National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research, Ottawa, Ont. (Canada)
National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research, Ottawa, Ont. (Canada)
National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research, Ottawa, Ont. (Canada)
National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research, Ottawa, Ont. (Canada)
This paper describes the results of research carried out during the past
fifteen years on the quick clays of eastern Canada. The mineral composition
and structure of these clays is similar to that of other glacial marine clays but they
often exist with an unusually low salt content in the pore water. There is evidence
of strong rigid bonds between particles of those deposits that are overconsolidated.
The bonds are broken when the soil is loaded and this may lead to large volume
changes or to exceptional loss of strength if drainage is not permitted. Some studies
have been made on the physico-chemical characteristics of the soil and on its
fabric but most of the research to date has involved laboratory and field obser-
vations of the response of the soil structure to stress changes. The important
influence of rate of loading has revealed the need of careful interpretation of
laboratory tests for field application.
Toward the close of the last glacial period, the northern part of North
America was depressed several hundred feet. When the ice finally retreated, the
present St. Lawrence River valley was invaded by marine waters. The extent of
this arm of the ocean called the Champlain Sea is outlined on Fig. 1.
80 ° 7~ ° 77 ° 68 ° 64.°°__.-..
,/ I
The Champlain Sea existed for about 4,000 years, from 12,000 years B.P.
to 8,000 years B.P. (KARROW, 1961). During that period the land rose by more
than 700 ft. (230 m) by isostatic adjustment and the eustatic rise in sea level was
more than 100 ft. (33 m) (KENNEY, 1964). The highest recorded marine level is
690 ft. (226 m) above the present mean sea level. This is near Ottawa, where the
maximum sea depth has been estimated at several hundred feet (JOHNSTON, 1917).
In a geological review of the Champlain Sea, KARROW (1961) described
the origin of the sediments that accumulated in it. In the early stages these were
derived primarily from stream erosion of land underlying or adjacent to the re-
treating ice. Deltas were built where the streams entered the sea leaving typical
deposits of variable material, the finer sediments being carried farthest from shore.
Underwater slumping created further variations in the final sedimentary deposits.
During later stages, as the land level rose isostatically, some of the original marine
deposits were eroded from the shorelines and redeposited in the sea.
Recent geological work in the Ottawa area suggests possible major re-
deposition of marine clays into fresh water (GADD, 1962). It is reasoned that the
salinity of the water changed rapidly due to a sudden influx of fresh water (prob-
ably from the Great Lakes region) accompanied by major erosion. This opinion
is based on the occurrence of large volumes of oxidized non-calcareous and non-
fossiliferous clays lying unconformably on unoxidized, calcareous, and fossiliferous
clays. This would explain the low salt content in the Ottawa clays (CRAWFORD
and EDEN, 1965); however, if these upper clays were actually deposited in fresh
water, some explanation must be found for their open structure and sensitivity.
Few samples of Leda clay have been subjected to mineral analysis. X-ray
diffraction studies on a dozen samples from the St. Lawrence valley revealed
chlorite, illite, amphibole, quartz, and feldspar in all samples (KARROW, 1961).
BRYDON and PATRY (1961) carried out extensive tests, including mechanical,
chemical, and mineralogical analyses, on 18 samples from four sites in the Ottawa
area, and found no marked differences in mineralogy. Quartz, feldspars, amphi-
boles, micas, and chlorites were found in fractions of all sizes. Most of the samples
were slightly calcareous, the coarser material containing the higher amount of
carbonate. The origin of the clays was attributed to the igneous and metamorphic
rocks of the Canadian Shield. In a study of three samples of marine clay, ALLVN
and JOHNS (1960) reported hydrous micas, chlorite or vermiculite as the abundant
clay minerals.
of 2 tons/sq, ft. (kg/cmZ). Fig.2B shows a clay from the same general area but
with a preconsolidation pressure of 5 tons/sq.ft. (kg/cm~), a natural water content
of 55 %, and a liquid limit of 31%. Both micrographs are of horizontal planes and
similar views on vertical planes suggest a random orientation of particles in
Fig.2A and a more parallel arrangement in Fig.2B. This difference is anticipated
from the differences in overconsolidation.
Efforts have been made to measure the change in fabric of Leda clay during
anisotropic consolidation using an X-ray diffraction technique (QuIGLEY and
THOMPSON, 1966). The technique is based on the principle that if the clay platelets
are oriented along a particular plane, the intensity of basal X-ray reflections
obtained by X-raying this plane will be greater than that on other planes. Undis-
turbed specimens were subjected to various vertical pressures up to 64 tons/sq, ft.
(kg/cm2), removed from the oedometer and impregnated with a polyethylene
glycol. A smooth horizontal surface was ground and each specimen was subjected
to X-ray analysis. The degree of parallelism was inferred from measurements
of the amplitude of the illite peaks obtained on the smooth surfaces.
The results of these tests showed little or no particle reorientation at pres-
sures up to the preconsolidation pressure. Beyond the preconsolidation pressure
the structure begins to break down and there is an abrupt increase in particle
parallelism. Similar tests on remoulded soil showed greater parallelism and lower
void ratios at all pressures. QUIGLEYand THOMPSON (1966) suggest that with
most of the bonds broken the particles are free to rotate and therefore assume
lower void ratios and greater parallel orientation under a given pressure. The
relationship between fabric and void ratio was the same for undisturbed and
remoulded soil. This led to the conclusion that the final void ratio under a given
load is a function of the degree of induced parallelism.
Fabric can also be determined by measuring the thermal conduction of a
clay specimen on various axes because the conductivity of the clay minerals is
highly anisotropic. If the mineral particles are parallel the conductivity in the
direction of parallelism will be greater than it is in a perpendicular direction.
Tests on natural Leda clay gave values of conductivity in the horizontal direction
only about 10 % higher than that in the vertical direction, compared with values
up to 70 % higher for a lacustrine clay, which is known to have a parallel fabric
(PENNER, 1963b). Consolidated remoulded Leda clay showed greater parallelism
than the natural soil. Penner also showed the differences in fabric of Leda clay
and the lacustrine clay by optical viewing of thin sections between crossed po-
Shrinkage characteristics of Leda clay and the same lacustrine clay de-
scribed above have been studied by WARKENTIN and BOZOZUK (1961). The un-
disturbed Leda clay had about equal horizontal and vertical shrinkage, but for
the lacustrine clay the vertical shrinkage was three times the horizontal shrinkage.
This is attributed to the random orientation of Leda clay particles and the tendency
to parallelism in the lacustrine clay.
It is obvious from the open structure of Leda clay and from its stress-
deformation characteristics that there are often substantial intrinsic stresses or
bonds holding the particles together. The exact nature of these bonds is not
known, but they are considered to be of two types--rigid and plastic (CRAWFORD,
1963a). The rigid bonds appear to be especially important in the overconsolidated,
p I I r [ r I I [ I I/'7--q
t~~ 600
-.+--t--r~'l-@~"r i I r I r r , i i I r r i I
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 N 30 31 32 33 34 35
Because of its rigid structure, Leda clay has a low index of recompression,
but when the load-carrying capacity of the structure is exceeded the compression
index is very high. This results in a sharply defined "preconsolidation pressure"
in laboratory tests.
In some areas Leda clay is almost normally consolidated, but there are also
widespread deposits of substantially overconsolidated clays that can support large
loads without detrimental settlements. Reliable determination of the precon-
solidation pressure from laboratory specimens is therefore of great importance
and has prompted much research on the compressibility characteristics of Leda
For ordinary consolidation testing, the total load applied to the specimen
is doubled every day in order to get a reasonable spread of test points on a semi-
logarithmic plot. In a highly sensitive compressible clay, the change in void-
ratio between the last point on the recompression section and the first point
on the virgin compression section of the curve may be quite large. This presents
I Ill n=la I I I I I I II
i vC I - . ~ p c = l . 8 . ,
| ! pc-3.o
,~.~ ~
|~.~. ~-Load increments
% ~ at end of primary
~~ (3 hour test)
Daily load
increments \ ~ \
(5 day test, ~ ~
o20 _ \ \\
Week, y,0a0 A, N \ \N N
increments J
(5 weektest) "N'~"
30 L illl = = I I I Ilil~l~'._
1 lo
Fig.5. Compression-log pressure curves for various rates of incremental loading.
I 1 I I I I I
o~'~"-e.~Coniinuous loadincj
~,,.o__f"-"l ncremental loading
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fig.6. Influence of test duration on estimated preconsolidation pressure.
in Fig.5 and they had equivalent effective stress/void ratio curves. The results
show that the preconsolidation pressures vary from 1.3 to 3.0 tons/sq.ft. (kg/cm 2)
depending on the method of test.
A further series of tests was made on more overconsolidated specimens
of Leda clay and preconsolidation pressures ranged from 4.9 to 7.4 tons/sq.ft.
(kg/cm2) (CRAWFORO,1965).
Research was then extended to much slower rates of loading with tests
lasting from 2 days to 3 months, and the preconsolidation pressures varied from
4.3 in the slow test to 5.3 tons/sq.ft. (kg/cm 2) in the fast test (JARRETT,1967).
These tests covered a wide enough range of rates to isolate a pressure zone in
which the structural effects of the soil were controlling the rate of compression.
In this zone, from approximately4 to 7 tons/sq.ft. (kg/cm2), about 4 times as much
compression occurred under the slow loading as under rapid loading.
From all of these tests it may be concluded that the observed variations in
the pressure/void ratio curves are functions of the test procedure. Specimens have
to be loaded in large increments in order to assess the hydrodynamic effects needed
to compute a coefficient of consolidation, but such loading of a thin specimen may
cause it to compress a million times faster than it would under field loading. The
tests have shown that even where hydrodynamic effects are negligible, the amount
of compression is highly dependent on the rate of loading, and the classical
concepts of consolidation as applied to highly sensitive clays require review.
I I I i I
3O0 ~ KEY __
A ~ A - --- Pc
E ~ ~ ~ ~ l i SU
I OKK - ~
"~ 200
B ~ ~B.~. ~C ~.
I . t I 1 I
!,0 2,0 3.0 4.0 5,0
~ .-
~.~ o
- ~ 0
pressures measured in the laboratory. For this purpose the initial average effective
stress in the layer and the change in effective stress due to the applied loading were
calculated. The average preconsolidation pressure in the layer was estimated from
routine laboratory tests carried out usually in 5-7 days. The ratio of the final
effective stress to the average preconsolidation stress is used to illustrate relative
stress levels. Values up to 1 are in the recompression range and values greater than
1 are in the virgin compression range.
F o r convenience, average values for the three apartment buildings are
quoted because the subsoils were similar and the loading and settlements were
about the same in each case. The settlement measurements on the apartment
buildings were begun only after the slabs and basement columns were in place,
and the initial movements were, therefore, not observed.
The percentage settlement in the compressible layers is plotted with respect
to time after loading in Fig.8. The ratio of the average final effective stress to the
average preconsolidation stress is shown on each curve. It can be seen from these
curves that significant long term settlements occur at stresses well below the
measured preconsolidation pressure. This may be considered to be due to secondary
or delayed consolidation and the reasoning developed by BJERRUM (1967) appears
to be appropriate. The test results appear to be more realistic in practice when the
test is conducted slowly enough to incorporate an appreciable amount of secondary
An interesting record of the settlements measured at a large industrial plant
at Varrennes, Quebec has been published by CASAGm~NDE et al. (1965). The
~Apartments (0.56)
t~ r I
I I I I I I "i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig.8. T i m e - s e t t l e m e n t c u r v e s u n d e r field l o a d i n g .
measured overconsolidation of the subsoil at the site was about 0.75 ton/sq, ft.
(kg/cm2). The applied load was sufficient to stress the subsoil up to the pre-
consolidation pressure. Measured settlements actually ranged from 1 to 6.5 inches
(2.5-16 cm). The authors attributed much of the settlement to virgin compression
caused by increased stresses due to lowering of the ground water table at the site.
In a discussion of the paper LEONARDS(1966) suggested that much of the measured
settlement might have been due to elastic type compression, consolidation in the
recompression range and secondary consolidation. It may be concluded that
computations of settlement for Leda clay are open to a variety of errors when the
maximum stresses are close to the measured preconsolidation pressure of the soil.
summer at Ottawa in 1955 (BozozuK and BURN, 1960). Although the trees had
stood at the site for about 40 years, the combination of weather factors increased
their transpiration and decreased the available soil moisture to such an extent
that the ground surface near the trees settled 3 inches (8 cm) in 4 months. Even
at a depth of 6 ft. the vertical movement was 2 inches (5 cm). The influence of the
trees extended laterally for a distance almost equal to their height of 55 ft. (17 m).
Most of this settlement is not reversible. It was shown by these studies that vertical
ground movements can be related to "soil moisture depletion", a quantity that
can be estimated from weather records.
Shrinkage of the subsoil causes much damage to shallow foundations in
Leda clay. A survey of 574 structures in central Ottawa revealed the nature of
movements in relation to soil and vegetation conditions (BozozuK, 1962). Differ-
ential settlements up to 14 inches (35 cm) were observed in buildings 60-80 years
old. Little variation in soil properties was found but large movements were
always associated with the occurrence of large elms and other broad-leafed
trees. In most cases, the greatest settlement had occurred on the street side where
rows of trees are common and much of the precipitation is collected by the storm
The distortion of a house resting on spread footings 5 ft. deep is shown
in Fig.9. At the left side of the photograph there is a line of mature trees and on the
right side is an open grassed area. Three curves in Fig.10 show the water content
profiles between the trees and the house, under the house, and under the grassed
area. The natural water content in the clay averages about 80 ~ . Within the region
of the trees' root system the water content has been reduced to less than 40
to a depth of 10 ft. (3 m). Under the house a sufficient reduction in water content
has occurred to cause the damage illustrated in the previous figure.
It has been concluded in general that if the upper 10 ft. of Leda clay has
a water content exceeding 40 ~ it is susceptible to shrinkage and special efforts
should be made to prevent differential drying (CRAWFORD, 1961a).
The strength of Leda clay has attracted wide engineering interest because
of the unusual tendency of this material to liquefy and fail dramatically under
certain conditions. In its undisturbed state it varies from a very soft material with
undrained shear strengths as low as 0.15 ton/sq, ft. (kg/cm 2) (BuRkE and DAVIS,
1957) to a very hard material with shear strengths as great as 4 tons/sq, ft. (kg/cm~).
(CONLON, 1966). When disturbed it may have the consistency of a viscous liquid.
The undisturbed, undrained shear strength is, on the average, equal to about
3 0 ~ of the preconsolidation pressure (CRAWrORD and EDEN, 1965). The un-
Depth of house f o u n d a t i o n s
.< 8
o 11
] I r I I I I
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Fig.lO. Variation in the moisture content of the subsoil.
compression tests. Vane test results were found to be more consistent than labo-
ratory results. Some evidence was presented to indicate that stability analyses based
on vane tests were satisfactory.
BAZETT et al. (1961) compared laboratory compression tests with field vane
tests in the study of a full-scale test trench failure. They found that the laboratory
tests agreed with the undrained failure analysis but use of the vane tests resulted
in a serious overestimate of the safety factor. The authors concluded that the vane
tests were accurate and attributed the discrepancy with field behaviour to loss of
strength due to lateral expansion of the material at the trench wall.
From a review of tests at nine sites near Ottawa, EDEN (1966) reaffirmed
that field vane tests are more consistent and yield higher strength values than
laboratory compression tests on soft to medium strength clays. For shear strengths
greater than 1 ton/sq, ft. (kg/cm 2) the field vane test was not considered to be
reliable. This conclusion was based on a comparison with compression tests on
specimens trimmed from block samples of strong, brittle clay. In this case it was
thought that the structure was partly destroyed by the insertion of the vane.
A series of experiments has been carried out in order to investigate the
influence of strain rate and stress path on the effective stresses and ultimate
shearing resistance of specimens of Leda clay (CRAWFORIg, 1959, 1961b, 1963a).
It has been shown that for overconsolidated specimens the maximum undrained
observed shearing resistance of clay from the lower St. Lawrence valley into two
components--cementation bond and friction--and arrived at a drained friction
angle of 36 °. This angle coupled with the cementation component appears to give
an unrealistic evaluation of the shear strength of the soil.
Stability problems can be solved only by field research. Much research has
been done in recent years in an effort to correlate stress-deformation properties
of Leda clay with full-scale failure conditions. The bearing capacity of footings
on Leda clay is not in general a serious stability problem because excessive settle-
ments usually occur before shear failure. Settlements of several feet can occur
under buildings and earth embankments without bearing failure. There have been
some bearing failures of rapidly constructed fills, but they are not common.
The failure of an oil storage tank founded on soft, sensitive Leda clay has
been described by BROWN and PATERSON(1964). The tank, 44 ft. high and 70 ft.
in diameter, was placed on a 12-ft. sand mat over 35 ft. of clay. The tank sank
vertically 6-10 ft. within 24 hours of filling, although it had been partially filled
for several months. When full, the increase in vertical stress at the base of the sand
mat was estimated to be about 1.5 tons/sq, ft. (kg/cm2). The undrained shear
strength of the clay was about 0.25 ton/sq, ft. (kg/cm2), giving a computed factor
of safety of 1.2. The subsoil at the site was overconsolidated by only about 0.25
ton/sq, ft. (kg/cm z) and had an initial void ratio of about 2. It is evident, therefore,
that if the foundation had not failed due to shear it would have experienced several
feet of settlement.
The most serious stability problem is with natural slopes. Sometimes a
small bank failure will develop into an earth flow extending over a large area. In
some sections of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence valley the topography is dominated
by landslide scars such as shown in Fig.ll. A map showing major landslides in
the region has been published (HURTUBISE et al., 1957) and some of them have
been described (CRAW-FORD, 1961a).
Recent investigations of two flow slides near Ottawa have indicated that an
effective stress analysis using the method of slices for first failure gives a reasonable
approximation of the stability (CRAWFORD and EDEN, 1967). The influence of
field pore pressures has been found to be of the greatest importance in assessing
the stability. A similar investigation of a major landslide in the lower St. Lawrence
valley showed that it could not have been predicted by ordinary analyses (COYLON,
1966). In this case the clay was so strongly cemented that the landslide could be
explained only on the basis of a progressive failure initiated by dynamite blasting.
It was also noted that the landslide occurred in the springtime after an unusually
heavy rainy season.
Inspection soon after failure invariably revealed water running out of sandy or
silty layers in the fresh face of the slide.
A failure in a cut bank along the right-of-way for the Quebec North Shore
and Labrador railway was described by WOODS et al. (1959). The failure of the
70-ft. high bank occurred more than 2 years after it was cut on a 11/~-I slope. The
slide took place just 3 days after a 4-inch rainfall. A similar failure occurred in a
road cut near Ottawa in 1965. The cut, approximately 40 ft. deep, was made 5
years before the failure, which occurred after a night of heavy rains. A second failure
occurred 2 weeks later after another heavy rainstorm. After each failure great
quantities of water were released from the failure surface.
Analyses of these failures have not generally been satisfactory. Undrained
analyses usually result in a substantial overestimate of the safety factor. Effective
stress analyses are subject to error because of the unknown water conditions
and uncertainty of the failure mechanism. Even the case records referred to must
be treated with suspicion because the precise method of failure is unknown. Tension
cracks are not always taken into account and the initial failure surface does not
appear to agee with the computed critical surface.
The mineralogy and structure of the Canadian quick clays are similar to
those found in other parts of the world. Extensive deposits of the Leda clay have
a low salt content pore water and their sensitivity does not correlate with salt
content. Deposits which have been overconsolidated are strongly cemented.
Highly plastic deposits of Leda clay are very compressible. Although well-
defined pressure-void ratio curves can be obtained in laboratory tests the absolute
value of void ratio at any pressure is greatly dependent on the test procedure. In
normal tests (lasting 5 days) a considerable amount of secondary consolidation
is permitted. Field observations show that much secondary consolidation occurs
in nature. The available evidence suggests that a 5-day test will overestimate the
preconsolidation pressure of a good sample but that this may be compensated
by disturbance of tube samples. A significant amount of compression has been
observed in the field at pressures well below the preconsolidation pressure in the
ground. Field observations indicate that pore pressures are created by breakdown
of the soil structure as it compresses under load and this may compensate for
pressure decreases by drainage.
Large settlements occur due to shrinkage in the upper 10 or 15 ft. of Leda
clay. The shrinkage is caused primarily by the withdrawal of soil water by vege-
tation, especially by trees. Shrinkage potential is related to the natural water con-
tent. The problem can be avoided by restricting tree growth near shallow foun-
dations. Unless the soil is dried to a very low water content it has little swelling
T h e strength of Leda clay varies from very soft to very stiff. The measured
u n d r a i n e d strength depends o n the rate of testing. M o s t of the shearing resistance
u n d e r low stresses has been attributed to cohesion. The most difficult strength
problems are e n c o u n t e r e d in a t t e m p t i n g to assess the stability of slopes in over-
consolidated deposits. M u c h field research will be required to solve this p r o b l e m
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