SEBI Portfolio Managers Regulation

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Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations,

[As amended up to Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/31, dated 3-8-2021]
[16th January, 2020]

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 30 read with sub-
section (1) of Section 11, clause (b) of sub-section (2) of Section 11 and sub-section
(1) of Section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of
1992), the Securities and Exchange Board of India hereby makes the following
regulations, namely—
1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These regulations may be called the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations,
(2) These regulations shall come into force on the date of their publication in the
Official Gazette.
2. Definitions.—(1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(a) “Act” means the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of
2 [(aa) “accreditation agency” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in

clause (aa) of sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 2 of the Securities and

Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012;
(ab) “accredited investor” means any person who fulfils the eligibility criteria as
specified by the Board and is granted a certificate of accreditation by an
accreditation agency;]
(b) “body corporate” shall have the meaning assigned to it under sub-section
(11) of Section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) as amended from
time to time;
(c) “certificate” means a certificate of registration issued by the Board;
(d) “change of status or constitution” in relation to a portfolio manager—
(i) means any change in its status or constitution of whatsoever nature; and
(ii) without prejudice to generality of sub-clause (i), includes—
(a) amalgamation, demerger, consolidation or any other kind of corporate
restructuring falling within the scope of Section 230 of the Companies
Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) or the corresponding provision of any other law
for the time being in force; and
(b) any change in control over the body corporate;
(e) “change in control”, in relation to a portfolio manager being a body corporate,
shall be construed with reference to—
(i) the definition of control in terms of Regulation 2(1)(e) of SEBI (Substantial
Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 as amended from
time to time, if its shares are listed on any recognized stock exchange;
(ii) in any other case, change in the controlling interest in the body corporate;
Explanation.—For the purpose of sub-clause (ii), the expression “controlling
interest” means,
(A) an interest, whether direct or indirect, to the extent of at least fifty-one
percent of voting rights in the body corporate;
(B) right to appoint majority of the directors or to control the management
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directly or indirectly.
(f) “chartered accountant” means a chartered accountant as defined in clause (b)
of sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (38 of
1949) and who has obtained a certificate of practice under sub-section (1) of
Section 6 of that Act;
(g) “discretionary portfolio manager” means a portfolio manager who under a
contract relating to portfolio management, exercises or may exercise, any
degree of discretion as to the investment of funds or management of the
portfolio of securities of the client, as the case may be;
(h) “eligible fund manager” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in sub
-section (4) of Section 9-A of the Income Tax Act, 1961;
(i) “eligible investment fund” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in
sub-section (3) of Section 9-A of the Income Tax Act, 1961;
(j) “form” means a form specified in Schedule I;
(k) “goods” means the goods notified by the Central Government under clause
(bc) of Section 2 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 and
forming the underlying of any commodity derivative;
(l) “inspecting authority” means one or more persons appointed by the Board to
exercise powers conferred under Chapter V;
3 [(la) “large value accredited investor” means an accredited investor who has

entered into an agreement with the portfolio manager for a minimum

investment amount of ten crore rupees;]
(m) “NISM” means the National Institute of Securities Market established by the
(n) “portfolio” means the total holdings of securities and goods belonging to any
(o) “portfolio manager” means a body corporate, which pursuant to a contract
with a client, advises or directs or undertakes on behalf of the client (whether
as a discretionary portfolio manager or otherwise) the management or
administration of a portfolio of securities or goods or funds of the client, as the
case may be:
Provided that the Portfolio Manager may deal in goods received in delivery
against physical settlement of commodity derivatives.
(p) “principal officer” means an employee of the portfolio manager who has been
designated as such by the portfolio manager and is responsible for—
(i) the decisions made by the portfolio manager for the management or
administration of portfolio of securities or the funds of the client, as the
case may be; and
(ii) all other operations of the portfolio manager.
(q) “securities lending” means securities lending as per the Securities Lending
Scheme, 1997 specified by the Board.
(2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these regulations but defined in
the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.
3. Registration as portfolio manager.—No person shall act as a portfolio
manager unless it has obtained a certificate of registration from the Board under these
4. Application for grant of certificate.—(1) An application by a person for the
grant of a certificate shall be made to the Board in Form A of Schedule I and shall be
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accompanied by a non-refundable application fee, as specified in para (1) of Schedule
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulation (1), any application made
by a person prior to coming into force of these regulations containing such particulars
or as near thereto as mentioned in Form A of Schedule I shall be treated as an
application made in pursuance of sub-regulation (1) and dealt with accordingly.
5. Application to conform to the requirements.—Subject to the provisions of
sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 4, any application, which is not complete in all
respects and does not conform to the instructions specified in the form, shall be
Provided that, before rejecting any such application, the applicant shall be given an
opportunity to remove objections indicated by the Board, within the time specified, not
later than 3 weeks.
6. Furnishing of further information, clarification and personal
representation.—(1) The Board may require the applicant to furnish further
information or clarification regarding matters relevant to his activity of a portfolio
manager for the purposes of disposal of the application.
(2) The applicant or its principal officer shall, if so required, appear before the Board
for personal representation.
7. Consideration of application.—(1) For considering the grant of certificate of
registration to the applicant, the Board shall take into account all matters which it
deems relevant to the activities relating to portfolio management.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the Board shall
consider whether—
(a) the applicant is a body corporate;
(b) the applicant has the necessary infrastructure like adequate office space,
equipment and the manpower to effectively discharge the activities of a
portfolio manager;
(c) the applicant has appointed a compliance officer;
(d) the principal officer of the applicant has—
4 [i.
a professional qualification in finance, law, accountancy or business
management from a university or an institution recognized by the Central
Government or any State Government or a foreign university or a
professional qualification by completing a Post Graduate Program in the
Securities Market (Portfolio Management) from NISM of a duration not less
than one year or a professional qualification by obtaining a CFA charter
from the CFA institute;]
ii. experience of at least five years in related activities in the securities market
including in a portfolio manager, stock broker, investment advisor, research
analyst or as a fund manager; and
iii. the relevant NISM certification as specified by the Board from time to time5
Provided that at least 2 years of relevant experience is in portfolio
management or investment advisory services or in the areas related to fund
management6 [:]
Provided further that a portfolio manager, who was granted a certificate of
registration prior to the commencement of the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020, shall comply with
sub clauses (i) and (ii) of clause (d) of sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 7
within thirty-six months from such commencement7 [:]
8 [Provided further that a fresh NISM certification shall be obtained before
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expiry of the validity of the existing certification to ensure continuity in
compliance with the certification requirements.]
(e) In addition to the Principal Officer and Compliance Officer, the applicant has
in its employment at least one person with the following qualifications—
(i) graduation from a university or an institution recognized by the Central
Government or any State Government or a foreign university; and
(ii) an experience of at least two years in related activities in the securities
market including in a portfolio manager, stock broker, investment advisor
or as a fund manager:
Provided that any employee of the Portfolio Manager who has decision
making authority related to fund management shall have the same 9
[minimum qualifications, experience and certification] as specified for the
Principal Officer in clause (d) of sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 7:
Provided further that a portfolio manager, who was granted a certificate of
registration prior to the commencement of the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020, shall comply with
sub clauses (i) and (ii) of clause (e) of sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 7
within twelve months from such commencement;
(f) any disciplinary action has been taken by the Board against a person directly
or indirectly connected with the applicant under the Act or the rules or the
regulations made thereunder;
Explanation.—For the purposes of sub-clause (f), the expression “person
directly or indirectly connected” means any person being an associate,
subsidiary company or an associate company within the meaning of sub-
section (6) of Section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013;
(g) the applicant fulfills the net worth requirement specified in Regulation 9;
(h) the applicant, its director or partner, principal officer, compliance officer or
the employee as specified in clause (e) is involved in any litigation connected
with the securities market that has an adverse bearing on the business of the
(i) the applicant, its director or partner, principal officer, compliance officer or the
employee as specified in clause (e) has at any time been convicted for any
offence involving moral turpitude or has been found guilty of any economic
(j) the applicant is a fit and proper person;
(k) the grant of certificate to the applicant is in the interest of investors.
8. Criteria for fit and proper person.—For the purposes of determining whether
an applicant or the portfolio manager is a fit and proper person, the Board may take
into account the criteria specified in Schedule II of the Securities and Exchange Board
of India (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008.
9. Net worth Requirement.—The net worth referred to in clause (g) of Regulation
7 shall not be less than five crore rupees:
Provided that a portfolio manager, who was granted a certificate of registration prior
to the commencement of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio
Managers) Regulations, 2020, shall raise its net worth to not less than five crore
rupees within thirty-six months from such commencement:
Provided further that the portfolio manager shall fulfill the net worth requirements
under these regulations, separately and independently, of the capital adequacy
requirements, if any, for each activity undertaken by it under the relevant regulations.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this regulation, “net worth” means the aggregate
value of paid up equity capital plus free reserves (excluding reserves created out of
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revaluation) reduced by the aggregate value of accumulated losses and deferred
expenditure not written off, including miscellaneous expenses not written off.
10. Procedure for registration.—(1) The Board on being satisfied that the
applicant fulfils the requirements specified in Regulation 7 shall send an intimation to
the applicant and on receipt of the payment of registration fees as specified in
paragraph (2) of Schedule II grant a certificate in Form B of Schedule I.
(2) The portfolio manager who has already been granted a certificate of registration
by the Board, prior to the commencement of the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020 shall be deemed to have been granted a
certificate of registration, in terms of sub-regulation (1).
11. Conditions of registration.—The certificate of registration granted under
Regulation 10 shall, inter alia, be subject to the following conditions, namely—
(a) the portfolio manager shall abide by the provisions of the Act and these
[(aa) the portfolio manager shall obtain prior approval of the Board in case of
change in control in such manner as may be specified by the Board;]
(b) the portfolio manager shall forthwith inform the Board in writing, if any
information or particulars previously submitted to the Board are found to be
false or misleading in any material particular or if there is any material change
in the information already submitted;
(c) the portfolio manager shall pay the fees for registration in the manner
provided in these regulations;
(d) the portfolio manager shall take adequate steps for redressal of grievances of
the investors within one month of the date of the receipt of the complaint and
keep the Board informed about the number, nature and other particulars of
the complaints received; and
(e) the portfolio manager shall maintain the net worth specified in Regulation 9
at all times during the period of the certificate.
12. Period of validity of certificate.—The certificate of registration granted under
Regulation 10 shall be valid unless it is suspended or cancelled by the Board.
13. Procedure where registration is refused.—(1) After considering an
application made under Regulation 4, if the Board is of the opinion that a certificate
should not be granted to the applicant, it may reject the application after giving the
applicant a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(2) The decision of the Board to reject the application shall be communicated to the
applicant within thirty days of such decision.
14. Effect of refusal to grant certificate.—Any portfolio manager whose
application for a certificate has been refused by the Board shall on and from the date
of the receipt of the communication under sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 13 cease to
carry on any activity as portfolio manager.
15. Payment of fees, and the consequences of failure to pay fees.—(1) Every
applicant eligible for grant of a certificate shall pay such fees within 15 days of
receiving intimation from the Board and in such manner as specified in Schedule II:
Provided that the Board may on sufficient cause being shown allow the portfolio
manager to pay such fees at any time before the expiry of one month from the date on
which such fees become due.
(2) Where a portfolio manager fails to pay the fees as provided in Schedule II, the
Board may suspend the certificate, whereupon the portfolio manager shall forthwith
cease to carry on the activity as a portfolio manager for the period during which the
suspension subsists.
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16. Applicability.—(1) The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to eligible fund
managers exclusively, pertaining to their activities as portfolio managers to eligible
investment funds.
(2) All other provisions of these regulations and the guidelines and circulars issued
thereunder, unless the context otherwise requires or is repugnant to the provisions of
this chapter, shall apply to eligible fund managers in relation to their activities as
portfolio managers to eligible investment funds.
17. Procedure to be followed by an existing Portfolio Manager.—An existing
portfolio manager may act as a portfolio manager to an eligible investment fund if:
(a) it fulfills all the conditions specified in sub-section (4) of Section 9-A of the
Income Tax Act, 1961; and
(b) it intimates the Board prior to undertaking such activity and submit
declarations as specified in clause (1) of Schedule VI.
18. Procedure to be followed by an applicant for fresh registration.—An
applicant who is a body corporate who intends to act as an eligible fund manager may
be granted registration under Regulation 10 if:
(a) it fulfills all the conditions specified in sub-section (4) of Section 9-A of the
Income Tax Act, 1961;
(b) it complies with the requirements specified under Chapter II of these
regulations, unless specified otherwise in this Chapter;
(c) it pays the fees as specified in Schedule II; and
(d) it provides a declaration to the Board as specified in paragraph (2) of
Schedule VI.
19. Obligation and Responsibilities of Eligible Fund Managers.—An eligible
fund manager shall be required to—
(1) comply with the requirements specified under Section 9-A of the Income Tax
Act, 1961 or any amendment, notification, clarification, guideline issued
(2) offer discretionary or non-discretionary or advisory services or a combination
thereof to eligible investment funds;
(3) operate in accordance to its mutually agreed contract with the eligible
investment funds;
(4) provide all material disclosures to eligible investment funds;
(5) segregate funds and securities of each eligible investment fund;
(6) segregate the funds and securities of eligible investment funds from those of
its other clients;
(7) maintain and segregate its books and accounts pertaining to its activities as
a portfolio manager to eligible investment funds and other clients;
(8) appoint a custodian:
Provided that the requirement of compliance with this sub-regulation would
not arise in case an eligible investment fund has already appointed a
custodian under the applicable act or regulations;
(9) keep the funds of eligible investment funds in scheduled commercial banks;
Provided that requirement of compliance with this sub-regulation would not
arise in case an eligible investment fund does not intend to invest in Indian
(10) maintain any additional records as may be specified by the Board and
disclose the same to the Board as and when required;
(11) provide quarterly reports to the Board;
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(12) insure compliance with the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 and
rules and regulations made thereunder;
(13) abide by the provisions in these regulations and circulars / guidelines issued
by the Board from time to time.
20. Certain provisions not to apply.—The eligible fund managers shall be
exempted from the following provisions pertaining to their activities as portfolio
managers to eligible investment funds notwithstanding anything contained in these
regulations, Schedules thereto or circulars issued thereunder:
(i) sub-regulation (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Regulation 22;
(ii) sub-regulation (2), (3), (4), (8) and (9) of Regulation 23;
(iii) clause (b) of sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 24;
(iv) clause (a) of sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 24;
(v) sub-regulation (7) of Regulation 24;
(vi) sub-regulation (11) of Regulation 24;
(vii) Regulation 26;
(viii) sub-regulation (3) of Regulation 30;
(ix) sub-regulation (1), (2), and (3) of Regulation 31;
(x) Form C in Schedule I; and
(xi) Schedules IV and V.
21. Code of Conduct.—Every portfolio manager shall abide by the Code of Conduct
as specified in Schedule III.
22. Contract with clients and disclosures.—(1) The portfolio manager shall,
before taking up an assignment of management of funds and portfolio on behalf of a
client, enter into an agreement in writing with such client that clearly defines the inter
se relationship and sets out their mutual rights, liabilities and obligations relating to
management of portfolio containing the details as specified in Schedule IV11 [:]
[Provided that the contents of agreement specified under Schedule IV of these
regulations shall not apply to the agreement between the portfolio managers and the
large value accredited investors.]
(2) The agreement between the portfolio manager and the client shall, inter alia,
include the following—
(a) the investment objectives and the services to be provided;
(b) period of the contract and provision of early termination, if any;
(c) investment approach, areas of investment and restrictions, if any, imposed
by the client with regard to the investment in a particular company or
Explanation.—An investment approach is a broad outlay of the type of
securities and permissible instruments to be invested in by the portfolio
manager for the customer, taking into account factors specific to clients and
(d) type of instruments and proportion of exposure;
(e) tenure of portfolio investments;
(f) terms for early withdrawal of funds or securities by the clients;
(g) attendant risks involved in the management of the portfolio;
(h) amount to be invested subject to the restrictions provided under these
(i) procedure of settling client's account including form of repayment on maturity
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or early termination of contract;
(j) fees payable to the portfolio manager;
(k) the quantum and manner of fees payable by the client for each activity for
which service is rendered by the portfolio manager directly or indirectly
(where such service is out sourced);
(l) custody of securities;
(m) in case of a discretionary portfolio manager; a condition that the liability of a
client shall not exceed his investment with the portfolio manager;
(n) accounting terms, audit and furnishing of the reports to the clients as per the
provisions of these regulations; and
(o) other terms of portfolio investment subject to these regulations.
(3) The portfolio manager shall provide to the client, the Disclosure Document as
specified in Schedule V, along with a certificate in Form C as specified in Schedule I,
prior to entering into an agreement with the client as referred to in sub-regulation (1).
(4) The Disclosure Document, shall inter alia include the following—
(a) the quantum and manner of payment of fees payable by the client for each
activity for which service is rendered by the portfolio manager directly or
indirectly (where such service is out sourced);
(b) portfolio risks including risk specific to each investment approach offered by
the portfolio manager;
(c) complete disclosures of transactions with related parties as per the
accounting standards specified by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
(d) details of conflicts of interest related to services offered by group companies
or associates of the portfolio manager;
(e) the performance of the portfolio manager:
Provided that the performance of a discretionary portfolio manager shall be
calculated using ‘Time Weighted Rate of Return’ for the immediately
preceding three years and in such cases performance indicators shall also be
Provided further that the portfolio manager may be allowed to disclose
performance segregated on the basis of investment approach;
(f) the audited financial statements of the portfolio manager for the immediately
preceding three years.
(5) The contents of the Disclosure Document shall be certified by an independent
chartered accountant.
(6) The portfolio manager shall ensure that a copy of Disclosure Document is
available on the website of the portfolio manager at all times and as soon as the
registration is granted.
(7) The portfolio manager shall file with the Board, a copy of the Disclosure
Document after grant of certificate of registration before circulating it to any client or
whenever any material change including change in the investment approach is
effected. The portfolio manager shall file the disclosure document with the material
change within 7 working days from the date of the change.
(8) The portfolio manager shall file disclosure document along with the certificate in
Form C as specified in Schedule I.
(9) The portfolio manager shall disclose a change in the identity of the Principal
Officer to the Board and the clients within 7 working days of effecting the change.
(10) The portfolio manager shall report its performance uniformly in the disclosures
to the Board, marketing materials and reports to the clients and on its website.
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(11) The portfolio manager shall charge an agreed fee from the clients for rendering
portfolio management services without guaranteeing or assuring, either directly or
indirectly, any return and the fee so charged may be a fixed fee or a return based fee
or a combination of both:
Provided that no up-front fees shall be charged by the portfolio manager directly or
in-directly to the clients.
(12) The portfolio manager shall disclose the range of fees charged under various
heads in the disclosure document.
23. General responsibilities of a Portfolio Manager.—(1) The discretionary
portfolio manager shall individually and independently manage the funds of each client
in accordance with the needs of the client, in a manner which does not partake
character of a Mutual Fund, whereas the non-discretionary portfolio manager shall
manage the funds in accordance with the directions of the client.
(2) The portfolio manager shall not accept from the client, funds or securities worth
less than fifty lakh rupees:
Provided that the minimum investment amount per client shall be applicable for
new clients and fresh investments by existing clients:
13 [Provided
further that subject to appropriate disclosures in the disclosure
document and the terms agreed between the client and the portfolio manager, the
requirement of minimum investment amount per client shall not apply to an
accredited investor:]
Provided further that existing investments of clients, as on the date of notification
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020,
may continue as such till maturity of the investment or as specified by the Board.
(3) The portfolio manager shall act in a fiduciary capacity with regard to the client's
(4) The portfolio manager shall segregate each client's holding in securities in
separate accounts.
(5) The portfolio manager shall keep the funds of all clients in a separate account to
be maintained by it in a Scheduled Commercial Bank.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-regulation, the expression ‘Scheduled
Commercial Bank’ means any bank included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve
Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934).
(6) The portfolio manager shall transact in securities within the limitation placed by
the client himself with regard to dealing in securities under the provisions of the
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934).
(7) The portfolio manager shall not derive any direct or indirect benefit out of the
client's funds or securities.
(8) The portfolio manager shall not borrow funds or securities on behalf of the
(9) The portfolio manager shall not lend securities held on behalf of the clients to a
third person except as provided under these regulations.
(10) The portfolio manager shall ensure proper and timely handling of complaints
from his clients and take appropriate action immediately.
(11) The portfolio manager shall ensure that any person or entity involved in the
distribution of its services is carrying out the distribution activities in compliance with
these regulations and circulars issued thereunder from time to time.
24. Management or administration of clients' portfolio.—(1) (a) The money or
securities accepted by the portfolio manager shall not be invested or managed by the
portfolio manager except in terms of the agreement between the portfolio manager
and the client.
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(b) Any renewal of portfolio on maturity of the initial period shall be deemed as a
fresh placement.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the agreement referred to in Regulation
22, the funds or securities can be withdrawn by the client before the maturity of the
contract under the following circumstances, namely—
(a) voluntary or compulsory termination of portfolio management services by the
portfolio manager or the client;
(b) suspension or cancellation of the certificate of registration of the portfolio
manager by the Board;
(c) bankruptcy or liquidation of the portfolio manager.
(3) The discretionary portfolio manager shall invest funds of his clients in the
securities listed or traded on a recognized stock exchange, money market instruments,
units of Mutual Funds and other securities as specified by Board from time to time, on
behalf of their clients.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-regulation: “money market instruments”
includes commercial paper, trade bill, treasury bills, certificate of deposit and usance
(4) The portfolio manager offering non-discretionary or advisory services to clients
may invest or provide advice for investment up to 25% of the assets under
management of such clients in unlisted securities, in addition to the securities
permitted for discretionary portfolio management.
14 [(4-A) The portfolio manager may offer discretionary or non-discretionary or

advisory services for investment up to hundred percent of the assets under

management of the large value accredited investors in unlisted securities, subject to
appropriate disclosures in the disclosure document and the terms agreed between the
client and the portfolio manager.]
(5) Portfolio Managers may invest in units of Mutual Funds only through direct plan.
(6) The portfolio manager while investing in units of Mutual Funds through direct
plan shall not charge any kind of distribution related fees to the client.
(7) The portfolio manager shall not leverage the portfolio of its clients for
investment in derivatives.
(8) The portfolio manager shall not deploy the clients' funds in bill discounting,
badla financing or for the purpose of lending or placement with corporate or non-
corporate bodies.
(9) The portfolio manager shall not invest the clients' funds in the portfolio
managed or administered by another portfolio manager.
(10) The portfolio manager shall not invest client's fund based on the advice of any
other entity.
(11) The portfolio manager shall not while dealing with clients' funds indulge in
speculative transactions i.e, it shall not enter into any transaction for purchase or sale
of any security which is periodically or ultimately settled otherwise than by actual
delivery or transfer of security except the transactions in derivatives.
(12) The portfolio manager shall, ordinarily purchase or sell securities separately for
each client. However, in the event of aggregation of purchases or sales for economy of
scale, inter se allocation shall be done on a pro rata basis and at weighted average
price of the day's transactions. The portfolio manager shall not keep any open position
in respect of allocation of sales or purchases effected in a day.
(13) The portfolio manager shall not execute off market transfers in client's account
(a) for settlement of the clients' own trades;
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(b) for providing margin/ collateral for clients' own positions;
(c) for dealing in unlisted securities in accordance with the regulations;
(d) with specific consent of the client for each transaction;
(e) for any other reason specified by the Board from time to time.
(14) The portfolio manager shall segregate each clients' funds and portfolio of
securities and keep them separately from his own funds and securities and be
responsible for safekeeping of clients' funds and securities.
(15) The portfolio manager shall not hold the securities belonging to the portfolio
account, in its own name on behalf of its clients either by virtue of contract with
clients or otherwise.
(16) The portfolio manager may, subject to authorization by the client in writing,
participate in securities lending.
25. Foreign Portfolio Investor availing portfolio management services.—
Foreign portfolio investors may avail of the services of a portfolio manager.
26. Appointment of custodian.—Every portfolio manager shall appoint a
custodian in respect of securities managed or administered by it:
Provided that this regulation shall not apply to a portfolio manager who provides
only advisory services.
27. Maintenance of books of accounts, records, etc.—(1) Every portfolio
manager shall keep and maintain the following books of accounts, records and
documents namely—
(a) a copy of balance sheet at the end of each accounting period;
(b) a copy of the profit and loss account for each accounting period;
(c) a copy of the auditor's report on the accounts for each accounting period;
(d) a statement of financial position and;
(e) records in support of every investment transaction or recommendation which
will indicate the data, facts and opinion leading to that investment decision:
Provided that such a record shall be maintained under the hands of the
Principal Officer of the portfolio manager.
(2) Every portfolio manager shall intimate to the Board the place where the books
of accounts, records and documents are maintained.
(3) Without prejudice to sub-regulation (1), every portfolio manager shall, after the
end of each accounting period, furnish to the Board copies of the balance sheet, profit
and loss account and such other documents for the preceding five accounting years as
and when required by the Board.
28. Submission of net worth certificate.—Every portfolio manager shall furnish
to the Board a net worth certificate issued by a chartered accountant as and when
required by the Board.
29. Maintenance of books of accounts, records and other documents.—The
portfolio manager shall preserve the books of account and other records and
documents mentioned under this chapter for a minimum period of five years.
30. Accounts and audit.—(1) (a) The portfolio manager shall maintain separate
client-wise accounts.
(b) The funds received from the clients, investments or disinvestments, all the
credits to the account of the client like interest, dividend, bonus, or any other
beneficial interest received on the investment and debits for expenses, if any, shall be
properly accounted for and details thereof shall be properly reflected in the client's
(c) The tax deducted at source as required under the provisions of the Income Tax
Act, 1961, (43 of 1961) shall be recorded in the portfolio account.
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(2) The books of account will be audited yearly by qualified auditor to ensure that
the portfolio manager has followed proper accounting methods and procedures and
that the portfolio manager has performed his duties in accordance with the law. A
certificate to this effect shall, if so specified, be submitted to the Board within six
months of close of portfolio manager's accounting period.
(3) The portfolio accounts of the portfolio manager shall be audited annually by an
independent chartered accountant and a copy of the certificate issued by the chartered
accountant shall be given to the client.
(4) The client may appoint a chartered accountant to audit the books and accounts
of the portfolio manager relating to his transactions and the portfolio manager shall co
-operate with such chartered accountant in course of the audit.
31. Reports to be furnished to the client.—(1) The portfolio manager shall
furnish periodically a report to the client, as agreed in the contract, but not exceeding
a period of three months and as and when required by the client and such report shall
contain the following details, namely—
(a) the composition and the value of the portfolio, description of securities and
goods, number of securities, value of each security held in the portfolio, units
of goods, value of goods, cash balance and aggregate value of the portfolio as
on the date of report;
(b) transactions undertaken during the period of report including date of
transaction and details of purchases and sales;
(c) beneficial interest received during that period in the form of interest,
dividend, bonus shares, rights shares, etc;
(d) expenses incurred in managing the portfolio of the client;
(e) details of risk foreseen by the portfolio manager and the risk relating to the
securities recommended by the portfolio manager for investment or
(f) default in payment of coupons or any other default in payments in the
underlying debt security and downgrading to default rating by the rating
agencies, if any;
(g) details of commission paid to distributor(s) for the particular client.
(2) The report referred to in sub-regulation (1) may be made available on the
website of the portfolio manager with restricted access to each client.
(3) On termination of the contract, the portfolio manager shall give a detailed
statement of accounts to the client and settle the account with the client as agreed in
the contract.
(4) The client shall have the right to obtain details of his portfolio from the portfolio
32. Report on steps taken on Auditor's report.—The portfolio manager shall
take steps to rectify the deficiencies made out in the auditor's report within two
months from the date of the auditor's report as specified in sub-regulation (2) of
Regulation 30.
33. Disclosures to the Board.—The Board may ask portfolio manager to disclose
any information as and when required including the following—
(a) particulars regarding the management of a portfolio;
(b) any change in the information or particulars previously furnished, which have
a bearing on the certificate granted to him;
(c) the names of the clients whose portfolio it has managed;
(d) particulars relating to the net worth requirement as specified in Regulation 9.
34. Appointment of compliance officer.—(1) Every portfolio manager shall
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appoint a compliance officer who shall be responsible for monitoring the compliance of
the Act, rules and regulations, notifications, guidelines, instructions etc., issued by the
Board or the Central Government and for redressal of investors' grievances:
Provided that the role of compliance officer shall not be assigned to the principal
officer appointed in terms of clause (d) of sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 7 or the
employee of the portfolio manager appointed in terms of clause (e) of sub-regulation
(2) of Regulation 7.
(2) The compliance officer shall immediately and independently report to the Board
any non-compliance observed by him.
35. Right of inspection by the Board.—(1) The Board may appoint one or more
persons as inspecting authority to undertake the inspection of the books of account,
records and documents of the portfolio manager for any of the purposes specified in
sub-regulation (2).
(2) The purposes referred to in sub-regulation (1) may be as follows—
(a) to ensure that the books of account are being maintained in the manner
(b) to ensure that the provisions of the Act, rules and regulations are being
complied with;
(c) to investigate into the complaints received from investors, other portfolio
managers or any other person on any matter having a bearing on the activities
of the portfolio manager; and
(d) to investigate suo motu in the interest of securities market or investors'
interest into the affairs of the portfolio manager.
36. Notice before inspection.—(1) Before undertaking an inspection under
Regulation 35, the Board shall give a reasonable notice to the portfolio manager.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulation (1), where the Board is
satisfied that in the interest of the investors no such notice should be given, it may by
an order in writing direct that the inspection of the affairs of the portfolio manager be
taken up without such notice.
(3) During the course of inspection the portfolio manager against whom an
inspection is being carried out shall be bound to discharge his obligations as provided
under Regulation 37.
37. Obligations of Portfolio Manager on inspection.—(1) It shall be the duty of
every director, partner, officer and employee of the portfolio manager who is being
inspected to produce to the inspecting authority such books, accounts and other
documents in his custody or control and furnish him with the statements and
information relating to his activities as a portfolio manager within such time as the
inspecting authority may require.
(2) The portfolio manager shall allow the inspecting authority to have a reasonable
access to the premises occupied by such portfolio manager or by any other person, on
his behalf and also extend reasonable facility for examining any books, records,
documents and computer data in the possession of the portfolio manager or any such
other person and also provide copies of documents or other material which in the
opinion of the inspecting authority are relevant for the purposes of the inspection.
(3) The inspecting authority shall in the course of inspection, be entitled to examine
or record statements of any principal officer, director, partner and employee of the
portfolio manager.
(4) It shall be the duty of every director, partner, officer or employee of the
portfolio manager to give to the inspecting authority all assistance in connection with
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the inspection which the portfolio manager may reasonably be expected to give.
38. Submission of report to the Board.—The inspecting authority shall, as soon
as possible, submit an inspection report to the Board.
39. Action on inspection or investigation report.—The Board or the Chairman
shall after consideration of inspection or investigation report take such action as the
Board or Chairman may deem fit and appropriate including action under Chapter V of
the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008.
40. Appointment of Auditor.—The Board may appoint a qualified auditor to
investigate into the books of account or the affairs of the portfolio manager:
Provided that the auditor so appointed shall have the same powers of the inspecting
authority as are mentioned in Regulation 35 and the obligation of the portfolio
manager and his employees in Regulation 37 shall be applicable to the investigation
under this regulation.
Explanation.—For the purposes of sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 30 and under
this regulation, the expression “qualified auditor” shall have the same meaning as
given to it under Section 141 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013).
41. Liability for action in case of default.—A portfolio manager who contravenes
any of the provisions of the Act, rules or regulations framed thereunder shall be liable
for one or more action specified therein including the action under Chapter V of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008.
42. Repeal and Savings.—(1) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 1993, shall stand repealed from the date on which
these regulations come into force.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal,—
(a) anything done or any action taken or purported to have been done or taken
including registration or approval granted, fees collected, registration or
approval, suspended or cancelled, any adjudication, enquiry or investigation
commenced or show-cause notice issued under the repealed regulations, prior
to such repeal, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the
corresponding provisions of these regulations;
(b) any application made to the Board under the repealed regulations, prior to
such repeal, and pending before it shall be deemed to have been made under
the corresponding provisions of these regulations;
(c) the previous operation of the repealed regulations or anything duly done or
suffered thereunder, any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired,
accrued or incurred under the repealed regulations, any penalty, incurred in
respect of any violation committed against the repealed regulations, or any
investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right,
privilege, obligation, liability, penalty as aforesaid, shall remain unaffected as
if the repealed regulations has never been repealed;
(3) After the repeal of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers)
Regulations, 1993, any reference thereto in any other regulations made, guidelines or
circulars issued thereunder by the Board shall be deemed to be a reference to the
corresponding provisions of these regulations.


42-A. Exemption from enforcement of the regulations in special cases.—(1)
The Board may, exempt any person or class of persons from the operation of all or any
of the provisions of these regulations for a period as may be specified but not
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exceeding twelve months, for furthering innovation 16 [* * *] relating to testing new
products, processes, services, business models, etc. in live environment of regulatory
sandbox in the securities markets.
(2) Any exemption granted by the Board under sub-regulation (1) shall be subject
to the applicant satisfying such conditions as may be specified by the Board including
conditions to be complied with on a continuous basis.
Explanation.—For the purposes of these regulations, “regulatory sandbox” means a
live testing environment where new products, processes, services, business models,
etc. may be deployed on a limited set of eligible customers for a specified period of
time, for furthering innovation in the securities market, subject to such conditions as
may be specified by the Board.]
43. Power of the Board to issue clarifications.—In order to remove any
difficulties in respect of the application or interpretation of these regulations, the
Board may issue clarifications or guidelines in the form of circulars.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations,
Application for grant of certificate of registration
Name of Applicant: _________________________
Name of Contact Person: _________________________
(Note: Compliance Officer/Principal Officer only)
Designation of Contact Person: _________________________
Mobile No: _________________________
Email: _________________________
1. Applicants shall submit a completed application form together with appropriate
supporting documents to the Board.
2. It is important that this application form should be filled in accordance with the
3. Application for registration shall be considered provided it is complete in all
4. Answers shall be typewritten.
5. Information that is required to be provided in more detail may be given on
separate sheets which should be attached to the application form.
6. All signatures shall be original.
1.1 Name of the Applicant:
1.2 PAN No. (Attach Copy of PAN Card)
1.3 Address of Registered office: (Attach proof of address)
Pin Code: ____________________
Mobile No: ______________________ Telephone No: _____________________
Fax No: _________________________ Email: _____________________
1.4 Address for Correspondence:
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Pin Code: ____________________
Mobile No:_____________________ Telephone No: ______________________
Fax No: _________________________ Email: ____________________
1.5 Address - Principal place of business:
(Where PMS activity shall be carried out)
Pin Code: ____________________
Mobile No: ______________________ Telephone No: _______________________
Fax No: _________________________ Email: _____________________
1.6 If PMS activity is proposed to be carried out from any branch offices, details of
such Branch Offices, including address, name of contact person, mobile number of
contact person, email of contact person etc:
2.1 Objectives: In brief.
(Memorandum and Articles of Association/ Partnership Deed to be enclosed).
(Copy of Board Resolution to be enclosed)
2.2 Date and Place of Incorporation:
Day Month Year Place
ROC Registration No.
2.3 Status of the Applicant: (e.g. Limited Company-Private/Public, LLP etc. If listed,
names of the recognized stock exchanges to be given.)
2.4 Organization Chart:
[separately showing functional responsibilities (names and designations) of portfolio
management activities to be enclosed]
2.5 Particulars of all Directors/ Partners:
[Name; Address; Qualification; Date of Appointment; DIN;
PAN (Copy of PAN Card); Telephone No.; Mobile; Email]
Entity Name Designation Area of Work Nature of Work Experience (In yrs)
(Separate sheet may be attached for information on work experience)
Other Directorships/Partnerships; (Name and Date of Appointment);
Entity Name Date of Appointment No. of Shares Percentage of Shareholding
2.6 Particulars of Key Management Personnel
[Name; Address; Qualification; Designation; Date of Appointment;
PAN no. (Certified PAN Copy); Telephone No.; Mobile; Email]
Entity Name Designation Area of Work Nature of Work Experience (In yrs)
(Separate sheet may be attached for information on work experience)
Other directorship details:
Name of the Date of Appointment No. of Shares Percentage of
Entity Shareholding
Following documents to be provided:
(1) Declaration that the personnel mentioned above is currently employed with the
(2) Undertaking by the personnel concerned that the details provided regarding
them are true to the best of their knowledge and belief.
(3) Supporting documents for work experience
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2.7 Particulars of Promoters:
[Type (Individua1/ Corporate); Name; PAN (Copy of PAN Card); Address;
Telephone No.; Mobile; Email]
2.8 Particulars of Compliance Officer
[Name; PAN (Copy of PAN Card); Qualification, Date of Appointment; Address;]
Company Name Designation Area of Work Nature of Work Experience (In
(Separate sheet may be attached for information on work experience)
2.9 Particulars of Principal Officer
[Name; PAN (Copy of PAN Card); Qualification, Date of Appointment; Address;]
Certification Details:
Certification Date of Result Percentage Certificate Validity Validity
Program Test No. From Till
Following documents to be provided:
1. Bio-Data detailing the relevant experience as per Reg 7(2)(d) of SEBI Portfolio
Managers Regulations, 2020.
2. Copy of Certifications.
3. Certificate stating that the Principal Officer has been appointed and is compliant
with the requirements and is not otherwise disqualified under the Regulations.
2.10 Other SEBI Registration Details
Registration Role Company Stock Registration Registration Registration
No. Name Exchange Start End Status
Application Role Company Stock Application Application
No. Name Exchange Date Status
2.11 Number of employees
(Total number of employees and number of employees for Portfolio Management
2.12 Name and activities of associate companies/ entities
Name of Address/ Type of Nature / Nature of interest Nature of
company/ phone activity Quantum of interest of
entity numbers handled of financial promoter /director applicant
dealing company/
Ownership details:
Name of the Shareholder No. of Shares Percentage of Shareholding
Details of Registration with SEBI or any other Govt. Regulatory Body:
Name of Registration Registration Registration Registration Details of
Regulator No. Start Date End Date Status Action Taken
in past (if
2.13 List of major shareholders/ partners of the Applicant (holding 5% or more
voting rights):
[Name; Type; Address; Telephone No.; Mobile; Email; Share holding pattern/
partnership interest/ voting rights as on Date]
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3.1 Principal Place of Business
(1) Office Space
(2) Office Equipment
(3) Furniture and Fixtures
(4) Communication Facilities
(5) Data Processing Capacity
• In-house
• Others
(6) Computer facility:
• Hardware configuration
• Software Environment
(7) Details of Disaster Recovery Set up / Business Continuity Plan
3.2 Branch Office
(1) Office Space
(2) Office Equipment
(3) Furniture and Fixtures
(4) Communication Facilities
(5) Data Processing Capacity
• In-house:
• Others:
(6) Computer facility:
• Hardware configuration
• Software Environment
(7) Details of Disaster Recovery Set up / Business Continuity Plan
(1) History, Major events and present activities
(2) Proposed business plan and means of achieving the same.
(3) Projected Profitability (Next three years)
(4) (Targets, modus operandi to achieve targets, Resultant Income)
5.1 Capital Structure (Rs. in Crore)
Year prior to the preceding Preceding Current
year of current year year year
(a) Paid-up capital
(b) Free reserves (excluding
revaluation reserves)
(c) Total (a) + (b)
5.2 Net worth of Applicant (Net worth certificate not older than 3 months from the
date of application to be enclosed)
5.3 Deployment of Resources (Rs. in Crore)
Year prior to the preceding Preceding Current
year of current year year year
(a) Fixed Assets
(b) Plant and Machinery and
office equipment
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(c) Investments (Details
should be given separately)
(d) Others
Details of investments, Loans and Advances made to Associate Companies/ Firms
Promoters/Directors have an interest
5.4 Major Sources of Income: (Rs. in Crore)
Year prior to the preceding year of Preceding year Current Year
current year
5.5 Net Profit (Rs. in Crore)
Year prior to the preceding year of Preceding year Current Year
current year
5.6 Particulars of Principal Banks:
Name, Contact Person; Address; Telephone No.; Mobile; Email
5.7 Particulars of Auditors:
Name; Type (Interna1/ External); Contact Person; Address; Telephone No.; Mobile;
5.8 Declaration of submission of Banker's Report from two Banks
6.1 Details of all settled and pending disputes of previous 3 years:
Nature of dispute Name of the party Status (Pending/ settled) Dispute Details
6.2 Indictment of involvement in any economic offences in the last three years.
6.3 Any other information considered relevant to the nature of services rendered by
the company.
6.4 Details of Membership with the recognized Stock Exchanges:
a. If the applicant / any of the Directors of the applicant, its subsidiary / associate /
group company under the same management, are members of recognized stock
b. Broker Registration Number
c. Details regarding payment of fees to SEBI
d. Whether the member is facing any charges/ disciplinary action or if in past any
such action was taken by the stock exchange
7.1 Indicate type of activity carried on/ proposed to be carried on.
7.2 Indicate the facilities for making decision on portfolio investment.
7.3 Details of risk profiling procedure to be followed by the Portfolio Manager.
7.4 Details of grievance redressal and dispute resolution mechanism to be followed
by the Portfolio Manager.
7.5 Provide list of approved share brokers through whom orders shall be placed,
involved for Portfolio Management activities and state whether any of them were
suspended/had defaulted with any Stock Exchange authority.
7.6 Describe Accounting system followed/to be followed for Portfolio Management
7.7 Indicate various research and database facilities provided.
7.8 Details of activities proposed to be outsourced.
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8.1 Experience in financial services rendered:
Details of Activity Area Period
9.1. Copy of Draft Agreement with Client to be provided
9.2 Copy of Draft Disclosure Document to be provided
9.3. Details of Custodian:
(Name, Address, SEBI Registration No., Date of Appointment)
9.4. Details of Registration with other Regulatory bodies.
10.1 Declaration of compliance with Regulation 7 (2) signed by at least Two
Directors or designated partners
10.2 Declaration for Fit and Proper Person as specified in SEBI (Intermediaries)
Regulations, 2008
10.3 Declaration of Compliance with clause 12 (b) of Schedule III of these
10.4 Declaration of Compliance with SEBI circular on fees and charges.
10.5 Declaration of type and frequency of reports sent/ proposed to be sent to
10.6 Declaration of time taken for transfer of securities into client accounts.
10.7 Declaration of submission of periodic reports and Disclosure Document to
10.8 Declaration of compliance with clause (e) of sub-regulation (1) of Regulation
27 - regarding maintenance of records for Investment rationale.
10.9 Declaration of availability of Disclosure document on website of Portfolio
This declaration must be signed by two directors/designated partners
I/We hereby, apply for Registration as Portfolio Manager. I/We do hereby declare
that I/We have truthfully and fully answered the questions above and provided all
the information which might reasonably be considered relevant for the purposes of
my/our registration.
For and on behalf of
(Name of Applicant)
_________________________ _________________________
Director/Designated Partner Director/Designated Partner
_________________________ _________________________
Name in Block Letters Name in Block Letters
Place: Place:
Date: Date:
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations,
[Regulation 10]
Certificate of Registration
I. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 12 of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, read with the regulations
made thereunder for portfolio managers, the Board hereby grants a certificate of
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registration to as a portfolio manager subject to the conditions specified in the
Act and in the regulations made thereunder.
II. Registration Number for the portfolio manager is PM / /
III. This certificate of registration shall be valid till it is suspended, cancelled or
surrendered in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020.
By Order
For and on behalf of Securities
and Exchange Board of India
Authorized signatory
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations,
[Regulation 22]
(Name of the Portfolio Manager)
(Address of the Portfolio Manager (along with phone numbers, fax, email etc.)
We confirm that:
(i) the Disclosure Document forwarded to the Board is in accordance with the SEBI
(Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020 and the guidelines and directives issued
by the Board from time to time;
(ii) the disclosures made in the document are true, fair and adequate to enable the
investors to make a well informed decision regarding entrusting the management
of the portfolio to us / investment through the Portfolio Manager.
(iii) the Disclosure Document has been duly certified by an independent chartered
accountant (Indicate name, address, phone number and registration number of
the chartered accountant) on (date).
(Enclose a copy of the chartered accountant's certificate to the effect that the
disclosures made in the document are true, fair and adequate to enable the investors
to make a well informed decision)
Date: Signature of the Principal Officer
Place: [Name and address of the Principal Officer]
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations,
[Regulation 15]
1. Every portfolio manager shall pay a non-refundable fee of one lakh rupees along
with the application for grant of certificate of registration.
2. Every portfolio manager shall pay a sum of ten lakh rupees as registration fees at
the time of the grant of certificate by the Board.
3. A portfolio manager who has been granted a certificate of registration, to keep its
registration in force, shall pay fee of five lakh rupees every three years, from the
date of grant of certificate of registration or from the date of grant of certificate
of registration granted prior to the commencement of the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Change in Conditions of Registration of Certain
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Intermediaries) (Amendment) Regulations, 2016, as the case may be, within
three months before expiry of the block period for which fee has been paid.
4. The fee referred to in paragraph (2) shall be paid by the portfolio manager within
fifteen days from the date of receipt of intimation from the Board under
Regulation 10 by way of demand draft in favour of ‘Securities and Exchange
Board of India’ payable at Mumbai or at the place where respective regional or
local office is located or by way of direct credit in the bank account through
NEFT/RTGS/IMPS or any other mode allowed by RBI.
5. The fees specified in paragraphs (1) and (3) above, shall be payable by the
portfolio manager by a demand draft in favour of “Securities and Exchange Board
of India” payable at Mumbai or at the place where respective regional office is
located by way of direct credit in the bank account through NEFT/RTGS/IMPS or
any other mode allowed by RBI.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations,
[Regulation 21]
1. A portfolio manager shall, in the conduct of his business, observe high standards
of integrity and fairness in all his dealings with his clients and other portfolio
2. The money received by a portfolio manager from a client for an investment
purpose should be deployed by the portfolio manager as soon as possible for that
purpose and money due and payable to a client should be paid forthwith.
3. A portfolio manager shall render at all times high standards of service, exercise
due diligence, ensure proper care and exercise independent professional
judgment. The portfolio manager shall either avoid any conflict of interest in his
investment or disinvestment decision, or where any conflict of interest arises,
ensure fair treatment to all his customers. It shall disclose to the clients, possible
source of conflict of interest, while providing unbiased services. A portfolio
manager shall not place his interest above those of his clients.
4. A portfolio manager shall not execute any trade against the interest of the clients
in its proprietary account.
5. A portfolio manager shall not make any statement or indulge in any act, practice
or unfair competition, which is likely to be harmful to the interests of other
portfolio managers or is likely to place such other portfolio managers in a
disadvantageous position in relation to the portfolio manager himself, while
competing for or executing any assignment.
6. A portfolio manager shall not make any exaggerated statement, whether oral or
written, to the client either about the qualification or the capability to render
certain services or his achievements in regard to services rendered to other
7. At the time of entering into a contract, the portfolio manager shall obtain in
writing from the client, his interest in various corporate bodies which enables
him to obtain unpublished price-sensitive information of the body corporate.
8. A portfolio manager shall not disclose to any clients, or press any confidential
information about his client, which has come to his knowledge.
9. The portfolio manager shall where necessary and in the interest of the client take
adequate steps for the transfer of the clients' securities and for claiming and
receiving dividends, interest payments and other rights accruing to the client. It
shall also take necessary action for conversion of securities and subscription
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for/renunciation of rights in accordance with the clients' instruction.
10. A portfolio manager shall endeavor to—
a. ensure that the investors are provided with true and adequate information
without making any misguiding or exaggerated claims and are made aware of
attendant risks before any investment decision is taken by them;
b. render the best possible advice to the client having regard to the client's
needs and the environment, and his own professional skills;
c. ensure that all professional dealings are effected in a prompt, efficient and
cost effective manner.
11.(1) A portfolio manager shall not be a party to—
a. creation of false market in securities;
b. price rigging or manipulation of securities;
c. passing of price sensitive information to brokers, members of the recognized
stock exchanges and any other intermediaries in the capital market or take
any other action which is prejudicial to the interest of the investors.
(2) No portfolio manager or any of its directors, partners or manager shall either on
their own or through their associates or family members or relatives enter into
any transaction in securities of companies on the basis of unpublished price
sensitive information obtained by them during the course of any professional
12.(a) A portfolio manager or any of its employees shall not render, directly or
indirectly any investment advice about any security in the publicly accessible
media, whether real-time or non-realtime, unless a disclosure of his long or short
position in the said security has been made, while rendering such advice.
(b) In case an employee of the portfolio manager is rendering such advice, he shall
also disclose the interest of his dependent family members and the employer
including their long or short position in the said security, while rendering such
13.(a) The portfolio manager shall abide by the Act, Rules, and regulations made
thereunder and the Guidelines / Schemes issued by the Board.
(b) The portfolio manager shall comply with the code of conduct specified in the
SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
(c) The portfolio manager shall not use his status as any other registered
intermediary to unduly influence the investment decision of the clients while
rendering portfolio management services.
Contents of Agreement between the Portfolio Manager and his Clients
[Regulation 22]
The following shall be mentioned in the agreement—
1. Appointment of portfolio manager.
2. Scope of services to be provided by the portfolio manager subject to the
activities permitted under SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020, viz,
advisory, investment management, custody of securities, keeping track of
corporate benefits associated with the securities. The Portfolio Manager shall act
in a fiduciary capacity and as a trustee and agent of the clients' account.
3. Functions, obligations, duties and responsibilities (as discretionary and non-
discretionary to be given separately) with specific provisions regarding
instructions for non-discretionary portfolio manager which, inter alia, includes—
(i) terms in compliance with the Act, SEBI (Portfolio Managers)
Regulations,2020, rules, regulations, guidelines made under the Act and any
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other laws/rules/regulations / guidelines etc.;
(ii) providing reports to clients;
(iii) maintenance of records of client wise transaction and related books of
(iv) provisions regarding audit of accounts as required under the SEBI (Portfolio
Managers) Regulations, 2020;
(v) settlement of accounts and procedure therefor including the provisions for
payment on maturity or early termination of the contract.
4. Investment objectives and guidelines—
(i) Types of securities in which investment would be made specifying restrictions,
if any.
(ii) Particulars regarding amount, period of management, repayment or
(iii) Taxation aspects such as Tax Deducted at Source etc.
(iv) Condition that the portfolio manager shall not lend the securities of the client
unless authorized by him in writing.
5. Risk factors
(i) A detailed statement of risks associated with each type of investment
including the standard risks associated with each type of investment.
6. Period of agreement—the agreement shall provide the period of the agreement in
years, terms of termination and/or provision for renewal in case of a renewable
7. Conditions under which agreement may be altered, terminated and implications
thereof, such as settlement of amounts invested, repayment obligations etc.
(i) Voluntary/mandatory termination by the portfolio manager;
(ii) Voluntary/mandatory termination by the client;
(iii) Suspension by the Board or other regulatory authority.
8. Maintenance of Accounts—Maintenance of accounts separately in the name of the
client as are necessary to account for the assets and any additions, income,
receipts and disbursements in connection therewith, as provided under SEBI
(Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020.
9. Change in the quantum of funds to be managed—The conditions under which the
client may withdraw cash or securities from the portfolio account or bring in
additional cash to be managed as per the terms and conditions that apply. The
portfolio manager shall not change any terms of the agreement without prior
consent of the client.
10. Access to information- (Subject to the provisions of SEBI (Portfolio Managers)
Regulations, 2020)—Provisions enabling client to get the books of accounts of
the portfolio manager relating to his transactions audited by a chartered
accountant appointed by him and permitting the client an access to relevant and
material documents of portfolio manager, provisions listing the documents for
inspection along with timings for such inspection, furnishing of reports to the
client subject to furnishing at least once in three months and the reports to be
made available on the web site of the portfolio manager with restricted access to
each client and other rights of clients etc. The provision that the statements /
documents / report furnished by the portfolio manager to the client present a
true and fair picture of the transactions.
11. Terms of Fees—The quantum and manner of payment of fees and charges for
each activity for which services are rendered by the portfolio manager directly or
indirectly (where such service is outsourced) such as investment management,
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advisory and transfer, and transaction costs with specific references to brokerage
costs, custody charges, cost related to furnishing regular communication,
account statement, miscellaneous expenses (individual expenses in excess of 5%
to be indicated separately) etc. The provision that the portfolio manager shall
take prior permission from the client in this respect.
12. Billing—Periodicity of billing, whether payment to be made in advance, manner
of payment of fees, whether setting off against the account etc., type of
documents evidencing receipt of payment of fees.
13. Liability of portfolio manager—Liability of portfolio manager in connection with
recommendations made, to cover errors of judgment, negligence or willful
misfeasance and in connection with discharge of duties or acts of other
intermediaries, brokers, custodians etc.
14. Liability of client—Restricting the liability of the client to the extent of his
15. Death or Disability—Providing for continuation/termination of the agreement in
event of client's death/disability, succession, nomination, representation etc. to
be incorporated.
16. Assignment—Conditions for assignment of the agreement by client.
17. Governing Law—The law/jurisdiction of country/state which governs the
agreement to be stated.
18. Settlement of grievances/disputes and provision for arbitration—Provisions to
cover protection of act done in good faith or Risks and losses, provisions for
redressal of grievances, dispute resolution mechanism, reference for arbitration
and the situations under which such rights may arise, may be made.
[Regulation 22]
General instructions
1. This Disclosure Document is to be given to the prospective client along with the
account opening form (as per Format I) prior to signing of the agreement.
2. This Disclosure Document is to be filed after grant of certificate of registration
before circulating it to any client or whenever any material change including
change in the investment approach is effected. In case of material change, the
disclosure document shall be filed within 7 working days from the date of the
3. This model Disclosure Document enumerates the minimum disclosure
requirements to be contained in the disclosure document. The portfolio manager
may make any other disclosures, which in its opinion are material for the
investor, provided that such information is a statement of fact and is not
presented in an incomplete, inaccurate or misleading manner. It should also be
ensured that inclusion of such information does not, by virtue of its nature or
manner of presentation, hamper understanding of any information that is
required to be included under the model disclosure document.
The model Disclosure Document specifies only the nature of the disclosures that
should be contained under various heads in the disclosure document and is not
intended to describe the layout or language to be contained therein.
Model Disclosure Document for Portfolio Management
The minimum disclosures to be given in the Disclosure Document shall be as under
and due care shall be taken to present the information in simple language and in a
clear, concise and easily understandable manner—
(I) Front page
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(i) The Document has been filed with the Board along with the certificate in the
specified format in terms of Regulation 22 of the SEBI (Portfolio Managers)
Regulations, 2020.
(ii) The purpose of the Document is to provide essential information about the
portfolio services in a manner to assist and enable the investors in making
informed decision for engaging a portfolio manager.
(iii) The necessary information about the portfolio manager required by an
investor before investing, and the investor may also be advised to retain the
document for future reference.
(iv) The name, phone number, e-mail address of the principal officer so
designated by the portfolio manager is………… (Give details).
II. Index page giving item number, contents and page number
III. Contents of the Document
1. Disclaimer clause
A statement to the effect that the particulars have been prepared in accordance
with the SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020 and filed with SEBI. This
Document has neither been approved nor disapproved by SEBI nor has SEBI certified
the accuracy or adequacy of the contents of the Document.
2. Definitions
All terms used in the Disclosure Document be defined. The language and
terminology used in the Disclosure Document shall be as provided in the Regulations.
Any new term if used shall be clearly defined. All terms shall be used uniformly
throughout the text of the Disclosure Document.
3. Description
(i) History, Present Business and Background of the portfolio manager.
(ii) Promoters of the portfolio manager, directors and their background.
(iii) Top 10 Group companies/firms of the portfolio manager on turnover, basis
(latest audited financial statements may be used for this purpose)
(iv) Details of the services being offered: Discretionary/ Non-discretionary /
4. Penalties, pending litigation or proceedings, findings of inspection or investigation
for which action may have been taken or initiated by any regulatory authority.
(i) All cases of penalties imposed by the Board or the directions issued by the Board
under the Act or rules or regulations made thereunder.
(ii) The nature of the penalty/direction.
(iii) Penalties/fines imposed for any economic offence and/ or for violation of any
securities laws.
(iv) Any pending material litigation/legal proceedings against the portfolio
manager/key personnel with separate disclosure regarding pending criminal
cases, if any.
(v) Any deficiency in the systems and operations of the portfolio manager observed
by the Board or any regulatory agency.
(vi) Any enquiry/ adjudication proceedings initiated by the Board against the
portfolio manager or its directors, principal officer or employee or any person
directly or indirectly connected with the portfolio manager or its directors,
principal officer or employee, under the Act or rules or regulations made
5. Services Offered
(i) The present investment objectives and policies including the types of securities
in which it generally invests shall be clearly and concisely stated in the document
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for easy understanding of the potential investor.
(ii) Investment Approaches of the Portfolio Manager
(iii) The policies for investments in associates/group companies of the portfolio
manager and the maximum percentage of such investments therein subject to
the applicable laws/regulations/guidelines.
6. Risk factors
(i) Statement to the effect that securities investments are subject to market risks
and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objective of the investments will
be achieved.
(ii) Statement to the effect that past performance of the portfolio manager does not
indicate its future performance.
(iii) Risk arising from the investment approach, investment objective, investment
strategy and asset allocation.
(iv) Risk arising out of non-diversification, if any.
(v) If the portfolio manager has no previous experience/ track record a disclosure to
that effect shall be made.
(vi) All transactions of purchase and sale of securities by portfolio manager and its
employees who are directly involved in investment operations shall be disclosed
if found having conflict of interest with the transactions in any of the client's
(vii) If the portfolio manager has group companies, a disclosure of conflict of
interest related to services offered by group companies of the portfolio manager
if any.
7. Client Representation
Category of clients No. of Funds managed Discretionary / Non
clients (Rs. Cr.) -Discretionary (if
Associates / group companies
(Last 3 years)
Others (last 3 years )
(i) Complete disclosure in respect of transactions with related parties as per the
standards specified by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
8. Financial Performance
The Financial Performance of the portfolio manager based on audited financial
statements and in terms of procedure specified by the Board for assessing the
9. Performance of Portfolio Manager
Portfolio Management performance of the portfolio manager for the last three years,
and in case of discretionary portfolio manager disclosure of performance indicators
calculated using ‘Time Weighted Rate of Return’ method in terms of Regulation 22 of
the SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020.
10. Audit Observations
Audit observations of the preceding 3 years
11. Nature of expenses
(i) Investment management and advisory fees.
(ii) Custodian fee.
(iii) Registrar and transfer agent fee.
(iv) Brokerage and transaction cost.
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A brief explanation shall be given to assist the investor in understanding the various
costs and expenses that an investor may have to bear directly or indirectly.
Additionally, appropriate cross-references may be given to the relevant sections of the
offer document for more complete description in this regard.
12. Taxation
Disclose the tax implications of investments in securities and the tax provisions on
Income/ Loss or Tax Deduction at Source on various investors.
13. Accounting policies
Disclose the accounting policy followed by the portfolio manager while accounting
for the portfolio investments of the clients.
14. Investors services
(i) Name, address and telephone number of the investor relation officer who shall
attend to the investor queries and complaints.
(ii) Grievance redressal and dispute settlement mechanism.
Date: Name and signature of at least two Directors/
Designated Partners of Portfolio Manager
Format I (Account Opening Form)
Information about the Client
1. General information about the client
a. Name, primary mailing address, secondary (back up) mailing address, identity
information such as photograph, Permanent Account Number (PAN), driving
license etc.
b. Occupation
c. Introduced by (name and full address)
d. Annual incomes for the last 3 financial years and the net worth as on the last
date of the respective years. (optional)
2. Investment profile of the client
(a) Investment experience regarding securities.
(b) Indicative percentage of total investment portfolio proposed to be invested
with the portfolio manager (optional).
(c) Overall investment goals such as capital appreciation or capital appreciation
and regular income or regular income.
(d) Risk tolerance i.e. low, medium or high.
(e) Time period for which investments are proposed to be made with the portfolio
manager. (This has to be same as the term of the agreement)
(f) Provisions for systematic withdrawal on a monthly, quarterly, annual basis
3. Investment approach opted by the client
4. Details of portfolio construction for the client
(a) Equity: Nature of equities in which investments are desired, may be
(b) Balanced: Percentage of debt/equity.
(c) Debt: Government Bonds, corporate debt etc.
(d) Mutual funds,
(e) Others.
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Signature of the client]
Declaration for Eligible Fund Managers [Chapter III]
1. Declaration by an existing portfolio manager which intends to act as an eligible
fund manager (must be signed by two directors or designated partners, as the case
may be) We hereby declare that we are a SEBI registered portfolio manager with
Registration Number ………… We intend to provide our services to eligible investment
funds. In this regard, we declare that:
(a) We are compliant with sub-section (4)(a) of Section 9-A of Income Tax Act,
1961 (We are not an employee of the eligible investment fund or a connected
person of the fund);
(b) We are compliant with sub-section (4)(c) of Section 9-A of Income Tax Act,
1961 (We are acting in the ordinary course of our business as a portfolio
(c) We are compliant with sub-section (4)(d) of Section 9-A of Income Tax Act,
1961 (We along with our connected persons shall not be entitled, directly or
indirectly, to more than twenty per cent of the profits accruing or arising to the
eligible investment fund from the transactions carried out by the fund through
us); and
(d) We shall comply with any other requirements as may be specified by the
Government and/or any regulatory body from time to time.
For and on behalf of
(Name of Applicant)
..................................................... .....................................................
Director 1/ Designated Partner 1 Director 2/ Designated Partner 2
..................................................... .....................................................
Name in Block Letters Name in Block Letters
Place: Place:
Date: Date:
2. Declaration by an applicant who intends to act as a portfolio manager to eligible
investment funds (shall be signed by two directors or designated partners, as the case
may be). We hereby declare that we are applying to SEBI for being registered as a
portfolio manager. We intend to provide our services to eligible investment funds. In
this regards, we declare that:
(a) We are compliant with sub-section (4)(a) of Section 9-A of Income Tax Act,
1961 (We are not an employee of the eligible investment fund or a connected
person of the fund);
(b) We are compliant with sub-section (4)(c) of Section 9-A of Income Tax Act,
1961 (We are acting in the ordinary course of our business as portfolio
(c) We are compliant with sub-section (4)(d) of Section 9-A of Income Tax Act,
1961 (We along with our connected persons shall not be entitled, directly or
indirectly, to more than twenty per cent of the profits accruing or arising to the
eligible investment fund from the transactions carried out by the fund through
(d) We may engage in the activity of fund management for eligible investment
funds, subject to registration provided by SEBI under SEBI (Portfolio Managers)
Regulations, 2020; and
(e) We shall comply with any other requirements as may be specified by the
Government and/or any regulatory body from time to time.
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For and on behalf of

..................................................... .....................................................
(Name of Applicant)
..................................................... .....................................................
Director 1/ Designated Partner 1 Director 2/ Designated Partner 2
..................................................... .....................................................
Name in Block Letters Name in Block Letters
Place: Place:
Date: Date:
1.SEBI, Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/CN/2020/03, dated January 16, 2020 and published in the Gazette of India,
Extra., Part III, Section 4, dated 16th January, 2020, pp. 45-74, No. 27

2. Ins. by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/31, dt. 3-8-2021 (w.e.f. 3-8-2021).

3. Ins. by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/31, dt. 3-8-2021 (w.e.f. 3-8-2021).
4.Subs. by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/10, dt. 16-3-2021 (w.e.f. 16-3-2021). Prior to substitution it read

“i. a professional qualification in finance, law, accountancy or business management from a university or
an institution recognized by the Central Government or any State Government or a foreign university or a
CFA charter from the CFA institute;”
Subs. for “.” by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/10, dt. 16-3-2021 (w.e.f. 16-3-2021).
6. Subs. for “.” by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/10, dt. 16-3-2021 (w.e.f. 16-3-2021).
Subs. for “.” by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/10, dt. 16-3-2021 (w.e.f. 16-3-2021).
Ins. by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/10, dt. 16-3-2021 (w.e.f. 16-3-2021).
9.Subs. for “minimum qualifications and experience” by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/10, dt. 16-3-2021
(w.e.f. 16-3-2021).
Ins. by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/16, dt. 26-4-2021 (w.e.f. 26-4-2021).
11. Subs. for “.” by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/31, dt. 3-8-2021 (w.e.f. 3-8-2021).
12. Ins. by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/31, dt. 3-8-2021 (w.e.f. 3-8-2021).

13. Ins. by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/31, dt. 3-8-2021 (w.e.f. 3-8-2021).

14. Ins. by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/31, dt. 3-8-2021 (w.e.f. 3-8-2021).
15. Ins. by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2020/10, dt. 17-4-2020 (w.e.f. 17-4-2020).

The words “in technological aspects” omitted by Noti. No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/30, dated 3-8-2021 (w.e.f.

Disclaimer: While every effort is made to avoid any mistake or omission, this casenote/ headnote/ judgment/ act/ rule/ regulation/ circular/
notification is being circulated on the condition and understanding that the publisher would not be liable in any manner by reason of any mistake
or omission or for any action taken or omitted to be taken or advice rendered or accepted on the basis of this casenote/ headnote/ judgment/ act/
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