Soil Mechanics Example Problems - Weight Volume Relationship

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Weight-Volume Relationship
Plasticity and Structure of Soil
For a given soil, the following are known. Gs=2.74, moist unit weight =
20.6kn/m³, and moisture content 16.6%, determine:
a. Dry Unit weight
b. void ratio
c. porosity
d. Degree of Saturation
e. Weight of water in kN to be added per cubic meter of soil for a 100%
degree of saturation
In its natural state, a moist soil has a volume of 9.34 x10-3m³ and weighs 177.6 x10-
kN. The oven-dried weight of the soil is 153.6 x 10-3 kN . If Gs =2.67 , calculate
a. Moisture content (%)
b. Moist unit weight (kN/m3)
c. Dry unit weight (kN/m3)
d. Void ratio
e. Porosity
f. Degree of saturation (%)
The porosity of a soil is 0.35 and Gs=2.69. Determine the following:
a. saturated unit weight
b. Bulk unit weight
c. Moisture content when the moist unit weight is 17.5kN/m³.

Following are the results of a shrinkage limit test:

Initial volume of soil in a saturated state _x0002_24.6 cm3
Final volume of soil in a dry state _x0002_15.9 cm3
Initial mass in a saturated state _x0002_44.0 g
Final mass in a dry state _x0002_30.1 g
Determine the shrinkage limit of the soil
A soil has a liquid limit of 61 and plastic limit of 30. A moisture content test performed on
an undisturbed sample of this soil yielded to the following results:

Mass of soil + can before placing oven ----------------------- 96.2g

Mass of soil + can after removal from oven ----------------- 71.9 g
Mass of can ---------------------------------------------------------- 20.8 g

a. Compute the plasticity index

b. Compute the moisture content
c. Compute liquidity index

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