STS 101 Group 1 Reporting

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STS 101


Jyradane Arnado- Meaning and Elements of Good Life

Riza Alivio- Success and material comfort & Pleasure
Marianne Alolor- Steps toward the Good Life/ Novel Arrow of a Good Life
Gerald Ansay- Character and Spirituality & Science and technology as means to
Achieve a good Life
Erlly Mae Quiseo- Relationships & Reason and virtues
Meaning and Elements of Good Life reported by Jyradane D. Arnado
Susan Wolf (2011)
Meaning and Elements of Good Life
 Hedonistic theory- one’s “good” is a matter of how he or she feels regading
the quality of his or heer experiences. It identifies self-interest with
happiness that herodonists define as the presence of pleasure and absence of
 Preference theory- a person’s”good” is what one wants most for himself or
 Objective list theory- a person’s”good” includes at least some elements that
are independent of personal preferences and consisgts of “valuable”
experiences such as meaningful relationships, friendships,
accomploshments, etc.
Antonia Macaro (2018)
Provides criteria that may constitute a good life:
 Success
 Material comfort
 Pleasure
 Relationships
 Reason
 Virtues
 Character and spirituality are equally important elements.

Success and material comfort & Pleasure reported by Riza Mae Alivio

Success and Material comfort

 Dr.Ron Jenson presented the 5Ps: power, prestige, pleasure, position and
These elements do not constitute a good life. History has shown that
powerful and influential people may not necessarily have balanced, happy
lives. Prosperous and wealthy businessmen may not be satisfied in other
areas of their lives. Fame does not immediately mean happiness.

 Success and material possession are not inherently bad; however, material
wealth is not the final good, but only a means to an end. Success is not the
ultimate good because it is still dependent on the validation of society.
Aristotle considered that a moderate quantity of material comfort is also
necessary for one’s well-being.

 Pleasure is not the ultimate good, but it is good in moderation.
Pleasure does not automatically translate to a good life. The desire for
pleasure is a form of hedonism, the view in which pleasure is the highest
This self-focused pleasure is not a long-term happiness.
The best kind of pleasure is derived from being involved in some
worthwhile activity.
A good life is a balance between value and pleasure.

Relationships & Reason and virtues reported by Erlly Mae Quiseo

 Relationships are essential to a good life. Meaningful, pleasant relations
with mutual admiration are necessary in a good life. Cultivating good
relationships within different aspects of one’s life contributes to the
quality of one’s life.

Reason and virtues

 One of the elements of the ultimate good is reason.
Reason is the contemplation of unchangeable truths.
It is the capacity to make decisions in the sphere of what can be changed.
Theoretical and practical reasons are intellectual virtues that are central
parts of the good life.
In order to flourish as human beings, the development of virtues of
character includes learning to act according to reason.

Character and Spirituality by Gerald Ansay

Character and spirituality

 According to Dr. Ron Jenson (1995), an individual’s character is the root
of his or her inner strength. King Solomon, who led Israel, had authored
the Book of Ecclesiastes in which he stated that to fear God and keep his
commandments are fundamental duties of man.
Steps toward the Good Life/ Novel Arrow of a Good Life by Marianne Alolor
Steps toward the Good Life
Relationship-Balance-Health- Secure Income- Fulfilling-Values and spirituality-
Work and Leisure
Novel Arrow Model of a Good life
 First step (Relationship)- the most central step toward a good life. It
concerned the family, especially spouse and children.
 Second step (Balance)- elements of equilibrium, safety, being at peace
with oneself contentment, and physical/psychic/mental well-being.
 Third Step (Health)- the state of being free from illness or injury.
 Fourth Step (Secure Income)- Secure means safe, protected. Your
money is secure in a bank.
 Fifth (Fulfilling oneself)- Its elements include having meaningful things
to do, a pupose in life, reaching goals, living according to one’s value,
and having dreams and joy in life.
 Sixth step (Values and spirituality)- Two most central themes are peace
and safety , such as having a peaceful home and neighborhood, the
second, peace of soul in relation to one’s basic values such as justice,
honesty, respect, altruism, and compassion, as well as religion.
 Last step (work and leisure)- having a meaningful work and hobbies.

Science and technology as means to Achieve a good Life reported by Gerald


Science and technology as a means to achieve a good life

 Science and technology throughout the course of time have changed the
way we live, work, communicate, and connect with one another.
 The ultimate good is the measure of the value of all human activities, and
the ultimate value of life measures how well one has lived up to his or
her potential as a human being.
 Technological progress as a means to achieve a good and fulfilled life
must necessarily equate to advancements that are anchored in balance
and human values.

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