Circular Motion

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Circular Motion
In many natural phenomena the motion is circular or nearly circular, e.g., satellite motion or motion of the earth
around the sun. A particle moving in a circular path illustrates many of the important features of the velocity and
acceleration vectors in two dimensions.
We first consider circular motion with constant speed. In everyday usage, we would say that if the speed is
constant, there is no acceleration. However, we have defined acceleration as the rate of change of the velocity
vector. Even when the speed is constant, a particle moving in a circle is accelerating because the direction of the
velocity is constantly changing.


If a particle is moving in a circular path with constant speed, we define this motion as uniform circular motion.
Now, we have to obtain the acceleration in uniform circular motion.
The situation is shown in figure 4.1(a). Let P be the position of the particle at the time t and P ' be its position
! !
at the time t + ∆t. The velocity at P is v1 , a vector tangent to the curve at P. The velocity at P ' is v2 , a vector
! !
tangent to the curve at P '. As the speed of the particle is constant, the vectors v1 and v2 are equal in magnitude,


r θ r θ r
! !
P’ v1 v1
θ !
C r ! ! –v1 P’ P
v2 v2 v.∆t


fig. 4.1(a) fig. 4.1(b)

their directions are different. The length of the path traversed during ∆t is the arc length PP ', which is equal to
v ⋅ ∆t , where v is the constant speed of the particle.
! !
Now, redraw the vectors v1 and v2 , as shown in figure 4.1(b) so that they originate at a common point. We are
free to do this as long as the magnitude and direction of each vector are the same as in figure 4.1(a). Figure
4.2(b) enables us to see clearly the change in velocity as the particle moved from P to P '. This change,
! ! ! ! !
v2 − v1 = ∆v , is the vector which must be added to v1 to get v2 . Notice that it points inward, approximately
toward the centre of the circle.
! ! !
Now the triangle fromed by v1 , v2 and ∆v is similar to the triangle CCP ' formed by the chord PP ' and the
radii CP and CP '. This is so because both are isosceles triangles having the same vertex angle; the angle
! ! ! !
θ between v1 and v2 is the same as the angle PCP ' because v1 is perpendicular to CP and v2 is perpendicular
to the CP '. We can therefore write

PHYSICS: Circular Motion

| ∆v | v ⋅ ∆t
= approximately,
v r
The chord PP ' being taken equal to the arc length PP '. This relation becomes more nearly exact as ∆t is
diminished, since the chord and the arc approach each other. Notice also that ∆v approaches closer and
! !
closer to a direction perpendicular to v1 and v2 as ∆t is diminished and therefore approaches closer and
closer to a direction pointing to the exact centre of the circle. It follows from this relation that
∆v v 2
= , approximately,
∆t r
and in the limit when ∆t → 0 this expression becomes exact. We therefore obtain

∆v v2
a = lim = ...(4.1)
∆t → 0 ∆t r

as the magnitude of the acceleration. The direction of a! is instantaneously along a radius inward toward the
centre of the circle. Figure 4.2 shows the instantaneous relation between v! and a! at various points of
motion. The magnitude of v! is constant, but its direction changes continuously. This gives rise to an acceleration
a which is also constant in magnitude but continuously changing in direction. The velocity v! is always tangent
to the circle in the direction of motion; the acceleration a is always directed radially inward. Because of this,
a is called a radial, or centripetal acceleration. Centripetal means “seeking a center”.
! !
a a


fig. 4.2
The acceleration resulting from a change in direction of a velocity is just as real and just as much an acceleration
in every sense as that arising from a change in magnitude of a velocity. The velocity, being a vector, can
change in direction as well as magnitude. If a physical quantity is a vector, its directional aspects cannot be
ignored, for their effects will prove to be every bit as important and real as those produced by changes in


If a particle moves in a circle with speed that is varying, there is a component of acceleration tangent to the
circle as well as the centripetal acceleration inward. The tangential component of acceleration is simply the
rate of change of speed dv/dt, whereas the radially inward component arises due to change in direction and
has a magnitude . Let us introduce the unit vector tˆ fixed to the moving particle and oriented along a
tangent to the path in the direction of the movement of the particle as shown in fig. 4.3. Therefore tˆ is a
variable vector since it depends upon the position of the particle. The velocity vector v of the particle is
oriented along a tangent to the path and therefore can be represented as follows

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


v = v.tˆ

fig. 4.3

v = v ⋅ tˆ

 dl 
where speed v  = , l being the distance covered  is the rate of covering distance.
 dt 
Let us differentiate above equation with respect to the time:
! dv d (v ⋅ tˆ) dv ˆ dtˆ
a= = = ⋅t + v ⋅
dt dt dt dt

dv ˆ dtˆ dl dv dtˆ  dl 
= ⋅ t + v ⋅ ⋅ = ⋅ tˆ + v 2 ⋅ ...(4.2)  using = v
dt dl dt dt dl  dt 

Let us examine the increment of the vector tˆ in the interval dl (see figure 4.4). It can be strictly shown that
when point 2 approaches point 1, the segment of the path between them tends to turn into an arc of a circle

1 dl


dθ dtˆ

fig. 4.4

with centre at some point O.O is referred to as the centre of curvature of the path at the given point, and the
radius r of the corresponding circle as the radius of curvature of the path at the same point. It is seen from
figure 4.4, that the angle

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


dl dtˆ dtˆ
dθ = = =
r tˆ1 1

dtˆ 1
⇒ = ;
dl r

At the same time, if dl → 0, then dtˆ tˆ . Introducing a unit vector n̂ alog the normal to the path at point 1
directed toward the centre of curvature, we write the last equality in a vector form:

dtˆ nˆ
= ...(4.3)
dl r
Now let us substitute equation (4.3) into equation (4.2). Then we get,

! v2 dv
a = nˆ + tˆ ...(4.4)
r dt

Here the first term is called the centripetal (normal) acceleration an and the second term is called the
tangential acceleration at :

v2 dv
an = ; at = ...(4.5)
r dt
Here normal acceleration (which must be provided by a normal component of the net force acting on the
particle) is responsible for the change in direction of the velocity and the tangential acceleration (which must be
provided by a tangential component of the net force acting on the particle) is responsible for the change of the
Thus, the total acceleration a of a particle can be represented as the sum of the tangential and the normal
accelerations as shown in fig. 4.5. The magnitude of the total acceleration of the particle is
v dv
at = dt

a = an2 + at2

an = v² a
2 2
 v 2   dv 
=   +  ...(4.6) r
 r   dt 

fig. 4.5

Obviously this concept can also be applied to a particle moving on a circular path. At any point on the path,
radius of the circle should be regarded as the radius of curvature of the path at that point and the centre of the
circle should be regarded as the centre of curvature of the path. Therefore, if equations (4.4), (4.5) and (4.6)
are applied on a particle moving in a circular path, r denotes the radius of the circle.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


It is often convenient to describe the motion of a particle moving in a circle in terms of angular variables.
If the particle is moving with constant speed then time required to complete one revolution, called the time
period T, is given by

2π r
where r is the radius of the circle and v is the speed of the particle.
The reciprocal of the period is called the frequency f. We can write

1 v
f = =
T 2π r
The frequency is usually given in revolutions per second (rev/s). Like the radian, the revolution is also a
dimensionless unit.
Figure 4.6 shows a portion of a circle of arc length s and P'
radius r. The angle θ swept by the radius vector when a
particle moves from P to P ' is θ = s/r. The θ is called the r
angular position of the particle with respect to its initial
position. θ
r P
The rate of change of the angular position is called the angular velocity ω :
dθ d ( s /r )
ω= = fig. 4.6
dt dt
1 ds
r dt
Since ds/dt is the rate of covering distance, it is basically linear speed of the particle. Therefore, the linear and
angular speeds are related by

v v
r at
⇒ v = ωr ...(4.7) r ds ωr
α v= =
ω dt
The rate of change of the angular velocity is
defined as the angular acceleration α : s
at = dv = αr
d ω d ( v/r )
α= = r
dt dt
1 dv
= fig 4.7
r dt

at  where at is the tangential acceleration 

=  
r  and at = dv/dt = rate of change of speed. 

Therefore, the tangential and the angular accelerations are related by

a t = αr ....(4.8)

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


NOTE: * At all points the acceleration of the particle has an inward radial component too.
* If angular acceleration α is constant then we can use the following equations:

ω (t ) = ωin + α t ; ...(4.8)

θ (t ) = θi + ωin ⋅ t + α t 2 ; ...(4.9)

(ω (t ) )
= (ωin ) 2 + 2 ⋅ α ⋅ ∆θ . ...(4.10)

A particle rotates in a circle according to the law θ = at − bt 3 , where θ is the angular position of the particle at some
time ‘t’, a = 6 ⋅ 0 rad/s and b = 2 ⋅ 0 rad/s³. Find:
(a) the mean values of the angular velocity and angular acceleration averaged over the time interval
between t = 0 and the complete stop;
(b) the angular acceleration at the moment when the particle stops.

SOLUTION: If ω be the angular velocity and α be the angular acceleration of the particle, then

dθ d (at − bt 3 )
ω= = = a − 3bt 2
dt dt

d ω d (a − 3bt 2 )
and α= = = −6bt
dt dt
If the particle stops at t = t0, then

ω (at t = t0 ) = 0

⇒ a − 3bt02 = 0

⇒ t0 =
Therefore, for the time interval [0, t0], the average angular velocity,

∆θ θ f − θ i
ω = =
∆t t f − ti

θ (t = t0 ) − θ (t = 0)
t0 − 0

(at0 − bt03 ) − (0)

= = a − bt02

a 2a
= a −b⋅ =
3b 3

= 4 ⋅ 0 rad/s;
PHYSICS: Circular Motion

and the average angular acceleration,

∆ω ω f − ωi ω (t = t0 ) − ω (t = 0)
α = = =
∆t t f − ti t0 − 0

(a − 3bt02 ) − (a )
= = −3bt0

= −3b ⋅ = − 3ab

= −6 rad/s 2
At t = t0, the angular acceleration,

α = −6bt0

= −6b = −2 3ab

= −12 rad/s 2


A particle is moving in a circle of radius r with a varying angular speed ω, given by

ω = βt2 .
Find the net acceleration of the particle at some time t.


ω = βt2
∴ v = ωr (let v be the linear speed)

= rβ t 2
If at be the tangential acceleration and an be the normal/centripetal acceleration, then we have,

v 2 r 2 β 2t 4
an = = = r β 2t 4
r r

and at = = 2r β t

∴ Net acceleration, anet = at2 + an2

= 4 r 2 β 2t 2 + r 2 β 4t 8

= r β t 4 + β 2t 6
PHYSICS: Circular Motion


1. A body is travelling in a circle at a constant speed. It

(a) has a constant velocity.
(b) is not accelerated.
(c) has an inward radial acceleration.
(d) has an outward radial acceleration.
2. When a particle is in uniform circular motion it does not have
(a) radial velocity and radial acceleration
(b) radial velocity and transverse acceleration
(c) transverse velocity and radial acceleration
(d) transverse velocity and transverse acceleration.
3. Assertion (A): If a body moving in a circular path has constant speed, then there is no force acting on it.
Reason (R) : The direction of the velocity vector of a body moving in a circular path is changing.
(a) both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A
(b) both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true.
4. A body is revolving with a constant speed along a circular path. If the direction of its velocity is reversed, keeping
speed unchanged, then
(a) the centripetal force does not suffer any change in magnitude and direction both
(b) the centripetal force does not suffer any change in magnitude but its direction is reversed
(c) the centripetal force disappears
(d) centripetal force will be doubled.
5. An object follows a curved path. The following quantities may remain constant during the motion
(a) speed (b) velocity
(c) acceleration (d) magnitude of acceleration.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion



Although we have already discussed both uniform
and nonuniform circular motions, let us try to
understand these concepts by a more general
approach. In this method we will try to get the Y
! !
velocity v by differentiating the position vector r ^
! ^
and the acceleration a by differentiating the velocity
v. A particle is moving in a circle of radius r. We ^
have assumed the centre as the origin of the
reference frame, as shown in figure 4.8(a). At some
time the position vector r is making an angle θ
with the +ve-x direction. We define θ as the angular !
position of the particle. We have also defined two α
variable unit vectors, one along radially outward ω
direction, r̂ and the other one, tˆ, along the tangent θ
and coinciding with the direction of motion of the X
particle. From figure 4.8(b), we have ^

rˆ = iˆ cos θ + ˆj sin θ ...(4.9) fig 4.8 (a)

and tˆ = −iˆ sin θ + ˆj cos θ ...(4.10)

We have, rˆ = r cos θ iˆ + r sin θ ˆj ^

! r^
! dr d (r cos θ iˆ + r sin θ ˆj )
∴ v= = θ
dt dt
d (r cos θ iˆ) d (r sin θ ˆj )
= +
dt dt
fig 4.8 (b)
d (cos θ ) ˆ d (sin θ )
= riˆ + rj
dt dt

 dθ  ˆ dθ 
= riˆ  − sin θ ⋅  + rj  cos θ ⋅ 
 dt   dt 

= −ωr sin⋅ iˆ + ωr cosθ ⋅ ˆj [∵ angular velocity, ω = dθ /dt]

= ω r[ − sin θ ⋅ iˆ + cos θ ⋅ ˆj ]

⇒ !
v = ωr ⋅ tˆ [using equation 4.10]

Therefore, the velocity of the particle is along the tangent to the circle and the magnitude of the velocity is ω r.
Again, we have,
! dv

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


dω d sin θ ˆ d ω d cos θ ˆ
=− ⋅ r ⋅ sin θ iˆ − ω ⋅ r ⋅ i + r cos θ ˆj + ω r j
dt dt dt dt

= −α r sin θ ˆj − ω 2 r cos θ iˆ + α r cos θ ˆj − ω 2 r sin θ ˆj.

[∵ angular acceleration α = dω /dt ]

= −ω 2 r (cos θ iˆ + sin θ ˆj ) + α r (− sin θ iˆ + cos θ ˆj )

⇒ !
a = −ω 2 r ⋅ rˆ + α r ⋅ tˆ [using equations 4.9 and 4.10]

Therefore, the acceleration of the particle has a radially inward component of magnitude ω²r (= v²/r) and a
tangential component of magnitude α r. The magnitude of the net acceleration can be written as

anet = (ω 2 r ) 2 + (α r ) 2

It is obvious that in the case of uniform circular motion, the angular acceleration α is zero and the particle has
only radially inward component of the acceleration, which is often called centripetal acceleration. The
results obtained by this method are in accordance with the previous results.


A point moves along a circle with a speed v = αt, where α is a positive constant. Find the magnitude of the acceleration
at the moment when it covered the n-th (n = 0.10) fraction of the circle after the beginning of the motion at t = 0.

SOLUTION: Let r be the radius of the circle and s be the distance travelled along the circumference of the
acceleration at the circle in the time interval [0, t], then we have


⇒ = αt
s t

⇒ ∫ ds = α ∫ t ⋅ dt
0 0

⇒ s= ...(i)
When the point has covered nth (n = 0.10) fraction of the circle, we have,

s = n(2π r ) = 0.10(2π r ) = 0.2(π r )

αt 2
⇒ = 0.2(π r ) [using (i)]

0.4(π r )
⇒ t2 = ...(ii)

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


At this moment, the centripetal acceleration is

v 2 α 2t 2
an = =
r r

⇒ an = 0.4 (πα ) [using (ii)]

and the tangential acceleration is

dv d (α t )
at = = =α
dt dt
Therefore, the magnitude of the total acceleration is

a = an2 + at2 = (0.16)π 2α 2 + α 2

= α 0.16π 2 + 1


A point moves with deceleration along the circle of radius R so that at any moment of time its tangential and normal
accelerations are equal in moduli. At the initial moment t = 0 the velocity of the point equals v0. Find:
(a) the velocity of the point as a function of time and as a function of the distance covered s;
(b) the magnitude of the total acceleration of the point as a function of velocity and the distance covered.

SOLUTION :(a) Let at some time ‘t’, v be the speed of the point, then we have,

normal acceleration = tangential acceleration

v2 dv
⇒ =−
R dt

dv v2
⇒ =− ...(i)
dt R

v t
dv dt
⇒ ∫v v 2 = − ∫0 R

⇒ − = −t / R
v v0

 1  1 
⇒  −  −  −  = −t/R
 v   v0 

1 1 t
⇒ = +
v v0 R
PHYSICS: Circular Motion

v0 R
⇒ v= ...(ii)
R + v0t

From equation (i), again, we have

dv ds v2
⋅ =− [ s is distance covered]
ds dt R

dv v2
⇒ v⋅ = −
ds R

dv v
⇒ =−
ds R

v s
dv 1
⇒ ∫v v = − R ∫0 ds

⇒ ln(v / v0 ) = − s/R

⇒ v = v0 ⋅ e − s/R ...(iii)

(b) If an be the normal and at be the tangential acceleration, then the total acceleration,

a = at2 + an2

= 2an [∵ at = an ]

= 2 ...(iv)

2v02 e −2 s/R
∴ a( s) = [using (iii) and (iv)]

PHYSICS: Circular Motion



1. In applying the equation for motion with uniform angular acceleration, ω = ω0 + αt, the radian measure
(a) must be used for both ω and α (b) may be used for both ω and α
(c) may be used for ω but not for α (d) cannot be used for both ω and α.
2. The position vector of a particle in a circular motion about the origin sweeps out equal area in equal time. Its
(a) velocity remains constant (b) speed remains constant
(c) acceleration remains constant (d) tangential acceleration remains constant.
3. A particle is going in a spiral path as shown in figure with constant speed.
(a) The velocity of the particle is constant
(b) The acceleration of the particle is constant.
(c) The magnitude of acceleration is constant.
(d) The magnitude of acceleration is decreasing continuously.

4. If the equation for the displacement of a particle moving on a circular path is given by θ = 2t 3 + 0.5, where θ is in
radian and t in second, then the angular velocity of the particle after 2 s from its start is :
(a) 8 rad/s (b) 12 rad/s
(c) 24 rad/s (d) 36 rad/s.
5. In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, the electron revolves in a circular orbit around the nucleus. If the radius
of the orbit is 5 ⋅ 3 × 10−11 meter and the electron makes 6 ⋅ 6 × 1015 rev/sec, find (a) the acceleration (magnitude
and direction) of the electron and (b) the centripetal force acting on the electron. (This force is due to the attraction
between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electron). The mass of the electron is 9 ⋅1× 10−31
6. A particle is projected with a speed u at an angle θ with the horizontal. Consider a small part of its path near the
highest position and take it approximately to be a circular arc. What is the radius of this circle ? This radius is called
the radius of curvature of the curve at that point.
7. What is the radius of curvature of the parabola traced out by the projectile in the previous problem at a point where
the particle velocity makes an angle θ /2 with the horizontal ?
8. A wheel rotates around a stationary axis so that the rotation angle ϕ varies with time as ϕ = at2, where a = 0.20
rad/s2. Find the total acceleration α of the point A at the rim at the moment t = 2.5 s if the linear velocity of the point
A at this moment v = 0.65 m/s.
9. (a) Write an expression for the position vector r for a particle describing uniform circular motion, using rectangular
coordinates and the unit vectors iˆ and ĵ . (b) From (a) derive vector expressions for the velocity v! and the
acceleration a! . (c) Prove that the acceleration is directed toward the center of the circular motion.

10. A point moves along an arc of a circle of radius R. Its velocity depends on the distance covered s as v = a s ,
where a is a constant. Find the angle α between the vector of the total acceleration and the vector of velocity as a
function of s.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion



If we resolve the net force acting on a particle moving on a circular path along the motion of the particle
(i.e., along the tangential direction) and along the radially inward direction (i.e., towards the centre), then we
see that the tangential component of the net force provides tangential acceleration and the radial component of
the net force provides radial or centripetal acceleration. In the case of uniform circular motion, the tangential
component of the net force is zero. The radial component of the net force is defined as centripetal force.
Therefore, we can write,

mv 2
Fcentripetal = macentripetal = ; ...(4.11)

Ftangential = mat = m ; ...(4.12)

(F ) + (F )
2 2
and Fnet = centripetal tangential ...(4.13)

Here, I would like to emphasize that the centripetal force is not just another force which must be added with
other forces present to get the net force. Centripetal force is just the radial component of the resultant of the
forces already present. This concept would be more clear by the following examples.
Suppose we release a small ball of mass m from the highest C
point inside a smooth hemispherical bowl, as shown in figure
4.9. When the position of the ball with respect to centre of
N θ
the bowl, C, is making an angle θ, let it has acquired a R
speed v. At this moment the ball has components of v

acceleration along both radial and tangential directions. The m R

radial component of the acceleration or centripetal
acceleration is being provided by the normal contact force, v smooth
N, acting on the ball. Here N is balancing the radial mg
component of the weight of the ball
` and also providing the fig. 4.9
centripetal acceleration to the ball, as shown in figure 4.10.

Here it would be a mistake to think that there are following

three force acting on the ball: (1) weight of the ball, (2) C
normal contact force on the ball, (3) centripetal force on
the ball. As we have already discussed before, centripetal
force is not an additional force acting on the ball; it is the v
N θ
radial component of the net force acting on the ball from its R
surrounding or we can say it is the sum of the radial
components of the forces acting on the ball from its dv/dt


surrounding. In this case the resultant of N and mg cosθ



should be defined as the centripetal force.



fig. 4.10

As shown in figure 4.10, the tangential component of the weight of the ball, mg sinθ, is the net tangential force
on the ball. This force is responsible for the change in speed of the ball and provides the tangential acceleration
dv dv
. It is quite obvious that in this case = g sin θ and when ball reaches the lowermost point, the tangential
dt dt
acceleration is zero.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion



O v
2 O T m
l v


fig. 4.11 (a) (Top view) fig. 4.11 (b) (side view)

Consider the case shown in figures 4.11(a) and (b). A small ball of mass m is being revolved with constant
speed v in a circular path on a smooth horizontal table by means of a thread of length l. Top view is shown in
figure 4.11(a) and side view is shown in figure 4.11(b). Here, the ball is moving uniformly in a horizontal circle
of radius l with speed v, therefore, it has a centripetal acceleration of magnitude which is pointing towards
the centre of the circle, O. This acceleration is always in the horizontal plane only. From figure 4.11(b) it is
clear that the tension force from the thread is providing the centripetal acceleration and hence the tension
force is acting as centripetal force. Normal contact force from the surface of the table is balancing the weight
of the ball. In this case tangential acceleration is zero.


A particle of mass m is suspended from a string of length L and

moves at constant speed in a horizontal circle of radius r. The
string makes an angle θ given by sin θ = r L , as shown in figure θ
4.12. Find the tension in the string and the speed of the particle. sin θ = r L
(This configuration is known as a conical pendulum.)

fig. 4.12
SOLUTION: Let the particle is moving with speed v and tension
in the thread is T. The two forces acting on the particle
are its weight mg, acting vertically downward, and the
tension T, which acts along the string, as shown in figure
4.13. In this situation we know that the acceleration is
towards the centre of the horizontal circle and has a r L
sin θ =
magnitude . Thus the vertical component of the tension T
r v
must balance the weight mg. The horizontal component
of the tension is the centripetal force and is providing the r m
centripetal acceleration. Therefore, from figure 4.14, we
have mg

fig. 4.13

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


T cos θ = mg ...(i) T cosθ

and T sin θ = mv²/r ...(ii) θ
T sinθ
Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get,
v /r

v = gr tan θ and T =
cos θ fig. 4.14 mg


A car travel on a horizontal road in a circle of radius 30 m. If the coefficient of static friction is µ s = 0 ⋅ 6, how fast can
the car travel without slipping?

SOLUTION: This situation is shown in figure 4.15. The normal contact force on the car from the road balances the
downward force due to gravity, mg. The only horizontal force is due to friction. As the car is moving in a
horizontal circle, its centripetal acceleration is always in the horizontal plane only. Therefore, in this case frictional
force f is the centripetal force.

v2 v

fig. 4.15
v /r

F.B.D. of the car is shown in figure 4.16. From this figure, we have.
f m (car)
N = mg

mv 2 mg
and f = fig. 4.16
As the car is not slipping on the road, frictional force must be static in nature.
Therefore, we have

f ≤ f limiting

⇒ f ≤ µs N

mv 2
⇒ ≤ µ s mg

⇒ v 2 ≤ µ z gr

⇒ v ≤ µs gr = 0.6 × 9.8 × 30 = 13.3 m/s

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


If the car travels at a speed greater than 13.3 m/s, the force of static friction will not be great enough to provide
the acceleration needed for the car to travel in a circle of specified radius and the car would slide out away from
the centre of the circle; i.e., it will tend to travel in a circle of larger radius. You can note that if a horizontal road
is smooth then car can not take a turn.
NOTE: If the road is not horizontal but banked, as shown in figure N
4.17, the normal force of the road will have a component θ
inward toward the centre of the circle, which will contribute v 2

to the centripetal force. The banking angle can be chosen r

in such a way that for a given speed no friction is needed mg
for the car to make the curve.
fig. 4.17


A hemispherical bowl of radius R is set rotating about its axis of symmetry which is kept vertical. A small block
kept in the bowl rotates with the bowl without slipping on its surface. If the surface of the ball is smooth, and the
angle made by the radius through the block with the vertical is θ, find the angular speed at which the bowl is

SOLUTION: Let the ball is at the point A on the

hemispherical surface. As the ball is also rotating
with the surface and there is no slipping between
the ball and the surface, ball would rotate in a
horizontal circle with same angular speed as that of
the surface. If ω be angular speed of the bowl and ω
r be the radius of the horizontal circle in which the
ball is rotating, then ball has a horizontal
acceleration of magnitude ω2r, pointing towards the θ
centre of the circle, as shown in figure 4.18. As the R N
surface is smooth, there are only two forces acting
on the ball : (1) normal contact force, N; (2) its θ
weight, mg. F.B.D of the block is shown in figure B ωr
4.19. Vertical component of the normal contact
force is balancing the weight of the ball and its
horizontal component is providing the centripetal mg
acceleration. Therefore, we have,
fig 4.18
N N cos θ


m m
N sin θ


fig 4.19
PHYSICS: Circular Motion

N sin θ = m ω 2 r

= mω 2 ( R sin θ ) [∵ r = R sin θ ]
⇒ N = mω 2 R ...(i)
and N cos θ = mg

⇒ mω 2 R cos θ = mg [using (i)]

⇒ ω=
R cos θ


A simple pendulum consists of a mass m suspended at the end of a rope of length l. When the rope is at an angle θ to
the vertical, the speed of the bob is v. Find :
(a) the radial and tangential components of the acceleration ;
(b) the tension in the thread.
SOLUTION: It is obvious that the path of the bob is a part of a vertical circle of radius l. When thread makes an angle
θ with the vertical, the speed of the bob is given to be v. At this moment there are only two forces acting on the
ball : (1) tension force, T; (2) its weight, mg, as shown in figure 4.20 (a).


m anet m
θ in
mg sin θ mg cos θ g sin θ

fig 4.20(a)

F.B.D. of the ball is shown in figure 4.20(b). As the ball is moving on a circle of radius l, it has a centripetal
acceleration of magnitude v2/l towards the centre. Therefore, applying Newton’s 2nd law along radial direction,
we get
mv 2
T − mg cos θ =
mv 2
⇒ T = mg cos θ +
From figure 4.20(b) it is clear that mg sin θ is the only tangential force on the bob and hence, tangential
acceleration of the bob is g sin θ . Both radial and tangential accelerations are shown in figure 4.20(c). Their
resultant, net acceleration, is also shown. You should note that when the bob reaches at the extreme position its
speed becomes zero and hence at that position it has only tangential acceleration.
PHYSICS: Circular Motion

In the previous example suppose the bob is given a horizontal speed u, when the thread is vertical. Find the speed and
the tension as a function of θ, where θ is angle between the vertical direction and the thread.

SOLUTION: From the previous example it is clear that at

some angle θ if the ball has a speed v then it has a
radial acceleration of magnitude and a tangential
l v² T
acceleration of magnitude gsin θ, as shown in figure l v
4.21. We have,


= at = − g sin θ θ


dv dθ
⇒ ⋅ = − g sin θ
dθ dt fig. 4.21

dv  dθ 
⇒ ω⋅ = − g sin θ ω = = angular velocity = v/l 
dθ dt 

⇒ ⋅ dv = − g sin θ ⋅ dθ

v θ
⇒ ∫ v ⋅ dv = − gl ∫ sin θ ⋅ dθ
u 0

v2 − u 2
⇒ = − gl (1 − cos θ )

⇒ v 2 = u 2 − 2 gl (1 − cos θ ) ...(i)

⇒ v = u 2 − 2 gl (1 − cos θ )

If T be the tension in the thread at this moment, then, using Newton’s 2nd law along the radial direction, we get,

mv 2
T − mg cos θ =

mv 2
⇒ T = mg cos θ +

mu 2
= mg cos θ + − 2mg + 2mg cos θ [using (i)]
mu 2
= 3mg cos θ − 2mg +

PHYSICS: Circular Motion



1. A car rounds an unbanked curve with radius of curvature 40m. The coefficient of friction between the tires and
the road is 0.6. What is the maximum speed the car can travel without slipping?
2. A curve of radius 30 m is banked so that a car can round the curve at 48 km/h even if the road is frictionless.
Show in a force diagram that a component of the normal force exerted by the road on the car can provide the
centripetal force necessary and calculate the banking angle θ for these conditions.
3. A small coin is placed on a flat; horizontal turntable. The turntable is observed to make three revolutions in 3.14
sec. (a) What is the speed of the coin when it rides without slipping at a distance 5.0 cm from the center of the
turntable? (b) What is the acceleration (magnitude and direction) of the coin in part (a)? (c) What is the frictional-
force acting on the coin in part (a) if the coin has a mass m? (d) What is the coefficient of static friction between
the coin and the turntable if the coin is observed to slide off the turntable when it is greater than 10 cm from the
center of the turntable?
4. (a) What is the smallest radius of a circle at which a bicyclist can travel if his speed is 18 mi/hr and the coefficient
of static friction between the tires and the road is 0.32? (b) Under these conditions what is the largest angle of
inclination to the vertical at which the bicyclist can ride without falling? (solution of part (b) requires the concept
of torque).

5. A rod of length l and mass m is rotated in a horizontal plane about its one end with constant angular velocity ω.
The tension at the middle section of the rod is :

mω 2l
(a) mω 2l (b)
3 3
(c) mω 2l (d) mω 2l .
4 8
6. A car moves at a constant speed on a road with varying slope as shown in figure. The normal force by the road
on the car is NA and NB when it is at the points A and B respectively.
(a) NA = NB A B
(b) NA > NB
(c) NA < NB
(d) insufficient information to decide the relation of NA and NB.
7. Let θ denote the angular displacement of a simple pendulum oscillating in a vertical plane. If the mass of the bob
is m, the tension in the string is mg cosθ
(a) always (b) never
(c) at the extreme positions (d) at the mean position.
8. A simple pendulum is oscillating without damping. When the distancement of the bob is less then maximum, its
acceleration vector a is correctly shown in

(a) (b) (c) a (d) .
! !
a a

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


9. A car of mass m is moving on a horizontal circular path of radius r. At an instant its speed is v and is increasing at
a rate a
(a) the acceleration of the car is towards the centre of the path
mv 2
(b) the magnitude of the frictional force on the car is greater than
(c) the friction coefficient between the ground and the car is not less than a/g
 v2 
(d) the friction coefficient between the ground and the car is µ = tan −1   .
 rg 

10. A mass m on a frictionless table is attached to a hanging mass M by a cord through a hole in the table (Fig). Find
the conditions (v and r) with which m must spin for M to stay at rest.

11. Two blocks each of mass M are connected to the ends of a light frame as shown in figure. The frame is rotated
about the vertical line of symmetry. The rod breaks if the tension in it exceeds T0. Find the maximum frequency
with which the frame may be rotated without breaking the rod.


PHYSICS: Circular Motion


12. A block of mass m1 is attached to a cord of length L1, which is fixed at one end. The mass moves in a horizontal
circle supported by a frictionless table. A second block of mass m2 is attached to the first by a cord of length L2
and also moves in a concentric circle, as shown in figure. If the angular speed is ω, find the tension in each cord.

m1 m2

13. A small sphere of mass m suspended by a thread is first taken aside so that the thread forms the right angle with
the vertical and then released. Find :
(a) the total acceleration of the sphere and the thread tension as a function of θ, the angle of deflection of the
thread from the vertical;
(b) the thread tension at the moment when the vertical component of the sphere’s velocity is maximum;
(c) the angle θ between the thread and the vertical at the moment when the total acceleration vector of the
sphere is directed horizontally.
14. A small sphere of mass m suspended by a thread is first taken aside so that the thread forms the right angle with
the vertical and then released, then:

(a) total acceleration of sphere as a function of θ is g 1 + 3cos θ


(b) thread tension as a function of θ is T = 3 mg cos θ

(c) the angle θ between the thread and the vertical at the moment when the total acceleration vector of the
sphere is directed horizontally is cos −1 1 3
(d) the thread tension at the moment when the vertical component of the sphere’s velocity is maximum will be mg.
15. A ball suspended by a thread swings in a vertical plane so that its acceleration values in the extreme and the
lowest position are equal. Find the thread deflection angle in the extreme position.
16. A block of mass m at the end of a string is whirled around in a vertical circle of radius R. Find the critical speed
below which the string would become slack at the highest point. [Hint : when the string slacks, take T = 0, not
v = 0]
17. A small body A starts sliding off the top of a smooth sphere of radius R. Find the angle θ (Fig.) corresponding to
the point at which the body breaks off the sphere, as well as the break-off speed of the body.

θ A

[Hint : Find V(θ ) using tangential acceleration and find N(θ ) using Newton’s 2nd law along the radial direction.
At the break off point take N = 0.]

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


In chapter 2(laws of motion) we discussed that the Newton’s laws of motion are not valid in a noninertial frame
(a frame which is accelerating with respect to an inertial frame). If we insist to work from a noninertial frame,
we need to apply a pseudo force to make the Newton’s 2nd law applicable in that frame. If the frame is
! !
translating with an acceleration a , then we apply “–m a ” as pseudo force where m is the mass of the body on
which it is being applied. Now, we know that rotating frames are also accelerating frames. Therefore, we must
apply pseudo forces on the different bodies while making observations from a rotating frame of reference.
If a body is rotating with a constant angular speed ω and its distance from the axis of rotation is r then body has
a radially inward acceleration ω²r, as shown in figure 4.22(a). But if we observe the body from the frame
rotating with it, then we find that the body is at rest. To use the Newton’s 2nd law in its usual form, we apply
a pseudo force of magnitude mω²r in the radially outward direction, as shown in figure 4.22(b). This
pseudo force is defined as the centrifugal force. In Greek centrifugal means “centre fleeing”.


ω²r F = mω²r
m r

fig. 4.22(a) fig. 4.22(b)

It must be clear to you that centrifugal force is just a pseudo force and you need not to consider it if you are
making your observations from an inertial frame. Consider the situation shown in figure 4.11. When we observe
from ground frame, we see that the ball is rotating with a constant angular speed ω in a circle of radius r and
hence, it has centripetal acceleration ω²r, which is being provided by the tension force acting on it.
Magnitude of the tension force is mω²r. But if we observe the ball from a frame rotating with it, we find that the
ball is at rest. If we do not apply any pseudo force then Newton’s 2nd law is not applicable in this frame,
because the tension force is the only horizontal force on the ball and stillthe ball is at rest; as shown in figure 4.23


T m T m
Centre (= mω²r) REST Centre (= mω²r) REST
(= mω² r)

mg mg

fig. 4.23(a) fig. 4.23(b)

(violation of Newton's 2nd law)

To make the Newton’s 2nd law applicable in this frame, we must apply a pseudo force of magnitude mω²r in
the radially outward direction as shown in figure 4.23(b). This pseudo force is referred to as centrifugal force.
PHYSICS: Circular Motion

Let us consider the situation discussed in example 7 once again, but this time we would observe from the
frame rotating with the ball, i.e., the frame attached with the bowl. F.B.D. of the ball for this frame is shown in
figure 4.24. You should notice the difference between the figures 4.19 and 4.24. In 4.19 the ball has an
acceleration ω²r towards the centre of the horizontal circle in which it is moving, while in 4.24 the ball is at rest
and a centrifugal force of magnitude mω²r is acting on it in the radially outward direction. From figure 4.24,
we have,

N cos θ
N sin θ
m mω²r m mω²r

mg mg

fig. 4.24

N sin θ = mω 2 r ;

and N cos θ = mg .
Note that we have got the same mathematical equations as we had earlier while making observations from
ground frame.
Let us consider the situation when we take a turn while
driving the car. At turnings we feel that we are being pushed
in the radially outward direction with respect to the curved
road. If the speed is high then the objects placed on seats
of the car also slip radially outward. For this generally
centrifugal force is held responsible. Same force is made
responsible for the separation of water from the clothes in
the dryer of a washing machine. There are numerous cases
where centrifugal force is held responsible, but you must
question that being a pseudo (unreal) force, how is it
possible for it to behave in such a manner. You will get
your answer when we will analyze these cases from an fig. 4.25: Motion of the box
inertial frame. Suppose a box is placed on the back seat observed in the car
of a car which offers negligible friction. Initially the road is frame
straight then comes a turn. Let us analyze the motion of
the box both from the car and the ground frames.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


In the car frame the seat is at rest but the block

moves in the radially outward direction, as shown
in figure 4.25. If the car is moving with speed v and
r be the radius of the circular turn, then we apply a
pseudo force mω²r along radially outward direction
on the box while observing from the car frame and
this force is held responsible for the radially outward
motion of the box.

Now, let us observe the same event from the ground

frame. Top view of positions of the car and the box
at different moments are shown in figure 4.26. You
should notice that as the car goes on a curved part
of the road, the box continues to move along a
straight line with respect to the road. Here there is
enough friction between the tires of the car and the
road which provides the centripetal acceleration to
the car while taking the turn but due to negligible
friction between the seat and the box, the box does
not get centripetal force and hence it continues to
move along a straight path. So, the reason of
relative slipping between the seat and the box is
not the centrifugal force, it is actually due to the fig. 4.26
lack of centripetal force. Therefore, instead of
saying that the box is sliding radially outwards, we
should say the car is sliding inwards.

In a rotating frame a centrifugal force is sufficient pseudo force only if the body is at rest. If a body moves in
a rotating frame, a second pseudo force which depends upon the velocity of the body must be introduced in
! !
order to use Fnet = ma in that frame. Called the Coriolis force, it is perpendicular to the velocity of the body
relative to the rotating frame and causes a sideways deflection.
Consider two persons standing along a radial line on a rotating platform and playing catch. If the ball is thrown
radially outward, they will see it deflect to the right and the receiver will miss the ball as shown in figure 4.27(b).
In an inertial frame the ball travels in a straight line (distance between the two persons is small, so effect of
gravity is neglected) after leaving the thrower and misses the receiver because the receiver is moving as shown
in figure 4.27(a). The path of the ball relative to the rotating platform is the curved line shown in the figure. The
ball must be thrown to the left of the receiver to take into account this sideways deflection.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


v v


fig. 4.27(a)


fig. 4.27(b)

These two pseudo forces, the centrifugal force and Coriolis forces for a rotating frame, have direct application
to reference frame attached to the earth because of the earth’s rotation. In particular, Coriolis forces are
important for understanding weather. For example, these forces are responsible for the fact that cyclones are
counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
At last I would like to remind you that you need not to apply any pseudo force if you are observing from an
inertial frame of reference and even if you are observing from a rotating reference frame, you need not to apply
Coriolis force if the body is at rest in that frame.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion



DIRECTIONS: For (Q.1 to Q4): Read the following questions and give answer using the following option
(a, b, c and d):
(a) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true: Statement-2 is correct explanation for Statement-1.
(b) Statement- is true, Statement-1 is true; Statement-2 is not correct explanation for Statement-1.
(c) Statement- is true, Statement-2 is false.
(d) Statement- is false, Statement-2 is true.
1. Statement - 1: Force required to move a body uniformly along straight line is zero.
Statement - 2: The force required to move a body uniformly along a circle is zero.
2. Statement - 1: Cream gets separated out of milk when it is churned, it is due to centrifugal force only.
Statement - 2: Centrifugal and gravitational forces play significant role to separate cream from milk.
3. Statement - 1: As the frictional force increases, the safe velocity limit for taking a turn on an unbanked road
also increases.
Statement - 2: Banking of roads will increase the value of limiting velocity.
4. A particle of mass m is observed from an inertial frame of reference and is found to move in a circle of radius r
with a uniform speed v. The centrifugal force on it is

mv 2 mv 2
(a) towards the centre (b) away from the centre
r r

mv 2
(c) along the tangent through the particle (d) zero.
5. A particle of mass m rotates with a uniform angular speed ω about the z-axis. It is viewed from a frame rotating
about the z-axis with a uniform angular speed ω0 . The centrifugal force on the particle is

(a) mω 2 a (b) mω 02 a

 ω + ω0 
(c) m  (d) mω ω 0 a.
 2 

6. A car some times over turns while taking a turn. When it overturns, it is :
(a) the inner wheel leaves the ground first
(b) The outer wheel leaves the ground first
(c) Both the wheels leave the ground simultaneously
(d) Either wheel leaves the ground first.
7. A person stands on a spring balance at the equator.
(a) By what fraction is the balance reading less than his true weight ?
(b) If the speed of earth’s rotation is increased by such an amount that the balance reading is half the true
weight, what will be the length of the day in this case?
[Hint : Use centrifugal force]

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


8. A sleeve A can slide freely along a smooth rod bent in the shape of
a half-circle of radius R (fig.). The system is set in rotation with a
constant angular velocity ω about a vertical axis OO´. Find the angle
θ corresponding to the steady position of the sleeve. R

9. A hemispherical bowl of radius R is rotated about its axis of symmetry which is kept vertical. A small block is
kept in the bowl at a position where the radius makes an angle θ with the vertical. The block rotates with the
bowl without any slipping. The friction coefficient between the block and the bowl surface is µ. Find the range
of the angular speed for which the block will not slip.
[Hint : Make use of situation explained in figure 4.24]

PHYSICS: Circular Motion




A particle is projected with a speed u at an angle θ with the horizontal. What is the radius of curvature of the parabola
traced out by the projectile at the point where velocity is perpendicular to initial velocity of the projectile.

SOLUTION: Let the ball is projected from the point O. Path of the ball is shown in figure. Let us draw lines parallel
to the direction of the initial velocity of the ball. We see that at the point P such a line is perpendicular to the
velocity of the ball at that point. It is clear from the figure that at the point P, the normal acceleration of the ball
is g sinθ. Therefore, if v be the speed of the ball at the point P and r be the radius of curvature of the path at the
same point, then we have,

g sin θ =
r y

⇒ r= ...(i) P θ
g sin θ u

g co
sθ v

As there is no acceleration along the horizontal direction,
θ θ θ θ x
we have, O

v sin θ = u cos θ
⇒ v = u cot θ ...(ii) fig. 4.28

From (i) and (ii), we get,

u 2 cot 2
g sin θ

An automobile moves with a constant tangential acceleration at in a horizontal plane circumscribing a circle of radius R.
The coefficient of friction between the wheels of the automobile and the surface is µ. What distance will be covered by
the automobile without slipping if its initial speed is zero?

SOLUTION: Let the automobile starts from the position A and when it has covered a distance s, it is at the position B
and has a speed v as shown in figure 4.29. At B the radial and the tangential components of the automobile’s
acceleration are and at , respectively. If m be the mass of the automobile, then, the frictiton force acting on
the automobile is v B
at S
f = manet v2
v  2
= m   + (at ) 2 R
fig. 4.29

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


As the wheels are not slipping over the horizontal surface, we have,
f < µmg

 v2 
⇒ m   + (at ) 2 ≤ µ mg

 v2 
  + ( at ) ≤ µ g
2 2 2


As at is tangential acceleration, v is speed and s is distance travelled, we have,

= at

dv ds
⇒ ⋅ = at
ds dt

⇒ v ⋅ dv = at ⋅ ds

v s

⇒ ∫ v ⋅ dv = a ∫ ds
[∵ at is constant]

 Note that this expression is identical 

v = 2at
s-(ii)  with the expression we use for a uniformly 
⇒  
accelerated motion along a straight line 

Using (i) and (ii), we have,

 2at s 
 + at ≤ µ g
2 2 2

 R 

µ 2 g 2 R 2 − at2
⇒ s ≤ 2

⇒ s≤ µ 2 g 2 R 2 − at2

µ 2 g 2 R 2 − at2
Therefore, maximum value of s without slipping over the horizontal surface is .

PHYSICS: Circular Motion



A particle moves uniformly with the speed u along a parabolic path y = α x 2 , where α is a positive constant. Find the
acceleration of the particle at x = 0. Also find the radius of curvature of the path at the same point.

SOLUTION: Let us differentiate twice the path equation with respecto to the time:

dy dx d 2 y  dx  2 d 2x 
= 2α x ⋅ ; 2 = 2a   + x ⋅ 2 
dt dt dt  dt  dt 

since, the particle moves with uniform speed, its acceleration at all points of the path is purely normal and at the
point x = 0 its direction of acceleration coincides with the y-axis as shown in figure 4.30.
Therefore, at x = 0:

a = an = a y

= y
dt 2
y = αx

 dx  2 d 2x 
= 2a   + x ⋅ 2  an= a
 dt  dt 

keeping in mind that at x = 0, u = vx = , therefore,
dt O u=vx=
a = 2 au 2
fig. 4.30
If r be the radius of curvature of the path at x = 0, then

an = = 2au2

⇒ r= .

! !
A particle A moves in one direction along a given trajector with a tangential acceleration at = α ⋅ tˆ, where α is a
constant vecctor coinciding in the direction with the x axis, and tˆ is a unit vector coinciding in the direction with the
velocity vector at a given point, as shown in figure 4.31. Find how the speed of the particle depends on x provided that
its speed is negligible at the point x = 0. tˆ

A !

O x

fig. 4.31
PHYSICS: Circular Motion

SOLUTION: Some arbitirary position of the partical is shown in

figure 4.32. If ds be the magnitude ofdisplacement for the ds
v !
next time interval dt and θ be the angle between the tangent θ
A dx
and the x-axis, then we have, ds cos θ = dx. If v be the
speed of the particle, then, tangential acceleration,

at = fig. 4.32

dv ! ˆ !
⇒ = a ⋅ t = α ⋅ cos θ [α is manitude of α ]

dv ds
⇒ ⋅ = α cos θ
ds dt

 ds 
⇒ v ⋅ dv = α ⋅ ds cos θ ∵ dt = v 

⇒ v ⋅ dv = α ⋅ dx [∵ ds cos θ = dx]
v x

⇒ ∫ v ⋅ dv = a ⋅ ∫ dx
0 0

⇒ =αx

⇒ v = 2α x .

A wire of mass m is bent in the shape of a circle of radius r. The wire lies on a smooth horizontal plane and is rotated
with a constant angular velocity ω about the vertical axis through its centre. Find the tension in the wire.

SOLUTION: Let us single out a small element of the wire of mass

dm as shown in figure 4.33(a). This element moves along dm
the circle due to a force which is sum of two vectors each T
of which has the magnitude of the tension sought T, as shown ω²r
in figure 4.33(b). Therefore, applying Newton’s second law,
we get, r r

dm ⋅ ω r = 2T ⋅ sin

dθ  when θ is very  4.33(a)

# 2T ⋅ small sinθ # θ 
2  

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


 m 
⇒  × dθ  ⋅ ω 2 r = T ⋅ dθ
 2π  dθ/2 dθ/2
mω2 r
⇒ T=
2π dθ


A block of mass M rests on a turntable which is rotating at constant r

angular speed ω. A smooth cord runs from the block through a hole
in the centre of the table down to a hanging block of mass m. The M
coefficient of friction between M and table is µ. Find the largest and
smallest value of radius r for which M will remain at rest relative to
the turntable.

fig. 4.34

SOLUTION: Let us analyze the given situation from the rotating frame.
In this frame both the bodies will be at rest and we will have to
apply a centrifugal force on the block of mass M. We will not N
apply centrifural force on the hanging block because its distance
from the axis of rotation is zero. Except frictional force, different T REST
forces acting on the two blocks are shown in figure 4.35(a). Mω²r M
is the centrifugal force acting on the block resting over the
horizontal surface. For a particular ω, this force is directly T
proportional to r. When r is maximum, the block on the
horizontal surface is just about to slide radially outwards and hence Mg
the frictional force acting on it would act radially inwards with m
magnitude equal to its limiting value, as shown in figure 4.35(b).
Obviously when r is minimum, the block on the horizontal surface
would be just about to slide radially inwards and hence the mg
frictional force acting on it would act radially outwards with
magnitude equal to its limiting value because the body is just about fig. 4.35(a)
to slide, as shown in figure 4.35(c).

Calculation for rmax : From figure 4.35(b), we have,

T + f = M ω rmax
⇒ T + µ = M ω rmax
⇒ T + µ mg = M ω 2 rmax (= µN)
⇒ mg + µ Mg = M ω 2 rmax Mg
g  m
⇒ rmax = 2 
µ+  fig. 4.35(b)
ω  M
PHYSICS: Circular Motion

Calculation for rmin : From figure 4.34 (c), we have,


M ω 2 rmin + f = T T Mω²rmin
⇒ M ω 2 rmin + µ N = T f (= µN)

⇒ M ω 2 rmin + µ Mg = mg
g m 
⇒ rmin = 2 
ω M  fig. 4.35(c)


The motion law for the point A of the rim of a wheel rolling uniformly along a horizontal path (the x-axis) has the form
x = a(ω t − sin ωt ); y = a(1 − cos ω t ), where a and ω are positive constants. Find the speed v of the point A, the
distance s which it traverses between two successive contacts with the roadbed, as well as the magnitude and the
direction of the acceleration a of the point A.

SOLUTION: We have,
vx = = a(ω − ω cos ωt )
= aω (1 − cos ωt );
and vy = = aω sin ωt ;
∴ speed, v = vx2 + v y2
= aω 2(1 − cos ωt )
 ωt 
= 2aω sin   ;
 2 
Motion of the point A is shown in figure.4.36. Let it net is in contact with roadbed at t = 0 and next time it
comes in contact .at t = t1 . Therefore,
y(t1 ) = 0

⇒ a(1 − cos ωt1 ) = 0

⇒ ωt1 = 2π ⇒ t1 =
v = 2aω

2a C

t=0 t = t1
fig. 4.36

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


You are urged to notice that, when y = 0, vx and vy are also zero, i.e., when point A comes in contact with the
roadbed, it is momentarily at rest. You should also notice that when y = 2a, i.e., when the point A is at the
highest point, the y-component of its velocity is zero and the x-component of its velocity is 2aω.
If s be the distance traversed between the moments t = 0 and t = t1, then

2π /ω
 ωt 

s = ∫ v ⋅ dt = 2aω ∫ sin   ⋅ dt
0 0  2 
2π /ω
ωt  ωt  2π  
= 2aω ∫
⋅ dt ∵ sin 2 is non negative for t ∈ 0, ω  
  
2 π /ω
= 4a − cos ωt 0

= 8a
Again, we have,
an = = −aω 2 sin ω t ;

a y = aω 2 cos ωt ;

and magnitude = ax2 + a 2y

= ω2 a
Let us show that the acceleration vector, constant in its magnittude, is always directed towards the centre of the
wheel, the point C (same as in the case of uniform circular motion). In fact in k ' frame fixed to the point C and
translating uniformly in the horizontal direction relative to the roadbed the point A moves uniformly along a
circle of radius a about the point C. Consequently its acceleration in the k ' frame is directed towards the centre
of the wheel. And since the k ' frame moves uniformly, the acceleration vector is same relattive to the roadbed.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion



1. In uniform circular motion

(a) both velocity and acceleration are constant
(b) acceleration and speed are constant but velocity changes
(c) both acceleration and velocity change
(d) both acceleration and speed are constant.
2. An aeroplane is taking a turn in a horizontal plane. While doing so it
(a) remians horizontal (b) inclines inwards
(c) inclines outwards (d) makes wings vertical.
3. Which of the following statements is false for a particle moving in a circle with a constant angular speed:
(a) The velocity vector is tangent to the circle
(b) The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle
(c) the acceleration vector points to the centre of the circle
(d) the velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendicular to each other.
4. A mass is supported on a frictionless horizontal surface. It is attached to a string and rotates about a fixed
centre at an angular velocity ω0. If the length of the string and angular velocity are doubled, the tension in the
string which was initially T0 is now
(a) T0 (b)
(c) 4T0 (d) 8T0 .

5. A string of length L is fixed at one end and carries a mass M at the other end. The string makes revolutions
per second around the vertical axis through the fixed end as shown in the figure, then tension in the string is
(a) ML S

(b) ML
θ L
(c) 4 ML T
(d) 16 ML.

6. A stone of mass m tied to a string of length l is rotated in a circle with the other end of the string as the centre.
The speed of the stone is v. If the string breaks, the stone will move
(a) towards the centre (b) away from the centre
(c) along a tangent (d) will stop.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


7. If the earth stops rotating, the apparent value of g on its surface will
(a) increase everywhere
(b) decrease everywhere
(c) remain the same everywhere some
(d) increase at some places and remain the same at other places.
8. Three identical cars A, B and C are moving at the same speed on three bridges. The car A goes on a plane
bridge, B on a bridge convex upward and C goes on a bridge concave upward. Let FA, FB and FC be the
normal forces exerted by the cars on the bridges when they are at the middle of bridges.
(a) FA is maximum of the three forces (b) FB is maximum of the three forces.
(c) FC is maximum of the three forces. (d) FA= FB =FC.

9. A train A runs from east to west and another train B of the same mass runs from west to east at the same speed
along the equator. A presses the track with a force F1 and B presses the track with a force F2.
(a) F1 > F2 (b) F1 < F2
(c) F1 = F2
(d) the information is insufficient to find the relation between F1 and F2.
10. A simple pendulum having a bob of mass m is suspended from the ceiling of a car used in a stunt film shooting.
The car moves up along an inclined cliff at a speed v and makes a mump to leave the cliff and lands at some
distance. Let R be the maximum height of the car from the top of the cliff. The tension in the string when the car
is in air is

mv 2
(a) mg (b) mg −

mv 2
(c) mg + (d) zero.
11. A circular road of radius r is banked for a speed v = 40 km/hr. A car of mass m attempts to go on the circular
road. The friction coefficient between the tyre and the road is negligible.
(a) The car cannot make a turn without skidding.
(b) If the car turns at a speed less than 40 km/hr, it will slip down.

mv 2
(c) If the car turns at the correct speed of 40 km/hr, the force by the road on the car is equal to .
(d) If the car turns at the correct speed of 40 km/hr, the force by the road on the car is greater than mg
mv 2
as well as greater than .

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


12. On a circular table, A and B are moving on the circumference. Man A runs behing man B to catch him. A runs
with constant angular speed ω1 with respect to table and B runs at constant tangential speed v2 with respect
to ground. If it is found that the table rotates 30° in the opposite direction in every one second and the initial
angular separation between A and B is 30°, then A catches B after: (Radius of table is 3 m).

(a) 0.5 sec, if ω1= rad/s and v2 = 3.14 m/s

(b) 0.5 sec, if ω1 = rad/s and v2 = 3.12 m/s

(c) 0.5 sec, if ω1= rad/s and v2 = 6.28 m/s

(d) A can not catch B within 0.5 s, if ω1 = rad/s and v2=6.28 m/s
13. A particle is fired from a point on the ground with speed u making an angle θ with the horizontal. Then
(a) the radius of curvature of the projectile at a point where the tangential acceleration becomes zero is
u 2 cos 2 θ

(b) the radius of curvature of the projectile at a point where the tangential acceleration becomes zero is
u 2 cos 2 θ

(c) At the point of projection tangential acceleration is g sin θ

(d) At the point of projection tangential acceleration is g cos θ .

14. A car is travelling with linear velocity v on a circular road of radius r. If it is increasing its speed at the rate of
‘a’ metre/sec², then the resultant acceleration will be

 v2 2  v4 2
(a)  2 −a  (b)  2 +a 
r  r 

 v4 2  v2 2
(c)  2 −a  (d)  2 +a  .
r  r 

15. A smooth hollow cone whose vertical angle is 2α, with it axis vertical and vertex downwards, revolves about
its axis n times per second. find where a particle may be placed on the inner surface of cone so that it rotates
with same speed

g cot α g sin α
(a) (b)
4π 2 n 2 4π 2 n 2

4π 2 n 2 g
(c) (d) .
g 4π n 2 sin α

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


16. A particle is moving in a circle of radius R in such a way that at any instant the normal and tangential components
of its acceleration are equal. If its speed at t = 0 is v0, the time taken to complete the first revolution is
(a) R/v0 (b) v0/R

R R −2 π
(c) (1 − e −2π ) (d) e .
v0 v0

17. A train is moving with a speed v on a curved railway track of radius r. Aspring balance loaded with a block of
mass m is suspended from the roof of the train. the reading of spring balance is
(a) mg (b) mv²/r

(c) mg + (mv 2 / r ) (d) [( mg ) 2 + ( mv 2 r ) 2 ] .

18. Two identical particles are attached at the ends of a light string which passes through a hole at the centre of a
table. One of the particle is made to move in a circle on the table with angular velocity ω1 and the other is made
to move in a horizontal circle as a contact pendulum with angular velocity ω2. If l1 and l2 are the length of the
string over and under the table, then in order that particle under table neither moves down nor moves up the
ratio l is:

ω1 ω2 l2 m
(a) ω2 (b) ω1 l1

ω12 ω22
(c) (d) .
ω22 ω12

19. A bead of mass m is located on a parabolic wire with its axis vertical and vertex at the origin as shown in figure
and whose equation is x² = 4ay. The wire frame is fixed and the bead can slide on it without friction. The bead
is released from the point y = 4a on the wire frame from rest. The tangential acceleration of the bead when it
reaches the position given by y = a is :
g 3g
(a) (b) m
2 2

g g
(c) (d) . O x
2 5
20. A car driver going at some speed suddenly finds a wide wall at a distance r. To avoid hitting the wall he should
(a) apply the brakes
(b) should turn the car in a circle of radius r.
(c) apply the brakes and also turn the car in a circle of radius r.
(d) jump on the back seat.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


21. A disc of radius R has a light pole fixed perpendicular to the disc at the circumference which in turn has a
pendulum of length R attached to its other end as shown in figure. The disc is rotated with a constant angular
velocity ω. The string is making an angle 30° with the rod. Then the angular velocity ω of disc is :
12 12
 3g   3g  ω
(a)   (b)   R
 R   2R  30°
12 12
 g   2g 
(c)   (d)   .
 3R   3 3R 

22. A particle is attached to an end of a rigid rod. The other end of the rod is hinged and the rod rotates always
remaining horizontal. It’s angular speed
! is increasing at constant rate. The mass of the particle is ‘m’. The force
exerted by the rod on the particle is F , then :
(a) F > mg
(b) F is constant
(c) The angle between F and horizontal plane decreases
(d) The angle between F and the rod decreases.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion



1. A circular road of radius 50 m has the angle of banking equal to 30º. At what speed should a vehicle go on this
road so that the friction is not used?
2. The bob of a simple pendulum of length 1m has mass 100 g and a speed of 1.4 m/s at the lowest point in its
path. Find the tension in the string at this instant.
3. Suppose the bob of the previous problem has a speed of 1.4 m/s when the string makes an angle of 0.20 radian
with the vertical. Find the tension at this instant. You can use cos θ ≈ 1 − θ 2 / 2 and sin θ ≈ θ for small θ.
4. A pilot comes out of a vertical dive in a circular arc such that her upward acceleration is 9g. (a) If the mass of
the pilot is 50 kg, what is the magnitude of the force exerted by the airplane seat on her at the bottom of the
arc? (b) If the speed of the plane is 320 km/h, what is the radius of the circular arc?
5. Show that the angle made by the string with the vertical in a conical pendulum is given by cosθ = g/Lω², where
L is the length of the string and ω is the angular speed.
6. A small block of mass m slides on a frictionless circular track in a vertical circle of radius R, as shown in Figure.
(a) Show that the speed of the block cannot be constant. (b) If the speed of the block at the top of the track
is v, find the force exerted on the block by the track. (c) What is the minimum value of v for the block to saty
on the track? If the speed is less than this value, describe the path of the block.

7. An earth satellite moves in a circular orbit 400 miles above the earth’s surface. The time for one revolution (the
period) is found to be 98 min. Find the acceleration of gravity at the orbit from these data.
8. Two blocks of mass m1 = 10 kg and m2 = 5 kg, connected to each other by a massless inextensible string of
length 0.3 m are placed along a diameter of a turn table. The coefficient of friction between the table and m1
is 0.5 while there is no friction between m2 and table. The table is rotating with angular velocity 10 rad/sec
about a vertical axis passing through its centre O. The masses are placed along the O such that the mass m1 is
at a distance of 0.124 m from O. The masses are observed to be at rest with respect to an observer on the turn
table. Calculate the frictional force on m1.
9. A particle travels with constant speed on a circle of radius
3.0 meters and completes one revolution in 20 sec (Fig).
Starting from the origin O, find (a) the magnitude and Q

direction of the displacement vector 5. sec, 7.5 sec, and

10 sec later; (b) the magnitude and direction of the 45°
displacement in the 5.0 sec interval from the fifth to the P
tenth second; (c) the average velocity vector in this invertal; 90°
(d) the instantaneous velocity vector at the beginning and
at the end of this interval; (e) the average acceleration
vector in this interval; and (f) the instantaneous acceleration
vector at the beginning and at the end of this interval. O

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


10. A particle moves in a plane according to

x = R sinω t + ω R t ,
y = R cos ω t + R,
where ω and R are constants. This curve, called a cycloid, is the parth traced out by a point on the rim of a
wheel which rolls without slipping along the x-axis. (a) Sketch the path. (b) Calculate the instantaneous velocity
and acceleration when the particle is at its maximum and minimum value of y.
11. A partticle of mass M = 0.305 kg moves counterclockwise in a horizonntal
circle of radius r = 2.63 meters with uniform speed v = 0.754 meter/sec
as in Fig. Determine at the instant θ = 322° (measured counterclockwise θ
from the positive x-direction) the following quantities: the x-component r
of the velocity; (b) the y-component of the acceleration; (c) the total M
force on the particle; (d) the component of total force on the particle in
the direction of its velocity.

12. A large mass M and a small mass m hangs at the two ends of the string
that passes through a smooth tube as shown in the figure. The mass m l
moves round in a circular path which lies in the horizontal plane. The
length of the string from the mass m to the top of the tube is l, and θ is the r m
angle this length makes with the vertical. What should be the frequency of
rotation of the mass m so that the mass M remain stationary.
13. A particle moves in a circle of radius 1.0 cm at a speed given by v = 2.0 t where v is in cm/s and t is seconds.
(a) Find the radial acceleration of the particle at t = 1s.
(b) Find the tangential acceleration at t = 1s.
(c) Find the magnitude of the acceleration at t = 1s.

15. A car goes on a horizontal circular road of radius R, the speed increasing at a constant rate = a. The
friction coefficient between the road and the tyre is µ. Find the speed at which the car will skid.
14. A block of mass m is kept on a horizontal ruler. The friction coefficient between the ruler and the block is m.
The ruler is fixed at one end and the block is at a distance L from the fixed end. The ruler is rotated bout the
fixed end in the horizontal plane through the fixed end.
(a) What can the maximum angular speed be for which the block does not slip ?
(b) If the angular speed of the ruler is uniformly increased from zero at an angular acceleration α, at what
angular speed will the block slip?
16. In a children’s park a heavy rod is pivoted at the centre and is made to rotate about the pivot so that the rod
always remains horizontal. Two kids hold the rod near the ends and thus rotate with the rod . Let the mass of
each kid be 15 kg, the distance between the points of the rod where the two kids hold it be 3.0 m and suppose
that the rod rotates at the rate of 20 revolutions per minute. Find the force of friction exerted by the rod on one
of the kids.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


17. A chain of mass m forming a circle of radius R is slipped on a smooth round cone with half-angle θ. Find the
tension of the chain if it rotates with a constant angular velocity ω about a vertical axis coinciding with the
symmetry axis of the cone.
18. A car moves uniformly along a horizontal since curve y = a sin (x/α), where a and α are certain constants. The
coefficient of friction between the wheels and the road is equal to k. At what velocity will the car ride without

19. A car moves with a constant tangential acceleration wτ = 0.62 m / s 2 along a horizontal surface cir curcumscribing
a circle of radius R = 40m. The coefficient of sliding friction between the wheeels of the car and the surface is
k = 0.20. What distance will the car ride without sliding if at the initial moment of time its velocity is equal to
20. A cyclist rides along the circumference of a circular horizontal plane of radius R, the friction coefficient being
dependent only on distance r from the centre O of the plane as k = k0 (1 − r / R ) , where k0 is a constant. Find
the radius of the circle with the centre at the point along which the cyclist can ride with the maximum velocity.
What is this velocity?
21. A device (Fig.) consists of a smooth L-shaped rod located in a horizontal plane and a sleeve A of mass m
attached by a weight less spring to a point B. The spring stiffness is equal to x. The whole system rotates with
a constant angular velocity ω about a vertical axis passing through the point O. Find the fractional elongation of
the spring. How is the result affected by the rotation direction?


22. A particle moves along the plane trajectory y (x) with velocity v whose modulus is constant. Find the acceleration
of the particle at the point x = 0 and the curvature radius of the trajectory at that point if the trajectory has the
form of an ellipse (x/a)2 + (y/b)2 = 1; a and b are constants here.
23. A table with smooth horizontal surface is fixed in a cabin that rotates with a uniform angular velocity ω in a
circular path of radius R . A smooth groove AB of length L (<<R) is made on the surface of the table. The
groove makes an angle θ with the radius OA of the circle in which the cabin rotates. A small particle is kept at
the point A in the groove and is released to move along AB. Find the time taken by the particle to reach the
point B.

O A θ

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


24. A car moving at a speed of 36 km/hr is taking a turn on a circular road of radius 50 m. A small wooden plate
is kept on the seat with its plane perpendicular to the radius of the circular road . A small block of mass 100 g
is kept on the seat which rests against the plate. The friction coefficient between the block and the plate is m =
(a) Find the normal contact force exerted by the plane on the block.
(b) The plate is slowly turned so that the angle between the normal to the plate and the radius of the road
slowly increases. Find the angle at which the block will just starts sliding on the plane.

25. A particle moves in a plane under the action of a force which is always perpendicular to the particle’s velocity
and depends on distance to a certain point on the plane as 1/rn, where n is a constant. At what value of n will
the motion of the particle along the circle be steady ?
26. A chain of length l is placed on a smooth spherical surface of radius R with one of its ends fixed at the top of the
sphere. What will be the acceleration w of each element of the chain when its upper end is released ? It is
assumed that the length of the chain l < π R .
27. A block of mass m moves on a horizontal circle against the wall of a cylindrical room of radius R. The floor of
the room on which tthe block moves is smooth but the friction coefficient between the wall and the block is µ.
The block is given an initial speed v0. As a function of the speed v write (a) the normal force by teh wall on the
block, (b) the frictional force by the wall and (c) the tangential acceleration of the block. (d) Integrate the
 dv dv 
tangential acceleration  = v  to obtain the speed of the block after one revolution.
 dt ds 
28. A particle moves in the plane xy with velocity v = piˆ + qxjˆ, where iˆ and ĵ are the unit vectors of the x and
y axes and p and q are constants. At the initial moment of the time, the particle was located at the point
x = y = 0. Find
(a) the equation of the particle trajectory y(x)
(b) the curvature radius of trajectory as a function of x. axis of rotation

29. A very small cube of mass m is placed on the inside

of a funnel (Fig.) rotating about a vertical axis at a r
constant rate of v rev/sec. The wall of the funnel
makes an angle θ with the horizontal. If the
coefficient of static friction between the cube and
the funnel is µ and the center of the cube is a distance θ
r from the axis of rotation, what are the largest and
smallest values of v for which the block will not
move with respect to the funnel?

PHYSICS: Circular Motion


30. A small disc A is placed on an inclined plane forming an angle α with the horizontal (Fig.) and is imparted an
initial velocity v0. Find how the velocity of the disc depends on the angle ϕ if the friction coefficient k = tan α
and at the initial moment ϕ0 = π/2.

v A
ϕ α

31. A point moves in the plane so that its tangential acceleration wτ = a, and its normal acceleration wn = bt 4 ,
where a and b are positive constants, and t is time. At the moment t = 0 the point was at rest. Find how the
curvature radius R of the point’s trajectory and the total acceleration w depend on the distance covered s.
32. Block A has a mass of MA = 15 kg and B has a mass of MB = 45 kg. They are on a rotating surface and are
connected by a cord passing around the frictionless pulley as shown in figure. If the coefficient of friction
between the masses and the surface is µ = 0.25, determine the value of ω at which radial sliding will occur.


30 cm.
45 cm.

PHYSICS: Circular Motion

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