Electro Magnetic Psyche

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The document describes a series of physical exercises and their benefits.

Exercises like bending over, backbends, jumping jacks, wrestling, frog pose, dancing, sitting and standing are described.

The exercises are aimed at strengthening different parts of the body and removing weaknesses. They also aim to apply pressure on glands like the pituitary and thyroid for overall health benefits.

Electro Magnetic Psyche 06-30-93

1. Stand up and bend over. Lift one leg behind and

hold the ankle with the opposite hand. Reach the hand
down to the ground.
2 minutes each side.

2. Stand up straight with your heels together and

toes out at 45 degrees. Hands behind your neck and
bend backwards at the navel to about 60 degrees. Push
pelvic bone forward. Your entire brain weakness will
come forward and will be eliminated. Pressure should
be there so your pituitary can feel indirect pressure.
Now understand this is a very powerful exercise. Bring
your spirit now and maintain your status.
2 minutes.

3. Jumping Jacks. Jump your legs open and clap

your hands overhead at the same time. Jump your legs
back together and slap your hands on your hips. It will
put a pressure on your thyroid. You will start feeling it
in your throat.
4 minutes. Original Music: RhythmicDrum

4. Wrestle. If you are in a group setting, take the

person next to you and wrestle them down. If you are
solo, flop around or self-wrestle.
1:30 minutes.

5. Frog Pose. Start in a squatting position on the

balls of your feet, heels together. Inhale and extend
your legs and raise your buttocks up with the head
towards the knees and Exhale and lower your hips
back down in the squat. When you come in the down
position, clap your hands.
3 minutes. Original Music: Rhythmic Drum

6. Dance in your spots - Dance to death. Do not

4 minutes. Original Music: Bhangra

7. Sit and Stand. Without using your hands, sit

down into Easy Pose and stand up again. If you are
in a group setting, hold hands in a line and sit / stand
2 minutes. Original Music: Rhythmic Drum JUNE 30, 1993
8. Boat Pose. Lay down on your belly arms
stretched overhead on the ground. Raise your arms,
legs and head up off the ground for a beat and then
relax down to the ground for a beat. Continue.
4 minutes. Original Music: Steady Drum

9. Body Drops. Lay down on your back. Place your

palms on the ground by your sides. Lift your body
up. Your heels, head and palms will take the pressure.
Then drop your body down and chant “Har” with
every drop.
2 minutes.

10. Try alternate leg lifts while holding the entire

pressure on your shoulders and feet. Straight up and
straight down alternatively. Bring your body down
and place your hands under the hips and continue
alternate leg lifts. From the Navel continue to chant
2 minutes.

11. Still on your back. Double leg lifts with hands

under hips still chanting “Har”.
1 minute.

12. Roll onto your belly. Arms stretched out in front

of you on the ground. Alternately kick your heels to
your buttocks chanting “Har” with every beat.
1:30 minutes.

13. Still on your belly, relax the legs down and take
your hands and beat your lower back with the same
“Har” beat.
1 minute.

14. Stand straight with your heels together and toes

out 45 degrees. Raise your arms up overhead and clasp
your hands to create an arcline. Bend over from side
to side keeping the legs solid and unmoved. Chant and
coordinate movement to “Har Hare Haree.”
2 minutes.

JUNE 30, 1993

15. Sit on the heels like a Samurai, in Rock Pose with
the knees spread wide apart and hands on the thighs.
Bow forehead down to the beat of “Namastang” from
Jaap Sahib.
6 minutes. Original Music: Jaap Sahib by Ragi Sat
Nam Singh

16. Stretch legs out in front of you and grab the toes.
Sit straight, spine straight. You can sing in this posture
properly. It will make your voice effective and pen-
4 minutes. Original Music: Every Heartbeat by
Nirinjan Kaur.

17. Half Camel Pose. Your hands will rest on your

heels while you will stretch your hips upwards. Not
fully stretch into Camel, more of a lean. Keep singing.
2 minutes.

18. Baby Pose. Sit on the heels and bring your fore-
head to the ground. Arms relaxed by the sides. Now be
in silence and take a nap. Instant sleep.
3 minutes.

19. Inhale deep and rise to a seated position. Face the

sun or light. Let the sun hit your eyelids; the forehead;
the palms of your hands. Breath deeply. Sing “May the
long time sun…” to bring this set to a close.

6/30/93 Closing Prayer: Blessed soul. My inner being; my infinite being, brighten me like the sun. Give me the
warmth. Give me the shining glory. Give me the infinite grace. And give me the touch that I can sprout life, joy hap-
piness in all I see feel and touch. Like sunshine I may prevail within me, around me and all the way. Blessed are those
who have the blessings for all. Blessed are those who bless all. Blessed are those who bless all. Sat Nam.

JUNE 30, 1993


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