Dry Wet Unburnt Daily Dev Calculation

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HEAT Rate Deviation Calculation for Dry,

Wet Flue Gas Loss and Unburnt Carbon Loss



Manual Input Sheet

Parameters Units Symbol Value
Unit Load MW L 210
FW Flow at Eco Inlet T/hr Ffw 615
Wet Bulb Temp C Wb 24
Dry bulb Temp C Db 30
Barometric Pressure mmHgC BP 760
Total Coal Flow T/hr Fin 140
Last Tested Unburnt C in Bottom Ash % Cba 1.2
Last Tested Unburnt C in Flysash % Cfa 0.4
Radiation & Unaccounted Loss % Lrad 1.2
% of Flyash to Total Ash % Pfa 80
% of Bottom ash to Total Ash % Pba 20
Last Tested Proximate - As Fired
Moisture % M 12.2
Ash % A 40
Volatile Matter % VM 22.9
Fixed Carbon % FC 24.9
Gross Calorific Value kcal/kg Gcv 3320
Sulfur % S 0.6
Last Boiler Efficiency % Be 86.8

% O2+CO2 in Flue Gas (Orsat) % Tfg 19.3

AH Leakage % Lkg 10
Flue Gas Moisture % FGm 10

Avg. Flue Gas O2 - APH In % O2in 2.7

Avg. Flue Gas CO - APH In (optional) ppm COin 50
Avg. Flue Gas Temp - APH In C Tgi 350
Avg. Flue Gas Temp - APH Out C Tgo 135

Primary Air to APH Temp In C Tpai 40

Primary Air from APH Temp Out C Tpao 325
Secondary Air to APH Temp In C Tsai 34
Secondary Air from APH Temp Out C Tsao 325

Total Secondary Air Flow T/hr Fsa 450

Total Air Flow T/hr Fta 700
Total Primary Air Flow T/hr Fpa 250
Design Ambient / Ref Air Temp C Tref 30
Losses - Test Conditions Unit Symbol Value
Ultimate Analysis - As Fired
k 0.48
Carbon % Ca 39.71
Sulfur % S 0.6
Hydrogen % H 2.58
Moisture % M 12.2
Nitrogen % N 0.76
Oxygen % O 4.14
Ash % A 40
Gross Calorific Value kcal/kg Gcv 3320

1 Dry Gas Loss

= Sh*100/(Gcv*4.186) % Ldg 5.038

Carbon in fuel % Ca 39.7145973

Sulfur in fuel % S 0.6
Carbon in ash / kg of fuel kg/kg coal U 0.00225261
Specific heat of gas kg/kg/C Cp 30.6
Avg. Flue Gas Temp - APH Out C Tgo 135
Unburnt C in ash = Pfa/100*Cfa + Pba/100*Cba % Cash 0.56
Cin ash / kg of coal = A/100*Cash/(100-Cash) kg U 0.00225

Total air flow = SA + PA flow T/hr Fta 700

Ratio SA flow to Total Air flow=Fsa/Fta % Rsa 0.64
Ratio PA flow to Total Air flow=Fpa/Fta % Rpa 0.36
Weighted Temp Air In = Tsai*Rsa + Tpai*Rpa C Trai 36.1
Weighted Temp Air Out = Tsao*Rsa + Tpao*Rp C Tao 325

Avg. Flue Gas CO2 - APH Out % CO2out 14.3

Gross CV kcal/kg Gcv 3320
Weight of dry gas =
(Ca+S/2.67-100*U)/(12*CO2out) kg/kg coal Wd 0.2314
Sensible Heat dry gas = Wd*30.6(Tgo-Trai) kJ/kg Sh 700.09

2 Loss due to Unburnt Carbon

= U*CVc*100/Gcv % Luc 0.55
Carbon in Ash / kg of coal kg/kg coal U 0.00225
CV of Carbon kcal/kg CVc 8077.8
Gross CV kcal/kg Gcv 3320

3 Loss due to moisture in fuel

= Sw*M/(Gcv*4.186) % Lmf 2.284
Moisture in Fuel % M 12.2
Avg. Flue Gas Temp - APH Out C Tgo 135
Weighted Temp Air - APH In C Tai 36.1
Gross CV kcal/kg Gcv 3320.0
Sensible heat of water vapour Sw =
1.88*(Tgo-25)+2442+4.2*(25-Trai) kJ/kg Sw 2602

4 Loss due to Hydrogen in Fuel

=9*H*Sw/(Gcv*4.186) % Lhf 4.35
Hydrogen in fuel % H 2.58415417

5 Loss due to Carbon monoxide

= COoutp*7*Cvco*(Ca-100*U) /3 /
(CO2out+Cooutp) / Gcv % Lco 0.023
Avg. Flue Gas CO2 - APH Out % CO2out 14.3000667
Avg. Flue Gas CO - APH Out % Cooutp 0.005
Carbon in fuel % Ca 39.7145973
CV of Carbon Monoxide kcal/kg CVco 2415
Gross CV kcal/kg Gcv 3320
Carbon in Ash / kg of coal kg/kg coal U 0.00225261

6 Loss due to moisture in air

= Ma*1.88*(Tgo-Trai)*100/(Gcv*4.186) % Lma 0.147
Carbon in fuel % Ca 39.7145973
Hydrogen in fuel % H 2.58415417
Sulfur in fuel % S 0.6
Oxygen in fuel % O 4.1449609
Carbon in ash / kg of fuel kg/kg coal U 0.00225261
Gross CV kcal/kg Gcv 3320
Moisture in Air kg/kg Mwv 0.01663626
Ref.air temp C Trai 36.14
Avg. Flue Gas Temp - APH Out C Tgo 135
Avg. Flue Gas O2 - APH Out % O2out 4.49994
Avg. Flue Gas N2 - APH Out = 100 - (O2out-
CO2out-Cooutp) % N2out 81.2
Stoichiometric air = (2.66*(C-
U*100)+7.937*H+0.996*S-O)/23.2 kg/kg coal Sa 5.26
Excess Air = 1+[(O2out-Cooutp/2)]/[0.2682*N-
(O2out-Cooutp)] Ea 1.26
Total Moisture in air = Sa*Ea*Mwv % Ma 0.1103
Corrections to Design
Design Conditions Unit
Ultimate Analysis - As Fired
Carbon %
Sulfur %
Hydrogen %
Moisture %
Nitrogen %
Oxygen %
Ash %
Gross Calorific Value kcal/kg
Ambient Temperature C
Relative Humidity

Gas Temp Leaving AH - Corr to design ambient

Ambient Temp - test C
Ambient Temp - design C
Ref. Air Temp - test C
Ref. Air Temp - design C
Gas Temp entering AH - test C
Gas Temp leaving AH - test C
Gas Temp leaving AH (Corr) C
=(Trad*(Tgi-Tgo)+Tgi*(Tgo-Trai)) / (Tgi-Trai)

Losses - Corrected to Design

1 Dry Gas Loss
=Shc*100/Gcvd/4.186 %

Carbon in fuel %
Sulfur in fuel %
Carbon in ash / kg of fuel kg/kg coal
Specific heat of gas kg/kg/C
Avg. Flue Gas Temp - APH Out C
Ref Air Temp - design C
Avg. Flue Gas CO2 - APH Out %
Gross CV kcal/kg
Weight of dry gas = (Cd+Sd/2.67-100*U)/(12*CO2out) kg/kg coal
Sensible Heat dry gas = Wdc*30.6(Tgc-Trad) kJ/kg
2 Loss due to Unburnt Carbon - Corrected
= Luc* [(Ad * Gcv) / (A * Gcvd)] +V
V = 0 (where volatile matter of fuel > 17 %)
If the volatile matter < 17 % then
V = .013 * [(Ad * Gcv) / (A * Gcvd)] * Kc
Kc = Exp [0.225 * Cd/Hd] – Exp [0.225 Ca/Ht]

Volatile Matter - test %

Volatile Matter - design %
Ash -test %
Ash -design %
Test Unburnt Carbon Loss

3 Loss due to moisture in fuel (Corrected)

= Sw*Md/(Gcvd*4.186) %

Moisture in Fuel - design %

Avg. Flue Gas Temp - APH Out (corr) C
Ref Air temp - design C
Gross CV - design kcal/kg
Sensible heat of water vapour Sw = 1.88*(Tgc-25)+2442+4.2*(25-
Trad) kJ/kg

4 Loss due to Hydrogen in Fuel

=9*Hd*Swd/(Gcvd*4.186) %
Hydrogen in fuel - design %

5 Loss due to Carbon monoxide

= Cooutp*7*Cvco*(Cd-100*U) /3 / (CO2out+Cooutp) / Gcvd %

Avg. Flue Gas CO2 - APH Out %

Avg. Flue Gas CO - APH Out %
Carbon in fuel - design %
CV of Carbon Monoxide kcal/kg
Gross CV - design kcal/kg
Carbon in Ash / kg of coal kg/kg coal

6 Loss due to moisture in air

= Mad*1.88*(Tgc-Trad)*100/(Gcvd*4.186) %

Carbon in fuel - design %

Hydrogen in fuel - design %
Sulfur in fuel - design %
Oxygen in fuel - design %
Carbon in ash / kg of fuel kg/kg coal
Gross CV - design kcal/kg
Moisture in Air (from Psychrometric Chart) kg/kg
Ref.air temp - design C
Avg. Flue Gas Temp - APH Out (Corr) C
Avg. Flue Gas O2 - APH Out %
Avg. Flue Gas N2 - APH Out = 100 - (O2out-CO2out-Cooutp) %

Stoichiometric air = (2.66*(Cd-U*100)+7.937*Hd+0.996*Sd-Od)/23.2 kg/kg coal

Excess Air = 1+[(O2out-Cooutp/2)]/[0.2682*N2out-(O2out-Cooutp)]

Total Moisture in air = Sad*Ead*Mwvd %
Symbol Value

Cd 37
Sd 0.3
Hd 2.3
Md 12
Nd 0.8
Od 7.6
Ad 40
Gcvd 3300
Tadd 30
RH 60

Tad 30
Tadd 30
Trai 36.14
Trad 36.14

Tgi 350
Tgo 135
Tgc 135.00

Ldgc 4.707

Cd 37
Sd 0.3
U 0.0022526146
Cp 30.6
Tgc 135.00
Trad 36.14
CO2out 14.300066667
Gcvd 3300
Wdc 0.2150
Shc 650.26
Lucc 0.5513991077

V 0.0728572672
Kc 5.5706436893

VM 22.9
VMd 24
A 40
Ad 40
Luc 0.55

Lmfc 2.260

Md 12
Tgc 135.00
Trad 36.14
Gcvd 3300

Swd 2602

Lhfc 3.899
Hd 2.3

Lcoc 0.022

CO2out 14.300066667
Cooutp 0.005
Cd 37
CVco 2415
Gcv 3300
U 0.00225

Lmac 0.103

Cd 37
Hd 2.3
Sd 0.3
Od 7.6
U 0.0022526146
cvd 3300
Mwvd 0.013
Trad 36.142857143
Tgc 135.00
O2out 4.49994
N2out 81.2

Sad 4.69

Ead 1.26
Mad 0.0768
Heat Rate Deviation Calculation for Dry, Wet Flue Gas Loss and Unburnt Carbon Loss



Design GTCHR kcl/kWh 2000

Design Boiler Effy % 86.8

Parameters Unit Design Expected Actual Variance HR Dev

Dry Flue Gas Loss % 4.26 4.26 5.04 0.78 20.8
Impact of Coal Quality on DFG 4.71 5.04 0.33 8.8
O2 at Eco Outlet %
AH Exit Temp (Corr) C
AH Leakage %
Wet Flue Gas Loss % 5.83 5.73 6.64 0.91 24.4
Moisture in Coal % 13 13
Combustibles in Fly ash % 0.5 0.4 -0.1 -2.06
Combustibles in Bottom ash % 1.0 1.2 0.2 1.03
As Run Corrected
Efficiency 86.40 87.26

Total Losses 13.60 12.74

1 Dry Gas Loss 5.04 4.71
2 Loss due to Unburnt Carbon 0.55 0.55
3 Loss due to moisture in fuel 2.28 2.26
4 Loss due to Hydrogen in Fue 4.35 3.90
5 Loss due to Carbon monoxid 0.02 0.02
6 Loss due to moisture in air 0.15 0.10
7 Radiation & unaccounted Lo 1.20 1.20

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