Slimming World - May-June 2021
Slimming World - May-June 2021
Slimming World - May-June 2021
Slimming World
see online
for our
latest offers
ways to join
24/7 inspiration
It’s about from the treasure trove of 1,500 recipes, meal plans and features
on our website and app – including planning tools, and on-the-go support with healthy food
choices from our barcode scanner.
● on the cover
10 ‘Losing 17st has transformed
my whole life’
Jenny Irons has dropped 12 dress sizes on
her journey to becoming Slimming World’s
Woman of the Year – and her world has
changed in so many amazing ways…
33 ‘Freedom is...feeling my
best at 50’
After losing over 2½st, ward sister
Bernie Hodgson has a new lease of life
I almost have to
pinch myself when
I see the clothes
Emina, p38
may/june 2021
93 ‘Activity has given me my life back’
67 Food news Helen Hackett now has the mobility and energy
Our pick of the best Food Optimising buys she thought she’d lost forever
6 Recipe index
9 Editor’s welcome
72 ● Win a spa break worth £1,000
Cover and contents credits Photographs: Paul Buller. Styling: Sharna 105 Directory/Terms and conditions
Valentine. Hair & make-up: Liz Kitchiner. Beth wears: Cover – top, River
Island. Trousers, Boohoo. Shoes, Ravel. Earrings, New Look. Ring on left 109 Star in Slimming World Magazine
hand, ASOS. Ring on right hand, Beth’s own. Emina wears: Page 4 – dress,
River Island. Shoes, Glamorous. Ring, Lovisa. See p105 for stockists 110 Subscribe and save
31 generous,
recipes are ‘
30 designed with
you in mind
Recipe index 52
Your at-a-glance guide to all the delicious dishes in this issue and Syns per serving
Based on more than
50 years of Slimming
World experience, we
bring you information
and inspiration we know
will help you lose weight
All of our recipes
are Slimming World
approved, Syn counted
and road tested to
On a more practical level, Slimming World members help you slim
tell us time and time again that their number one secret REAL JOURNEYS
to having a great weight loss week is planning their meals. Our first-person
stories show true
So, this issue we’ve got a guide to maxing your meal prep transformations and
share the genuine
based around the food you really love to cook and eat, emotions of weight loss
to help you lose weight your way (page 34).
If you’re ready for a relaunch this season, we’re here
to lift you higher…so you can We’d love to hear
reach for the stars! what you think
about the magazine.
Sara Ward, editor Email us at editorial@,
write to us at Slimming
World Magazine, Clover
As members of the
Independent Press
Slimming World’s Zaheer Bhatti has Our lightened-up At nearly 25st, Standards Organisation,
Woman of the Year learnt how to make version of her Jason Dury used we are committed to the
2020, Jenny Irons, traditional dishes favourite Middle to hide away. Now highest of editorial
shares how losing slimming friendly, Eastern falafel gets he’s Slimming standards and abide by the
Editors’ Code of Practice.
weight has helped and he’s spreading a thumbs up from World’s Man of
We take concerns and
her build a new life. the word. Lauren Upcott. the Year 2020! complaints very seriously
Jenny lost Zaheer lost Lauren lost Jason lost and welcome feedback via
17st 1lb – p10 3st – p84 3st 1lb – p64 12st 7½lbs – p102 the channels listed above
17st 1lb
Jenny is a target member of
Carole Bloomfield’s Slimming World
group in Clacton-on-Sea
weight loss triumph
At a size 34
When Jenny Irons started her weight it hurt to walk
and I struggled
loss journey, her only wish was not to breathe
st has
transformed my
whole life’
P Pacing along the streets, I was exhilarated by how
fit and healthy I felt. With each step I took, I wanted
to take another, then another… I liked to joke that
I was a real-life Forrest Gump, power-walking as
if I’d never stop. It was hard to believe just over two
years ago I couldn’t walk to the end of my pavement
without every part of my body aching.
The moment everything changed was in the
summer of 2018, after I’d been out shopping with
my sister Jackie. As I started up the stairs to my
first-floor flat, I was paralysed by a crippling pain in
my chest. Bright red from the exertion and gasping
for breath, I held on to the bannister. Jackie took hold
always been incredibly close and I knew what she was
saying was out of love. I also knew she was right – I’d
had severe chest pains, aching joints and continual
headaches for years. I blinked back tears just at the
thought of leaving behind my niece and nephew.
shopping for clothes filled me with dread, only then, knowing those foods wouldn’t be banned,
and only a big slice of cheesecake or a chip that I thought: I might actually be able to do this.
shop dinner made me feel briefly OK Stepping on the scales later, after the other
again, before I fell back into despair. members had left, I was shocked to see the numbers
When I got divorced eight years later, 27st 5lbs staring back at me. Carole couldn’t have
I was 39 and my self-esteem was on the been kinder or more reassuring. ‘Where would you
floor. I felt as though I’d thrown away like to get to?’ she asked gently. My reply tumbled
the best years of my life. I knew my weight out. ‘I’d just like to be healthy and not to stand out.’
wasn’t helping and I tried to diet, skipping
from one fad to another, never losing Assembling my slimming squad
more than a few pounds then giving up. By now I’d sold my flat and moved in with my parents,
I’m so grateful to Worried that people would judge me for having and they’d pledged to support me with what they were
my sister Jackie a trolley full of cheesecakes, biscuits and high- eating at home. The day after group they asked for
for helping me to calorie ready meals, I started sneaking out at 11pm a shopping list. I knew if I was going to do this, I had to
start my weight to go to the supermarket. I knew the way I felt about do it properly, and that meant knowing myself. I knew
loss journey food was now controlling me, but I felt powerless to bread was a trigger food – there was no way I could
change. Deep down, I believed I’d be like this all my stick to one or two slices. Though I knew I could have
life. Then, my size-34 floaty tops and elasticated- it as my Healthy Extra, I decided to find something
waist trousers started to get too tight and I began else for breakfast. As they unpacked bags full of lean
to panic – I didn’t know where I’d buy a bigger size. meat, fresh veg and stacks of fruit, it felt different to
So when my sister said what she did that day, every time I’d tried to lose weight before. I was more
I desperately wanted to slim, but had no idea how. motivated and I was only going to eat what was in
Fad diets were no good, and my doctor’s only advice those shopping bags. That week I had Weetabix or
was ‘stop eating cakes and biscuits, and you’ll lose overnight oats for breakfast, a large prawn or tuna
weight.’ Of course, I knew that, but I didn’t know how salad for lunch and chicken with couscous and piles
to make it happen, to override the deep urge to overeat of veg for dinner. If I fancied a snack I’d grab carrot
the things I knew were making me gain weight. sticks, fruit or a low Syn flavoured yogurt.
Then, a few weeks after the stairwell incident, Jackie A week later, when the scales revealed I was only
popped over. ‘I need a favour,’ she said. ‘I’d like to 2lbs lighter, it threw me – I’d been hoping to lose
join Slimming World to lose a bit of weight, but I’m more in my first week. Seeing my disappointment,
too scared to go by myself. Will you come with me?’ Carole reassured me that everyone’s journey was
A weight loss group? That was the last place I wanted different and encouraged me to keep with it. She was
to be…surrounded by strangers, who I was sure would right – as I did my food diaries each week and gained
judge me for my size. Looking at Jackie’s pleading a greater understanding of Food Optimising, I lost
face, though, I knew I couldn’t let her down. weight steadily and within a month I’d lost a stone.
I was on track to my new life and this was just the
Finding hope on the horizon start. When I found myself craving cheesecake or
On the night itself, even though I was only there as chocolate, I remembered how miserable those foods
moral support for Jackie, I was shaking with fear had made me. Instead, I had a Hi-fi bar or an apple,
as we queued to go in, wishing the ground would and often the urge passed. Talking about danger zones
swallow me up. And then Jackie announced she was in group helped me realise that I’d eat if I was restless
paying my fees, too. ‘I’m not joining,’ I protested, even or bored. I started asking myself if I really wanted it, or
as the money was changing hands. Seeing Jackie pay was it just boredom? If my thoughts turned to food, I’d
for me gave me a jolt. Was this my chance to finally start getting my evening meal ready, which might be
change how I felt about myself? Quickly, that positive a salmon or chicken stir-fry with rice. Or I’d prep
thought was overwhelmed by negative ones. I was lunch for the next day. Focusing on cooking took away
terrified I’d break the scales, or an error code would the boredom, and stopped cravings in their tracks.
appear, and I would be asked to get off them. It turned I found other coping strategies, too. Whenever
out that new members were weighed at the end of my family ordered a Chinese takeaway I’d create
the session, and first of all our Consultant Carole my own Free fakeaway with Slimming World
talked us through the plan. I was still full of self-doubt, Chinese-Style Banquet Rice from Iceland, cooked
until Carole explained Food Optimising meant we dried noodles, and onions, mushrooms and skinless
could eat pasta, rice and potatoes without weighing chicken stir-fried in low-calorie cooking spray.
or measuring them. Until that moment, I’d assumed I’d set everything out in little bowls, so I could
you needed to cut out carbs to lose weight. It was still join in with the family feast. I did the same >
Learning to be
kind to myself
has helped me
build a healthier
with food
The biggest change in
me is how I feel inside –
now I walk with my
head held high
ou’re under pressure at on specific moments of stress eating, your you might go for a lower Syn alternative.
Slimming World Consultant has a range However, if deep down you’ve realised you
work, juggling childcare of tools to help, says Dr Jacquie Lavin, aren’t really hungry – your impulse to eat
routines and worrying Slimming World’s head of research and was purely to cope with stress – then doing
about elderly parents… scientific affairs. ‘Some of the tools your something else might be a more effective
Consultant gives you are for your eyes way to lift your mood. ‘That could be going
or simply run off your feet with
only, so you can be completely honest,’ she for a walk, running a bath, calling a friend,
countless demands on your time. says. ‘One of them is the S.A.S. (Slimmers or talking to your group or Consultant,’
Sometimes life seems packed full Against Sabotage) Log, which you can use says Dr Papadopoulos. While me time
of stress, and during the pandemic, to identify the points in the day or week might be the last thing you consider when
where stress is influencing what you eat.’ you’re stressed, even making five minutes
many of us have felt additional
If you spot an emotion influencing for yourself can make a positive difference.
daily tension at levels we’ve never your food choices, that’s when things get
experienced before. interesting. ‘Once you’ve identified these When you really want to eat
‘At stressful times, eating can bring
At times like these, staying on track with physiological and psychological comfort,’
your slimming plans can feel that much says Dr Papadopoulos. ‘We each also have
harder – whether you’re getting by on bags our “special” foods, where the habit of
of crisps, or rewarding yourself with a
Try-it tip: eating them releases the feel-good chemical
takeaway for making it through the day. enlist your team dopamine in our brains.’ So, while distracting
And when that means you don’t have yourself from stress can sometimes help
the weight loss week you want, you only Family and friends probably to break the cycle of feeling fraught and
feel more stressed because of it. On the think they’re helping by reaching for food, there are times when
other hand, a great week on the scales bringing you a glass of wine or a craving does need to be satisfied. What’s
will boost your confidence and make you more, if you start to feel like you can’t ever
feel like you’re the master of your own slice of cake when they can see eat something comforting when you want
destiny. While we can’t promise to make you’re stressed. ‘Help them to to, that sense of deprivation can in itself
entertaining the kids any easier, we can be stress-inducing. Eventually, you’re going
help you better by explaining
give you strategies to enable you to to get fed up and rebel!
protect your weight loss, so that will why that might get in the way ‘Being able to feed your psychological
be one less thing to worry about. of your slimming progress, and needs is a key part of Slimming World’s
unique approach to weight loss,’ says
Stress-related eating: how that makes you feel,’ says Jacquie Lavin. ‘Your Slimming World
spotting the signs Dr Jacquie Lavin. Being able magazines and cookery books, and the
Why is it so important to recognise when to talk openly to loved ones members’ website and app are all packed
stress is affecting your eating habits? with satisfying Food Optimising recipes,
Psychologist and author Dr Linda about how you feel is a great including those classic comfort-food
Papadopoulos says that shedding light stress reliever in itself. dishes such as macaroni cheese and >
less CO2*
Meet Beth
little blur of legs and Beth Fursman, 22, is portion. I knew she’d said it with
Stepping it up
The big deal for me was having Syns –
it meant that when I ate chocolate
I didn’t feel guilty, so I stopped eating
in secret. And, over time, I realised
I could do more with my Syns than
just use them on chocolate – such as
to have some extra grated cheese on
my favourite Slimming World lasagne.
Gradually, I ate less and less chocolate
and far more fruit and veg, and having
a healthy, balanced diet seemed to do
wonders for my skin – it suddenly struck me it fitness tracker I’d bought myself. Even during the BETH WEARS
was ages since my last acne flare-up. lockdowns Winston needed his hour-long walk. p23: Top, Coast.
I started working as a carer and moved to a new Losing weight has given me so much more
Shoes, ASOS.
group which fitted around my shifts. As I inched confidence in myself that I’ve been doing really well at Rings, Beth’s own
towards my target of 8st 5lbs, something strange university, where I’m studying fashion. And with Mum, Above: Top, Coast.
happened – I found myself wanting to get more Joe and, of course, Winston by my side, I know I can Trousers, New Look.
active. My boyfriend Joe was a gamekeeper and achieve anything. And Winston now has a new friend Rings, as before
worked with dogs all day, while Lydia had a beautiful of his own – Mabel, my new dachshund puppy. She’s
dachshund Betsy…and after lots of thought, I decided not quite as keen on walking and I tell her I know how
I was up for the responsibility of getting a dog of my she feels – hey, I’ve been there! But the more I did, the
own. Within a few weeks I was the proud owner of more I loved it, and I’m sure it will be the same for her.
Winston, a handsome dachshund pup. He quickly The best thing is, I feel like my relationship with food
grew and needed a lot of exercise. Most times we’d is completely back to normal. Actually, better than
go to the park and he’d bound ahead, and not a day normal, because I don’t just feel OK about filling my
went by when I didn’t exceed 10,000 steps on the plate – I love the way healthy eating makes me feel! ●
Taste tester
Stevie Jane Chalder,
33, is a Slimming
World Consultant.
Real food,
She’s lost 2st 8lbs at
Rochelle Singlewood’s
group in West
Auckland, Durham,
and runs her own
groups in Bishop
real results
Get set for a great week with seven days of hearty
Auckland, Durham and delicious dishes that just happen to be slimming!
nutritious, everyday foods that the menu plan each day. meat, sauté veg in water, and use
Add in Healthy Extras®
fill you up for fewer calories, low-calorie cooking spray rather
meaning they’re great for weight To help provide a good Choose your Syns® than fat or oil. Switch sugar for
loss! Free Food includes lean balance of nutrients, enjoy two Foods and drinks that pose sweetener, and swap cream and
meat, poultry, fish, eggs, pasta, measured portions of milk or a risk to your weight loss – crème fraîche for fat-free natural
rice, potatoes, pulses, fruit, veg cheese each day – your Healthy those high in fat or sugar, as yogurt or plain quark.
and more. And you can eat these Extra ‘a’ choices. Options include well as alcohol – can be enjoyed
foods freely, making them perfect 350ml skimmed milk or 250ml as carefully counted Syns. We So that’s Food Optimising® in
for satisfying the biggest of semi-skimmed milk; 400ml plain recommend you plan between a nutshell. You’ll find all you need
appetites. Some Free Foods have and unsweetened almond or soya 5 and 15 Syns into your day (see to know about Free Food, Healthy
the extra bonus of being Speed drink with added calcium; 40g the bottom of the next page Extras and Syns in your Food
Food – fruit and veg that are reduced-fat or 30g full-fat hard for some ideas). Optimising book, available to
super-low in calories and keep cheese, which can be eaten as Slimming World group members,
you slimming beautifully. For
the best results, always reach
for Speed Food first in between
part of a meal or snack. Also
add in one portion of wholemeal
bread or breakfast cereal each
√ Make simple swaps
To help protect your weight
loss, choose the leanest meat
and to Slimming World Online
members (as part of the Gold
package or through the eshop).
● Sunshine omelette: fry sliced ● Turkey & tomato pitta: toast a 60g wholemeal ● Swedish meatball
Monday yellow pepper in low-calorie cooking
spray until softened. Add 2 beaten
pitta bread (a Healthy Extra ‘b’), then split
open and fill with wafer-thin roast turkey slices,
recipe p28
eggs and cook until the bottom is and lots of sliced tomato and rocket. Add ½ Syn
golden. Finish under the grill until the 45g sliced Greek-style salad cheese (a Healthy
top is set, then fold over and scatter Extra ‘a’), if you like
with chopped fresh chives
● Berry overnight oats: the night ● Shredded chicken salad: mix drained and ● Smoked haddock
Tuesday before, layer 40g plain porridge oats
(a Healthy Extra ‘b’) with fat-free
rinsed canned chickpeas with chopped
cucumber and tomato, and mixed salad leaves.
& rice tray bake,
recipe p28
natural yogurt, a drop of vanilla Top with shredded cooked skinless chicken 0
extract and defrosted frozen red breast, then drizzle over lemon juice and fat-free
berries. Cover and chill overnight. natural yogurt, and toss before serving
Stir in the morning before eating
● Fruity wheats: pour milk from ● Spinach & mushroom rice bowl: fry chopped ● Pan-fried lamb
Wednesday your Healthy Extra ‘a’ allowance
over 45g fruit-filled wheat biscuits
mushrooms and onion, and finely chopped
cauliflower in low-calorie cooking spray until
steaks with warm
potato salad,
(a Healthy Extra ‘b’), such as raisin softened. Add a couple of handfuls of spinach recipe p29
wheats, then top with fresh chopped and leave to wilt. Stir in freshly cooked dried rice, 0
fruit of your choice then top with chilli flakes, a pinch of smoked
paprika and a squeeze of lemon juice
● Berry overnight oats: the night ● Chicken pasta salad: mix shredded ● Cauliflower &
Thursday before, layer 40g plain porridge oats
(a Healthy Extra ‘b’) with fat-free
cooked skinless chicken breast with finely
chopped celery and pepper, and cooked and
squash dhal with
cucumber yogurt,
natural yogurt, a drop of vanilla drained dried pasta shapes. Dress with some recipe p29
extract and defrosted frozen red fat-free vinaigrette and scatter over chopped 0
berries. Cover and chill overnight. fresh chives. Grate over 30g fresh Parmesan sV
Stir in the morning before eating (a Healthy Extra ‘a’), if you like
● Veggie sausages & eggs: cook ● Tuna & cucumber sandwich: mix drained ● Piri-piri chicken,
Friday frozen Linda McCartney’s Vegetarian
Red Onion & Rosemary Sausages
canned tuna in spring water with a little fat-free
natural fromage frais or yogurt and lemon juice.
chips & coleslaw,
recipe p30
according to the pack instructions. Fill 2 slices wholemeal bread from a small 400g ½ Syn
Fry 2 eggs in low-calorie cooking loaf (a Healthy Extra ‘b’) with the tuna mixture
spray until cooked through, then and sliced cucumber
serve with the sausages and
piping-hot canned plum tomatoes
● Mushrooms on toast: fry sliced ● Baked potato & bacon slaw: cook a baking ● Sticky soy
Saturday mushrooms in low-calorie cooking
spray. Stir into fat-free natural fromage
potato until soft. Grill back bacon rashers (visible
fat removed), then cut into strips and mix with
mushroom stir-fry,
recipe p31
frais mixed with fresh flat-leaf parsley. grated carrot and white cabbage, sliced spring 1½ Syns
Tip onto 2 slices wholemeal toast from onion, 1 level tbsp reduced-fat mayo (2 Syns) and V
a small 400g loaf (a Healthy Extra ‘b’) a little lemon juice. Fill the potato with the slaw
● Salmon rÖsti: grate peeled potato ● Squash soup & a roll: simmer chopped peeled ● Roast beef with
Sunday into a tea towel, then squeeze out the
water. Mix with beaten egg. Spray a
butternut squash and red onion with a large
pinch of ground cumin and veg stock until soft.
spring vegetables
& roast garlic gravy,
non-stick frying pan with low-calorie Blitz with a stick blender, stir in a dollop of recipe p31
cooking spray and fry the potato in a fat-free natural yogurt and serve with a 60g ½ Syn
flat disc until golden on each side. Top wholemeal roll (a Healthy Extra ‘b’)
with smoked salmon trimmings, sliced
cucumber and a little lemon juice
SNACKS & TREATS ● Defrosted frozen berries, FREE ● Halved grapefruit, FREE ● Peeled cooked prawns, FREE ● Pomegranate seeds, FREE
● Piccalilli, ½ Syn per 1 level tbsp ● Honey, 1 Syn per 1 level tsp ● Houmous, reduced fat, 1½ Syns per 1 level tbsp ● Olives in brine, 1½ Syns
for 8 ● Mini Scotch egg, 2½ Syns ● Digestive biscuit, 3½ Syns ● 330ml bottle reduced-alcohol lager, 4 Syns ● Sliced apple with 1 level tbsp
peanut butter, 4½ Syns ● Cashew nuts and raisins, 5 Syns for 25g ● Chocolate-coated raisins, 5½ Syns per 25g ● French fancy, 5½ Syns
Monday Tuesday
Swedish meatball pasta Smoked haddock & rice
EVERYDAY EASY 1 To make the meatballs, put the tray bake
Serves 4 onion, mince, nutmeg, cardamom
Syns per serving ½ SUPER SIMPLE 1 Preheat your oven to 200°C/
and egg yolk in a bowl, and season. Serves 4
f (meatballs in sauce only) fan 180°C/gas 6. Spread the rice
Using your hands, mix together until 0
Ready in 40 minutes over a 35 x 25cm non-stick baking
combined, then form into 24 small Ready in 40 minutes tray and scatter over the tomatoes.
1 onion, grated meatballs. Place a large, lidded,
250g dried long-grain rice
Mix the turmeric with the stock,
500g lean pork mince non-stick frying pan over a medium-
350g cherry tomatoes
then pour over the rice. Cover the
(5% fat or less) high heat. Add the meatballs and fry
tray tightly with foil, making sure
½ tsp ground nutmeg for 1-2 minutes until golden all over. ½ tsp ground turmeric
it’s snug, then bake in the oven for
8 cardamom pods, seeds 500ml hot fish or
removed and crushed, 2 Cook the tagliatelle according to chicken stock 20 minutes, or until the rice is fluffy
pods discarded the pack instructions, then drain. 4 skinless and boneless and the stock is absorbed.
1 egg yolk Meanwhile, add the stock to the smoked haddock fillets
2 Lay the haddock on the rice and
frying pan and bring to a simmer. (dyed or undyed)
400g dried tagliatelle return to the oven, uncovered, for
Gently stir in the jelly until melted, 1 head of broccoli,
500ml chicken stock 10 minutes, or until the haddock is
chopped into florets,
1 level tbsp redcurrant then cover and simmer gently for stalk finely sliced cooked through. Meanwhile, boil
or cranberry jelly 6-7 minutes. Mix 2 tbsp stock from 10g fresh flat-leaf parsley, the broccoli for 3-4 minutes, or until
1 level tbsp cornflour the pan with the cornflour to make leaves finely chopped tender. Drain and keep warm.
100g fat-free natural a smooth paste. Pour around the 1 unwaxed lemon, zested,
Greek-style yogurt (at meatballs, then stir and simmer for then cut into wedges 3 Scatter the parsley and lemon
room temperature) to serve zest over the haddock and rice.
2-3 minutes, or until the meatballs
20g fresh dill, chopped, Serve with the broccoli and lemon
reserving some to serve are cooked through and the sauce
thickens slightly. wedges for squeezing over.
Juice of ½ lemon
1 bag of salad leaves, 3 Reduce the heat under the
to serve
meatballs to low, then add the yogurt This recipe would also work with
a spoonful at a time, stirring as you unsmoked skinless and boneless
go (this should stop it from splitting). haddock or cod fillets, or any other
Add the dill and lemon juice, then firm white fish
season to taste.
4 Add the tagliatelle to the
meatballs, stirring to coat in the
sauce. Divide between 4 bowls, top
with the reserved dill and serve with
the salad.
Wednesday Thursday
Pan-fried lamb steaks with Caulif lower & squash dhal with
warm potato salad cucumber yogurt
SUPER SIMPLE 1 Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes, SUPER SIMPLE 1 Put the cauliflower, lentils, onion,
Serves 4 or until tender. Meanwhile, mix the Serves 4 squash, garlic, curry powder,
0 yogurt with the garlic, season and 0 tomatoes and ginger in a large
Ready in 30 minutes set aside. s V f (dhal only) saucepan with 1 litre water. Bring to
Ready in 40 minutes a simmer and cook for 30 minutes,
500g baby new potatoes, 2 Drain the potatoes, then cover to
large ones halved keep warm. Spray a large, non-stick stirring frequently, or until the lentils
600g cauliflower, roughly
60g fat-free natural frying pan with low-calorie cooking chopped into large florets have completely broken down and
Greek-style yogurt
spray and place over a medium-high 250g dried red lentils the vegetables are soft.
1 small garlic clove, 1 red onion, finely chopped
crushed heat. Season the lamb and fry for 2 Meanwhile, to make the cucumber
3 minutes on each side. While the 400g butternut squash, yogurt, halve the cucumber
Low-calorie cooking spray peeled, halved, seeds
4 lamb leg steaks, visible
lamb is cooking, boil the carrots and scooped out and cut
lengthways, then drag a teaspoon
fat removed broccoli for 5-6 minutes, adding into small chunks down the middle to remove the
300g carrots, peeled and the peas for the final 2-3 minutes, 2 garlic cloves, crushed seeds. Grate the cucumber, then stir
sliced into rounds then drain. 1 tbsp medium through the yogurt. Add the lemon
1 head of broccoli,
3 Remove the frying pan from the curry powder juice to the dhal and season to taste.
chopped into florets, 400g can chopped Scatter the mint leaves over the dhal
stalk finely sliced heat and set the lamb aside to rest tomatoes
for 2 minutes. Mix the potatoes and yogurt, and serve.
150g frozen peas, 3cm-piece fresh root
defrosted with the yogurt. Divide everything ginger, peeled and grated
10g fresh flat-leaf parsley, between 4 plates and scatter over MAKE IT VEGAN
Juice of ½ lemon
leaves finely chopped To make this recipe vegan, swap
the herbs. 10g fresh mint, leaves
10g fresh mint, leaves the yogurt for 200g plain and
finely chopped
finely chopped unsweetened dairy-free soya yogurt
For the cucumber with added calcium, and use an
yogurt: unwaxed lemon. Recipe remains
½ cucumber Free, but not SP
200g fat-free natural
Greek yogurt
Piri-piri chicken, chips
& coleslaw
EVERYDAY EASY 1 Preheat your oven to 200°C/
Serves 4 fan 180°C/gas 6. Rub the piri-piri
Syns per serving ½ seasoning over the chicken, then
Ready in 1 hour spray with low-calorie cooking
2 level tsp piri-piri spray. Place on a non-stick baking
seasoning tray and roast for 40 minutes, or
4 chicken legs, skin and until cooked through.
visible fat removed
Low-calorie cooking spray
2 Spread the chips on a large,
1kg floury potatoes, such
non-stick baking tray in a single layer
as Maris Piper or King and spray with low-calorie cooking
Edward, cut into chips spray. Place on the shelf below the
1 lemon, cut into wedges, chicken. Cook for 40 minutes, or
to serve until golden, turning halfway.
For the coleslaw: 3 Meanwhile, make the coleslaw by
1 red onion, finely sliced mixing together all the ingredients.
½ white cabbage, shredded Season and set aside so that the
400g carrots, peeled flavours can infuse.
and grated
10g fresh chives, chopped 4 Place a large, non-stick griddle pan
200g fat-free natural over a high heat until smoking hot.
Greek-style yogurt Cook the chicken for 2-3 minutes
½ tsp mustard powder on their tops, giving them a quarter
turn to get the criss-cross griddle
marks. Serve 1 chicken leg per person
with the chips, coleslaw and lemon
wedges for squeezing over.
If you don’t have a griddle pan, skip
the step. The chicken will be cooked
after 40 minutes in the oven – the FAMILY
griddling is just for extra flavour TRADITION
Shopping list *
Sunday Fat-free natural Greek-style yogurt, 560g
‘‘Freedom is...
feeling my ‘‘
best at 50
Weight loss gave nurse
Bernie Hodgson a whole
new lease of life at home
and at work – and just
in time to celebrate her
special birthday...
staff on my ward scrambled. it was time for me to tackle my weight. work, I knew I had and we raised
As a sister at Alder Hey, one of Europe’s When I told Amy I was joining to do something a glass together!
leading children’s hospitals, I had to Slimming World, she insisted on
move fast when a young patient’s life cooking for me. I’d come home from the distance. Week by week, though,
was at stake. I arrived at the bedside a tiring shift to her slimming-friendly my stamina increased, and before long
out of breath, quickly composed myself versions of our local Merseyside stew, we were jogging together.
and allowed my training to take over. scouse, or fish risotto. I was eating the As September approached, I hit two
Afterwards, though, I thought about most delicious food of my life – and major milestones – I dropped four dress
how much harder it had felt to rush I was losing weight! sizes and ran 5K in under half an hour!
across the hospital. Since I’d reached In March 2020, two weeks after I’d On my birthday, I slipped on a size-12
over 13st, I’d found the 12-hour shifts joined, the nation went into lockdown. floral dress to enjoy a meal out with my
more exhausting than ever. Worryingly, I continued going to group virtually, close family, feeling genuinely fab at 50.
my asthma was getting worse, too. and I loved getting the support of my I can’t remember when I last
I’d encouraged my 25-year-old Consultant, Suzanne, and my group. needed to use my asthma inhaler, and
daughter Amy to join Slimming World With my 50th coming up in September, I can take even the most demanding
when she wasn’t happy with her weight. I had a firm goal in mind. Amy suggested days at work in my stride. I bound up
She lost over 5st, and gained so much we start going to the park together for flights of stairs alongside the younger
confidence and sparkle that she won a brisk walk to help support my weight nurses, feeling ready for anything.
Slimming World’s Miss Slinky 2020 loss. Initially, I found myself panting in I know I’m at my best – just when the
competition, and was chosen as the her wake as she power-walked off into NHS really needs me to be. ●
#ThatFeeling Share a photo of a special moment since hitting target on social media, or email it to us at [email protected]
us is a huge factor in helping them
to stay on track? Meal planning!
There are so many reasons why
planning out your meals comes up
life satisfaction!
Colour code it going to have muesli with fat-free natural Get inspired
The secret to making this meal plan work yogurt and raspberries for breakfast, you’d Use our seven-day eating plan on
best for your weight loss is to use the write down your Healthy Extra muesli in page 26 as a starting point for your
principles of Food Optimising as your one colour, your Free yogurt in another,
and Speed Food raspberries in another.
own – pick a few breakfasts, lunches
framework. If you’re using Slimming World
recipes from the magazine and members’ and dinners that most appeal, then
website, and ideas from your Food slot in your own ideas around them.
Optimising book, they’ll already be based
around slimming-friendly Free Food. When
you’re putting them together across a day, Think big!
it’s just about checking that you’ve got Do you need more space to write? Draw
in all your Healthy Extras, enough Speed out this planner as big as you need. Or
Food to fill a third of each plate, where it go to
makes sense, and that you’ve planned in and scroll down to find the printable PDF.
your Syns. One easy way to do this is to You could put sticky notes over each day,
jot those down under each meal header moving them until you’re happy with
in different coloured pens. So, if you were your week of delicious meals! ●
4st 10lbs*
Emina is a target member of
Sarah Andrews’ Slimming World
group in Leyton, East London
September 2019
Rifling through the rails to find an me? I phoned the
outfit to suit me, I was getting a sinking Consultant Sarah,
feeling. It was my 24th birthday and who listened to
my husband Hajro had whisked me my story, then said
into London for a special treat. We’d had warmly: ‘Emina,
chocolate cake and drunk cocktails, and you are not alone.’
now we were scouring the high-street It sounds silly, but
shops for something, anything that I could I’d never been around
wear out to our favourite restaurant later. anyone who wasn’t
At 15st 7lbs, I was the heaviest I’d ever happy with their weight,
been, and by the time I’d finally got ready, and even the thought of talking to people
in a full-length red dress that had felt like who’d understand felt like a game changer.
the best of a bad bunch, I really didn’t like
how I looked. When Hajro, known as H, October 2019
tried to take a picture of me, I broke down Sitting in my car, too nervous to walk into
in tears. If we hadn’t already paid for the the Slimming World group, I thought back
reservation, and if H hadn’t looked so to the previous weekend. I felt so ashamed
disappointed, I’d probably have stayed at for taking out my insecurities on H. We were
home. ‘Come on, it’s your birthday,’ he planning to start a family one day and I had
coaxed. While we enjoyed our evening, such happy memories of my own childhood,
I couldn’t shake how self-conscious I felt. so I thought about my future kids growing
A memory kept running through my up with a mum who had no self-confidence,
mind, of when I’d been working in a clothes Having and used that to get me through the door. Growing
shop and a customer had come in to buy new my picture up in my Bosnian family, food had been all about
outfits to celebrate losing weight. She’d shown me taken used love. Big spreads at mealtimes were the norm
pictures of herself as a size 20, while filling her to leave me and the centrepiece was always a delicious flaky
basket with size-12 dresses. ‘What did you do?’ in tears – pastry called burek. While everyone would have
I’d asked. ‘Slimming World,’ was her simple reply. these days a modest slice, I could easily eat two or three
I’m happy
At the time, I hadn’t done anything about it – now, in a sitting, and I often snacked on crisps in the
to share my
though, I was ready to take action. That next photos with
evenings out of boredom. Sometimes I’d look
morning, the first thing I did was search for my the world! at social media and see posts of women smiling
nearest Slimming World group. In my mind, in slinky outfits, thinking how I’d never be able
Slimming World wasn’t something that people my to wear what I wanted, let alone parade happily in
age did – would group support really be right for front of a camera. For my prom at 16, I slimmed >
has changed
as much as I was happy to share
my shape
it with the world on
THEN Instagram, too. As
Hajro far as I was concerned,
would try I had far more to
to help me celebrate than just
feel good being halfway through
about my 20s. The difference
myself in me, in just a year,
was clear for all to
see. And that came
down as much to my
new confidence as
my changed shape.
Since taking part in
the photo shoot for
Slimming World
Magazine, I’ve achieved
my second target weight of 9st 12lbs. Sometimes
I almost have to pinch myself when I glance down
at the bouquet of bright colours and patterns I’m
wearing to show off my new figure. H loves being
able to casually take a photo of me, knowing I won’t
break down in tears afterwards! And I’m happy,
because I genuinely feel good about myself. As
I maintain my weight, group is my lifeline, always
there to motivate me as we move from one set of
coronavirus restrictions to the next. While I really
don’t know what the next year holds, I feel so
positive – and I know in my heart that my future
is going to be exciting. Whatever the rest of 2021
brings, I’ve got the confidence and self-esteem
to get the very most out of life! ●
‘ I love that
I can still
enjoy dreamy
desserts ‘ 68
while Food ideas, recipes
Optimising & tips
Carmel Preedy has lost
3st 8lbs at Mattie Docker’s
Slimming World group in
Hinckley, Leicestershire
● When cooking with shop-
bought spice mixes or blends,
Share your photos
of this issue’s recipes
on social media:
Fish, chips
& peas,
recipe p46
…the great
British seaside’
Daniella Ratcliff, 28, lives
with her partner, Josh, and
daughter, Sophia Belle, nine.
She has lost 1st at Georgina
Newbold’s Slimming
World group in Stretton,
home country’
Anna Fariello, 34, lives
with her husband, Ian, and
daughter, Greta, 18 months.
She has lost 10½lbs at Davina
Gale’s Slimming World group
in Thatcham, Berkshire
‘I moved to the UK
from Italy in 2008
for university – then stayed here!
This classic southern Italian
dish always takes me
back to my roots…’
Broccoli &
anchovy pasta,
recipe p46
A lightened-up version of a Friday- EVERYDAY EASY 1 Boil the broccoli for 4-5 minutes until just tender.
night special (pictured on p44) Serves 4 Drain and set aside. Cook the pasta according to the
Syns per serving 6½ pack instructions.
EVERYDAY EASY Deduct 6 Syns if using the pecorino cheese
Serves 4 as a Healthy Extra 2 Meanwhile, spray a large, deep, non-stick frying
Syns per serving ½ Ready in 20 minutes pan with low-calorie cooking spray and place over
Ready in 50 minutes a medium heat. Add the anchovies and chilli, and
2 heads of broccoli, cut into florets,
1kg floury potatoes, such as stalks sliced fry for 3-4 minutes, stirring, until the anchovies are
Maris Piper or King Edward, 400g dried rigatoni pasta beginning to melt and the chilli has softened.
cut into thick chips Remove from the heat.
Low-calorie cooking spray
Low-calorie cooking spray
100g jar anchovy fillets in oil, drained 3 Put half the broccoli and a ladleful of the pasta
4 thick skinless and boneless cod and patted dry
or haddock fillets cooking water into a food processor and blitz into
1 red chilli, finely chopped
2 medium eggs, separated (deseeded, if you like)
a purée. Tip into the anchovy pan with the remaining
800g frozen garden peas 120g pecorino cheese, grated
broccoli and half the cheese, and keep warm over
Lemon wedges, to serve Juice of ½ lemon
a low heat.
For the tartare sauce: Cherry tomato and rocket salad, to serve 4 Drain the pasta and stir into the broccoli sauce,
2 medium pickled gherkins, adding a little more pasta water if the sauce is too
finely chopped thick. Season to taste with a pinch of salt, freshly
1 small red onion, finely chopped ground black pepper and lemon juice. Divide
1 tbsp capers, drained and rinsed between 4 bowls, top each with a quarter of the
2 level tbsp extra-light mayonnaise remaining cheese and serve with the salad.
200g fat-free natural fromage frais
Zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
10g fresh dill, finely chopped
...curry night
with the lads’
Tom Farrow, 31, is a Slimming
World Consultant with groups in
Markfield and Syston, Leicestershire.
He lives with his fiancée, Lottie,
and son, Alfie, 10 months. He has
lost 10st 7lbs at Gemma Goddard’s
group in Ratby, Leicestershire
‘I love experimenting
with home-made curries, and when
it comes to recreating that
genuine Indian restaurant
experience, this totally
hits the spot’
tikka masala,
recipe opposite
Gammon, egg,
chips & peas
with pepper
recipe p51
Beef stroganoff,
recipe p51
…our holidays
in Tenerife’
Donna Simpson, 49, is a
Slimming World Consultant,
with groups in Huntington and
Stamford Bridge, York. She lives
with her husband, Mark, and has
lost 6st at Jayne Pitcher’s Slimming
World group in Pocklington, York
‘Lying on the beach
until sunset followed
by my favourite stroganoff at a
lovely bar called Friends –
I can’t wait to be able to
get back soon’
recipe opposite
with my dad’
Kimberly Conerney, 26, lives
with her fiancé, Daniel. She
has lost 5st 1½lbs at Deana
Pugh’s Slimming World group
in Tilehurst, Berkshire
‘This is my favourite
dinner ever. It reminds
me of when I was little
and my dad and I would sit at
the table eating on a rainy
day after school…he still
loves it, too!’
Chicken Kiev
with chunky
recipe opposite
@SweetFreedomUK @SweetFreedomUK
With our ingenious
kitchen secrets tips, tricks and
shortcuts, your
cooking confidence
will be flying
If you’re adding fat-free
natural yogurt or fromage
frais to a recipe, such as
a curry, wait until it’s cooled
1 Once the cooked
chicken flesh has
cooled enough to
2 Run a sharp knife
down each side of
the breastbone, slicing
3 Pull the leg meat
off in chunks,
again discarding the
4 Pull the meat
off the rest of
the carcass, turning
down a little, then stir it in handle, pull the legs down the body to bring skin, the bones, and it over so that you
a tablespoon at a time off out and away from the the meat away from anything else you get all the meat
the heat – it’s less likely to body – they should the carcass. Discard the wouldn’t want to eat. from the back of the
separate this way. come away easily. skin and leave breasts chicken as well.
whole or chop up.
re you passionate about pasta?
We are, too! From spaghetti
carbonara to lasagne, this
versatile staple adds Italian style
to all sorts of everyday dishes. While you
may have heard that to lose the pounds
you have to lose the pasta, it’s a myth
we’re very happy to bust! As a Free Food,
dried pasta is one of the many surprising
foods you can enjoy while Food Optimising
and hitting your weight loss goals. And
when it comes to making tasty pasta
sauces and comforting bakes, a bottle
of Frylight can help to get things started.
From softening onions and garlic to
roasting Mediterranean veg, just a few
sprays of Frylight helps you to create those
Italian flavours – without adding a single
Syn. In fact, for every tablespoon of poured
oil you replace with Frylight, you save
6 Syns. Try it for yourself with our luscious
prawn linguine (right) or ratatouille-stuffed
giant pasta shells (far right) – great for
weeknights and special occasions, too.
Whichever variety you choose, using
Frylight will help you keep your weight
loss on track while eating the food you Prawn linguine
adore. And what’s not to love about that?
SUPER SIMPLE of water and cook for a further
Serves 2 4 minutes, or until softened.
2 Add the garlic and chilli, and cook
Ready in 20 minutes
for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes and
200g dried linguine cook for a further 3-4 minutes, or
Frylight until the tomatoes are very soft.
1 onion, finely sliced 3 Stir in the prawns and vinegar,
1 garlic clove, finely chopped and cook for 2-3 minutes, or until
1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped the prawns are pink and cooked
200g cherry tomatoes, halved through. Drain the linguine, then
175g raw peeled king prawns add to the frying pan and stir to heat
1 tbsp red wine vinegar through. Divide between 2 bowls.
Fresh oregano leaves, chopped, to serve Sprinkle over the oregano, season
Mixed salad leaves, to serve with freshly ground black pepper
and serve with the salad.
1 Cook the linguine according to
the pack instructions. Meanwhile, COOK’S NOTE
spray a large, non-stick frying If you can’t get fresh oregano, you can
● Frylight is available from most major pan with Frylight and place over use roughly chopped fresh basil leaves
supermarkets. For more information, a medium heat. Cook the onion instead. And if you fancy an extra
visit for 1 minute, then add a splash punch, add ½ tsp dried red chilli flakes
Food Optimising, Free, Free Food, Healthy Extra, Syn and Syns are registered trademarks of Miles-Bramwell Executive services Ltd trading as Slimming World.
Cupboard love
From canned tomatoes to frozen veg – with Free
ingredients on standby you’ll always be able
to make a tasty dinner
Photographs: Kate Whitaker
Big fla
vours m
ake this
simple d
i sh oh-s
o good Cheesy bean
pasta bake
Serves 4
Syns per serving 6
Deduct 6 Syns if using the reduced-fat
Cheddar as a Healthy Extra
Ready in 1 hour
up eg
SUPER SIMPLE 1 Mash the potatoes until 3 Meanwhile, spray a large, non-stick
Serves 4 smooth. Stir through the tuna, frying pan with low-calorie cooking
Syns per serving 1 olives, lemon zest, chilli flakes, spray and place over a medium-high
Ready in 40 minutes, plus chilling heat. Fry the remaining eggs to your
parsley, beaten egg and cornflour.
2 x 300g cans new potatoes, drained Season and divide the mixture liking. Stir the lemon juice into the
2 x 145g cans tuna in spring water, into 8 portions. Using your yogurt and season to taste. Boil the
drained and flaked hands, shape them into fishcakes. beans for 3-4 minutes, then drain.
16 pitted black olives in brine, chopped Chill for 30 minutes.
Zest and juice of ½ unwaxed lemon
4 Serve 2 fishcakes per person with
Pinch of dried red chilli flakes 2 Preheat your oven to 200°C/ an egg, and the green beans drizzled
fan 180°C/gas 6. Spray a non-stick with the yogurt dressing. Scatter
20g fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves
finely chopped, reserving some to serve baking tray with low-calorie cooking over the reserved parsley and top
5 medium eggs, 1 beaten spray and lay the fishcakes on it. with a twist of black pepper.
1½ level tsp cornflour Lightly spritz the fishcakes with
Low-calorie cooking spray low-calorie cooking spray. Bake for
50g fat-free natural Greek-style yogurt 20 minutes until golden and piping
600g frozen green beans hot throughout, turning halfway.
Serves 2
Easy cheesy
Give meals a delicious lift with a squeeze of Primula Light Cheese
Syns per serving 6
Deduct 6 Syns if using the Primula Light Cheese
as a Healthy Extra
Ready in 1 hour
Low-calorie cooking spray
2 aubergines, thinly sliced lengthways
500g lean beef mince (5% fat or less)
1 onion, finely diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
½ tsp dried mint
½ tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp red wine vinegar
1 dried bay leaf
400g can chopped tomatoes
1 beef stock cube
150g tube Primula Light Cheese
Fresh mint leaves, and a green salad
dressed with red wine vinegar, to serve
ne of the many beauties of the
with a splash of water and fry for Slimming World plan is you can a delicious hit of cheese to any dish!
1-2 minutes until fragrant. Add the still enjoy all your favourite food, Smother Primula Light Cheese pizza-
dried mint and cinnamon, and fry for including cheese! And a tube style over skinless chicken breasts, stir into
1-2 minutes, adding more water if the
of Primula Light Cheese is an easy and risotto, or give Slimming World chips loaded
spices start to catch. Add the mince,
convenient way to get that savoury flavour. with chilli a cheesy topping. Or bring
vinegar, bay leaf, tomatoes, stock cube
As well as being high in calcium and a taste of Greece to your table with our
and a canful of water. Bring to a brisk
simmer and cook for 25-30 minutes protein, it has 40 per cent less fat than gorgeously gooey no-fuss moussaka
until the sauce is reduced and thick. Primula Original Cheese – so you can use (left). It’s a handy way to squeeze
half a tube (75g) as a Healthy Extra ‘a’, even more flavour into your day.
4 Layer the aubergines and mince in
a serving dish (you’ll use about two-
thirds of the mince – see Cook’s note).
Evenly squeeze over the Primula Light DID YOU KNOW…
Cheese and top with the mint leaves. …Primula donates profits to charity?
Divide between 2 plates, discarding All profits from the sale of Primula Cheese are shared
the bay leaf, and serve with the salad. among charities and good causes, internationally
and here in the UK, through its owner, the Kavli Trust.
COOK’S NOTE Primula Light Cheese is available at selected Asda, Iceland, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s
You’ll have a bit of mince leftover – it’s and Tesco stores, and online at Ocado. For more information visit
Free and perfect to top a baked potato
or cooked dried pasta. The mince will
keep in the fridge for up to 2 days Slimming World, Free, Healthy Extra and Syns are registered trademarks of Miles-Bramwell
Executive Services Ltd trading as Slimming World.
Serves 4
Syns per serving 7
Deduct 7 Syns if using the wholemeal pitta
bread as a Healthy Extra
V f (uncooked falafel only)
Ready in 1 hour, plus soaking
and chilling
250g dried chickpeas, soaked in 2-3 litres
cold water for 24 hours, then drained
1½ tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
½ tsp each of ground cinnamon, nutmeg
Lauren Upcott, and ginger
27, lives in Cardiff 2 spring onions, finely sliced
To make the falafel, put 350g Add the remaining
with her mum,
Judith. Lauren,
who has type 1
diabetes, has lost
2 garlic cloves, crushed
10g fresh flat-leaf parsley, stalks and
leaves roughly chopped
20g fresh coriander, stalks and leaves
roughly chopped
1 of the soaked chickpeas
(once soaked and drained
you should have 500g chickpeas
2 chickpeas to the food
processor. Pulse until they
are broken up a bit, but still have
in total) in a food processor. Add a bit of texture. Tip the mixture
3st 1lb and is ½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
the spices, spring onions, garlic, into a bowl, cover and chill for
a member of herbs, baking powder and salt. at least 1 hour. If you want to prep
Low-calorie cooking spray
Alex Alexander’s Blitz until you have a very fine, ahead, the mixture will keep in
4 x 60g wholemeal pitta breads,
Slimming World toasted to serve thick paste – you may need to the fridge quite happily for up
group in Lemon wedges, to serve (optional) do this in a few bursts. to 24 hours.
Birchgrove, For the salads:
Cardiff ½ red onion, finely diced
1 cucumber, halved, cut into quarters
lengthways and thinly sliced
6 tomatoes, roughly chopped
½ white cabbage, shredded
Juice of 1 lemon
10g fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves picked
1 tsp sumac (optional)
For the garlic yogurt:
200g fat-free natural Greek yogurt
1 small garlic clove, crushed
Make it Free
For a different meze platter, swap
the pitta bread for 150g plain dried
Preheat your oven to 220°C/ Meanwhile, prepare the
couscous, made up according to the
pack instructions (without butter or
oil). Finely dice the cucumber and
tomato from the recipe above and
4 fan 200°C/gas 7. Spray a
large, non-stick frying pan
with low-calorie cooking spray and
5 salads and garlic yogurt.
Mix together the onion,
cucumber and tomatoes, season
mix with the finely diced onion. Add place over a medium-high heat. and set aside. Mix together the
to the couscous with 20g each of Fry the falafel in batches, for 1-2 shredded cabbage, lemon juice
finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley minutes on each side until lightly and a pinch of salt, and leave
and coriander. Season, mix well and golden, then transfer to a large, to stand for 15-20 minutes. Mix
serve as pictured left. 0 V non-stick baking tray. Bake for together the yogurt and garlic.
20-25 minutes, or until piping hot.
These falafel also
taste great cold,
so I’ll be making
a batch and popping
some in the fridge
for the next day
Morrisons Naturally
Wonky Berries, 0
£2.75 for 1kg. e f
Save your Syns for later –
these buys are all Free!
Meanwhile, spray 4 lean rump on each side for medium, or the potato mixture. Slice the e
steaks (visible fat removed) 5 minutes for medium-well steaks, then place on top. Add
with low-calorie cooking spray done. Transfer to a plate to rest. extra rocket and sliced spring
and season to taste. When the Drain the potatoes and roughly onions. Divide over 20g fresh
potatoes have 10 minutes to crush with a fork. Season and Parmesan shavings. Spoon over
go, place a non-stick griddle or toss with 30g chopped fresh the juice of 2 lemons and finish Batchelors Gastro
frying pan over a high heat. Add basil and ½ bunch sliced spring with a twist of black pepper. Pub Mushy Peas
with Mint, 0
70p for a 300g
can, Asda and
Morrisons. e
Buying UK-grown Gluten-free foods
veg can save you If you have coeliac disease or
money at the
non-coeliac gluten sensitivity,
supermarket, and
great news: many Free Foods
right now it’s a Speed
are still on the menu. These
Food bonanza!
On the shelves include potatoes, gluten-free
pasta, lean meat, fish, eggs, Slimming World Naked Beef
you’ll find: asparagus, Burrito Lunch Bowl, 0
carrots, cauliflower, chard, chicory, beans, fruit and vegetables.
£2.50 for 400g, Iceland.
cucumber, peppers, purple sprouting broccoli, Search ‘coeliac’ in Features
radishes, rocket, shallots, spinach, spring greens on the members’ website for f You’ll find these products in the
and spring onions. Eat a third of a plate at every advice and a very tasty gluten- freezer cabinets – look out for the
meal, where it makes sense, to slim and save! free seven-day meal plan. symbol across the Food news pages
No garden? GROW
No problem! YOUR
You don’t need outdoor
space to start growing food – a
windowsill is a great place to flex your
green fingers. Seeing salad ingredients
WE go from seed to plate is a great way to
LOVE get kids interested in what they’re
eating, and it means fresh Speed Food
Asda Tikka Chicken Breast Slices,
½ Syn per 180g pack; £2.25. Serve Slimming World is on hand for you, too! One no-fuss crop
is cress, which grows happily on wet
chips on the side, and veg kitchen paper in a shallow tray. Herbs
Lidl Vemondo sticks and salsa in style! are also ideal, or you could sow rocket
in a pot of multipurpose compost.
2 Vegan Chips Cone, £3, and Dip plate, It grows like wildfire, making it the
Beetroot £8, both Matalan perfect cut-and-come-again salad.
1½ Syns each;
£1.69 for 250g.
Just a few more of the latest ‘a’ and ‘b’ options added to our growing list
MOMA Jumbo
Oat Porridge M&S Plant
Peanut Butter Kitchen
& Maple Morrisons Unsweetened
Syrup, 1 x 35g Double Soya Drink,
sachet is Gloucester 400ml is
a Healthy Extra with Onion & a Healthy
‘b’; £2.90 for 7 Chives, 30g Extra ‘a’; £1 for
Morrisons Nourish High in Protein sachets, major is a Healthy 1 litre, Marks
Aromatic Chicken Noodles, supermarkets. Extra ‘a’; £1.75 & Spencer and
4 Syns per 400g pack; £3.25. e for 200g. V Ocado. e
Infusing a beautiful aroma into your daily dishes, this cooking spray is
perfect for grilling, frying and roasting your favourite foods — and even
provides a great non-stick alternative to greasing baking tins!
Jammie Dodgers
Minis, 4½ Syns per
snack pack of 4; £1 for
6 snack packs, major
supermarkets. e
or from your Consultant; also ● Slimming World, Chicken in
Find available from Iceland stores Black Bean Sauce, Singapore-
the Syn for a limited period. style Noodles, and Sweet &
values of all Sour Chicken Noodles, all Free,
Syn values
● Kingsmill, No Crusts
advertised Wholemeal bread, 3 slices from Iceland.
products count as a Healthy Extra ‘b’ ● Soreen Lunchbox Loaves,
here or 6 Syns. Apple, Original Malt and
● Müllerlight Skyr, Salted Strawberry, 4½ Syns; Banana,
5 Syns.
Caramel, ½ Syn per 150g pot.
● Sweet Freedom, Choc Pot
● New York Bakery Co.,
Chocolate Spread, ½ Syn per
Soft Seeded Bagel Thins,
level tsp.
● Bannisters, 8 Baked Jacket ● Finn Crisp, Original 1 bagel thin counts as a
Potatoes, ½ Syn per potato Sourdough Rye Thins, 6 thins Healthy Extra ‘b’ or 6 Syns. ● Wilson’s Country, You Say
Potato Fresh Cut Chips, Free.
(without butter); 6 Little Jacket count as a Healthy Extra ‘b’ ● Pink ’n’ Whites, 2½ Syns
Potatoes, ½ Syn per potato or 6 Syns. per wafer.
(without butter); 4 Baked ● Frylight, Coconut Oil, ● Primula, Light Cheese, 75g
Jacket Potatoes, 1 Syn per low-calorie cooking spray, Free. counts as a Healthy Extra ‘a’
potato (without butter). or 6 Syns.
● Heck, Vegan Italia burgers,
● Fibre One, Chocolate Fudge 2½ Syns per burger. ● Quorn, Smoky Fajita Strips
Brownies, 4 Syns per bar. and Spicy Tikka Strips, both
● Hi-fi, Salted Caramel, Free. Classic Chilli, 2 Syns per Slimming World, Free, Free Food,
● Filippo Berio, Extra Virgin 2 bars count as a Healthy 225g pouch; Spiced Chickpea Healthy Extra, Healthy Extras, Syn
Olive Oil Spray and Mild & Extra ‘b’ or 3 Syns per bar, & Lentil Bowl, 2 Syns per 300g and Syns are registered trademarks
Light Olive Oil Spray, both available to Slimming World bowl; Chilli Bean Bowl, 2½ Syns of Miles-Bramwell Executive Services
½ Syn per 7 sprays. members via our online shop per 300g bowl. Ltd trading as Slimming World.
Pan-fried pork
& mushrooms,
recipe p74
‘ Believe it or not, this elegant pork and
mushroom dish is ready in 30 minutes!
Simply delicious
Supercharge your weight loss with three easy-to-make recipes
from Slimming World’s SP Sensations cookbook
Photographs: Toby Scott
Low-calorie cooking spray
500g lean pork tenderloin fillet,
visible fat removed, thinly sliced
600g mixed mushrooms, sliced
6 shallots, peeled and halved, or
2 medium onions, cut into wedges
2 garlic cloves, crushed
‘ Okra is great teamed with spices, and
it helps to thicken this tasty stew, too
This is delicious with swede mash.
Boil peeled, chopped swede until
tender, then season and mash.
Recipe remains 0 s
To make this recipe vegan, simply
use vegan Quorn Fillets and vegan
vegetable stock instead. Recipe
remains 0 s
Slimming World
s sens_ations
…you’ll find more than 60 weight loss boosting dishes in Slimming World’s
SP Sensations cookbook. From Mexican beefburgers and cheesy salsa omelette
to chicken satay goujons and spicy tofu scramble, there’s a tasty, super-
slimming meal for every occasion. Available to Slimming World members
via our online shop or from your Consultant, price £4.95/€7.95.
More than 60
Extra Easy s
bean sauce
in black
exclusive to
Serving suggestion
le noo
re -st
From crème brûlée to dark chocolate mousse,
these set puddings will steal the show
Photographs: Charlie Richards
EVERYDAY EASY a saucepan and place over a low by the jelly. Drop the remaining
Serves 4 heat until steaming. Use a balloon mango gently on top. Chill for
Syns per serving 2½ whisk to stir in the gelatine until at least 3 hours, or overnight.
Ready in 20 minutes, plus chilling completely dissolved. Pour into the 3 For the crumble, roughly chop
200ml orange and pineapple cold squash, then sit the bowl in the pistachios and biscuits, then mix
no-added-sugar squash (100ml a larger bowl of iced water. Using together in a small bowl. To serve,
if using double concentrate) a spatula, stir gently for 10 minutes,
18g powdered gelatine turn out the jellies onto 4 plates and
bringing the mixture away from the divide over the crumble.
1 small ripe mango, peeled, stoned edges and into the centre until the
and cut into small dice
jelly starts to thicken and stays apart
For the crumble: for a few seconds when you run the COOK’S NOTE
25g unsalted roasted spatula through it. (This speeds up We used nibbed pistachios, which
pistachio kernels have had their skins removed, so
the setting process and will help the
2 reduced-fat rich tea biscuits they’re bright green. You can find them
mango to stay evenly distributed.)
in Turkish or Middle Eastern grocers.
1 In a medium bowl, mix the squash 2 Divide half the mango between Regular unsalted pistachios with the
with 300ml cold water. Pour half into 4 x 150ml jelly moulds, followed shells removed will work, too
EVERYDAY EASY 1 Preheat your oven to 190°C/fan the ramekins. Bake for 30 minutes, or
Serves 4 170°C/gas 5. Pour the milk into until the custard has set, but still has
Syns per serving 4 a non-stick saucepan and place over a good wobble when you gently shake
a low heat. Gently warm through the ramekins. Set aside to cool for 30
Ready in 45 minutes, plus until steaming, then set aside. In minutes, then chill for up to 24 hours.
cooling and chilling
a medium mixing bowl, mix together 3 When you’re ready to serve, divide
350ml skimmed milk the cornflour, egg yolks, sweetener over the sugar, then use a chef’s
2 level tsp cornflour and vanilla extract. Using a balloon blowtorch to caramelise it. Or, set
4 medium egg yolks whisk, slowly whisk in the warm milk your grill to its highest setting, then
1 level tbsp sweetener granules to make a thin, smooth custard. put the brûlées directly underneath
½ tbsp vanilla extract 2 Divide the custard between the grill for 5-6 minutes, or until
40g caster sugar 4 x 150ml ramekins. Place the golden brown. (The sugar caramelises
Fresh raspberries, to decorate ramekins in a baking tin, then pour very quickly, so keep an eye on them.)
(or hulled strawberries, if you like) in a kettle of freshly boiled water, Leave to harden for 5 minutes, then
so it comes halfway up the sides of serve with the raspberries.
EVERYDAY EASY simmering water, without stirring. the mousse between 4 dessert
Serves 4 Leave to cool for 5 minutes. Add glasses, cover with cling film and
Syns per serving 4 the egg yolks and sweetener to the chill for 1 hour, or until ready to
chocolate, then beat using a balloon serve (up to 3 days).
24/7 on your
computer, tablet
or mobile. It’s
all part of your
othing can rival the special out food when you’re just not sure how
support you’ll find at group. it fits into Food Optimising. Don’t miss out
And there’s a whole extra layer ● ‘How do I know what to choose when It couldn’t be easier to start using
of support between groups, I eat out or order in?’ LifelineOnline and our app to
too – for help during tricky times, for meal Browse our eating out articles online support your weight loss journey –
inspiration, or for a motivational boost – for weight loss boosting advice, tips and visit and
all waiting for you on LifelineOnline! handy Syn values. click on ‘Register your group card’
Log in if you find yourself asking… ● ‘Am I on track for a Body Magic award?’ in the top right-hand corner, or
● ‘What can I eat today?’ Add your activity to the online planner ask your Consultant for details.
You’ll find 1,400+ recipes online and on the and we’ll let you know how many minutes
app. Sort them by cuisine, prep time, even you’ve done towards your next award.
veggie/vegan options, then add your dish to ● ‘How do I get my slimming mojo back?’
the online planner. See your weight loss soar In addition to all the help you’ll find in
by getting into the meal-planning groove! group, there are hundreds of insightful and
● ‘What if I spot something new to try enlightening articles on the LifelineOnline
in the supermarket?’ site (and coming soon to the app!), to help
Our barcode scanner (on the Slimming you overcome stoppers, create brand-new
World app) is perfect for quickly checking lifelong habits, and boost your motivation!
Slimming World, Food Optimising, Body Magic and Syn are registered trademarks of Miles-Bramwell
Executive Services Ltd trading as Slimming World.
You never
stop learning
about yourself
as a slimmer,
and every
setback makes
you stronger!
weight learnt how
gradually to make
crept up changes to
in my 30s stay slim
It was all about keeping meals easy a full-time job as an IT project manager, though, and
often ended up working long hours. Could I really fit
in running my own business around the demanding
and tasty, cooking around work career I loved? I went to a Consultant opportunity
event, then spoke to my company to see if there was
and the kids, and enjoying my food enough flexibility to make it happen. We arranged
a timetable that would allow me to run a group on
a Thursday evening, if I started my work early in
the morning. Although it would be hard balancing
a bowl of chips or loaded sandwich for lunch. Dinner two jobs, I was determined to try, and Afshan was
was usually a chicken curry cooked in lots of oil, with supportive, too, knowing how much it meant to me.
a naan and full-fat Greek yogurt, while my favourite
dessert was gulab jamun – fried dough balls dipped Getting the word out
in a sugary syrup. Now I had a Healthy Extra portion In early 2019 I travelled to Slimming World’s head
of blueberry wheats with skimmed milk, topped with office in Alfreton, Derbyshire, to start my training.
sliced banana and berries for breakfast, and a jacket I discovered that, as a Consultant, I’d develop a deep
potato with baked beans and salad for lunch. In the understanding of the company’s methods to help
evening, I’d make a curry from Slimming World’s members reach their dreams. As I was introduced
Curry Club cookbook, or have roast chicken, with to techniques to help people make lasting changes,
the skin removed, with home-made Slimming World they just blew my mind! I also loved all the training
chips and veg. We soon discovered a new favourite on how to run my group and promote it in the
family dessert, too – fat-free natural Greek yogurt community. It struck me how important it would
topped with lots of fresh berries and a crumbled be to reach out to people and spread the word. I felt
plain meringue nest (2½ Syns). For me it was all there were so many whose lives could be changed
about keeping it easy and tasty, cooking around as mine had been.
work and the kids, and enjoying my food. I was going to be launching a group in the
Hall Green area of Birmingham and, as well as
Resetting my target promoting it by delivering leaflets and on social
I’d set myself a target of losing 2st and when I got media, I threw myself into getting to know the local
there 10 weeks later, the old me would have been community. In my free time I contacted community
satisfied with that. But I’d seen the other members hubs, businesses and supermarkets. The more I got
lowering their targets, and being a bit competitive to know about the diverse communities in the area,
myself, I wanted to see what I could do. I loved being the more I wanted to get the word out to all cultures
applauded for a successful weight loss week, but and religions. I knew that lots of Muslim men in
the best feeling was when someone said, ‘Thanks, particular would assume that Slimming World
I tried your idea and it really helped.’ Over the next wasn’t for them – and I was proof that it could be!
two months, I lost another stone, and I was feeling I also realised that many people in the Asian
amazing. Not long afterwards I was nominated for community might be put off by the idea they couldn’t
the Mr Sleek competition in group, which meant carry on eating their traditional meals and lose
telling the other members about my journey. weight, whereas in reality Food Optimising adapts
Afterwards, Jeni said: ‘You spoke really well and so well to all cuisines and tastes. Afshan is a much
seemed comfortable. Have you ever thought of better cook than I am, so together we sat down
becoming a Consultant yourself?’ and thought about how to use Food Optimising
It stopped me in my tracks. I thought about principles to adapt the traditional Pakistani recipes
IMAGE Therapy, and how much I’d enjoyed helping our family loves. The first thing was the oil, which
others by sharing my own ideas and experiences. I had I realised was really only there to brown the >
p85: Shirt and
trainers, both
ASOS. T-shirt,
Celio at ASOS.
Chinos, River Island.
Watch, Swatch
recipes are
Meals were
cooked in
lots of oil
onions in the first stages of cooking. ‘So we can cook a big smile. When my group went virtual during
them with low-calorie cooking spray*,’ I said. We the lockdowns, my members said how much they’d
came up with delicious meals, such as keema matar, missed seeing my little helper. So now she always
loading up Speed Food vegetables on the side. And makes an appearance on my Zoom session, and
by serving dishes with plain boiled rice instead of it’s lovely to see everyone wave and smile at her.
naan, we could save the Syns for something else. I’ve always been proud to tell members that I’ve
It was rewarding when my recipe suggestions started been in their shoes and, of course, I do have my own
to go down well with the members in my new group. ups and downs. I’m out of my 12st 4lb target at the
After doing some local media interviews, which moment and, while I’m confident I know what to do
I learnt all about in training, I was thrilled to find some to get back there, I’m not leaving anything to chance.
Asian men among my brand-new members. The first I still attend Jeni’s group, because that’s my time
thing they nearly always said when they rang me was: to focus on me, and I continue to pick up great ideas
‘Isn’t this just for women?’ I’d share my own worries and lots of motivation from the other members. You
when I’d first joined Jeni’s group. ‘And look how that never stop learning about yourself as a slimmer, PHOTOGRAPHS: PAUL BULLER. STYLING: SHARNA VALENTINE. SEE P105 FOR STOCKISTS
turned out for me,’ I’d say. ‘If I can do it, so can you!’ and every setback just makes you stronger!
My family are everything to me, and I’m so
Loving the support pleased that Afshan and the kids have played a part
My group and the people in it became more and in my group’s success. I started my Slimming World
more important to me as I got into my stride, and journey in order to be a healthy, positive role model
it gave me a sense of pride that was very different for my children, and now it feels even bigger than
to anything I’d experienced before. While I loved that – what I’ve ended up creating with their support
the freedom of building my own business, I certainly is something we can all be proud of! ●
wasn’t going it alone. As well as head office support,
I had a local team and a Team Developer to support
and inspire me – always just a phone call away. I was ● If you’re inspired by Zaheer’s journey, are well on your way to your
still loving my career in IT, but when you succeed final target weight and would like to know more about becoming
at something you’ve created, it’s a different type of a Slimming World Consultant, call Maggie on 0344 892 0434 (01 656
job satisfaction. Now I had the best of both worlds! 9600 from Republic of Ireland) or email [email protected].
Anaaya – my inspiration to slim – has been with Visit for more information about the exciting
me since the night I launched my group, helping me opportunities available with Slimming World.
to set up the room and greeting everyone with
Available at Tesco
-14G Protein
- Fat Free
- Müllerlicious
the knowledge
through the day, even if
you don’t feel thirsty, will
keep you nicely hydrated.
Does it HAVE
to be water? 6-8 glasses a day
Nope! It’s a complete myth That’s how much fluid we’re advised to
that only pure water will
FAST drink for health and general wellbeing*.
all kinds of
active... my muscle-strengthening activity. In June, I was
full of pride as I got my Gold Body Magic award, and
I immediately set my sights on Platinum! By now,
I’d realised there’s nothing special about people who
exercise – whether you walk, run, or do whatever
takes your fancy, it’s all about finding out what you’re
capable of, and I’d definitely surprised myself!
New challenges
Later that month, on my 49th birthday, the family
bought me a weighted hula hoop. At first I kept
dropping it on the floor. After a while, though, I could
keep it going for 30 minutes non-stop. I’d take it into
the kitchen, stick my favourite playlist on and go
for it. I was still building up my running, too, and
nine weeks after starting the Couch to 5K
programme I did it – I ran 5K!
In July last summer, when lockdown
restrictions were eased for a while, the whole
family managed to get away on holiday to
North Wales. We discovered a beautiful place
called Yr Eifl Nature Reserve, and walked to
the top of its three breathtaking mountains
together. Standing at the third summit,
gazing out to sea, I reflected on how far I’d
come – from believing that regular activity
was out of my league forever, to having the
energy to climb not one mountain but three!
I still love to walk with Lee, Kayleigh
and Marc, and as being active has become
second nature, I’m now the proud owner of
a Platinum Body Magic award! It really is an
integral part of my life. Whenever I’m feeling
stressed, the minute I’m out there walking
or running, hula hooping in the kitchen or
holding a yoga pose, I can feel the tension melt away.
I’ve lost 4st 7lbs, my back pain is manageable, and
I’m turning 50 this summer feeling younger and
fitter than when I was 40. The most amazing thing
is that each of the steps I took to get here were so
small, but somehow they all added up to something
much bigger – a love of activity that has given me
a quality of life I thought I’d never have again! ●
IS IT REALLY ‘With any sort of medical Even with limited mobility, ‘While the Bronze Body Magic
FOR ME? condition or injury, the most it’s still possible to become more award is great to aim for, as soon
Activity can feel important thing is to make sure active. ‘Chair-based exercises as you set foot on the activity
particularly out of reach that, before you start increasing can be a good starting point,’ pathway, where you’re just
if you have pain or your activity, you speak to your says Jacquie Lavin. ‘You could moving more, more often, you’re
mobility issues – the doctor or specialist about what hold a water bottle in each hand making beneficial changes,’ says
Body Magic programme is right and safe for you,’ says and use them as weights. Or, if Jacquie. ‘It’s about finding the
is based on small steps to Dr Jacquie Lavin, Slimming you’re OK standing, you could type and level of activity that
help everyone enjoy the World’s head of research and use a chair to help you balance suits you, and that you enjoy, and
benefits of moving more. scientific affairs. while doing gentle exercises.’ seeing every step as a success.’
and after the menopause. And there may be a number
ou might have been told that the menopause means your of reasons for this. Hormonal shifts during the
weight is inevitably going to go up whatever you do. In perimenopause and menopause might affect your mood,
and if you’re someone who tends to seek comfort in
fact, the truth isn’t quite that cut and dried. While the
food, that could affect your weight. Or, if you feel
menopause can be a challenging time if you’re slimming, exhausted after a disturbed night, you might start to
that doesn’t mean giving up on your weight loss dreams – or even automatically reach for sugary snacks in the daytime in
accepting that the scales will only go in one direction from now on. the hopes of an energy boost. Then there’s the lifestyle
factor. Many of us gradually become less active as we
‘Whatever your experience of the menopause, you absolutely can grow older, and start to burn fewer calories. Perhaps your
manage your weight with Food Optimising,’ says Carolyn Pallister, kids are getting more independent, or heading off to
Slimming World’s nutrition and health policy manager. Here’s how university, so now you’re rushing around after them less.
Maybe you have more time to have a coffee with friends,
you can put strategies in place to keep on losing, and move through
or open a bottle of wine in the evening more regularly.
this key life stage feeling empowered and healthier than ever. There’s also a physiological change that means
even if your weight remains stable, you may find it gets
What’s going on? trickier to fasten your jeans. Oestrogen levels –
The menopause is when a woman stops the hormone which drops during the
having periods due to a decline in levels menopause – play a vital role in fat
of the hormone oestrogen. ‘It starts storage and distribution. During
exactly a year after a woman’s last women’s reproductive years, body
period; the average age for this fat is more likely to gather on the
in the UK is 51,’ explains GP and hips, legs and bottom. But around
menopause specialist Dr Louise the menopause, it’s more likely to
Newson ( shift to the tummy. So you might
Though the age at which we notice you’re getting bigger around
reach the menopause will vary, the middle, even if the scales aren’t
most women will experience going up. However, as you start to
symptoms for several years lose weight it’ll go from all over your
beforehand. ‘The perimenopause is when body. And there are things you can do to
menopause symptoms start to occur and help with cravings, exhaustion and low mood
a woman’s periods are changing, either in nature that can help you keep slimming successfully, too.
or frequency, due to the drop in hormone levels,’ says
Dr Newson. ‘Symptoms are the same, and may include Coping with cravings
hot flushes, brain fog and extreme mood swings. These Low mood and disturbed sleep are two of the most
might change over time and every woman’s experience common menopause symptoms. And, as many of us
the menopause
know only too well, both can make it harder to ignore (3 Syns each) or fresh fruit, which is Free, can help. Or,
the siren call of the snack drawer. ‘When you’ve had if you really fancy your favourite chocolate bar, plan
a bad night’s sleep, everything can feel like an extra it in using your Syns and take time to enjoy it.’
struggle, including making healthier choices,’ says Slimming World Consultant Sharon Robinson, who
Carolyn Pallister. ‘And if this, or any other symptom, is runs groups in Greater London, can reassure members
affecting your daily life, it can be helpful to talk to your who are concerned about cravings sending them off
GP. It’s also useful to have some strategies up your sleeve track – her weight loss journey included losing 5st 7lbs
to help you stay on track. If you have a sweet tooth, during the menopause. ‘At one point, I started craving
choosing options that are lower in Syns, such as Hi-fi bars chocolate and biscuits, and gained half a stone in a few
weeks,’ she says. ‘It was demoralising at first. But when
I realised I could switch to sweet foods that fitted more >
health update
your bones and ensure you can sardines in brine or tomato sauce, Activity is the gift that keeps on giving – as well as
stay as physically active as plain tofu and green, leafy veg.’ easing symptoms, it supports weight loss, helps you to
possible in years to come. Vitamin D is also key for tone up, boosts body confidence, and could even help
‘The main sources are dairy bones. It’s not as easy to get via you feel stronger and more resilient. So, by gradually
foods, such as milk, cheese and your diet, so you could consider increasing your activity through the menopause, you
yogurt – things lots of members a supplement, especially in could come out of it feeling fitter and more energetic! ●
enjoy while Food Optimising,’ says autumn and winter, when the sun
Carolyn. ‘Non-dairy alternatives isn’t strong enough for the body
with added calcium are great to make all the vitamin D it needs. ● The health information in this feature is intended to provide
choices, too. We’d recommend To find out more, visit general knowledge and should not be used to replace the advice
given by your healthcare team.
Join a group of amazing women cycling coast to coast across the serene
island of Sri Lanka for Breast Cancer Now, Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust and
Ovarian Cancer Action. Riding through rainforests and tea fields, we'll climb
the Sigiriya Rock and end at the Trincomalee paradise beach.
For more information and to register online:
T: 01590 646410 E: [email protected]
01590 646410
[email protected]
To take part you need to pay a registration fee of £349 and fundraise £3,000 for the Women V Cancer charities.
Registered Charity Nos. Breast Cancer Now: 1160558/SC045584, Ovarian Cancer Action: 1109743/SC043478, Jo’s Cervical
Cancer Trust: 1133542/SC041236. Women V Cancer is established under Giving Works. Registered Charity No. 1078770.
@WomenVCancerUK womenvcancer
Are you a rebel
without a cause?
Being told what to do can set off the rebel in any of us – so we empower you to lose
weight your way, says Slimming World’s founder and chair Margaret Miles-Bramwell
World’s founder
weight loss. It’s all there for your consumption – with
and chair the complex psychology of weight loss simply woven
into the science behind our Free Foods, to make it
Information is
what we deliver,
not rules –
information based
on Slimming World’s
52 years of
research and
science, with a deep
behind it
‘The moments
that helped me
lose 12½st’
Jason Dury shares the milestones that saw him shed
half of his body weight and start truly living – and now
he’s Slimming World’s Man of the Year
The moment…that still makes me cringe. I gestured at the idea of gastric bypass surgery.
up to the trailer of my lorry and asked: ‘Could you Then I came across a healthy way to lose
give me a hand here, mate?’ The forklift driver called weight and keep it off without feeling
back: ‘Sure, what needs lifting?’ I felt my face redden hungry. And the more I read, the more
as I said: ‘It’s me, I can’t get up there by myself.’ As I felt Slimming World was the right fit.
he cranked me up to the back of my lorry’s trailer,
I wished the ground would open up and swallow The moment…I plucked up the courage.
me whole. At almost 25st, all I wanted was to hide Driving to group, I was so nervous
myself away from the world. At work, I avoided I stopped in a lay-by a mile away. Was
lengthy chats so I wasn’t looked at for too long. Slimming World even suitable for
Even at family weddings, I’d go to the service then men? What if I was the biggest
slip away. I didn’t let anybody take my photo, and person there? What if people judged
completely stopped getting on the scales or looking me? But somehow, I managed to tell
in the mirror. My circle of friends got myself: Come on,
smaller and smaller, with me telling Jason, you’ve got to
them I already had plans or wasn’t
feeling well, when really I was home
Meet Jason do this. Eventually
I walked through
alone, with only a microwave dinner Jason Dury, 48, is the door, and my
or takeaway to keep me company. a class 1 lorry driver and Consultant Clare immediately put I was nervous
Slimming World’s Man my mind at ease. As I braved a look about going
The moment…I was ready to lose of the Year 2020. He lives around the room I noticed a few to group, but I
weight. I’d been feeling breathless, other men, and lots of smiling, kind received a really
in Risca, Caerphilly
and had pain in my knees and lower faces. Back at home, I was ready to warm welcome,
back, but it was a three-day-long give Food Optimising my best shot. and after
Height: 6ft three months
migraine that finally took me to my Though I’d survived on ready meals
Starting weight: 24st 11½lbs I’d lost 2st
GP. She took my blood pressure for years, I was actually quite handy
and found it was very high, and told Weight now: 12st 4lbs around the kitchen and it felt great
me if I didn’t lose weight I might be to rustle up slimming-friendly
heading for a heart attack, stroke, or WEIGHT LOST: chicken curries. A week later, seeing
both. My mum had worried about me 12st 7½lbs an 8½lb loss on the scales, I thought:
for years, but I hadn’t felt motivated Wow, this really works!
to change. Now, with the doctor’s Jason is a member of
stark warning, I went home and Clare Lewis’s Slimming World The moment…it all came together.
researched my options online. group in Cwmbran, Torfaen In my job as a lorry driver, I was
I ruled out diet pills and felt queasy away Sunday night to Friday, but
there? All I had to do was think of that forklift, and
w inner it was enough to spur me on.
I’d increased my distance and pace so much I could
walk seven or eight hours in the nearby Brecon
Beacons with no trouble. Mum was so pleased. She’d
My weight been sworn to secrecy when I’d started slimming –
loss has the only person I’d told for fear of failing or looking
foolish. By the time I’d lost 5½st, though, I couldn’t
transformed disguise it! People I worked with noticed and to my
amazement wished me nothing but success, asking
my body, my me every Monday how I’d got on at my weigh-in.
I had a good set-up in my cab: a small fridge, through group. By Christmas 2019, I felt ready to
microwave, camping cooker and some saucepans. meet up with six old friends, and when one asked,
I planned all of my meals in advance and did ‘Where have you been this last decade?’ I told them
a food shop every Saturday, ready for a week of everything. I was met with hugs and kind words: ‘If
chicken tikka masala with rice and green beans, only you’d told us. We’d have supported you.’ I realised
spaghetti bolognese, chilli con carne, and salmon all my fears about seeing them had been in my mind.
pasta salad. The only snag was getting enough They would have been there for me all along. When
fresh fruit and vegetables into my tiny fridge. Then, I entered Slimming World’s Man of the Year 2020,
in group one week, another member said: ‘What I didn’t think I stood a chance. So, when Clare called
about having it delivered to your truck?’ That idea me to say, ‘You did it Jason, you won!’ it was an
turned out to be a lifesaver! Sometimes I’d gain unbelievable feeling. There was a time I couldn’t see
a little, and with Clare’s help I’d usually spot where any future for myself. Now, pandemic allowing, I’m
I’d veered off track – as soon as I went back to going on a 12-day trek through the Himalayas, with
counting my daily Syns, I’d lose again. And if ever two nights at Everest Base Camp. I feel such hope
I was having a bad day, I’d remember where I’d and I’m making exciting plans – and it’s all because
started and ask myself: Do you want to go back I found the courage to walk through that door. ●
a world of slimming support at your fingertips
(*per wafer)
time to shine Star in
in the picture
With his 40th appro
Adrian Pitham-Cole
decided it was time
tackle his weight.
As well
as helping his health
he got 6s t
Since reaching your target weight,
losing 6st meant
to look and feel his
on his wedding day
have you transformed your health,
his own delicates ,
I looked up my favouriteSlimming
THEN: Whether
I was buying
clothes for a
special occasion
thrilled to be
able to wear that
slimline, velvet taken up a new sport? We’d love
F doctor had
or weeks I’d been
in agony
with painful, swollen at
struggling to walk. what the
gasped. I nodded.
last I told my partner, ‘Gout?’ Richard
‘Crazy, eh?’ I said.
Bolognese sauce
World members’
a jar had 16½ Syns.
action – batch cooking
sauces, and
on the
website to discover
That spurred me
my own pasta
new recipes made
loads of Speed Food
with lean meat and in my first week.
or for everyday,
always meant just
making do with
whatever fitted
it jacket when
Richard and I got
married – I felt
smart and stylish
, I spotted
were shopping together be ideal for
to hear about it! Email good-
a velvet jacket that
birthday approac
hed, my ankles were
g World gout was probably I wouldn’
me they’d been going
to Slimmin explained that the And though losing
were losing weight,
for a few weeks and and I’d enjoy it. linked to my weight,
something I’d never
I could stop taking
the to tie the knot at
over 18st, I know
d my chances of
weight has improve life together – less for the chance
target? Email it
moment since hitting
photo of a special
Have you got a
.pgs 26.04.20
18 10:33
issue of Slimming World Magazine.
Cynthia Morris
from south
London lost
4st 8½lbs… and
not only dropped
four dress sizes,
but also reversed
her type 2 diabetes
in the process
Paul Holmes
from the West
Midlands lost
Maria Roberts 12st 2lbs… now
from Gwent lost he has the energy
8st 1lb… and is
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● Bonus gift: Slimming
World’s Free Food
A to Z cookbook†
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(First 50 print subscribers, UK
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World’s Free
Food A to Z
60+ recipes
About your bonus gift
The first 50 readers to subscribe
to the print edition will receive
a copy of Slimming World’s Free
Food A to Z cookbook, RRP
£4.95/€7.95. When you’re Food
Optimising there are so many
fantastic Free Foods to choose
from – and so many ways to
turn them into filling meals.
In this book, you’ll find new
ways with familiar ingredients,
and discover delicious Free
Foods you may not have used
before. From fresh asparagus ● Subscribe for just £17.99
frittata through to mushroom
rigatoni pasta, and all the way ● Single and back issues cost £2.99 each
to zesty gremolata pork chops,
eating well and losing weight ● May/June 2021 issue goes live 1 April
will be as easy as ABC!
Slimming World members can
also buy the cookbook via our online
shop or from their Consultant.
Chilli-topped chips
In our new series of easy-prep meals, here’s a shortcut supper the whole family will love
SUPER SIMPLE 1 Preheat your oven to 200°C/ 3 Preheat your grill to high. Transfer
Serves 4 fan 180°C/gas 6. Spread the chips the chips to a shallow baking tin
Syns per serving 1 on 1 or 2 large, non-stick baking or dish. Top the chips with the chilli
f (chilli only)
trays in a single layer and spray with mixture, evenly scatter the cheese
Ready in 50 minutes
low-calorie cooking spray. Season over the top and grill until melted.
1kg floury potatoes, such as Maris Piper and cook for 40 minutes, or until Scatter over the coriander leaves,
or King Edward, cut into chips golden, turning halfway. then divide between 4 plates. Serve
Low-calorie cooking spray
2 When the chips have 10 minutes with the lime wedges for squeezing
400g can M&S Chunky Steak, or left to cook, mix the steak, kidney over and the salad.
392g can Asda Stewed Steak
(see Cook’s note) beans and cumin in a saucepan and
place over a medium heat. Cook for COOK’S NOTE
400g can red kidney beans in chilli sauce The canned steak
2 tsp ground cumin 5-6 minutes, stirring frequently, until
in gravy we’ve used
25g reduced-fat Cheddar, grated the steak has broken down slightly
is Free, but other
Fresh coriander leaves and lime and the mixture is piping hot. brands can be high
wedges, to serve in Syns. Check on
Large green salad, to serve the Slimming World
members’ website,
or the app