Levels of Learning in Mathematics

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Levels of Learning in Mathematics

The information below is taken from a handout by Mahesh C. Sharma, entitled,

“Learning Problems in Mathematics: Diagnostic and Remedial Perspectives.”

The term “level” refers to the order that information presented mathematically is
processed and learned. Mahesh C. Sharma, in “Learning Problems in Mathematics:
Diagnostic and Remedial Perspectives” states that “almost all mathematics teaching
activities, in most classrooms, take place at the abstract level. That is where most
textbooks are; that is where most of the tests and examinations are.” For students who
have not mastered particular math content, he proposes the following order or “Levels
of Math” as effective for teaching mathematics: intuitive, concrete/experiential,
pictorial/representational, abstract, applications, and communication. The chart below
explains each level and gives an example of what that level would look like in the

Levels of Learning Explanation Example

When a student is given
Intuitive At the intuitive level, new
three-dimensional circles,
material is connected to
cut into fractional pieces,
already existing knowledge.
he/she intuitively begins to
(The teacher checks that the
arrange them into
connection is correct.)
complete circles, thus
Introduce each new fact or
seeing the wedges as part
concept as an extension of
of a whole.
something the student
already knows.

Using the concrete model

Concrete/Experiential Manipulatives or materials
(in this case the wedges)
used to introduce, practice
helps the student learn the
and re-enforce rules,
fractional names. As the
concepts, and ideas. Present
student names the pieces,
every new fact or concept
the instructors asks
through a concrete model.
questions such as, “How
Encourage students to
many pieces are needed to
continue exploring through
complete the circle? Yes,
asking other questions.
four, so one out of these
four is one fourth of the
circle. As students continue
to explore, they may see
that two of the quarters
equal half the circle.
Pictorial/Representational Picture, diagram, or image is When the student has
used to solve a problem or experienced how some
prove a theorem. Sketch or pieces actually fit into the
illustrate a model of the new whole, present the
math fact. relationship in a pictorial
model, such as a
worksheet like those
provided in many math

Abstract Student is able to process After the student has the

symbols and formulae. Show concrete and pictorial
students the new fact in models to relate to, he can
symbolic (numerical) form. understand that 1/4 + 1/4
is not 2/8. Until this
concept has been
developed, the written
fraction is meaningless to
the student.

Application Student is able to apply a A student who is asked to

previously learned concept to give a real-life example or
another topic. Ask student to situation might respond
apply the concept to a real- with 1/4 cup of flour + 1/4
life situation. The student can cup of flour equals 1/2 cup
now approach fractions with of flour.
an understanding that each
fraction is a particular part of
a whole. The instructor can
now introduce word
problems without illustrations
because students have the
images in their heads.

Communication The student is able to convey Ask students to convey

knowledge to another their knowledge to other
student reflecting an students, i.e., students
embedded understanding must translate their
and the highest level of understanding into their
learning. The student’s own words to express
success in this task reflects what they know.
an embedded understanding
and the highest level of

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Sharma wrote, “The mastery of a given mathematical concept passes from the intuitive
level of understanding to the level where the student can explain how he has arrived at
a particular result and can explain the intricacies and the concept. In many of the
regular classroom teaching situations, the teacher…may begin at the abstract form of
the concept. As a result, the student may face difficulty in learning the concept or
procedure being taught. Even if he has understood the procedure for solving that
problem, he may soon forget it. Later when the teacher begins a new concept he may
assume, incorrectly, that the mastery in the previous concept is still present and
therefore may begin the new concept at a higher level, i.e., the abstract level, creating
difficulty for the student. This cycle continues and eventually the student begins to lose
the teacher’s explanations. He begins to have difficulty in learning mathematics, which
then results in the failure and that develops a fear of mathematics.”

This hierarchy of learning can in turn offer a structure for the teacher to follow. If our
goal is for students to learn well and do well on test, instructors should do the following:

• Introduce concepts at the intuitive level, and lead students through all the levels
to the communication level.
• Make sure that the student understands the linguistic, conceptual, and
procedural components of the concept.
• Over-teach the concept, i.e., repeatedly use it in one form or another.
• Take the student to a higher level than is required on test (the abstract), i.e.,
take the student at least to the application level.

Multiple Intelligences

You can see that the progression of the levels of

knowing mathematics touches on several of the
multiple intelligences or “types of smart” shown on
the right.

• The intuitive utilizes logical/mathematical.

• The concrete and pictorial utilizes both
kinesthetic and spatial intelligences.
• Moving to the abstract and applications
utilizes the intrapersonal intelligence when
the students form their individual
understanding of the concept.
• Communicating the concepts utilizes both
linguistic and interpersonal intelligences.

For additional information on multiple intelligences theory and its application to adult
education practice, see Viens, “Understanding Multiple Intelligences: The Theory Behind
the Practice.”


Viens, J. (1999, March). Understanding multiple intelligences: The theory behind the
practice. Focus on Basics, 3A. Boston, MA: National Center for the Study of Adult
Learning and Literacy. Website to download: http://www.ncsall.net/?id=373
Asking Questions to Facilitate Learning

Asking questions that encourage students to explore and develop their own meaning
can help instructors facilitate learning. Students' answers help you know if they are
understanding-and how they are understanding-new concepts. Tricia Donovan, Ed.D.
with World Education, wrote the following about using facilitation questions in the math
classroom: "Facilitation questions serve to surface students' thinking. They do not
evaluate correctness; however, they can lead to an examination of correctness by the
student. By carefully unearthing a student's thinking, you can witness the elegance of a
well-conceived or well-executed solution or guide the student to re-think a
misconception or a poorly executed solution." Below are examples of math facilitation

• What did you do?

• How did you do it?
• Why did you do it this way?
• Did anybody do it differently?
• Is one method better than another?
• What did you notice?
• What strikes you?
• How are these different?
• How are these the same?
• Does your solution work with different numbers?
• What if you tried _____? Does your solution process still work?
• Can you show me (with smaller numbers, objects, a drawing) how you see the
• Tell me how you solved the problem, so I can write out how you did it.
• Is this like any other problem(s) we've worked on? How?
• Would you do anything differently if we tried this problem again? What?
• What makes this problem challenging (or easy) for you?

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