Detailed Lesson Plan in Basketball

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The key takeaways are that basketball was invented by James Naismith in 1891 and involves basic skills like shooting, dribbling, passing, jumping, and running.

James Naismith invented the game basketball.

The game basketball was invented in December 1891.

A Detailed Lesson Plan In P.

E Grade 8
Prepared by: Diether John S. Ballinan

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. Define Basketball
b. Identify the different basic skills in basketball
c. Demonstrate proper way of shooting a ball
d. Cooperate with classmates as they demonstrate the different
basic skills in basketball

II. Subject Matter

Team Sports: Basketball
Reference: MAPEH II by: Vilma V. Perez, Lillian N. Luna, Crisanto E. Tomas,
Grade 8 Learning Materials, UNIT 2, Page 31 – 65
Materials: Ball, Pictures, PowerPoint, Microphone, Laptop
Values: Teamwork, Leadership, Develop love for the game.

III. Procedure
A. Learning Activity
Teachers Activity Students Activity
Hi, Good Morning my dear students, I Good Morning sir!
hope that all of you are doing fine
despite all the problems and challenges
that we are currently facing as of now.
Before we begin, please open with me
your modules and be sure to listen
carefully, because after our discussion
you are going to answer several
questions to check your understanding.

Before anything else, let us first close

our eyes and ask the guidance of the lord
Jesus. Students join the prayer


Once again good morning class,

welcome to the world of team sports, I
am your teacher for today, I’m teacher
Diether from Cagayan State University
welcome to our class.

For todays lesson we are going to talk

about the game Basketball. I believe that
basketball is no longer new to you and I
believe that most of you have already
experience playing the game.
Basically, Basketball is a team sports
played by two teams with 5 players
each, the main objective of the game is
to put the ball in the hoop.

When you play the game basketball it

improves your flexibility, motor
coordination and endurance.

But before we formally start, let us first

have an activity. The name of the
activity is guess the word. What you are
going to do is you just need to guess the
word or arrange the jumbled letter to
form a word. You are given 12 seconds
to guess each of the following word.
Let’s Start with the first word.


Times up! The correct word is Ball

Did you guys get the correct answer? I
hope so, anyway we have four more
word to guess, ok? Let’s proceed now to
the second word.
Students guess the word

Times up! The correct answer is Catch.

Good job every one! Next word we


Your 12 seconds is over! The word is Students guess the word

NET! That’s the easiest one I guess, but
be prepare to the last two words, ok? For
no. 4.


Times Up! The answer is shooting! Did

you guys get it? Let’s proceed to the last Students guess the word


Times up the correct answer is

Rebounding, very good everyone!
Basically, those words are related to the Students guess the word
game basketball, some of them are
equipment’s and some of them are basic
skills needed to play the game.

Today, we are going to discuss two

main parts, the History of the game Students guess the word
which includes when was the game
invented, who invented the game and
where it was invented. And for the basic
skills we are going to learn how to shoot
dribble and pass. Without further ado,
let’s begin with the history of the game.

Basketball was invented by James
Naismith (1861–1939) on December
1891, at the International Young Men's
Christian Association (YMCA) Training
School (now Springfield College),
Springfield, Massachusetts, were
Naismith was an instructor in physical

Teams had 9 players and the goal were

wooden peach baskets. And do you have
any idea what was the first ball that was
use during that time? The first ball that
was use is a soccer ball. Take note of

This is a picture of Dr. James Naismith,

holding a soccer ball and a wooden
peach basket

Teams of Five became standard

First college games were staged in New
York city Madison Square Garden

Basketball had become a Major College

The first pro league, the National
Basketball League was formed

One of the first and greatest pro teams

was the original Celtics organized about
1915 in New York City. They played as
many as 150 games a season and
dominated basketball until 1936.

To prove, I have searched here the

different pro teams in basketball with
their no. of championship titles they
acquired for the past years. First on the
line we have the Boston Celtics with a
total of 17 championship title, followed
by the lakers which as of now they have
17 total championship also and the
Chicago bulls and GS warriors they
have 6 total championship and the rest
are provided below.

Two subsequent professional leagues,
The National Basketball League and the
Basketball Association of America
merged to create the National Basketball
Association (NBA)

FIBA, the International Basketball

Federation, is the world governing body
for basketball.
Founded in 1932, we bring together 213
National Basketball Federations from all
over the world.

That’s it for the History of the game, lets

have a review! The game basketball was
invented by Canadian educator Dr.
James Naismith In December 1891 at
YMCA now Springfield Massachusetts.
During that time the game requires 9
players in each team and they use a
soccer ball and a wooden peach basket
as their primary equipment. The
governing body of the game basketball
is the FIBA. Clear? if you have
questions or querries, feel free to DM
me or email me. Here’s my email add,
[email protected].

Were done with the history of the game

basketball now let’s talk about the
different basic skill needed in the game
basketball. For you to understand this
better I have made here a video
demonstration about the 5 basic skills in
basketball, if you have a ball Watch this
and follow after me!

(Play the video demonstration of the

five basic skills.)

That’s the five basic skills in basketball,

to sum it up, let’s start with shooting.

In order to score points in basketball,
you need to shoot the ball into the hoop.
This requires the ability to properly hold
and throw the ball into the air toward the
basket while avoiding defenders. A
proper shot requires precise aiming, arm
extension and lift from the legs. There
are different types of shots you need to
learn, including jump shots, layups and
free throws.

Next, Dribbling is an important skill for

all basketball players. This skill will
allow you to move up and down the
court, manoeuvre past defenders and
execute plays. Proper dribbling requires
ball-handling skills and knowledge of
how to spread your fingers for ball
control. It is also best if you know how
to dribble equally well with both hands

Third, Passing. Passing is another skill

that when mastered can help you
become a complete basketball player.
Basketball is a team sport that involves
finding a teammate who is open for a

Jumping is another skill that can define

how good a basketball player is.
Jumping is involved in offense during
the jump ball in the beginning, while
taking shots and sometimes while trying
to catch a pass. On defensive you will
need the ability to jump when trying to
block a shot or a pass. Being able to out
jump your opponent for a rebound also
is important.

And the last but not the least, running.

Running is a big part of basketball. In a
full-court game, you will find yourself
running back and forth as the game
quickly transitions between offense and
defense. When you have the ball,
running will help you to avoid defenders
and get to the basket quicker. On
defense, you often will find yourself
needing to run after the opponent,
especially during fast breaks.

To sum it up, the five basic skills are:

Were done with the basic skills in
basketball. And now prepare yourself to
answer the following questions. You can
encode or write your answers in a clean
sheet of paper, send it to my email until
tomorrow 12 noon. Let’s start.

1. Who invented the game

2. When was the game basketball
3. _______Basic skill needed in
order to score points in
basketball. This requires you to
put the ball into the hoop.
4. _______Basic skill that is
involved during the jump ball in
the beginning, while taking shots
and sometimes while trying to
catch a pass.
5. ________ Basic skill that is a big
part of basketball. In a full-court
game, you will find yourself
move fast back and forth as the
game quickly transitions
between offense and defense.
6. ________Basketball is a team
sport that involves finding a
teammate who is open for a shot.
This Skill, when mastered can
help you become a complete
basketball player. This is the
process of giving the ball to your
team mate.
7. ________This is an important
skill for all basketball players.
This skill will allow you to move
up and down the court, Yes sir, students answer the questions.
manoeuvre past defenders and
execute plays. This requires
good ball handling.

For your activity, to be pass until next

week Wednesday 12 pm.
In your respective groups. Make a video
presentation demonstrating all the
different basic skills in basketball. This
includes Shooting, dribbling, passing,
jumping and running. The video must be
between 3-5 minutes, you can do vlog,
instructional video, AMV or Music
Video. Send your output to the google
drive link that was posted in our group

And for your Assignment, do some

advance reading in the rules and
equipments use in the game basketball,
that will be our next topic.

I believe you learned something for

today and I repeat, if you have questions
or querries feel free to dm me or email
me at [email protected].
That’s all for today, stay at home, god
bless everyone see you next meeting.

Yes sir.
Thank you sir!

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