Transition Metals: Electronic Configuration
Transition Metals: Electronic Configuration
Transition Metals: Electronic Configuration
An element that has its 'd' orbitals partly 1. Much denser than 's' block
filled, in some of its compounds. 1. All transition metals have elements.
Strictly speaking this means for example melting points above 2. Sc - Cu gradual increase in
in the first row of transition elements we 1000oC. This suggests density, this is due to an
include titanium to copper. 'd' block metallic bonding. increase in nuclear charge.
elements in say the first row (period 4) 2. 3d as well as 4s electrons 3. Metallic radius generally
include scandium to zinc. In some books available for delocalisation is decreases across a period
the phrases 'transition metal' and 'd' the best explanation for this, due to the increasing
block are synonymous. nuclear charge. At the same
since the more electrons
The transition metals resemble each time the Relative Atomic
other closely in their physical properties. within the 'sea' of electrons Mass (RAM) is increasing.
They are all hard, lustrous, weakly the greater the electrostatic
electropositive metals with high melting attraction, this, of course,
and boiling points. determines the melting
point of the metal. (see
Electronic configuration
Electronic Configuration
Most substances are weakly repelled by a Tendency to form complex ions These reactions typically involve
strong magnetic field while others are weakly the replacement of a ligand by
attracted to it. When they are repelled, it is Complexes are atoms or more ions another ligand.
known as diamagnetism and when attracted or compounds in which an ion is
it is known as paramagnetism. surrounded by a number of Ligand replacement reactions.
molecules or oppositely charged
Paramagnetism arises because electrons can ions called ligands. A solution of copper (II) sulphate
be regarded as spinning on their axes and, is blue. This solution contains
just as an electric current flowing through a The ligands are joined to the central hydrated Cu2+ ions. The addition
wire generates a magnetic moment, so does atom or ion by co-ordinate bonds. of ammonia changes the solution
the spinning electron. The pair of electrons been donated to a dark blue containing the ion
by the ligand. The donor atoms are tetraammine copper (II).
Electrons that occupy the same orbital (i.e. usually oxygen, nitrogen and
have opposite spins), have, of course, zero halogens. The reaction can be summarised
magnetic moment since the two as shown below:
contributions cancel each other. The transition elements with vacant
'd' orbitals readily form complexes [Cu(H20)6]2+(aq) + 4NH3(aq) →
Heterogenous catalysis but, is not limited to these elements. [Cu(NH3)4(H20)2]2+(aq) + 4H20(l)
Half-equations allow us to predict whether a redox reaction will occur spontaneously or not. All half-
equations are measured against the standard electrode potential of Hydrogen.
The best way to understand half-equations is to practice writing them out and balancing them. A half
equation shows how an ion is neutralised to an atom by the addition of electrons, water or hydrogen ions
only. Make sure that the molecules are all balanced; you need to check that your charges on either side
balance as well.
((Includes images and go over this bit again for me? For some dodgy reason, I couldn’t see the images you
sent in your word file. ))
AQA defines a transition metal as a d-block element which has at least one s-electron and at least one d-
electron but no p-electrons in its outer shell. As such, it includes Sc and Zn as transition metals.
For AQA, students also need to be able to rattle off the shapes of the transition metal ions (6, 4, and 2
AQA also look at specific examples of transition metals, such as haemoglobin, cisplatin and testing for
aldehydes and halide ions with Tollen’s reagent (Diammine silver (I) has the formula [Ag(NH 3)2]+ and is the
active ion in Tollen’s reagent.). Photography and electroplating are also looked at.