Cobra 29 LTD CHR Owners Manual

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How to Use Your

Cobra 29 LTD CHR
The CB Story.........................................................................................A1
FCC Regulations
FCC Warnings
Included Accessories
Controls & Indicators.......................................................................A2
Our Thanks to You .............................................................................A3
Customer Support
Location .............................................................................................2
Mounting and Connection .........................................................2 Features of This Product
Antennas • 40 CB Radio Channels
CB Antenna.......................................................................................6
Marine Installation .........................................................................6 • Special Edition Chrome Cabinet
Ignition Noise Interference ..........................................................7 & Microphone
Operating Your 29 LTD CHR
Turning On Your CB........................................................................8 • Heavy-Duty Dynamic
Setting Channel Selector .............................................................9
Calibrate For SWR (Standing Wave Ratio)..............................10 Microphone
To Receive..........................................................................................13 • Full 4 Watts AM RF Power Output
Selecting a Channel.......................................................................14
S-Meter ...............................................................................................14 • SWR Calibration Meter
NB-ANL/ANL/Off (Noise Blanker/Automatic.........................15
Noise Limiter Switch) • Talk Back
Bright/Dim Switch ..........................................................................16
RF Gain Control................................................................................17 • Instant Channel 9
Setting Delta-Tune .........................................................................18
Setting Squelch ...............................................................................18 • 4-Pin Front Mount Microphone
To Transmit........................................................................................20 Connector
Setting Dynamike® ........................................................................20
Transmit..............................................................................................21 • Delta -Tune
RF Meter .............................................................................................22 • Switchable Automatic Noise
External Speaker .............................................................................23 Limiter & Noise Blanker
PA (Public Address) ........................................................................24
Home And Office Set-Up .............................................................26 • Adjustable Dynamike® Boost
Temporary Mobile Set-Up ...........................................................27
How Your CB Can Serve You..........................................................28
• 9 Ft. Mic Cord
A Few Rules You Should Know ..................................................28 • RF Gain
Channel 9 Emergency Messages..............................................28
CB 10 Codes......................................................................................30
Frequency Ranges.............................................................................32
29 LTD CHR Specifications ............................................................33
Warranty Information .....................................................................34
Optional Accessories .................................................................35-36
Accessory Order Info .......................................................................37
If You Think You Need Service ...................................Back Cover

Installation Installation

Location Location
Plan location of transceiver and microphone
bracket before starting the installation.

Select a location that is convenient for operation,

yet does not interfere with the driver or passenger.

The transceiver is usually mounted to the

underside of the dash with the microphone
bracket beside it.

Mounting and Mounting and Connection

Connection 1 Hold the radio with the mounting bracket in
the exact desired location. If there is no
Note interference, remove the bracket and use it as
The transceiver is held in a template to mark the location for the
the universal mounting bracket mounting screws.
by two thumbscrews which 3 Connect the antenna cable plug to the
allow for adjustment at a receptacle marked “ANT” on the back of
convenient angle. the unit.

The bracket includes two

self-tapping screws and star
washers. The mounting must be
mechanically strong,
conveniently located.

2 Drill the holes and secure the bracket.


2 3
Installation Installation

Connecting to an accessory fuse
prevents the unit from being left
on accidentally, and also 6 Plug power cable into back of unit marked
permits operating the unit “Power”. Be sure to observe polarity markings.
without running the engine.
7 Mount the microphone
Note bracket on either side of
In positive ground vehicles the the unit (driver’s left)
red wire goes to the chassis and using two screws
the black wire is connected to supplied. Bracket should
the ignition switch. be placed under the dash
so microphone is readily
Note 4 In a negative grounded vehicle, connect the accessible.
Before installing the CB radio, red lead of the DC power cord to an accessory
visually check the vehicle’s 12 volt fuse.
battery connection to
determine which terminal,
5 Connect the black lead to the negative side of
positive or negative, is the vehicle. This is usually the chassis. Any
grounded (positive is the convenient location with a good electrical
larger of the two) to the contact (remove paint) may be used.
engine block (or chassis). A
negatively grounded vehicle
has its negative lead 8 Attach the 4-pin microphone cable to
grounded to the chassis. receptacle, on the front of unit and install unit
on bracket securely.

4 5
Antennas Ignition Noise Interference

CB Antenna CB Antenna Use of a mobile receiver at low signal levels is

Since the maximum allowable power output of normally limited by the presence of electrical
the transmitter is limited by the FCC, the antenna noise. The primary source of noise in automobiles
is critical in affecting transmission distance. Only is from the alternator and ignition system.
a properly matched antenna system will allow Typically, when signal level is adequate, the
Note background noise does not present a serious
maximum power output. Cobra loaded type
For optimum performance in antenna models are highly recommended for problem. Also, when extremely low level signals
passenger cars the ideal most installations. Consult your Cobra dealer for are being received, the transceiver may be
antenna location is on the further details, or call 773.889.3087 and speak to operated with the vehicle’s engine turned off. The
center of the roof. Second a Cobra representative. unit requires very little current and therefore will
choice is on the not significantly discharge the vehicle’s battery.
center of the trunk.
Even though the Cobra 29 LTD CHR has an
Note automatic noise limiter, in some installations
Because many newer trucks ignition interference may be high enough to
feature fiberglass door skins, the make good communications impossible. Many
outside mirror must be possibilities exist and variations between vehicles
grounded to the chassis via a require different solutions. Consult your COBRA
ground strap when antenna is dealer or a 2-way radio technician for help in
mounted on the mirror bracket. 1 A standard antenna connector is provided locating the source of a severe noise.
on the transceiver for easy connection.
3-way Combination
Antennas are also available
which allow operation of all
Marine Installation
three bands (AM-FM & CB),
using a single antenna. The transceiver will not operate at maximum
However, this type of antenna efficiency in a boat without a ground plate,
usually results in less than (unless it has a steel hull). Before attempting
normal transmit and receive installation , consult your dealer for information
range when compared to a regarding an adequate grounding system and
standard-type “Single Band” CB prevention of electrolysis between fittings in the
antenna. Call 773-889-3087 for hull and water.
further information.

6 7
Operation Operation

Turning On Turning On Setting Channel Selector Setting Channel

Make sure the power cord, antenna and Selector
microphone are connected to their proper
connectors before starting.

1 Select one of forty channels and adjust

volume. The selected channel is indicated by
the LED readout directly above the channel
1 The CB/PA button should be in the selector knob
CB position.

2 Rotate the On/Off Volume knob clockwise to

a normal listening level.

8 9
Operation Operation

Calibrate For Calibrate for SWR (Standing Wave Ratio)

SWR (Standing SWR calibration is done to properly adjust the
Wave Ratio) length of the antenna and to monitor the quality
of the coaxial cable and all RF connections.
This calibration is critical in order to achieve
optimum performance.
Calibration must be made in an
open area (never in a garage).
Vehicle doors must be closed.
No one should be standing near
the antenna. (See your antenna
Note directions for more complete
Antenna Indicator LED information).
3 Push and hold mic button.
will illuminate when TX if
SWR is high.

1 Select channel 20.

4 While holding mic

button adjust the
SWR CAL knob so the
meter needle swings
2 Switch to the CAL position.
to the CAL ▼ mark on
the meter (located on the right).


10 11
Operation Operation

To Receive To Receive

The reading will be slightly
higher on Channels 1 and 40
compared to Channel 20.
5 While still holding down the mic button, set
the S/RF SWR CAL switch to the SWR position,
When switched to SWR position to read the SWR reading. 1 Rotate the On/Off Volume knob clockwise
the meter needle should ideally the green RX/TX LED will be illuminated.
be as far to the left as possible. 6 Repeat the same steps two through five
Anything over 3 is not on Channel 1 and 40. This will check SWR for
acceptable. The antenna all channels.
indicator will light. A slight
antenna height adjustment
(higher or lower) may be
required. Repeat relcalibration

12 13
Operation Operation

Selecting A Selecting A Channel NB-ANL/ANL/OFF (Noise NB-ANL/ANL/

Channel Blanker/Automatic Noise Limiter) Switch OFF (Noise
Noise Limiter)

1 Switch to NOR to select desired channel. Note

The RF noise blanker is very
1 When switched to ANL the Automatic Noise
S-Meter effective in reducing repetitive
S-Meter Limiter is activated. This helps reduce noise
noises such as ignition
created by the vehicle’s electronics.
Swings proportionately to strength of incoming interference.
signal when receiving.
When switched to NB/ANL position the RF
Noise Blanker is also activated, providing
increased noise filtration.

When switched to OFF position all noise

filtration will be turned off.

1 The S/RF-SWR-CAL switch must be in the

S/RF position to read the meter.

14 15
Operation Operation

Bright/Dim Bright/Dim Switch RF Gain Control RF Gain Control

Switch The RF Gain is used to optimize reception in
strong or weak signal areas.

The RF Gain is used to optimize
reception in weak signal areas.

1 Switch to BRT or DIM to control brightness

of the channel indicator and multi-function
meter for day or nighttime driving. 1 Rotate the RF Gain knob counterclockwise
to reduce gain in strong signal areas. In weak
signal areas turn clockwise to increase gain.

16 17
Operation Operation

Setting Setting Delta-Tune Gate open

Delta-Tune Delta-Tune functions as a “fine tune” control
enabling you to capture a more readable signal,
as well as eliminate adjacent channel interference.

2 Full counterclockwise rotation opens the

“gate” allowing all signals in.

1 Rotate Delta-Tune knob to the center

position for optimum tuning.
Gate set to Desired
Setting Squelch Setting Squelch Squelch Setting (DSS)
Squelch is the “control gate” for incoming signals.
Gate closed

3 To achieve the Desired Squelch Setting (DSS),

turn the Squelch control counterclockwise
until you hear noise. Now turn the control
clockwise just until the noise stops. This is the
DSS setting.

1 Full clockwise rotation closes the gate

allowing only very strong signals to enter.

18 19
Operation Operation

To Transmit To Transmit Transmit Transmit

Be sure the antenna is properly
connected to the radio before
transmitting. Prolonged
transmitting without an
antenna, or a poorly matched
antenna, could cause damage
to the transmitter.
Be sure to read the F.C.C. Rules 1 Select desired channel.
and Regulations included with
this unit before transmitting.
1 Push and hold mic button to transmit.Transmitter
is now activated.When transmitting, hold the
Setting Setting Dynamike® microphone two inches from your mouth and
Dynamike® This controls the microphone sensitivity speak in a clear, normal voice. Release to receive.
(outgoing audio level).
Setting TalkBack TalkBack
This control is used to adjust the desired amount
of modulation talk back that is present at the
speaker during transmit. At fully counter-clockwise
position the talk back is off.

1 Initially, set fully clockwise so that maximum

voice volume is available. Dynamike® may have
to be reduced in some conditions.

20 21
Operation Operation

RF Meter RF Meter External Speaker External Speaker

This meter swings proportionately to the RF The external speaker jack is used for remote
output (outgoing signal) while transmitting. receiver monitoring.

The external speaker should
have 8-ohm impedance and be
rated to handle at least 4.0
watts. When the external
speaker is plugged in, the
internal speaker is
automatically disconnected.

1 The S/RF-SWR-CAL switch must be in the 1 Connect an external speaker to the external
Cobra external speakers are
S/RF position. speaker jack on the rear panel.
rated at 10 watts.

22 23
Operation Operation

PA (Public PA (Public Address)

Speaker should have 8-ohm
impedance and be rated to
handle at least 4.0 watts.

The speaker should be directed
away from the microphone to
prevent acoustic feedback.
1 Connect an external PA speaker to the PA jack
Note on the rear panel. 3 Push and hold microphone button and speak
Activity on the CB channel will in a normal voice. Your voice will now transmit
be heard through the PA on the PA speaker.
speaker. Adjust volume control
to a normal listening level.

2 Set CB/PA switch to PA position.

4 Adjust PA speaker volume with the
Dynamike® control.

24 25
Home And Office Set-Up Temporary Mobile Set-Up

Base Station Base Station Operation

Operation (From 120V AC House Current)
(From 120V AC To operate your transceiver from home or office
House Current) you will need a 13.8 volt DC Power Pack rated at a
minimum of 2 amps, and a properly installed base
station antenna.

2 Plug power cable into back of unit marked

“Power”. Be sure to observe polarity markings.
Do not attempt to operate this 3 Connect properly installed and matched base
transceiver by connecting it station antenna.
directly to 120v ac.
Temporary Mobile Operation Temporary
Note For temporary mobile operation you may want to Mobile Set-Up
For further information call purchase an optional automobile power adapter
Cobra Customer Service from your COBRA dealer. This adapter and a
773.889.3087. magnetic mount antenna allow you to quickly
“install” your transceiver for temporary use.

1 Simply connect the red (+) and black (-)

leads of the transceiver to the corresponding
terminals of the power pack.

26 27
How Your CB Can Serve You How Your CB Can Serve You

• Warn of traffic problems The FCC gives these examples of permitted and
• Provide weather and road data prohibited messages for channel 9. These are
• Provide help in event of an emergency only guidelines and not all-inclusive:
• Provide direct contact with home or office
• Assist police by reporting erratic drivers
• Get “local information” to find destination Permitted Example Message
• Communicate with family and friends Yes “Tornado sighted six miles north
• Suggest spots to eat and sleep of town.”
• Keep you alert while traveling
No “Post number 10.
A Few Rules A Few Rules You Should Know No tornado sighted.”
You Should A. Conversations cannot last more than 5 minutes
with another station. A one minute break is Yes “Out of gas on I-95 at mile
Know required to let others use the channel. marker 211.”
B. You cannot blast others off the air by use of No “Out of gas in my driveway.”
illegally amplified transmitters or illegally
high antennas. Yes “Four car accident on I-94 at
C. You cannot use CB to promote illegal activities. Exit 11. Send police and
D. Profanity is not allowed. ambulance.”
E. You may not transmit music with a CB. No “Traffic moving smoothly on I-94.”
F. Selling of merchandise and/or services is
prohibited. Yes “Weather Bureau has issued
thunderstorm warning.
Channel 9 1. Set to channel 9 for emergencies Bring sailboat into port.”
Emergency Be sure antenna is properly connected.
No “Attention motorists.
Messages 2. CB Distress Data Weather Bureau advises snow
When transmitting an emergency, you should tomorrow will accumulate
request a “REACT BASE” and provide the CB 4 to 6 inches.”
distress data (called CLIP):
Yes “Fire in building at 539 Main,
If no response on channel 9, C all Sign Identify yourself.
L ocation Be exact. Evanston.”
try channels 19 or 14.
I njuries Number. Type. Trapped? No “Halloween patrol number 3.
P roblem Give details and help needed. All quiet.”
Transmit CLIP repeatedly so any monitor can assist.

28 29
How Your CB Can Serve You How Your CB Can Serve You

Code Meaning
CB 10-Codes CB 10-Codes 10-29 Time is up for contact
Citizen Bands have adopted the “10-CODES” for 10-30 Does not conform to FCC rules
standard questions and answers. These codes 10-33 Emergency traffic
provide quick and easy communication, especially 10-34 Trouble at this station
in noisy areas. Following are some of the more 10-35 Confidential information
common codes and meanings:
10-36 Correct time is
Code Meaning 10-37 Wrecker needed at
10-1 Receiving poorly 10-38 Ambulance needed
10-2 Receiving well 10-39 Message delivered
10-3 Stop transmitting 10-41 Turn to channel
10-4 OK, message received 10-42 Traffic accident at
10-5 Relay message 10-43 Traffic tie up at
10-6 Busy, stand by 10-44 Have a message for
10-7 Out of service, leaving 10-45 All units within range please report
10-8 In service, subject to call 10-50 Break channel
10-9 Repeat message 10-60 What is next message number?
10-10 Transmission completed standing by 10-62 Unable to copy. Use phone
10-11 Talking too rapidly 10-63 Net directed to
10-12 Visitors present 10-64 Net clear
10-13 Advise weather/roads 10-65 Awaiting your next message/assignment
10-16 Make pick up at 10-67 All units comply
10-17 Urgent business 10-70 Fire at
10-18 Anything for us?
10-71 Proceed, transmission in sequence
10-19 Return to base
10-77 Negative contact
10-20 My location is
10-81 Reserve hotel room for
10-21 Call by phone
10-22 Report in person to 10-82 Reserve room for
10-23 Stand by 10-85 My address is
10-24 Completed last assignment 10-91 Talk closer to mic
10-25 Can you contact 10-93 Check my frequency on this channel
10-26 Disregard last info 10-94 Give me a long count
10-27 Moving to channel 10-99 Mission completed, all units secure
10-28 Identify your station 10-200 Police needed at

30 31
Frequency Ranges 29 LTD CHR Specifications

The COBRA 29 LTD CHR transceiver represents one GENERAL

Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB - 40 CH
of the most advanced AM two-way radios used as a Frequency Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB - 26.965 to 27.405 MHz
Frequency Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005 %
Class D station in the Citizens Radio Service. This Frequency Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLL (phase lock loop) Synthesizer
unit features advanced Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Operating Temperature Range . . . . . -30° C to + 50° C
Microphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plug-in dynamic
circuitry providing complete coverage of all 40 Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8VDC nom. (positive or negative ground)
CB channels. Current Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmit: AM full mod., 1.5A (maximum)
Receive: Squelched, 0.3A;
Channel Channel full audio output, 1.2A (nominal)
Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-5/8” D x 7-9/32”W x 2-13/64” H
CB Freq. CB Freq. Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 lbs.
Channel In MHz Channel In MHz Antenna Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UHF; SO-239
Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illuminated; indicates relative power output,
received signal strength and VSWR
1 26.965 21 27.215
2 26.975 22 27.225 Power Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 watts
3 26.985 23 27.255 Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AM (Amplitude Modulation)
Frequency Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 to 3000 Hz
4 27.005 24 27.235 Output Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 ohms, unbalanced
5 27.015 25 27.245 RECEIVER
Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Less than 1 µV for 10 dB (S+N) /N
Selectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 dB @ 7 KHz, 60 dB @ 10KHz
6 27.025 26 27.265 Image Rejection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 dB, typical
7 27.035 27 27.275 Adjacent-Channel Rejection . . . . . . . .60 dB, typical
IF Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Double Conversion: 1st: 10.695 MHz
8 27.055 28 27.285 2nd: 455 KHz
9 27.065 29 27.295 Automatic Gain Control (AGC) . . . . . .Less than 10 dB change in audio output for
inputs from 10 to 50,000 microvolts
10 27.075 30 27.305 RF Gain Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Adjustable for optimum signal reception
Noise Blanker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RF type
Squelch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Adjustable; threshold less than 1µV
11 27.085 31 27.315 Audio Output Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 watts
Frequency Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 to 3000 Hz
12 27.105 32 27.325 Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Less than 5% @3 watts @ 1000 Hz
13 27.115 33 27.335 Built-in Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 ohms, 5w
External Speaker (Not supplied) . . . . . .8 ohms; disables internal speaker
14 27.125 34 27.345 when connected
15 27.135 35 27.355
Power Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 watts into external speaker
16 27.155 36 27.365 External Speaker for PA . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 ohms, when PA-CB switch is in PA,
(Not Supplied) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The PA speaker also monitors the receiver;
17 27.165 37 27.375 separate jack provided
19 27.185 39 27.395 WARNING: This product contains lead, a chemical known to the State of California
20 27.205 40 27.405 to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm..
Wash hands after handling.

32 33
Limited One Year Warranty Optional Accessories


its COBRA CB Radios, and the component parts thereof,
will be free of defects in workmanship and materials for
period of one (1) year from the date of first consumer
purchase. This warranty may be enforced by the first
consumer purchaser, provided that the product is utilized
within the U.S.A.
Replacement DC Power Cord Replacement Mounting Replacement Thumb Screws
COBRA will, without charge, repair or replace, at its Bracket For in vehicle use
For in vehicle use
option, defective CB radios, products or component parts For in vehicle use 634-081-9-001
upon delivery to the COBRA factory Service Department, 251-353-9-001
accompanied by proof of the date of first consumer
Cobra Electronics
purchase, such as a duplicated copy of a sales receipt.
You must pay any initial shipping charges required to ship
6500 West Cortland Street
the product for warranty service, but the return charges
Chicago, Illinois 60707 USA will be at Cobra's expense, if the product is repaired or
replaced under warranty.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may
also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Replacement Microphone 21” Base Loaded Magnet 38” Base Loaded Magnet
Exclusions: This limited warranty does not apply; Bracket Mount Antenna Mount Antenna
1) to any product damaged by accident; 2) in the
event of misuse or abuse of the product or as a result of For in vehicle use
HG A1000 HG A1500
unauthorized alterations or repairs; 3) if the serial number 741-080-9-001
has been altered, defaced or removed; 4) if the owner of
the product resides outside the U.S.A.
All implied warranties, including warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
are limited in duration to the length of this warranty.
COBRA shall not be liable for any incidental,
consequential or other damages; including, without
limitation, damages resulting from loss of use or cost of
Some states do not allow limitations on how
long an implied warranty lasts and/or do not 4 Pin Premium Noise- 4 Pin Premium Noise-
allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or Cancelling Microphone Cancelling Microphone
consequential damages, so the above limitations Wood Grain
HG M84 HG M84W
may not apply to you.

34 35
Optional Accessories cont.

4 Pin Replacement Dynamic Power Microphone 4 Pin Noise Canceling

Microphone Microphone
HG M73 HG M75 HG M77

Dynamic External Speaker Noise Canceling External Noise Canceling With Talk
Speaker Back External Speaker
HG S100 HG S300 HG S500

Optional Accessories

You can find quality Cobra products and
accessories at your local Cobra dealer, or in the
U.S.A., you can order directly from Cobra. See
ordering info on page 37.

29 LTD CHR The CB Story
Cobra Electronics Corporation
6500 West Cortland Street
The Citizens Band lies between the shortwave
Chicago, IL 60707 USA Operating Instructions for broadcast and 10-meter Amateur radio bands,
and was established by law in 1949. The Class D
two-way communications service was opened in
your Cobra 29 LTD CHR 2
1959. (CB also includes a Class A citizens band
and Class C remote control frequencies.)
If You Think You Need Service
FCC Regulations
For technical assistance, please call our Automated Help Desk which can assist 1 FCC regulations permit only “transmissions”
you by answering the most frequently asked questions about Cobra products. (one party to another) rather than “broadcasts”
(773) 889-3087 (to a wide audience). Thus, advertising is not
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. allowed on CB Channels because that is
A Consumer Service Representative can be reached at 773.889.3087
8:00 am - 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, Central Time.
Technical assistance is also available on-line in the Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) section at or by e-mail to [email protected] FCC Warnings
All transmitter adjustments other than those
supplied by the manufacturer as front panel
If you think you need service call 773.889.3087 3 operating controls, must be made by, or under
“If your product should require factory service please call Cobra first before sending your unit in.
the supervision of, the holder of an FCC-issued
This will ensure the fastest turn-around time on your repair.” general Radio-Telephone Operator’s License.
You may be asked to send your unit to the Cobra factory. It will be necessary to furnish the Replacement or substitution of transistors, regular
following in order to have the product serviced and returned. diodes or other parts of a unique nature, with
1. For Warranty Repair include some form of proof-of-purchase, such as a mechanical reproduction parts other than those recommended by Cobra,
or carbon or a sales receipt. If you send the original receipt it cannot be returned. may cause violation of the technical regulations
2. Send the entire product. 4 of Part 95 of the FCC Rules, or violation of Type
3. Enclose a description of what is happening with the unit. Include a typed or clearly print name Acceptance requirements of Part 2 of the Rules.
and address of where the unit is to be returned.
You should read and understand Part 95 (included
4. Pack unit securely to prevent damage in transit. If possible, use the original packing material.
with this unit) of the FCC Rules and Regulations,
5. Ship prepaid and insured by way of a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS) or before operating your Cobra radio, even though
First Class Mail: to avoid loss in transit to: Cobra Factory Service, Cobra Electronics Corporation,
6500 West Cortland Street, Chicago, IL 60707 USA.
the FCC no longer requires you to obtain an
operator’s license.
6. If the unit is in warranty, upon receipt of your unit it will either be repaired or exchanged
depending on the model. Please allow approximately 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us for What’s Included with Your 29 LTD CHR
status. If the unit is out of warranty a letter will automatically be sent informing you of the
repair charge or replacement charge. If you have any questions, please call 773.889.3087 for 1. CB transceiver 6. DC power cord
5 2. Microphone 7. FCC rules
©2008 Cobra Electronics Corporation
3. Transceiver bracket 1. (not shown)
Version A
Printed in China
Cobra®, Dynamike®, Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra® and the snake design are registered 4. Microphone bracket
trademarks of Cobra Electronics Corporation, USA. 5. Operating Manual
Part No. 480-456-P
Cobra Electronics Corporation™ is a trademark of Cobra Electronics Corporation, USA.
Controls and Indicators Our Thanks to You Accessory Order Info
Ordering From U.S.A.
Call 773-889-3087 for pricing or visit
Thank you for purchasing the Cobra 29 LTD CHR For Credit Card Orders
1. 4-Pin Microphone Connector CB Radio. Properly used, this Cobra product will Call 773-889-3087 [Press one from the main menu] 8:00 a.m. to
give you many years of reliable service. Cobra Customer Service 6:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday.
2. Power On/Off/Volume/
Make Check or Money Order Payable To
Squelch Control Live operators are available Cobra Electronics, Attn: Accessories Dept.,
3. Dynamike® 17 Customer Support M-F 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Central 6500 West Cortland Street, Chicago, IL 60707 U.S.A.
Time at: 773.889.3087 To Order Online
4. RF Gain Should you encounter any problems with the Please visit our website:
5. Delta-Tune product or not understand its many features,
Automated Technical Assistance
please refer to this owner’s manual. If , after
6. SWR CAL / Talk Back available 24 hours a day, seven Item # Description
referring to the manual, you still need help,
7. Channel Selector days a week. E-mail questions
call Cobra Customer Service at 773.889.3087. 426-002-N-001 Replacement DC Power Cord
to: [email protected] 251-353-9-001 Replacement Mounting Bracket
8. LED Channel Display 634-081-9-001 Replacement Thumb Screws
9. ANT Indicator 741-080-9-001 Replacement Microphone Bracket
Cobra on the World Wide Web: HG A1000 21” Base Loaded,
10. RX (Receive)/ TX (Transmit) Frequently Asked Questions Magnetic Mount Antenna
LED Indicator 15 14 13 12 11 10 (FAQ) can be found on-line at: HG A1500 38” Base Loaded
Magnetic Mount Antenna
11. Channel 9/ Normal Switch HG M84 4 Pin Premium Noise-Cancelling
16 8 Microphone
12. Dimmer Switch 9 HG M84W 4 Pin Premium Noise-Cancelling
Microphone (Wood Grain)
13. CB/PA Switch HG M73 4 Pin Replacement Dynamic
14. NB/ANL ANL Off Switch
HG M77 4 Pin Noise-Cancelling
15. S/RF SWR CAL Switch Microphone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HG M75 Power Microphone
16. Signal Strength Meter HG S100 Dynamic External Speaker
HG S300 Noise-Cancelling External
17. Microphone Speaker
HG S500 Noise-Cancelling with Talk Back
Back Side External Speaker
18. Public Address
Speaker Jack
18 19
19. External Speaker Jack
20. Antenna Connector
21. Power Jack
20 21

A2 A3 37

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