EN-D-RTK 2 User Manual (EN) 20190430

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Introduction to Basic Functions

Startup: Press and hold the power button to turn on the D-RTK 2 mobile station. Wait until the
power indicator glows sold green.
Linking: Press the link button to start linking. It indicates that linking is started when the link
indicator is blinking red and green alternatively, indicating linking is succeeded when this indicator
is green, and indicating the remote controller is not linked to the mobile station when this indicator
is red.
Mode switching: Press and hold the mode button to change the working mode.

Operating Content Green Blinking

Mode Times
Operating Mobile Base Station Once

Mode 1

Operating Stationary Base Station Twice

Mode 2

Operating Handheld Mapping Three Times

Mode 3 Device

D-RTK 2 Mobile Base Station Mode

Base Station Setup

Select a flat ground and place the tripod. First install the RTK’s body on the extension
rod and then into the tripod. Adjust the D-RTK 2 mobile station to an appropriate
height, and tighten the sleeve.
Adjust the tripod with reference to the level on the body, ensuring that the bubble in
the level is in the black circle.
Open the battery compartment, install the battery and close the compartment

Turn on the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station

Press and hold the power button (middle) and wait until the power indicator glows
solid green. It indicates that the D-RTK 2 mobile station is turned on.
Press and hold the operating mode button (right) to switch between modes. When
the operating mode indicator turns green and blink once, it indicates that the mobile
base station mode is enabled.


Turn on the MG-1P RTK/Phantom 4 RTK’s remote controller, and click “Plan” to enter
into the operation interface. Click […] to enable the RTK function, and then select
[RTK Settings]. Select [D-RTK 2 Mobile Station] in the RTK Service Type, and then
click [Linking] at the bottom. The status indicator of the remote control will blink
blue, and there will be “beeping” sounds, indicating that linking is enabled.
Press the link button (left) on the D-RTK 2 mobile station. When the link indicator
blinks alternately in red and green, it means that linking is enabled. When the
prompt popped up and shows "Connection Succeeded" in the screen of the remote
controller, it indicates that the remote controller is linked to the D-RTK 2 mobile

After the remote controller is linked to D-RTK 2 mobile station, a window for linking
with the aircraft or handheld RTK will automatically pop up in the APP.

Turn on the aircraft and wait for its initialization. Trigger the link button of the
aircraft, and click “Linking” on the APP to complete the linking. Wait for a few
seconds until the aircraft is connected successfully. Thus, the remote controller is
connected to the D-RTK 2 mobile station and aircraft, and linking is finished.
Obtain Positioning Information

View the remote controller’s operation interface. The status bar will show the “RTK”
symbol and the number of satellites. When the icon turns white, it means that RTK
initialization succeeds. The base station will automatically obtain the positioning
information according to the current status of satellites.
If more accurate position information is available, you can manually input the
First, determine the position information for the D-RTK 2 mobile station via
measurement using the RTK device. Then, conduct height compensation.

Obtain the Current Position Information of D-RTK 2’s Antenna

Method A:

Place the D-RTK 2 and enable Mode 3.

Launch GS RTK/DJI MG app on the remote controller and enter the remote controller
settings interface. Click the Linking icon.
Press the link button of D-RTK 2 to link the mobile station to the remote controller.
Connect the customized network RTK or D-RTK 2 mobile station to enter the Fix status.
Go to “Settings” - “Apply to all” and open DJI MG APP.
Click the Planning Field and Walk with handheld RTK.
Enter the RTK settings interface. The coordinates of the handheld RTK is the current
position of the base station’s antenna’s position. Record the coordinates.

Enable the Mode 1 of D-RTK 2 to enter the [RTK Settings] interface and select [RTK
Service Type (D-RTK 2 mobile station). Click the linking icon at the bottom to link the
remote controller to the D-RTK 2.
Enter the [RTK Settings] interface and click [Advanced Settings] at the bottom. Click [GNSS
Coordinate Input] to enter the recorded position information of the D-RTK 2 mobile
station. Click [Settings].
It is recommended to use the method A.

Method B:

1. The height of the head antenna of the body is 141.9mm.

2. The distance B in the figure is to be measured by the customer.

3. The GNSS height coordinates are determined by adding the previously measured coordinates,
the distance B and 141.9mm.
Determine the position coordinates of D-RTK 2, and then enter GNSS coordinates.

GNSS Coordinate Input

Wait until satellite search of the D-RTK 2 mobile station is finished. When [FIX] is
shown on the interface, enter [RTK Settings] and click [Advanced Settings] at the bottom
and [GNSS Coordinate Input]. Manually input the current position information
(accurate position information obtained via Phantom 4 RTK or other devices) of the
D-RTK 2 mobile station. Click [Settings] to save the current settings.
When you need to erect the D-RTK 2 mobile station again in the current position,
with the margin of error not exceeding 5m, the position information that was
entered manually will be recalled automatically, thereby ensuring the accurate
recalling of routes.

Process of Obtaining the Phantom 4 RTK’s Position Informaiton

1. Place the Phantom 4 RTK at the location where the base station is to be placed.
Connect the customized network RTK. In the FIX status, enter the RTK interface and
view the position information of the Phantom 4 RTK at the bottom: latitude -
longitude - elevation

2. The photo and the customized network RTK are in the same elevation system.
Please see the picture below for the antenna’s phase center.
3. Measure the distance between the antenna phase center of the Phantom 4 RTK
and the antenna of D-RTK 2 mobile station, and compensate the altitude in the
above figure with the measured distance. Finally, enter the value in the GNSS
coordinate input interface of the APP and perform the setup process.

1. The mobile station should be away from high-power radio sources.
2. There shouldn’t be any large areas of water or any object with strong interference to satellite signal reception
around the mobile station.
3. Do not change the position and angle of the tripod or D-RTK 2 mobile station after the mobile station has been
set up. Otherwise, re-leveling is needed.
4. Make sure that the mobile station is not covered.
5. After the power is turned on for the base station, wait for 2min until its position is automatically identified.
6. When manually entering the position of the base station, the difference between the position information
obtained by the base station and the information manually entered should not be more than 50m; otherwise,
setting will fail.

Handheld Mapping Device Mode (Currently

Used with MG APP)

Handheld Mapping Device Mode + Customized RTK Mode

Press and hold the power button to turn on the D-RTK 2 mobile station. Wait until the power
indicator glows solid green.
Press and hold the operating mode button to enable the Mode 3.

Turn on the remote control and select [Linking] in the [RC Settings] interface.

Press and hold the link button on the mobile station and wait until the linking is finished.
If the mobile station’s link indicator glows solid green, then the linking is finished.

Enable [RTK Function] in the [RTK Settings] interface, and select [Custom RTK] under [RTK Service

Enter the corresponding NTRIP Host, port, account, password and Mountpoint, and click “Connect”.
Wait for successful connection of the custom RTK.

Check the Connection Between the Mobile Station and the Remote Controller

Launch the MG APP. When the prompt “Connected Handheld RTK.” appears in the main interface,
select Plan Field.
View the accuracy of the RTK and the number of RTK satellites at the top of the task interface.

View the latitude and longitude of the handheld RTK and the number of satellites in the [RTK
Settings] interface.
If the handheld RTK status is the normal, then the D-RTK 2 can work properly.

Handheld Mapping Device + Mobile Station RTK

Turn on two D-RTK 2 mobile stations. Set one in the handheld mapping device mode (Mode 3).
Set the other D-RTK 2 mobile station in the mobile base station mode (Mode 1), i.e. “Mobile Base
Station RTK”.

Select [D-RTK 2 Mobile Station] under [RTK Service Type] in the [RTK Settings] interface of the
remote control.
Select [Linking] at the bottom.

Press and hold the link button of the base station to start linking.

After the remote controller is connected to the mobile station in mode 1, the remote controller
should be linked to the mobile station in mode 3. There will be a notification pop up in the app.
Click [Link] in the pop-up prompt, press the link button of the RTK, and then wait for linking.

Check the Connection Between the Remote Controller and the Mobile Station in Mode 3

Open the MG APP. When the prompt “Connected Handheld RTK.” appears in the main interface,
select [Walk with Handheld RTK] under [Plan Field].
View the accuracy of the handheld RTK and the number of RTK satellites at the top of the task
View the latitude and longitude of the handheld RTK and the number of satellites in the [RTK
Settings] interface.

The handheld RTK in the normal status can work properly.

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