2022-2023 Fulbright Brochure
2022-2023 Fulbright Brochure
2022-2023 Fulbright Brochure
The United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF), the Fulbright Commission in India, is
pleased to announce a new round of fellowship competitions open to Indian citizens for 2022-2023.
In addition to providing opportunities for personal, academic and professional growth, Fulbright-
Nehru and other exchanges promote mutual understanding between the people of the United States
and India.
Fulbright-Nehru and other fellowships have, over the years, helped bring people of India and the
United States closer through educational exchanges. Since its inception in 1950, USIEF has
administered over 20,000 grants for Indian and U.S. citizens. USIEF alumni have demonstrated
strong leadership in all walks of life, including agriculture, arts, business, education, environment,
humanities and social sciences, public health, and science and technology.
This e-brochure describes the fellowships, eligibility criteria, and procedures for applying. Once
you find a fellowship of interest, I suggest that you visit the “Current Fellows” page on USIEF's
website to learn about recent proposals that have been successful. Please view the videos
Indian Fulbrighters: Ambassadors of Change on YouTube where alumni share their Fulbright-
Nehru experiences. Visit USIEF Facebook and Twitter pages for regular updates and success
stories of Fulbright scholars and alumni. I also encourage you to talk with Fulbright and other
alumni about their experiences in the United States. USIEF staff can help you get in touch with
people in your field who will be glad to answer questions. When you are ready to apply, you can
download the application material from the USIEF website.
Screening experts and selection committees look for talented individuals whose projects are
important to India and the U.S. and who have the ability to be good cultural ambassadors. The ideal
exchange fellow is one who both contributes important work in his/her field and encourages Indo-
U.S. networking during and after the fellowship.
This year, the Fulbright program participants, partners, and friends celebrate the 75th anniversary
of the worldwide Fulbright program and its mission to forge lasting connections, counter
misunderstandings, and help people and nations work together toward common goals. This
celebration renews USIEF's commitment to fulfil Senator J. William Fulbright's goal of bringing "a
little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs," as well
as increasing "the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship."
Please share this e-brochure with those who may be interested. Best wishes to all of you as you
explore these exciting opportunities.
Additional opportunities are announced throughout the year. Please visit USIEF's website
• You can apply for only ONE Fulbright-Nehru fellowship category during a competition cycle.
• Candidates cannot apply for Fulbright-Nehru and Fulbright-Kalam grants in the same academic year.
• Plagiarism in the application will lead to disqualification.
• Unless otherwise specified, Fulbright applications are to be submitted online.
• Application deadlines vary. Applications received after the deadlines will NOT be considered.
• Extensions and transfer of visa sponsorship will not be permitted.
• Prospective Fulbright participants should be aware that public health conditions, availability of consular
services and travel, as well as U.S. institutional operating status and policies may affect their ability to
travel to the U.S. and participate in academic programs.
Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships
A. Fulbright-Nehru Master's degree, have at least three years professional work
Fellowships experience, and are committed to return and
The Fulbright-Nehru Master's Fellowships are contribute to their communities. The fellowships are
designed for outstanding Indians to pursue a for one to two years.
master's degree program at select U.S. colleges
and universities in the areas of Arts and Culture Grant Benefits
The fellowship will provide the following
Management including Heritage Conservation
and Museum Studies; Economics;
Environmental Science/Studies; Higher l J-1 visa support;
Education Administration; International l Round-trip economy class air travel from
Affairs; International Legal Studies; fellow's home city to the host institution in
Journalism and Mass Communication; Public the U.S.;
Administration; Public Health; Urban and l Funding for tuition and fees,* living and
Regional Planning; and Women's related costs; and
Studies/Gender Studies. l Accident and sickness coverage per U.S.
Government guidelines.
These fellowships are for highly motivated
individuals who demonstrate leadership qualities, The Fulbright-Nehru Master's Fellowships provide
have completed the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's no financial support for dependents.
Fulbright-Nehru Master's fellow Pallavi Khare explaining her sketches during the orientation program at Miami
Dade College, Miami, FL
* USIEF funding may not cover all costs and the course offerings, subspecialties, and academic
fellow may need to supplement grant benefits with requirements.
other resources.
Applications are invited in the following fields
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to the General Prerequisites (page 28), l Arts and Culture Management including
the applicant: Heritage Conservation and Museum
Studies: The study of all aspects of art and
l must have completed an equivalent of a U.S.
culture management, including arts
bachelor's degree from a recognized Indian
administration, heritage conservation and
university with at least 55% marks. Applicants
museum studies, management of profit and
must either possess a four-year bachelor's not-for-profit art institutions, among others.
degree or a completed master's degree; or a These fellowships are not for pursuing
full-time postgraduate diploma from a graduate degrees in fine or applied art and
recognized Indian institution, if the bachelor's design or art history, but for the management
degree is of less than four years' duration; of the arts.
l must have at least three years' full-time (paid)
l Economics: The study of production, demand
professional work experience relevant to the and allocation of resources in society,
proposed field of study by the application economic trends, effects of government
deadline; economic policy on the economy.
l should demonstrate experience in leadership Subspecialties include: development
and community service; economics, international economics,
l must not have another degree from a U.S. macroeconomics, microeconomics, labor
university or be enrolled in a U.S. degree economics, agricultural economics, and public
program; and finance, among others.
l if employed, should follow the instructions l Environmental Science/Studies: The study of
carefully regarding employer's endorsement. the environment in all its complexities.
If applicable, obtain the endorsement from the Subspecialties include: environmental
appropriate administrative authority on the toxicology, natural resource management,
FNMasters Employer's Endorsement Form. pollution prevention, environmental law,
The employer must indicate that leave will be environmental engineering and environmental
granted for the fellowship period. The policy analysis, among others.
applicant can download the FNMasters l Higher Education Administration: The study
Employer's Endorsement Form from the of all aspects of higher education
USIEF website. administration including policy planning and
management, student affairs, academic affairs,
Fields of Study admissions and enrollment management,
Each applicant must choose one field of study curriculum design, learning assessment,
that matches his/her chief area of interest. The financial management, alumni and community
following field descriptions are illustrative, and relations, internationalization of higher
education, quality assurance, and use of
applicants should note that individual academic
technology in higher education, among others.
host institution programs of study may differ in
l International Affairs: The study of housing and real estate development, and
international relations with reference to waste management, among others.
foreign policy, conflict resolution, l Women's Studies/Gender Studies: The study
international security and strategic issues,
of issues relevant to women, feminism, and
international economic policy, environmental
gender including development, health, history,
and energy policy, refugee and migration
issues, human rights, and gender policy, education, sexuality, law, and policy, among
among others. others.
B. Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral
Research Fellowships
The Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research
Fellowships are designed for Indian scholars who
are registered for a Ph.D. at an Indian institution.
These fellowships are for six to nine months.
A group of Fulbright Visiting Student Researchers from India and other countries during the pre-academic training at
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
November 2021
USIEF forwards applications of recommended
candidates to the U.S. for J. William Fulbright
Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) approval and
March/April 2022
USIEF notifies finalists
August/September 2022
Program begins
"It's not just a grant but more like an extended family encouraging me to achieve my
personal, academic and professional goals. I gained valuable experience while
working with the best minds in my area of expertise. As a chemist, I have sharpened my
skills in solving environmental issues during my stay at the University of California at
12 - Syamantak Roy, 2019 Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Research Scholar
at University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Applications are invited in the following fields degree certificate/provisional Ph.D. or D.M.
only: Agricultural Sciences; Anthropology; certificate on the online application;
Bioengineering; Chemistry; Computer Science
(including, but not limited to, cyber security, digital l the applicant must have publication in
economy, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, reputed journals and demonstrate evidence
machine learning and big data analytics); of superior academic and professional
Economics; Education Policy and Planning; Energy achievement. S/he must upload a recent
Studies; Geography (including GIS and Geology); significant publication (copy of
History; Language and Literature; Materials Science paper/article) on the online application (not
(with emphasis on environmental applications); exceeding 30 pages); and
Mathematical Sciences; Neurosciences; Performing
Arts; Physics; Political Science (including, but not l if applicant is employed, please follow the
limited to, International Security and Strategic instructions carefully regarding employer's
Studies); Public Health; Public Policy; Sociology; endorsement. If applicable, obtain the
Urban and Regional Planning (with emphasis on endorsement from the appropriate
smart cities and waste management); Visual Arts; administrative authority on the FNPostdoc
and Women's and Gender Studies. Letter of Support from Home Institution.
The employer must indicate that leave will
Affiliation be granted for the fellowship period. The
The applicant will be affiliated to one U.S. host applicant can download the FNPostdoc
institution for his/her grant. USIEF strongly Letter of Support from Home Institution
recommends all applicants to indicate affiliation from the USIEF website. Candidates
preference and to correspond, in advance, with working under government-funded projects
potential host institution. The letter of invitation are also required to get endorsement from
should indicate the duration of visit, preferably with their affiliating institutions in India.
dates. If the applicant has secured a letter of
invitation from a U.S. institution, it should be Note: In the application, the applicant is
included as a part of the online application. required to indicate the period in which s/he can
complete the proposed project in the United
Grant Benefits States. The applicant must determine grant
These fellowships provide J-1 visa support, a duration carefully. Should s/he be selected for a
monthly stipend, Accident and Sickness Program grant, it will be for the period specified in
for Exchanges per U.S. Government guidelines, his/her application. The duration cannot be
round-trip economy class air travel, a modest changed.
settling-in allowance, and a professional allowance.
Subject to availability of funds, a dependent How to Apply
allowance and international travel may be provided Applications must be submitted online. Please visit
for one accompanying eligible dependent provided the Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Research
the dependent is with the grantee in the U.S. for at Fellowships webpage at www.usief.org.in for
least 80 per cent of the grant period. fellowship details and Application Instructions.
Mid-December 2021
National interviews of short-listed candidates
March/April 2022
USIEF notifies finalists
August/September 2022
Program begins
“This fellowship offered me a unique chance to teach in one of the largest and best public
universities, helping me combine academic endeavours with social and cultural interactions
and critique. My American students still write to me, as do the wonderful faculty, forging
lifetime bonds across time and space. My lectures in Ferrum College, Virginia and the South
Asia Centre in UCLA, and some of the tantalising debates they engendered is helping me
immensely in completing my book on 'New Feminisms'.”
- Meena T. Pillai, 2019 Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Scholar
at University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence scholar Padmini Bhuyan Boruah (first row, extreme right)
with graduate students in education at the University of San Diego, San Diego, CA
This seminar is designed for Indian college and Application Deadline: October 14, 2021
university administrators with at least two years of
Timeline and Placement Process
experience in international program development
and management at their institutions in India. October 14, 2021
Applicants must be middle to senior-level college or Application deadline for 2022-2023 awards
university administrators (vice-chancellors, deans,
directors of international centers or offices, foreign Early December 2021
Experts review applications to short-list
student advisors, registrars etc.) who have
candidates for interviews
substantial responsibility for enhancing the
USIEF administers the Fulbright-Kalam Climate fellowships are for four to nine months. If
Fellowships to build long-term capacity to address you are applying for a Flex Award, the
climate change related issues in India and the minimum length of the total grant is four
U.S. The objective is to promote further mutual months, and the maximum is six months.
understanding between the two peoples by a
wider exchange of knowledge and professional (i) Research
talents – intend to partner to build long-term Applicants must demonstrate the
capacity in the United States and India by relevance of the proposed research
engaging scientific and technical research scholars to India and/or the U.S., its benefit
from both countries related to climate research to the applicant's institution, the
feasibility of accomplishing the
and education.
research goal within the stipulated
Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship fields period, and the need to carry out the
include, but not limited to, Energy Studies, Earth research in the U.S.
Sciences, Geology, Environmental Sciences, (ii) Teaching
Renewable Energy, Smart Cities, Agriculture, Indian academics and professionals
Public Policy, Environmental Engineering, and contribute to the internationalization
Disaster Resilient Infrastructure. of the curriculum at their U.S. host
institutions and the understanding of
Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships are offered recent developments not just in
for: India but globally. The recipient
will be affiliated as a visiting
a. Doctoral Research: These fellowships are scholar at a U.S. institution, and
designed for Indian scholars who are will teach courses individually or
registered for a Ph.D. at an Indian team-teach.
institution. These fellowships are for six
to nine months. Teaching applications are especially
b. Postdoctoral Research: These fellowships
are designed for Indian faculty and (iii) Research and Teaching
researchers who are in the early stages of Applicants will carry out a
their research careers in India. Fulbright- combination of research and
Kalam Climate Fellowships will provide teaching activities at the U.S. host
opportunities to talented faculty and institution. They must specify the
researchers to strengthen their research percentage of the grant for each
capacities. Postdoctoral fellows will have activity and define this in the
access to some of the finest resources in project statement. For instance, if
their areas of interest and will help build the plan is to spend 60 per cent of
long-term collaborative relationships with the grant duration for research and
40 per cent for teaching, the project
U.S. faculty and institutions. These
statement should demonstrate this
fellowships are for eight to 24 months.
allocation. Teaching could include
c. Academic and Professional Excellence: courses (individually or team-taught)
or a series of seminars at the U.S.
These fellowships aim to provide Indian
faculty, researchers, and professionals the
opportunity to teach, conduct research, or (iv) Flex Awards
carry out a combination of teaching and Flex Awards are designed for
research at a U.S. institution. These scholars who require multiple visits
date, the applicant cannot submit his/her paper/article) on the online application
thesis before August 2023. Please indicate (not exceeding 30 pages); and
the Ph.D. registration date and the III. if applicant is employed, please follow the
expected Ph.D. thesis submission date in instructions carefully regarding employer's
the Applicant Annexure. The applicant endorsement. If applicable, obtain the
can download the Applicant Annexure endorsement from the appropriate
from the USIEF website; administrative authority on the Letter of
Support from Home Institution. The
III. If the applicant is employed, s/he must employer must indicate that leave will be
follow the instructions carefully regarding granted for the fellowship period. The
employer's endorsement. If applicable, the applicant can download the Letter of
applicant must obtain the endorsement Support from Home Institution from the
from the appropriate administrative USIEF website. Candidates working under
authority on the “Employer's Endorsement government-funded projects are also
Form.” The employer must indicate that required to get endorsement from their
leave will be granted for the fellowship affiliating institutions in India.
period. Applicants can download the
“Employer's Endorsement Form” from the c. Eligibility Requirements for Fulbright-
USIEF website; and Kalam Climate Fellowships for Academic
and Professional Excellence
IV. the applicant must upload a copy of
original published/presented paper or I. faculty/researchers must have a Ph.D.
extracts from the Masters'/M.Phil. thesis degree or equivalent published work
in the online application form (not with at least five years of relevant
exceeding 20 pages). teaching/research experience;
Note: These fellowships are for pre-doctoral level II. professionals outside academe must
research. Applicants with Ph.D. degrees or those at have a master's degree or equivalent
the final stage of Ph.D. thesis submission will not be
published work with recognized
professional standing and at least five
years relevant experience;
b. Eligibility Requirements for Fulbright-
Kalam Climate Fellowships for
III. the applicant should upload a recent
Postdoctoral Research
significant publication (copy of
In addition to the General Prerequisites: paper/article) in the online application
(not exceeding 30 pages); and
I. applicants must have a Ph.D. degree
within the past four years. S/he must IV. if the applicant is employed, s/he
have obtained a Ph.D. or D.M. degree must follow the instructions carefully
between July 15, 2017 and September 14, regarding employer's endorsement.
2021. The applicants are required to The employer must indicate that leave
upload his/her Ph.D. or D.M. degree will be granted for the fellowship
certificate/provisional Ph.D. or D.M. period. The applicant must obtain the
degree on the online application; endorsement from the appropriate
administrative authority on the Letter
II. applicants must have a publication in of Support from Home Institution.
reputed journals and demonstrate evidence The applicant can download the Letter
of superior academic and professional of Support from Home Institution
achievement. S/he must upload a recent from the USIEF website.
significant publication (copy of
Mid-October 2021
Field-specific experts review applications
Hubert H. Humphrey fellow Lalchhanhima Ralte (fifth from left) with fellows from eight countries during the Global Leadership
Forum at the Harry S. Truman Federal Building, Washington, DC
"The Fulbright Humphrey journey which began from Mizoram gave me a broader
understanding on substance use disorders. The lectures, field trips, interaction with
peers and the experience of living in Virginia will forever shape my personal and
professional life."
- Dr. Lalchhanhima Ralte, 2019 Hubert H. Humphrey fellow
at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant Shenoor Shan (first row, fourth from left) with Fulbright fellows from other countries
during the orientation program at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
During my Fulbright year in Washington, D.C., I taught and studied at the prestigious
Johns Hopkins University. My apartment was 15 minutes from the White House. I
attended numerous conferences, met senior diplomats and travelled widely across the
country. The leadership skills that I gained in the U.S. will enable me to make
meaningful contributions to society.
– Gaurav Laha, 2018 FLTA fellow at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
their campuses. FLTA fellows provide teaching l Fluency in English is mandatory. A score
assistance, by serving in various capacities, which of no less than 79-80 on the internet
may include teaching up to two classes per based TOEFL is required. TOEFL scores
semester, and typically facilitate cultural events, are not required at the time of application.
language clubs and language tables. FLTA fellows Candidates recommended by the selection
are required to enroll in at least two courses per committee will have to appear for the
semester, one of which must be in U.S. Studies. TOEFL in November 2021. USIEF will
As a result of the program, FLTA alumni return provide fee vouchers towards the TOEFL
with a high proficiency in English and are able to exam.
speak with authenticity and authority about the l Indian applicants must have at least a
United States, its values and its people. master's degree by June 2022 with a good
academic record. The master's degree
Grant Benefits
All FLTA fellows receive a monthly stipend, should be in fields such as English
health insurance and travel support. U.S. host language, English/American Literature,
institutions provide tuition awards to support the American Studies, Linguistics,
required coursework. The FLTA program does not Comparative Literature, and related areas.
provide J-2 visas for spouses or dependents. l A young teacher of English at the college
level or training to become a teacher of
Eligibility Requirements English or is a young professional in a
In addition to the General Prerequisites (Page 28), the related field.
applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:
l Prior teaching experience is preferred.
l Be citizens of India. Applicants must be
residing in India throughout the Important: The FLTA Program is a NON-DEGREE
application, nomination, and selection and non-renewable program and those wishing to
process. pursue degree studies in the United States should not
l Must clearly demonstrate maturity, apply. All FLTA fellows must return to their home
dependability, integrity, and countries upon completion of the nine-month
professionalism. program. No extension requests will be supported.
Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant Kanishka Jain participating in a story recitation competition organized by the India
Association of Rhode Island for Humanities Day, Providence, RI
No dependents are allowed to accompany fellows on designed for full-time Indian teachers teaching
this program. any subject at any level (primary, middle or
secondary) at a school in India. This program is
How to Apply also open to primary and secondary level library
Application must be submitted online. Please visit the media specialists, guidance counselors, curriculum
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant specialists, special education coordinators, and
Program webpage at www.usief.org.in for program administrators who spend at least fifty percent of
details and application instructions. their time teaching or working directly with
Employed applicants need to submit their applications students. Teacher trainers are also eligible. The
through proper channel by the application deadline. program brings teachers from Bangladesh,
Botswana, Brazil, Finland, Greece, India,
Application Deadline: August 5, 2021 Indonesia, Israel, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, New
Zealand, Philippines, Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan,
Timeline and Placement Process Uganda and United Kingdom for a semester-long
program at a U.S. university. Up to four teachers
August 5, 2021
from India participate in the program. The
Application Deadline
program provides with a unique opportunity to
End September 2021 pursue individual or group projects, take courses
Paper screening of the applications for professional development at a host university,
and observe and share their expertise with
Early November2021 teachers and students at the host university or
Interviews of short-listed candidates and proficiency local primary and secondary schools. Cultural
test in the language of nomination enrichment, mentoring, and support is provided
throughout the program.
End November 2021
Nominees take iBT TOEFL How to Apply
Application materials and program details for the
December 1, 2021 academic year 2021-2022 are available on the
USIEF forwards applications of recommended USIEF website www.usief.org.in.
candidates to the U.S. for J. William Fulbright
Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) approval and Application Deadline: April 15, 2021
D. Fulbright Teaching Excellence
March/April 2022 and Achievement Program
USIEF notifies finalists The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and
Achievement (FTEA) Program is a six-week
August/September 2022
nondegree, non-credit academic program at a U.S.
U.S. Program begins
University which provides selected teachers with
Applications of recommended candidates will be a unique opportunity to develop greater expertise
forwarded to the U.S. for further review. The final in their subject areas, enhance their teaching
selection is dependent on the ability to match requests skills, and increase their knowledge about the
of U.S. host institution with language skills of the United States. The international participants travel
candidates. to the United States for one of two six-week
professional development programs in either
C. Fulbright Distinguished Awards in spring or fall of an academic year. The Fulbright
Teaching Program for International TEA program provides academic seminars on
teaching methodologies and strategies, curriculum
The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching development, lesson planning, and instructional
Program for International Teachers (FDAI) is technology training. Intensive English language
instruction is offered to teachers who need Application Deadline: March 10, 2021
additional practice. The program also includes a
practicum of at least 40 hours with a U.S. partner Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships for
teacher in a U.S. secondary school near the host Indian Citizens: General
university to actively engage participants in the Prerequisites
U.S. classroom environment. Cultural enrichment,
mentoring, and support is provided to participants The applicant:
throughout the program. For India, the program is
l must be a responsible Indian citizen who can
open for full-time school teachers (6th to 12
contribute to a full and fair picture of the
grades) teaching English, English as a Foreign culture and civilization of India, and thereby
Language (EFL), Social Studies, Mathematics, help to promote understanding and friendship
Science, or Special Education at schools in India. between the peoples of the United States of
America and India;
How to Apply
Application materials and program details for the l must not be residing in U.S. during
academic year 2021-2022 are available on the recruitment and placement cycle (January
USIEF website www.usief.org.in. 2021-July 2022);
l must have a high level of
Application Deadline: March 10, 2021
academic/professional achievement;
E. Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence l must demonstrate proficiency in the English
Program language to undertake the proposed
The Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) project/program and adjust to life in the U.S.;
Program brings scholars and professionals from l there will be an interview round for
other countries to lecture at U.S. colleges and shortlisted candidates;
universities that do not often host visiting l must inform USIEF well in advance if s/he
scholars. Under this program, interested U.S. needs to travel abroad (e.g. conference)
institutions submit proposals to invite scholars for during the application cycle July 2021 – June
one or both terms of the academic year to teach 2022;
courses in area studies, in inter-disciplinary
l must be eligible for leave, if employed;
programs that focus on global issues, or in
courses where participation of the foreign scholar l must be in good health;
can provide a cross-cultural or international l must not be applying for or holding
perspective. The SIR program is especially permanent residence (green card) in the
appropriate for small liberal arts colleges, United States; and
minority-serving institutions and community l must give an undertaking to return to India on
colleges in the U.S. the completion of the fellowship.
How to Apply Note: Preference will be given to candidates who
This is a program for which U.S. institutions of have not had extensive recent U.S. experience.
higher education apply. They can either name a Some fellowship programs may have prerequisites
scholar or request recruitment of one through the and guidelines in addition to those described
Fulbright agencies worldwide. Therefore, Indian above. Please review the eligibility criteria for
scholars should draw the SIR program to the specific fellowships carefully.
attention of their U.S. counterparts. Further
information is available on the link:
Application Procedure and Guidelines
Applicants for the following fellowship categories
have to complete an online application.
application instructions can be downloaded from required to appear for an interview with the
the website www.usief.org.in. Please visit the USIEF National Selection Committee.
webpages of these fellowship categories for
specific details. Selection panels will generally use the following
1. Fulbright-Nehru Master's Fellowships criteria to evaluate applications:
2. Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research l Academic credentials and professional ability
Fellowships l Merit of the proposed Fulbright project
3. Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Research l Communication skills
l Commitment to community or national service
4. Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional
Excellence Fellowships l Need to conduct research in the U.S.
5. Fulbright-Nehru International Education l Outcomes, potential impact and benefits
Administrators Seminar l Motivation, seriousness of purpose, maturity,
6. Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships leadership, cultural adaptability
7. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program l Ability to contribute as a cultural ambassador
8. Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching beyond his/her specific field of study
Assistant Program
Decisions taken by the reviewers/committees in
9. Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching connection with the selection process will be final
Program for International Teachers and requests for reconsideration will NOT be
10. Fulbright Teaching Excellence and entertained.
Achievement Program
USIEF is not in the position to offer individual
You can apply for only ONE Fulbright-Nehru feedback to each of the applicants.
fellowship category during a competition cycle.
Applicants are encouraged to seek guidance from
Incomplete or late applications will not be Fulbright alumni on basic preparation for a
accepted. Fulbright application such as:
l familiarity with resources in India before
If you are employed, please follow the proposing research abroad;
instructions carefully regarding employer's
endorsement. The employer must indicate that l a proposal with a clear focus;
leave will be granted for the fellowship period. l a sense of how the proposed work is relevant
Please obtain the endorsement from the to the Indian context;
appropriate administrative authority. l identification of resources in the U.S.; and
Applicants are also advised to request three l the role of an exchange participant as a
referees to send in their recommendations as per cultural ambassador of India beyond his/her
the instructions by the application due date. specific field of study.
Applicants completing online forms should
request referees to submit their reference letters USIEF offices organize Fulbright mentoring
online. workshops for potential applicants. These
workshops guide applicants on the elements of a
Selection Process
Experts will review all eligible applications. strong application. Please contact the USIEF
Applicants recommended by the experts will be office in your region for information on the
mentoring workshops.
Additional Information
For details about fellowships for U.S. citizens, visit the USIEF
website http://www.fulbright-india.org www.usief.org.in
or contact:
Senior Program Officer – U.S. Program
United States-India Educational Foundation
Fulbright House, 12 Hailey Road, New Delhi 110 001
Phone: 011 4209 0909 [Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.]
E-mail: [email protected]
United States-India Educational Foundation
Fulbright House, 12 Hailey Road, New Delhi 110 001