397 - Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs Advanced Level Test Quiz Online Exercise With Answers 4

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Prepositions And Phrasal Verbs Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With

Answers) 4

This fourth vocabulary test contains 25 multiple choice

questions on the topics of prepositions and phrasal 5. 5. He has spent a large_____ of money on the repairs
verbs of English language. Both English learners and ESL of his new house.
teachers can use this online exercise as a revision to check
the knowledge of prepositions and phrasal verbs. A) number
B) piece
1. Punctual people always_____ being a little early for C) weight
their appointments. D) part
E) amount
A) lose track of
B) make a point of
C) hang up on
D) keep away from
6. 6. In the last world cup, there were a lot of formidable
E) go through with _____ for the top but next year I believe I will win a

A) rivals
B) antagonists
2. 2. He was taken to the police station and _____ with
dangerous driving. C) colleagues
D) strangers
A) blamed E) passengers
B) accused
C) arrested
D) charged
E) told 7. The main _____ for going to university is to get a
good education.

A) profit
B) advantage
3. 3. One of the earlier philosophers accepted the belief
that reality is eternal, but also stated that it’s made C) reason
up of chance combinations of the four primal_____ : D) effect
fire, air, earth and water. E) result

A) devices
B) deceptions
C) concessions
D) indications 8. 8. Since her childhood, she has suffered from a
speech _____ , and therefore she can't pronounce the
E) properties sound 's' properly.

A) fault
B) mistake
4. The jury found him 'not guilty', so he was _____ C) error
cleared of the charges. Now, he is a free man. D) dispute
E) defect
A) completely
B) rarely
C) frequently
D) likely
E) partially

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Prepositions And Phrasal Verbs Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With
Answers) 4

9. 9. Be careful! Don't break or open that bottle! It_____ 14. 14. It is a good idea to ____ a little money for your old
poisonous gas! days.

A) combines A) put by
B) covers B) mark up
C) produces C) move over
D) contains D) let off
E) protects E) live on

10. 10. We can live without clothes,but food and drink a 15. 15. Columbus wanted to go to India, but he_____ in
re_____ to life. America instead

A) reasonable A) flipped over

B) essential B) ended up
C) temporary C) got down
D) unnecessary D) held out
E) insignificant E) kept up

11. 11. Last Saturday, it was raining so______ that we 16. 16. Wly sister's hair turned grey______ She was only
couldn't go out shopping. in her 30s.

A) slightly A) unexpectedly
B) effectively B) terminally
C) extremely C) prematurely
D) thinly D) personally
E) heavily E) emotionally

12. 12. All the people in my company are very honest; 17. 17. Political refugees are usually____ at customs for a
they _____ all the offers of bribe_____ . day or two before they are allowed entry.

A) wear / down A) confirmed

B) write/off B) prepared
C) start / out C) cursed
D) turn / down D) detained
E) shape/up E) condemned

13. 13. The president remained____ to his promises. 18. 18. The farmers of this region have built their own
canals to _____ the dry land.
A) stable
B) stealthy A) irritate
C) steadfast B) involve
D) respectable C) isolate
E) cordial D) irradiate
E) irrigate

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Prepositions And Phrasal Verbs Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With
Answers) 4

19. 19. If our planning is successful, we may ______the 22. 22. Tea i s ____ grown in most parts of the Black Sea
drawbacks Region.

A) eliminate A) predictably
B) recur B) frankly
C) incur C) eventually
D) impose D) eloquently
E) prefer E) extensively

20. 20. There are so many facts to support it that the 23. 23. She has been asked to ____ a report on our export
validity of his theory is _____ to India.

A) doubtful A) draw up
B) donated B) cut off
C) undeniable C) deal in
D) suspicious D) break away
E) dubious E) act out

21. 21. Her parents let her do anything she likes, so she's 24. 24. The ministry declared that the movement of
completely_____ . heavy loads would be ______by railroad.

A) reasonable A) withdrawn
B) spoilt B) restricted
C) injured C) supposed
D) destroyed D) cancelled
E) wounded E) conflicted

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Prepositions And Phrasal Verbs Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With
Answers) 4

25. 25. I really doubt if I can ____ that huge house with a

A) resolve
B) bargain
C) afford
D) determine
E) recruit

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Prepositions And Phrasal Verbs Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With
Answers) 4

Answer Key:

1: B 14: A
2: D 15: B
3: E 16: A
4: A 17: D
5: E 18: E
6: A 19: A
7: C 20: C
8: E 21: B
9: D 22: E
10: B 23: A
11: E 24: B
12: D 25: C
13: C

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