The Black Templars Crusade List

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The Black Templars Crusade List

Version 3
By Stuart Teasdale, based on the work of the previous Army Champion.


Black Templar Units

The Black Templars are allowed to use the following new units. All other units that may be used in a
Black Templar army are covered in section 5.3.1 of the Epic: Armageddon rulebook and on the Black
Templar Army Reference Sheet.

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Character Na Na Na Na
Weapon Range Firepower
Black Sword (base contact) Assault weapon, macro-weapon, extra attack (+1), first strike
Notes: Character, Invulnerable Save, Inspiring

Design Note: The first strike ability represents the Champion challenging enemies to a duel.


Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Infantry 15cm 5+ 4+ 5+
Weapon Range Firepower
Shotguns & Bolt Pistols (15cm) Small Arms
Notes: None


Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 25cm 5+ 5+ 5+
Weapon Range Firepower
Frag Launchers (Base contact) Assault weapon
Hurricane Bolters (15cm) Small Arms, Extra Attack (+1)
Twin Assault 30cm AP4+/AT4+
Multi-Melta 15cm MW5+ and/or Small Arms, macro-weapon, extra attack (+1)
Notes: Reinforced Armour. Thick Rear Armour, Transport (May carry two Terminator units OR
three of the following units: Black Templar Tactical, Scout or Neophyte units)

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
War Engine, Fighter-bomber 4+ Na Na
Weapon Range Firepower
Annihilator Cannon 45cm MW2+, Titan Killer (D3), Fixed Forward
2x Twin Lascannon 45cm AT4+/AA4+, Fixed Forward
Twin Heavy Bolter 15cm AP4+/AA5+, Right Arc
Twin Heavy Bolter 15cm AP4+/AA5+, Left Arc

Notes: Reinforces Armour, Thick Rear Armour

Black Templar Army List
Black Templar Space Marine armies have a strategy rating of 5. All Black Templar formations have an
initiative rating of 1+

Special Rules
The Space Marines are a highly mobile army. Because of this the points cost of a detachment usually
includes enough Rhino transport vehicles to transport it and any upgrades that have been taken. The
number of Rhinos will always be the minimum needed to carry the formation, you can’t take extras
along to cover any loses! The Rhinos are added after any other transport unit upgrades are taken for the
formation, and only sufficient will be supplied to carry the units that can’t fit into the other transport

Note that many formations don’t receive Rhinos, usually because they can’t fit into them. Detachments
that come with Rhinos will be noted as have ‘plus transport’ in the units section of the detachment list

Also note that you don’t have to take the Rhinos if you don’t want too. If you’d rather field the
formation on foot instead, so it can act as a garrison for example, or be transported in a Thunderhawk
Gunship, then you may do so.

In addition you may choose to replace a detachment’s Rhinos with Drop Pods. If you do this then the
detachment will enter play in a Drop Pod using the rules for Planetfall (see section x.x). Note that you
will require at least one Space Marine Strike Cruiser or Battle Barge to deploy the drop pods from.

Using The Army List

The following army list allows you to field an army based on a Black Templar’s crusading army. It can
also be used as a ‘stand in’ army list for any of the Black Templar’s successor chapters.

The Black Templars are organised into small formations called detachments. Important Note: At least a
third of the detachments taken for the army must be Black Templars detachments.

Each detachment is made up of several units, and may also include a number of extra units called
upgrades. The detachments that may be taken are shown on the chart below. The chart also shows what
units comprise the detachment, what upgrades are allowed, and its points cost. For example, an Assault
detachment consists of four Space Marine Assault units for 200 points, and may include the
Commander and Vindicator upgrades at an additional cost in points.

Each upgrade that is taken adds to the cost of the detachment, as shown on the upgrade chart. The
upgrade chart also lists the units that make up the upgrade. Note that these will sometimes replace units
in the detachment they are taking for, and sometimes take the form of additional units for the
detachment. Each upgrade may be taken once per formation.

Designers Notes: At least a third of the detachments in a Black Templar army must be ‘Black Templar’
detachments (i.e. the one with 6 Tactical units). In addition the army may not take Imperial Navy or
Titan Legion units. These two things represent the fact that the chapter usually operates on its own as a
crusading force reclaiming planets for the Emperor. The bulk of Black Templar crusade is made up of
Black Templar Space Marines, that operates as an autonomous force without the aid of the Navy, Titan
Legions or Imperial Guard.
Detachment Units Upgrades Allowed Cost
Assault Four Assault Units Commander, Vindicator, Land Speeder 175 points
Bike Five Bike Units Commander, Attack Bike 200 points
Black Six Black Templar Initiate Commander, Emperor’s Champion, 300 points
Templar units plus transport Dreadnought, Razerbacks, Huntert,
Vindicator, Neophytes, Crusader
Landing Craft One Landing Craft None 350 points
Land Raider Four Land Raiders Commander, Hunte,r Vindicator 400 points
Land Speeder Five Land Speeders Commander, Typhoon/Tornado 200 points
Predators Four Predators (may Commander, Hunter, Vindicator 300 points
choose any combination of
Annihilators or
Strike Cruiser One Strike Cruiser Battlle Barge 200 points
Sword Four Terminator units Commander, Crusader, Dreadnought, 325 points
Brethren Vindicator
Thunderhawk One Thunderhawk Annihilator 200 points
Vindicator Four Vindicators Commander, Hunter 300 points

Upgrade Units Cost
1 Emperor’s Add one Emperor’s Champion 50 points
Annihilator Replace Thunderhawk Gunship with Thunderhawk 50 points
Attack Bike Replace any number of Bike units with 1 Attack bike each Free
Battle Barge Replace Strike Cruiser with Battle Barge 150 points
Commander Add oneSpace Marine Commander character to a unit in the 50 points
formation. The Commander may be a Captian (known as a (+50 points if
Castellan in the Black Templar crusade) or a Chaplain. Supreme
One Space Marine Commander in the army may be a
Supreme Commander (Called a Marshal in a Black Templar
Crusader Add up to three Land Raider Crusaders 100 points
Dreadnought Add up to four Dreadnoughts 50 points
Hunter Add one Hunter 75 points
Land Speeders Add two Land Speeders 75 points
Neophyte Add one to six Neophyte units plus transport 25 points
Razorbacks Add up to six Razorbacks +25 points
Typhoon//Tornado Replace any number of Land Speers with 1 Land Speeder +10 points
Tornato or Typhoon each per Tornado,
+25 points
per Typhoon
Vindicator Add one Vindicator 75 points

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