Calculating Area Using The Grid Method

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The document discusses several methods for calculating the area of different shapes, including using a grid system, formulas, and breaking shapes into simpler components.

To find the area of a rectangle, multiply its width by its height.

To find the area of a parallelogram, multiply its width by its height. The height is the distance between the top and bottom sides, not the length of the sides.

Calculating Area Using the Grid Method

When a shape is drawn on a scaled grid you can find the area by counting the number of grid
squares inside the shape.

In this example there are 10 grid squares inside the rectangle.

In order to find an area value, using the grid method, we need to know the size that a grid square
This example uses centimetres but the same method applies for any unit of length or distance.
You could, for example be using inches, metres, miles, feet etc.

In this example each grid square has a width of 1cm and a height of 1cm. In other words each
grid square is one 'square centimeter'.
Count the grid squares inside the large square to find its area..
There are 16 small squares so the area of the large square is 16 square centimeters.
In mathematics we abbreviate 'square centimeters' to cm2.  The 2 means ‘squared’. 
Each grid square is 1cm2.
The area of the large square is 16cm2.

Counting squares on a grid to find the area works for all shapes – as long as the grid sizes are
known. However, this method becomes more challenging when shapes do not fit the grid exactly
or when you need to count fractions of grid squares.
In this example the square does not fit exactly onto the grid.
We can still calculate the area by counting grid squares.
 There are 25 full grid squares (shaded in blue)
 10 half grid squares (shaded in yellow) – 10 half squares is the same as 5 full squares.
 There is also 1 quarter square. (¼ or 0.25 of a whole square).
 Add the whole squares and fractions together: 25 + 5 + 0.25 = 30.25.
The area of this square is therefore 30.25cm2 .
You can also write this as 30¼cm2.

Although using a grid and counting squares within a shape is a very simple way of learning the
concepts of area it is less useful for finding exact areas with more complex shapes, when there
may be many fractions of grid squares to add together.
Area can be calculated using simple formulas, depending on the type of shape you are working
The remainder of this page explains and give examples of how to calculate the area of a shape
without using the grid system.

Areas of Squares and Rectangles (and parallelograms).

The simplest (and most commonly used) area calculations are for squares and rectangles.
To find the area of a rectangle multiply its height by its width.
For a square you only need to find the length of one of the sides (as each side is the same length)
and then multiply this by itself to find the area. This is the same as saying length2 or length
It is good practice to check that a shape is actually a square by measuring two sides.  For
example the wall of a room may look like a square but when you measure it you find it is
actually a rectangle.
Often, in real life, shapes can be more complex. For example, imagine you want to find the area
of a floor, so that you can order the right amount of carpet.
A typical floor-plan of a room may not consist of a simple rectangle or square:

In this example, and other examples like it, the trick is to split the shape into several rectangles
(or squares). It doesn’t matter how you split the shape - any of the three solutions will result in
the same answer.
Solution 1 and 2 require that you make two shapes and add their areas together to find the total
For solution 3 you make a larger shape (A) and subtract the smaller shape (B) from it to find the

Another common problem is to the find the area of a border – a shape within another shape.
This example shows a path around a field – the path is 2m wide.
Again, there are several ways to work out the area of the path in this example.
You could view the path as four separate rectangles, calculate their dimensions and then their
area and finally add the areas together to give a total.
A faster way would be to work out the area of the whole shape and the area of the internal
rectangle. Subtract the internal rectangle area from the whole leaving the area of the path.

 The area of the whole shape is 16m × 10m = 160m2.

 We can work out the dimensions of the middle section because we know the path around
the edge is 2m wide.
 The width of the whole shape is 16m the width of the path across the whole shape is 4m
(2m on the left of the shape and 2m on the right). 16m - 4m = 12m
 We can do the same for the height: 10m - 2m - 2m = 6m
 So we have calculated that the middle rectangle is 12m × 6m.
 The area of the middle rectangle is therefore: 12m × 6m = 72m2.
 Finally we take the area of the middle rectangle away from the area of the whole shape.
160 - 72 = 88m2.
The area of the path is 88m2.

A parallelogram is a four-sided shape with two pairs of sides with equal length – by definition a
rectangle is a type of parallelogram. However, most people tend to think of parallelograms as
four-sided shapes with angled lines, as illustrated here.

The area of a parallelogram is calculated in the same way as for a rectangle (height × width) but
it is important to understand that height does not mean the length of the vertical (or off vertical)
sides but the distance between the sides.
From the diagram you can see that the height is the distance between the top and bottom sides of
the shape - not the length of the side.
Think of an imaginary line, at right angles, between the top and bottom sides. This is the height.

Areas of Triangles
It can be useful to think of a triangle as half of a square or parallelogram.

Assuming you know (or can measure) the dimensions of a triangle then you can quickly work
out its area.
The area of a triangle is (height × width) ÷ 2.
In other words you can work out the area of a triangle in the same way as the area for a square or
parallelogram just divide your answer by 2.
The height of a triangle is measured as a right-angled line from the bottom line to the ‘apex’ (top
point) of the triangle.
Here are some examples:

The area of the three triangles in the diagram above is the same.
Each triangle has a width and height of 3cm.
The area is calculated:
(height × width) ÷ 2
9 ÷ 2 = 4.5
The area of each triangle is 4.5cm2.

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