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Geochemical and Geophysical Methodologies in

Geothermal Exploration

Geophysical Methods in Geothermal Exploration


Adele Manzella
Italian National Research Council
International Institute for Geothermal Research
Pisa, Italy

Contents 1
1. Introduction 2
2. Subsurface temperature and thermal gradient surveys 7
3. Gravity methods 11
4. Magnetic methods 11
5. Seismic methods 13
5.1 Active seismic methods 13
5.2 Passive seismic methods 17
6. Geophysical well logging 19
7. Electrical methods 20
7.1 Natural source methods (magnetotelluric and self-potential) 22
7.1.1 Magnetotelluric method 22
7.1.2 Self-potential method 31
7.2 Electromagnetic methods 32
7.3 Direct current methods 36
7.4 Modelling and Inversion 38
References 40


Geophysical methods play a key role in geothermal exploration since many objectives of
geothermal exploration can be achieved by these methods. The geophysical surveys are
directed at obtaining indirectly, from the surface or from shallow depth, the physical
parameters of the geothermal systems.
A geothermal system is made up of four main elements: a heat source, a reservoir, a
fluid, which is the carrier that transfers the heat, and a recharge area. The heat source is
generally a shallow magmatic body, usually cooling and often still partially molten. The
volume of rocks from which heat can be extracted is called the geothermal reservoir, which
contains hot fluids, a summary term describing hot water, vapour and gases. A geothermal
reservoir is usually surrounded by colder rocks that are hydraulically connected with the
reservoir. Hence water may move from colder rocks outside the reservoir (recharge)
towards the reservoir, where hot fluids move under the influence of buoyancy forces
towards a discharge area.
The first aspect of defining a geothermal system is the practical one of how much power
can be produced. In most cases, the principal reason for developing geothermal energy is to
produce electric power, although as an alternative the geothermal heat could be used in
process applications or space heating. The typical geothermal system used for electric
power generation must yield approximately 10 kg of steam to produce one unit (kWh) of
electricity. Production of large quantities of electricity, at rates of hundreds of megawatts,
requires the production of great volumes of fluid. Thus, one aspect of a geothermal system
is that it must contain great volumes of fluid at high temperatures or a reservoir that can be
recharged with fluids that are heated by contact with the rock. A geothermal reservoir
should lie at depths that can be reached by drilling. It is unreasonable to expect to find a
hidden geothermal reservoir at depths of less than 1 km; at the present time it is not feasible
to search for geothermal reservoirs that lie at depths of more than 3 or 4 km.
Experience has shown that each well drilled in a geothermal field must be capable of
supporting 5 MW of electrical production; this corresponds to a steam production of 10
tonnes/h. To accomplish this, a well must penetrate permeable zones, usually fractures, that
can support a high rate of flow. In many geothermal fields the wells are spaced so as to
produce 25 – 30 MW km-2. At a few locations, where the reservoir consists of a highly
fractured and shattered rock and there is little interference between wells, production rates
may reach several hundred megawatts per square kilometre over small areas.
The geological setting in which a geothermal reservoir is to be found can vary widely.
The largest geothermal fields currently under exploitation occur in rocks that range from
limestone to shale, volcanic rock and granite. Volcanic rocks are probably the most
common single rock type in which reservoirs occur. Rather than being identified with a
specific lithology, geothermal reservoirs are more closely associated with heat flow
systems. Many of the developed geothermal reservoirs around the world occur in
convection systems in which hot water rises from deep within the earth and is trapped in
reservoirs whose cap rock has been formed by silicification, or precipitation of other
mineral elements. As far as geology is concerned, therefore, the important factors in
identifying a geotherma1 reservoir are not rock units, but rather the existence of tectonic
elements such as fracturing, and the presence of high heat flow.
The high heat flow conditions that give rise to geothermal systems commonly occur in
rift zones, subduction zones and mantle plumes, where, for unknown reasons, large
quantities of heat are transported from the mantle to the crust of the earth.
Geothermal energy can also occur in areas where thick blankets of thermally insulating
sediment cover basement rock that has a relatively normal heat flow. Geothermal systems
based on the thermal blanket model are generally of lower grade than those of volcanic
An important element in any model of a geothermal system in a vo1canic area is the
source for the system: in other words, the existence of an intruded hot rock mass beneath
the area where the shallower reservoirs are expected to occur. The source of a geothermal
system could be either a pluton or a complex of dykes, depending upon the rock type
injected (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Diagrammatic cross sections of hypothetical geothermal systems. The system on

the left is not closely associated to an intrusion but results from higher than normal thermal
gradients through a sequence of thermally resistant rocks. The system on the right has an
intrusion as the heat source.

A geothermal exploration programme is based on a number of phenomena associated

with the intrusive model for a geothermal system. The model system that we hypothesise
needs a source, in the form of intrusions that have been emplaced no more than half a
million to one million years ago, so that excess heat still exists. The region above the source
of the geothermal system must be fractured by tectonic activity, fluids must be available for
circulation in a convection cell, and the precipitation of a cap rock must have taken place.
All these elements represent targets for the application of geological, geophysical and
geochemical prospecting techniques. Because of the high temperatures involved, both in
the geothermal reservoir and in the source of the geothermal system, we can expect major

changes to have taken place in the physical, chemical and geological characteristics of the
rock, all of which can be used in the exploration project.
Heat is not easily confined in small volumes of rock. Rather, heat diffuses readily, and a
large volume of a rock around a geothermal system will have its properties altered. The
rock volume in which anomalies in properties are to be expected will, therefore, generally
be large. Exploration techniques need not offer a high level of resolution. Indeed, in
geothermal exploration we prefer an approach that is capable of providing a high level of
confidence that geothermal fluids will be recovered on drilling.
A geothermal assessment programme on a regional basis will begin with a review and
coordination of the existing data. All heat flow data acquired previously will have to be re-
evaluated, re-gridded, smoothed, averaged and plotted out in a variety of forms in an
attempt to identify areas with higher than normal average heat flow. Similarly, the volumes
of volcanic products with ages younger than 106 years should be tabulated in a similar way
to provide a longer-range estimate of anomalous heat flow from the crust. Because
fracturing is important, levels of seismicity should be analysed, averaged and presented in a
uniform format. All information on thermal springs and warm springs should be quantified
in some form and plotted in the same format. Comparison of these four sets of data, which
relate directly to the characteristics of the basic geothermal model described above, will
produce a pattern that will indicate whether the area possesses the conditions favourable for
the occurrence of specific geothermal reservoirs. These areas should then be tested further
by applying some or all of the many geophysical, geological and geochemical techniques
designed to locate specific reservoirs from which fluids can be produced.
The next stage of exploration consists of techniques for detecting the presence of a
geothermal system. A geothermal system generally causes inhomogeneities in the physical
properties of the subsurface, which can be observed to varying degrees as anomalies
measurable from the surface.
These physical parameters include temperature (thermal survey), electrical conductivity
(electrical and electromagetic methods), elastic properties influencing the propagation
velocity of elastic waves (seismic survey), density (gravity survey) and magnetic
susceptibility (magnetic survey). Most of these methods can provide valuable information
on the shape, size, and depth of the deep geological structures constituting a geothermal
reservoir, and sometimes of the heat source. An increase of silica amount in volcanic rocks
decreases the density. Thermal surveys can delimit the areas of enhanced thermal gradient,
which is a basic requirement for high-enthalpy geothermal systems, and define temperature
distribution. Information on the existence of geothermal fluids in the geological structures
can be obtained with the electrical and electromagnetic prospectings, which are more
sensitive than other surveys to the presence of these fluids, especially if salty, and to
variations in temperature. Moreover resistivity are strongly affected by porosity and
saturation. Resistivity decreases with increasing porosity and increasing saturation.
The same parameters measured indirectly from the surface can also be obtained from
wells, by the method known as geophysical logging.
The depth at which rocks become conductive because of thermal excitation can be
determined with relatively good reliability by means of the magnetotelluric method.
Experience around the world has shown a remarkably good corre1ation between the depth
to a thermally excited conductor and regional heat flow, as indicated in Fig. 2. If thermally
excited rocks occur at depths as shallow as 10 to 20 km within the crust, it is almost certain
that a partially molten intrusive is present; the normal depth for thermally excited
conductive rocks ranges from fifty to several hundred kilometres.
Fig. 2. Observed correlation between the depth to thermally excited conductive zone in the
crust or mantle (based on magnetotelluric soundings) and heat flow.

The Curie point method has the potential for providing confirmation of the existence of
a hot rock mass in the crust. When rocks are heated above temperatures of a few hundred
degrees Centigrade, they lose their ferromagnetism. Under favourable circumstances, the
depth to this demagnetisation level can be determined with reasonable accuracy.
Further confirmation can be obtained by p-wave delay and shear wave shadow studies.
(When an anomalously hot mass of rock is present in the ground, the compressional (p)
waves from earthquakes are delayed in transit, while the shear (s) waves are reduced in
amplitude). To detect such an effect, an array of seismograph stations is set up in the
vicinity of an anomaly. The seismograph stations are operated over a sufficiently long time
to record a few tens of teleseisms. The wave speeds for various ray paths through the
suspected anomalous zone are then computed; if the rock is partially molten, the p-wave
velocities will be from 20 to 30 per cent lower than their normal values. An increase of
silica amount in volcanic rocks decreases the p-wave velocity. Moreover seismic velocity is
strongly affected by porosity and saturation. Wave velocity is reduced by increasing
porosity but shows different behaviour for different saturation, with an inverse relationship
when saturation is high (100/85%) and a direct relationship when saturation is low, being
constant for saturation of 15-85%.
A group of prospect areas should be defined, with reference to regional data and
reconnaisance surveys. These areas may range in size from a few hundred to a thousand
km2. In rare cases, such as extensive thermal systems, they may be even larger. With the
lack of resolution characteristic of the reconnaissance studies, it is unlikely that a prospect
can be localised to an area of less than 100 km2. Detailed geophysical, geological and
geochemical studies will be needed in order to identify drilling locations once a prospect
area has been defined from reconnaissance.
The objective of the more detailed studies is to identify the existence of a productive
reservoir at attractive temperatures and depths. Geochemical surveys provide the most
reliable indications of reservoir temperatures if the thermal fluids emerge at the surface. In
any event, all springs and other sources of groundwater should be sampled and various

geothermometer calculations carried out. Some prospect areas will probably show much
more positive geochemical indicators than others. This could merely reflect the difference
in the amount of leakage from subsurface reservoirs, but it does provide a basis for setting
priorities for further testing; the geothermal reservoirs that show the most positive
indications from geochemical thermometry should be the ones that are investigated first by
other geophysical techniques.
The sequence in which geophysical methods are applied depends to a considerable
extent on the specific characteristics of each prospect. It is not wise to define a particular
sequence of geophysical surveys as being applicable to all potential reservoirs. In some
cases, for example where we expect to find a subsurface convection system, various types
of electrical survey could be highly effective in delineating the boundaries of the
convecting system. Where large clay masses are present in the prospect area, on the other
hand, electrical resistivity surveys can be deceptive. The particular type of electrical
resistivity survey used at this stage is a matter of personal preference. Schlumberger
sounding, dipole – dipole surveys, dipole mapping surveys and electromagnetic soundings
can all be used to good effect. To some extent the choice of method here depends upon
accessibility. The dipole–dipole traversing method and the Schlumberger sounding method
are much more demanding in terms of access across the surface. The dipole mapping
method and the electromagnetic sounding method can be applied in much more rugged
The objective when carrying out electrical surveys is to outline an area of anomalously
low resistivity associated with a subsurface geothermal reservoir. When such an area has
been identified, it is still necessary to confirm that the resistivity anomaly is the result of
temperature and to locate areas within the anomaly where fracture permeability is likely to
be high. Confirmation of subsurface temperatures is best done at this stage by drilling one
or more heat flow boreholes. These heat flow holes need be only a few hundred metres
deep if the area is one in which surface groundwater circulation is minimal. However, in
volcanic areas where groundwater circulation occurs down to great depths, reliable heat
flow data can be obtained only by drilling to one or two kilometres depth, in which case the
heat flow hole becomes a reservoir test hole.
The number of heat flow holes that need to be drilled in a given prospect can vary
widely; a single highly positive heat flow hole may be adequate in some cases while in
others we may need several tens of heat flow holes to present convincing evidence for the
presence of a geothermal reservoir at greater depth.
Once the probable existence of a geothermal reservoir has been established by a
combination of resistivity studies and heat flow determinations, it is advisable to search for
zones of fracture permeability in the reservoir before selecting a site for a test hole.
Microseismic surveys are a widely used tool for studying activity in fracture zones in a
prospect area. Surveys may require many weeks of observation in a given area. The
accuracy with which active faults can be located using microearthquakes is often not good
enough for the control of drill holes, although in some cases it is adequate. A potentially
valuable by-product of a microearthquake survey is the determination of Poisson’s ratio and
related rock properties along various transmission paths through the potential geothermal
system. Poisson’s ratio and attenuation of seismic waves can be strongly affected by
fracturing. The identification of anomalous areas of Poisson’s ratio and p-wave attenuation
can provide encouraging evidence for high permeability zones in the reservoir.
The most effective technique for studying a potential reservoir before drilling takes place is
the seismic reflection method. Where there is a bedded structure to the subsurface this
technique can be applied to detect faults through the disruption to the continuity of the
bedding. The seismic reflection technique is extremely expensive, and a survey over a
geothermal prospect may cost a significant fraction of the cost of a test well, but the results
obtained with the seismic reflection method are usually much more conclusive than the
results obtained with any other geophysical technique.
All of these geophysical surveys, targetted at defining the main characteristics of the
geothermal reservoir, can also be supplemented with other types of geophysical surveys
that assist us in understanding the regional geology and the local geological structure in a
geothermal prospect. The self-potential survey is useful for our understanding of
groundwater movement in an area. The gravity survey can be used to study the depth of fill
in intermontaine valleys, and to locate intrusive masses of rock. Magnetic surveys can be
used to identify the boundaries to flows in volcanic areas. Once all these detailed
geophysical surveys have been carried out, a convincing set of data should be available
before the decision is taken to locate a drill hole. There must be evidence for heat, there
must be evidence for permeability, and the conditions for drilling must be established. Once
we have achieved these objectives, we can tackle the problem of whether to drill a deep test
well or not.
It is surprisingly difficult to record a true bottomhole temperature during the course of
drilling a well. Mud is circulated through the well and removes much of the excess
temperature as drilling progresses. In a closely controlled drilling programme, the
temperature and volume of mud supplied to the well and recovered from the drilling
operation should be monitored closely. Differences in the temperature between the mud
going in and the mud coming back to the surface can be used to estimate bottomhole
temperatures in a crude fashion. With the development of a mathematical model for the loss
of heat from the rock to the drilling mud, it is conceivable that an even more precise
temperature estimate will be attainable. The best temperature estimates during drilling are
obtained by lowering maximum-reading thermometers to wellbottom whenever the bit has
to be removed from the well for some reason. Several thermometers should be inserted at
the same time in case one breaks or provides a false reading. They should be lowered to
wellbottom on a heavy weight so as to be positioned as close as possible to the undisturbed
rock at the bottom face of the borehole.
The following sections give a detailed review of the various geophysical techniques used
in geothermal exploration, with particular emphasis on the requirements for data
acquisition, handling, processing and interpretation.


The most direct method for studying geothermal systems is that of subsurface temperature
measurements. Measurements can be made in holes as shallow as a few metres, but the
preference at the present time is to conduct temperature surveys in wells that are at least
100 m deep. Temperatures measured a short distance beneath the surface of the earth are
strongly affected by cyclic changes in temperature on the surface of the earth. Variations
resulting from the diurnal temperature cycle penetrate only a few tens of centimetres into
soils. The annual temperature cycle can make a significant contribution to temperature
changes at many metres depth. Long-term climatic changes in temperature can conceivably
cause barely detectable temperature effects at depths of 100 m. In order to obtain
subsurface temperatures that are representative of heat flow from the interior of the earth,
the temperature gradients have either to be measured at a depth beyond which the
contribution from surface temperature changes is insignificant, or in such a way that the
surficial effects can be removed. For example, if temperatures are measured at the bottom
of shallow holes over a period of one year, then the annual temperature can be averaged
out. Alternatively, if measurements are made at depths beyond which the annual wave
penetrated significantly, the normal heat flow from the interior of the earth will be detected
in a matter of a few days. It is still a matter of debate as to which approach is more
Our objective in the case of thermal gradient measurements in boreholes is twofold:
first, to detect areas of unusually high temperature, and second, to determine quantitatively
the component of heat flow along the direction of the borehole. Unusually high
temperatures could indicate the presence of geothermal activity. More quantitative results
are obtained when thermal gradients are converted to heat flow through the use of Fourier’s

grad T = Φ/K
∆T/∆z = Φ z/K

where ∆T/∆z is the vertical gradient in temperature, K is the thermal conductivity and Φ z is
the thermal flux in the z direction. Thermal conductivity is measured in lab over rock
samples, whereas temperature is measured in the well. The advantage of converting
temperature gradients to heat flow values is that we eliminate the dependence on the
thermal conductivity of the rock type. Thus, minor differences in temperature over a series
of prospect holes can have added significance if we know that the differences are due not to
a change in rock type, but to a change in the total amount of heat being supplied from
Determination of temperature in a test hole is not as easy as it might seem. In deep test
holes, which must be drilled with a circulating fluid such as mud, a considerable
disturbance of the normal temperature environment will take place during drilling. This is
particularly true if the gradient is relatively high and the temperature change over the well
interval is relatively large. As a rule of thumb, one must wait a period of time comparable
to that involved in drilling the well before the well temperatures return to within 10 per cent
of their undisturbed state. Drilling a well to several hundred metres depth may take a few
days. In order to measure temperatures accurately for thermal gradient purposes we have to
record downhole temperatures for periods that are several times longer than the duration of
drilling. Fortunately there are a number of methods available for predicting stabilisation
temperatures in a well. One such method consists of measuring temperatures at a given
depth several times after completion of drilling. Temperatures are then plotted as a function
of time on a linearising scale, defined as log T/(T – s), where T is the total time since the
drill first opened the borehole at the depth where the temperature is being measured, and s
is the time since circulation in the well was halted. When temperatures are plotted against
this linearised time scale, they fall along a straight line, provided the assumptions of the
solution of Fourier’s equation are valid: that is, that the rate of drilling was linear and that
the removal of heat by the drilling mud from the bottom of the hole was consistent. The
final temperature can be estimated quite accurately by extrapolating the linear relationship
to zero linearised time, which corresponds to the temperature after an infinitely long re-

equilibration process. An example of the use of this method is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Extrapolation of borehole temperatures to equilibrium temperature at two depths in a

borehole drilled at the summit of Kilauea volcano (Hawaii). The parameter s is the duration
of circulation in the well following first penetration by drill bit, and T is the total time
elapsed from first penetration to measurement of temperature.

After extrapolation to equilibrium temperature, other corrections must be applied to

temperature gradient to determine the heat flow. These are the paleoclimatic correction, the
topographic correction and the correction due to changes of ground surface due to rapid
sedimentation or erosion. Topographic correction takes into account the temperature
variation due to valleys and mountains. Indeed, isotherms follow the topography, raising
below mountains and lowering below valleys. In many methods the external temperature is
considered constant or a certain temperature distribution at surface is considered. The
reference plane is then the horizontal one at the measuring site and crossing topography.
This correction takes into account the shape of topography and its changes in the time, as
long as isotherms are in equilibrium. However, when these changes are rapid equilibrium is
not reached and corrections due to sedimentation or erosion must be considered.
Temperature variation at the surface due to climatic variations may affect variable
ground depths depending on the wave length of variations. Climatic variations have
different effects depending on their length and intensity. The recent variations affect mainly
the first 200 m and the non-linearity of observed temperature is mostly due to them.

Paleoclimatic variations can be corrected using a schematic model where continuos
climatic variations are taken into account and surface temperature is assumed constant in
the last 10000 years.
The main difficulty in measuring heat flow in drill holes is that, in many geothermal
fields, convection as well as conduction contributes significantly to total heat flow. Where
convection is rapid, Fourier’s simple equation cannot be used to compute heat flow.
Convection is not easily computed since hydrogeological conditions are not well known.
Heat transfer by convection can be computed by theoretical models. On the contrary, the
extension and importance of circulation is defined comparing the observed situation with
the theoretical model based on the assumption of simple conduction.
After all this corrections are applied to temperature, temperature gradient can be
computed. To define the heat flow, however, thermal conductivity must be known. Another
major problem in computing the heat flow is due to the variation of thermal conductivity,
which can be measured many times and then averaged. Moreover conductivity decreases
with temperature and increases with pressure. Variation due to pressure can be neglected
since pressure changes very little at the depths involved in the investigation. Temperature
variation can not be neglected and depends also on the saturation level (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Thermal conductivity variation with temperature and pressure.

Usually conductivity increases with depth. This is probably due to compaction of rock at
increasing pressures and to alignment of clay minerals and anisotropy effects.

When thermal conductivity and temperature gradients are known, heat flow is mapped
and anomalous areas are easily detected. Anomalies are linked to any heat source: however,
those due to hot fluid circulation affect large areas. This way the most interesting areas can
be defined and application of more expensive geophysical methods are limited.


Gravity surveys are used during geothermal exploration to define lateral density
variation related to deep magmatic body, which may represent the heat source. These
anomalies can be created also by different degrees of differentiation of magma or varaition
in depth of crust-mantle interface which creates also depth variation of isotherms.
Gravity monitoring surveys are mainly performed in geothermal areas to define the
change in groundwater level and for subsidence monitoring. Fluid extraction from the
ground which is not rapidly replaced causes an increase of pore pressure and hence of
density. This effect may arrive at surface and produce a subsidence, whose rate depends on
the recharge rate of fluid in the extraction area and the rocks interested by compaction.
Repeated gravity monitoring associated to weather monitoring may define the
relationship between gravity and precipitation which produces the shallow ground water
level change. When gravity is corrected by this effect, gravity changes show how much of
the water mass discharged to the atmosphere is replaced by natural inflow. The
underground hydrological monitoring done by gravity survey is an important indication of
the fluid recharge in geothermal systems and the need of reinjection.


Surveys of the spatial changes in the strength of the magnetic field over the surface of the
earth have been used as a method for geophysical exploration for many years. Magnetite is
the most common ferromagnetic mineral and so, in most cases, the magnetic permeability
is controlled by the presence of varying amounts of magnetite and related minerals in the
rock ( Fig. 5). The magnetic method has come into use for identifying and locating masses
of igneous rocks that have relatively high concentrations of magnetite. Strongly magnetic
rocks include basalt and gabbro, while rocks such as granite, granodiorite and rhyolite have
only moderately high magnetic susceptibilities.
The magnetic method is useful in mapping near-surface volcanic rocks that are often of
interest in geothermal exploration, but the greatest potential for the method lies in its ability
to detect the depth at which the Curie temperature is reached. Ferromagnetic materials
exhibit a phenomenon characterised by a loss of nearly all magnetic susceptibility at a
critical temperature called the Curie temperature. Various ferromagnetic minerals have
differing Curie temperatures, but the Curie temperature of titano-magnetite, the most
common magnetic minera1 in igneous rocks, is in the range of a few hundred to 570°C.
The ability to determine the depth to the Curie point would be an ability to determine the
depth to the Curie point isotherm as well.
For magnetic field observations made at or above the surface of the earth, the
magnetisation at the top of the magnetic part of the crust is characterised by relatively short
spatial wavelengths, while the magnetic field from the demagnetisation at the Curie point in
depth will be characterised by longer wavelength and lower amplitude magnetic anomalies.
This difference in frequency characteristics between the magnetic effects from the top and
bottom of the magnetised layer in the crust can be used to separate magnetic effects at the
two depths and to determine the Curie point depth.

Fig. 5. Correlation between magnetic permeability and the content of ferromagnetic

minerals in instrusive rocks.

The magnetic field of the earth is of a complex nature because of its dipolarity. The
inducing magnetic field has a dip angle that varies from place to place over the surface of
the earth, and this feature introduces a complexity into the patterns of anomalies that are
recorded. This problem has long been recognised in the analysis of magnetic data, and a
procedure has been developed to recompute the magnetic profile map for a vertical
inducing field using the actual observed magnetic map. This first step in processing
magnetic data is termed the conversion of the magnetic map ’to the pole’, or to the form it
would have for a vertical inducing field.
Another difficulty when dealing with observed magnetic fields is that the specific
character of the anomaly depends, in a complicated way, on the size and shape of the
magnetic bodies. For simple bodies with well-defined tops and bottoms, such as a pluton
with magnetisation disappearing at a specific depth, the magnetic anomaly can be
computed numerically either in the space domain or the spatial frequency domain. The fact
that a real body has lateral extent affects the spectrum that is computed, meaning that a set
of curves must be computed for prismatic bodies that are reasonably representative of a
given anomaly in order to determine the depth extent of magnetisation by comparison of
the spectra computed from an observed magnetic map with the spectra computed for a
prismatic body. When interpreting a magnetic map, the most straightforward procedure is
to select a relatively simple magnetic anomaly on the map that can be represented by a
body of simple geometric shape. A series of spectra is computed for various depths to the
Curie point, and the spectra computed from the field data are compared with these to reach
an estimate of the depth to the Curie point.


These methods can be divided into two main subclasses: passive seismic methods, which
deal with the effects of natural earthquakes or those induced by fracturing related to
geothermal fluid extraction and injection; and active seismic methods, which cover all
seismic prospectings having an artificial wave source.


It has been observed by many researchers that geothermal systems occur mainly in areas
characterised by a relatively high level of microseismic activity. However, in detail there
does not appear to be a one-to-one relationship between the locations of microearthquakes
and the presence of geothermal reservoirs. The identification of microearthquakes in a
prospect area serves primarily as a means of investigating and characterising modern
tectonic activity, which may be controlled by the same factors that control the emplacement
of a geothermal system; in particularly favourable circumstances, studies of microseismic
activity can serve as a guide when drilling into fractured rocks in a geothermal reservoir
whose production levels are expected to be high.
In order for the location of microearthquakes to serve as an effective exploration tool, it
is necessary that a relatively large number of events be recorded over a reasonable
recording period in a survey area. The procedure normally used at present is to deploy a
number of highly sensitive seismograph units in a prospect area. The number may range
from 6 to 12 or more. The distance between any pair of seismographs should be no more
than 5 – 10 km.
The range to which an earthquake can be recognised depends strongly on the energy
released by that earthquake. The usual measure of energy release used by seismologists is
the Richter M factor, which is a logarithmic scale indicating the amplitudes of seismic
waves. A magnitude 4 earthquake is normally felt by a few people within several
kilometres of the epicentre. Such earthquakes occur relatively rarely, perhaps only a few
times a year, even in areas with a high level of seismicity. However, almost all sets of
earthquakes for which magnitudes have been measured follow an inverse linear relationship
between the logarithm of the number of earthquakes and their magnitudes. A decrease in
magnitude of one Richter unit is normally accompanied by an increase of a factor of 10 in
the number of events that occur within a given time. This relationship is the rationale for
using microearthquakes rather than larger size earthquakes to estimate seismicity in a
prospect area. If the threshold of the field system for detecting a microearthquake can be
improved to the point where events of magnitude – 1 or – 2 can be recognised, the number
of events that will be recorded in a given time can be increased by several orders of
magnitude. In such a case, over a recording interval of 30 to 60 days, one would reasonably
expect to record hundreds of events in an area of seismic activity. In aseismic areas, on the
other hand, few if any events would be recorded even at such a low threshold for detection.
When arrival times for a micro-earthquake have been recorded at several stations in an
array, the problem remains of determining the location at which that earthquake occurred.
In carrying out this calculation, it is usually assumed that the earthquake energy was
released from a point source, and that the seismic waves travelled through a uniform earth
to be recorded at each seismometer. This assumption is not obviously valid, but programs
to determine epicentres when there are lateral variations in wavespeed have not yet come
into general use.
In locating an epicentre, the unknowns to be determined are the x, y, and z coordinates of
the origin, the time at which the event occurred, and the subsurface wave speed
distribution. Given a constant wave speed assumption, the location of an epicentre can be
found from only four p arrival times. However, the equations are not always stable because
the wave speed may not be the same for all travel paths. Likewise, if there are variations in
velocity from point to point in the medium, the assumption of straight line travel from the
origin to each receiver location is not valid and the solution may not work. An alternative
procedure which may work better involves the use of s arrival times as well as p arrival
times. In this case, a solution can be obtained using p and s arrivals recorded at three
stations. A Wadati diagram, which is a cross-plot between the p arrival times and the s – p
arrival-time differences, is constructed (see Fig. 6 for an example). If the trend of p versus p
– s times is projected to zero p – s difference, the origin time for the earthquake is specified.
Once an origin time is known, only three arrival times are needed to obtain a solution for
the coordinates of an earthquake.

Fig 6. Example of a “Wadati plot” for a microseismic survey of the East Rift zone on the
Island of Hawaii. Arrivals of p and s waves recorded on a close-spaced array of seven
seismograph stations. The sloping lines are the loci of points with the same Poisson’s ratio.

In addition to determining epicentres of local earthquakes in a geothermal prospect,

information about the geology and tectonics can be obtained from fault plane solutions and
first motion studies of these earthquakes. The directions of first motion for p waves can be

analysed by plotting the sense of motion on an upper-hemisphere stereographic projection
centred on the epicentre. In this diagram compressional first arrivals are denoted by solid
circles and dilations by open circles. Generally, the sense of first motion forms a pattern on
the stereonet projection that can be bounded by the traces of two planes. One of these
planes is the fault plane itself, and the other is an auxiliary fault plane, that is, a plane
perpendicular to the actual fault plane in whose pole is the pole of motion. Because two
planes are needed to form a pattern that encloses the first arrivals, ambiguity as to which
one is the actual fault plane exists unless other information is available to make the
The use of fault plane solutions is valuable in determining whether the earthquake
activity in a prospect area is anomalous or typical of the region. An example of such an
application is shown in Fig. 7, where the fault plane solution observed for earthquakes
within a small prospect area shown at the top of the map is compared with earlier more
general fault plane solutions in the same area. The direction of tension as indicated by the
fault plane solution is the same in the prospect area as in the region, indicating that the local
earthquake distribution is controlled by the same crustal phenomena.

Fig. 7. Comparison of first motion diagrams based on teleseismic data from earthquakes in
Nevada and one based on local earthquake data from microseismic survey in Nevada
(group D in insert). Directions of tensional stresses are uniform, indicating that events
detected during the microseismic survey are probably not anomalous.

Another potentially valuable determination that can be made is that of Poisson’s ratio.
Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of lateral strain to strain in the direction of stress when a cylinder
of rock is subjected to uniaxial stress. Poisson’s ratio is also definable in terms of the ratio
of compressional to shear wave velocities. Poisson’s ratio can be important in geothermal
exploration inasmuch as it seems to be an indicator of the degree of fracturing in a rock.
Both experimental and theoretical analyses have indicated that extensive fracturing of a
liquid-filled rock causes Poisson’s ratio to be higher than normal. This causes a minor
reduction in the p-wave velocity and a significant reduction in s-wave velocity.
Poisson’s ratio is determined from Wadati plots as described previously; that is, from
plots of p – s arrival times as a function of p arrival times. Figure 8 shows a presentation of
Poisson’s ratio determinations on a plane map. Each value is written along the assumed ray
path from the epicentre to the receiver location, although there is no certainty that straight-
line wave propagation took place. The significant anomaly in Poisson’s ratio characterised
in these data corresponds to the location of a successful geothermal well that was
subsequently drilled.

Fig. 8. Results of determinations of Poisson’s ratio for microseismic survey carried out on
East Rift zone of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Values for Poisson’s ratio are plotted along
apparent straight-line travel paths from epicentre to seismograph.

In summary, passive seismic methods are most effective when determining the
epicentres of small earthquakes in a prospect area. Additional information available from
such micro-earthquake locations includes the determination of Poisson’s ratio, which is
generally indicative of fracturing, and the direction of first motions and fault plane
directions. In addition to these applications of passive seismology, several other approaches
have also been suggested. These include the detection of p-wave delays and the observation
of ground noise. If an increase in temperature results in the reduction of p-wave velocity
over a large volume in the crust, the measurement of delay times from teleseisms, or distant

earthquakes, could be used to locate large hot bodies that act as the source of geothermal
systems. This technique has been the subject of considerable research in recent years, but
has been faced by practical difficulties during its current deployment. Teleseisms that occur
at great enough distances to be of use in p-wave delay surveys occur only rarely, perhaps a
few times a month, with the magnitudes needed to obtain accurate p-wave arrival times. In
order to obtain a detailed picture of subsurface structure, many hundreds of p-wave arrivals
must be recorded. This can only be done by using a few stations over a long period of time
or a very large number of stations for a shorter period of time. Each approach represents a
relatively large investment.
Microseismicity is often not only natural but also induced by geothermal activity. One
major cause appears to be injection, which results in the reservoir rock being rapidly
cooled.At the Geysers geothermal field injection has increased by about 50% the number of
M=2.4 events being recorded, with no increase observed in M=2.5 events.


Both seismic reflection and seismic refraction surveys have been used in geothermal
exploration. Seismic refraction surveys have been used to a limited extent because of the
amount of effort required to obtain refraction profiles giving information at depths of 5 to
10 km, and the problems caused by the generally high degree of complexity of geological
structures in areas likely to host geothermal systems. On the other hand, standard seismic
reflection surveys have often yielded surprisingly useful results, even in areas that were
expected to prove difficult. The primary requirement for using the seismic reflection
technique is that the subsurface be laminar in acoustic properties so that reflectors can be
traced horizontally and interruptions in reflectors can be used to identify faults where
displacement has taken place.
Seismic reflection surveys can be carried out either by exploding dynamite in shot holes
as an energy source or by using some non-explosive source such as the Vibroseis.
Considering that most geothermal prospect areas are made up of volcanic rocks either in the
subsurface or near the subsurface, experience has indicated that drilling shot holes is
probably not a practical approach to obtaining seismic reflection data. The Vibroseis
technique seems to be more generally applicable in such difficult areas. A typical Vibroseis
source system will use from one to five truck-mounted vibrators, usually having masses of
the order of 15 tons. The vibrators are operated in unison to increase the intensity of the
signal transmitted to the ground, and occasionally are spaced in such a way as to cancel
some of the surface travelling vibrations that are a noise source at the receiver. In the
Vibroseis approach, an oscillatory sound wave, which varies in frequency over the duration
of a single transmission, is transmitted through the ground. Frequency is normally swept
from a high of 60 – 80 Hz to a low of 6 – 8 Hz, with the duration of the sweep being 8 – 10
s. In order to obtain recognisable signals at an array of geophones a short distance away,
many transmissions are stacked. In most seismic surveys carried out today, the common
depth-point stacking array of geophones is used. In this, an array of geophones is laid out at
some distance from the vibrator location. The vibrator is gradually moved away from the
geophone spread so that the point where the acoustic waves are reflected from layers in the
subsurface also moves away. The geophone spread is then moved a short distance along the
profile and the process repeated. In analysing the ray paths, it can be seen that reflections
are obtained from the same point in the subsurface with different separations between the
vibrator and the geophones. Data quality can be enhanced by synchronously adding
reflections that arrive from the same reflection point on a subsurface interface, but in so
doing corrections must be made for the difference in travel times that is associated with the
difference in separation from transmitter to receiver.

Fig. 9. Seismic reflection profile in Colorado. Events B1 and B2 are volcanic flows, C is
flow bottom, D is probably Paleozoic carbonate sequence. Near-vertical lines are faults.

It is often thought that good-quality seismic sections cannot be obtained in volcanic

terrain. This is not always a serious problem; an example of a seismic section obtained in
an area where basalt flows are interbedded with gravels and shale or alluvium is shown in
Fig. 9 (the area is in south-central Colorado, USA, near the mineral hot springs). The
prominent reflectors seen on the seismic time section are the tops and bottoms of the basalt
flows. They can be traced quite well, with faulting being readily apparent, along with a
thinning-out of the basalt flows towards the right-hand side of the section. The value of the
seismic method is shown by the cross-section in Fig.10, which was compiled from an
interpretation of the seismic time section as shown in Fig. 9 and other electrical data
obtained with the Schlumberger sounding method. An area of relatively low resistivity,
which is believed to represent the reservoir feeding the mineral hot springs, is seen to be
associated with a down-drop fault block that is traced by the surface of the basalt flows.

Fig. 10. Resistivity cross section interpreted from Schlumberger soundings along the same
profile as seismic section shown in Fig. 8. Reflective horizon from Fig. 8 are shown.

Procedures for acquiring and processing seismic reflection data are well developed.
Extensive computer facilities must be available to permit reduction of field observations to
time sections such as are shown here, and to enhance the events that serve to trace the
marker horizons in the section. An added merit of modern data processing as used in
seismic reflection analysis is that, by varying the separation between vibrator and geophone
spread, it is possible to determine the average acoustic wave speed to the depth of a
reflector. When a series of reflectors is apparent on a seismic section, a seismic velocity
profile can be extracted from the measurements. Seismic velocities themselves are useful in
recognising anomalies caused by temperature in relatively shallow rocks.


Logging in geothermal exploration suffers the main problems of high temperature and
strong corrosion which can corrupt results (and tools!). It often requires a cooling of the
well and the use of cables and instruments specifically built, hence increasing the prize.
Logging is cheap compared to drilling, but is quite expensive by itself. However it is a
valuable tool for direct exploration and detection of physical parameters which can then be
extrapolated by surface geophysical methods. For direct exploration, well logging identifies
the permeability, in particular fractures, and the nature of the fluids present. When possible,
geophysical logs are recorded simultaneously. Most measurements can be made only where
the hole has not been cased. Moreover, logs must be performed soon after wells are drilled
otherwise rocks may change their log characteristics as a result of standing open to drilling
fluids and the consequent penetration of the mud filtrate into the borehole. Resistivity,
radio-active (gamma-ray), seismic wave velocity (acoustic and sonic) and density logs are
the most common. Multi-frequency electromagnetic logging is becoming popular and when

many wells are logged, the EM tomography method may define the distribution of
resistivity around the borehole and the whole area interested by drilling.
Beside well logging, the use of drill holes to place the equipment in an advantageous
position to explore subsurface can be an important part of an exploration program.
Instrumentation must be of small diameter, water tight and designed to operate under
adverse environmental conditions.
The mise a la masse method is one of the oldest methods used in-hole and is used when a
prospect hole penetrates a highly conductive zone. A current electrode is embedded in the
conductive zone and energized with direct current, the other electrode being a large
distance away on surface. The extent, dip, strike and continuity of the zone will be better
indicated by introducing the current directly into it than by the usual mapping techniques.
Lately, methods using the casing pipe itself as a charged current electrode instead of the
buried point source have been used to monitor fluid flow behaviour during reinjection and
during hydraulic fracturing operations in hot dry rocks.
In the cross-hole resistivity survey a trasmitter is located in one hole while a receiver is
drawn up another, with the strength of the signal at the receiver being recorded. The
attenuation of the signal as it travels through the medium between the holes will depend on
the resistivity structure. In a general sense, attenuation will be greater if the field senses a
region of low resistivity, and lower if a region of high resistivity is seen.


Various methods for measuring electrical resistivity are used in geothermal exploration,
based on the premiss that temperature affects the electrical properties of rocks. At the lower
end of the temperature scale, up to the critical temperature for water, the effect of
temperature is to enhance the conductivity of the water in the pores of the rock. In such
rocks, electrical conduction takes place solely by passage of current through the fluid in the
pores, since almost all rock-forming minerals are virtual insulators at these temperatures.
The maximum enhancement in conductivity is approximately sevenfold between 350°C
and 20°C for most electrolytes (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Relative changes in the resistivity of an electrolyte with temperature, normalized to
the resistivity at 20°C

Temperature is not the only factor affecting the conductivity of rocks. An increase in the
water content or an increase in the total amount of dissolved solids can increase the
conductivity by large amounts(Fig. 12). Both phenomena are sometimes associated with
geothermal activity. As a result, it is not unusual to see an increase in conductivity by an
order of magnitude or more in a geothermal reservoir compared with rocks at normal
temperatures removed from the reservoir.

Fig. 12. Dependence of the conductivity of an electrolytic solution on the amount of salt in
solution at a temperature of 18°C: for various common salts, acids and bases (left) and at
various temperatures (right)

At temperatures approaching the melting point of a rock, even more significant changes
in electrical properties take place. At normal temperatures for the surface of the earth,
silicate minerals have very low conductivity, generally less than 10 -6Ω -1m-1. As the
temperature increases, so does this conductivity increase: slowly at first, and then much
more rapidly at temperatures near the melting point. A typical set of curves of the
conductivity plotted against the reciprocal of the absolute temperature is shown in Fig. 13.
At temperatures within about 100°C of the melting point, the conductivity becomes high
enough to become comparable with conductivities in water-saturated rocks.
Such high conductivities provide a target for geophysical exploration, but the very high
temperatures associated with the source of a geothermal system occur at depths that are too
great to be considered for exploitation. In a typical geothermal system, one would expect to
find a deep anomaly in electrical conductivity associated with thermal excitation of
conduction in the massive crystalline rock comprising the basement. At shallower depths in
the section, one would expect to find an anomaly in electrical conductivity associated with
the reservoir filled with hot geothermal fluids.
Electromagnetic soundings are made to determine variations in the electrical
conductivity of the earth with depth. Electromagnetic (EM) sounding methods include
natural-field methods (magnetotellurics and audiomagnetotellurics), and controlled-source
induction methods, as well as high-frequency radiation techniques such as radar-probing.
Because of the depth of the main targets in geothermal exploration, only natural-source and

controlled-source methods are used, as well as the Schlumberger sounding method, the
dipole – dipole traversing method, and the bipole–dipole mapping method. All of these
techniques have as their objective the mapping of electrical structures at depths that are
meaningful in terms of geothermal exploration. These depths must be several kilometres at
least when looking for the anomaly in conductivity associated with reservoir rocks, and
several tens of kilometres when seeking the thermally excited conductive zone associated
with the source of a geothermal system.

Fig. 13. Summary of data relating electrical conductivity of dry rocks to reciprocal of the
absolute temperature.

There is one main difference between electromagnetic (inductive) and resistivity

techniques. The former usually provide information on conductivity-thickness products of
conductive layers, whereas they usually provide only thickness information on resistive
layers. On the contrary, resistivity techniques usually provide information on resistivity-
thickness products for resistive layers and conductivity-thickness products for conductive


7.1.1 The Magnetotelluric Method

The magnetotelluric method has been used extensively in a reconnaissance role in

geothermal exploration, and to a lesser extent in detailed follow-up exploration. In the
magnetotelluric method, the natural electromagnetic field of the earth is used as an energy
source to probe the earth. The natural electromagnetic field contains a very wide spectrum
of frequencies, including the very low frequencies that are useful in probing to depths of
several tens of kilometres. These low frequencies are generated by ionospheric and

magnetospheric currents that arise when plasma emitted from the sun interacts with the
earth’s magnetic field. These currents give rise to time-varying magnetic fields in the
frequency range from 0.1 Hz downwards, which are termed ultra-low frequency pulsations
(ULF). ULF in turn induce eddy currents in the earth, with the eddy current density being
controlled by the local conductivity structure. Superimposed onto this field are random
fluctuations whose intensity vary with electrical disturbances in the ionosphere. These
pulsations occur at frequencies as high as 100 kHz, although most are much lower. One
source of the higher frequency current fluctuations is electric storms. Some of the
thunderstorm energy is converted to electromagnetic fields, which are propagated in the
ionosphere-earth interspace. These signals are called atmospherics or spherics. The
configuration of the EM fields above the surface is slightly different for spherics than for
ULF pulsations: the former propagate horizontally while the latter are assumed to propagate
vertically. Because the very large resistivity contrast between the air and the earth, both
signals behave in the same way at the surface and beneath it. They diffuse downward, the
changing horizontal magnetic field inducing a changing horizontal electric field at right
angles, though Faraday's law.
At large distances from the source the resulting electromagnetic field is a plane wave of
variable frequency (from about 10-5 Hz up to audio range at least). The subsurface
structure can be studied by making simultaneous measurements of the strength of the
magnetic field variations at the surface of the earth and the strength of the electric field
component at right angles in the earth. Because the direction of polarisation of the incident
magnetic field is variable and not known beforehand, it is common practice to measure at
least two components of the electric field and three components of the magnetic field
variation to obtain a fairly complete representation. For surveys that are intended for the
study of electrical structures tens of kilometres in depth, the range of frequencies needed to
achieve penetration is from a few tens of Hertz to a few hundred microHertz. Inasmuch as
the natural noise field is not particularly well structured, but consists of an unpredictable
assemblage of impulsive waveforms, it is necessary to analyse the natural field over a time
span which is long compared to the period of the lowest frequencies being studied. Thus, if
the lowest frequency desired in a survey is 500 µHz (period of 2000 s), it is necessary to
analyse the field over a time duration at least 10 times as great, or 20 000 s. This represents
the single largest disadvantage of the magnetotelluric method: it provides slow coverage of
a prospect area and is therefore costly.
In most systems for carrying out magnetotelluric surveys today, the five field
components are converted to digital form and are either stored for later spectral analysis or
converted immediately to spectral form before being stored. The accuracy with which the
data are converted to digital form is important; a dynamic range of 16 bits is desirable so
that weak spectral components will be recognisable in the presence of other, stronger
spectral components. In order to obtain spectra at frequencies as high as several tens of
Hertz, a maximum sampling rate of 100 Hz is required.
Once the various spectra have been calculated they must be converted to values of
apparent resistivity as a function of frequency. In this reduction it is assumed that at any
given frequency there is a linear relationship between the electric field vector and the
magnetic field vector

H = ZijE

where Z is the impedance of the electromagnetic field. Z is determined by resistivity
structure and frequency. At each angular frequency ω, in (or at the surface of) a uniform
half-space of conductivity σ

H = (k/µω) n × E

k = (1 - i) α

α = (ωµσ/2) 1/2 = 1/δ

δ is the skin depth in meters, k is the propagation constant, and n is the unit vector pointing
vertically downward.
The ratio Ex/Hy at the surface (the subscripts indicates cartesian coordinates) is
particularly important, viz:

Ex/Hy = ωµ/k = (1 + i)(ωµ/2σ)1/2

Frequency will be accurately known since relative time must be precisely maintained while
acquiring data. Therefore the previous equation shows directly the relationships between
the measured fields and the conductivity. In particular, the ratio of Ex to Hy is proportional
to (ρ)1/2, where ρ = 1/σ. Setting Ex/H y = Z xy we get

Zxy = ωµ/k = (1+ i)

or, solving for ρ,

Z xy Z xy*
ρxy =

where Z* is the complex conjugate of Z. The phase, Φ, of Z is the difference between the
phases of E and H. From the equation for Zxy we see that Ex must lead Hy in phase by 45
degrees in this (uniform half-space) model. The previous equation is usually written as:

1 Ex
ρxy =
µω H y

and ρ is given the phase of Z. Converting Ex and Hy to common units (millivolts per
kilometer and gammas or nanoteslas, respectively), and looking only at amplitude, then

1 Ex
≅ ρ xy
5f Hy

In order to satisfy Maxwell’s equations, within the earth E and B vary as

A = A0 e-i(kz-ωt) = A 0 eiωt e-iαz e-αz

where A0 is the surface value. That is, the fields vary as the product of four terms:
1. eiωt, a sinusoidal time variation,
2. e-iαz, a sinusoidal depth variation,
3. e-αz, an exponential decay with depth, and
4. A0
From the third term, the amplitudes at z = δ = 1/α are 1/e of their surface values, which is
why δ is called the skin depth. A plot of skin depth versus frequency and resistivity can be
found in the following diagram:

A useful approximation is given by

δ ≈ 500 ρ

In more complicated models, e.g. horizontal layers or 2-D or 3-D structures, the relations
between the E and H fields also become more involved. In horizontal layers some energy is
reflected at each interface, and internal reflection occurs within each layer. The expressions
for E and H include two terms in each layer, of the form:

A e+ikz + B e-ikz

one for up-going and the other for down-going energy. The fields remain horizontal and at

right angles to one another unless there is anisotropy in the horizontal plane. We can still
get Ex and Hy (or Ey and Hx) on the surface and do the resistivity calculation, but the result
depends on frequency and is now an apparent resistivity ρa(f).
As a specific indication of the intuitive behavior of ρa let us consider two 2-layer cases
(Fig. 14). The top layer is the same in both models, but ρ2 = 10ρ1 in the one case and ρ2 =
(1/10) ρ1 in the other. At high frequencies such that the skin depth in the first layer is much
less than its thickness, ρa = ρ2 in both cases. As frequency decreases and skin depth
increases to the point that it is much greater than d, ρa goes to 0.1 in one case and to 10 in
the other, and stays there as frequency goes to zero. Note the small undershoot/overshoot in
ρa and Φ as frequency decreases. Also note that the phase response occurs at higher
frequencies than the apparent resistivity response. Phase is asymptotic to 45 degrees at both
high and low frequencies for a finite number of uniform layers. If thickness varies but ρ1
and ρ2 are the same (Fig. 15), then frequency has to go to a lower value in the thicker layer
model for the skin depth to exceed thickness and the second layer to become important.
In a three-layer model, ρa is asymptotic to ρ1 at high frequency and to ρ3 at low
frequency. In between it approaches ρ2. How close it gets depends on the thicknesses and
resistivities of both layers 1 and 2. Obviously our ability to resolve several layers depends
on their resistivities and thicknesses, on the range of frequencies we record, and on the
scatter in the points on the curve.

Fig. 14. MT apparent resistivity and phase responses of two-layer models. Model A –
resistive basement. Model B – conductive basement.
The relationships among the field components at a single site are systematically
contained in the impedance and the tipper. They are the quantities from which conductivity
structure is interpreted. In general, Hx has an associated Ey and some Ex, both of which are
proportional to Hx. Likewise, Hy causes an Ex and some Ey, so that at each frequency we
would expect a linear system to behave as:

Ex= Zxy Hy + ZxxHx

Ey = Z yxHx+ Z yy Hy,

Fig. 15. Changes in MT responses with layer thickness T for a two-layer model.

where each term is frequency dependent. This is commonly written as:

 E x   Z xx Z xy  H x 
 =  
E  Z Z yy  H y 
 y   yx


E = ZH.

In a uniform or horizontally layered earth, Zxx and Zyy are zero, Zyx = – Zxy, and the
equations reduce to

Ex= Z xy Hy

Ey = Z yxHx = – Zxy Hx .

In a 2-D case, if the x or y axis is along the strike then Zxx and Zyy are zero, but Zyx ≠ – Zxy.
If neither axis is along the strike then Zxx = −Zyy ≠ 0.In these equations it is assumed that the
system is linear so that the electric fields are due only to magnetic fields, and the
contributions of noise were ignored.
In practice we are often interested in regarding the fields or the tensor elements as if they
had been measured in some other set of coordinate directions. For instance, the strike
direction is seldom known very precisely at the time of a field survey. If we rotate the
vector E field through angle +θ (clockwise as seen from above) to be E’, then:

E′x = cosθ Ex + cosθ Ey

E′y = -sinθ Ex + sinθ Ey


E′ = RE.

In the same way,

H′ =RH



where RT, the transpose of R, is

 cosθ − sinθ 
RT =  
 sinθ cosθ 

Starting from a tensor impedance Z which is derived from measurements, and assuming
2-D conditions, several different means have been used to find the rotation angle c between
measurement direction and strike. One of these is to rotate the Zij in steps (say 5 degrees),
plot them on a polar diagram, and pick an optimum angle from the plots. An optimum
angle maximizes or minimizes some combination of the Zij. These interesting diagrams,
called polar figures or impedance polar diagrams, are usually plotted at many frequencies,
because in practice the strike direction often changes with depth. Fig. 16 shows such plots
for a 2-D model (Zxy only).

Fig. 16. Impedance polar diagrams (at one frequency) and apparent resistivities, at four
sites on a simple 2-D contact model. (TE and TM refer to Transverse electric (E parallel to
strike) and Transverse Magnetic (H parallel to strike) field polarizations, respectively.

Another way to find θ0 is to differentiate Zxy(θ) and Zyx(θ) with respect to θ to give an
angle θ 0 which optimizes:

Z′xy(θ0)2 + Z′yx(θ 0)2

at each frequency. His solution

4θ 0 = tan -1 [(Z xx
− Z yy )(Z xy + Z yx ) + (Z xx − Z yy ) (Z xy + Z yx )

2 2
Z xx − Z yy − Z xy + Z yx

also maximizes Zxy and minimizes Zxx2 + Zyy2.

There is no solution in the 1-D case, whereas in a clearly 2-D case it usually has a
definite value. In the 3-D case its meaning is usually questionable and there is considerable
research in progress into ways to present and interpret Zij in structural terms. Of the four
values between 0 and 180 degrees, the ”choice” of strike direction is started by evaluating
the mentioned optimization at two adjacent values, one a minimum and the other a
maximum. This leaves four possible solutions at 90 degree intervals, or two possible strike
directions. The choice between these solutions can only be made from independent
information, usually the relations between vertical and horizontal H components or from
geological constraints.
When the coordinates are rotated, certain combinations of terms are constant even
though the individual terms vary. These are:

Zxx + Zyy = c1,

Zxy – Zyx = c2 ,


Zxx Zyy – Zxy Zyx = c3,

where the absolute value is the determinant of the impedance tensor. The ratio c1/c2 is the
impedance skew. c1 will be zero in (noise-free) 1-D and 2-D models, so the skew is used as
a measure of three dimensionality. It does not change with rotation of coordinates.
A quantity which does vary with setup direction is impedance ellipticity,

Z xx (θ ) − Z yy (θ )
β(θ) =
Z xy (θ ) + Z yx (θ )

This is zero (for noise-free data) in the 1-D case, and in the 2-D case when the x or y axis is
along the strike. Impedance ellipticity, like impedance skew, is used to indicate whether
response at a site is 3-D.
It can usually be assumed that Hz ≈ 0 except near lateral conductivity changes, where ∇
× E has a vertical component. There, the relationship between Hz and the horizontal
magnetic field components at any frequency can be written as:

Hz = TxHx + TyHy

where the elements Ti are complex since they may include phase shifts. Given a 2-D
structure with strike in the x′ direction, in those coordinates the previous equation simplifies

Hz = Ty′Hy′

Here, T ′, since it represents a tipping of the H vector out of the horizontal plane, is called
the tipper. T ′ is of course zero for the 1-D case. The modulus of T ′ is rarely as great as 1,
with 0.1 to 0.5 being the common range. The lower part of the range is often blurred by
noise, since Hz is so weak. The required rotation angle ϕ to x′ can be estimated by the field
data by finding the horizontal direction y′ in which H(ϕ) is most highly coherent with Hz.
There is generally a definite solution in the ”almost” 2-D situation. In that case the phases
of Tx and Ty are the same, the ratio Ty/Tx is a real number, and

ϕ = arctan (Ty/Tx).

Another use of the tipper, besides helping resolve ambiguity in strike, is to show which
side of a contact is more conductive. Near a conductor-resistor boundary, the near-surface
current density parallel to strike is larger on the conductive side. If it is looked at as a
simple problem in dc magnetic fields of the excess currents, the magnetic field in the
vertical plane perpendicular to the contact will ”curve around” the edge of the conductor,
by Faraday’s law. Thus Hz will be directed downward when the horizontal component is
outward, and vice versa, depending on current direction. In a real situation, the phase of Hz
depends on the conductivities, frequency, and distance from the contact. However, in
practice the relations can often be used to indicate the direction to a conductive region.
Coherence is computed as the cross-correlation between the electric and magnetic fields.
If the fields are linearly related, coherence is unity; if there is noise in any of the field
components which produces a spectrum that does not obey the fundamental equations
above, the coherence will be reduced. When coherence drops below reasonable values
(0.85 to 0.90), it is common practice to discard the apparent resistivities that are calculated.
In recent years, attempts have been made to eliminate uncorrelated signals that appear on
one or more of the field components. At the present time, the most popular approach is that
where two or more magnetotelluric soundings are recorded simultaneously at different
sites. Magnetic fields are correlated between the two or more receiver stations, with
uncorrelated portions being considered as noise in the magnetic field detection, and
removed for later processing. In areas where uncorrelated noise has been a problem in
obtaining magnetotelluric soundings, this procedure has resulted in significant
improvements in the quality of the data. Over a portion of the frequency range where noise
is a particular problem (from 0.1 to 10 Hz), the multiple-station approach has permitted
data to be obtained where previously it had been impossible. As might be expected, the
spectral analysis of a long data series, combined with the need for extensive tensor rotation
and testing of the spectral values, result in a volume of processing that is as time-
consuming and costly as the original acquisition of data. The current trend is to compute the
spectral analyses and the rotation of the tensor impedance in the field. This is highly

desirable in that the magnetotelluric method does not always provide useful results, even
after measurements have been made with reliable equipment. If the natural electromagnetic
field strength is unusually weak during a recording period, or if there is some phenomenon
which precludes an effective analysis of the field, it may be necessary to repeat the
measurements at a more favourable time. When the analysis is done in the field, decisions
about re-occupying stations and siting additional stations can be made in a timely manner
that will reduce overall operating costs.
The magnetotelluric method has found an application in geothermal exploration
primarily because of its ability to detect the depth at which rocks become conductive
because of thermal excitation. In areas of normal heat flow, this depth ranges from 50 to
500 km, but in thermal areas the depth may be 10 km or less. An example of the detection
of anomalously shallow depths to conductive rocks is shown in Fig. 8, which illustrates the
results of a magnetotelluric survey in the vicinity of The Geysers geothermal field,
California, USA. Conductive rocks are found at depths of less than 10 km, a few miles
north of the main producing part of the field.

7.1.2 The self-potential method

Self-potential or spontaneous polarization (SP in either cases) surveys are a form of

electrical survey but, when self- potential surveys are carried out, only the naturally
existing voltage gradients in the earth are measured, and for this reason this section appears
among the natural-source methods. These natural voltages have a variety of causes,
including the oxidation or reduction of various minerals by reaction with groundwater, the
generation of Nernst voltages where there are concentration differences between the waters
residing in various rock units, and streaming potentials, which occur when fresh waters are
forced to move through a fine pore structure, stripping ions from the walls of the pores.
The self-potential method has been used in mineral exploration to find ore deposits by
observing voltages generated as ore minerals oxidise. The method has also been used very
extensively in borehole surveys to determine the salinity of pore fluids through the voltage
generated by the Nernst effect. In geothermal areas, very large self-potential anomalies
have been observed, and these are apparently caused by a combination of thermoelectric
effects and streaming potentials where the temperature has caused an unusual amount of
groundwater movement.
Implementation of an SP survey is straightforward. The objective is to map the
electrical potential over the surface of the earth in an area where one hopes to find a source
of spontaneous electric current generation. A self-potential survey is carried out by placing
a pair of half-cells in contact with the ground with a separation of tens of metres to several
Since measured voltages are very low and due to the nature of the source, attention must
be put in not introducing a spurious contribution to the voltage by chemical reaction that
can occur when a metallic electrode is brought into contact with an electrolytic solution. In
all natural-source methods wide use is made of non-polarizing electrodes, which consist of
a metal electrode in contact with a stable electrolyte, with the whole being contained in a
semi-permeable container serving as salt bridg between the metal electrode and the dirty
electrolyte present in the pores of the soil or rock with which it makes contact. When
voltage is measured between two like non-polarizing electrodes in contact with the ground,
the two electrode potential will be equal and cancel, adding nothing to the voltage.
Two different field procedures can be used in mapping SP: the single reference method,
and the leap-frog method. In the single reference method, one non-polarizing electrode is
held fixed at a reference point while the other electrode is moved about over the survey area
to determine the distribution of potential over the region. This is the most straightforward
method, but can map only areas of few hundred meters square becuase large separation
between electrods indeces telluric alectric voltages to the SP. IN the leap-frog method the
two electrodes are moved along a closed survey path. After each measurement, the trailing
electrode is moved ahead of the leading electrode for the next measurement. The
incremental voltages observed along the loop are succesively added and subtracted to arrive
to a potential map with respect to the starting point of the loop. The net voltage when the
loop closes should be zero; any residual voltage reflects survey errors and can be
distributed around the loop.
In areas with strong geothermally related self-potential anomalies, variations of as much
as several volts can be observed over distances that amount to a few hundred metres to a
few kilometres. An example of a self-potential contour map of a thermal area in Hawaii is
shown in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17. Results of a self-potential survey of a small area in Hawaii. Contour interval is 100
mV. Areas of low voltage are indicated by interior ticks on the contour. The filled circle
indicates the location of a successful geothermal wildcat well.


In these methods an artificial source is used to generate the electromagnetic (EM) field and
the frequencies are so low that the measurement distance is less than the free-space
wavelength. This is the quasi-static range, where conduction currents rather than
displacement currents predominate. In the following discussion the general term EM
sounding will be used for simplicity.

Most EM soundings consist of measurements at a number of frequencies or times using
a fixed source and receiver. The distribution of currents induced in the earth depends on the
product of electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability and frequency. Since low-
frequency currents diffuse to greater depths than high-frequency currents, measurements of
the EM response at several frequencies or times contain information on the variation of
conductivity with depth. This technique, sometimes called parametric sounding, is similar
to the natural-source EM sounding technique. Alternatively, soundings can be made by
measuring the response at several source-receiver separations at a single frequency or time.
In practice, this technique is employed in the frequency-domain but not in the time-domain.
Frequency-domain measurements made at large source-receiver separations are influenced
more by deep layers than are measurements made at small separations; hence a set of such
measurements made at several spacings contains information on the variation of
conductivity with depth. These soundings are often called geometric or distance soundings
and resemble geoelectrical soundings.
EM soundings methods have particular advantages and disadvantages compared with
natural-source sounding methods and direct-current resistivity sounding methods. Some
EM sounding methods provide better resolution and are less easily distorted by lateral
variations in resistivity than soundings obtained with natural-source methods. However, for
reconnaissance studies and deep soundings, controlled-source EM sounding may be more
expensive than natural-source sounding. Due to power requirements, EM sounding has
generally been limited to depths of a few kilometers or less whereas natural-field methods
can be used to sound through the crust and into the upper mantle.
In contrast to direct-current (dc) methods, most EM methods are effective in resolving
the parameters of conductive layers but are less effective in determining the resistivity of
resistive layers. On the other hand, highly resistive layers do not screen deeper layers from
being resolved by EM soundings as is the case with dc soundings. Most EM measurements
depend only on the longitudinal conductivity of a horizontally layered earth whereas
resistivity measurements depend on both transverse and longitudinal resistivity. Thus, in
principle, EM soundings can yield more accurate depth estimates than dc resistivity
soundings over an isotropic earth. Of course, EM soundings made with a grounded wire
source and receiver give dc resistivity results at asymptotically low frequencies. The
question of whether EM or resistivity soundings are least affected by lateral variations in
resistivity depends on the specific techniques used in each case and on the scale of the
inhomogeneity. Also the relative cost of EM and resistivity soundings depends on the
technique and the application; either can be the least expensive for a particular purpose.
The source is usually an insulated loop. In the analysis of systems and interpretation of
results small loops can be treated mathematically as time-varying magnetic dipoles,
especially if the loop dimensions are less than five times the distance to the nearest
receiver. The moment (source strength) of the dipole depends on the current as well as
turns-area product of the loop.
In deep soundings grounded wires are used more than loops since the primary field falls
off less rapidly at large distances from grounded wires than from loops. Grounded-wire
antennas are straight lengths of wire laid on the surface and connected to the earth through
low resistance electrodes at either end. Generally, if the length of wire is greater than five
times the distance to the receiver site, wires can be treated mathematically as electric
dipoles. Usually they are sufficiently short and the frequency low enough that the current
distribution along the wire can be considered uniform.

In most frequency-domain (FEM) systems, a current having approximately a sinusoidal
or a square waveform is driven through the antenna by an amplifier or switcher, and the
frequency is usually changed in discrete steps. In time-domain (TEM) systems the most
common waveform is a train of approximately square-bipolar pulses with an off-time
between pulses.
Three types of receivers are used for EM soundings: induction coils, magnetometers and
grounded wires.
In the most general case, three orthogonal components of the magnetic field and two
orthogonal components of the electric field parallel to the earth's surface can be measured.
Frequency-domain results are often expressed in terms of V/I, B/I, or dB/dt/I, where I is the
source current, V is the voltage difference, and B is the magnetic flux density. Time-
domain results are expressed as impedances, V/I. Impedance is then transformed to
apparent resistivity. Apparent resistivity is defined as the resistivity of the homogeneous
earth which would produce the measured response at each frequency or time.
The geometry of most dipole-dipole system can be specified by giving the orientation of
the source and receiver antennas and the orientation and length of the line joining the center
of the two antennas. Typical source-receiver geometries are shown in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18. Typical source-receiver geometries.

A geometric sounding may be made by leaving the source fixed and moving the
receiver, or, both source and receiver may be moved with respect to the center of the array.
The range of depths which can be explored with FEM generally depends on the source-
receiver separation as well as the frequency used. In FEM it is always necessary to
somehow distinguish the secondary field from the primary field. The primary field is the
alternating magnetic field induced by the alternating current flowing in the transmitter in
the range of a few hundred Hz to a few kHz. The primary field induces an alternating
current to flow in all the conductors present in the earth (eddy currents), which induces an
alternating magnetic field, called secondary field, which also extends through the region
which includes the receiver. The secondary field from a particular layer will be very small
compared with the primary field unless the separation between the source and receiver is
on the order of the depth to the layer or deeper. Thus it is generally necessary to employ
source-receiver separations of the order of one or two times the maximum depth to be
sounded; at a smaller separation than this it is not possible to accurately measure the small
secondary field in the presence of the much larger primary field. If the spacing is too large
there is difficulty resolving the parameters of thin layers, especially when they are deep.
For measurements in the near zone the spacing should not be larger than five times the
thickness of any layers to be resolved.
In TEM measurements a strong direct current is passed though an ungrounded loop. At
time t=0 this current is abruptly interrupted. The secondary field due to the induced eddy
currents in the ground are then recorded in the absence of the primary field. The depth
range for TEM (made during the current off-time) depends on the sample time measured
and signal-to-noise ratio, and not on the source-receiver separation; in principle one can
sound to any required depth using a single small loop.
In geothermal exploration where depths of several kilometres are to be probed, in TEM
the total duration of the transient process ranges from half a second to several tens of
seconds, again depending on the electrical structure. In normal operating practice, the
signal is enhanced by transmitting many consecutive signals, with the corresponding
transient magnetic induction signals being synchronously added.
The product of a time-domain electromagnetic sounding survey is a curve relating
apparent resistivity to the time following the beginning of the transient coupling between
source and receiver. It is presumed that, as this time becomes progressively larger, the eddy
currents giving rise to the transient coupling occur at greater and greater depths beneath the
receiver. In a complete interpretation, the response observed in the field is modelled for
reasonable earth structures in much the same manner as with any of the other electrical
In Controlled Source Audio-frequency MagnetoTellurics (CSAMT), the most common
artificial source frequency-domain electromagnetic sounding, a scalar impedance and its
phase are computed, and an apparent resistivity can then be plotted against frequency, and
data are treated as in MT. The top 2 to 3 km of the earth’s crust can then be mapped. This
method proved useful in detecting the shallower part of geothermal systems, like reservoir
resistivity contrasts, but its limited depth of investigation is not suitable to define the deep
heat sources.


The direct current resistivity method comprises a set of techniques for measuring earth
resistivity that are significantly simpler in concept than the magnetotelluric method. The
magnetotelluric method is an induction method in which the depth of penetration of the
field is controlled by the frequency of the signals analysed. The direct current methods
achieve control of the depth of the penetration by regulating the geometry of the array of
equipment used.
Three principal variations of the direct current method have found use in geothermal
exploration, though there has been some controversy in the literature over the relative
merits of these techniques. The best tested of the techniques is the Schlumberger sounding
method. With the Schlumberger array, electrodes are placed along a common line and
separated by a distance, which is used to control the depth of penetration. The outer two
electrodes drive current into the ground, while the inner two, located at the midpoint
between the outer two, are used to detect the electric field caused by that current. The outer
two electrodes are separated by progressively greater distances as a sounding survey is
carried out, so that information from progressively greater depths is obtained. In a survey of
a geothermal area, the spacings between electrodes will be increased incrementally from
distances of a few metres or tens of metres to distances of severa1 kilometres or more.
The Schlumberger method has several limitations, including the relatively slow progress
with which work can be carried forward in deep sounding, and the fact that in areas of
geothermal activity the lateral dimensions of the areas of anomalous resistivity may be
considerably smaller than the total spread required between electrodes.
In order to detect the presence of lateral discontinuities in resistivity, the bipole–dipole
and dipole–dipole techniques have come into use. In the dipole–dipole technique, four
electrodes arrayed along a common line are again used, but in this case the outer two
electrodes at one end of the line provide current to the ground while the outer two
electrodes at the other end of the line are used to measure the voltage caused by that
current. In a survey, the receiving electrodes and transmitting electrodes are separated
progressively by increments equal to the separation between one of the pairs, in the
direction along which they are placed. The separation between the two dipoles can be
increased from one dipole length to as much as 10 dipole lengths. When this has been done
the current dipole is advanced by one dipole length along the traverse and the procedure
repeated. The process is continued with the entire system moving along a profile.
As the final product, a pseudosection is compiled in which each value of apparent
resistivity is plotted on a cross-section beneath the midpoint of the array with which the
measurement was taken, and at a depth beneath the surface which is proportional to the
separation between dipole centres. The result is a contoured section of apparent resistivity
values which sometimes shows a good correlation with the actual distribution of resistivity
in the earth. The dipole–dipole method has the advantage of portraying the effects of lateral
changes in resistivity clearly, but suffers from the disadvantage of being a cumbersome
method to apply in the field.
Another direct current method is the bipole–dipole mapping method. In this, current is
driven into the earth with a fixed pair of electrodes at a source bipole. The behaviour of the
current field over the surface of the earth is then surveyed by making voltage measurements
with orthogonal pairs of electrodes (dipoles) at many locations around the source. Values
for apparent resistivity are computed and contoured. In some cases a simple relationship
exists between contours of apparent resistivity and the subsurface electrical structure, but in
many cases the relationship between the contoured apparent resistivities and the subsurface
structure is difficult to determine.
An important modification of the bipole–dipole method, which has been used in recent
surveys to improve the meaningfulness of the results, is the use of two orthogonal bipole
sources. The two sources are energised separately, and at a receiver site two electric fields
are determined, one for each source. By combining these two electric fields in various
proportions, apparent resistivity is computed as a function of the direction of current flow at
the receiver station. The result is an ellipse of apparent resistivity drawn as a function of the
direction of current flow. These ellipses provide considerably more insight into the nature
of the subsurface than do the single values of apparent resistivity obtained with the single-
source bipole–dipole method.
The results of an extensive bipole–dipole survey in the vicinity of The Geysers,
California, are shown in Fig. 19. Apparent resistivity values were obtained at about 6000
locations, using more than 50 bipole sources. Over much of the area, overlapping coverage
was provided from several sources. In the presentation shown here, all resistivity values
calculated for cells of one square mile area were averaged together and the results were
contoured. The isoresistivity map shows a close association with known geology; the areas
of lowest resistivity are found where the sub-outcrop consists of sands and shales of the
Great Valley sequence, while areas of highest resistivity correspond to sub-outcrops of the
Franciscan formation. The Geysers steam field is situated in a zone of moderate resistivity.

Fig. 19. Results of extensive bipole-dipole resistivity surveys of The Geysers area.
Measurements at about 6000 locations, based on about 50 transmitter sites, have been
merged and averaged on a one-mile grid. Contour interval is 2 ohm-m below 20 ohm-m,
and 5 ohm-m above.


Apparent resistivity values are calculated directly from observations as a convenience in

presenting raw data, but often these apparent values are not closely related to the actual
resistivity distribution in the earth. This actual resistivity distribution is analysed by a
modelling process, or, where feasible, by an inversion process.
With either direct modelling or inversion, the nature of the computational process is
controlled by the mathematics involved in the forward solution; that is, by the computations
required to compute field effects from a postulated subsurface structure. If the earth is one-
dimensional, such as is the case when it consists of a set of horizontal layers, the forward
solution is expressible in an analytical form which can be evaluated either exactly or
numerically. The usual form of expression for a one-dimensional problem is a Hankel
transform integral:

G(r) = C∫ F1(σi, zi) Jα(mr) dm

where F1 is a function which contains all the information about the electrical properties of
the layers comprising the section, σi and zi are the conductivity and depth to each layer,
indicated by the index i, m is a dummy variable of integration, r is the separation between
source and receiver, G(r) is the observed field strength and Jα is a Bessel function of the
first type of order zero or unity. In the case of the magnetotelluric method, the forward
solution is even more simple in that only the function F1 must be evaluated and no Hankel
transform is necessary. The favoured procedure for computing the Hankel transform at the
present time is by a logarithmic transformation of variables followed by a convolution
In the case of a two-dimensional or three-dimensional distribution of resistivity in the
subsurface, the approach used in interpretation is numerical. The finite difference (or the
finite element) method is often used. In the finite difference method, the earth is subdivided
into a mesh of points at which the boundary conditions and differential equations
representing the behaviour of the field components are simulated by finite difference
equations. Solution for the behaviour of the field on the free surface of the earth where
actual measurements are made requires the simultaneous solution of an array of algebraic
equations in which the number of unknowns is comparable to the number of mesh points
into which the earth is subdivided. In two-dimensional problems, it is usually barely
adequate to represent the earth by 100 to 200 mesh points, while in three dimensions, 1000
mesh points or more are required to obtain even a roughly realistic result.
An alternative numerical approach consists of an integral equation analysis. In this
approach, some solution to the governing differential equations is expressed in terms of an
intergal of a Green’s function. The surface and volume of the region with anomalous
resistivity are subdivided into cells and sub-areas, and the Green’s function evaluated. The
number of equations which must be solved simultaneously is comparable to the number of
points used to approximate the anomalous region.
With forward modelling, human interaction is important. The first approximation of the
subsurface electrical structure is likely to be highly unrepresentative. Successive models are
hypothesised in an attempt to bring the computed field effects into close agreement with
those actually observed. This can be a lengthy process because of the complicated way in
which changes in parameters for the subsurface model affect the calculations.

If the forward model requires only a relatively small amount of computer time, a process
termed inversion can be used to make use of information from the forward model
calculations to derive a better fit to the observed data with successive calculations. In the
forward calculation, the forward solution can be simply represented by a non-linear
function F that relates the calculated values (Cj) with the corresponding vector of
parameters (pi):

Cj = Fj(p1 p2… pM)

where p, is the set of M hypothetical parameters associated with the mathematical model,
and C is the set of calculated values for this given set of parameters.
Inversion methods are designed to find as much information as possible about the model
parameters that define the earth model when a set of N observations (data) is given. Given a
set of observations (Oj) and a hypothetical earth model described by the vector of
parameters p i, the accuracy of approximation to the real model is usually specified in terms
of a squared error E:

E = ∑( Oj – Cj)2

where A is the number of observations that are compared with computed values.
The best solution for an inversion in the least-squares sense can be obtained when the
error function E is minimised. The result of minimisation should be an overdetermined
system of N equations with M unknowns. The conditions for minimum error are determined
by forming a derivative of the error with respect to each of the model parameters, and
setting these derivatives all equal to zero simultaneously. The derivatives are calculated by
a finite difference formulation in which the model parameters are perturbed by a small
amount, one at a time to find how much the error is changed by such perturbation. The
number of observations N is necessarily larger than M, the number of parameters used in
building the model. When the set of derivatives is set equal to zero, M equations in N
unknowns are written, so that the problem is overdetermined. The singular value
decomposition method is often used in the solution of this set of equations. Such solutions
are stable only in a few cases. Instability is caused by combinations of parameters to which
the observed data are insensitive. This problem has been tackled in two ways: by
elimination of some of the parameters and by use of the ridge regression technique.
The generalised inverse approach has been very effectively used to find inversions for
assumed one-dimensional distributions of resistivity for magnetotelluric, direct current and
electromagnetic sounding data. Generally, a good solution is found in two or three
iterations of the process as described. This involves the computation of a few hundred to a
few thousand forward solutions to obtain the necessary derivatives, and does not involve an
extraordinary amount of computer time. However, in one-dimensional problems the
number of parameters involved in describing the model is relatively small, ranging from
one or two to several tens. The number of forward solutions needed to compute derivatives
is generally less than 100. In two- and three-dimensional problems, where the model is
described by hundreds or even thousands of parameters, the number of forward solutions
involved rises to many thousands or even tens of thousands. The use of generalised
inversion with two- or three-dimensional models does not seem to be practical at the
present time and perhaps the best approach to a solution is to find a better method for
estimating the number of parameters required in describing a two- or three-dimensional
earth in an optimum way.


These lecture notes and relative figures were mainly based on the following papers:

Keller, G.V., 1981. Exploration for Geothermal Energy. In: Fitch, A.A. (Ed.),
Developments in Geophysical Exploration. Methods – 2. Applied Science Pub., pp. 107-

Spies, B.R., Frischknecht F.C., 1992. Electromagnetic sounding. In: Nabighiam, M.N. (Ed.)
Electromagnetic methods in applied geophysics, vol. 2. SEG, pp. 285-426.

Vozoff K., 1992. The magnetotelluric method. In: Nabighiam, M.N. (Ed.) Electromagnetic
methods in applied geophysics, vol. 2. SEG, pp. 641-712.

Zhdanov, M.S., Keller, G.V., 1994. The geoelectrical methods in geophysical exploration.
Elsevier, 873 p.


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