Module: 01 A Bangabandhu Studies Topic: "Bangabandhu and The Liberation Struggle of Bangladesh Are Inseparable"

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Module: 01 A Bangabandhu Studies

Topic: “Bangabandhu and the Liberation Struggle of Bangladesh are



Bangladesh has become an independent sovereign state on the map of the world after going
through many storms. It was shaped by the forces of history, geography and culture. But
above all this, a unique political force worked to form the nation state called Bangladesh.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman took that endeavor at the right time and in the right
place. That is why the story of Bangladesh means the story of Bangabandhu. He was at the
forefront of the struggle for self-liberation and independence of the people of this country. He
fought from the beginning to the end of his life to present the Bengali nation with a peaceful
democratic state free from exploitation. Throughout the period from the language movement
of 1952 to the independence in 1971, his illuminated footsteps and presence have led the
Bengali nation to the right and desired goal. Dedicating his life for the people of this country,
that little boy from Tungipara is today recognized as the father of the nation of Bangladesh.

Liberator Sheikh Mujib: The birth of a star

On March 17, 1920, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the dreamer of the Bengali
nation, born at the village of Tungipara in Gopalganj district in the arms of father Sheikh
Lutfar Rahman and mother Sayera Khatun [ CITATION She12 \l 1033 ]. Bangabandhu was
admitted to Gimadanga Government Primary School at the age of seven and then to
Gopalganj Public School. After matriculating from the missionary school in 1942, he was
admitted to Calcutta Islamia College. After passing Intermediate from Calcutta Islamia
College in 1944, he was admitted to Calcutta University and passed BA from there. He then
enrolled in the law department of Dhaka University where his studentship was cancelled due
to his involvement in the movement of 4th class employees during his stay. And this is where
his student life came to an end.
Sheikh Mujib: The shepherd king of history

Independence is the greatest achievement of a thousand years of Bengali life. And the
dreamer of this freedom is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Since 1947, Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman has been involved in the struggle against the Karachi-centric neo-colonial
movement; He was imprisoned in 1948 for agitating for the establishment of the state
language Bengali. He formed Chhatra League on January 4, 1948 and Awami League on
June 23, 1949. Since then, he has taken every movement struggle step by step. The first phase
of the language movement began on March 11, 1948. The language movement of this episode
was led by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu. From the very beginning of the creation of
Pakistan, he did not allow any injustice of the ruling class to go unchallenged. Bangabandhu
considered it justifiable to protest rebellion against injustice. From the great language
movement of February 21, 1952, Election of 1954, the movement for the constitution of
1956, the education movement of September 17, 1962, the anti-communalism movement of
1964, the 6-point movement of 1966, 11 points movements-Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib had
absolute leadership in every struggle. He was imprisoned for about 33 months from 8
May,1966 to 22 February,1969. In his 14-year prison life, this is his long imprisonment.
Although Bangabandhu was arrested in the Agartala conspiracy case in 1969, the Pakistani
government was finally forced to release him in the face of public outrage. The day after his
release, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was conferred the title of 'Bangabandhu' at a
reception organized by the Central Students' Struggle Council at the historic Racecourse
Maidan in Dhaka on 23 February.

1970’s Election and our victory:

In the 1970 general elections, the Awami League, under the leadership of Father of the
Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, won an absolute majority by winning 160 out
of 162 seats in the East Bengal National Assembly and 288 out of 300 seats in the Provincial
Assembly. Even after the absolute victory in this election, when the Bengalis were deprived
of their rights and were not given the status they deserved, the war started.

1971: War of Liberation and Liberator Sheikh Mujib

Despite winning an absolute majority in the 1970 elections, the government of Pakistan
started various excuses to hand over power to the elected representatives. Following this,
Bangabandhu delivered a historic speech at the Racecourse Maidan (currently known as Suhrawardy
Uddyan). He announced,

“This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom. Joy

People of all walks of life, rich and poor alike, express solidarity with his fiery voice and
exalted call. Like Hamilton's flute player, he had the ability to attract people. The war of
liberation was organized in 1971 under the direct leadership of Bangabandhu under the direct
management of Awami League. Except for a few Pakistani slave brokers, all Bengalis,
regardless of party affiliation, were directly or indirectly involved in the war of liberation.
Despite being imprisoned in Pakistan, Bangabandhu's inspiration had kept the liberated
people of Bengal alive for nine whole months. In the early hours of March 26, before his
arrest, he declared independence. The constitution of Bangladesh was the declaration of
independence given by Bangabandhu before the first constitution of independent Bangladesh
was written in 1972. Bangabandhu's signal of Bengali nationalism and sovereignty through
the 6 points of 1966 has been reflected through this declaration of independence.
Bangladesh's independence was finally achieved through nine months of bloody war in
response to Bangabandhu's able leadership and lofty call. The everlasting independence of the
Bengalis was finally achieved by expelling the Pakistani rulers from the soil of this country.

Hypnotic leadership:

If the greatest and most glorious achievement or chapter in the history of any country or
nation is their independence-sovereignty, then the greatest Bengali organizer of all time in the
life of the Bengali nation is the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Bangabandhu is the
architect of the independent state of Bangladesh, craftsmen are the heroic freedom fighters of
this country and it is owned by people from all walks of life. He was actively involved in
every liberation movement. Bangabandhu has struggled to establish an independent sovereign
country on the world map by freeing the Bengali nation from the shackles of subjugation and
exploitation. The Pakistani aggressors and their followers, the local assassins, agent, Razakar,
Al-Badar and Al-Shams, have carried out the most brutal killings, looting and rapes in the
history of the Bengali nation. Crimes against humanity and war crimes were also done by the
oppressors. Bangabandhu put an end to all these and made the country independent. In just
three and a half years after the birth of this country, Bangabandhu, the craftsman of a self-
reliant nation-state, brought the radical change in socio-economic and political fields of


Bangladesh and Bangabandhu are two synonyms. Because without the birth of this great
man, we would not have had the privilege of being citizens of an independent territory called
Bangladesh. He dedicated his entire life for this country and nation. He spent most of his life
in the dark cells of the prison. Yet he never compromised on the question of the rights of
Bengalis. The Father of the Nation said that seven crore Bengalis cannot be kept under
control. In fact, Bengalis could not and will not be kept under pressure. Today we have
become a progressive nation by crossing many paths keeping in view the ideal of the father of
the nation. And now under the leadership of his worthy daughter Sheikh Hasina, holding the
dreams and ideals of Bangabandhu, we the young generation will one day be able to build the
golden Bengal of Bangabandhu's dream. And thus, the words Bangabandhu and Bangladesh
will forever be pronounced as inseparable in the history of Bangladesh.

Rahman, S. M., 2012. The Unfinished Memoirs. 1st ed. Dhaka: University Press Limited.

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