June 2019 MS - Paper 1B Edexcel Biology IGCSE

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The document discusses the structure and marking of biology exams. It provides examples of questions, marking schemes, and exam guidance.

The text discusses the structure of Edexcel biology exams, including sample questions and answers with explanations of the marking schemes. It also provides general guidance for examiners on applying marks.

Repeating experiments allows researchers to determine if results are reliable or due to chance. It also helps account for variability between experimental subjects or conditions.


Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2019

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

Biology (4BI1) Paper 1B

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Summer 2019
Publications Code 4BI1_1B_msc_20190822
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2019

General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment.

Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly
the same way as they mark the last.
 Mark schemes should be applied positively.
Candidates must be rewarded for what they have
shown they can do rather than penalised for
 Examiners should mark according to the mark
scheme not according to their perception of where
the grade boundaries may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on
the mark scheme should be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to
be awarded. Examiners should always award full
marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared
to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is
not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes
will provide the principles by which marks will be
awarded and exemplification may be limited.
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the
application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s
response, the team leader must be consulted.
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the
candidate has replaced it with an alternative

Question Answer Mark

1(a) 4

Letter Name
A vacuole (1)
B nucleus (1)
C cell wall (1)
D cell membrane (1)

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
1(b) (i) C 1
C and A
A and C

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
1 (b)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to three of 3
the following:

 photosynthesis (1)

 (sun)light (1)

 many in palisade (1)

 few in spongy / few in guard (cells) (1)

 none in upper epidermis / root (cells) (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1 (c) An answer that makes reference to Ignore makes protein 1
one of the following: / produces protein

 protein synthesis (1)

 translation (1)

Total 9 marks

Question Answer Mark

2(a) The only correct answer is 1

A it is digested into amino acids

B is not correct as its surface area is not increased by bile

C is not correct as its pH is not raised by hydrochloric acid

D is not correct as it is not absorbed by villi

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
2(b) Ignore 3
Component Function egestion

lipid store of energy Helps

vitamin D bone / teeth / calcium absorption and
/ prevent rickets (1) prevents
iron haemoglobin / red blood cells (1) =1

fibre peristalsis / move food / prevent

constipation (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

2(c)(i) 2
20% of 1250 = 250 Award full marks for correct
numerical answer without
250 ÷ 50 = 5 (2) working

Allow one mark for 250 in


Question Answer Mark

2(c)(ii) An answer that makes reference to six of the following points: 6

 GM salmon grow more / heavier / longer / larger / Mp1

more mass / grow faster / eq (1) Allow
 (more) protein provided (1)

 only need protein in correct amount /

only need sufficient protein / only need 50g /
too much protein / excess protein / eq (1)

 balanced diet also needs vitamins / carbohydrate / lipid /

minerals / fibre / no idea of other named component in
salmon (1)

 one salmon used / not repeated/ should use several fish


 (data) not reliable / result may be anomalous (1)

 no information on food supply to salmon /

temperature / oxygen / pollution (1)

 protein need depends on age / sex / activity / eq (1)

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
2(d) An answer that makes reference to the following 3

 gene / allele (1)

 restriction / endonuclease (1) Allow

 ligase (1)

Total 15 marks

Question Answer Mark

3(a) 3
number of organisms 8

number of producers 1 / one

number of primary consumers 2 / two

number of food chains 10 / ten

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
3(b) An explanation that makes reference to the 4
following points:

 respiration / movement / heat loss (1) Mp1 Ignore

exercise /
 egested / undigested / faeces /
not absorbed / not assimilated (1)

 excreted / urine / urea (1) Mp3 excreted

from the digestive
system = 0

 uneaten (1)

 death / decomposition (1)


Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
3 (c) An answer that makes reference to four of the following Allow 4
points: converse
for Mps
 variation / variety / varied (1) 3, 4 and
 mutation (1)

 longer beak means more worms/food /

longer beak can reach deeper for worms/food

 survival and reproduction / breeding / offspring


 pass on gene / allele / DNA (1) mutation

on = 1

Total 11 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
4(a) An explanation that makes reference to the following 3

 moves up / increases (1)

 water enters /
water passes through membrane (1)

 sucrose is a concentrated solution / Mp3 Allow

sucrose has a low(er) water potential / high conc. to
high water potential to low water potential / low conc. of
down a water potential gradient / water / down
dilute to concentrated (1) water conc

Question Answer Mark

4(b) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: 3

 use water bath / use Bunsen (1)

 use scale / measurements (on tube)/ ruler /

(use pen to) mark tube (1)

 use clock / timer / stopwatch (1)

Total 6 marks

Question Answer Mark

5(a) The only correct answer is 1

D starch

A is not correct as glucose is not the large insoluble molecule

B is not correct as lipid is not the large insoluble molecule

C is not correct as protein is not the large insoluble molecule

Question Answer Mark

5(b)(i) An answer that makes reference to two of the following 2

 reset (the coloured water) / eq (1)

 repeat readings / reliable results / more results (1)

 allow oxygen in / (aerobic) respiration /

prevent anaerobic respiration (1)

Question Answer Mark

5(b)(ii) The only correct answer is 1

A absorbs carbon dioxide

B is not correct as it does not absorb oxygen

C is not correct as it does not release carbon dioxide

D is not correct as it does not release oxygen


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(b)(iii) 3
 multiply by length Award full marks for correct
numerical answer without
 determine volume working

 correct answer 3.142 x 0.05 x 0.05 =


× 0.6 = 0.0047(13) /
0.0047(13) / 4.7(13) × 10-3
4.7(13) × 10-3 (3)
Allow one mark for
× 6.0 / × 0.6 in working

Allow two marks for

4.7 / 47 / 0.47 in working

Allow three marks for

4.7 mm3

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(c)(i) 2
 oxygen absorbed at 22 Award full marks for correct
and 12 numerical answer without
 calculation of percentage
increase rate at 22 = 1.6 ÷ 20 = 0.08
rate at 12 = 0.8 ÷ 20 = 0.04
100 (2)
percentage increase =
(0.08 - 0.04) ÷ 0.04 × 100
= 100(%)


1.6 – 0.8 ÷ 0.8 × 100

= 100(%)

One mark for 0.08 and 0.04

or 1.6 and 0.8 in working

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
5(c)(ii) An answer that makes reference to two of the Allow 2
following points: converse

 (more) respiration (1)

 enzymes (1)

 (more)(kinetic) energy / collisions /

enzyme substrate complexes / move faster /
eq (1)

Total 11 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
6(a)(i) fertilisation / fertilise / Ignore 1
fuse with egg / join with egg / combine with egg meet
with egg

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
6(a)(ii) An answer that makes reference to two of the Ignore 2
following points: genes /
 nucleus (1)

 chromosomes (1)

 haploid number (1)

 DNA (1)

 acrosome (1)

Question Answer Mark

6(a)(iii) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: 2

 (aerobic) respiration / energy / ATP (1)

 movement / swimming (of sperm / of tail) (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(b)(i) 2
Award full marks for correct
 select 24.8% from numerical answer without
table and convert to working

 calculate 24.8% of 58

14 384 000 / One mark for

14 400 000 / 0.248 x 58 million /
1.4 x 107 24.8 ÷ 100 x 58 million
1.44 x 107
14.384 x 10 /
1.4384 x 107 / eq (2)

Question Answer Mark

6(b)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to five of the following 5

Arguments for:

 nicotine reduces normal/undamaged cells /

nicotine increases damaged cells (1)

 less (chance of) fertilisation / eq (1)

 rats are similar to humans / rats are mammals / eq (1)

Arguments against:

 there are normal/undamaged sperm cells in nicotine

samples /
there are damaged cells with no nicotine (1)

 investigation on rats (not humans) / eq (1)

 rats were not smoking / small range(of concentrations)

/ no idea of nicotine concentration in cigarettes / eq

 not repeated / no idea of number of rats / not reliable


Total 12 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
7 (a) (i) An answer that makes reference to two of the Ignore 2
following: amount /
 volume / 5cm3 of fruit juice (1) / mass

 volume / 5cm3 of Benedict’s (1)

 temperature / use 70C (1)

 time / for 3 minutes (1)

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
7 (a) (ii) 2
B C D A (2) BDCA=1

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7 (a)(iii) An explanation that makes reference to 3
three of the following:

 use 5cm3 / same volume of each use the original/

(sugar) solution and use 5cm3 / same method alone
same volume of Benedict’s (1) = 1 only if mp1 or
mp2 are not
 heat at same temperature and for awarded
3 minutes /
heat at 70oC and for 3 minutes (1)

 match / compare colour of sugar

solutions with fruit juices / eq (1)

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
7 (b) (i) An answer that makes reference to two 2
of the following:

 (sugar) provides energy (1) Mp1 Ignore food

 respiration (in bacteria) (1)

 produce acid / low(ers) pH (1)


Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
7 (b) (ii) An explanation that makes reference to two of 2
the following: Only credit 1
health risk
 develop obesity / overweight (1)
Can only earn 2
 sugar provides energy / joules / marks if risk and
calories (1) explanation are
or linked (from
 (type 2) diabetes (1) same pair)

 increase in blood glucose/sugar / Mp4 Ignore not

insulin no longer works (1) enough insulin
 CVD / heart disease / stroke (1)

 sugar converted to fat / fat deposits in

arteries (1)

Total 11 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
8(a)(i) A graph that makes reference to the following points: 6

 S scales linear and at least half page (1) Allow

y axis
 L straight lines joining points (1)
Bar graph
 A1 axes the correct way around loses S
(time on x axis) (1) and L

 A2 axis labelled ’minutes’ and

‘breaths per minute’ / ‘BPM’ (1)

 P points plotted correctly within one square (1)

 K indicates (person) P and (person) Q (1)

Question Answer Mark

8(a)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to three of the following 3

 increases (1)

 oxygen for respiration / aerobic respiration (1)

 muscle (1)

 remove carbon dioxide (1)

Question Answer Mark

8(a)(iii) An explanation that makes reference to two of the following 2

 (remove) lactic acid (1)

 anaerobic respiration (1)

 oxygen debt / EPOC /

excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (1)

Question Answer Mark

8(b) An answer that makes reference to four of the 4
following points:

(P may be fitter):

 P has lower breathing rate at rest /

Q has higher breathing rate at rest (1)

 P drops more (after exercise) /

Q drops less (after exercise)/
P recovers faster (after exercise)/
Q recovers slower (after exercise) (1)

(P may not be fitter):

 both return to normal in same time /

both return to normal by 30 minutes (1)

 P breathing rate higher /Q breathing rate lower/

P increase more than Q /Q increase less than P


 no data on age / sex / mass / lung size (1)

 may have lung disease / asthma / smoke /

drugs / medication / altitude training /
nervousness / adrenaline / eq (1)

 no data on exercise intensity

only one measure of fitness /
no information on heart rate (1)

 not repeated / only tested once / eq (1)

Total 15 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
9(a) A description that makes reference to three of 3
the following points:

 binds with haemoglobin / Less

forms carboxyhaemoglobin (1) oxyhaemoglobin
 (less) oxygen (1)

 (less) respiration (1)

 fatal / death / less growth / suffocation (1)

Question Answer Mark

9(b) An explanation that makes reference to six of the following 6

 pathogenic bacteria / cause disease (1)

 urea / urine / nitrogenous waste / nitrate / phosphate (1)

 decomposition / decomposed / decomposers (ONCE) (1)

 eutrophication / plant growth / algae growth (1)

 (plants) block light / prevents photosynthesis (1)

 respiration (ONCE) (1)

 (less) oxygen (1)

 death of organisms (ONCE) / reduce biodiversity / eq (1)

Total 9 marks

Question Answer Mark

10(a)(i) The only correct answer is 1

B oestrogen

A is not correct as it is not adrenaline

C is not correct as it is not progesterone

D is not correct as it is not testosterone

Question Answer Mark

10(a)(ii) The only correct answer is 1

A adrenaline

B is not correct as it is not insulin

C is not correct as it is not progesterone

D is not correct as it is not testosterone

Question Answer Mark

10(a)(iii) The only correct answer is 1

C they are transported in the plasma

A is not correct as they do not always produce short term


B is not correct as they are not carried by neurones

D is not correct as they do not always produce a rapid


Question Answer Mark

10(b) An answer that makes reference to two of the following points: 2

 auxin transported in xylem / phloem / Allow

auxin not transported in blood / plasma (1) converse
for Mp1
 auxin produced in tips / eq and Mp2
auxin not from endocrine / glands / organs (1)

 auxin has different effect on roots and shoots / eq (1)


Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
10(c) A description that makes reference to six of the following 6

 C change / different concentrations of growth Auxin and

substances (1) no auxin

 O same species / same plant / same type of plant/

named plant / same age / same size / eq (1)

 R repeat (1)

 M1 count number of roots / length of roots / M1 Ignore

measure roots with ruler / eq (1) mass

 M2 stated time period of one day plus (1)

 S1 same (control) temperature / oxygen / light /

carbon dioxide (1)

 S2 same compost / water / humidity / soil / S2 Ignore

mineral ions / named mineral ion / nutrients
same volume of plant growth substance (1)

Total 11 marks

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