HIS Prelims Reviewer
HIS Prelims Reviewer
HIS Prelims Reviewer
THE VISION, MISSION, GOALS competencies in preparation who you do this for. The
AND OBJECTIVES OF THE for higher learning. mission must be clear by using
INSTITUTION simple language with an
Informal education, on the
other hand, is anything learned average of 5 to 20 words.
An educational institution is independently outside the Examples include “Spreading
a place where learners of conventional classroom set-up. Ideas” by TED, “The increase
different ages gain education. It is not restricted to a certain and diffusion of knowledge”
Education is based on an age location and is usually by Smithsonian, “Seeking to
grade system from preschool, integrated with the put God’s love into action,
primary, intermediate, and surroundings such as the Habitat for Humanity brings
secondary level (junior and home, cultural setting, and people together to build
senior high school), to the even in formal education homes, community and hope”
tertiary level (colleges and institutions. Informal by Habitat for Humanity.
universities). Educational education involves the ABOUT VALUE
institutions carry out students’ behavior skills STATEMENT
educational activities that through interaction and A value statement, or the core
engage students with various exploration on a daily basis as values, is a list of fundamental
learning environments and well as the teachers’ traits that doctrines that guide and direct
learning spaces. vary by their expertise, skills, the educational institution.
However, not all types of and experience. This sets the moral direction of
educational institutions are VISION AND MISSION the institution and its academic
structured and formalized. STATEMENT community that guides
While established educational decision-making and provides
Vision Statement
institutions follow a well- a yardstick against any action.
defined curriculum, some A vision statement conveys The core values shape the
learning environments are the desired end of an academic standard structure that is
spontaneous and have no fixed institution. It is usually a one- shared and acted upon by the
timetables. sentence statement that academic community.
describes the distinct and
There are two types of In developing an institution’s
motivating long-term desired
education: formal and value statement, consider the
transformation resulting from
informal. following questions:
institutional programs. The
Formal education deals with vision statement should be • What values are distinct to
the conventional classroom clear, memorable, and concise our educational institution?
set-up where structured with an average length of 14 • What values should direct
methods of learning are words. The shortest contains our institution?
administered in educational only three words—such as
institutions. Government “Equality for Everyone,” a For an educational institution
recognition in terms of the human rights campaign— to have a useful value
curricular offering that while the longest may contain statement, its values must be
predetermines the books and up to 26 words—such as “A incorporated in all levels of the
materials to be used for World in which every person institution to give direction to
instruction is necessary to enjoys all of the human rights its engagements, viewpoints,
establish standards in the enshrined in the Universal and decision-making
academic community. Faculty Declaration of Human Rights processes.
and instructors follow the and other international human OBJECTIVES
curricula set by a technical rights instruments” of
Educational objectives, or
committee appointed by the Amnesty International.
goals, are short statements that
government. Formal education
Mission Statement learners should achieve within
starts at around age 4 from
A mission statement is a one- or at the end of the course or
preschool up to higher
sentence statement relating lesson. When setting the
education. It takes place in a
the intention of your objectives, curriculum
stipulated period in which
institution’s existence. This developers must think of the
learners complete each level
SMART criteria; that is, organization, financing, and systems should strive for
objectives must be Specific, management that culminate in equity in health by minimizing
Measurable, Attainable, the delivery of health services inequitable disparities which
Realistic, and Time bound. to the population” (Roemer, may be caused by certain
1991). This system consists of factors such as income,
many parts such as the ethnicity, occupation, gender,
KEY POINTS TO community, department or geographic location, and
REMEMBER: ministries of health, health sexual orientation, among
An educational care providers, health service others. There are significant
institution carries out organizations, pharmaceutical variations in health outcomes
educational activities that companies, health financing across the world, within
engage students with bodies, and other organizations regions, and within countries.
various learning related to the health sector. Countries and regions with
environments and learning Each plays a role in the system relatively similar
spaces. such as governance, health socioeconomic status may
Education is based on service provision, and have quite disparate health
an age grade system from financing and managing outcomes. The way health
preschool, primary, resources. systems are organized
intermediate, and In the World Health contributes to this disparity.
secondary level to the Organization (WHO) Report These disparities are most
tertiary level. (2000), health system is effectively reduced when they
defined as “all the are recognized and their
A vision statement is minimization becomes an
the desired end of an organizations, institutions,
resources, and people whose explicit national goal.
academic institution. It is
usually a one-sentence primary purpose is to improve (2) Improving the
statement that describes the health.” Thus, a well- responsiveness of the health
distinct and motivating performing health system system
long-term desired provides direct health- Responsiveness refers to
transformation resulting improving activities whether in providing satisfactory health
from institutional personal health care, public services and engaging people
programs. health services, or intersectoral as active partners. It embodies
initiatives, to achieve high the values of respectfulness,
A mission statement is health equity.
a one-sentence statement dignity, confidentiality,
relating the intention of an GOALS AND FUNCTIONS autonomy, quality, and
institution’s existence. OF A HEALTH SYSTEM timeliness in the delivery of
WHO identifies three (3) main health services. Health systems
A value statement is a also have an obligation to
list of fundamental goals of health systems:
respond to the legitimate non-
doctrines that guide and (1) Improving the health of health needs and expectations
direct the educational populations of populations. Responsive
institution. Improving health of the health systems maximize
An educational population is the overarching people’s autonomy and
objective is a short goal of a health system. Health control, allowing them to make
statement that a learner status should thus be measured choices and placing them at
should achieve within or at over the entire population and the center of the health system.
the end of the course or across different socioeconomic (3) Providing fair health
lesson. groups. Populations must be financing
protected from existing and
emerging health risks. An ideal health system
LESSON II HEALTH SYSTEM Intensive preparations for provides social and financial
DEFINITION OF HEALTH resilience to impending but risk protection in health. Thus,
CARE SYSTEM still unknown health risks must all health systems must be
Health system is “the be executed to ensure the adequately funded to provide
combination of resources, safety of populations. Health essential services to all
citizens. WHO defines a fairly
financed health system as one responsibility of the contributions from workers
that does not deter individuals government. This function sets and employers.
from receiving needed care the direction, context, and B. Risk pooling
due to payments required at policy framework for the
the time of service, and one in overall health system. Financial risk pooling is a
which each individual pays form of risk management
The core of the stewardship which aims to spread financial
approximately the same function includes:
percentage of their income for risks from an individual to all
needed services. A health a. Identifying health priorities pool members (WHO, 2000).
financing system that for allocation of public It is considered a core function
dissuades people from seeking resources; of health insurance companies.
needed services or b. Identifying an institutional This mechanism prevents
impoverishes individuals and framework; outright payment for health
families worsens health services which discourages
c. Coordinating activities with patients belonging to the poor
other systems related to sector from seeking health
There are 4 vital health system external health care; care. Participation in effective
functions are: risk pooling helps families
d. Analyzing health priorities
(1) Health service provision and resource generation trends from financial losses due to
The most visible product of the and their implications; and health shocks, thus ensuring
health system is public and financial protection.
e. Generating appropriate data
private health service for effective decision-making Each country has its own
provision. A health service is and policymaking on health approach to managing its
any service, not limited to matters. financial risk to finance its
clinical services, aimed at health care system. Multiple
(4) Health financing
improving the health of and fragmented forms of risk
populations. Preventive Health system financing pooling arrangements exist in
measures as well as promotion includes raising and pooling most developing countries.
of a healthy way of living to resources to pay for health Most high-income countries
avoid illnesses also form part services. follow one of the two main
of the best systems. Thus, the A. Revenue collection models: the Bismarck model
system has to perform a wide and the Beveridge model.
Revenue is earned from
range of activities to cater to BISMARCK MODEL
payments for health care
these various demands. (Bismarck’s Law on Health
services. The mechanisms for
(2) Health service inputs revenue collection include Insurance of 1883)
Health service inputs, or general taxation, direct This model is named after the
managing resources, means household out-of-pocket Prussian Chancellor, Otto von
generating the essential expenditures, mandatory Bismarck, known for inventing
physical resources for the payroll contributions, the welfare state in the 19th
delivery of health services mandatory or voluntary risk- century as part of the
which include medications, rated contributions, donor unification of Germany. The
human resources, and medical financing, and other forms of Bismarck model uses an
equipment. Resources such as personal savings. insurance system where the
trained doctors and medical Each source of health sickness fund finances both the
staff and supply of financing is associated with a employers and the employees
medications often take time to specific manner of organizing through payroll deduction. But
be produced; hence, the health and pooling of funds and unlike the U.S. insurance
system policymakers have to purchasing services. Public industry, the Bismarck-type
respond and use the available health systems rely on general health insurance plan covers
resources to address short-term taxation for its financing, everybody, thus collecting no
population needs. while social security profit. This is considered a
(3) Stewardship organizations are funded multi-payer model with tight
through the mandatory payroll regulation giving the
Stewardship, or the overall government the cost-control
system oversight, is the main
clout. This model is widely framework (Figure 2.1) with PHILIPPINE HEALTH
used in Germany, France, six clearly defined building SYSTEM
Belgium, Netherlands, Japan, blocks and priorities which are Historical Background
Switzerland, and, to a degree, necessary in strengthening
in Latin America. health systems and improving The health reform initiatives
the overall health outcomes. carried out over the years in
BEVERIDGE MODEL the Philippines were primarily
(Beveridge Report or One building block is service focused on these areas of
theSocial Insurance and delivery which refers to the concern: health service
Allied Services of 1942) timely delivery of quality and delivery, health regulation, and
This model is named after cost-effective personal and health financing. These health
William Beveridge, the social non-personal health services. reforms aimed at addressing
reformer responsible for Another is health workforce issues such as poor
designing Britain’s Social which includes individuals and accessibility, inequity, and
Security System and the groups working towards the inefficiency of the Philippine
National Health Service. In the achievement of the best health health system.
Beveridge model, health care outcomes by being responsive,
fair, and efficient. The number 1. 1979: Adoption of Primary
is provided and funded by the Health Care Strategy (LOI
government through tax of staff should be sufficient
and fairly distributed to ensure 949) – promoted participatory
payments. The government management of the local
owns many, but not all, competency, responsiveness,
and productivity. Information health care system
hospitals and clinics in the
country. Doctors may be (health information system) 2. 1982: Reorganization of
government or private which analyzes, disseminates, DOH (EO 851) – integrated
employees who collect their and uses reliable and relevant the components of health care
professional fees from the information on health status, delivery into its field
government. This results in determinants, and systems operations
low cost per capita since the performance is also a valuable
3. 1988: The Generics Act
government controls the health building block. Another
(RA 6675) – ushered the
care services. Countries using important building block is
writing of prescriptions using
the Beveridge plan include that of health products,
the generic name of the drug
Hong Kong, Great Britain, vaccines and technologies
which are made accessible 4. 1991: Local Government
Spain, most of Scandinavia,
through uninterrupted supply, Code (RA 7160) – transferred
New Zealand, and Cuba. The
well-managed pharmaceutical the responsibility of providing
Cuban government, for
services, and education on health service to the local
instance, uses total
proper use of medication. government units
government control.
Financing (health financing 5. 1995: National Health
C. Strategic purchasing system) is a building block Insurance Act (RA 7875) –
In strategic purchasing, which takes care of the instituted a national health
risk-pooling organizations use funding for health care insurance mechanism for
collected funds and pooled services to guarantee that financial protection with
financial resources to finance people can use health services priority given to the poor
the health care services of the when needed without fear of
6. 1999: Health Sector
members. The purchaser having not enough resources to
Reform Agenda– ordered the
defines the substantial part of pay for them. Lastly,
major organizational
the provider's external leadership and governance
restructuring of the DOH to
incentives to develop the involves the task of ensuring
improve the way health care is
provider-user interaction and effective stewardship of the
delivered, regulated, and
the health service delivery entire health system. This
models. building block also covers the
monitoring of the 7. 2005: FOURmula One
accountability of private and (F1) for Health – adopted an
public health agencies, proper operational framework to
In its World Health Report system design, and appropriate undertake reforms with speed,
2000, WHO released a single regulation of health systems. precision, and effective
coordination and to improve and district hospitals. The city including health promotion
the Philippine health system and municipal governments and preventive units—
8. 2008: Universally rely on public health and provided by cities and
Accessible Cheaper and primary health care centers municipalities, provincial and
Quality Medicines Act (RA (BHCs) for their primary care. province-run district hospitals
9502) – promoted and ensured (For a detailed organizational of varying capacities, and
access to affordable quality structure of the Philippine mostly tertiary medical
drugs and medicines for all health sector, see The centers, specialty hospitals,
Philippines Health System and a number of re-
9. 2010: Kalusugang Review (2011) published in nationalized provincial
Pangkalahatan or Universal Health System in Transition, hospitals managed by the
Health Care (AO 2010-0036) vol. 1, no. 2.) DOH.
– provided universal health
coverage and access to quality DOH is duty-bound to: Directions of the Philippine
health care for all Filipinos 1. develop policies and Health Sector
Leadership and Governance programs for the health sector; (1) The Philippine Health
2. provide technical assistance Agenda 2016 – 2022 (DOH
The Department of Health Administrative Order 2016-
(DOH) is mandated to provide to its partners;
the appropriate direction for 3. encourage performance of
the nation’s healthcare the partners in the priority This agenda adopts the slogan
industry. Its other tasks include health programs; “All for Health Towards
(1) the development of plans, Health For All” as the
4. develop and enforce policies rallying point for its vision of
guidelines and standards for and standards;
the health sector; (2) technical a Healthy Philippines by 2020.
assistance; (3) capacity 5. design programs for large It expanded the scope of the
building; (4) advisory services segments of the population; Universal Health Care (UHC)
for disease prevention; and (5) and directions, particularly
control of medical supplies through a whole-of-
6. provide specialized and
and vaccines. government approach. With
tertiary level care.
this agenda, the health system
DOH coordinates its Under the decentralized or guarantees:
national health programs devolved structure, the state is
through the local government a. population- and individual-
represented by national offices
units (LGUs). LGUs take care level interventions for all life
and LGUs, with provincial,
of their own health services stages that promote health and
city, municipal, and barangay
and are given autonomy under wellness, prevent and treat the
or village offices. DOH,
the Local Government Code triple burden of disease, delay
LGUs, and the private sector
(LGC) of 1991 (R.A. 7160). complications, rehabilitation,
participate, cooperate, and
78 provincial governors, 138 and provide palliation for both
collaborate in the care of the
city mayors and 1496 the well and the sick;
population. Before devolution,
municipal mayors, and 42,025 the national health system b. access to health
barangay chairpersons consisted of a three-tiered interventions through
compose the local government system under the direct control functional service delivery
units of the country (NSCB, of the DOH: (1) the tertiary networks (SDNs); and
2010). hospitals at the national and c. financial freedom when
In terms of administration, regional levels; (2) the accessing these interventions
LGUs are grouped into 17 provincial and district through Universal Health
regions. Although they operate hospitals and city and Insurance.
in a decentralized system, municipal health centers; and
(3) the barangay (village) (2) The Philippine
LGUs are under the Developmental Plan 2017-
supervision of the DOH health centers.
regional health offices. The With the enactment of the
provincial government is LGC of 1991, the government This is the first of the four key
tasked to provide health health system now consists of medium-term plans to translate
services through provincial basic health services— the vision of a “matatag,
maginhawa, at panatag na level health care for the regulations, licenses, and
buhay” for the Filipinos and entire population by accreditations; (3)
the country. minimizing disparities), promulgation of national
(3) NEDA AmBisyon Natin more responsive health health standards, goals,
2040 system (meeting the priorities, and indicators;
people’s expectations of and (4) development of
A product of the Philippine and satisfaction from special health programs
Development Plan 2017–2022, health service delivery), and projects, and advocacy
this collective long-term plan and more equitable health for legislation on health
envisions better life for the care financing (protecting policies and programs. the
Filipinos and the country in the each individual from ability to pay rather than
next 25 years by formulating financial risks). the risk of illness).
policies and implementing
programs and projects to attain The four functions of
this AmBisyon. This plan the health system are LESSON III
focuses on four areas: health services provision PRIMARY HEALTH CARE AND
building a prosperous, (for appropriate and cost- THE PHILIPPINE HEALTH
predominantly middle-class effective health delivery); CARE
society where no one is poor; health service inputs (for DELIVERY SYSTEM
promoting a long and healthy generating human
resources, technology, and HEALTHCARE
life; becoming smarter and
more innovative; and building capital); health financing According to the Alma-Ata
a high-trust society. (by revenue collection, risk Declaration of 1978, health is
pooling, and strategic a fundamental human right. It
(4) Sustainable purchasing); and states that the most important
Developmental Goals 2030 stewardship and initiatives global goal is for humans to
This is a compilation of (to strengthen governance, reach the optimal level of their
17 developmental goals that accountability, and health; this requires not only
targets to end poverty, fight responsiveness). the action of the health sector
inequality and injustice and A health system can be but the collaboration among
confront issues involving analyzed in its totality by other sectors such as those in
climate change and its effects. using a framework the social and economic
consisting of six building sectors.