I. Label The Parts of The Seed

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I. Label the parts of the seed.

II. Write SE if the following plants grow from seed and ST if the plants grow from stem.
____________ 1. ampalaya ____________ 6. oregano
____________ 2. sampaguita ____________ 7. lettuce
____________ 3. tomato ____________ 8. cosmos
____________ 4. horseradish ____________ 9. sunflower
____________ 5. radish ____________ 10. Chrysanthemum
III. Write the basic needs of the following.
A. Humans B. Animals
1. _________________________
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________
IV. Look at the picture. Circle PUSH or PULL in the box underneath it.

V. Fill out the missing word in the sentence. Choose your answer inside the box.

Carnivore Food chain Omnivore

Bacteria Herbivore Producer
Sun Consumer Fungi
1. _____________________ is the way food passes from one organism to another.

2. Plants get their energy from the _______________.

3. Plants are called _________________________ and the animals are called _______________________.

4. A type of consumer that only eats meat is called ___________________________.

5. A type of consumer that eats both plants and meat is called ___________________________.

6. A type of consumer that only eat plants is called ______________________________.

7. Example of decomposers are _______________________ and _______________________.

Choose your answer on the illustration above.

8. What is the producer? _________________________________

9. What is the final consumer? _________________________________

10. What is the primary consumer? _________________________________

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