Experiment No.04: Department of Chemistry Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Course CH1102

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Department of Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Course CH1102

Experiment No.04

To determine iodometrically the strength in (g/L) of a given unknown potassium dichromate
(K2Cr2O7) solution using KI as a source of iodine and N/10 standard solution of sodium thiosulfate
(Hypo Na2S2O3).

When Potassium iodide is added to Potassium dichromate it becomes brick red, an equivalent amount
of iodine is liberated.
K2Cr2O7 +7 H2SO4+6KI  K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3+7H2O+3I2

The liberated iodine is titrated against standard sodium thiosulphate in presence of starch solution as
an indicator. The blue colour appears due to adsorption of iodine on starch. The iodine immediately
reacts with sodium thiosulphate and converts to sodium iodide. When the end point reaches the blue
colour of starch complex suddenly disappears and pure green solution appears Cr2 (SO4)3.

2Na2S2O3+I2  Na2S4O6+ 2NaI

Apparatus and reagents required:

Burette, pipette, conical flask, sodium thiosulphate solution, potassium dichromate solution,
potassium iodide solution, dilute sulfuric acid, starch solution.

 Wash the apparatus with distilled water.
 Rinse pipette with K2Cr2O7 and transfer 10 ml of it to conical flask.
 Add 10 ml of dilute sulphuric acid
 Add 10 ml of KI solution, brick red colour solution is obtained due to iodine
 Titrate this reaction mixture against sodium thiosulphate solution, taken in burette, the brown
orange colour fades as the hypo solution is added.
 When only a faint yellow colour remains add 2 drops of starch solution, the solution becomes
dark blue. To avoid excess adsorption of iodine on starch, indicator is added when solution is
faint yellow.

Department of Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Course CH1102

 Add more sodium thiosulphate from burette till appearance of light green/blue colour which
indicate the endpoint.
 Repeat the titration until concordant reading is obtained.

Observation table:
Titration between Na2S2O3 solution & unknown K2Cr2O7 solution.

S.No. Volume of Burette reading (mL) Volume of Na2S2O3 Concordant

K2Cr2O7 solution solution consumed (mL) volume (mL)
Initial Final




To calculate strength of unkown K2Cr2O7.
N1V1 = N2V2
N1= Strength of K2Cr2O7
N2=Strength of Na2S2O3
V1=Volume of K2Cr2O7
V2=Volume of Na2S2O3
We have to determine N1=

Strength in g/L = N1  equivalent weight of K2Cr2O7

The strength of given unknown solution of K2Cr2O7 = ….. g/L


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