Multiviews and Auxiliary Views (Bertoline)

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Multiviews and Auxiliary

Multiviews and Auxiliary Views
 Objectives
 Explain orthographic and multiview
 Identifying the six principal views.
 Apply standard line practices to
multiviews drawings.
 Create multiviews drawing.
 Identifying normal, inclined and oblique
Multiviews and Auxiliary Views
 Objectives
 Representation of geometric entities and
features in multiview drawings.
 Apply visualization by solids and surfaces
to multiviews.
 Create auxiliary views.
Projection Theory
 Projection theory comprises the
principles used to represent
graphically 3-D objects and structures
on 2-D media.
 Projection methods are developed
along two lines:
 Perspective.
 Parallel.
Projection Theory
 All projection theory is based on two
 line of sight (LOS)
 A line of sight is an imaginary ray of light
between an observer's eye and the object.
 plane of projection.
 Is an imaginary flat plane upon which the
image created by the lines of sight is
Perspective Projection
 In perspective projection, all lines
of sight start at a single point and the
object is positioned at a finite
distance and viewed from a single
Perspective Projection
Parallel Projection
 In parallel projection, all lines of
sight are parallel, the object is
positioned at infinity and viewed
from multiple points on an imaginary
line parallel to the object. The 3-D
object is transformed into a 2-D
representation or a plane of
projection that is an imaginary flat
plane upon which the image created
by the lines of sight is projected.
Parallel Projection
Orthographic Projection
 Orthographic projection is a
parallel projection technique in which
the plane of projection is positioned
between the observer and the object,
and is perpendicular to the parallel
lines of sight. Orthographic
projection techniques can be used to
produce both pictorial and multiview
Orthographic Projection
Multiview Projection

 Multiview projection is an orthographic

projection for which the object is behind
the plane of projection, and is oriented so
only two of its dimensions are shown.
Generally three views of an object are
drawn, and the features and dimensions in
each view accurately represent those of the
Multiview Projection

 Frontal Plane of
Projection- Front
Multiview Projection

 Frontal Plane of
Projection- Front
 Width
 Height
Multiview Projection Planes

 Horizontal plane
of projection-Top
 Width
 Depth
Multiview Projection Planes

 Profile plane of
projection- Side
 Height
 Depth
Multiview Projection Planes
 Advantages
 Multiview drawings provide the most
accurate description of three dimensional
objects and structure for engineering,
manufacturing , and construction
requirements. True shape and size.
Six Principal Views
 Six mutually
 Front view- X Y
 Top view- Z X
 Right side view- Z Y
 Left side view- Z Y
 Rear view- Y X
 Bottom view- Z X
Six Principal Views
 Conventional View
 Three-view
multiview drawing.
 Standard views:
 Top
 Front
 Right side view
Six Principal Views
 Angle projection
 Third – US and
 First – Europe
 Adjacent Views
 Related Views
 Central View
Line Conventions
 Hidden Lines
 Hidden features
are represented by
dashed lines.
 Holes - to locate
the limiting
 Surfaces - to
locate the edge
view of the
Line Conventions
 Hidden Lines
 Change of planes
- to locate the
position of the
change of plane
or corner.
Line Conventions
 Center Lines
 Center lines are
alternate long and
short thin dashes
and are used for
the axes of
symmetrical parts
and features, such
as cylinders and
drilled holes.
Line Conventions
 Center Lines
 Center line usage follows standard drawing
 Center lines for holes and slots locate limiting
elements and any changes in planes.
 Center lines should not terminate at another
line or extend between views.
 Very short, unbroken center lines may be used
to represent the axes of very small holes.
 Center lines can indicate radial symmetry.
 Center lines do not break when they cross
another line at or near 90 degrees.
 Center lines can be used as paths of motion.
Multiview Sketches
 One-view
 Two-view
 Three-view
Fundamental Views of Edges
 edge, or corner, is the
intersection of two
planes, and is
represented as a line
on a multiview
 A normal edge, or
true-length line, is
an edge that is
parallel to a plane of
projection and thus
perpendicular to the
line of sight.
Fundamental Views of Edges

 An inclined edge, or
line, is parallel to a
plane of projection,
but inclined to the
adjacent planes and
foreshortened in the
adjacent views.
Features are
foreshortened when
the lines of sight are
not perpendicular to
the feature.
Fundamental Views of Edges

 An oblique edge
or line, is not
parallel to any
principal plane of
therefore it never
appears as a point
or in true length in
any of the six
principal views.
Fundamental Views of Planes

 A normal or principal plane is parallel to

one of the principal planes of
projection, and therefore is perpendicular
to the line of sight.
 A frontal plane is parallel to the front plane of
projection and is true shape and size in the front
and back views. (plane A)
 A horizontal plane is parallel to the horizontal
plane of projection and is true shape and size in
the top and bottom views. (plane B)
Fundamental Views of Planes

 A profile plane is parallel to the profile

plane of projection and is true shape and
size in the right and left views. (plane C)
 A inclined plane is perpendicular to one
plane of projection (edge) and inclined to
adjacent planes (foreshortened), and
cannot be viewed in true size and shape
in any of the principal views. (plane D)
Fundamental Views of Planes

 An oblique plane is oblique to all

principal planes of projection. An oblique
surface does not appear in its true shape
or size, or as a line in any of the
principal views: instead, an oblique plane
always appears foreshortened in any
principal view.
Multiview Representation
 Three dimensional  Fillets, Round,
solid objects are Finished surfaces,
represented on 2-D and Chamfer
media as points,  Runouts
lines and planes.  Intersecting
 Points cylinders
 Planes  Cylinders
 Change of planes intersecting Prism
 Angles and holes
 Curved surfaces
 Holes
Multiview Drawing Visualization
 Techniques for
improving your
ability to visualize
multiview drawing.
 Projection studies  Vertex labeling
 Physical model  Missing lines
construction  Analysis by solids
 Adjacent areas  Analysis by surface
 Similar shapes
 Surface labeling
ANSI Standards for Multiview
Drawing and Sketches
 ANSI standards of multiview drawings
form the common language used by
engineers and technologists for
communication information.
 Partial Views
 A partial view shows only what is
necessary to completely describe the
object. A conventional break line is placed
in a location where it does not coincide with
a visible or hidden line.
ANSI Standards for Multiview
Drawing and Sketches
 Revolution Conventions
 ANSI revolution conventions allow
geometry to be revolved into positions that
allow an object to be viewed true size and
 Objects can be revolved on bolt circles.
 Inclined arms can also be revolved
perpendicular to the line of sight to allow
for better visualization of the object.
 Removed Views
Auxiliary View Projections
 There are times when one of the six
principal views will not completely describe
an object. This is especially true when there
are inclined or oblique planes or features on
an object.
 An auxiliary view is an orthographic view
which is projected onto any plane other
than the frontal, horizontal, or profile
Auxiliary View Projections
 Fold-line Method
 The object suspended inside a glass box,
which has a special or auxiliary plane that
is parallel to inclined surface ABCD. The line
of sight required to create the auxiliary
view is perpendicular to the new projection
plane and to surface ABCD.
Auxiliary View Projections
 Reference Plane Method
 Is a variation of the fold-line method. Is a
technique that locates a plane relative to
the object, instead of suspending the object
in a glass box.

 Auxiliary View Classifications

 Primary
 Secondary
 Tertiary
Auxiliary View Projections
 Applications
 Reverse construction
 True length of a line
 Point view of a line
 Edge view of a plane
 True size of a plane
Rules of Orthographic Projection
 1. Every point or feature in one view
must be aligned on a parallel
projector in any adjacent view.
 2. Distance between any two points of
a feature in a related views must be
 3. Features are true length or true
size when lines of sight are
perpendicular to the feature.
Rules of Orthographic Projection
 4. Features are foreshortened when
the lines of sight are not
perpendicular to the feature.
 5. Areas that are the same feature
will always be similar in configuration
from one view to the next, unless
view as an edge.
 6. Parallel features will always appear
parallel in all views.
Rules of Orthographic Projection
 7. Surfaces that are parallel to the
lines of sight will appear on edge and
be represented as a line.
 8. No two contiguous areas can lie in
the same plane.

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