JSA-RHI-ARZ-0-006 ASU - Confined Space Rev00 - Arzew

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Job Safety Analysis

Subcontractor : RENAISSANCE HEAVY INDUSTRIES JSA Title : JSA for Confined Space

Supervisor In Charge : Hakan Can Gürsoy (Construction Chief) JSA No : JSA-RHI-ARZ-0-006

Ufuk Bilici – (Steel Structure Supr.)

JSA Date : 11.12.2020 Revision No. / Date : 00/00

Work Activity : Work in Confined Space Next Revision Date :

1)Ümit Kaymak (HSE Chief) 4) 7)

2) Hakan Can Gürsoy – (Civil Works Chief) 5) 8)

Conducted By :

3) Ufuk Bilici (Steel Structure Supr) 6) 9)

Reviewed By : Hakan Can Gürsoy – (Civil Works Chief) Osman Türkkan - (Construction Manager)

Approved By : AP HSE Manager AP Construction Manager

S/No Job Steps (Task) Hazard Risk Control Measures Action By Remarks

Entry into confine spaces Present of Hazardous Gases To Comply with PTW requirement
1 Gas test to be carried out by trained Gas Tester.
Thoroughly assess the area prior to any entry
Operation personnel to make first entry and
confirm safe working area via gas test
Ensure the work team understand the safety AP
HSE Procedure of 25-010533 ( Confine Space Entry
To provide portable gas detector inside the
confined space.
Emergency action plan shall be provided.
Maintain minimum required personnel at each
Working in confined space to perform the Dark / Low visibility Adequate lighting shall be provided. (power /
2 following activities battery operated)
Wear clear safety glasses only.
Entrance point must be kept free from any
obstruction for access route at all times.

Hot and dusty work area Ensure sufficient ventilation in the confined space
and free from source of contamination.

Heat exhaustion and dehydration To provide adequate cool drinking water.

To work on rotation when weather is too hot.
To allow works with sufficient rest in shaded areas
Slippery working area Ensure the floor at the work area is free
from oil
Use non slip safety shoe and gloves
Falling objects and sharp edges To wear appropriate PPE i.e. leather gloves.
Ensure tools / materials /equipment are properly
hooked when working at height.
To use tool bag / box to carry material and tools.
Poor physical fitness Ensure workers are in good health and declared fit
to entry to confined space area.
Only authorized standby person to be assigned
3 Housekeeping  Unsafe materials left at site 1. Proper manual handling method and waste 1. Work foreman
( tripping hazard ) management procedure shall be full 2. Work team leader
2. To carry out housekeeping before/after the

S/No Job Steps (Task) Hazard Risk Control Measures Action By Remarks

1. PPE shall be worn at all times

2. Full body harness must be worn at 1.8 meter and more. AP fall protection procedure 25-010521 shall be referred for further details.
3. Mobile phone is strictly forbidden on work at height activities.
4. The duty shall be mentioned on the tag.
5. Set up barricades around work area and display warning signs
6. All equipment inspected by Helios / Air Products must have a valid inspection stickers attached on the equipment
7. All PTW and supporting permits must be valid before any works begins
8. All jobs must be closely supervised and contractor’s PTW HOLDER must be on site at all times
9. Valid vehicle entry permit is required for entering into restricted area.
10. On hearing fire alarm siren, stop all works, machinery & source of ignition and walk on foot to the nearest muster point
11. Vehicle to exit immediately to designated parking area after delivery of material
12. No eating and resting on site. Use designated eating and resting area
13. Maintain good housekeeping daily at all the work places
14. Tool box talk specific on work instruction and briefing on hazards and control measures to be conducted before start of work
15. Ensure a permanent supervision and HSE monitoring during work execution.
16. WMS & RA shall be respected during the activities and communicated to all involved person.
17. Disease Control Plan shall be followed to take necessary precautions on Covid 19.
a. Two (2) meter social distancing shall be provided and enforced by the supervisors/foreman or line managers to the persons-in any work area.
b. All line managers, supervisors, foreman shall follow and monitor the Covid 19 precautions i.e. social distance, wearing of mask and/or face visors.
c. Spitting on site will not be tolerated and any person seen to be spitting at site will be immediately removed from the work site.

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