do we are not bothered
about the long fibres these fibres we are not bothered, the projected fibres are not important. Here
we will try to do try to take one point where there is clear change in density. These are the higher
density portion where majority of the fibres are there ok suddenly there is a change. So by actually
experience we will get lengths.

This is the length where the on the either side at this point; so this is the point,and this is point A
and point B, so between point A and B majority of the fibres are there majority of the fibres are
there suddenly after A if you go beyond A, left side of A here we will see sudden change in density
is there so there is a clear line is there. Similarly in case of B up to B density is there more majority
of fibres are there. Beyond B there is sudden change in density few fibres we are, we are.

Discarding these fibres, so this length AB length, this is the actually the Staple length. Here staple
length we actually cannot use for any quality purpose this value is used basically for only
comparative; quick evaluation of fibre length, so, that is why it is written that without regard to
value and quality. So, we would like to know, what is the overall length of the majority of the
fibre? So, as per USDA the classification of cotton fibre according to the staple length, so staple
length is just by the experienced person ok.

And if different person does, so if we give fibre bundle fibre bulk ok to different person, so they
will land up with different result. So it is a subjective in nature only experienced person can do
this. And as per the USDA norms so less than 20.6 millimetres it is a short fibre, 20. to 25.4 is
medium length fibre, and like that so above 34.9 millimetre is the extra long fibre. So this is the
actual classification of the staple length as per the USDA.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:55)

Next is that its mean length; mean length of the fibre is defined as the average, its length of all
fibres in the test specimen based on weight length data. So it can be weight length data or it can be
number length data. Based on the weighing, so based on the mass of the fibre mass for a particular
length group we can get the mean length which is called the weight length data. So, Mean length
is based on weight So, ML (w) is the w1 l1 w2l2 w3l3 like that. So, here is the example is that the
fibres are divided into 3 length groups.

l1, l2, l3, so, l1 length group that is there, so the mass is w1, l2 length group the mass is w2, l3
length group the mass is w3. So the mean length based on the mass, weight so that is divided by
w1 w2 w3. Now let us try to see here.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:20)
Suppose this is the fibre length distribution, curve here what we are doing these are the fibres, so
cotton fibres are there or may be wool fibres. And these fibres, this is the length and this is the
proportion of fibre ok. Now this we can have say there fibres are length groups l1 all this fibres.
So we are divided into say four length groups. This is say l2,so this means l1 means this is upper
limit this one is lower limit And mean point, This is the range ok class limit and l1 is the that mid
value of the class.

This is l1 group, this one l2 and similarly this is say l3 length group l3, this is the length group say
l4 like this. And then what we will do we will take these fibres and measure the mass of the fibres
in a particular say micro valance this is becoming w1, here the mass is w2, here the mass is w3,
w4 like this. So that the mean length based on the mass will be

, this is the way we can measure the mean length based on mass ok.

It also can be calculated based on the number in that case it is called the number length data. So,
the number length data is simple. So, mean length based on number is
so on and l is that number.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:44)

Now, Let us see once again suppose we have fibres these are the fibres what we do this is l1, l2,
l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, l8, so these are the l8 fibres. So, you want to know the mean length its very simple
just add and then divide by the number of fibres. So, this is
11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ 16+ 17+ l8
so this is the mean length divided by standard length. So we must clearly understand the difference
between the mass based length and number based length. So, these terms are widely used in
industries both in Cotton Industry particularly in woollen industry. The mass based data and
number based data.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:47)
Next term is that upper quartile length as per ASTM upper quartile length defined as the fibre
length which is exceeded by 25% by weight in the test specimen that is the upper quartile length.
Now again let us discuss the upper quartile length.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:16)

Based on mass again this is the fibre length distribution length and this is the proportion of fibre
ok. Now here this mass has got this has say X mass, if we take the total fibre, the mass of the total
fibre is say X milligram. Now, then we will keep on taking the from the starting from right side
we will keep on going weighing this. So, what is that it is the top 20%, 25% ok so that is why till
it has become say 75% at this point this is the weight of; weight of 0.75X mass. So that from there
this point, so this is the 25% weight, 25% weight mass; if we talk about the mass total mass is

So, this length is called upper quartile length so that as per definition the upper quartile length is
defined as the fibre length which exceeded by 25% of fibres by weight so that means that particular
length ok is exceeded, so rest 25% fibres will be more than that length ok that is called upper
quartile length and based on that the it is been classified again. The upper quartile length we can
see < 27.9 it is a short fibre, 27.9 to 31.5 its a medium fibre then this is this classification is as per
ASTM classification.

But this may not be true for all fibres, like some short staple fibres we cannot use this type of
characteristics this type of classification because the short staple fibres 27.9 millimetres maybe the
longest fibre So that way this is for the particular type of fibre.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:46)

Next is the effective length, So, the effective length is the longer than the average length it is the
longer than the average length and it is the measure of the length of the majority of long fibre in
the sample. So here in this picture this is the sorter diagram, in this sorter diagram we will discuss
the detail of the sorter diagram but here let us try to understand the effective length here LL’ is the
length ok. LL’ is the length which is called effective length.
Now, Here it is longer than the mean length the mean length will be somewhere here, so effectively
it is longer than the average length of the fibre and it is the measure of the length of the majority
of the long fibre here. So, the majority of the long fibre it is the effective length. The effective
length is described statistically by the upper quartile of the fibre length distribution obtained by
ignoring the short fibre. Now this is you have to understand here.

So, this is the length described statistically by the upper quartile of the length distribution this is
the length distribution obtained by the; by ignoring the short fibres whose length is less than 1/2
of the effective length. Now this is the effective length suppose this is the midpoint half of the
effective length is this one so if we remove this length this RB, this portion if we remove. That is
the remaining fibre is this one OR, so OR if we divide into 4 equal terms then this OL is the upper
quartile length.

So, so you divide OL then another 1/4th, then 1/4th and upto OR, so OR is dividing into 4 terms, so
that this top 1/4th that distance L1, L2 that it is called the upper quartile of the fibre length
distribution this is called effective length. So in detail we will discuss and this effective length is
mainly used for roller setting ok because It is basically it shows the longer higher portion of the
fibre length.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:29)
Next comes the modal length; modal length is the length of the fibre with higher frequency that
means the majority of the fibre lengths are in that zone so if we take the distribution here so suppose
this fibre particularly at this length the frequency this is the frequency, this is the proportion of the
fibre. Now, Next is that this is the proportion ok and like that the proportion is actually given here
ok at the horizontal line. Now we have to see here which portion has got the width of the rectangle
is the highest.

So, here this the rectangle of this portion the width is highest, so that length, the height of that
portion that rectangle will be termed as the modal length which means the majority of the higher
frequency of the fibre length is in that range ok. Modal length of the long staple cotton is higher
than the mean length so it will get shifted to the higher direction due to the progressive increase in
the skewness with the increasing staple length of the fibre. So it will be skewed towards the higher
length because of the; if you are talking about the long staple cotton.

The long staple cotton the majority of the long fibre will be on the longer side ok. So that majority
of the fibres so that is why the modal length will be higher. So from model length we can get the
overall idea rough idea about the length distribution.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:20)

Next come the term span length; the span length is the length of the fibre at a distance spanned by
a specific percent of fibre or it can be by mass ok by number or by mass in the test beard
considering the remaining sorry considering the reading as 100% at the starting point of the
scanning. Now let us try to understand here.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:58)

Now, Suppose we have prepared a fibre clamp this is the clamp ok. And it is typically used in
fibrogram fibre sampler. Now this clamp is clamping the fibre and this is the type of distribution,
type of distribution. So all the fibres they are starting from the; this point clamping point ok. Now,
now we like to scan the fibre from this point, this is the starting point close to the this clamp ok
point A, this is the point A, At this point at the end point here the number of fibres say 100.

At this point number of fibres is say 100, let us say now we try to count the number, number of
fibres here, at this point is 100 then we are we try to move from this point a line AB, line AB we
try to move this way, away from the clamp. Suppose at this point, say at point C, again we are
trying to count the number of fibres here we count 100, suppose at this point suppose we are
counting fibre as say 80, so this is O at this starting point , at C point at 80.

After again moving further, moving suppose at this point at D we have count the number is suppose
its 50, initially there was 100 fibres now it is 50. Now this distance OD is known as 50% span
length. This is the distance OD, is the 50% span length that means the 50% of the total fibre are
longer than this length. That is why 50% span length OD is the 50% span length. Now again go
further gradually and we have reached suppose a point where its E point.
So, at distance OE, so at the point E, we found that only 2.5% of fibres are there. 2.5% of fibres
are there so here this distance OE is called 2.5% span length. So, that is why this is the distance
one should be careful here higher percent means lower in span length. So, 50% span length means
it is lower in value, then 2.5% span length ok. So that the distribution of the fibre length it gives
idea about the total distribution of the fibre length.

And so the span length is the length of the fibre, fibres at a distance spanned by the specific percent
of fibres it can be by number or it can be weight. By weight also we can do ok in the test beard
considering the reading as 100% at the starting point of the scanning ok. So, it is the most common
span length or commercially used are the 2.5% span length and 50% span length.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:35)

Now, As we have already discussed we have seen this is the type of curve we get ok this is the
fibrogram ok. Now try to see this is the fibrogram how to form.
(Video Start: 35:52)

Initially say 100% fibre here, now we have started scanning normally it is optically scanned density
are the number of fibres. So, as it is moving here at this point here it is 50% of the fibre this is
called 50% span length. So, it is moving further ok and so number of fibre so as it is moving further
number percent of fibre is reducing gradually. So, the length it is length from the starting point
clamping point is actually increasing so number of fibre is reducing 20% then 10%, 5% almost 5%
and it is also reducing, so gradually it is reducing to 3% and almost it has reached to say 2.5%.

It is reaching so that is why this is the 2.5% point here we have reached and after that it is going
and then ultimately it will be zero. So this length, this length is 2.5% Span Length, if there are
1000 fibres so that range 25 fibres will be there more than that length that is why it is called 2.5%
length ok. In this way we can measure the span length.
(Video End: 37:31)

And based on this fibrogram do we can do lots of calculation other information we will get that
we can discuss gradually.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:38)

So, 2.5% span length is defined as the length of fibre at which only 2.5%, of long fibres are
excluded. Rest 97.5% fibres are below that length it provides the reference length for roller setting
ok. So we can set the roller based on 2.5% of fibre length because it is majority of the length. Only
2.5% of fibres are there which are actually longer that may get damaged. So, we may this is the
reference point. If you feel we can set the length little bit above the 2.5% length but that is the
reference length to be adjusted so that few or if any fibres are broken.
So, our idea is there is to ok; only 2.5% may break if it is there ok. 2.5% span length is close to
upper half-mean length it is very close to if you do that upper half-mean length for long staple
fibre this is very close. Upper half-mean length we will discuss and the 50% span length is more
valuable as a potential measure of yarn quality and the fibre spinning performance. So 50% span
length is used to know the overall fibre length and spinning performance.

And 2.5% span length is basically used for roller setting, it is a longer fibre. If we know the 2.5%
then we cannot say that this fibre is longer it is not that. So, if you want to know the average overall
idea about the fibre length we have to use only 50% span length, 2.5% suppose the majority of the
fibres are short ok few fibres long that will give, that will give the wrong impression ok that is why
to know the fibre length characteristics overall length we do not use 2.5% we only use 50% span
length ok. 2.5% span length only used for setting of yarn setting of machines drafting roller setting
different machine setting so less fibres are broken ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:16)

Now what we have discussed that it also give the idea about the 50% span length and 2.5% also
gives it gives the idea of mean length and upper half mean length. So from mean length and upper
half-mean length we can get the idea of dispersion of fibre characteristics fibre length. Now let us
(Video Start: 40:44)
We can see very carefully here this is the fibrogram and how the fibrogram is generated that we
have seen ok. So, 50% of fibres are there and then it is moving and fibre percent is 20% like that
10% ultimately it will be 2.5% here. So, 2.5% of fibres are here and then it has ended ok so that is
0% here it is touching so this is the 2.5% so after that what is there; what we have to do we have
to draw a tangent.
(Video Start: 41:36)

From 100% point of the curve, so once we draw the tangent From the 100% point it will actually
intersect with the X axis at a point A, that means this distance OA is called mean length which is
very close to 50% span length ok that is the mean length another tangent we can draw from the
50% point and here this is a point B and this distance OB is called upper half-mean length ok. So,
OA is the mean length and this of is the upper half-mean length. And from there we can do some
calculation ok. So, 50% span length is L1L1’ and 2.5% span length is L2 L2’, so L1 L1’ is a 50%
span length.

L2 L2’ is the 2.5% length and OA is the mean length and OB is the upper half-mean length and if
we take the ratio off 50% span length that is the L1 L1’ this one and 2.5% span length L2 L2’ this
ratio is known as uniformity ratio ok. You can express either in fraction or in percent. So it is
normally expressed in percent so this multiplied by 100. Typically for cotton fibre it ranges from
40% to 50% ok that is the range of the uniformity ratio and the uniformity index is the this is the;

Now, Uniformity index is the ratio of mean length OA mean length and then upper half mean
length so OA and OB this ratio is the ratio; this is the uniformity index and again we can express
in terms of fraction or in terms of percent by multiplying by100. And for normal cotton it is
ranging from 75 to 80%. So, 75 to 80%, This is there actually people may get confused uniformity
ratio and uniformity index. Uniformity index is the ratio of mean length and upper half-mean

Uniformity ratio is 50% span length/2.5% span length and if you see the value this is actually the;
basically upper half-mean length, The uniformity ratio is 1.8 times less than the uniformity index
typically it is the typical Cotton. And we can calculate that you will see for most uniform fibre
length. That is the fibre length of say a cut Polyester fibre so all the fibres are of same length in
that case we will see the calculation the uniformity ratio it is typically around 51% and uniformity
index is 100% this we will see.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:34)

Now fibre length variation; but this part we have seen here the uniformity ratio and uniformity
index. There are other parts the dispersion percent.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:45)

As I mentioned earlier dispersion percent we calculate from the comb sorter diagram ok baer sorter,
sorter we can calculate the dispersion percentage and LL’ is the effective length here, LL’ is
effective upper quartile length and MM’ is the lower quartile length ok. If you divide OR, OR into
4 terms it will be OL that will be midpoint and then that point into M and MR this is the way so
that means MR and OL are same. And this is the upper quartile length the LL’ is the upper quartile
length which is known as the effective length.

And MM’ is the lower quartile length and the difference between the upper quartile and lower
quartile is known as inter quartile range.
So that LL’ - MM’ what does it mean LL’- MM’ will be L’ N so NL’ which is inter quartile length.
That length ok divided by LL’ divided by LL’ it is called dispersion percent
Dispersion%=NL ´ /LL ´
ok now let us see how what is the importance of inter quartile range.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:28)

Suppose we have two fibres distribution, 1 fibre is having longer length say length is, this is the
distribution Here it is the same point we have started. Longest fibre is say OA. Another distribution
is say O’ here the longest fibre is little bit shorter A’, this is the distribution. Now we have to decide
which; this is say fibre1 and this is fibre2. Now we can decide which fiber we have to take, we
have to select the longest fibre length is OA, so OA > OA’ that is perfect. Based on the maximum
length should we go for the fibre length calculation?

Now here we can measure the length distribution. Now this is the length ok here suppose this is
effective length upper quartile length ok LL’ and here if say suppose its MM’. Now inter quartile
range will be say this is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 units ok this is 1, 2, 3 unit. So, this inter quartile range say will
be N. So NL’ will be LL’ - MM’ here. But here if you see L1 L1’ and here it will be M1 M1’. Now
here the differences is; So, N1 L1’, this N1 L1’ is much less than NL dash this one.

So, this distance this is the variation, this one is the variation, this although the fibre1 having longer
length, higher maximum length, fibre2 as lower maximum length but as the variation of the fibre
is less much less here so the performance of the fibre2 is much better than the fibre one. Here there
will be high floating fibre the fibre loss will be very high ok so, we should go for the fibre2 based
on the dispersion percent. In this way we from the sorter diagram we can calculate the dispersion
percentage and we can take decision. So, Dispersion percent will keep idea about the running
performance of the yarn.
(Refer Slide Time: 51:29)

Now the uniformity index; as we have already discussed this is the ratio of the mean length to the
upper half-mean length that is the uniformity index.

Where, ML = Mean Length

UHML= Upper half Mean Length
This is uniformity mean length and upper half-mean length that we have seen. So for very high
uniformity index is it is more than 85% we can tell it is very high uniformity index and if it is less
than 77% so it is a low. It ranges from typically this is for very good quality but in general for
cotton from USDA for general it varies from 70 to 80%.
(Refer slide Time: 52:14)

And The uniformity ratio that we have already discussed it is the ratio of the 50% span length
divided by 2.5% span length ok and if you can express in terms of percent also by multiplying by
100. And this is, this value so it is typically 40 to 50% that is the range.
Uniformity ratio (U.R.) = 50 % span length /2.5 % span length
= S50% / S2.5%
Uniformity ratio (U.R.) in %= [50 % span length /2.5 % span length ] *100
= [S50% / S2.5% ] * 100
Now, it is the smaller value so uniformity ratio always we should always remember it is smaller
in value then the uniformity index factor roughly about 1.8. so, If someone ask for; I have a yarn,
I have fibre of say 45% uniformity ratio what is the expected uniformity index. That is if you
multiply it by 1.8 so then we will get rough idea about the uniformity index ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 53:19)
Now, the Short fibre content; that we can get directly from the sorter diagram, so what is that sorter
diagram these are the different length. This is the upper quartile length this is the lower quartile
length and length less than anything less than 1/2 inch the proportion of fibre ok that may be by a
mass or by number also normally by its mass. So, short fibre content is percent by weight of fibre
having length less than; 1/2 of an inch ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 54:08)

Now short fibre content SFC percent what to do this is the sorter diagram and we know that this is
the length ok, where suppose this length is say 1/2 inch. Now we take this length of 1/2 inch length
now we discard this fiber, we collect this fibre, we collect this fibre and this is the length and then
we can take the mass, total mass of this fibre w, here it is say w1. So, that we can get the proportion
percent we can take the mass this that is the percent of the short fibre content important in various

It can also be measured by percentage by number as I have mentioned of fibres having number
less than 1/2 inch ok with the respective short fibre content percentage in number ok. That by
weight or by number we can calculate.
(Refer Slide Time: 55:35)

And the short fibre content of fibre is very important particularly in combing so, the percent short
fibre in cotton increases the cost of processing ok. Like if the short fibre content is more so that
fibres less than 1/2 inch typically we would like to remove discard this fibre ok. when Once we go
for combing we try to remove all the fibre less than 1/2 of inch because These fibres create problem
of hairiness and strength related problem and higher short fibre content means so it will go waste
and it is here economically it is not viable.

Its cost of processing increases and more short fibre content higher short fiber content fiber
normally do not use for carded yarn then we have to go for combing so unnecessarily there will be
a cost implication. So, for that we must know what is the short fibre content of the fibre mass. Also
it contributes to be weaker yarn, so yarn strength will be less ok and less efficient spinning process
because; the higher short fibre content will have weaker yarn also the yarn uniformity will be poor
because it will create the floating fibres ok.
Long length fibres are mostly preferred due to the reduction in number of fibre ends that this is
hairs with higher strength yarn in the same length ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 57:24)

And floating fibre index; floating fibre index is an alternative to short fibre content that is there I
have already mentioned the short fibre content is the indication of floating fibre index. So, the
shorter the fibre the more will be the floating fibres. So, It explains the number of short fibres
which are not clamped in between by the nip rollers. Now the short fibre content is high it give
indication of floating fibres and which will actually create problem this are not actually gripped
by the pair of drafting roller.

Fibres that are floated on long fibres to pass through the drafting zone without the influence of the
applied drafting mechanism so drafting mechanism it is not actually giving any help like;
(Refer Slide Time: 58:26)
this is the drafting roller this is the front roller this is the back roller ok now the fibre mass is getting
drafted this is moving in faster speed this will be in slower speed ok. Now, Short fibre content
short fibres are; floating fibres are like this gripped this is neither by the back roller or by the front
roller it is floating it is moved by the surface contact of normal fibres. These are the floating fibres,
these floating fibres creates problem of yarn uniformity.

So, what we have discussed we have discussed in detail of fibre length parameters, fibre length
uniformity parameter and
(Refer Slide Time: 59:22)

Now in the next segment we will discuss the methods of measurement till then thank you.

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