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1-- A gain sharing plan that has proven easy to administer and communicate, which identifies the expected

hours required to produce and acceptable level of output -

A-- Scanlon Plan

b-- Improshare

c-- Rucker Plan

d-- Deferred profit sharing plan

2-- Virtuous circle has foursteps except

a-- Risk return imbalance

b-- Organization performance increasing

c-- Ownership culture and continuous improvement

d-- Pay for performance

3-- Money supply or interest-rate policies normally carried out by a central bank on behalf of Government
with the aim of managing economic activity

a-- Wage policy

b-- Overtime policy

c-- Monetary policy

d-- Recruitment policy

4-- Which one is not considered as 5 strategic compensation choices facing whole foods managers (using pay

a-- Objectives and employees contribution

b-- Internal alignments

c-- External competitiveness

d-- Financial viability

5-- A term that describes the contemporary emphasis in reward of aligning organizational strategy with pay

a-- Cost to company

b-- Perks

c-- Gross pay

d-- New Pay

6-- This term refers to the process of systematically and actively managing and leveraging the stores of
knowledge in an organization

a-- Library

b-- Archive

c-- Knowledge management

d-- Standard operating procedures

7-- In which of the following pay mixes are bonuses and options the smallest

a-- Security or commitments

b-- Performance driven

c-- Work life balance

d-- Market match

8-- ___________ is a process by which goods and services are delivered to the customer

a-- Work flow

b-- Content

c-- Values

d-- Procedures
9-- The _____ Focus on those compensation choices that help the organization gain a sustain competitive

a-- Strategic perspective

b-- Monetary prospective

c-- Business strategy

d-- Long term prospective

10-- ___________ is a process by which a decision is reached “the right to an attorney. Right to an impartial
judge and right to receive a copy of the arresting officer’s statement.

A-- Procedural justice

b-- Rules and regulations

c-- Policies and procedures

d-- Standard operating procedures

11-- _________ focuses on those compensation choices that help the organization gain and sustain
competitive advantage.

a-- Strategic perspective

b-- Context

c-- Transparency

d-- None of these

12-- Gratuity is a payment after continuous service of ______________ years

a-- 3 years

b-- 4 years

c-- 5 years

d-- 6 years
13-- Which of the following is not an organization factor that shapes internal pay structures

a-- Strategy

b-- Technology

c-- Cultures and customers

d-- HR policy

14-- System links increases in basic pay (called merit increases) to how highly employees are rated on a
subjective performance evaluation

a-- Cost to company

b-- Merit pay

c-- Gross pay

d-- Re-imbursement

15-- _________ is whatever wage the employer and employee agree on for a job.

a-- Negotiation

b-- Exchange value

c-- Performance pay

d-- Reimbursement

16-- An arrangement whereby employees can select from a portfolio of employment benefits according to
personal need

a-- Cash reimbursement

b-- Flexible benefits

c-- Cost to company

d-- Gross salary

17-- The devolution of some supervisory tasks from managers to workers, with the latter given more
discretion over their jobs is known as

a-- Empowerment

b-- Employee relations

c-- Industrial relations

d-- Delegation

18-- A scheme usually involve existing staff being offered a cash incentive to recommend contacts, to fill
vacancies, termed as

a-- Employee assessment programmes

b-- Employee referral schemes

c-- Performance appraisals

d-- Potential appraisals

19-- ______ theory would argue that a policy of pay secrecy is likely to lead to employee dissatisfacion

a-- Cost to company

b-- Reinforcement

c-- Expectancy

d-- Equity

20-- Competitive dynamics, cultures/values, social and political context and employee/union needs are a part
of which of the following steps in formulating a total compensation strategy?

a-- Assess total compensation implications

b-- Map a total compensation strategy

c-- Implement strategy

d-- Reassess
21-- Unwanted conduct that violates a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading,
humiliating or offensive environment is called

a-- Demotion

b-- Transfer

c-- Harassment

d-- Rejection

22-- Which of the following covers injuries and diseases arising out of and while in the course of

a-- Provident fund

b-- Workmen’s compensation

c-- Unemployment insurance

d-- Employee state insurance scheme

23-- Which of the following pay mixes are bonuses and options the smallest

a-- Security and commitments

b-- Performance driven

c-- Work life balance

d-- Market match

24-- In the past, the most commonly used performance indicator for group incentive plans has been

a-- HR plan measures

b-- Financially focused measures

c-- Customer focus measures

d-- Balanced scorecard

25-- _______ refers to the fundamental directions that an organization chooses through the trade-offs it
makes in choosing what and what not

a-- Strategy

b-- Policy

c-- Manuals

d-- Guidelines

26-- Which theory focuses on these three perceptions, expectancy, instrumentality and valence?

a-- Agency

b-- Equity

c-- Reinforcement

d-- Expectancy

27-- Explain pay level differences, is based on the premise that hire earning flow to those who improve their
potential productivity by investing in themselves

a-- Theory of motivation

b-- Theory of human capital

c-- Theory of leadership

d-- Theory of decision making

28-- The fundamental directions that an organization chooses refers to-

a-- Ownership

b-- Strategy

c-- Environment

d-- Context

29-- Which of the following pay policies are most likely to attract, retain and contain labor cost?
a-- Lead

b-- Match

c-- Employer of choice

d-- Hybrid

30-- Which of the following is not a key element in designing gain- sharing plans?

a-- Scope of formula

b-- Split between management and work

c-- Production variability

d-- Size of incentive budget

31-- TA is the allowance which is given for

a-- Sick leave

b-- Maternity leave

c-- Travelling on leave

d-- Transfer leave

32-- In the model of behavior and human resource practice which of the following is not an environmental

a-- Unions

b-- Public policy

c-- Organizational design

d-- Economic conditions

33-- _______ theory holds that employers deliberately design pay levels and mix as a part of a strategy that
signals to both prospective and current employees the kinds of behaviors that are sought

a-- Human capital theory

b-- Signaling

c-- Equity theory

d-- None of these

34-- Which of the given issues is not the key elements in a gain sharing plan

a-- Strength of reinforcement

b-- Productivity standards

c-- Profitability

d-- Production variability

35-- The question, “how do we win or gain competitive advantage is answered by-

a-- HR strategies

b-- Strategic compensation decisions

c-- Business unit strategies

d-- Policies and procedures

36-- Which of the following is not a factor in the definition of equal work under the equal pay act

a-- Working conditions

b-- Value of the product produced

c-- Skills


37-- The concept underlying marginal product is-

a-- Productivity increases with additional labor

b-- Wage rates determine number of new hires

c-- Constant factor of production leads to diminished productivity with additional hires
d-- None of these

38-- _______ refers to the role non- HR managers play in making pay decision

a-- Integrity

b-- Respect

c-- Ownership

d-- Attitude

39-- The full form of esps is

a-- Employees stock purchase scheme

b-- Effective system of purchase and sales

c-- Employee status of purchases and sales

d-- Economic and social preferential scheme

40-- The act which covers the industrial accidents, occupational diseases resulting in disablement or death is
covered under

a-- Factory act

b-- Company act

c-- Shop and establishment act

d-- Workmen compensation act

41-- The second step in interpreting pay survey data is___________

a-- Check accuracy or the job matches

b-- Check for anomalies

c-- Conduct survey leveling

d-- Throw out the top and bottom paying firms

42-- A ‘feel-good’ reward such as praise and recognition, challenging work, and a degree of empowerment
can also be called

a-- Gross salary

b-- Reimbursement

c-- Cash reward

d-- intrinsic reward

43-- A communication of information that informs an individual and group about their performance

a-- One way communication

b-- Two way communication

c-- Feedback


44-- Communication of information that informs an individual or group about their performance is called

a-- Data

b-- Information

c-- Memorandum

d-- Feedback

45-- The characteristic way a company copes with engaging in business: the more complex view sees ______
as being concerned with the long –term direction and scope of an organization, and how it secures
competitive advantage and fulfills stakeholder expectations by the by the way it configures resources at its

a-- Strategy

b-- Policy

c-- Procedure

d-- Standard operating procedure

46-- Model based on ideas that different kinds of people management are needed for different kinds of
business conditions

a-- Bureaucracy

b-- Best fit

c-- Democracy

d-- Autocracy

47-- A contemporary HR team signaling that employees come to work for more than just pay is:

a-- Cash reimbursement

b-- Cost to company

c-- Reward

d-- Gross pay

48-- A collection of connected integrated process –for example, a performance management is_________

a-- Rule

b-- System

c-- Regulation

d-- Policy

49-- Often measured as a percentage of the labour force, it is the number of people who are not in work but
are actively seeking work

a-- On roll employees

b-- contractual employees

c-- Employment

50-- A phrase that is used to capture the notion the employee well- being and organizational success
complement each other

a-- Organizational wellness

b-- Health and safety policy

c-- Insurance coverage

d-- Employee state insurance

51-- The minimum wage that must be paid for the work done on covered government projects or purchases
is defined by the government has __________ wage

a-- Minimum wage

b-- Prevailing wage

c-- Average wage

d-- Negotiable wage

52-- Large scale change that may not have a clearly defined end state – for example, modernization of public

a-- Transformational change

b-- Policy change

c-- Rules and regulations

d-- Productivity management

53-- Which of the following links increases in base pay to how highly employees are rated on a subjective
performance evaluation?

a-- Rowan plan

b-- Scanlon plan

c-- Rucker plan

d-- Merit pay

54-- _____________ refers to the pay relationship among organizations – the organization pay relative to its

a-- Salary surveys

b-- Labor cost

c-- External competitiveness

d-- Basis wages

55-- A systematic process whereby jobs in an organization are ranked according to their relevant importance

a-- Standard operating procedures

b-- Job description

c-- Job evaluation

d-- Standing orders

56-- The term used to refer to the process by which pay and other conditions of the employment are
negotiated by an employer/employees association and one or more trade union is called as

a-- Collective bargaining

b-- Negotiation

c-- Agreement

d-- Contract

57-- A method of effecting redundancies in which staff are encouraged to leave employment with an
organization of their own accord with the promise of an attractive financial settlement

a-- Voluntary redundancy

b-- Termination

c-- Resignation

d-- Separation
58-- The schemes which usually involve existing staff being offered a cash incentive to recommend contacts
to fill vacancies within the company is known as

a--Employee stock option plans

b-- Reimbursements

c-- Cash incentives

d-- Employee referral scheme

59-- A method of effecting workforce reductions in one part of an organization by transferring staff
elsewhere in the same organization, often with appropriate retraining

a-- Transfer

b-- Promotion

c-- Redeployment


60-- A pay strategy where jobs are ranked according to an evaluation of their relative worth to the
organization and employees are paid at the rate for the job following the process of job evaluation

a-- Graded pay

b-- Incentives

c-- Cash reimbursement

d-- Cost to company

61-- External firms that specialize in providing advice and support to workers affected by redundancy is:

a-- Partnerships

b-- Joint ventures

c-- Out placement services

62-- Realigning due to change in conditions/ strategy is a part of which of the following steps, in formulating a
total compensation strategy?

a-- Assess total compensation implications

b-- Map a total compensation strategy

c-- Implement strategy

d-- Reassess

63-- Feedback from superiors, subordinates, peers and customers that provides a ‘rounded’ impression of
performance is known as

a-- 360 degree feedback

b-- Critical feedback

c-- Behaviorally anchored rating scales

d-- Simple ranking method

64-- A pay strategy where the ‘going rate’ for a job within the labor market is established following the
gathering of labor-market intelligence. It rewards employees according to their commercial worth

a-- Market – related pay

b-- Cost to company

c-- Gross salary

d-- Cash- reimbursement

65-- An action or activity that produces change ( transformation), and has inputs and outputs

a-- Regulation

b-- Rule

c-- Policy

d-- Process
66-- A desirable character trait that lies between two undesirable extremes. For example, the _______ of
courage can be said to lie between cowardice and foolhardiness

a-- Virtue

b-- State

c-- Matter

d-- Subject

67-- Which theory would argue that disequilibrium in the output-to-input balance causes discomfort?

a-- Agency

b-- Equity

c-- Reinforcement

d-- Expectancy

68-- A method of manufacturing product or delivering a service in which quality is built in at all stages, and
responsibility for quality shared by all staff

a-- Growth policy

b-- Production policy

c-- Total quality management

d-- Quality policy

69-- This term applies to situations where collective bargaining takes place between a collective group of
employees, usually in the form of an employers’ association and one or more trade unions

a-- Labor agreement

b-- Union agreement

c-- Multi-employer bargaining

70-- An employee, generally a manager, who is assigned, usually on a temporary basis to work in a foreign
location is called

a-- Expatriate

b-- Executive

c-- Manger

d-- Supervisor

71-- The minimum eligibility to avail the bonus as per factory act is

a-- 15 days

b-- 30 days

c-- 7 day

d-- 45 days

72-- Counseling and assistance interventions provided by a third party and directed atowards staff in a
organization is the part of

a-- Coaching

b-- Employee assistance programmes

c-- Welfare orientation

d-- Learning and development

73-- The use of knowledge, particularly scientific knowledge, in the design and/or production of goods and

a-- Total quantity management

b-- Total quality management

c-- Technology

d-- Total Productivity Management

74-- _________ is derived from the job description and translates the components of it into the skills and
abilities needed to perform the job effectively

a-- Memorandum of association

b-- Standing orders

c-- Person specification

d-- Duty roster

75-- The alignment of reward policies and practices with the strategic direction of the organization in order to
elicit managerially desired behaviors and performance from employees

a-- Standard operating procedures

b-- Reward strategy

c-- Compensation structure

d-- Cost to company

76-- Alignment of pay strategy includes 3 aspects, which is not the one these aspects

a-- Align externally with economic and socio political conditions

b-- Align internally within within the overall HR system

c-- Align with operational machines and equipment

d-- Align with the business strategy

77-- The process whereby skills and knowledge are continuously updated and extended is called

a-- Development

b-- Continuing professional development (CPD)

c-- Education

d-- Training
78-- _______ is a process by which goods and services are delivered to the customer

a-- Workflow

b-- Content

c-- Values

d-- Procedures

79-- Lost cost loans, personal and legal counseling, free home repairs and improvements, personal use of
company property and expenses for vacation homes includes ____________

a-- Personal perks

b-- Cost to company

c-- Gross salary

d-- Net salary

80-- Formal arrangements for dividing up job roles and other organizational activities vertically, through
managerial hierarchies for example, and also horizontally according to function, business orientation or

a-- Managerial levels

b-- Team structure

c-- Work division

d-- Organizational structure

81-- The reduction of organizational levels, functions and job roles with the aim of streamlining operations
and realizing efficiency savings is a process of

a-- Downsizing

b-- Manpower reengineering

c-- Restructuring

d-- Placement

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